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Fred Phelps to protest Amish funeral

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nu-monet v9.0

4. okt. 2006, 09:52:1004.10.2006

A Kansas-based group that says "God hates fags" plans
to picket the funerals of the Amish girls killed by a
disturbed man in Lancaster County, Pa.

The Westboro Baptist Church -- described as a hate group
by the Anti-Defamation League -- has made a name for
itself by picketing the funerals of U.S. troops killed
in Iraq. The troops are dying as punishment for America's
tolerance of homosexuality, the group says.

The Westboro group says the Amish school girls were
"killed by a madman in punishment for Gov. Ed Rendell's
blasphemous sins against Westboro Baptist Church.

"Gov. Ed Rendell -- speaking and acting in his official
capacity to bind the State of Pennsylvania -- slandered
and mocked and ridiculed and condemned Westboro Baptist
Church on national Fox TV," the group says on its website.

"Rendell also revealed a conspiracy to employ the State's
police powers to destroy WBC in order to silence WBC's
Gospel message. Co-conspirators identified by Rendell
included state officials, citizens, lawyers, legislators
and media," the website says.

Westboro Baptist Church said it is "continuing to pray
for even worse punishment upon Pennsylvania..."

Be Sure To Visit the 'SubGenius Reverend' Blog:
Rev. nu-monet
Founder and High Priest
Church of Kali, U.S.A. (Reformed)


4. okt. 2006, 10:48:2504.10.2006
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Phelps is only doing this
crap to get attention. Medica coverage like that is what he thrives
on. If the community in question has the good sense to simply ignore
him, then he'll dry up and blow away.

See also:

The High Weirdness Project

Dr. Herodotus P Shoggoth

4. okt. 2006, 10:50:4604.10.2006
Is this fucker even serious anymore? I really sometimes doubt his
commitment, maybe this is all a big prank. I mean, I know some pretty
stupidly disingenuous people who take themselves pretty damn seriously,
but this boy is just goofy. I hope he fucking chokes while he's out
there int he field, doing the Lord's merciful work of making people cry
and hate the world.

What a goony motherfucker.

Rich Clark, aka Left Rev Egg Plant, ULC, CotSG

4. okt. 2006, 12:56:5304.10.2006
Modemac wrote:
> I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Phelps is only doing this
> crap to get attention. Medica coverage like that is what he thrives
> on. If the community in question has the good sense to simply ignore
> him, then he'll dry up and blow away.

Here's what I'd love to see: Fred Phelps leading his flock in prayer
during a Sunday morning sermon when a gang of homosexual jewish black
Hispanic men and Chinese ninjas run in and gun down everyone in sight.
That would be justice.

Mön§igñor ßoddoM

4. okt. 2006, 13:26:2904.10.2006
Well the Amish my be into non-modern tools and such, But I get the
feeling you don't want them to open up a can of that 19th century whoopass.

It would be sweet to see a pissed off Amish guy start lopping heads
with a scythe, while leaning out of a speeding buggy.

Dr. Herodotus P Shoggoth

4. okt. 2006, 13:27:2504.10.2006

> Here's what I'd love to see: Fred Phelps leading his flock in prayer
> during a Sunday morning sermon when a gang of homosexual jewish black
> Hispanic men and Chinese ninjas run in and gun down everyone in sight.
> That would be justice.

More than justice, that would be ART!

Rev. Richard Skull

4. okt. 2006, 19:11:5004.10.2006

Them Amish can do some serious Pitch forkling!

Actually, I worry more about the "english" going postal on their
worthless buts!

Geek of Dubious Sexuality #2

5. okt. 2006, 10:13:2605.10.2006

> It would be sweet to see a pissed off Amish guy start lopping heads
> with a scythe, while leaning out of a speeding buggy.

Amish Drive-By!!!

0 nye meldinger