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OT: sort of... Pats-Ravens

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Oct 13, 2010, 4:22:14 PM10/13/10
Why are the Pats 2.5 favs over the Ravens ???


Oct 13, 2010, 4:31:27 PM10/13/10
On 10/13/2010 4:22 PM, Michael wrote:
> Why are the Pats 2.5 favs over the Ravens ???

I think that'll change. Get your bets in now.


Oct 13, 2010, 4:36:04 PM10/13/10

i dont watch all their games... what do you know about tate ???
possible he's going to be anything like he was projected to be prior
to his sr year injury ??? he was top rated wr. i have seen the
special teams highlights, but have not observed pass routs. what do
you think ???


Oct 13, 2010, 4:51:09 PM10/13/10

Haven't been to any games this year, so it's hard to judge route
running, etc. I think his production, or lack thereof, is a bit
troubling. Brady just doesn't throw in his direction very much, and I
don't think they've been sending him on many deep patterns. Maybe that
changes with Moss gone. Hard to tell.

I think they're going to continue to move more towards 2 TE sets, with
Branch and Welker the primary receivers and Tate and Edelman being used
more in the shotgun. They'll try to reestablish the running game (my
prediction: unsuccessfully) and throw more balls to the tight ends.

Anyway, Ravens will beat them by two scores. But what do I know? I
said the Dolphins would win last Monday. :)


Oct 13, 2010, 4:58:03 PM10/13/10

makes sense... i was just having another one of my "ideas"... that
they knew somthing about tate... like he was coiled up and ready to


Oct 13, 2010, 5:17:13 PM10/13/10

Yeah, I considered that too. Or the guy they drafted in the 3rd this
year, Taylor Price.

I'm thinking the Branch trade might have been in the works, and they
were willing to go in that direction instead. Branch should start, but
holy downgrade!

Glenn Greenstein

Oct 13, 2010, 5:22:51 PM10/13/10
On Oct 13, 4:22 pm, Michael <> wrote:
> Why are the Pats 2.5 favs over the Ravens ???

Becuase all the Pat fans are still betting on them and the Balt. fans
don't care to bet?


Oct 13, 2010, 6:11:35 PM10/13/10

the ravens are beatable


Oct 13, 2010, 9:59:16 PM10/13/10
"Michael" <> wrote in message

the ravens are beatable

...not by the Jets ; p

ahem... 4 - 1, the Ravens were beaten. Not one team in the league remains
unbeaten Mike so maybe that particular terminology should be shelved for the
remainder of this season.


Oct 13, 2010, 10:02:30 PM10/13/10
On Oct 13, 9:59 pm, " `·.¸¸.·´¯\)®RåvÑsfån®\(¯`·.¸¸.·´"
<> wrote:
> "Michael" <> wrote in message
>       `·.¸¸.·´¯)®åvÑsfån®(¯`·.¸¸.·´

the patriots can beat them. i'm betting they will too. better ???

Glenn Greenstein

Oct 14, 2010, 9:59:21 AM10/14/10
> the patriots can beat them.  i'm betting they will too. better ???- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Then take the points.
Mike, I have posted this before. The betting line has nothing to do
with the game and everything to do with the betting public. It is a
tool to get even money on each team. It isn't even the same at each
book. If the Sands has more money on the Pats, the Ravens may be a 3
point fav, but if the Hilton has more mone on the Ravens, the Pats
will give 2 points there.


Oct 14, 2010, 1:52:32 PM10/14/10
> will give 2 points there.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

glenn... i know what the betting line is... you are off the mark if
you think that the betting public is deaf, dumb & blind... the vegas
lines are never far off from being the best game result predictions
available. if you never saw a game in your life, you could use the
vegas lines to pick winners all the time. the lines are not unrelated
to the games.

why are the steelers 13.5 favs over the browns ??? because the line is
unrelated to the game ???

Message has been deleted


Oct 14, 2010, 10:44:37 PM10/14/10
In article <>
Michael <> wrote:

> On Oct 13, 4:31=A0pm, MZ <m...@nospam.void> wrote:
> > On 10/13/2010 4:22 PM, Michael wrote:
> >
> > > Why are the Pats 2.5 favs over the Ravens ???
> >
> > I think that'll change. =A0Get your bets in now.

> i dont watch all their games... what do you know about tate ???
> possible he's going to be anything like he was projected to be prior
> to his sr year injury ??? he was top rated wr. i have seen the
> special teams highlights, but have not observed pass routs. what do
> you think ???

He's valuable on special teams, and you can't use his legs up with
too many offensive plays, but I would say if he were a great route
runner he'd be catching more passes, since he's not, the coaching
staff must not think he is ready. BB doesn't put people out there
who can't do the job unless he has to.

What you are going to see, I think, is a new, improved dink-n-dunk
offense. That offense can be pretty exciting (watched a tape
last night of the playoff game against Indy in the 2003-4 season),
but Branch/Welker/Gonzalez and help from Gronkowski and Edelman
should be better than Brown/Branch/Givens and help from Graham and
Fauria. That team had no field stretcher at all for most of the season
because Patten only played 6 games. It is yet to be proven whether
or not Woodhead will be as reliable as Faulk.

Harlan Lachman

Oct 15, 2010, 10:22:20 AM10/15/10
In article
Copp <> wrote:

The Pats season will either prove or put to rest the axiom that a
stretch the field receiver is required to open up short passes.

I agree that the Pats receiving core is among the best at short passes
(Edeleman, Welker, the TE --although Hernandez can stretch the field a
bit -- and Faulk). But their running game does not scare anyone and
their deep game should not unless lil Bill has a secret weapon.

As a Jets fan who wants an AFCE championship, I hope the axiom is proved
correct. As someone who has watched a lot of games, I am not sure most
teams have the quality DBs capable of stopping a short passing attack
manned by the accurate Tom Brady.


PS. I know Faulk is out and Woodhead is no faulk in spite of his
receiving skills.

Glenn Greenstein

Oct 15, 2010, 12:49:19 PM10/15/10
> unrelated to the game ???- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I play in a suicide pool where you don't use points, you just have to
pick the winner of one gameeach week. Every year (Including this one)
70% of the 50 players are eliminated by week 4.
Seems like you are giving the betting public a bit too much credit.


Oct 15, 2010, 2:00:48 PM10/15/10
On Oct 14, 10:44 pm, Copp <> wrote:
> In article <>

> Michael <> wrote:
> > On Oct 13, 4:31=A0pm, MZ <m...@nospam.void> wrote:
> > > On 10/13/2010 4:22 PM, Michael wrote:
> > > > Why are the Pats 2.5 favs over the Ravens ???
> > > I think that'll change. =A0Get your bets in now.
> > i dont watch all their games...  what do you know about tate ???
> > possible he's going to be anything like he was projected to be prior
> > to his sr year injury ??? he was top rated wr.  i have seen the
> > special teams highlights, but have not observed pass routs.  what do
> > you think ???
> He's valuable on special teams, and you can't use his legs up with
> too many offensive plays, but I would say if he were a great route
> runner he'd be catching more passes, since he's not, the coaching
> staff must not think he is ready. BB doesn't put people out there
> who can't do the job unless he has to.
> What you are going to see, I think, is a new, improved dink-n-dunk
> offense. That offense can be pretty exciting (watched a tape
> last night of the playoff game against Indy in the 2003-4 season),
> but Branch/Welker/Gonzalez and help from Gronkowski and Edelman
> should be better than Brown/Branch/Givens and help from Graham and
> Fauria. That team had no field stretcher at all for most of the season
> because Patten only played 6 games. It is yet to be proven whether
> or not Woodhead will be as reliable as Faulk.

i'd love to see woodhead do well...


Oct 15, 2010, 2:03:51 PM10/15/10
> Seems like you are giving the betting public a bit too much credit.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

glenn... lets take the current spreads this week. wanna bet that 70 %
or more of the favs win ??? i'm gonna make a new thread so we can
follow it...


Oct 15, 2010, 4:05:57 PM10/15/10
"Harlan Lachman" <> wrote in message

The Ravens are a "bend don't break" D, whatever transpires between the 20's
matters little if the TD's are rare or nonexistent. If the Ravens concede
the Patriots short game they will certainly beat up those receivers opening
up the prospects for late game turnovers. Regardless of what Brady does on
offense, he doesn't play defense.

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