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St Lucinda's - I Like The Boy - WHOLE version!!!!

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The Guv'nor

2003/09/16 8:40:012003/09/16
My apology, I made a right old muck of the posts. This is the whole of this

I walked back to the part of the garden where Jack and I had been
standing. As I approached, I could see Jack clearly agitated. Again, he
had something in his mouth, but this time he was biting his finger nails.
A look of relief illuminated his face when I neared.

"Janice are you ok Did it hurt. Not too may marks are there?. Gosh, that
was awfully nice of you Janice, but you really shouldn't have you know"

"Relax Jack. I was sprung, though Father did give me a bit of a fright.
I'm afraid he wants to see you Jack."

"Ah yes. Suppose he would really. Better get going I suppose. Oh well."

Poor Jack, he looked so young, so vulnerable.

"You will be ok Jack."

"That's easy for you to say" he replied quite logically. He started to
walk towards the monks residence,. Walk and trip to be more precise. How
he could miss a garden tool lying on the ground is beyond me.

I started to commence weeding, but remembering what Father Brian had said
about dahlias, I hesitated. Out of nowhere a nun appeared. During my stay
at the Abbey, I would come to realise that nuns just materialised. One
minute there is no one around, the next minute a black habit is saying,
"Hello dear".

"Hello dear. I think you have pulled out enough dahlias for the time

I apologised.

"Oh don't give it another thought. Being a city girl, you weren't to
know. However, I do feel it would be better if you dug up the patch
behind the monks residence. Then tomorrow, you can do some planting."

"Thank you Sister" I said. Why was I thanking her for telling me to do
something I would normally pay someone to do? This place certainly has an
affect on those who come here.

I noticed I was not rushing. I was walking slowly, looking at all around
me, breathing the fresh country air. My mind began to feel like a baggage
trolley. One bag after another taken away and stored somewhere else, to
be collected later.

I saw the patch. It wasn't so much a patch, but a soccer pitch. It was
huge. I told myself I was not going to do all that. Then in the distance
I saw the nun. I started to dig.

I started at the far end, facing the monks residence. Jack would surely
be there by now. I looked up to see if I could see anything, although I
wasn't too sure of the location of Father Brian's office.

I soon did. One thing I had noticed about the peace and solitude was that
any sounds that were made, were out of proportion to the actual decibel
rating. In this atmosphere it was not easy to miss the sound of;

"And now the end is near.. AAAAGh...... And so I face the

I looked up. Jack was bent half out of the window. The window was
obviously one of those with a sash cord, as the upper part was pulled
down and keeping Jack firmly in position. Behind, I could just see the
top of Father Brian's head - and his cane as he raised it above his

Poor Jack. He was caned to the complete version of My Way. I don't know
which was the greater punishment.

I waved to Jack, but this did not seem to please him. It certainly didn't
give him the moral support I intended. I couldn't really see the details,
but I imagined his face was as red as the part on the other side of the

Later, Jack told me what had happened. It wasn't easy to get anything out
of Jack in that way, but I have my methods, and they usually work.

Father Brian had greeted him quite casually,

"Ah, it's Smoking Joe" he had said in typical Father Brian style. Jack
told him, "No. It's Jack" Nerves I suppose.

Jack asked if he should bend over the desk.

"Oh please don't. I have only just finished putting everything back. It's
a nice day, and being a considerate sort of man, I will let you have a
nice view in front of you, to take your mind of what's happening behind
you. Drop your trousers please Jack, then pull your underpants right down
to your ankles. On second thoughts, walk to the window first and then
take them down. Don't want you tripping and falling out the window onto
Sister Margarets cauliflowers do we. They taste bad enough as is"

Considering the awful bloomers with which I had been supplied, I just had
to ask Jack about his underpants. I also wanted to know why he was
wearing khaki trousers, and I was wearing khaki shorts.

"Em, well you know, ordinary underpants, that sort of thing" I pressed
him further.

"Sort of white ones, white Y fronts"

The only males I had seen in white Y fronts, were my Granddad and little
brother. The khaki shorts for females apparently was Father Brian's idea.
Somehow, that didn't surprise me.

Jack had bent over the window, and the window was then pulled down to
keep him in place. Father Brian had told him that if he had to flail his
arms around, try not to knockout any sparrows.

Father Brian tapped Jacks ankles with his cane to indicate he wanted his
legs further apart. He then tapped the cane on Jacks bottom before
commencing to sing and cane.

"Canes jolly hard. So glad you didn't have to go through that. That
wouldn't have been nice" Jack told me.

I was beginning to really like the boy.


The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully, but I was glad when Sister
Bernice told me I could stop work, have a wash and eat dinner.

Dinner was fairly straight forward, except for the young nun standing
with her hands on her head again. It turned out she had another two days
of this before she could sit down like the others. What her crime was, I
was not told.

The monks ate separately, probably to talk about cricket suggested Sister
Margaret. Jack asked me what I did for a living and Mother Superior cast
him a look that told him it was none of his business.

Funny thing is, I normally love telling people who I am and what I do.
But tonight, in the company of people who really cared about others, and
who had probably seen their fair share of human misery, (many had worked
overseas on aid projects), it did not seem appropriate, important or

We were sent to bed at eight o' clock! Lights had to be out no later than
eight forty five. I can't remember ever having a bed time, let alone one
so early.

I was grateful for the bed. It was hard, it was small, but it was a great
relief to my aching back. I certainly was not cut out for digging.

I closed my eyes and reflected on the days events. It had certainly been
different. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I dragged
myself from the bed and opened it. It was Jack. For a second he looked
calm, but when I smiled and said hello, he went through several changes
of expression and color.

I beckoned him inside. Sit down. Take a pew. The last remark was intended
as a joke, but I should have realised that Jack not so much lacked a
sense of humour, but was focusing on not saying the wrong thing or
knocking anything over.

"What can I do for you Jack?" I asked.

"Em..well. it's my shirt."

"Your shirt?"

"Yes, you see the bottom button has come off and I have a dress
inspection tomorrow, and there will be trouble if a button is missing"

"I take it you can't sew can you Jack?"

"No Janice. Haven't the foggiest"

"Do you have a needle and thread?"

"Not exactly"

Neither did I. I couldn't sew either.

This needed planning. "Wait here" I told Jack and left the room. I
wandered along the corridors and looked in a few rooms. There was still
15 minutes before lights out, someone may still be around. I saw Sister
Bernice in the library.

"Sister, I sometimes like to relax with a little sewing, is it possible I
may be allowed to, and if so, could I borrow a needle and thread"

Sister Bernice rose with a smile. "Certainly dear, come with me" and
ushered me to another room, where she then supplied me with cotton and a

I thanked her and started to walk away.

"Janice. You better take a button as well. I bet Jack has lost his"

I was going to ask how she knew, but I didn't. I realized I probably
would have been more surprised if she hadn't known.

"Just make sure he is not there after lights out dear" she warned with a

I told Jack to take his shirt out. How I was going to do this I did not
know. Somehow I got the cotton through the needle and I improvised the
rest. Jack seemed happy. He started to tuck his shirt in like I had seem
do earlier.

Even after his efforts, his shirt was still not right. I would just have
to help him.

"Come here Jack, let me make you look presentable"

He came to me without a murmur. I put my hand inside his waistband and
started to tuck his shirt in.

"Em..ok Janice..I think you can stop now. It seems all right"

"Just need to be sure Jack, better pull the end down lower, much lower"

" need to go that low Janice. and that's not my shirt bye the way."

"I know Jack. I know. Oh you naughty boy. Looks like something has come

"Em, yes. well...nearly lights out you know..better be off"

"Oh you can't go yet Jack, you have been too naughty. I can feel how big
this has got, that's very naughty"

I gently squeezed his testicles

"Janice..em what are you doing"

I would have though that was obvious, but the lad needed further

"I am going to teach you not to be naughty Jack" and squeezed a little
harder. "You know what happens to naughty boys don't you?. DON''T YOU?".
and gave an extra hard squeeze for emphasis.

"Yes...yes I do Ma'am..yes"

I unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned his trousers.

"Not the first time these have been down today is it Jack?"

"No Ma'am, no it isn't."

"Or these" I said as I pulled his Y fronts down.

"Hello Y Fronts, say hello to Mr Carpet" I quipped.

His erection was evident. Jack may not have an erect posture, but his
willy (cock seems the wrong word), certainly did.

I lowered jack across my knee, pinning him with my right leg. The cane
marks were clearly on display and I rubbed them gently.

"Does that feel good Jack?"

"Oh yes Ma'am. Certainly does. AAAGH"

I had caught him with a sharp smack. I raised my hand and smacked him

A bell sounded.

"That's lights out" he told me.


"Never mind Jack, we have a whole week to finish unfinished business"

Jack just said

"Oh gosh".

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