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Shore Leave Report

4 prikaza
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18. srp 2002. 20:55:4718. 07. 2002.
Sob! Judy and T'Thrill and Saavant got to see BIG stars. Did you
all not see Connor "Lovegod" Trinneer? Shore looks like Shore Leave
was a little bit outclassed.

Well, I still had a great time even though I ended up going with my
niece! Which is like going to the prom with your dad!!!!!!!!!! (Why
was she there? I totally forget; I think I wanted to bond with her,
and I guess that happened. But I had actually envisioned WIDE-
SPREAD, LARGE- SCALE slashfan bonding, and . . . she was perfectly
pleasant and so on, but you know how families are – when I'm with
her, I carry around the fifty-two years of history with her mom, who
is my sister, my only sister.)

Plus she wouldn't fly so we drove.

THURSDAY: Driving was not without interest. I tried to flagellate
myself into this whole Walt-Whitmanesque appreciation of The!Grand!
Sweep!of!America! as we flew down her interstellar interstates. But
mostly we passed a lot of billboards advertising Bembo The Clown's
Fireworks! Gas! And Food! (Probably a lot of Harsh!Clown!Porn! under
the counter at Bembo's and, you know, I think we've all been there.)

We spent the night in Salem, Virginia, a cuddly little place outside
of Roanoke. Thanks to a girls' softball fest, we got the Last Room
in Salem.

The Last Room in Salem.

I told my niece that was pretty Stephen-King-y and she agreed. (The
Last Room in Salem: great "Twilight Zone" name. You know, starring
Dick York! Herschel Bernardi! Zina Bethune!) We also went to the
Last Pizza Hut in Salem and got some pizza; my niece has this Kate
Winslet thing going on, and the Pizza Hut Boy fell totally in love
with her. Please come back, he pled, as he gave her his love in the
only available currency he had: about five pounds of crushed red
pepper packets.


FRIDAY: Hooked up with gracious roomie K1of7 and we all went to the
K/S Press party on Friday night. Met the incredibly beautiful
Hafital! Met the incredibly beautiful Kaki and got to revisit Liz,
Islahope, Animasola, T'Anneli! The K/S Press people did their
play "Cinderspock." It's all about Spock's huge cock, and, if you
are in the mood, it's incredibly liberating (I remember feeling that
way the first time I saw it), but it's like the Eleusinian mysteries;
I mean you have to go through this whole song and dance as an
initiate in the Eleusinian mysteries and, at the end, the secret of
life is revealed and it turns out to be one big huge man-thing! Is
that cool! Well, only if you don't have to mediate the experience
for YOUR NIECE!!! Knowing what was coming, I hustled my niece out of
there and we went next door with K1of7 to watch a big-screen airing
of the ENT ep of "Breaking the Ice." K1of7 incredibly amusing during
the screening. When the "poop question" scene came on, she kept
pointing out how Archer always looked at Trip (who blushingly ducked
his head) when the discussions turned to dating.

Plus there was a great button-clad gal behind us who kept cheering
wildly at the Malcolm moments (the snowman! the shaking in the
shuttlepod!), and we loved her too.

When the ep was over, we returned to find "Cinderspock" not only
still going on, but reaching its apogee of outspokenness. <woeisme>
I'm sure my sister will never speak to me again.

At some point, I ruthlessly abandoned the niece to visit with
Hafital, Killa, et al. and watch vids in their room. Everyone there
was bright as new pennies, but, let me tell you, Killa has a killa

SATURDAY. Went to panels, but the panels that weren't slash- related
were teeming with the Nattering Nabobs of Nerd Narcissism (I include
myself here). I idly made plans to go the Sears store just down the
street and buy a navy jumpsuit and a hot glue gun and make myself a
smart ENT outfit. (Sears does too sell them! Just go to Sears'
website! I've seen them there! Mechanics, as well as ENT
obsessives, wear them!)

Since I want to break into the zine world in the WORST!!!! way, I
also hung around in my anti-enticing way at the K/S Press table.
There was going to be a K/S panel that evening, so, using all the
negative charisma I could summon, I asked the K/S Press people if
maybe we could talk about really important things THIS TIME. (I am
so horrible!) I wouldn't have done that, but I'm just the worst at
small talk. <pausepause> "Have you made any funeral arrangements
yet?" <sighheartrendingly> "Hey, the judge made my sentences
concurrent, instead of consecutive! Isn't that the funniest!"

Actually, because of my habitual Malcolm-Reed-like-solipsism, I had
to have tee martoonis before I could face the six o'clock K/S
panel. The scary-John-Malkovich-like bartender kept looking at me,
and so I imagined him saying to himself, "Who IS that interestingly
frowsy middle-aged woman throwing back the gin?" Alas, nothing came
of our brief fling.

The K/S panel started with the announcement that Sunbeam wanted us to
get serious. However, Cruel!Dom!Sunbeam! who demanded that we talk
seriously had been replaced by Sly!Drunk!Sub!Sunbeam! who just wanted
to have fun. But the panel didn't know it!!! and I was too ginned up
to clarify things. So everybody was smart but me! I was
particularly taken with Killa's remarks.

Hey, the Malcolm-fan from Friday night was at this panel and she
turned out to be the wonderful MJ! We'd already chatted on
ArchersEnterprise, so that was doubly nifty. We (in my opinion)
pledged eternal fealty, and, since she's WAY prolific, I'm going to
lure her over to ASCEM.

Saturday night was the coolest; I shook my niece like a bad habit and
went back to the Enchanted Suite with Islahope, Animasola,and
T'Anneli where we watched vids along with TWO eps of the "Wild Wild
West." (Too funny: "look! Artie and Jim's asses are touching!") It
was the Platonic Ideal of a Slumber Party.

(Do you what I learned about myself? I learned that the only thing
I do really well is watch television! How tragic is that!)

The rest of Saturday night is a moral kaleidoscope of watching
Imperial Storm Troopers do the macarena, dancing with Islahope and
T'Anelli, discussing the incredible freight of the world's burdens
with fellow Libra Animasola, and drinking, drinking, drinking.

SUNDAY:. I awakened deaf and in my underwear, so there you go: I
must have had fun Saturday night. There was a slashfic online
panel, but it was on SUNDAY MORNING so nothing got settled. Then I
hung around with Khaki and Katbear, and, after that, my niece and I
went to see some stars.

There was a lot of inchoate fan rivalry for seats, so we went to the
ball room and sat there for four hours. No break. Eventually
speculated about lunch and decided to cull the weakest from the herd
of "Buffy" fans in front of us and devour them.

Finally, the only real ST star came on. Let's give it up for Nana
Visitor! Who was ladylike and lovely except for an obvious loathing
of her second husband and the weird pronunciation of her otherwise
cunning name. (Actually, I always thought Kira was *mean* and was
very surprised that Nana Visitor was clearly NOT mean. Nana Visitor
was a VERY impressive woman, although one gets the sense she's moved
on from DS9.)

Then she left, and "Spike" from "Buffy" came on. As Bertie Wooster
so tellingly puts it, "different if you knew the chap." But he was
handsome and seemed kind, and, if you like that kind of thing, that
will be the kind of thing you like.

Drove "home."

<moreteenyvoicecrap> My biggest disappointment was. . . I thought
these things always had slash readings, so I lugged this notebook
around the whole time. Ready to Read!

Hope all this has a chance to happen again; I felt we were all just
getting started! And I know I want to see all of the above and MORE
again! Soon!

luv ya,

ASCEM messages are copied to a mailing list. Most recent messages
can be found at


18. srp 2002. 22:55:0418. 07. 2002.

----- Original Message -----
From: "bigmisssunbeam49" <>

*snip of bunch of good stuff to be responded to later.*

<moreteenyvoicecrap> My biggest disappointment was. . . I thought
these things always had slash readings, so I lugged this notebook
around the whole time. Ready to Read!

*We usually do. At least we have all but one of my years at Shore Leave.
Just no one organized a TSU or other reading party. Next year we must.
KatBear had a story with her, I had parts of several.

*It would have been such fun to hear you read, too.

Hope all this has a chance to happen again; I felt we were all just
getting started! And I know I want to see all of the above and MORE
again! Soon!

*It always goes by too fast. I barely got to talk to half the people I saw,
so I wanted another week. or two. or

*I had a great time. need to do my own con report.


Stephen Ratliff

18. srp 2002. 22:55:0318. 07. 2002.

Sunbeam ... as a resident of Roanoke County (the county that surrounds
Salem and Roanoke City) I feel I must apologize for the lack of hotel rooms
due to the girl's softball fest. Somehow all the sports fans in Southwest
Virginia have managed to get in positions of power in that city. If it's
not girl's softball, it's football, baseball, soccer, or
basketball. Should you ever need to stop in the Salem/Roanoke area again,
the better hotels are on the south side of Roanoke City (in the County),
and they're almost never overbooked by sports fanatics.

As for the Pizza Hut, I'm sorry for it's current state of repair. Better
establishments can be found further down Main Street, across from the Salem
Library. As for the Pizza Hut Boy ... I think I know of him. My
sympathies to your niece.

hoping for time off at the right time to go to a convention, and a good
Quidditch Match

19. srp 2002. 16:55:0619. 07. 2002.
"bigmisssunbeam49" wrote in message news:

> FRIDAY: Hooked up with gracious roomie K1of7 and we all went to the
> K/S Press party on Friday night.

There was a K/S Press party Friday night? All I could find was a
couple of people selling their used zines! The high point of my night
was watching Luna-C before racing back to the light rail station in
the hopes of catching the midnight train back to DC (which I missed).

How did you find out about this? I feel lost.

> Met the incredibly beautiful
> Hafital! Met the incredibly beautiful Kaki and got to revisit Liz,
> Islahope, Animasola, T'Anneli!

Aw, man . . . I kept asking people if they knew anyone from ASCEM and
nobody knew what I was talking about.

Really wish I could have gone Sat, but I had a prior engagement.

> Since I want to break into the zine world in the WORST!!!! way, I
> also hung around in my anti-enticing way at the K/S Press table.

Oh, they have a table . . . dammit, why did I have to get there right
when the dealer's room closed!! Grr!! It shouldn't take 4 hours to
travel from northern virginia to northern balto, even on public

> The K/S panel started with the announcement that Sunbeam wanted us to
> get serious. However, Cruel!Dom!Sunbeam! who demanded that we talk
> seriously had been replaced by Sly!Drunk!Sub!Sunbeam! who just wanted
> to have fun. But the panel didn't know it!!! and I was too ginned up
> to clarify things. So everybody was smart but me! I was
> particularly taken with Killa's remarks.

Sigh . . . maybe next year.

> (Do you what I learned about myself? I learned that the only thing
> I do really well is watch television! How tragic is that!)

We all have our place in the great wheel of life. ;-)

Oh well, Otakon is next week and nobody will miss me as movie-version
UTENA!! The kitty-girls will be eating out of my hand! Tadaima!!

-haipeesha ^_^


19. srp 2002. 16:55:1419. 07. 2002.
Thanks for the Shore Leave report, Beamie; it's been my life-long
ambition to get to this con. But, what with living on this
side of the Atlantic and the yearly debate of utility bills v
transAtlantic airline costs... I guess it's gonna have to wait...

Anyway, thanks for giving me a flavour of it.



22. srp 2002. 08:55:0922. 07. 2002.
--- In ASCEML@y..., "bigmisssunbeam49" <bigmisssunbeam49@y...> wrote:

> Well, I still had a great time even though I ended up going with my
> niece! Which is like going to the prom with your dad!!!!!!!!!!


> When the ep was over, we returned to find "Cinderspock" not only
> still going on, but reaching its apogee of outspokenness. <woeisme>
> I'm sure my sister will never speak to me again.

I can certainly relate! A few years ago, Judy's and my 20-something daughters accompanied us to Shore Leave.
Now, certainly, our daughters were better prepared for it than your niece, having grown up around the K/S fans,
writers and publishers that we are, their whole lives. But, when they actually got inside the K/S party in full
swing and saw all the nude erotic art on the walls, the K/S cake with huge phalluses as decoration, and listened to
some of the conversations, they were boggled, to say the least. The telling comment came after a few moments of
absorbing it all, when one of them leaned over to the other and whispered, "Can you believe our *MOTHERS* do

> Since I want to break into the zine world in the WORST!!!! way

Sunbeam, the BEST way to do that is to submit your fiction to zines currently accepting submissions! If you need
contact info for any of them, please let me know. I'm sure you'd be warmly welcomed by the editors as well as the
readers. I'd love to publish some of your fiction in my zine, Amazing Grace, when I'm ready to gear up for another

Peace in IDIC,


23. srp 2002. 10:55:0123. 07. 2002.

I loved reading your Shore Leave Report. Yes, Minneapolis may have had
bigger stars, but we sure didn't have some of the experiences you did! Not
one morning did I get to wake up deaf and in my underwear! Sob!

I just had to laugh when reading about the last room in Salem, and the
Stephen King-y feel of that!

Sounds like a real experience going with your niece. Although you may not
think you bonded, I'll bet it's an experience that she will never forget.

Thanks for a wonderfully different view of Shore Leave. Sure makes me want
to attend someday!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


23. srp 2002. 12:55:0823. 07. 2002.
Great con report, Sunbeam. As a person who has spent a lot of time
in Salem and Roanoke, VA, I quite enjoyed that part of the tale,
too. There's a nice coffee shop (Mill Mountain) and a fun restaurant
(Macado's) in Salem, so if you ever manage to snag a room there
again, stop in.

I'm thinking of attending the Voyager con in Cleveland that Kate
Mulgrew is hosting as a political benefit for her husband, who is
running for Ohio governor. The whole VOY cast will be there, minus
(I think) the very annoying Jennifer Lien, who irritated the hell out
of me at the "Women of Voyager" con last year. Anyway, I think you
ought to come; you're obviously great fun to be around. (And it's
only $150! A bargain! [well, unless you count hotel, travel, food,
and the $300 you'd have to shell out to go to the cocktail-party-with-
the-stars, the $300 for the dessert-party-hosted-by-Robert-Picardo,
the $150 for the brunch-hosted-by-Robbie-McNeil, and the $200 for the
dinner-with-Kate-and-Tim-"Mr. Mulgrew"-Hagan. But hey, it's for a
good cause, right? I mean, Tim needs a lot of bumper stickers and
radio ads and things.])

website: Kelly's Janeway Fiction


23. srp 2002. 20:55:0123. 07. 2002.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [ASCEML] Shore Leave Report

> Thanks for a wonderfully different view of Shore Leave. Sure makes me
> to attend someday!
> T'Thrill

You must. It's so much fun


Miss Sunbeam

24. srp 2002. 22:55:0124. 07. 2002.

--- rather_be_reading

<> wrote:
> Great con report, Sunbeam. As a person who has
> spent a lot of time
> in Salem and Roanoke, VA, I quite enjoyed that
> part of the tale,
> too. There's a nice coffee shop (Mill
> Mountain) and a fun restaurant
> (Macado's) in Salem, so if you ever manage to
> snag a room there
> again, stop in.

Actually, we stayed in Salem on the way back from
ShoreLeave (by now regarding it as a good luck
city) (it is so cute cuddled in the Blue Ridge
Mountains as it is! But I liked all of VA).

> Anyway, I think you
> ought to come;

I'm terrified of Cleveland! The first Mr.
Sunbeam lives there! How do we know he's not
nursing some Edgar-Allan-Poe-like obsession with
me! We don't know that! Plus, the divorce was
distinctly odd (how odd? well, I never saw a
lawyer; is that weird? Anyhow, I'm always afraid
that if I cross the Cuyahoga County line, I'll
find myself married to him again.)

you're obviously great fun to be
> around.

chacun a son gout. But I try!

(And it's
> only $150! A bargain! [well, unless you count
> hotel, travel, food,
> and the $300 you'd have to shell out to go to
> the cocktail-party-with-
> the-stars, the $300 for the
> dessert-party-hosted-by-Robert-Picardo,
> the $150 for the
> brunch-hosted-by-Robbie-McNeil, and the $200
> for the
> dinner-with-Kate-and-Tim-"Mr. Mulgrew"-Hagan.

The Picafdo party is the one I'd spend money on.

Thanks for posting and thanks for the invite;
I'll look through the penny jar!
luv ya,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Miss Sunbeam

24. srp 2002. 22:55:0324. 07. 2002.

--- wrote:
> Sunbeam,
> I loved reading your Shore Leave Report. Yes,
> Minneapolis may have had
> bigger stars, but we sure didn't have some of
> the experiences you did! Not
> one morning did I get to wake up deaf and in my
> underwear! Sob!

A transcendant experience for all concerned!
Just ask K1of7!

> Thanks for a wonderfully different view of
> Shore Leave. Sure makes me want
> to attend someday!
> T'Thrill

well, let's speak frankly - now that we only have

seventeen years left, let's make the most of

We should all make a big pledge to get together
before 2/1/17 - I know I totally loved the two
cons I have gone to!
thanks for posting,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

Miss Sunbeam

24. srp 2002. 22:55:0524. 07. 2002.

--- scaragleph <> wrote:
> Thanks for the Shore Leave report, Beamie; it's
> been my life-long
> ambition to get to this con. But, what with
> living on this
> side of the Atlantic and the yearly debate of
> utility bills v
> transAtlantic airline costs... I guess it's
> gonna have to wait...
> Anyway, thanks for giving me a flavour of it.
> Cheers
> :o)
> Orlando

Orlando baby! Long time no hearoovius! Not
since the Golden O's, I bet! Well, ShoreLeave
was pretty fab - I just <squinteyescrossfingers>
wish ALL of us could get together and raise hell.
How fab is that!
Good to hear from you!
Whatcha writing?
luv ya,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?

Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Miss Sunbeam

25. srp 2002. 00:55:0225. 07. 2002.

--- Kaki <> wrote:
> <moreteenyvoicecrap> My biggest disappointment
> was. . . I thought
> these things always had slash readings, so I
> lugged this notebook
> around the whole time. Ready to Read!
> *We usually do. At least we have all but one
> of my years at Shore Leave.
> Just no one organized a TSU or other reading
> party. Next year we must.
> KatBear had a story with her, I had parts of
> several.

well, ratsooooovius! We should have commandeered
that room we were in on Sunday morning, me, you,
KatBear and just started reading!

*It would have been such fun to hear you read,
> too.

I particularly enjoy doing McCoy and Trip Tucker

> Hope all this has a chance to happen again; I
> felt we were all just
> getting started! And I know I want to see all
> of the above and MORE
> again! Soon!

right on, sister!
luv ya,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Miss Sunbeam

25. srp 2002. 00:55:0125. 07. 2002.

> There was a K/S Press party Friday night? All I
> could find was a
> couple of people selling their used zines! The
> high point of my night
> was watching Luna-C before racing back to the
> light rail station in
> the hopes of catching the midnight train back
> to DC (which I missed).
> How did you find out about this? I feel lost.

printed schedule! I am so devastated; it would
have been so fabulous to have you thre!!!!

> > Met the incredibly beautiful
> > Hafital! Met the incredibly beautiful Kaki
> and got to revisit Liz,
> > Islahope, Animasola, T'Anneli!
> Aw, man . . . I kept asking people if they knew
> anyone from ASCEM and
> nobody knew what I was talking about.

<throwsselfonfloorinmisery> and we were all right
there all along. And they had brownie and
watermelon and it was all so cool!

> Oh well, Otakon is next week and nobody will
> miss me as movie-version
> UTENA!! The kitty-girls will be eating out of
> my hand! Tadaima!!
> -haipeesha ^_^

The famous neice of mine is into Sailor Moon f/f
slash, damn, we are all just all of us star
It's like a Midsummer's Night Dream!
luv ya,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Miss Sunbeam

25. srp 2002. 00:55:0325. 07. 2002.

--- Stephen Ratliff

But we stopped there again (having decided Salem
was Our Kind of Town!) on Sunday night - hotel
rooms galore! And fabulously cheap cigarettes at
the local 7-11. I don't smoke, but I do like

Should you ever need to stop in
> the Salem/Roanoke area again,
> the better hotels are on the south side of
> Roanoke City (in the County),
> and they're almost never overbooked by sports
> fanatics.

We're were such morons we didn't want to roam too
far from the interstate.

> As for the Pizza Hut, I'm sorry for it's
> current state of repair. Better
> establishments can be found further down Main
> Street, across from the Salem
> Library. As for the Pizza Hut Boy ... I think
> I know of him. My
> sympathies to your niece.

He had purple hair, so that was a plus, but, as
they say, she's gotta man.

> Stephen
> hoping for time off at the right time to go to
> a convention, and a good
> Quidditch Match

spoken like a true son of the Old Dominion -
after Alabama's vast flatness, I thought VA was
incredibly dramatically beautiful. Eastern
time's a little weird, though.
luv ya,

Check out my TNG episode guide at
(that's right, the tireless K.Ghia has put them at the end of the beautiful *Promised Land* page she created)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Stephen Ratliff

25. srp 2002. 00:55:0325. 07. 2002.

Sunday is usually fine ... finding anything Thursday
though Saturday ... take two more exits (to I-581) and
stay near the airport.

>Should you ever need to stop in
> > the Salem/Roanoke area again,
> > the better hotels are on the south side of
> > Roanoke City (in the County),
> > and they're almost never overbooked by sports
> > fanatics.
>We're were such morons we didn't want to roam too
>far from the interstate.

In a decade or so, I-73 will go though here, and that
section won't be far from it.

> > As for the Pizza Hut, I'm sorry for it's
> > current state of repair. Better
> > establishments can be found further down Main
> > Street, across from the Salem
> > Library. As for the Pizza Hut Boy ... I think
> > I know of him. My
> > sympathies to your niece.
>He had purple hair, so that was a plus, but, as
>they say, she's gotta man.

Purple hair? Okay, that's him. Trust me, be glad
your niece is entertained elsewhere.

> > Stephen
> > hoping for time off at the right time to go to
> > a convention, and a good
> > Quidditch Match
>spoken like a true son of the Old Dominion -

Why thank you.

>after Alabama's vast flatness, I thought VA was
>incredibly dramatically beautiful.

The Blue Ridge Mountains do make for nice postcards,
and the view from the Parkway is quite beautiful,
even when overlooking Roanoke.

>time's a little weird, though.

It keeps the sun above at noon.

whose check of the team calender and the con list
resulted in no cons this year. He hates being last
on seniority.

25. srp 2002. 20:56:0225. 07. 2002.
Miss Sunbeam wrote in message news:

> printed schedule! I am so devastated; it would
> have been so fabulous to have you there!!!!

I must be a fucking moron: I SWEAR I didn't see it on there. All I saw
was a K/S panel on Sat. that I couldn't attend.

> The famous niece of mine is into Sailor Moon f/f

> slash, damn, we are all just all of us star
> crossed!

Wow! I've cosplayed as Sailor Uranus and Haruka Tenou, the butch half
of the Uranus/Neptune pair. Star crossed indeed! Well, better luck
next time I all I can hope for.


athena_sappho at yahoo


27. srp 2002. 08:55:0127. 07. 2002.
Miss Sunbeam wrote:
> Orlando baby! Long time no hearoovius! Not
> since the Golden O's, I bet! Well, ShoreLeave
> was pretty fab - I just <squinteyescrossfingers>
> wish ALL of us could get together and raise hell.

How cool would that be? <g>

> How fab is that!

The absolute fabest!

> Good to hear from you!
> Whatcha writing?

Naff all. :o( I think my muse is
dead. From time to time I have
glimpses of hot scenarios with
questionable ethics and dubious motivations
(y'know, Riker the way I like him), but
none of it ever seems to pan out.

Oh! Woe is me! LOL!

Take care.


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