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Another crushing blow for the pedophiles, these groups will be removed from roadrunner and Aldelphia soon

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James Riske

Dec 20, 2006, 6:51:39 PM12/20/06
The petition has been yielding great results, as of 9am EST this morning
12-20-2006 the signatures are well over 10,000 and counting.

How humiliating!

What a crushing blow this will be to the pedophiles, I am the one who
started the petition, any of you pedophiles who subscribe to roadrunner
or Adelphia will have received the petition by now, if not check your
master account email, you will also notice that only roadrunner and
Adelphia subscribers are able to view and sign the petition, you will
also notice who's name and personal e-mail is attached at the end of the

Mine, of course, I am the one who started it, and there's not a damn
thing any of you depraved pieces of shit could ever do about it, it is
running full steam ahead and we will achieve victory without a doubt.

My advice for the purveyor's of truth who constantly ridicule the
pedophiles, talk them into suicide, point them out for the depraved
pieces of worthless shit that they truly are, expose their lies, expose
their sockpuppets, in other words, continue what you have been doing
because you all are doing a great job, keep up the good work, you are
doing the world a great service, helping to make it a better place to
live in.

Your friend, James Riske


"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for
his country.
You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
-- General George S. Patton, Jr.


Dec 20, 2006, 7:50:02 PM12/20/06
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 18:51:39 -0500, James Riske
<> wrote:

>My advice for the purveyor's of truth who constantly ridicule the
>pedophiles, talk them into suicide, point them out for the depraved
>pieces of worthless shit that they truly are, expose their lies, expose
>their sockpuppets, in other words, continue what you have been doing
>because you all are doing a great job, keep up the good work, you are
>doing the world a great service, helping to make it a better place to
>live in.
>Your friend, James Riske

No, you're making it a more intolerant place to live in. I bet you
didn't spout any of your racist bullshit in that email -- telling
people that you don't want signatures from the "inferior races," did

Strike another blow against freedom, Riske -- eventually even
ass-kissing little suck-ups like you won't have any rights, either.



Dec 21, 2006, 12:04:12 AM12/21/06
pedophiles like you have the right to remain silent, nothing more

Dec 21, 2006, 10:59:32 AM12/21/06
James Riske wrote:
> The petition has been yielding great results, as of 9am EST this morning
> 12-20-2006 the signatures are well over 10,000 and counting.
> How humiliating!
> What a crushing blow this will be to the pedophiles, I am the one who
> started the petition, any of you pedophiles who subscribe to roadrunner
> or Adelphia will have received the petition by now, if not check your
> master account email, you will also notice that only roadrunner and
> Adelphia subscribers are able to view and sign the petition, you will
> also notice who's name and personal e-mail is attached at the end of the
> petition.

I wish you'd stop.


Dec 21, 2006, 11:02:48 AM12/21/06
Tell us something that isn't so Goddamn obvious....


Dec 22, 2006, 4:12:24 PM12/22/06
On 20 Dec 2006 21:04:12 -0800, "bobandcarole"
<> wrote:

Did he tell the "inferiors" that he didn't want their signatures,
coward? Or was he, like you, too much of a coward to admit that he's
just a hate-filled bigot who doesn't really care about anything?

You guys talk a good game, but you're just a bunch of moral cowards
who can't even answer a simple, straight-forward question.


James Riske

Dec 22, 2006, 9:51:10 PM12/22/06

I didn't tell any "inferiors" anything you stupid pedophile faggot.

Also, I'm not the one hiding in terror behind a pseudonym, anonymous
pedophile, you are obviously the coward, too chicken shit to sign your
real name to your posts.

Stay stupid and gutless, like the rest of your depraved kind.


Dec 23, 2006, 1:07:49 AM12/23/06
On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:51:10 -0500, James Riske
<> wrote:

Why not be honest? Why not tell them that today you're targeting the
pedophiles, but the "niggers, kikes, cunts, wops, fags and towel
heads" are all next on your agenda? If you're so fucking brave, stand
up and tell EVERYONE what you really believe in. Tell those 14 million
who signed your petitions what you really feel about them.

See if they want to be your pawns then.

>Also, I'm not the one hiding in terror behind a pseudonym, anonymous
>pedophile, you are obviously the coward, too chicken shit to sign your
>real name to your posts.
>Stay stupid and gutless, like the rest of your depraved kind.

I'm a coward because I don't think my family and friends should have
to suffer the idiots like you with preconceived notions about what I
am? Hell, no one should have to suffer that! I'll take responsibility
for what I am, and what I do. And I lay it out here exactly like it
is, I don't pretend I believe something else just because it's
convenient -- I say it all, and I don't hold back.

Call me a coward if you like -- what does that word mean coming from
one like you? Hell, if you had a brave bone in your body you'd be
willing to open your mind to the possibility that there's more to life
than simple blacks and whites -- and yes, I mean that literally and
figuratively, though I'm not convinced that a total bigot like you can
possibly think on the abstract level.

Call me depraved -- but I'm not willing to hate anyone just because he
or she falls into some category or group that I'm not willing to
understand. Real people are all different, and no matter how you try
to categorize them, they don't fit! Pedophiles are just as
heterogeneous a group as any other. Yes, there are those who do
horrible things and need to be stopped, but there are also those who
live tortured lives hating the feelings that they have and doing
everything they can to see that they don't act on them. And those are
just the extremes -- you've got nearly everything in between them.

Call me what you like, it doesn't matter from someone who's shown
himself to be as thoughtless and willfully ignorant as you & your
Bo0by buddy choose to be.



Dec 23, 2006, 9:48:42 AM12/23/06

He thinks about blowing little boys and has the nerve to call us
thoughtless and
ignorant" LOL... This is a great example of the typical pedophile,
unintelligent, sick, and delusional. He/it wants us to feel compassion
for him/it because he lusts for underdeveloped children. He/it wants us
to pat him/it on the back because he/it sings the same song every
convicted pedophile sings, he won't molest children. And we're supposed
to take the word of a fucking pedophile, a self confessed threat to
our children?? pedophiles are no better than
towelhead moose-lim suicide bombers. Both target children and the
results are horrendous.

Call the father of this boy a "hater"

Or this one:


Dec 23, 2006, 10:03:24 PM12/23/06
On 23 Dec 2006 06:48:42 -0800, "bobandcarole~"
<> wrote:

I noticed that you failed to address this issue like the moral coward
that you are. Why didn't you tell them the whole agenda? Why were you
afraid to tell them how you hate them and feel superior to more than
half of them? And why would want their signatures if they're so
inferior to you? Is it because you knew that at least some of them
might use their own brains ... I know, you've never done it, but
people do sometimes.

And why were you afraid to tell people our stated purpose for being
here ... to provide peer support and help each other not be
law-breaking child molestors? Were you too afraid that people would
come and check it out for themselves?

Oh, can't have that, can we? No, let's just tell them what we want
them to know -- it's so much easier to manipulate them if they don't
have all the facts.

Again, moral cowardice.

Yes, I've thought about giving little boys blow jobs, and the
fantasies have been very thrilling and exciting to me -- but I haven't
done it. I've though about even worse things -- but I haven't done
them. That's called being in control of yourself. You ought to try it.

I've never asked for anything from you beyond simple understanding. I
don't ask you to like me or pity me or anything. I ask that you
understand that I can't control feelings and desires, but I can AND DO
control my behavior so that I don't do those things that are wrong.

It's interesting that you should say that I sing the same song that
"convicted pedophiles" sing -- I've never been convicted of having any
kind of sexual contact with a kid. And I won't be for the simple
reason that I choose not to. Again, that's self-control for those of
you who do not understand the concept.

I am a pedophile -- someone who is sexually attracted to children; I
won't quibble about pre-adolescent or post-adolescent because I like
them all. That does not make me a threat to children, and I have never
confessed to being a threat to children -- that is an inference that
you make because you can't conceive of self-control.

I have no love for people who hurt children, who presume that their
own pleasure is worth more that the possible damage that they could be
doing to a child, a living, breathing human being. And I won't make
excuses for people who claim that some children are capable of giving
informed consent -- because the damage can be just as bad, and it's no
less your fault. People like that need to be stopped.

But you've pointed out yourself that punishments don't prevent
convicted sexual offenders from doing their stuff -- so maybe it's
time we looked at the problem from a different angle. Maybe it's time
to tell these potential offenders that they can learn to control
themselves and not ever have to hurt a child. It's got to be worth
trying -- it can't work any worse that what we're doing now. And it
could save lots of pain.

But you don't really care about any of that so long as you get to hate
someone and think you're superior to someone. I've known rocks with
more courage and morals than you. A real man doesn't need to put
others down to feel good about himself, but what would you know about
any of that? It's easier to hate. It's less complicated if you don't
have to accept people as individuals who are all different and can
make different decisions. It's just easier to choose to be willfully
thoughtless and ignorant, so that's what you do. Funny, in another
post, I told someone that the easy things are never worth as much as
the ones we have to work for. I bet he gets it before you do.



Dec 28, 2006, 4:13:53 AM12/28/06
Hash: SHA512

On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:07:49 -0500, in Message-ID:
<>, 4s00th <>


> Why not be honest? Why not tell them that today you're targeting the
> pedophiles, but the "niggers, kikes, cunts, wops, fags and towel heads"
> are all next on your agenda? If you're so fucking brave, stand up and tell
> EVERYONE what you really believe in. Tell those 14 million who signed your
> petitions what you really feel about them.

My Dear 4s00th.... There simply aren't any 14 million signatures. They exist
only in James Riske's imagination. Here's why he is full of it:

Given that there are only some 14.9 million total subscribers for Comcast
(who purchased Adelphia) and Roadrunner combined, that would mean that
almost 94% of the *total* combined userbase signed his alleged petition.
(Source info shown below.)

Virtually anyone familiar with the process of organizing a petition drive
knows that claiming response rates like this are dubious to the point of
incredulity. Not only does he expect us to believe this, but also to
believe that these numbers were gathered over a few days.

Accordingly, the only conclusion a reasonable person can come to is that James
Riske is either delusional or flat-out lying--neither of which, frankly, should
come as a surprise.


According to the article at the above URL, of the top 22 ISPs in the
United States, the rankings are as follows:

Ranked #2: Comcast Cable 9.3 million subscribers (April 2006)
Ranked #5: Roadrunner Cable 5.6 million subscribers (August 2006)

Retired Lecturer, Encryption and Data Security, Pedo U, Usenet Campus

"Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 AD




Dec 28, 2006, 7:02:25 AM12/28/06

I'm not following you. He thinks about blowing little boys. And your
point is...?

> This is a great example of the typical pedophile,
> unintelligent, sick, and delusional. He/it wants us to feel compassion
> for him/it because he lusts for underdeveloped children.

What's your evidence tha he wants you to feel compassion for him? He
probably wouldn't mind if you accept the fact that he's a human being
who's done nothing wrong and treat him as such.

> He/it wants us
> to pat him/it on the back because he/it sings the same song every
> convicted pedophile sings, he won't molest children. And we're supposed
> to take the word of a fucking pedophile, a self confessed threat to
> our children??

Obviously you don't know whether he'll molest children or not. I don't
know whether you'll molest children or not. And your point is...?


Dec 28, 2006, 7:10:32 AM12/28/06
I'm sure you do. pedophile faggots can't stand the pure humiliation
that results from the truth bring told.

Message has been deleted

Max Grrl

Dec 28, 2006, 12:47:50 PM12/28/06
In article <>,
Morpheus <> wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 01:13:53 -0800, Baal wrote
> (in article <>):

> That jr is lying should come as no surprise is, I think, what you meant to
> say. right?
> The larger question is what is the rationale for communicating with these
> idiots at all? There more people post in response to them, the more they
> feel like they are having some effect or getting some attention (which at the
> end of the day with all their racist bluster is obviously what they want most
> of be noticed).
> To kill filter them is to pay more attention to them than they are worth.

Jeez . . . aren't you the kill-joy?!

Guess you never gave swirlies or wedgies either . . .

Verbally abusing B00by is FUN. And might deter other fucktards who
think about filling his clod-hopper-shit-kicker shoes.

Max Grrl

STILL waiting for B00b&Crawl to stop acting like a fucking pussy and "show me"
who I'm dealing with.

But not holding my breath. After all, he's a PUSSY! LOL!!

" I LOVE to hurt people"--Max Grrl
as whined by B00b&Crawl, A.S.B-L's biggest pussy.


Dec 28, 2006, 2:32:15 PM12/28/06

And a complete waste of time.

And might deter other fucktards who
> think about filling his clod-hopper-shit-kicker shoes.

Why? You're too easy, cunt
Humiliating you is the best thing since sliced bread....

Max Grrl

Dec 28, 2006, 2:43:56 PM12/28/06
In article <>,
bob&carole <> wrote:

LOL, r-i-i-i-g-h-t . . .
How's it feel to KNOW people your lil fucked up "mind" thinks are so
far beneath you are LAUGHING their asses off at you??

Your pathetic choke-hold on denial is either pretty fucking sad or
almost fucking admirable.

> And might deter other fucktards who
> > think about filling his clod-hopper-shit-kicker shoes.
> Why? You're too easy, cunt

Not THAT easy - I'd fuck almost anything before I'd toss a pity fuck
YOUR way.

You make even hobos with pus-encrusted cocks and BO look good.

> Humiliating you is the best thing since sliced bread....

Yeah? When you gonna start, Felchy?
AFTER you FINALLY stop pussying around and show me who I'm dealing
with? LOL!!


Dec 28, 2006, 4:00:44 PM12/28/06

Queers, pedophiles and what?

> Your pathetic choke-hold on denial is either pretty fucking sad or
> almost fucking admirable.
> >
> > And might deter other fucktards who
> > > think about filling his clod-hopper-shit-kicker shoes.
> >
> > Why? You're too easy, cunt
> Not THAT easy

You take the bait and tapdance every time, you're ignorant, misguided,
and you're probably butt ugly...LOL
You're a mark, nothing more

- I'd fuck almost anything before I'd toss a pity fuck
> YOUR way.

Sorry, I'd have to strap a board to my ass to keep from falling in...

> You make even hobos with pus-encrusted cocks and BO look good.

That's one to add to your profile....

> > Humiliating you is the best thing since sliced bread....
> Yeah? When you gonna start, Felchy?

Every day, hon..every day

> AFTER you FINALLY stop pussying around and show me who I'm dealing
> with? LOL!!

Someone that is better then you in every catagory.....

Now reply and call me "felchy" or "dribbles" or another of your lame
sophomoric jibes.
Don't forget to tell me how many teen gang members you've killed or how
you own beachfront property in Arizona..:-) IOW you are a bag of fetid
hot air and you're quite boring and predictable.
I've let you come at me full force without much of a reply just to see
what you could do and
I've come to the conclusion that you are nothing..nothing at all. Your
misguided views on "non-practicing" pedophiles are indicative of youth
and inexperience. You are very naive and that's
putting it nicely. Just about every pedophile that ever posted here
claims to be "non practicing" the anonymous pedophile "secret"
squirrel, lecher laurence taylor or his sock tomba, 4s00th, Baal,
Orion, Damion Perez, etal.... WOW.. all of these confessed homosexual
pedophiles are "good pedophiles"? I can google hundreds and hundreds of
new pedophile arrests daily. What do you expect them to say hon, that
they raped an innocent boy just yesterday? Maybe you can't read the
headlines but read the fine print for once.. asbl is monitored
regularly, thanks to me. Want proof? try accessing PJ from asbl and
see what happens, go ahead:
Why do you think the peds use PGP encryption? They pass child porn,
that's why.
They're afraid that LEA will investigate them and they feel that they
are totally protected using PGP, a false sense of security to be sure.
I've fought this battle and had some success. I've reported over 100
pedo google-groups, yahoo-groups etc. and they were deleted. All
contained the sickest child porn imaginable and I also reported the
group members to LEA. I'm not naive enough to think it will stop the
problem completly, but every little bit helps and if it saves one child
from the horrors of's well worth it.

Max Grrl

Dec 28, 2006, 4:27:22 PM12/28/06
In article <>,
bobandcarole~ <> wrote:

> > > > >
> > > > > To kill filter them is to pay more attention to them than they are
> > > > > worth.
> > > >
> > > > Jeez . . . aren't you the kill-joy?!
> > > >
> > > > Guess you never gave swirlies or wedgies either . . .
> > > >
> > > > Verbally abusing B00by is FUN.
> > >
> > > And a complete waste of time.
> >
> > LOL, r-i-i-i-g-h-t . . .
> > How's it feel to KNOW people your lil fucked up "mind" thinks are so
> > far beneath you are LAUGHING their asses off at you??
> Queers, pedophiles and what?

Mmmm . . . I guess nothing. If you don't mind that people who YOU
think are lower than dirt feel superior to you and make you a fool for
other's amusement, I guess I don't. But then, I'm not into being
treated like a 10 cent whore.

> >
> > Your pathetic choke-hold on denial is either pretty fucking sad or
> > almost fucking admirable.
> > >
> > > And might deter other fucktards who
> > > > think about filling his clod-hopper-shit-kicker shoes.
> > >
> > > Why? You're too easy, cunt
> >
> > Not THAT easy
> You take the bait and tapdance every time, you're ignorant, misguided,
> uninformed
> and you're probably butt ugly...LOL
> You're a mark, nothing more

Felchy-kins, I'm not taking any bait. I'm calling a spade a spade.

> - I'd fuck almost anything before I'd toss a pity fuck
> > YOUR way.
> Sorry, I'd have to strap a board to my ass to keep from falling in...

Bet you keep that board handy for the odd occasion you can get it up to
fuck your blow-up doll wife, huh?

> >
> > You make even hobos with pus-encrusted cocks and BO look good.
> That's one to add to your profile....

You can add it to yours if you like - we're talking about you, after

I figure that's a sight better than the usual comparisons made about
you. : )

> >
> > > Humiliating you is the best thing since sliced bread....
> >
> > Yeah? When you gonna start, Felchy?
> Every day, hon..every day

Um . . . you gonna give a time and date - or just sit there st00pid?

> > AFTER you FINALLY stop pussying around and show me who I'm dealing
> > with? LOL!!
> Someone that is better then you in every catagory.....

LOL, hardly. XD

> Now reply and call me "felchy" or "dribbles" or another of your lame
> sophomoric jibes.

Enh, they seem to amuse damn nigh everyone here.

> Don't forget to tell me how many teen gang members you've killed or how
> you own beachfront property in Arizona..:-) IOW you are a bag of fetid
> hot air and you're quite boring and predictable.

Yeah . . . and like "tapdance," "bait" and you bigot shit ain't old,
right? ; )

> I've let you come at me full force without much of a reply just to see
> what you could do

No, Gramps, you did your BEST. And that ain't fucking much.

> and
> I've come to the conclusion that you are nothing..nothing at all. Your
> misguided views on "non-practicing" pedophiles are indicative of youth
> and inexperience.

No, Fucktard, it's a belief based on the fucking US Bill of Rights and
the fucking Constitution. Soldiers fucking DIED for that, Pussy Boi.

Apparently in 'Nam, you were too busy sucking Vietnamese teenage
whore-boy's cocks to have done the same - otherwise you'd fucking
understand what that means. *I* understand what that means and I'm a
woman, obviously, who's never gone to war. But I can respect what they
did and what they died for.

But if you fucking run away from "showing me" it's no wonder you were a
useless pussy over there, too.

And yeah, I come from a long line of military men - some died over
there, some came home. And every single fucking one of them would call
you a fucking traitor to OUR country, and a fucking retarded pussy.

I bet that if you had a black guy or a jew in your unit, you didn't
watch his back, did you? I bet you sekretly wished he'd get blown the
fuck up, huh? Maybe thought about tossing a grenade in a black guy's

> You are very naive and that's
> putting it nicely. Just about every pedophile that ever posted here
> claims to be "non practicing" the anonymous pedophile "secret"
> squirrel, lecher laurence taylor or his sock tomba, 4s00th, Baal,
> Orion, Damion Perez, etal.... WOW.. all of these confessed homosexual
> pedophiles are "good pedophiles"? I can google hundreds and hundreds of
> new pedophile arrests daily. What do you expect them to say hon, that
> they raped an innocent boy just yesterday? Maybe you can't read the
> headlines but read the fine print for once.. asbl is monitored
> regularly, thanks to me.

Just saw a shitload of pr0n posts - so . . . this NG is gonna get
closed any day, now, right? Thanks to you?

Not holding my breath.

Back to my being naive - no, I'm not. But I AM respecting the fucking
heroes who fucking died so we can be free. They didn't die just so a
lil fucktard like you could deprive others of their rights. They died
for FREEDOM. And until one these pedos violates the laws, they are FREE
and have fucking RIGHTS.

> Want proof? try accessing PJ from asbl and
> see what happens, go ahead:
> Why do you think the peds use PGP encryption? They pass child porn,
> that's why.

Oh, so there's no way in hell that it's because fucktards like you
might fucking harass them if they didn't protect their asses, right??

> They're afraid that LEA will investigate them and they feel that they
> are totally protected using PGP, a false sense of security to be sure.
> I've fought this battle and had some success. I've reported over 100
> pedo google-groups, yahoo-groups etc. and they were deleted. All
> contained the sickest child porn imaginable and I also reported the
> group members to LEA. I'm not naive enough to think it will stop the
> problem completly, but every little bit helps and if it saves one child
> from the horrors of's well worth it.

Now, just curious, here, but who's gonna save the blacks, jews,
mexicans, etc from discrimination?? Oh, yeah - not you since you're a
fucking bigot.

Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
I strike a nerve, Toots? SOMETHING must have prompted you shit all over
usenet with your fucking fingerpaint smears of rants.

Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
whining about how you've "closed groups" (yeah, like THIS froup,
right???), feeling all safe and snug in your fucking bigotry, tweaking
your lil foil hat every once in while so you can spew more NONsense
shit like above, but in the end, you're a pathetic luser who feels the
need to compensate for a tiny cock and no balls and a homosexual streak
a mile fucking wide.

And oh yeah, fucking bigot ass-farts like you are only ONE step above
pedos in how much the world despises them. Pedos may be number one on
the hit list, but you, my fine lil fucktard are number TWO. And yeah,
you smell like it, too. : )

Now rant again, Felchy! Rant again so we can all fucking laugh at you
and get our amusement for the day!

Rant, Fucktard, rant!!
*pats Felchy on the head and gives the lil fucktard a treat*

Do you do any other tricks - or is this it?


Dec 28, 2006, 5:02:14 PM12/28/06


. And that ain't fucking much.
> Sorry.
> > and
> > I've come to the conclusion that you are nothing..nothing at all. Your
> > misguided views on "non-practicing" pedophiles are indicative of youth
> > and inexperience.
> No, Fucktard, it's a belief based on the fucking US Bill of Rights and
> the fucking Constitution. Soldiers fucking DIED for that, Pussy Boi.

Still naive...

> Apparently in 'Nam, you were too busy sucking Vietnamese teenage
> whore-boy's cocks to have done the same - otherwise you'd fucking
> understand what that means. *I* understand what that means

Apparantly you understand nothing.

and I'm a
> woman,

No, a little girl....

obviously, who's never gone to war. But I can respect what they
> did and what they died for.

They wouldn't accept you if you were brave enough...
A big 4F LOL

> But if you fucking run away from "showing me" it's no wonder you were a
> useless pussy over there, too.
> And yeah, I come from a long line of military men - some died over
> there, some came home. And every single fucking one of them would call
> you a fucking traitor to OUR country, and a fucking retarded pussy.

Proof of your lies......

> I bet that if you had a black guy or a jew in your unit, you didn't
> watch his back, did you? I bet you sekretly wished he'd get blown the
> fuck up, huh? Maybe thought about tossing a grenade in a black guy's
> tent?
> > You are very naive and that's
> > putting it nicely. Just about every pedophile that ever posted here
> > claims to be "non practicing" the anonymous pedophile "secret"
> > squirrel, lecher laurence taylor or his sock tomba, 4s00th, Baal,
> > Orion, Damion Perez, etal.... WOW.. all of these confessed homosexual
> > pedophiles are "good pedophiles"? I can google hundreds and hundreds of
> > new pedophile arrests daily. What do you expect them to say hon, that
> > they raped an innocent boy just yesterday? Maybe you can't read the
> > headlines but read the fine print for once.. asbl is monitored
> > regularly, thanks to me.
> Just saw a shitload of pr0n posts

Not on asbl.....

- so . . . this NG is gonna get
> closed any day, now, right? Thanks to you?

This group can't be closed in the sense that it can be deleted.
googlegroups and yahoogroups CAN be deleted by google or yahoo.
Funny that you didn't know that :-)
asbl can be disrupted to the point of extinction....
> Not holding my breath.
Is that how you get your way?

> Back to my being naive - no, I'm not. But I AM respecting the fucking
> heroes who fucking died so we can be free.

And what does that have to do with you fraternizing with pedophiles?

They didn't die just so a
> lil fucktard like you could deprive others of their rights. They died
> for FREEDOM. And until one these pedos violates the laws, they are FREE
> and have fucking RIGHTS.

And what does this have to do with you fraternizing with pedophiles???

> > Want proof? try accessing PJ from asbl and
> > see what happens, go ahead:
> >

Go ahead, I dare you

> > Why do you think the peds use PGP encryption? They pass child porn,
> > that's why.
> Oh, so there's no way in hell that it's because fucktards like you
> might fucking harass them if they didn't protect their asses, right??

Of course they don't deserve harassment, right hon???

> > They're afraid that LEA will investigate them and they feel that they
> > are totally protected using PGP, a false sense of security to be sure.
> > I've fought this battle and had some success. I've reported over 100
> > pedo google-groups, yahoo-groups etc. and they were deleted. All
> > contained the sickest child porn imaginable and I also reported the
> > group members to LEA. I'm not naive enough to think it will stop the
> > problem completly, but every little bit helps and if it saves one child
> > from the horrors of's well worth it.
> Now, just curious, here, but who's gonna save the blacks, jews,
> mexicans, etc from discrimination?? Oh, yeah - not you since you're a
> fucking bigot.

No, but I WAS raised right..unlike you

> Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
> I strike a nerve, Toots?

Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........

> Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,

Ummmm a racial insult.....

> And oh yeah, fucking bigot ass-farts like you are only ONE step above
> pedos in how much the world despises them.

she's very naive isn't she?

Pedos may be number one on
> the hit list, but you, my fine lil fucktard are number TWO. And yeah,
> you smell like it, too. : )

Please explain how you could smell anyone on usenet...:-)
> Now rant again, Felchy!

boring and predictable....

Rant again so we can all fucking laugh at you're the laughing stock of asbl, I look forward to reading your
childish crap with my morning coffee..You're better then the comic

> and get our amusement for the day!

Gotcha didn't I?
And I'm certain it won't be the last time...

Max Grrl

Dec 28, 2006, 5:53:01 PM12/28/06
In article <>,
bobandcarole~ <> wrote:

How the fuck is that naive???

Do you think they went over there for the fucking scenery or black
market shopping trips???

Jeez, YOU are naive or fucking retarded.

> >
> > Apparently in 'Nam, you were too busy sucking Vietnamese teenage
> > whore-boy's cocks to have done the same - otherwise you'd fucking
> > understand what that means. *I* understand what that means
> Apparantly you understand nothing.

I understand why people like my hubby and FIL, and both Grandfathers
and Great-fucking-Grandfathers went to war.

Each one of my family members I mentioned above (except my hubby)
walked out of a war with purple hearts, Fucktard. Some more than that.

> and I'm a
> > woman,
> No, a little girl....

Compared to your feeble, senile old ass, EVERYONE in the fucking room
is a kid, Gramps.

> obviously, who's never gone to war. But I can respect what they
> > did and what they died for.
> They wouldn't accept you if you were brave enough...
> A big 4F LOL

Says you, Pussy boi.

> >
> > But if you fucking run away from "showing me" it's no wonder you were a
> > useless pussy over there, too.
> >
> > And yeah, I come from a long line of military men - some died over
> > there, some came home. And every single fucking one of them would call
> > you a fucking traitor to OUR country, and a fucking retarded pussy.
> Proof of your lies......

LOL, how so?
You saying I'm lying about their fighting in wars, dying in them or
coming back alive, Fucktard?

> >
> > I bet that if you had a black guy or a jew in your unit, you didn't
> > watch his back, did you? I bet you sekretly wished he'd get blown the
> > fuck up, huh? Maybe thought about tossing a grenade in a black guy's
> > tent?
> >
> > > You are very naive and that's
> > > putting it nicely. Just about every pedophile that ever posted here
> > > claims to be "non practicing" the anonymous pedophile "secret"
> > > squirrel, lecher laurence taylor or his sock tomba, 4s00th, Baal,
> > > Orion, Damion Perez, etal.... WOW.. all of these confessed homosexual
> > > pedophiles are "good pedophiles"? I can google hundreds and hundreds of
> > > new pedophile arrests daily. What do you expect them to say hon, that
> > > they raped an innocent boy just yesterday? Maybe you can't read the
> > > headlines but read the fine print for once.. asbl is monitored
> > > regularly, thanks to me.
> > Just saw a shitload of pr0n posts
> Not on asbl.....

R-e-e-a-a-l-l-y, then what's "Boy Sweep 12 27
2006tn_lorflexcd00-1412.jpg all about then?????

Or is that one of your lil fuck-buddy fans trying to sock as a pedo??

> - so . . . this NG is gonna get
> > closed any day, now, right? Thanks to you?
> This group can't be closed in the sense that it can be deleted.
> googlegroups and yahoogroups CAN be deleted by google or yahoo.
> Funny that you didn't know that :-)
> asbl can be disrupted to the point of extinction....

LOL, you're the best fucking entertainment I'm sure that any pedo has
ever laid eyes on!

You planning on all of them "dying of laughter," Fucktard?

> >
> > Not holding my breath.
> Is that how you get your way?

LOl, you're confusing me with your blow-up doll again, B00by.

> >
> > Back to my being naive - no, I'm not. But I AM respecting the fucking
> > heroes who fucking died so we can be free.
> And what does that have to do with you fraternizing with pedophiles?

WTF do you think it means, you retarded, unreconstructed pussy???

It means I respect what they fucking died for, Pussy Boi, and that's
for the rights of EVERYONE.

There are no rights "loopholes" in our nation. There are no "ifs, ands
or buts."

You did go to school, didn't you??

Fuck! I forgot, you grad-je-gated BEFORE we became the good ol US of A.

> They didn't die just so a
> > lil fucktard like you could deprive others of their rights. They died
> > for FREEDOM. And until one these pedos violates the laws, they are FREE
> > and have fucking RIGHTS.
> And what does this have to do with you fraternizing with pedophiles???

See above, Fucktard.

Or do I need to explain it again in smaller words so's a fucktard like
you can understand????

> >
> > > Want proof? try accessing PJ from asbl and
> > > see what happens, go ahead:
> > >
> Go ahead, I dare you
> > > Why do you think the peds use PGP encryption? They pass child porn,
> > > that's why.
> >
> > Oh, so there's no way in hell that it's because fucktards like you
> > might fucking harass them if they didn't protect their asses, right??
> Of course they don't deserve harassment, right hon???

IF they molest kids, they sure as hell do. But until they DO they have
every other fucking right a fucktard like YOU has. And that includes
the right to fucking privacy and to protect themselves from fucked up,
mentally-deranged, st00pid, ass-rimming fucktards like YOU.

> >
> > > They're afraid that LEA will investigate them and they feel that they
> > > are totally protected using PGP, a false sense of security to be sure.
> > > I've fought this battle and had some success. I've reported over 100
> > > pedo google-groups, yahoo-groups etc. and they were deleted. All
> > > contained the sickest child porn imaginable and I also reported the
> > > group members to LEA. I'm not naive enough to think it will stop the
> > > problem completly, but every little bit helps and if it saves one child
> > > from the horrors of's well worth it.
> >
> > Now, just curious, here, but who's gonna save the blacks, jews,
> > mexicans, etc from discrimination?? Oh, yeah - not you since you're a
> > fucking bigot.
> No, but I WAS raised right..unlike you

Oh, I was raised right - I was raised to respect our fucking country,
our flag and what people have died to protect.

You were raised to hate, to be a fucktard, and suck cock and deny that
you love it, Pussy Boi.

> >
> >
> > Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
> > I strike a nerve, Toots?
> Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........

Babe, don't know if you noticed, but no one except your k00k l00p
forger (if it IS a forger and not your inbred fucking hillbilly
dog-fucking sister) and ass-rimming buddy James "Give me another shot
of electricity" Riske, thinks you're nothing more than a shit-headed,
goat-fucking, ass-rimming fucktard.

Even the anti-pedos like me - where are they? Why aren't they stepping
up and telling me to lay off or defending you??

Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.

> >
> > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
> Ummmm a racial insult.....

That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy, but if I mention
one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????

> >
> > And oh yeah, fucking bigot ass-farts like you are only ONE step above
> > pedos in how much the world despises them.
> she's very naive isn't she?

Talking to yourself, again, Fucktard?

> Pedos may be number one on
> > the hit list, but you, my fine lil fucktard are number TWO. And yeah,
> > you smell like it, too. : )
> Please explain how you could smell anyone on usenet...:-)

Felchy, I can smell your shit-stained BOXERS, from over here. : )

> >
> > Now rant again, Felchy!
> boring and predictable....

Right back atcha, Felchy.

> Rant again so we can all fucking laugh at you
>'re the laughing stock of asbl, I look forward to reading your
> childish crap with my morning coffee..You're better then the comic
> section...

Right back atcha, Felchy.

> > and get our amusement for the day!
> Gotcha didn't I?

You couldn't "get" me with your pants down around your ankles and a
month's supply of Viagra.

> And I'm certain it won't be the last time...

Pfft. There ain't never been a first time, Gramps.
*rolls eyes*


Dec 28, 2006, 7:03:17 PM12/28/06
I was too, but that doesn't include pedophiles

> You were raised to hate, to be a fucktard, and suck cock

That's your forte hon....

> > > Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
> > > I strike a nerve, Toots?
> >
> > Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........
> Babe, don't know if you noticed, but no one except your k00k l00p
> forger (if it IS a forger and not your inbred fucking hillbilly
> dog-fucking sister) and ass-rimming buddy James "Give me another shot
> of electricity" Riske, thinks you're nothing more than a shit-headed,
> goat-fucking, ass-rimming fucktard.

Besides Riske, myself and a few other normal, sane posters all that
babbles here are pedophiles and you.

> Even the anti-pedos like me - where are they? Why aren't they stepping
> up and telling me to lay off or defending you??

Like I need help :-)

> Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.

Ya fuckin parrot

> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
> >
> > Ummmm a racial insult.....
> That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
> and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy,

Where did I say that?
Post your proof next time

but if I mention
> one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????

"whitey tighties"?? a pure racist remark.

> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > And oh yeah, fucking bigot ass-farts like you are only ONE step above
> > > pedos in how much the world despises them.
> >
> > she's very naive isn't she?
> Talking to yourself, again, Fucktard?

Everyone already knows what a clueless little girl you are

> >
> > Pedos may be number one on
> > > the hit list, but you, my fine lil fucktard are number TWO. And yeah,
> > > you smell like it, too. : )
> > Please explain how you could smell anyone on usenet...:-)
> Felchy, I can smell your shit-stained BOXERS, from over here. : )

Another lie..are you off your meds?

> > >
> > > Now rant again, Felchy!
> >
> > boring and predictable....
> Right back atcha, Felchy.
> >
> > Rant again so we can all fucking laugh at you
> >'re the laughing stock of asbl, I look forward to reading your
> > childish crap with my morning coffee..You're better then the comic
> > section...
> Right back atcha, Felchy.
> >
> >
> > > and get our amusement for the day!
> >
> > Gotcha didn't I?
> You couldn't "get" me with your pants down around your ankles and a
> month's supply of Viagra.

I wouldn't touch you with 4s00th's dick....

> > And I'm certain it won't be the last time...
> Pfft. There ain't never been a first time, Gramps.

Every day, clueless little cunt..
> *rolls eyes*

And stutters, pisses her pants and babbles again....

Max Grrl

Dec 28, 2006, 8:32:39 PM12/28/06
In article <>,
bobandcarole~ <> wrote:

LOL, I'm sorry - where in the Constitution does it exclude them

Where in the US Constitution does it say "be a guy and suck cock, this
won't apply to you?"

And you meant to say "it doesn't include pedos, jews, blacks, mexicans
(whether born in the US or otherwise I would imagine), or gays."

> >
> > You were raised to hate, to be a fucktard, and suck cock
> That's your forte hon....

Who do I hate, other than you??? If THAT part of the equation doesn't
fit me, the rest doesn't. : )

> > > > Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
> > > > I strike a nerve, Toots?
> > >
> > > Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........
> >
> > Babe, don't know if you noticed, but no one except your k00k l00p
> > forger (if it IS a forger and not your inbred fucking hillbilly
> > dog-fucking sister) and ass-rimming buddy James "Give me another shot
> > of electricity" Riske, thinks you're nothing more than a shit-headed,
> > goat-fucking, ass-rimming fucktard.
> Besides Riske, myself and a few other normal, sane posters all that
> babbles here are pedophiles and you.

Where are they?
*peers over NG*

I don't see anyone standing in solidarity with you.
*peers again*

Nope, I just see peeps laughing at you - even those on YOUR "side."

> >
> > Even the anti-pedos like me - where are they? Why aren't they stepping
> > up and telling me to lay off or defending you??
> Like I need help :-)

LOL, like you don't. : )

No, if someone really agreed with you, they'd feel "honor-bound" -
despite whether or not you WANT their help - to post in support of you.

> >
> > Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.
> SQUAWK....Felchy..Felchy...SQUAWK
> Ya fuckin parrot

Aw . . . so you can ceaselessly call me a "cunt" but I can't have pet
names for you, too?

How . . . narrow-minded . . . and discriminating of you.

> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
> > >
> > > Ummmm a racial insult.....
> >
> > That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
> > and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy,
> Where did I say that?
> Post your proof next time

4s00th has posted proof in another thread.

And you ran away from that, so why the fuck should I bother?

Why don't YOU post proof that you're a wonderful NONracist??

> but if I mention
> > one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????
> "whitey tighties"?? a pure racist remark.

Are you fucking serious???? you've really never heard of men's briefs
being called "whitie-tighties???"

Um, they're called that because for years, "whitie" was the only color
they came in (because not using a dye is cheaper than dyeing the
material) and "tightie" because, well, they were tight.

IF you were ever in the service, you'd know that whitie-tighties were
the slang for the undies you were issued - that and "skivvies."

Or are you so fucking old that you wore saber-tooth tiger pelts during
the service??

> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > And oh yeah, fucking bigot ass-farts like you are only ONE step above
> > > > pedos in how much the world despises them.
> > >
> > > she's very naive isn't she?
> >
> > Talking to yourself, again, Fucktard?
> Everyone already knows what a clueless little girl you are

Nope, you're the only one who thinks that, Fucktard.

> > >
> > > Pedos may be number one on
> > > > the hit list, but you, my fine lil fucktard are number TWO. And yeah,
> > > > you smell like it, too. : )
> > > Please explain how you could smell anyone on usenet...:-)
> >
> > Felchy, I can smell your shit-stained BOXERS, from over here. : )
> Another lie..are you off your meds?

No, you REALLY stink that bad, Gramps.

> > > >
> > > > Now rant again, Felchy!
> > >
> > > boring and predictable....
> >
> > Right back atcha, Felchy.
> >
> > >
> > > Rant again so we can all fucking laugh at you
> > >'re the laughing stock of asbl, I look forward to reading your
> > > childish crap with my morning coffee..You're better then the comic
> > > section...
> >
> > Right back atcha, Felchy.
> > >
> > >
> > > > and get our amusement for the day!
> > >
> > > Gotcha didn't I?
> >
> > You couldn't "get" me with your pants down around your ankles and a
> > month's supply of Viagra.
> I wouldn't touch you with 4s00th's dick....

So you'd touch 4s00th's dick, but not me, right? Is that what you're
saying? ; )

4s00th! I've got good news and bad news!

Good news : I think Booby's ready to come out of the closet!
Bad news : I think he has the hots for you! Yuk!!!

> >
> > > And I'm certain it won't be the last time...
> >
> > Pfft. There ain't never been a first time, Gramps.
> Every day, clueless little cunt..

See, you're using your pet name for *me* but I can't use mine for you?

Squawk . . . cunt . . . squawk . . . niggers . . . squawk . . .
I'm not gay . . . squawk

Fucking racist parrot sucker.

> > *rolls eyes*
> And stutters, pisses her pants and babbles again....

Again, you're talking about your wife, LOL!!
*sniff sniff*

Time for you to change your Depends, Gramps. You shit yourself all over
usenet again. : )


Dec 28, 2006, 11:56:59 PM12/28/06

Max Grrl wrote:

> > >
> > > Oh, I was raised right - I was raised to respect our fucking country,
> > > our flag and what people have died to protect.
> > I was too, but that doesn't include pedophiles
> LOL, I'm sorry - where in the Constitution does it exclude them
> specifically?

They have the right to a fair trial and then a fair execution...

> Where in the US Constitution does it say "be a guy and suck cock, this
> won't apply to you?"

You love the fags don't you?

> > >
> > > You were raised to hate, to be a fucktard, and suck cock
> >
> > That's your forte hon....
> Who do I hate, other than you??? If THAT part of the equation doesn't
> fit me, the rest doesn't. : )

But I'll bet you get plenty of skull fuckings...:-)

> >
> >
> > > > > Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard? Did
> > > > > I strike a nerve, Toots?
> > > >
> > > > Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........
> > >
> > > Babe, don't know if you noticed, but no one except your k00k l00p
> > > forger (if it IS a forger and not your inbred fucking hillbilly
> > > dog-fucking sister) and ass-rimming buddy James "Give me another shot
> > > of electricity" Riske, thinks you're nothing more than a shit-headed,
> > > goat-fucking, ass-rimming fucktard.
> >
> > Besides Riske, myself and a few other normal, sane posters all that
> > babbles here are pedophiles and you.
> Where are they?
> *peers over NG*
> I don't see anyone standing in solidarity with you.
> *peers again*
> Nope, I just see peeps laughing at you - even those on YOUR "side."

If you were a true anti pedo YOU would be on "my side"

> > >
Why aren't they stepping
> > > up and telling me to lay off or defending you??
> > Like I need help :-)
> LOL, like you don't. : )

You are too easy maxi pad...too fuckin easy.

> No, if someone really agreed with you, they'd feel "honor-bound" -
> despite whether or not you WANT their help - to post in support of you.

I can fight my own battles.

> > >
> > > Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.
> > SQUAWK....Felchy..Felchy...SQUAWK
> > Ya fuckin parrot
> Aw . . . so you can ceaselessly call me a "cunt" but I can't have pet
> names for you, too?

You ARE a cunt, it's not a pet name

> > > > > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
> > > >
> > > > Ummmm a racial insult.....
> > >
> > > That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
> > > and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy,
> >
> > Where did I say that?
> > Post your proof next time
> 4s00th has posted proof in another thread.

That intellectual amoeba thinks yahoo bob is me...LMAO!!!

> And you ran away from that, so why the fuck should I bother?

I wouldn't call it running, just moving over to the corner because I'm
laughing so hard.

> Why don't YOU post proof that you're a wonderful NONracist??

You want to see it, YOU post it...

> >
> >
> > but if I mention
> > > one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????
> >
> > "whitey tighties"?? a pure racist remark.
> Are you fucking serious???? you've really never heard of men's briefs
> being called "whitie-tighties???"

clueless as usual...

> Um, they're called that because for years, "whitie" was the only color
> they came in (because not using a dye is cheaper than dyeing the
> material) and "tightie" because, well, they were tight.
> IF you were ever in the service, you'd know that whitie-tighties were
> the slang for the undies you were issued - that and "skivvies."

so clueless

Another clueless moment.

> 4s00th! I've got good news and bad news!

You talk to a confessed pedophile and you bash

> Squawk . . . cunt . . . squawk . . . niggers . . . squawk . . .
> I'm not gay . . . squawk
> Fucking racist parrot sucker.
> > > *rolls eyes*
> >
> > And stutters, pisses her pants and babbles again....
> Again, you're talking about your wife, LOL!!
> *sniff sniff*

You like sniffing crotches, I'm not surprised

> Time for you to change your Depends, Gramps. You shit yourself all over
> usenet again. : )

Another max humiliation is logged in the books...........

Max Grrl

Dec 29, 2006, 12:24:36 AM12/29/06
In article <>,
bobandcarole~ <> wrote:

> Max Grrl wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Oh, I was raised right - I was raised to respect our fucking country,
> > > > our flag and what people have died to protect.
> > > I was too, but that doesn't include pedophiles
> >
> > LOL, I'm sorry - where in the Constitution does it exclude them
> > specifically?
> They have the right to a fair trial and then a fair execution...

And who's so fucking qualified in here to give anyone a fair trial????

> >
> > Where in the US Constitution does it say "be a guy and suck cock, this
> > won't apply to you?"
> You love the fags don't you?

Nope, don't love'em OR hate'em.

> > > >
> > > > You were raised to hate, to be a fucktard, and suck cock
> > >
> > > That's your forte hon....
> >
> > Who do I hate, other than you??? If THAT part of the equation doesn't
> > fit me, the rest doesn't. : )
> But I'll bet you get plenty of skull fuckings...:-)

LOL, never heard of that one . . . but like I say, if that's your
sexual thing, I won't bash you for it - you want me to skull fuck you,
I'm cool with that - as long as we use a toupee for protection. : )

> > >
> > > > > > Wow!! You really ranted on there quite a bit, didn't you Fucktard?
> > > > > > Did
> > > > > > I strike a nerve, Toots?
> > > > >
> > > > > Nope, just putting you in your place for all to see........
> > > >
> > > > Babe, don't know if you noticed, but no one except your k00k l00p
> > > > forger (if it IS a forger and not your inbred fucking hillbilly
> > > > dog-fucking sister) and ass-rimming buddy James "Give me another shot
> > > > of electricity" Riske, thinks you're nothing more than a shit-headed,
> > > > goat-fucking, ass-rimming fucktard.
> > >
> > > Besides Riske, myself and a few other normal, sane posters all that
> > > babbles here are pedophiles and you.
> >
> > Where are they?
> > *peers over NG*
> >
> > I don't see anyone standing in solidarity with you.
> > *peers again*
> >
> > Nope, I just see peeps laughing at you - even those on YOUR "side."
> If you were a true anti pedo YOU would be on "my side"

I AM a true anti-pedo - I just don't see any point in bashing gays or

I'm somewhere in the middle - the one not wanting to step on the US
Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but wanting to see practicing
pedos left to rot in jail.

Do I really want to kill the convicted ones? Nope. I'd like to see them
live in fear, hated, abused and hunted, by some of the worst crims ever
to set foot in prison. To get butt-fucked by a big guy named "Bubba"
while they scream in agony and beg for merciful death. To be shivved
(but not outright killed) every time they take a shower - to the point
where they piss themselves in fear when they hear running water. To the
point where they beg God every single night of the rest of their
wretched lives to just kill them there and now and end their misery of
a "life."

So, no, I don't want them to be murdered in prison - I don't even want
someone like you (or me) killing them. Death is too quick, too easy,
too merciful. Better to make their (hopefully) long life an utter
torture. I want them to grow old in prison, see them SEE their youth
fade away and their vitality sapped. I want to see the seasons change
in their face, their hair, their physique. See their skin wrinkle,
their hair turn grey, their body sag. I want them to age and become
impotent with lost muscle mass, while the new crims come in, fresher,
younger, and more vengeful, ready to victimize some pathetic old fart
who can't protect himself because he's too weak (poetic justice, no?).

THAT'S what *I* want. And I'm going to assume, that even after all
that, I'm not an anti-pedo., right?

If you don't believe me on anything else, believe this: I can be much
more creative than you in thinking up dire and horrible punishments for
those who hurt children. I'm not looking for the immediate
gratification of killing one, lynching one, or whatever the fuck YOU
want to have done to them. I'm looking for the worst possible
punishment: to live for a l-o-o-o-n-g time in prison. Every day that
they LIVE and SUFFER is one more day of JUSTICE for the victim.

> > > >
> Why aren't they stepping
> > > > up and telling me to lay off or defending you??
> > > Like I need help :-)
> >
> > LOL, like you don't. : )
> You are too easy maxi pad...too fuckin easy.

Then why are you having such a hard time with me?? : )

> >
> > No, if someone really agreed with you, they'd feel "honor-bound" -
> > despite whether or not you WANT their help - to post in support of you.
> I can fight my own battles.

LOL, not the point. I can fight my own battles, too, but my buds step
in for moral support - even when I don't need it.

So where's your army? Your moral support?

> > > >
> > > > Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.
> > > SQUAWK....Felchy..Felchy...SQUAWK
> > > Ya fuckin parrot
> >
> > Aw . . . so you can ceaselessly call me a "cunt" but I can't have pet
> > names for you, too?
> You ARE a cunt, it's not a pet name

Right back atcha. If you didn't act like a felcher, I wouldn't call you
one. ; )

Oooh! There's Riske's ass - did you remember to bring your straw? LOL

> > > > > > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
> > > > >
> > > > > Ummmm a racial insult.....
> > > >
> > > > That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
> > > > and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy,
> > >
> > > Where did I say that?
> > > Post your proof next time
> >
> > 4s00th has posted proof in another thread.
> That intellectual amoeba thinks yahoo bob is me...LMAO!!!
> >
> > And you ran away from that, so why the fuck should I bother?
> I wouldn't call it running, just moving over to the corner because I'm
> laughing so hard.
> >
> > Why don't YOU post proof that you're a wonderful NONracist??
> You want to see it, YOU post it...

Better still:
Do you hate blacks? Do you call them "niggers" or "shines?"
Do you hate Jews? Do you use racial slurs against them?
Do you hate gays? Do you call them "butt-pirates?"
Do you hate pedos? *

* Okay, I threw that one in just to make sure you were being honest and
paying attention. : )

> > >
> > >
> > > but if I mention
> > > > one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????
> > >
> > > "whitey tighties"?? a pure racist remark.
> > Are you fucking serious???? you've really never heard of men's briefs
> > being called "whitie-tighties???"
> clueless as usual...

Hey, I KNEW what whitie-tighties are - you didn't. : )

If you DID know what they were, and were playing st00pid, well, that
just makes you look . . . um . . . st00pid.

> >
> > Um, they're called that because for years, "whitie" was the only color
> > they came in (because not using a dye is cheaper than dyeing the
> > material) and "tightie" because, well, they were tight.
> >
> > IF you were ever in the service, you'd know that whitie-tighties were
> > the slang for the undies you were issued - that and "skivvies."
> so clueless

See above. : )

One that happening is about as possible as my EVER letting a fucktard
like you even THINK about touching me. : ) With yours or anyone else's
dick. : )

> >
> > 4s00th! I've got good news and bad news!
> You talk to a confessed pedophile and you bash
> me...ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, because you BOTH victimize the innocent. Pedos victimize
children, YOU victimize minorities and gays.

But he at least controls himself - something you have no clue about how
to do.

> >
> > Squawk . . . cunt . . . squawk . . . niggers . . . squawk . . .
> > I'm not gay . . . squawk
> >
> > Fucking racist parrot sucker.
> > > > *rolls eyes*
> > >
> > > And stutters, pisses her pants and babbles again....
> >
> > Again, you're talking about your wife, LOL!!
> > *sniff sniff*
> You like sniffing crotches, I'm not surprised

Hey! Can't help but to take a whiff of yours, Gramps. Don't you ever
fucking bathe????

> >
> > Time for you to change your Depends, Gramps. You shit yourself all over
> > usenet again. : )
> Another max humiliation is logged in the books...........

Um . . . you shit yourself AGAIN, Gramps.

Don't make me put you in a home!! : )

Message has been deleted


Dec 29, 2006, 10:48:10 PM12/29/06
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:13:53 +0100 (CET), Baal
<Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote:

>Hash: SHA512
>On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:07:49 -0500, in Message-ID:
><>, 4s00th <>
>> Why not be honest? Why not tell them that today you're targeting the
>> pedophiles, but the "niggers, kikes, cunts, wops, fags and towel heads"
>> are all next on your agenda? If you're so fucking brave, stand up and tell
>> EVERYONE what you really believe in. Tell those 14 million who signed your
>> petitions what you really feel about them.
>My Dear 4s00th.... There simply aren't any 14 million signatures. They exist
>only in James Riske's imagination. Here's why he is full of it:

Yes, I got that the first time you posted it, but you may notice that
this particular post was made before you posted it, and the point
remains the same -- They are moral cowards who are afraid to tell the
whole truth about themselves and about what we want to use this group



Dec 29, 2006, 11:07:01 PM12/29/06
On 28 Dec 2006 20:56:59 -0800, "bobandcarole~"
<> wrote:

>Max Grrl wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Oh, I was raised right - I was raised to respect our fucking country,
>> > > our flag and what people have died to protect.
>> > I was too, but that doesn't include pedophiles
>> LOL, I'm sorry - where in the Constitution does it exclude them
>> specifically?
>They have the right to a fair trial and then a fair execution...

Translation: Kangaroo Court.

Translation: The judge said "Guilty!" in a make-believe trial,
slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile, and said,
"Supper's waiting at home, and I gotta get to it."

>> Where in the US Constitution does it say "be a guy and suck cock, this
>> won't apply to you?"
>You love the fags don't you?

And yet, you didn't answer the question, did you?

>> > Besides Riske, myself and a few other normal, sane posters all that
>> > babbles here are pedophiles and you.
>> Where are they?
>> *peers over NG*
>> I don't see anyone standing in solidarity with you.
>> *peers again*
>> Nope, I just see peeps laughing at you - even those on YOUR "side."
>If you were a true anti pedo YOU would be on "my side"

No one with intelligence would be on "your side." Hell, I could have
some sympathy and understanding if you just attacked pedophiles -- but
you don't. You attack anyone that has a different opinion from your
own bigoted view -- including all that racist & sexist bullshit you

I hate what child molesters do and would be more than glad to see them
put away -- but there's no way in hell I'd support you.

>>Why aren't they stepping
>> > > up and telling me to lay off or defending you??
>> > Like I need help :-)
>> LOL, like you don't. : )
>You are too easy maxi pad...too fuckin easy.
>> No, if someone really agreed with you, they'd feel "honor-bound" -
>> despite whether or not you WANT their help - to post in support of you.
>I can fight my own battles.
>> > >
>> > > Cause they fucking agree, Felchy.
>> > SQUAWK....Felchy..Felchy...SQUAWK
>> > Ya fuckin parrot
>> Aw . . . so you can ceaselessly call me a "cunt" but I can't have pet
>> names for you, too?
>You ARE a cunt, it's not a pet name
>> > > > > Yeah, you can sit there in your lil shit-stained whitie-tighties,
>> > > >
>> > > > Ummmm a racial insult.....
>> > >
>> > > That's fucking rich! LOL You think discriminating against blacks, jews
>> > > and everyone else that isn't Aryan is fine 'n' dandy,
>> >
>> > Where did I say that?
>> > Post your proof next time
>> 4s00th has posted proof in another thread.
>That intellectual amoeba thinks yahoo bob is me...LMAO!!!

But not once have you ever tried to separate yourself from those posts
that you claim come from "imitators." You have never taken the stand
that the racist crap is wrong -- but you're quick to tell them what a
good job they're doing! So, even if someone were dim enough to believe
that anyone wanted to "imitate" you, you obviously approve of
everything they post.

>> And you ran away from that, so why the fuck should I bother?
>I wouldn't call it running, just moving over to the corner because I'm
>laughing so hard.

I guess you're too pussy to take a stand.

>> Why don't YOU post proof that you're a wonderful NONracist??
>You want to see it, YOU post it...
>> >
>> >
>> > but if I mention
>> > > one kind of underpants over another, that's discrimination????
>> >
>> > "whitey tighties"?? a pure racist remark.
>> Are you fucking serious???? you've really never heard of men's briefs
>> being called "whitie-tighties???"

Actually, we always called them "tighty-whities," but I guess that's
just a semantic thing, possibly even regional.

Please, my stomach can't take that!

>You talk to a confessed pedophile and you bash

Yes, a person who confesses that he is attracted to children, but at
least I know what my problems are and how to deal with them.

>Another max humiliation is logged in the books...........

The only person you've ever humiliated is yourself. Keep playing with
your sock-puppet "imitators;" turn a quick trick with little Jimmy
Riske, but the only thing you mongrels do here is make most of us
"confessed pedophiles" look good.



Dec 31, 2006, 3:31:20 PM12/31/06
0 new messages