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An object of ridicule and neglect

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não lida,
9 de set. de 2001, 05:40:4909/09/2001
or......"Fear not my lady, a Loophole never deserts a sinking ship....even if
it is a train! The legal eagle is on his trail and if he's guilty, HE'LL have
to prove it!"

J. Cheever Loophole


não lida,
9 de set. de 2001, 09:03:2409/09/2001
>"Fear not my lady, a Loophole never deserts a sinking ship....even if
>it is a train!

And a dipstick is still a dipstick.

And just to save any do-gooders from saying anything to me, when I use the word
'dipstick' I am being kind!

Janet Reno
Maggie Fulbright
Judge Judy
Dr. Laura
Deborah Norville

Rose Blush

não lida,
9 de set. de 2001, 12:22:2609/09/2001
>>"Fear not my lady, a Loophole never deserts a sinking ship....even
>>it is a train!

>And a dipstick is still a dipstick.

>And just to save any do-gooders from saying anything to me, when I
use the word
'dipstick' I am being kind!

>Janet Reno
>Maggie Fulbright
>Judge Judy
>Dr. Laura
>Deborah Norville

None of the hard-driving, straight-talking females you list above
would ever advise someone to kill himself.

So I'm a "do-gooder". Sorry, but I just don't think that's cool at


não lida,
9 de set. de 2001, 15:45:0009/09/2001

Rose rants:

>None of the hard-driving, straight-talking females you list above
>would ever advise someone to kill himself.

Janet Reno--death penalty advocate
Dr Laura--death penalty advocate

And I wasn't advising--I was merely hoping.
...We've been down this road before, Rose. It's the ATTENTION that is being
sought here. By rufe. Or anyone else that posts. Including myself.

This is sex for rufe. He's probably in pig heaven that he's the subject of so
many posts!Whyd do I give in to his deperate need?
Sometimes you gotta give somebody a mercy fuck...

How many times has he used the excuse of an excreble post that it is only his
sense of humor.

Well, this is my humor for the day.
...The rifle range was closed roday, so I needed to get in a little target

Gee, Rose, was this your week to play Mother Teresa? Gosh, I was so hoping...

If he can get away with the nonsense, then
it's open season.

Another hard driving, straight talking woman.
(Hey, maybe I can get banned from ASRM for flaming!)

A mensagem foi excluída


não lida,
10 de set. de 2001, 00:44:1710/09/2001

I don't know how long you've been here, but this goes on every few months or

And if you knew me--or most of us--and took the time to read into people's
posts instead of always jumping the gun and to conclusions--you may 'get' how
some people deal with hard times in their lives.

Humor. Dark. Ugly. Driven. Spray's intriguing stories are full to bursting with

When rufus does it, you praise his poetry.

When I do it all of a sudden its abuse. Because I quoted some names of famous
It was a JOKE. He has so many names and faces, I was using Humor to do the

And Rose, I for one do not like or admire someone like the auspicious Dr.
Laura. If that's the type of person you aspire to be, then go for it.

You're more than halfway there. With your ability to make snap surface
judgements that lack real intuitive thinking puts you right there in her ball
Oh, yes, and your cutting edge sense of humor.

You and Dr. L have that in spades.

You go for the under dog. I can admire that. ...For people who can't speak up
for themselves.
But as far as rufe or katharine--both who have hurt and name called and turned
on their friends right out in public--for years!-- I say no.

They can more than fight for themselves. And they have. And they will again.

Save your precious sympathy for the homeless, the battered, the physically and
mentally scarred, and the devastatingly desperate.

...Wait till it's your turn to get the first slice of rufe's tongue when it
hits your lily-white sensibility.And don't think it can't happen to you... It
Especially now that he knows he has a sucker--champion.

Ask Dawn. She got her's this week. And she has gone out of her way to praise
the man on almost every semi-comprehensible post he's made..

et tu, Rose?

Oh... And if you're gonna have two faces: stop emailing me privately that you
really like me being a bitch. And then using LOL to emphasize it.
Ruins the effect when you get all righteous and indignant on the ng.

Or should I pull a rufe trick and post your private email? huh? That was a
laudable act from the poor, confused boy, wasn't it?

You wanted a bitch, Rose, you got it. Still enjoying it?


The Guv'nor

não lida,
10 de set. de 2001, 08:03:5110/09/2001

"Rose Blush" <hiddenro...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> lase...@aol.com (Laserlynx) wrote in message

> > Gee, Rose, was this your week to play Mother Teresa? Gosh, I was so
> Hey, rant at Rufus all you want. Poke fun at me, I care not a whit.
> And by all means, make all the self-serving comparisons you like
> between yourself and other women who, I would imagine, have
> accomplished a hell of a lot more in life than you have. The fact
> remains that encouraging someone--especially someone who's obviously
> volatile--to off himself is irresponsible, period.

For heavens sake lighten up; you are becoming a crashing bore with your
uninformed, judgmental brand of coffee bar socialism regarding. issues
you know very little about.

If you just stop whining for a while and read on, then you may
actually learn from someone who I can assure you, knows far more about
these things than your incredible naivety shows you ever will.

I run two businesses in which emotional issues are very much part and
parcel of the work. If those involved in small business or "start ups"
are experiencing personal, financial, family problems etc, that will
affect their business. A great part of my work involves listening and
trying to
help solve those problems.

I get at least one client a week telling me they are contemplating
suicide, and as yet, no one ever has. It is not something you can detach
yourself from easily, especially when you have the experience and
judgement to gauge the potential of such an act, and care about the
people concerned.

In the last few weeks I have had seven "clients" lose someone close to
them. I use inverted commas, because these people are more than just
clients, they have become people I care about. At the same time, several
close friends have also been through a lot.

I too have major problems both with my own health and that of a very
close family member.

The point of the above is that Rufus is not in the above category. He is
a professional attention seeker and one of the tools he uses to draw
attention to himself is to hurt people. He has hurt Courtney, Beth,
Dawn and many others. He goes out of his way to do so without any

It's his choice. I am not about to concern myself with some insignificant
little arsehole who goes out of his way to hurt people I care about

People think I am hard because I often refuse those who come up to me in
the street and ask for money or cigarettes. Those who judge me are
much like yourself, they think they know the facts, would like to believe
they know the facts - but don't.

For a very long time I worked in a homeless men's centre, something which
is well documented. I know the difference between those who are genuine
and those who are professional beggars. Those whoare genuine get any
assistance I am able to give. The others...well I
will let you figure out what they get. It's the same with Rufus.

Most of the people he has hurt know Rufus and are also emotionally strong
enough to put his hate in perspective. But one day he will attack someone
who is not so strong. They may be going through a difficult time, or they
may just be sensitive. An attack by Rufus may just be the final straw.

Have you considered that fact at all? or do the narrow parameters of your
home-on-the-range social philosophy extend only to defending someone who
may top himself because he has received a negative reaction to a course
of action he
chose to embark on?

I have very little sympathy for anyone who hurts myself, family, friends
or business. I count Court, Beth and Dawn as good friends - very good in
fact. I do not care one iota about the perpetrator
of hurt, but I do care about those who are the victims. When that happens
my motto is "whatever it takes".

People who have hurt or crossed me have suffered nervous breakdowns and
a marriage breakup as a consequence of my actions. I view those as
positive results and any harm done is of no interest to to me. If they
can't do the time, then don't do the crime - I didn't ask them to hurt

Let's consider two of your uninformed judgements. You make reference to
Courtneys achievements. There are many things that Courtney has acheived
and amongst them is to become my friend. I do not make friends easily,
but when I do they stay friends for a very long time. I go for quality,
rather than quantity. She has earned my respect and my friendship, which
is a damn sight more than you are ever likely to achieve.

Secondly, you responded to a post by Ruffiane regarding a response of
mine to Rufus. You donned your amazing black and white dream coat to
impart wisdom to all - again without knowing the facts. I do appreciate
that talking about things you have no knowledge or understanding of,
greatly increases your choice of subject matter, but there are a few
things you didn't know.

Ruffiane and I have a history. Some time ago it made an unfounded
allegation about my business. It is too stupid to check the facts, and
assumed that everyone is as stupid as it is.

I have been around too long not to realise that in business, every now
and then someone will come along and try to discrdeit you. I take
precautions and I was able
to produce documented and archived evidence that what it refered to, was
in fact completely wrong. In the same post, it also refered to someone
very close to me.

Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it.

Oh, and before you make another patronising post about how people spend
hours anguishing over responses; maybe it takes *you* hours to write an
intelligent response, that's certainly not the case with me.


Go on - Look at life from a New Perspective


não lida,
10 de set. de 2001, 11:54:4510/09/2001
Dear Guv,

My, my my...be still my beatin' heart! I had no idea that you cared so awfully
much... Why, I'm speechless..."

Now that I'm done with the Scarlett O'Hara improv, let's get this thing done.

...It was all a joke. If rufe offs himself that's his business--and his Great
Spirit's. I have no qualms and will feel no guilt.
However, if he was REALLY gonna do that, then I don't think he'd post about it

Frankly, I took his post to mean that he was outta here... *I'M* the one who
created the suicide gambit.
As a play on words, (if you like), and made it about rufe saying 'Hasta la
Vista, baby' with my just too clever: 'race ya to the sleeping pills' post.

I purposely played into it--giving him back as good as he's given some of the
rest of us over the years. Except, better. :)

Seriously. I am not one of those people who see a desperate character out on a
12 floor ledge, and yell: "JUMP!"
At least that's not on my calendar for today.

However, since we're going all Sally Jessy & Oprah-fied:
I am personally considering suicide as a viable career option. :)
This trivia is from someone who believed from the age of 12 that she'd never
live past age 20. True.

But... if I do choose to excerise my personal choice and free will to go that
way, I'll make sure to NOT announce it first on the ng.
Delicate sensibilities and guilt trips notwithstanding.
Fair enough?

...But would a 'Wish You Were Here' postcard from the Great Beyond addressed to
the ASR(M) ng be a trifle bad taste? :) <G> LOL

yeah. I still got it!

Chill. Take a pill, kids. I'm sheathing the rapier till the next time.

(Thanks, Mike, for the OMYGOD post! :)


não lida,
10 de set. de 2001, 12:14:5010/09/2001
>Ruffiane and I have a history. Some time ago it made an unfounded
>allegation about my business. It is too stupid to check the facts, and
>assumed that everyone is as stupid as it is.

I will admit my memory is failing me, but I truly don't remember having any
discourse with you. I don't know you and don't pay that much attention to you.
I'm not denying your truth, but I'd like to know what incident you're referring

I'm a female. How could anyone read my stuff and think I'm not? The SN is for
Ruffian, a famous filly who broke her leg and had to be destroyed, July 1975.
The name is for her.

Some people in the kinky community have met me, although not from this one. Any
event I ever went to was BDSM in orientation.

I've been through all that speculation and suspicion about online personae.
Used to make me crazy. But it's just words on a screen. Your worst "enemy" is
just words on a screen. Your best "friend" is also just pixels. I've seen
marriages, deaths and even a miscarriage of twins at 6 months that all turned
out to be cyber fantasies.

If you're spending any time or energy wondering if I'm Rufus, well, knock
yourself out. I think it's funny because people call him Ruffy online and
people call me Ruffie online and even offline.

I should maybe post about interior decorating, flowers and chunky periods.

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