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#Gingrich: Lewinsky Alone Won't Impeach

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Lee Harrison

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
Gingrich Seeks Pattern of Felonies

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the House probably will
seek evidence from all of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's investigations
of President Clinton, not just the parts related to Monica Lewinsky, before
deciding whether to launch an impeachment inquiry.

In his most extensive remarks about the investigation since Clinton's speech
to the nation last Monday, Gingrich told The Washington Post in an interview
for Monday's editions that he believes only ``a pattern of felonies'' and not
``a single human mistake'' could constitute grounds for an impeachment inquiry.

``I don't think the Congress could move forward only on Lewinsky, unless he
had such a clear case, such an overpowering case,'' Gingrich told the Post.
``But I think we would be better served to know the whole story.''

He said the House Judiciary Committee would have ``every right'' to ask Starr
for his findings on Whitewater and other investigations if his upcoming report
to Congress is limited -- as has been reported -- to the Lewinsky investigation.

``All the independent counsel does is start the process,'' said Gingrich. ``He
doesn't define it.''

The Gingrich interview was conducted Sunday in Santa Maria, Calif. The speaker
is on a swing of western states, campaigning for GOP candidates.

Alluding to expectations that Starr is likely to send a report to Congress in
September, Gingrich said the Judiciary Committee must review the findings out
of public view before reaching any conclusion about a recommendation for a
formal impeachment inquiry.

``I'm not at all sure you can get to that this year and I'm not at all sure
that it's a smart idea to try to get to that this year,'' said Gingrich.

AP-NY-08-23-98 2330EDT
Lee Harrison | Vide et crede.

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