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Christmas Presents

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Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月23日 19:11:462004/12/23
I bought the Buck Rogers DVD Box set for my Dad today.
It has (counts the list on the back) 6 DVDs of pure
Buck and Twiki action! But, there's just one problem:
I'm fighting myself to wrap it and give it to him,
because I want to keep it for myself :-P

always buys amazing presents of stuff that the person
likes, but hasn't seen in ages, and didn't ask for...
always buys stuff that *he* wants, though :)
Oh man, I need to download the BR theme tune...
I am a hat of justice perched upon the heads of the wicked.
Feel my soft felt lining and quiver, villain!


2004年12月23日 19:45:552004/12/23
i try and avoid presents as much as possible i dont like getting them
unless i know in advance what they are and i prefer anyway to spend my money
on me how i want not have to be forced into spending it on others

its funny though i hate xmas but love all the xmas kids films??

thats one for the phyciatrist

as long as i see no one apart frm parents as normal then my xmas is ok

"Rowe Rickenbacker" <> wrote in message

Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月23日 19:57:582004/12/23
proma1 wrote:

> i try and avoid presents as much as possible i dont like getting
> them unless i know in advance what they are and i prefer anyway to
> spend my money on me how i want not have to be forced into spending
> it on others

I don't like unexpected stuff usually, but it's something
about presents... I guess, as long as I've got the whole
"Gee, I needed one of those!" reaction on the trigger,
I can happily accept that it's just something unknown
that I don't know yet, and keep up the act...
because that's all present-giving is, really.

You just need to be well prepared, and learn your lines.

Also, I guess, I don't really want anything, specifically,
so I'm rarely disappointed... though my Dad buying
toy cars as a joke for 2-3 years got a bit old.

hates being asked what he wants for Christmas...
I mean, if he *knew* what he wanted - he'd buy it!
Saving a list up of stuff you want for someone else
to buy just so they can feel useful seems to make the
whole "meaningful gift exchange" thing feel kinda impotent.
If you know me, or at least can think of something you think
I'd like, then go for it - otherwise, give me a card. I'm not
ungrateful - I just don't want people to waste money and effort
when it really is the thought that counts.


2004年12月23日 20:05:192004/12/23
we have always been taught as a family to only spend £5-£10 on any presents

this year 4 presents which is 100 per cent more than last year,i only spent
£10 between mum and dad last year on a flower

this year same amrilis?? flower for mum £10 book token dad £10

one aunt £4.36 for 2 big bars of fruit and nut chociolate and £5.99 for a
medium size bottle of port and stilton enoiugh for my other aunt and uncle

i have a cary grant film on dvd coming my way

not sure what sis and broth have got i told them not to bother but guess
they porb will

i cook the dinner and we have loads of sweets and chocolates.

"Rowe Rickenbacker" <> wrote in message

Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月23日 20:24:252004/12/23
proma1 wrote:

> we have always been taught as a family to only spend £5-£10 on any
> presents

We spend that much "as a family" (ie: Mum signs my name in her card) ;-)
on all the cousins/aunts/uncles/etc. I think it's an unwritten rule
that is shared by all family members. They tend to try to be as
creative as they can with that budget... like Ready Steady Cook?

> this year 4 presents which is 100 per cent more than last year,
> i only spent £10 between mum and dad last year on a flower

Hm. I guess this Christmas is a fair increase on last Christmas...

I was unemployed last Christmas, so everything was fairly tight.
I spent about £10 per person I think? Thinking about it now,
I've actually bought nearly everyone DVDs and CDs this year,
but I bought my Mum a box set, and my Dad another box set too.
My sister gets a couple of CDs, but it's what she asked for...
her birthday's on the 31st of this month, anyway. Ouch.

Eh... including a couple of things I bought a week or two ago
(idea was that they were for the whole family, so I did that
before Christmas Day, or I thought it'd be awkward...)
I guess the total is about £400? More than I wanted to,
but giving back to people that I know I take too much from
is kinda something I feel I have to do.

I'm not good with the more romantic gifts like you do, though :)
Flowers, Chocolate... I guess a lot of people like that, but
everyone knows I do Books, DVDs and CDs, and they have to tell
me what to get if it's a CD, because I have no idea what bands
are doing the rounds all the time.

Needless to say, I've spent pretty much everything I have for the
past month and a half, except for transportation and whatnot,
so my saving for stuff is set back quite a bit again :\

> i cook the dinner and we have loads of sweets and chocolates.

Wow. I can cook, but I wont be attempting Christmas dinner for years
to come, I think. Your Christmas sounds like a good family occasion.



2004年12月23日 20:43:572004/12/23
yes wel my money is tight in my situation and i do feel i need to save money
to give mysefl little treats,it may sound selfish spending more on myseelf
but if i give mysefl treats every few weeksa then i feel better,and am more
calmer so that benefits my parents

i odnt see them as romantic,its just mum says she like flowers and she likes
the amiriis i got last year and wanted another one,and all our family are
food and chocoholics so that always goes down well

its sabout the only day i cook dinner for parents

mum is very fussy and if i try any time she comes into kitchen and makes
comments and gives what she calls adive,i just find it annoying and throws
my limited thought processes out

putting all meat/and veg/starter and sweet requiresa my absolute
concentration i cant have someone saying

"have you put brussels on yet" dont forget its gas mark 7 and loads of
other commnets i have as much as i can in my head and its at overload

i do the veg cut it up and put in pans while watching tv,and take my time
from 7/8 am to serve up for 1300 or so,so pans of veg are all ready till
other stuff is cooking well and then i can put veg on.

only thing mum does is make gravy as ishe is the best expert on that

i did go to college as chef but gave up as it got too hard,but was a grill
chef coooking steak meals for 6 years.

but putting together loads of differant and complex meals i am not good
at,steak chips and peas and roast dinners are me


2004年12月23日 20:45:532004/12/23
i usually take mum and dad out once a month to a carvery its cheap but reall
good and loads of it for 3 of us i never spend more than £17

but its as you saay giving something but in a way i can afford

"Rowe Rickenbacker" <> wrote in message

Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月23日 20:46:562004/12/23
proma1 wrote:

> i usually take mum and dad out once a month to a carvery its cheap
> but reall good and loads of it for 3 of us i never spend more than £17
> but its as you saay giving something but in a way i can afford

That is a really nice gesture, yes.

Shena Delian O'Brien

2004年12月23日 22:06:312004/12/23
Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
> I bought the Buck Rogers DVD Box set for my Dad today.
> It has (counts the list on the back) 6 DVDs of pure
> Buck and Twiki action! But, there's just one problem:
> I'm fighting myself to wrap it and give it to him,
> because I want to keep it for myself :-P

I bought "Elf" for my mom (as I bought her a dvd player) and had to buy
it for us, too. So, I bought two copies!

Shena Delian O'Brien

2004年12月23日 22:13:222004/12/23
Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
> I don't like unexpected stuff usually, but it's something
> about presents...

People in my family learned quite some time ago not to give me anything
unless they are SURE I want or need it. Because I was never good at
being grateful for things I didn't like, didn't need, or outright hated.
As a matter of fact, I have been known to throw fits about it (although
not recently).

I think it revolves around the fact that my birthday is April 1st, so I
got quite a few gag presents in the old days, and got sick of it very
quickly. The last gag present I got was from a niece & nephew, and as I
sighed and figured out it was time to train the next generation- I told
them I don't find gag presents funny at all and never have and they
could take it back because I was not accepting it. It was odd that my
husband wanted it though (it was a rubber mallet) and took it off my
hands for them.


2004年12月23日 23:37:322004/12/23

Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
> I bought the Buck Rogers DVD Box set for my Dad today.
> It has (counts the list on the back) 6 DVDs of pure
> Buck and Twiki action! But, there's just one problem:
> I'm fighting myself to wrap it and give it to him,
> because I want to keep it for myself :-P
> Rowe
> always buys amazing presents of stuff that the person
> likes, but hasn't seen in ages, and didn't ask for...
> always buys stuff that *he* wants, though :)
> Oh man, I need to download the BR theme tune...

<twiki voice>twiggi wiggi wiggi wiggi...Lets go Buck!</twiki>.

H :>

(loved Buck Rogers as a kid....) Still loves BR/Battlestar
Galactica...(I have sound themes for both for the PC ;>)


2004年12月24日 01:32:122004/12/24
Shena Delian O'Brien <> wrote in news:10sn2an36gb3s71

> Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
>> I don't like unexpected stuff usually, but it's something
>> about presents...
> People in my family learned quite some time ago not to give me anything
> unless they are SURE I want or need it. Because I was never good at
> being grateful for things I didn't like, didn't need, or outright hated.
> As a matter of fact, I have been known to throw fits about it (although
> not recently).

Yeah, I just outright say "I don't like this because [...]". They don't
seem to be offended by it ever, gladly.

I'm hoping this year they'll maybe not buy a fleece (don't like the
material...). It seems every year they buy at least one, and I say I don't
like 'em, it gets stuck under my bed, and is never worn.

Well, the cats are making use of one of them at the moment. They're always
sleeping on it. :p (I put it downstairs for them)

Actually, forgot to say, most of my presents are planned anyway. And then
if there's money spare, or if I'm asked what I want (for relatives buying
for me), I say just buy clothes.

"Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Jean B.

2004年12月24日 11:35:512004/12/24

Interesting comments above. Leah says she hates surprises.
Perhaps you have provided some insight into that. She therefore
provides an explicit list. (Note: she generally can't go out and
purchase things for herself, so that aspect is very different.
That applies somewhat to me with the addition of the things I tend
not to get for myself are very expensive, so I certainly don't
expect anyone else to get them for me either!)

Jean B.


2004年12月24日 14:23:542004/12/24

Hylander wrote:
> Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:

> <twiki voice>twiggi wiggi wiggi wiggi...Lets go Buck!</twiki>.

You know, I'd often look at twiki and then check my you know whats and
was quite surprised by the similarities....made him that much more




2004年12月24日 16:51:442004/12/24
forget downloading the br tune, the old battlestar galactica one is where
its at!!!!

btw i spent too much money on the kids

caz(complete with shopping gland)
"sam ende" <> wrote in message

> Hylander wrote:
>> You know, I'd often look at twiki and then check my you know whats and
>> was quite surprised by the similarities....made him that much more
>> adorable...;>

> y'all watch far too much t.v i'm sure :)
> (actually i'm wondering where i was when all this stuff was on t.v)
> sammi

dobey the elf

2004年12月24日 19:04:362004/12/24

caz wrote:
> forget downloading the br tune, the old battlestar galactica one is
> its at!!!!

They are remaking Batttlestar Galatica. Watch the science fiction
channel. IT is cutting edge too. It starts in the next month or so


The autist formerly known as

2004年12月26日 17:19:342004/12/26
Well all my Christmas "presents" are Christmas pasts now :(


L'autisme c'est moi

"Space folds, and folded space bends, and bent folded space contracts and
expands unevenly in every way unconcievable except to someone who does not
believe in the laws of mathematics"

"Rowe Rickenbacker" <> wrote in message

dobey the elf

2004年12月26日 20:21:482004/12/26

The autist formerly known as wrote:
> Well all my Christmas "presents" are Christmas pasts now :(
Then all of past hosts are ghosts?


Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月28日 14:31:042004/12/28
Shena Delian O'Brien wrote:

> Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
>> I don't like unexpected stuff usually, but it's something about
>> presents...
> People in my family learned quite some time ago not to give me
> anything unless they are SURE I want or need it.

Mmm... my Dad got me something I expressly told him 2-3 weeks ago
*not* to get for me, and I know he would have bought it within the
week before Christmas. I am grateful, and it is nifty and I guess
I'll use it, but if my laptop was fixed then I probably wouldn't
use this present at all.

Oh well... I feel really guilty when I think things like that.
I mean, I told him a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't tell
him *now* that I didn't want it... though my sister might have.

> I was never good at being grateful for things I didn't like, didn't
> need, or outright hated. As a matter of fact, I have been known to
> throw fits about it (although not recently).

I tend to sulk, but I do it silently (internally) so even when
I want someone to ask me what's wrong - I can't really expect
them to, because it's not obvious unless I intentionally make
it obvious... at which point I don't do a good job, or I start
feeling guilty for trying to make it obvious that I'm unhappy
with them or something.

> I think it revolves around the fact that my birthday is April 1st

Yes, I understand.

makes a mental note to remember the birthday,
but probably will forget anyway :\

Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月28日 14:46:592004/12/28
Hylander wrote:

> <twiki voice>twiggi wiggi wiggi wiggi...Lets go Buck!</twiki>.

Har har har!

> (loved Buck Rogers as a kid....

Me too.

> Still loves BR/Battlestar Galactica...(I have sound themes for both
> for the PC ;>)

The BG theme tune is on par with the Dallas theme tune,
and I've loved that one since I was a kid :-D



2004年12月28日 15:22:292004/12/28

Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
> Hylander wrote:
> > <twiki voice>twiggi wiggi wiggi wiggi...Lets go Buck!</twiki>.
> Har har har!
> > (loved Buck Rogers as a kid....
> Me too.
> > Still loves BR/Battlestar Galactica...(I have sound themes for both
> > for the PC ;>)
> The BG theme tune is on par with the Dallas theme tune,
> and I've loved that one since I was a kid :-D

IIRC the others popular show was Falcon Crest/Dynasty/Knott's Landing.
Alexis (Joan Collins) was very strong character for the show. The cat
fights were quite historic (Krystal?) and also brought the word
"attitude" to a whole new level. Knott's landing had Michelle Phillips
from Mamas and Papas. and Falcon Crest had Reagan ex Jane Wyman. Every
show had a "family feud" type theme with ruthless matriarchal and
patriarchal figures constantly vying for power along with arch plots
containing all the brawling/catfighting people love. I imagine
Superfriends was about the same thing for children. ie: You have
catwoman and Wonder Woman. Aquaman and Mantis. (what powers did they
have again? probably some cheesy coloured "ray" of some kind)...

When I was living in Dallas, there was a popular coinage used amongst
the populace: "Dallitude". (see also Abercrombie and
Fitch..."attitude"). Its somewhat of a gay thing too. Back to
sci-fi...I suppose Knight Rider belongs there somewhere. KIT 2000. (did
I mention the music collection I had a while back or no?)... :>


still feeling sorry for ol' Blake Carrington.

Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月28日 15:45:572004/12/28
caz wrote:

> forget downloading the br tune, the old
> battlestar galactica one is where its at!!!!

Yay! :)


Rowe Rickenbacker

2004年12月28日 15:45:062004/12/28
Hylander wrote:

> You know, I'd often look at twiki and then check my you know
> whats and was quite surprised by the similarities...

> made him that much more adorable...;>



Catriona R

2005年1月1日 05:16:262005/1/1
On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 00:57:58 +0000, Rowe Rickenbacker
<> wrote:

>hates being asked what he wants for Christmas...
>I mean, if he *knew* what he wanted - he'd buy it!

Sounds the opposite to me - I can never really think of what I want, but
I'd far rather be given something I want than something I don't (I remember
my grandmother sending me a manicure set one year, and makeup another
time.... neither of which are things I ever used, and would never have
asked for, because they simply are not me)

And I almost always ask people what they want if I'm getting presents for
them, because I never have any ideas myself of what to get for them - I'd
rather give them something they want than something they'll have to pretend
they like because they really didn't want it at all.

Catriona (21, AS)

Rowe Rickenbacker

2005年1月1日 14:31:232005/1/1
Catriona R wrote:

> Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
>> Rowe hates being asked what he wants for Christmas...
>> I mean, if he *knew* what he wanted - he'd buy it!
> Sounds the opposite to me - I can never really think of what I want,
> but I'd far rather be given something I want than something I don't

Oh, definitely, but I never know what I want when someone asks me...
and usually, if it's within their present-buying-budget, then it
will have been within my budget already and I already have it.

> I almost always ask people what they want if I'm getting presents for
> them, because I never have any ideas myself of what to get for them

Yeah. I have a similar problem. I often walk around somewhere like
WHSmiths and find TV shows or movies I remember them liking, then
I get that for them. IE: it's easier to match up something from
a list of stuff there in front of you than to just think out of
nowhere "Hey 'so and so' would like 'such and such'" which seems
to be what all of the female members of my family can do!


Catriona R

2005年1月2日 08:18:482005/1/2
On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 19:31:23 +0000, Rowe Rickenbacker
<> wrote:

>Catriona R wrote:
>> Rowe Rickenbacker wrote:
>>> Rowe hates being asked what he wants for Christmas...
>>> I mean, if he *knew* what he wanted - he'd buy it!
>> Sounds the opposite to me - I can never really think of what I want,
>> but I'd far rather be given something I want than something I don't
>Oh, definitely, but I never know what I want when someone asks me...
>and usually, if it's within their present-buying-budget, then it
>will have been within my budget already and I already have it.

True, though for me all my money recently has gone on my computer, so I've
not really treated myself to much - I've spent more on myself since getting
the computer (despite £800 of it sitting on my credit card bill.... doh!),
but there's a load of things I've wanted for a while that I haven't had the
cash for. Though I still had trouble deciding what I wanted from Mike...
eventually went with The Sims 2 and SimCity 4 (yeah, the one that won't
install :-( ) Sims 2 seems interesting so far, though it's difficult.... I
have loads of trouble getting one character to do what I want each day
without running out of time, and I'd never manage to control any others!
Fun, though, I've created a character who seems like a bit of a geek, like
me - he hasn't got all the same interests, but I make him get most of his
social life from chatting online and sending e-mails :-D

>> I almost always ask people what they want if I'm getting presents for
>> them, because I never have any ideas myself of what to get for them
>Yeah. I have a similar problem. I often walk around somewhere like
>WHSmiths and find TV shows or movies I remember them liking, then
>I get that for them. IE: it's easier to match up something from
>a list of stuff there in front of you than to just think out of
>nowhere "Hey 'so and so' would like 'such and such'" which seems
>to be what all of the female members of my family can do!

Lol, even when I've got a load of stuff in front of me I still can't think
what anyone would like! I just don't seem to take much notice of other
people's interests unless they coincide with mine or else they talk about
them a lot...

Catriona (21, AS)

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