I have a little bit of new information regarding the circumstances of Sheppard's
removal from RIT and his conduct while he was there, and about him in general.
I'll just go bullet-point.
* Ryan was removed from RIT for assaulting a young woman whom he knew. Brings
the whole "tiff with a gay guy, got roughed up by security" story into a new
light, doesn't it?
* Apparently he also stored massive archives of Adolf Hitler images on his
computer and planned to dress up as him for Halloween.
* It is also nearly impossible to communicate with him in person. Reliable
sources say that he "speaks funny" and "I can't understand him at all." Maybe
he'd fare better with German subtitles.
* Ryan also has quite a temper in real life, apparently.
* His prowess with the ladies is, shall we say, non-existent.
This comes from first-hand sources. Although I can't risk disclosing them, I
have pasted here for your amusement a copy of the transcripts. Names have been
A Girl: Ryan did hit me .. that's why he is not in college anymore..
A Girl: I reported the security on him ..
Agent Red: he hit you?
A Girl: HE is fucking NUTS !
A Girl: and INSANE
Agent Red: here he told me he kicked some homo out of his room
Agent Red: now yer saying for true fact that he HIT you?
A Girl: yeah for no reasons
A Girl: he have bad temper..
A Girl: yeah
A Girl: he pushed Kyle out of the room..
Agent Red: Kyle...
A Girl: cuz he bugs ryan alot..
Agent Red: now he's that homo fellow?
A Girl: I thought u already know ,..
Agent Red: EH
A Girl: cuz he is your friend ,.
A Girl: you guys always talked
A Girl: know what i mean
Agent Red: he said something about a run in with the security troops
Agent Red: I just know him on the internet
A Girl: yeah he did ..
A Girl: oh you never met him ?!
Agent Red: yeah
A Girl: oh god..
A Girl: he is fucking wacko when he is around me ..
A Girl: he always flirting me ..
Agent Red: does he behave erratically?
A Girl: then hit me and he is out of there..
Agent Red: like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/
A Girl: yeah
A Girl: he is autstic..
Agent Red: well he took a potshot at his daddy with a shotgun
A Girl: that's why he always on the computer all the time and ...
Agent Red: did 9 months on the inside
A Girl: that's right
Agent Red: now hang on
A Girl: yeah i heard ..
Agent Red: he's AUTISTIC as well?
A Girl: few hrs before he hit me .
A Girl: Yeah he is
Agent Red: here I thought he was just deaf
A Girl: he is deaf but don't know how to sign languages..
Agent Red: he talks, right?
A Girl: he speak funny .. I can't understand him at all..
Agent Red: you speak a bit funny, but I can understand it, due to my
superior Dr. Seuss induced reading skills....
A Girl: me ?
A Girl: ha
Agent Red: yer typing is a bit original now and then
Agent Red: sheppard's connection has gone on the fritz
Agent Red: I can't get ahold of him to rip him a new one
Agent Red: he and I are THROUGH after this
A Girl: WHy //
Agent Red: I never suspected he was nuts enough to hit a girl
A Girl: you don't have to be through with him.. ...
Agent Red: I can see using firearms in fits of rage, but hitting a girl
is crossing the line
A Girl: yeah
Agent Red: now tell me more about the nutty behaviour of sheppard
Agent Red: what other crazy stuff did he do?
A Girl: OFC he love to talk abt the nazi stuff ..
A Girl: He act like as dog to me and other friends ..
Agent Red: ??
Agent Red: explain, please
A Girl: he did tried to kissed me and all that ..
A Girl: I told him if he did that again.. I will beat his ass up..
A Girl: and he stopped..
Agent Red: hmm
A Girl: HTank god ..
Agent Red: what else?
A Girl: *thank god..
A Girl: You can talk with his roomate Rusty..
A Girl: he is online..
Agent Red: SN?
A Girl: His sn is Ryan's Roomie.
A Girl: screename
A Girl: I mean Ryan's Roomie
Agent Red: thanks
Agent Red: I'm IMing him
A Girl: welcome
Agent Red: no response yet
Agent Red: see
A Girl: don't worry .. he will be back
Agent Red: ryan used to be a big shot on this one newsgroup
Agent Red: but he started posting lots of reactionary shit once he got
out of jail
A Girl: really??
Agent Red: and he started loads of flamewars
Agent Red: now most people there hate him
A Girl: OFC .. everyone are afraid of him now..
A Girl: but they are relieved that he is gone
Agent Red: explain...
A Girl: cuz of me report the security on him ,,.
Agent Red: do people figure he is dangerous enough to cause harm?
A Girl: yeah after they found out that he almost shoot his father
A Girl: and stay in 9 month
Agent Red: yeah
A Girl: Thank God he is gone ! ..
Agent Red: thing is
A Girl: I was very relieved !!
A Girl: what?
Agent Red: was he actually physically capable?
Agent Red: of holding his own in a fight?
A Girl: physically capable..
Agent Red: like, strong
Agent Red: could he have walloped a fellow's ass?
A Girl: I pushed him away from hit me more.. I ran out of his room..
A Girl: no he is not that strong ..
Agent Red: hmm
Agent Red: figures
A Girl: he is weak..
Agent Red: how much you figure he weighs?
A Girl: he hit my neck and grabbed my neck then hit my head ..
A Girl: hi give me stratch on my neck ..
Agent Red: dammit
A Girl: yeha ..
Agent Red: listen
A Girl: but it is gone ..
Agent Red: do you have the IM SN's for others who have known ryan
during his stay at RIT?
A Girl: it happens before he pushed the homo out of his room..
Agent Red: I'd like to contact them
A Girl: you can contact his 2 roommates.. their sn is LordofDragons32
and Ryan's Roomie..
A Girl: that's all i know ..
Agent Red: what about that jewish guy, lobsterman or whatever
A Girl: I have my freind to witness the fight we had..
A Girl: no he is not ..
Agent Red: I guess sheppard was messing with him
A Girl: yeah he messed around with him for no reasons ..
A Girl: ok ..
A Girl: yeah ....
Agent Red: did you have to give written statements to the authorities?
A Girl: Yes I did ..
A Girl: my friend too ..
Agent Red: hmm
Agent Red: do you have copies? They should do nicely
A Girl: No i don't .
A Girl: I can ask for it ..
Agent Red: oh well
A Girl: I am in OHIO with my friends right now ..
A Girl: I will come back after thanksgiving..
Agent Red: what about yer friend who saw this go down? does she have
an SN as well?
A Girl: yes she have..
A Girl: her sn is Strawjbery
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: is she on?
A Girl: no she is right here with me ..
Agent Red: ok
A Girl: she is chilling with her boyfreind ..
A Girl: in other room..
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: I'll get back to you on this later
Agent Red: at which time I shall get you to give a set of answers
detailing how Ryan behaved at RIT
Agent Red: so that it will be made clear for all to see what a
frootloop he is
A Girl: OK..
A Girl: Rusty is on right now ..
Agent Red: ok'
A Girl: alrite
A Girl: so ..
A Girl: what did Rusty said ??
Agent Red: we're talking now
A Girl: ok
A Girl: Do you like nazi stuff??
A Girl: why are you so interested in that stuff??
Agent Red: I like it
A Girl: why >>
A Girl: ??
Agent Red: they were efficient
A Girl: ohh ..
Agent Red: they had a superior army
A Girl: Do you have books of them ??
Agent Red: superior tanks, planes, equipment
Agent Red: yeah
A Girl: Ryan have ton of them in his room at RIT..
Agent Red: do you remember any titles?
A Girl: world war 1 book ..
A Girl: full of book abt Adolf Hitler..
Agent Red: hmm
A Girl: and lot of pictures of him in the folders he save on the
Agent Red: goon
A Girl: goon ?
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: oh ..
A Girl: he told me he planned to wear the adolf hitler uniform on
halloween day..
A Girl: to see what the jews thinks of him..
A Girl: I am sure that jews will beat his ass up ..
Agent Red: what else?
A Girl: I am trying to remmy ..
A Girl: it was 2 weeks ago .. I completely forgot abt him ..
Agent Red: can you describe the situation that led up to him hitting
Agent Red: in detail, as best you remember?
A Girl: yeah, I never forget abt that situation..
A Girl: his roommate Jeff wants me to talk with the girl that he don't
like her in his room.. Jeff and Rusty was in the other room eating late
Agent Red: ok...
A Girl: Jillian and I went in his room .. I told Ryan to move little
bit .. cuz he block the way ... and He told me to fuck off .. I go ahead
move his chair.. he was in the rolling chair..
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: Suddenly, he jumped out of the chair and grabbed me against the
bed and started to hit and while he hit me .. stratch my neck little bit
then grab my head and hit my head.. I pushed him away .. and I told him "why
do you do that for?" JIllian was froze whole time.. she don't know what to
do.. and justt stand there.. I don't blame her .. She don't want to
involved. .
A Girl: We really wants to beat his ass up but we don't want the
situation get worse..
A Girl: and we decided to report on him to security..
Agent Red: ok
A Girl: we told Jeff and Rusty abt it ..
A Girl: they went and talk with him..
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: Ryan don't responsed back to them
Agent Red: so he just wouldn't say anything to them?
A Girl: yeah
Agent Red: hmm
A Girl: ryan don't like anyone bother him while he watching his
favorite show..
Agent Red: which is...
A Girl: I don't know what his favorite show..
A Girl: I don't give a shit abt him ..
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: were you there when secforce came to take him down?
A Girl: no ..
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: now for this interview
A Girl: securtiy told me to stay away from him for a week..
Agent Red: tell how he would flirt with you
Agent Red: and his behaviour toward you before this event
A Girl: but he withdrawal from RIT before court..
A Girl: why do you keep asking those questions?
Agent Red: I'm going to give a friend of mine this transcript and he's
going to edit out the Screen Names to protect the innocent, and this will be
shown to the vast numbers of people who don't like ryan
Agent Red: on the newsgroup
A Girl: OK ..
Agent Red: this should cook his goose
A Girl: lol
Agent Red: so you were saying he behaved like a dog towards you and
A Girl: yeah ..
Agent Red: can you explain that in more detail?
A Girl: me and other girl that's it ..
Agent Red: ok, and did he bark at you or what?
A Girl: yeah he did ..
Agent Red: hmm
A Girl: and I walked away from him ...
A Girl: and he kepts come after me ..
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: I was like AHHH! ...
A Girl: I told him , " don't touch me motherfucker!"
A Girl: I pushed him away..
A Girl: he still come after me ..
A Girl: OFC I was laughing too..
Agent Red: hmm
A Girl: he tried to kiss me on my cheeks ...
A Girl: and I slap him ..
A Girl: he thinks I was playing cuz I was laughing ..
A Girl: damn it ..
Agent Red: so he was joking, or was he serious?
A Girl: I don't know ..
Agent Red: do you think he was serious?
A Girl: he did that since college starts..
A Girl: I think he is serious..
Agent Red: ok...
Agent Red: now you said earlier that he tried to kiss you and things
like that
Agent Red: if it's not too traumatic,
A Girl: did ryan tell you abt that.??
Agent Red: can you tell us about that?
A Girl: it is not too traumatic..
A Girl: us ? who is there?
Agent Red: "us" as in general audience
A Girl: ok .
Agent Red: you'll be anonymous
A Girl: thanks
A Girl: well.. he tried to kiss me cuz of his roommates told him .. but
they don't know he will do that ..
A Girl: I was too pissed off..
A Girl: after that, they won't tell him that again..
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: but Ryan still do that.. I was like ughh..
A Girl: He does touch my legs..
A Girl: tried to hug me ..
A Girl: he hug me hard..
A Girl: I tried to pish him away..
A Girl: *oush
A Girl: *push
Agent Red: blech!
Agent Red: keep going
A Girl: yeha
A Girl: *yeah
A Girl: I told his roommate Jeff to protect me ..
A Girl: Ryan stopped ..
A Girl: Thank god..
Agent Red: yes
A Girl: but when Jeff walked away to get something..
A Girl: ryan come after me ..
Agent Red: now in your opinion, do you think ryan has ever had
experience with a girl before?
A Girl: Since I decided to not go in his room..
A Girl: NO i don't think so..
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: go on
A Girl: he is fucking insane .. all the girls won't go for him..
Agent Red: ok
Agent Red: is there anything else you want to add?
A Girl: nothing else..
Agent Red: ok
A Girl: i will try to think of something else..
Agent Red: I'm sorry for making you relive those terrible experiences,
but it's for the good of humanity
A Girl: I will tell you ..
A Girl: yeha ..
A Girl: thanks
Agent Red: ok
A Girl: what else do you want to know ??
Agent Red: just any other strange stuff he did there
Agent Red: anything worth mentioning
Agent Red: ??
A Girl: uhmm...
Agent Red: hello?
A Girl: yeah i am here..
Agent Red: any other stuff we should know about Ryan Crierie, alias
A Girl: I think i already tell you everything . .
Agent Red: ok
A Girl: I will tell you when I remmy ..
Agent Red: thank you for your help
A Girl: ur welcome
Agent Red: my friend will certainly bust his ass up good with your
testimony here
A Girl: LOL
A Girl: thanks
Agent Red: eh
A Girl: ...
Agent Red: hey
Agent Red: are you sheppard's old roommate?
Ryan's Roomie: yes i am ryans old roomate
Ryan's Roomie: why>?
Agent Red: I'd like to talk a bit with you
Agent Red: I understand that Ryan was kicked out of RIT for hitting
some girl
Ryan's Roomie: yes thats true
Agent Red: ok
Ryan's Roomie: why are u asking>?
Agent Red: I know him from the internet
Agent Red: and I talk to him alot
Ryan's Roomie: yeah i always saw u talking with him
Agent Red: I was just talking to this girl who he hit
Ryan's Roomie: ah
Agent Red: so can you describe ryan's behaviour towards others during
his stay at RIT?
Ryan's Roomie: hmm
Agent Red: I'm going to use excerpts of this to make a essay to show a
newsgroup to let them see how he is unstable and nutty
Ryan's Roomie: really?
Agent Red: yeah
Agent Red: he used to be a bigwig on this newsgroup
Agent Red: he started posting extreme right-wing, reactionary bullshit
threads to the NG
Agent Red: and ignited some bigass flamewars and shit
Ryan's Roomie: yeah he told me
Agent Red: he behaves like a lonely child
Ryan's Roomie: yeah he was lonely here
Agent Red: so tell me though
Ryan's Roomie: he was isolated here all the time
Agent Red: he was lonely...
Ryan's Roomie: well, basically ryan was an asshold
Ryan's Roomie: hole
Agent Red: how did he interact with others?
Ryan's Roomie: he never did
Ryan's Roomie: when he did
Ryan's Roomie: ,
Agent Red: hmm
Agent Red: did he ever talk about his interests, as though trying to
scare or impress people with his knowledge of NAZIS and world war 2 and
Ryan's Roomie: he ALWAYS talked about hilter even tho he knew that people hated
Agent Red: hmm
Agent Red: yes, he has expressed an unhealthy interest in Der Fuhrer
Agent Red: go on
Ryan's Roomie: of course
Ryan's Roomie: hmnm...lemme think a while
What a nutcase.
[ ky...@choam.org ] [ ICQ: 795238 ] [ AIM: Kynes23 ]
"There is something in the quality of a good translation that can never be
captured in the original."
- William Gibson
>I have a little bit of new information regarding the circumstances of Sheppard's
>removal from RIT and his conduct while he was there, and about him in general.
>I'll just go bullet-point.
And I'll reply bullet-point too.
>* Ryan was removed from RIT for assaulting a young woman whom he knew. Brings
>the whole "tiff with a gay guy, got roughed up by security" story into a new
>light, doesn't it?
Rule of thumb: Dont pull chair from under me as I am watching the series
premiere of ENTEPRISE.
>* Apparently he also stored massive archives of Adolf Hitler images on his
>computer and planned to dress up as him for Halloween.
Is it my fault the stupid bitch can't tell the diff between Hitler and a
General der Panzertruppe?
>* It is also nearly impossible to communicate with him in person. Reliable
>sources say that he "speaks funny" and "I can't understand him at all." Maybe
>he'd fare better with German subtitles.
Oh, like the sources are reliable themself. Of course to a deaf person with hearing
aids (which she is), I sound like shit. Oops. I never bothered to learn ASL.
>* Ryan also has quite a temper in real life, apparently.
Hell, my father says I have his temper.
>* His prowess with the ladies is, shall we say, non-existent.
As if we didn't know that.
>This comes from first-hand sources. Although I can't risk disclosing them, I
>have pasted here for your amusement a copy of the transcripts. Names have been
My Roomie 1: RSRIT2001
My Roomie 2: Lord of Dragon32
The bitch: xSWEETzGaLx
Congratulations Kynes, a first class piece of intel work.
Hmm...I think for shits and giggles, I'll track down your
home address and mail you a love note.
"Many German Jews and half-Jews who fought in the First World War and even in
the Second World War believed that they should honour their fatherland by serving
in the military."
--Major Robert Borchardt in 1983 to schoolchildren in Germany.
Knight's Cross Recepient in 1943......and Jew.
>sheppard, you're like bad parody
Spaceballs, anyone?
Rob "Roby" Dalton | http://daltonator.net
12.7.41...9.11.01...days which will live in infamy
Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing did
she not?
*carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
Crayz9000 - - - - - - - - mhm28x12
UT: Freak'o'Nature
(ASVS Auxiliary Archive)
(Crayz9000's Hideout)
"You can indict a ham sandwich." --Rita Cosby
>> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
>> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not our
hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who admires
their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally ill.
Jonathan Boyd
AIM:BoydClone | MSN:EmperorBoyd
There is no conflict, there is the DTGOD.
There is no copout, there is the storyline.
There is no powergaming, there is the moderator.
- Sir Nitram
The easiest way to get someone to change is to not coddle them. When
they realize that their activities are self-destructive, they'll change
themselves. Fuck this "love and support" shit, it doesn't work as well
as forcing someone to believe that they're on their own and that only
they can help themselves. Especially when they've shown unwillingness to
change. Learning things the hard way is learning things the fast way.
And in the future I'll kindly ask you to not call me a Nazi, as I'm not
the one who wanted to dress up as Hitler.
>Crayz9000 wrote:
>>> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
>>> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
>> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
>If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not our
>hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who admires
>their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally ill.
It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal judicial
system has failed to reform him and only made him more of a drain on our
society. What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually, that's pretty
much what's happened.
>> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
>> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing did
> she not?
Yeah, Ryan's different, Ryan's get problems, so let's go beat him up! Why
bother trying to help him when we can just use violence? Who cares if we say
that bullying's wrong, I mean this is different, right? He annoyed so, we
can do what we want, can't we?
> I thought you all might be interested in this.
The majority of your posts since you've returned have been devoted purely to
attacking other people. Why?
Jon, he beat up on a girl who did NOTHING to him. He has failed to be
rehabilitated by the system. Diplomacy has no effect on him, and he
obviously doesn't want to be helped. So, too bad, so sad, an asskicking
is in store. It is the ONLY way he will learn.
Because some things need to be said.
Well, to be perfectly serious about it, he needs to be committed to a mental
hospital; his problems are more than just his deafness, etc. I believe he has
genuine mental illness sufficient to warrant being committed in a mental
I'm not sure that will actually help him, mind you, though in the general
interests of being humanitarian I hope it would, but it's the place he should
be right now. (And should probably remain for a rather long time.)
>>> Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing did
>>> she not?
>> Yeah, Ryan's different, Ryan's get problems, so let's go beat him up! Why
>> bother trying to help him when we can just use violence? Who cares if we say
>> that bullying's wrong, I mean this is different, right? He annoyed so, we
>> can do what we want, can't we?
> Jon, he beat up on a girl who did NOTHING to him.
Which is something totally unjustified, if it happened. Doesn't mean we
shouldn't try and help him.
> He has failed to be rehabilitated by the system.
Or maybe the system failed him.
> Diplomacy has no effect on him,
Diplomacy? Yeah, people have given him a great chance, haven't they.
> and he obviously doesn't want to be helped.
I think he wants and needs friends.
> So, too bad, so sad, an asskicking is in store. It is the ONLY way he will
> learn.
What will he learn from that? Fear? Hatred? That violence is how problems
should be solved.?
>>> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
>> If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not our
>> hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who admires
>> their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally ill.
> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal judicial
> system has failed to reform him
And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
> and only made him more of a drain on our society.
Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
> What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and meant
it more often.
> He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually, that's
> pretty much what's happened.
That kind of attitude sickens me. Someone's causing problems? Ostracise them
from society. Someone's a drain on the system? Remove tem from it. Someone
will be born with a disability? Don't let them be born.
Already tried.
> > He has failed to be rehabilitated by the system.
> Or maybe the system failed him.
Yeah, it failed to stick him in an institution.
> > Diplomacy has no effect on him,
> Diplomacy? Yeah, people have given him a great chance, haven't they.
Y-E-S. You have no fucking idea how many chances we gave him.
> > and he obviously doesn't want to be helped.
> I think he wants and needs friends.
And he had them until he threw them away for his stupid idealistic
> > So, too bad, so sad, an asskicking is in store. It is the ONLY way he will
> > learn.
> What will he learn from that? Fear? Hatred? That violence is how problems
> should be solved.?
No, that if he doesn't straighten himself out he's gonna get a punch in
the mouth.
You are painfully naive, Boyd.
>>>> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
>>> If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not our
>>> hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who admires
>>> their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally ill.
>> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal judicial
>> system has failed to reform him
>And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
That is the purpose of the criminal justice system -- to provide negative
reinforcement of criminal acts. It's not working on Ryan, because he is a
>> and only made him more of a drain on our society.
>Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
>them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
>mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
What a strawman.
>> What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
>Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and meant
>it more often.
Except I don't mean it and neither does anyone else.
>> He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually, that's
>> pretty much what's happened.
>That kind of attitude sickens me. Someone's causing problems? Ostracise them
>from society. Someone's a drain on the system? Remove tem from it. Someone
>will be born with a disability? Don't let them be born.
It's the circle of life.
"I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me."
In jail, they run a LOT of fucking rehab
Matt Hyde
> "Jonathan Boyd" <jonath...@keble.oxford.ac.uk> wrote in message
> news:B7EE9118.1B0D2%jonath...@keble.oxford.ac.uk...
>> Crayz9000 wrote:
>>>> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of
> you
>>>> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
>>> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
> laser*
>> If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not
> our
>> hatred?
> I have first-hand experience with the mentally ill,
As have I.
> and I can tell you that
> you cannot help someone like Ryan who does not want to be helped.
He wants friends. That's a start.
> It's simply impossible. All you can do is bring them to someone who can help,
> which is the responsibility of his family (who seem to not care) or the local
> authorities (who seem to have botched it up). It is not the responsibility of
> people on the Internet to solve the personnel problems of anyone who happens
> to wander in. However, if we were to take any action to help Ryan, it should
> be to call the Maryland authorities and tell them he's ill; that's the limit
> of our power. Being nice to him WILL NOT HELP.
I disagree. It'll show him that the world isn't full of people who hate him.
And loving someone purely for the sake of loving them is surely a worthy
enough goal.
> It cannot be wiped away by people typing things to him on the computer;
Maybe not, but it can make things a bit better, or improve his life a bit.
> it will require diagnosis by a mental health professional and probably therapy
> and medication. If Ryan really wants help, that's what needs to be done; and
> he can check himself in if he wants to. Even if he doesn't have insurance the
> county will usually pick up the tab and set him up on a payment plan based on
> his income, or they might even cover it themselves. The point is, it's all in
> his hands; he can help himself with just one phonecall. If he doesn't want
> to, if he refuses help, there's no reason anyone should get out of his way,
> because all your doing is showing him that his unacceptable behavior is
> acceptable, which is the worst possible thing you can do.
Rubbish. You can be someone's friend and still tell them that you think what
they're saying is wrong. They're a bit more likely to listen to a friend
than someone who spends all day hurtling insults at them.
>>> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
>>> judicial system has failed to reform him
>> And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
> In jail, they run a LOT of fucking rehab
But how long was he in for, how long did they treat him for, how much effort
did they make, did they really care. That's what's important.
Nine months with psychological evaluation. They deemed him mentally
healthy enough to go back out.
I agree, a few years with the guy that invented new coke as a room mate
might do him him some good.
ICQ#: 39921647
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>> I thought you all might be interested in this.
>The majority of your posts since you've returned have been devoted purely to
>attacking other people. Why?
Because I'm combative. Go fuck yourself.
> > and I can tell you that
> > you cannot help someone like Ryan who does not want to be helped.
> He wants friends. That's a start.
No it's not! Dammit Jonathan, you can't put a bandage on this and make it
go away! Ryan has obvious problems with anger management and displays signs
of sociopathic behavior. He doesn't need friends now, he needs a doctor.
All a friend can do right now is get him into a hospital, which he won't do.
The real work of friends come after the therapy has started, but right now
it won't do a spot of good if he's not in therapy..
> > It's simply impossible. All you can do is bring them to someone who can
> > which is the responsibility of his family (who seem to not care) or the
> > authorities (who seem to have botched it up). It is not the
responsibility of
> > people on the Internet to solve the personnel problems of anyone who
> > to wander in. However, if we were to take any action to help Ryan, it
> > be to call the Maryland authorities and tell them he's ill; that's the
> > of our power. Being nice to him WILL NOT HELP.
> I disagree. It'll show him that the world isn't full of people who hate
> And loving someone purely for the sake of loving them is surely a worthy
> enough goal.
You're trying to treat the symptom instead of the disease. Ryan's sick, and
virtual hugs are not the answer. Therapy and possibly medication (which
Ryan refuses to take) are what he needs to deal with the problem.
> > It cannot be wiped away by people typing things to him on the computer;
> Maybe not, but it can make things a bit better, or improve his life a bit.
Or demonstrate to him that his behavior, even when wrong, is okay.
> > it will require diagnosis by a mental health professional and probably
> > and medication. If Ryan really wants help, that's what needs to be
done; and
> > he can check himself in if he wants to. Even if he doesn't have
insurance the
> > county will usually pick up the tab and set him up on a payment plan
based on
> > his income, or they might even cover it themselves. The point is, it's
all in
> > his hands; he can help himself with just one phonecall. If he doesn't
> > to, if he refuses help, there's no reason anyone should get out of his
> > because all your doing is showing him that his unacceptable behavior is
> > acceptable, which is the worst possible thing you can do.
> Rubbish. You can be someone's friend and still tell them that you think
> they're saying is wrong. They're a bit more likely to listen to a friend
> than someone who spends all day hurtling insults at them.
Jonathan, you don't know what you're talking about. It is established
treatment in many cases that you have to set strict limits with the patient,
that you need to sometimes use threats to keep them in line, that it must be
clearly demonstrated to them that their behavior, when innappropriate, will
not be tolerated. Otherwise you are feeding the psychosis, and only making
things worse. Despite how romantic it sounds, demonstrations of love is not
always the answer. Lots of times it's the love that says "If you do this
again you'll lose X" as an ultimatum. That's up to the doctor's to
He had his chance. He went downhill ever since he took a potshot at his father.
He hasn't tried to correct himself nor accept advice from others. He had friends
here until his non-stop political threads and ideals pushed them all away. He
was respected until he was released, then he was tolerated, then hated and now
If he won't listen to reason then why bother to help him?
Jon please listen. How can anyone help him if he doesn't want or care to listen?
How can you tell him that what he's doing is wrong if he shuts his ears? He had
friends here but he threw them all away.What he needs is to spend a couple of
years travelling. Going out from the busy city life and go see the world. Visit
people from all walks of life. That should change him but if not then a few
years in a mental institution would be the alternative. True, he does need help
but how good is it if he doesn't accept it?
Well, I tried to help him when he went to college based on the logic that if
he didn't get an education he'd be quite hopeless for the rest of his life, and
poor circumstance would lead him to act on many of his more distressing
I assumed that my generally more conservative politics and my historical
knowledge would allow me to have some sort of influence over him as a role
model where others had failed.
Unfourtunately, Ryan proved incapable of respecting me in the long run because
of my homosexuality. Irregardless of that, however, I suspect he was going off
the deep-end as it was.
Around the same time I gave up on him completely, he quite vouluntarily
mentioned how he'd grabbed a girl during a party and "pretended to hump her
like a dog".
That, unsurprisingly, disgusted me utterly. The fact that he was stupid enough
to brag about such an 'exploit' to a grown woman also has to make you wonder
about his basic reasoning skills.
Essentially, when I decided to give up on Ryan, after he began to insult me,
based on his comments about good old "Senator No" and that disgusting incident
with what he did with that girl, I _knew_ this was going to happen.
It was completely inevitable that he couldn't last at college, in the final
accounting. I should have realized that sooner and maybe shouldn't have
bothered to waste any time at all on him... But I suppose that if there is any
balance between good and evil to be measured in my soul that the trying will
count for something... Ah well.
I honestly don't think Ryan could succeed anywhere without mental help first.
For all that he makes a deal out of being conservative, he is honestly behaving
very violently, very primitively right now. The only question is if he can be
helped or not. Right now, I think he would have gotten kicked out of _Bob Jones
University_, to be blunt; this is more than just his politics. There's
something fundamentally _wrong_ with him at the moment.
Ah the good ole days of Kynes and Boyd wraping their arms around each others
Ah young love.
> >Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
> >so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
You're either with us or against us! [Punches Crayz]
[tromps in with a crowd of English Soccer Hooligans]
>Because I'm combative. Go fuck yourself.
I'm combative too. Go fuck Michelle.
"Many German Jews and half-Jews who fought in the First World War and even in
the Second World War believed that they should honour their fatherland by serving
in the military."
--Major Robert Borchardt in 1983 to schoolchildren in Germany.
Knight's Cross Recepient in 1943......and Jew.
>Jon, he beat up on a girl who did NOTHING to him.
Oh, and walking up to me during the Enterprise premiere
and yanking my chair from under me for no reason is okay?
>There's something fundamentally _wrong_ with him at the moment.
Oh shaddup before I make both eyes a matching pair <evil grin>
No, but your response was...and that's what were talking about!
"One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them,
One ring to bring them and in the darkness bind them"
Lord of the rings
Ryan, you need help. You really do; I'm not going to bother to pull my punches
in that regard.
But you won't get it.
As for your threat, uhm... I'm honestly more worried about receiving Anthrax
in my mail.
>>>> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
>>>> judicial system has failed to reform him
>>> And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
>> In jail, they run a LOT of fucking rehab
>But how long was he in for, how long did they treat him for, how much effort
>did they make, did they really care. That's what's important.
It's not that they didn't care. They wouldn't be doing the job if they didn't
want to be.
It's that Ryan is unwilling to receive treatment. Until that changes, we should
not positively reward his behaviour.
> As for your threat, uhm... I'm honestly more worried about receiving Anthrax
>in my mail.
And you should be. At the rate these anthrax notes are popping up, every man, woman,
and child in America will have recieved Anthrax in oh....a week.
And that wasn't a threat, It was more of a sick joke. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
::Hurls basketfull of rotten tomatoes.::
The One, The Only: Retired Red-Shirt Jimmy
Even with the national missile defense grid.
Cool can I be Darth Vader
Irrelevant. Your response was out of line.
Beyond that, if the account given was accurate, you
were asked to move, and refused.
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good
conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
James 3:13
Ryan, you really aren't very subtle, are you? And I really hope you don't
believe that.
Well, I'm just ignoring you again. Hopefully you'll get the help you need
before you're brought up on murder charges. There's not much else to be said
out of your life. Either by you'll be helped, or, like Enigma, I suspect
that'll be the long term result.
The only thing I want to know is this:
Why do you love Nazi Germany so much, when you would have been euthenised
there as a untermenschen for being born deaf?
That has to be the ultimate irony of this entire bloody thing.
*recoils from the blow*
*stomps on Strow's foot, then pulls down the Council member's hat to cover
his face and runs*
Crayz9000 - - - - - - - - mhm28x12
UT: Freak'o'Nature
(ASVS Auxiliary Archive)
(Crayz9000's Hideout)
"You can indict a ham sandwich." --Rita Cosby
>Irrelevant. Your response was out of line.
>Beyond that, if the account given was accurate, you
>were asked to move, and refused.
And why the fuck should I? It's my dorm room, not hers.
> >> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
> >> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> >
> > *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy laser*
> If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and not our
> hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who admires
> their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally ill.
Not all the mentally ill, just Ryan.
Anywho, Ryan's beyond crazy he's sociopathic. And he doesn't want help
he thinks we're the problem and he's normal. And cause of that I say
screw him, I hope he dies and soon. It's better for him it's better for
the rest of the world.
> >> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
> >> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> > Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing
> > did she not?
> Yeah, Ryan's different, Ryan's get problems, so let's go beat him up!
You forgot: Ryan shot his dad, he tried to beat up some girl, he's a
violent threat to anyone he meet. And most importantly, Ryan blames all
this incidents on the victim.
> Why bother trying to help him when we can just use violence?
Exactly, why bother trying to help someone who doesn't want help or even
recognizes that he needs help.
> Who cares if we say that bullying's wrong, I mean this is different, right?
Right again, this isn't bullying and bringing bullying up is just a red
> He annoyed so, we can do what we want, can't we?
He didn't just annoy us, he threatened to kill us. Just like he did with
his dad. Remember that? He's pointed it out as a reason to take his
threats seriously.
> > I thought you all might be interested in this.
> The majority of your posts since you've returned have been devoted purely to
> attacking other people. Why?
Cause Enterprise hasn't exactly sparked debates. Or much fan interest of
any kind.
> >>>> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
> >
> >>> If Ryan is as crazy as people say, then surely he needs our help and
not our
> >>> hatred? Makes me wonder who's really like the nazis - the person who
> >>> their efficiency, or the person who wants to get rid of the mentally
> >
> >> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
> >> system has failed to reform him
> >
> >And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
> That is the purpose of the criminal justice system -- to provide negative
> reinforcement of criminal acts. It's not working on Ryan, because he is a
> subhuman.
Okay so in other words the only reason it failed is Ryan's fault. Prove your
hypothesis. I mean that's briliant. I personally believe in techniques like
negative reinorcement but prison is hardly such a thing (not a one year
stint in the MD state pen, speaking of which I wonder if he was in Jessup,
that's right up the road from me). I would be hard pressed, and I think you
would to, do defend the merits of our criminal justice system though I doubt
there is much more that we could do unless someone is willing to allow more
of an old-school definition of "unusual" in "cruel and unusual."
> >> and only made him more of a drain on our society.
> >
> >Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
> >them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
> >mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
> What a strawman.
Hardly, you stated very bluntly he should be "cut out" like "cancer." You
are advocating his removal from the general population by forcible means,
the progression to actually removing them from this world is a very close
thing. In fact in ancient times removal from the gerneal tribe or family
would often be remarked upon as "death" even though the person lived, they
were exiles and thus dead as far as society was concerned. What I'm saying
is the forced removal of a person from society that you advocated for Ryan
is one step short of just physically killing him.
> >> What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
> >
> >Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and
> >it more often.
> Except I don't mean it and neither does anyone else.
So, then follow the old adage and "if you can't say anything nice don't say
anything at all."
> >> He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually,
> >> pretty much what's happened.
> >
> >That kind of attitude sickens me. Someone's causing problems? Ostracise
> >from society. Someone's a drain on the system? Remove tem from it.
> >will be born with a disability? Don't let them be born.
> It's the circle of life.
Its killing a person in everything but name. Do you somehow think he has
forfeited his basic human rights? Has he done something so horrible besides
expressing a horrible disgusting and socially repungent idea? Yes I know he
threatened his dad, but according to the criminal justice system you seem to
defend as a viable tool he has served the neccessary time.
Lcpl Burnett, G.R
Engineer Company A, 6th EngnrSptBN, 4th FSSG
"Everyone needs money, that's why its called MONEY."
-Danny Devito from "Heist"
> > >> Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
> > >> so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> >
> > > Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing
> > > did she not?
> >
> > Yeah, Ryan's different, Ryan's get problems, so let's go beat him up! Why
> > bother trying to help him when we can just use violence? Who cares if we
> > say that bullying's wrong, I mean this is different, right? He annoyed so,
> > we can do what we want, can't we?
> Jon, he beat up on a girl who did NOTHING to him. He has failed to be
> rehabilitated by the system. Diplomacy has no effect on him, and he
> obviously doesn't want to be helped. So, too bad, so sad, an asskicking
> is in store. It is the ONLY way he will learn.
He's going to get his ass kicked sooner of later. He better hope it's
soon so he doesn't piss off the wrong person and end up dead.
On that note I'll simply say the same thing I said to Mark/Ryan when we
talked about the death of Aaliyah. If you can take pleasure in the pain, or
death, of another human being then you don't deserve any kind of sympathy.
> >It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
> >judicial system has failed to reform him and only made him more of a drain
> > on our society. What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I
> > Wub Joo?"
> Well, to be perfectly serious about it, he needs to be committed to a mental
> hospital; his problems are more than just his deafness, etc. I believe he has
> genuine mental illness sufficient to warrant being committed in a mental
> hospital.
> I'm not sure that will actually help him, mind you, though in the general
> interests of being humanitarian I hope it would, but it's the place he should
> be right now. (And should probably remain for a rather long time.)
I agree. But I can almost guarantee that it won't work cause he
considers himself the victim and all those that try to help him as evil.
Whether it's the judge, doctors and even his own family.
> >>> Can we kick him togheter? Your mother did teach you the value of sharing
> >>> did she not?
> >> Yeah, Ryan's different, Ryan's get problems, so let's go beat him up! Why
> >> bother trying to help him when we can just use violence? Who cares if we
> >> say that bullying's wrong, I mean this is different, right? He annoyed so,
> >> we can do what we want, can't we?
> > Jon, he beat up on a girl who did NOTHING to him.
> Which is something totally unjustified, if it happened. Doesn't mean we
> shouldn't try and help him.
You act like no one has tried to help him.
> > He has failed to be rehabilitated by the system.
> Or maybe the system failed him.
He doesn't think he needs help so no system could have helped him.
> > Diplomacy has no effect on him,
> Diplomacy? Yeah, people have given him a great chance, haven't they.
YES! Look at the WHOLE FUCKING HISTORY! Early on this NG was very
supportive of him. But he kept alienating everyone with his behavior and
that's entirely his fault.
> > and he obviously doesn't want to be helped.
> I think he wants and needs friends.
Oh yeah, he's tried so hard in that area.
> > So, too bad, so sad, an asskicking is in store. It is the ONLY way he will
> > learn.
> What will he learn from that? Fear? Hatred? That violence is how problems
> should be solved.?
That if you keep acting like an ass you'll get beating so maybe changing
your behavior is the smart thing to do.
> > It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
> > judicial system has failed to reform him
> And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
A lot more of an effort than Ryan himself ever made. He was sent to a
doctor and diagnosed and treated. Ryan refused to take those treatments
and attacked the doctors in this NG.
> > and only made him more of a drain on our society.
> Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
> them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
> mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
Oh give it up. Your analogies are stretched farther than my thong
bathing suit.
(Now there's an analogy!)
> > What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
> Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and meant
> it more often.
Tried and failed. Move on the step 2.
> > He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually, that's
> > pretty much what's happened.
> That kind of attitude sickens me. Someone's causing problems? Ostracise them
> from society. Someone's a drain on the system? Remove tem from it. Someone
> will be born with a disability? Don't let them be born.
You act like at the first sign of problems this NG started throwing
> You are painfully naive, Boyd.
I think that sums it up.
Or, if we want to be generous, painfully unaware of the history of this
Just a quick couple of points.
> I have first-hand experience with the mentally ill,
Many of them on this NG. [Rim Shot!]
> All you can do is bring them to someone who can help, ... the local
> authorities (who seem to have botched it up).
Actually, they made him go to a shrink who prescribed medication that
could of helped IF he didn't refuse to take it. (Even going to far as to
get rid of the medication without the doctor's knowledge.) There's not
much else they could without sticking him in an institution. Something
they couldn't do with the family's permission.
> > you cannot help someone like Ryan who does not want to be helped.
> He wants friends. That's a start.
And he's done SOOOOooo much to try and make friends.
> > Being nice to him WILL NOT HELP.
> I disagree.
He needs to learn that he has a problem and needs to change. Negative
reinforcement is the only way to have a real hope of teaching him that.
> > If he doesn't want to, if he refuses help, there's no reason anyone should
> > get out of his way, because all your doing is showing him that his
> > unacceptable behavior is acceptable, which is the worst possible thing you
> > can do.
> Rubbish. You can be someone's friend and still tell them that you think what
> they're saying is wrong. They're a bit more likely to listen to a friend
> than someone who spends all day hurtling insults at them.
Friends, family, court appointed psychiatrist. It doesn't matter in this
case. Maybe if the situation was different?
> Just so I'm not "taking sides," love and support is often a strong part of
> the cure, but ONLY if it's part of a proper plan for therapy. Think of
> therapy as a car, and love is like the gasoline: it can get you where you
> need to go, but only if you already have something in place to get you
> there. Without it, it's just something that can add fuel to the fire.
> That's why Ryan needs to get help, because coddling him will not help solve
> the problem, only show him that his behavior, even when it's wrong, is
> acceptable.
So, if I understand you correctly you think we should run him over with
a car then burn the body beyond recognition.
> >>> It is not our job to help him, nor could we if we tried. The criminal
> >>> judicial system has failed to reform him
> >> And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
> > In jail, they run a LOT of fucking rehab
> But how long was he in for, how long did they treat him for, how much effort
> did they make, did they really care. That's what's important.
The most important question is: Does he want to change.
If the answer to that is no then nothing will get him to change.
> >> I thought you all might be interested in this.
> >
> >The majority of your posts since you've returned have been devoted purely to
> >attacking other people. Why?
> Because I'm combative. Go fuck yourself.
Then I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield. You'll recognize
the thread when you get to it.
> He had his chance but he blew it. If he doesn't get his act together and
> fast, there's a good chance he'll spend the rest of his life for murder. It's
> not farfetched as it seems. I honestly think that Ryan will eventually kill
> someone in a fit of rage or lunacy.
I think he's not charming or smart enough for that to happen. I think
he'll keep getting into 'minor' scrapes till either he's spends more
time in jail than out, OR he pissed off the wrong person(s) and they
kill him.
> > >The majority of your posts since you've returned have been devoted purely
> > >to attacking other people. Why?
> >
> > Because I'm combative. Go fuck yourself.
> Ah the good ole days of Kynes and Boyd wraping their arms around each others
> necks....
A slow song playing on the radio. Candles all around the room. A little
wine after a romantic meal. ... Sorry, I don't know where that came from
but I'm putting it right back.
> > > >Crierie: If I EVER see you, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you
> > > >so bad you won't be able to walk. Your shit remains off the archive.
> > >
> > > *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
> > > laser*
> >
> > You're either with us or against us! [Punches Crayz]
> FIGHT!!!
> [tromps in with a crowd of English Soccer Hooligans]
Oi! Your wearing a Manchester shirt? [Punches Dalton]
You're at Purdue?
Shit, dude, you and I could have met three weeks ago! I was there for a
tournament. Why didn't ya tell me sooner?
[ ky...@choam.org ] [ ICQ: 795238 ] [ AIM: Kynes23 ]
"There is something in the quality of a good translation that can never be
captured in the original."
- William Gibson
Shit, I had the TXT, file, next to the damn MS.WORKS.DOC file, slight slip
of hand, and didn't even notice, until it was too late.
>> You are painfully naive, Boyd.
>I think that sums it up.
>Or, if we want to be generous, painfully unaware of the history of this
If it weren't Boyd, I could almost forgive that. Remembering the errata of ASVS
conflicts is like remembering the winning hand at every table in Vegas. Of
course, since it is Boyd, I'll just criticize no matter what.
>Oi! Your wearing a Manchester shirt? [Punches Dalton]
Break my knees will you? [Fractures Dalton's skull with a 25 pound lead pipe]
> >> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
> >> laser*
> >
> >You're either with us or against us! [Punches Crayz]
> *recoils from the blow*
> *stomps on Strow's foot, then pulls down the Council member's hat to cover
> his face and runs*
We have hats?
>> >And what kind f an effort has it made to help him?
>> That is the purpose of the criminal justice system -- to provide negative
>> reinforcement of criminal acts. It's not working on Ryan, because he is a
>> subhuman.
>Okay so in other words the only reason it failed is Ryan's fault. Prove your
>hypothesis. I mean that's briliant. I personally believe in techniques like
>negative reinorcement but prison is hardly such a thing (not a one year
>stint in the MD state pen, speaking of which I wonder if he was in Jessup,
>that's right up the road from me). I would be hard pressed, and I think you
>would to, do defend the merits of our criminal justice system though I doubt
>there is much more that we could do unless someone is willing to allow more
>of an old-school definition of "unusual" in "cruel and unusual."
Regardless of whether the criminal justice system is or is not perfect, the
point is that he had a shot at reform. The problem was made clear to him by a
conviction in a court of law and he had time in prison to seek the help he
needed. He hasn't done that.
>> >> and only made him more of a drain on our society.
>> >
>> >Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
>> >them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
>> >mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
>> What a strawman.
>Hardly, you stated very bluntly he should be "cut out" like "cancer."
And that equates to killing unemployed and disabled people? I don't think so.
Yes, I realize that exile is serious. I'm just saying I'm not advocating the
slaughter of the homeless via some sort of space laser. I think there is a
pronounced difference between people who lost their job and people who shoot at
their fathers while beating up girls with the other hand, all while humming
"March of the Valkyries."
>> >> What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
>> >
>> >Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and
>> >it more often.
>> Except I don't mean it and neither does anyone else.
>So, then follow the old adage and "if you can't say anything nice don't say
>anything at all."
Why should I just sit silently and let Ryan's abuses go unknown by the group? I
know that this information has personally impacted a few people who have
re-evaluated their opinion of him. I think anyone who would do the stuff being
documented in this thread deserves the light of public scorn.
>> >> He should be cut out from our small society as a cancer. Actually,
>> >> pretty much what's happened.
>> >
>> >That kind of attitude sickens me. Someone's causing problems? Ostracise
>> >from society. Someone's a drain on the system? Remove tem from it.
>> >will be born with a disability? Don't let them be born.
>> It's the circle of life.
>Its killing a person in everything but name. Do you somehow think he has
>forfeited his basic human rights? Has he done something so horrible besides
>expressing a horrible disgusting and socially repungent idea? Yes I know he
>threatened his dad, but according to the criminal justice system you seem to
>defend as a viable tool he has served the neccessary time.
It's removing a troll from a USENET group. Let's not engage in reduction to
absurdity, okay? No one has a "basic human right" not to be removed for abuses
of basic decency.
> > On that note I'll simply say the same thing I said to Mark/Ryan when we
> > talked about the death of Aaliyah. If you can take pleasure in the pain,
> > or death, of another human being then you don't deserve any kind of
> > sympathy.
> Can we count the Three Stooges as an exception to this rule? Nothing puts a
> smile on my face like Moe hitting Curly with a crowbar.
I'd also put forth The Young Ones, Bottom and several other Britcoms.
> > So, if I understand you correctly you think we should run him over with
> > a car then burn the body beyond recognition.
> I would never say such a thing in front of witnesses. Please do no such
> thing.... by Thursday.
Of course I would do no such thing and I'll not do it as soon as you
don't put 10 grand in my nonexistent Swiss bank account.
> > > and only made him more of a drain on our society.
> >
> > Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
> > them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
> > mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
> Oh give it up. Your analogies are stretched farther than my thong
> bathing suit.
> (Now there's an analogy!)
Excuse me while I claw my eyes out.
> > > What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
> >
> > Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and
> > it more often.
> Tried and failed. Move on the step 2.
What's step 2?
<Grumbles>Too late. You can just rock me to sleep tonight 'cause I'm going
to nightmares for a long time.
> > > > and only made him more of a drain on our society.
> > >
> > > Just like all those unemployed and disabled people. Guess we should line
> > > them up and shoot them. We can always bill the family for the bullet. I
> > > mean, that atitude's been fairly successful in China, hasn't it?
> >
> > Oh give it up. Your analogies are stretched farther than my thong
> > bathing suit.
> >
> > (Now there's an analogy!)
> Excuse me while I claw my eyes out.
I aim to please.
> > > > What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub Joo?"
> > >
> > > Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that and
> > > meant it more often.
> >
> > Tried and failed. Move on the step 2.
> What's step 2?
Forced medication. Or making him look at me in the thong mentioned
> > > > So, if I understand you correctly you think we should run him over
> > > > with a car then burn the body beyond recognition.
> > >
> > > I would never say such a thing in front of witnesses. Please do no such
> > > thing.... by Thursday.
> >
> > Of course I would do no such thing and I'll not do it as soon as you
> > don't put 10 grand in my nonexistent Swiss bank account.
> Wait a moment, how do I know if I don't put the money in nothing will
> happen. What if I put it in there and something does happen? Look, I don't
> want to not put nothing in the non-existent account unless I don't know for
> sure that nothing is going to happen to nobody, nevermind that by not using
> the non-existent account I do not create a non-existent paper trail that
> doesn't lead back to me after nothing happens to you-don't-know-who, don't
> you see?
You missed.
> > > > > What are we supposed to do? E-mail him with subject line "I Wub
> > > >
> > > > Why not? The world would be a far better place if people did that
> > > > meant it more often.
> > >
> > > Tried and failed. Move on the step 2.
> >
> > What's step 2?
> Forced medication. Or making him look at me in the thong mentioned
> above.
Aren't their laws against the latter idea?
> C.S.Strowbridge
>> >> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
>> >> laser*
>> >
>> >You're either with us or against us! [Punches Crayz]
>> *recoils from the blow*
>> *stomps on Strow's foot, then pulls down the Council member's hat to cover
>> his face and runs*
>We have hats?
Yep. They say, "screw the electorate."
I'm going to run for a major public office one day just so I can use that
phrase :-)
> > > What's step 2?
> >
> > Forced medication. Or making him look at me in the thong mentioned
> > above.
> Aren't their laws against the latter idea?
If not there should be.
> > >We have hats?
> >
> > Yep. They say, "screw the electorate."
> I'm going to run for a major public office one day just so I can use that
> phrase :-)
I was thinking of running for a position on the council as a member of
the "Clucking Grass Mole Party."
> >> >> *carves "Crayz is Neutral" onto the side of Mt. Everest with a heavy
> >> >> laser*
> >> >
> >> >You're either with us or against us! [Punches Crayz]
> >>
> >> *recoils from the blow*
> >> *stomps on Strow's foot, then pulls down the Council member's hat to cover
> >> his face and runs*
> >
> >We have hats?
> Yep. They say, "screw the electorate."
Oh yeah, see I have that printed on a T-shirt. And several dozen
Do you think that if you run openly as a member of the Stalinist Party of ASVS
Town next time that you'll still get reelected?
After all, why bother with the electorate when you could have the Workers,
Peasants, and Intelligensia?
Sure, Boyd is a turn the other cheek sort, that's good, unless you want
everyone to be Nazi's, UVF, IRA, etc.
I have tried, talking to the man, I told him, that I was quite clearly,
pissed off at him, that beating a woman is WRONG, reguardless, of
circumstance, no he's not fully listening to me. (He deflected, and
waffeled, then I reminded him about my first stepdad.) But, as someone who
has a vile temper, and has taken means to deal with their own evil, I
admire Jon for trying to help. I don't think that I have quite that much
Colin "The Yosemite Bear" Witz