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help with withdrawl

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Mar 18, 2001, 11:11:04 AM3/18/01
Hello all. I posted a message about a week ago about whether I was having
withdrawal, and how I wanted to back off the oxycontin.

Well, I'm worried now. I went to my doc and his recommendation was to stop
taking the oxy completely, and start taking 'Propoxy APAP". The fact is I
still have terrible pain. If I take the oxy, the pain no longer stops me
from moving around, working, doing my exercises. If I don't take the oxy,
not only does the pain come back, but I'm incredible anxious. Breathing is
difficult. I'm achy all over, especially my stomach.
Starting the day of the doc visit, Thur, I started taking the propoxy
instead of the oxy. It helped the pain a little bit, but did actually
nothing about the horrible withdrawal feelings. I made it until Sat.
morning, then finally had just one oxy, and over course felt great for the
next 12 hours. Now it's been close to 24 hours since I took it and I'm
feeling terrible all over again. I hate being hooked on something. I feel
I asked the doc if there was just a gradual way to wean me off, but he said
to try his way first (to take the propoxy instead)

What are your suggestions all? I feel so achy and horrible right now.


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William R. Work, M.D.

Mar 18, 2001, 3:27:02 PM3/18/01
You have been switched to Darvocet...a worthless drug that is a Sched IV
medication. It is below Tylenol with codeine. If you were taking OxyContin
on a regular basis, you became dependent upon it and you will go into
withdrawals if you are not properly tapered from it. Tell your doc that you
need to be withdrawn from the OxyContin since Darvocet does NOT help with
withdrawal symptoms.

Then find a physician who can actually treat your pain.

Bill Work

This communication is intended to provide general information, and in no
way is a substitute for face-to-face medical care. No implication of a
doctor-patient relationship should be assumed by the reader.

"GothGirl" <> wrote in message


Mar 18, 2001, 3:48:42 PM3/18/01
Thanks Bill. That's how I feel too, but I wasn't sure. I'm going to call
the doc tomorrow and ask that he help wean me from the Oxy.

"William R. Work, M.D." <> wrote in message

J. Feagin

Mar 18, 2001, 9:22:23 PM3/18/01
I'm going through withdrawal from Oxy right now. This time it is with the
help of a Clonidine patch. It seems to be helping greatly! I don't know
how much of the edge of withdrawal it will take off of your dosage. You
should be on a taper schedule as well. See a different doctor if you have
to. There's no reason to suffer so much!


I feel slightly irritable, sleepy, and on edge. That's about it.

"GothGirl" <> wrote in message

Dan Clore

Mar 18, 2001, 10:56:37 PM3/18/01

See if you can get an Alpha Stim 100. This device is
approved by the FDA, and helps with both pain and drug
addiction. There's information about it at various places on
the web. I've had very good results treating my own chronic
pain with one of these.

Dan Clore

Lord Weÿrdgliffe:
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Mar 26, 2001, 9:13:01 PM3/26/01
Goth girl,
I have not been an Oxy addict, but I do use a message board a lot and
bunches of them are addicted in various stages. You might want to drop in at I can't guarentee you'll find a solution,
but you will find a lot of caring and understanding people who share your


Addiction getting the better of you or a friend?
Check out the Drug Abuse Addiction and Recovery
Web Site at
Small, but growing!!!
GothGirl wrote in message ...

Jim Winning

Apr 11, 2001, 11:17:06 PM4/11/01

Do yourself a favor and don't listen to your doctor. WEAN yourself, as you
mentioned. The best method for doing this is to take them at the intervals
at which the full dose is prescribed, but reduce the dosages gradually by
breaking the pills in half for a couple of days, then in thirds, etc.... You
will experience slight pain, but not as much as quitting cold turkey or
switching to a substitute drug prescribed by your physician. Hope I've been
of some help.

Jim Winning
Huntsville, AL.

GothGirl <> wrote in message


May 5, 2001, 1:31:24 AM5/5/01
Have you tried switching to t-4 or t-3 and cutting down?

You gotta take something if you are in massive pain. Goth Girl - the pain
isn't from the withdrawal right? You are taking the Oxy for pain?

Best of Luck.

Jim Winning <> wrote in message

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