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flashback 1998: A repuke forum on afghanistan bombing

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2004年3月27日 06:04:372004/3/27
Remember these hits ladies and gentlemen? there brought to you by the repuke
party who believed that pres clinton was wagging the dog.


a few excerpts:

To: william clark
I'm all for killing terrorists, but when they first made the "National
Security announcement" announcement, the first thing I thought was,
"Monica's testifying today. I wonder who he's going to kill to distract us
from that?"
That's pretty sad.
From: Scott Munro ( *

It is sad scott, sad that a president was trying to save this country from
terrorist but all you could do was make accusations.

To: donna
This brash act by a brash child-man is a direct threat to the security of
every citizen inside our own borders for the people against whom he acted
are non-forgiving and have no fear of death.
And, make no mistake, they are here!!!!!!

By the time the helicopter gets back to D.C. we may well be witness to a
reprise of 1814.
From: Old Professer (emailname) *

Yes they are here prof, but what are you scared of?? Bring it on baby!!

To: seeker
FOX News has already joined in the obvious spin. They questioned whether the
President should be bothered with such things as the current scandal during
a "national emergency." They even cited the "Founding Fathers" of all
things! We've been saying he's going to Wag the Dog, and that's what he's

The General on right now said that these attacks are not a reaction to any
specific events (like the African Embassy bombings) but an effort to protect
the world and U.S. interests from this terrorist network. He said that this
terrorist network as attempted to assassinate the president of Egypt and
even the Pope. And recently, 3 months ago, he reiterated his "Fatwah"
against the U.S.

The General just said that it should NOT be viewed simply as retaliation for
recent events. It is an act of self defense.

Yeah, the Clinton self defense....

From: Spiff ( *

So what you got to say now spiffy???

To: donna
"Clinton made his remarks before cutting short a family vacation on Martha's
Vineyard to return to Washington."
Hillary probably kicked him out. Afganistan said this morning they would
extradite the guy they wanted if the U.S. had any proof. Instead kliton put
Americans lives at stake to show force and pretend he has leadership
capabilities. He's certified nuts.
From: 1Old Pro (( *

good point old, they really gave up "the guy" for georgie didnt they??

To: Arthur Wildfire! March
You heard it right - Sudan as well. We may have the entire Muslim/Arab world
after us, but at least we can rest assured that "he did it for the
children." I guarantee we'll hear that soon.
From: watchin ( *

No, he did it to prevent 9-11,Clinton saw it coming, obviously you didnt.

To: Wil H
HELP US!!!! I AM THE STUPID1 ----- please excuse me for yelling, but now I'm
really scared of the lenghts this man is willing to go. I'm a 28 year old
man with a beautiful family, may hands are shaking. nothing follows
From: stupid1 () *

I can see why you were worried, I guess being nonconfrontational would have
been better??

To: disgusted inFl
Get this SOB out of there!!!! What do we have to do???? The demoncrats have
to do something NOW!!!!!
From: smiley ( *

demoncrats? Hell you guys had the senate and the house.

To: Clinton's a liar
I thought Cohen looked very, very sheepish in that interview. I don't like
this at all!!! They just said Clinton was planning this the day after his
speech which is why he was delayed in going on vacation (had to time it just
right). This makes me sick. It's a horrible thing when you CAN'T TRUST YOUR
From: haphswf (emailname) *
08/20/98 14:46:09 EDT

I feel you hap, I cant tell whether your comment is in 1998 or a preminition
of 2004.

And that's the point.

Killing terrorists is a Good Thing, and we can confidently expect the spin
to begin: We need to get behind the Prez, he can't be bothered by this
scandal, yadda, yadda, yadda.

No, we need to think about what it means to have our bombers at the command
of a man who is a pathological liar.
From: Scott Munro ( *

yes scott, pathological liar he was, we need to do the same to the chimp we
have in office in 2004.

What if Islamic terrorist already pre-positioned in the U.S. start a terror
campain? That could be the excuse for the FEMA scenario and he "Clinton,
king for life" scenario.
From: A. Patriot (|| |||| | |||||||| ||| ||||||||| *

clinton "king for life", if only..Yes there in the usa, I can tell you, and
being partisan didnt help catch them now did it??

To: go star go
Fox news has Sen John McCain on now pledging his support for the president,
not on MonicaGate, but on wagging the dog! This is just what Bill wanted, an
excuse to end his politically and maritally disasterous vacation, get
congress supporting him on something, and changing the subject. Never
underestimate the "Comeback Kid" when it comes to stooping to new lows to
save his hide.
From: Henchster ( *

you got to love mccain, the one guiy that puts aside partisan politics for
the good of the country. Too bad he didnt win in 2004, he really would have
been a great leader!

Do the words "Act of war" mean anything to anybody?

Neither of these are my favorite countries, and Sudan is just about at the
bottom of my list for its slavery persecution of Christians.

Nevertheless, we have undertaken a unilateral act of war -- without a
declaration of war, without even any congressional oversight or approval.
This is yet one more in a long line of Clinton's abuses of power. "Stroke of
the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool" Send out the planes, world up in
flames. Kinda scary

From: luther kirk () *

the hypocrisy is amazing isnt it?? No clinton didnt engage in a unilateral
war, he had world support. It is bush that performed unilaterrally , but you
have an excuse, it was 1998 when you wrote this.

The following message has already been sent to my reps. I am tired of being
nice to these dopes, it's time they show some backbone. Get with it
freepers, let them know.

The news of the attacks today in my opinion are nothing more than an attempt
by our Coward and Thief to save his sorry butt. How many american lives will
he sacrifice to save himself? How big a war will he start to save himself?

The biggest question of all is what is the congress going to do about this?
Stop this madness now!!! Impeach, indict, imprison.

From: WH42 () *

War, I couldnt agree with you more,shit is this 1998 he wrote this or

To: stupid1
settle down this won't work for willie the weasel. liberals don't have
children in the armed forces they are too busy making the world safe for the
depraved. never fear god is answering our prayers.
From: aka ( *

yes aka, always rely on god, he will answer your prayers.

Take a look at the rest of them they are really hilarious, and next time a
repuke tells you that your not patriotic because you dont support the Iraq
war just point them to this forum.

Chris the Liberal

2004年3月27日 12:43:572004/3/27
"Albert" <> wrote in message news:<9dd9c.837154$>...

> Remember these hits ladies and gentlemen? there brought to you by the repuke
> party who believed that pres clinton was wagging the dog.
> Enjoy!

Conservatives will not of course click onto it for it reveals
them as asses who have completely reversed course. Other than
ranting, their main objections include:
1. That it was done for political reasons (and it wasn't this time???)
2. That it would inflame the Arab world against us (Spain would point
out that it seems to have done the same this time).
3. That there would be "collateral damage to even women and children"
(and of course we haven't injured a single Iraqi?).

WHAT a bunch of Damned Hypocrites.

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