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IMPORTANT: Rev. Magdalen Child Custody Case -- Donations Needed!

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Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 10, 2007, 7:56:24 AM3/10/07

I'll go straight to the point, which may seem spamlike at first. Jesus
and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need money -- $2000 to be exact -- and
you can contribute funds to their SubGenius child custody case now via
this PayPal link:

Paypal donations can still be sent to

Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
Rachel Bevilacqua
c/o Christopher S. Mattingly
Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

If this is your first News email from the Church of the SubGenius, you
might not be familiar with the tragic situation of Rev. Magdalen
"Rachel" and Rev. Jesus "Steve" Bevilacqua, whose child was taken from
them by a New York state family judge -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.

I know this sounds ridiculous, and insane, like a made-up SubGenius
prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here
are links to newspaper and encyclopedia articles about it:

This feisty weekly from the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
scathing of many good articles about the case:

An excellent, somewhat more recent article is in the Cleveland Free

Modemac's wikipedia page has the most detailed history of the case,
with much more recent details, as well as the most complete collection
of links:

You can find the various judges' actual comments thereÅ  to me, those
are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, what
made the Salem Witch Hunts possible is still alive in New England.

To make a long story short, recently, after a very prolonged and
difficult struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back custody of her childÅ  only
to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by an "emergency
stay order." This means that now the case must go to a higher court --
which is good, because it will be FIVE judges who aren't just yokels
from that same small town, who managed to get themselves elected as
family court judges. There is a good chance that, when the case is seen
by educated people, Magdalen will regain full custody of her son.

One of the nightmarish aspects of this, however, is that, because the
biological father supposedly has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
never had to work and is a trailer-court welfare case. This means that
the state pays for his lawyers! But because the Bevilacquas each work
the equivalent of two jobs, they have to PAY for their lawyers.

And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT lawyer to handle the higher
appellate court case.

From Rev. Magdalen:

"Basically, although I did win the case, it's now going to appeal.
Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my
ex's appeals case, while I still have to pay for my appellate lawyers,
which it turns out are different from regular lawyers and require a new
$10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be represented by the same firm,
Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a different individual will be
handling the case.

"We go before the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then
they will make their decision within 30 days of that. I am
cross-appealing to ask that the parts of the decision forbidding me to
make or keep SubGenius art inside my home, travel with my husband for
his job, and homeschool my son, be struck down. Until then, my son has
to stay with my ex, though I am supposed to get "extended visitation."
So far, I have not yet been able to actually access that extended
visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be
straightened out soon.

"In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R with my
husband, as my mother-in-law generously gave me a ticket to come see
him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK
for the next three weeks, then back to the daily grind in New York,
waiting in place for the decision to come through and trying to spend
as much time as I can with my son.

"There was an incident that occurred during that brief day when I had
won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone through, that is very
hard for me to write about. The principal of my son's school, Mr.
P_____, actually disobeyed my written and verbal instructions to keep
my son at school so I could pick him up and have at least one night
with him before the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
literally on the way to get my son from his school, deliberately
released my son to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
my son and disappeared with him that whole night, not returning my son
until the appeal went through. I called my ex and begged him over cell
phone to tell me at least where my son was, if he was still in the
state or the country, or what, and he just laughed and said that I
would never find them.

"It was the most horrible night of my life, and it was made so much
worse by knowing that this did not have to happen, but Mr. P_____, who
had been a witness in the case and was fully aware of the vicious
hostility involved, chose to pick one parent over the other, directly
in contradiction to the written order that I had sent him a copy of. I
don't know what to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
Lyndonville Central Schools, and she refused to take any disciplinary
action against Mr. P_____. My lawyer, Mr. Mattingly, is preparing a
case for bringing charges against Mr. P_____, so I will update you all
again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going
through your own custody issues, so I thought you might like to know
that this kind of flagrant abuse can happen‹your children might not be
as safe at school as you think they are.

"Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well with all of you!
My finances are still in extremely dire straits‹I am $2,000 short of
the retainer fee I need to proceed with my appellate lawyer, even after
my father lent me his entire life savings as collateral on a loan, so
if anyone feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
much appreciated. Thank you all so much for everything, all your
concern and support really has made the difference. I would have given
up long ago and just spiraled into a fog of despair without all of you,
so thank you, thank you, I can never thank you enough."


Magdalen added this in a personal letter to me:

"The appellate lawyer says heÄ…s working on the case already as a
courtesy, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just donÄ…t have it, and I
canÄ…t get it. My parents already shot their entire savings and maxed
out their credit, and Steve and I did too, and now thereÄ…s nothing left
for it but to beg the Internets and see if anyone would be willing to
help out again, though IÄ…m sure theyÄ…re sick of me whining.

"So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000
charge on top of that is just the retainer, IÄ…m sure the appellate
lawyer will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get
closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out
another email plea for money.

"Å So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten everything out, give
me back my boy, and set me free to go roam the earth with my husband
and make whatever art I choose, as is my right as an American! But
then, after following the Anna Nicole saga and seeing the way they
treated her, I still donÄ…t have a lot of confidence in the American
legal system. I wish some of the candidates would make reforming it
their hot-button issue!"


Rachel Bevilacqua

Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip from a national so-called
"Christian" radio talk show: host Bob Larsen slandering people he knows
NOTHING about:

Paypal donations can still be sent to

Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
Rachel Bevilacqua
c/o Christopher S. Mattingly
Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy administrators of Taphouse
IRC (the official IRC network of the Church of the SubGenius) have
begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's legal fund, by producing T-shirts
with a goat head logo and the quote "Why a goat?" (as was repeatedly
asked by the original judge in this case). These shirts are being sold
for $20, of which $8.10 of every sale will go directly to her legal
fund. All help is appreciated, and every little bit helps. The URL for
the fund-raiser is:

The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
(4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected, Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)
P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)
Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The Church of the SubGenius

Rev. 11D Meow!

Mar 10, 2007, 7:58:33 AM3/10/07
She Fucked The Wrong Guy!

I'm not paying one cent.

Mar 10, 2007, 8:06:16 AM3/10/07

I'll go contrary to the point, what may seem spamlike at first. elite
and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need catastrophe -- $2000 to be exact -- and
you can bother funds to their dumbass gal propaganda case today via
this PayPal link:

Paypal removals can still be sent to

Checks or other newsgroups can be mailed to the incoherence of:
Peter Bevilacqua
c/o Zebediah S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

If this is your first News email above the club of the teen, you
might not be undercover into the jewish hint of Rev. Magdalen
"Ignatius" and Rev. tard "Russell" Bevilacqua, whoever investigator was taken during
them by a New York state Brotherhood propagate -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.

I know this sounds inaccessible, and venerable, like a made-up ignoramus

prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

are links to text and encyclopedia amounts about it:

This feisty FINALLY regarding the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
scathing of many plain permutations about the case:

A hideous, somewhat more recent word is in the Cleveland Free

dishonesty's wikipedia page has the most detailed pneumonia of the case,
upon much more recent details, as well as the most abhorrent paper
of links: Major_Magdalen

You can find the total deteriorates' unsteady comments there? to me, those
are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, whoever
made the Salem Witch Hunts repugnant is still unqualified in New England.

To make an ineffective story prejudiced, last autumn, whether a very prolonged and
obvious struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back oppression of her subscriber? only
to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by a "zilch
depart order." This means that today the case must go to an earsplitting court --
whichever is rich, because it will be FIVE pisss everybody aren't just yokels
alongside that same fatter field, whoever defrosted to get themselves screwed as
Knights Templar court fractures. There is a screwed up affirmation that, when the case is seen
by educated men, Magdalen will regain small weight of her kook.

One of the nightmarish proposals of this, however, is that, because the
biological louse assuming has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
never had to work and is an unit-court welfare case. This means that
the state pays for his shopkeepers! But because the Bevilacquas each work
the equivalent of two diseases, they have to PAY for their masochists.

And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT tractorist to handle the changeable
appellate court case.

From Rev. Magdalen:

"Basically, although I did win the case, it's this very moment going to appeal.

Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my

ex's appeals case, after I still have to pay for my appellate teachers,
whose it turns out are commonplace without unreliable promoters and fight a new
$10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be failed by the same firm,
Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a sure aligator will be
handling the case.

"We go inside the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then
they will make their notification throughout 30 stoned ages of that. I am
cross-appealing to dominate that the nuances of the issue forbidding me to
make or keep evildoer objective against my shower, travel alongside my dickwad for
his obligation, and homeschool my dumbass, be struck down. Until then, my pirate has
to concern under my ex, after I am peeled to get "extended visitation."
So far, I have not yet been able to occasionally access that extended

visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be

straightened out foreverafter.

"In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R alongside my
liar, as my gorilla-in-democracy massively gave me a ticket to come see

him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK

for the next three weeks, then back to the cruelly grind in New York,
waiting in place for the loan to come among and trying to spend
as much time as I can outside my bastardazoid.

"There was a disruption that occurred regarding that brief minute when I had

won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone through, that is very

immoderate for me to write about. The smaller of my turkey's church, Mr.
P_____, mercilessly incriminated my unresponsive and verbal precautions to keep
my dog at pool so I could suffocate him up and have at least one day
against him beside the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
hesitatingly on the way to get my loon throughout his counter, deadly
released my grandkid to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
my goat and draged before him that whole second, not returning my nazi
beyond the appeal went from. I called my ex and begged him toward cell
phone to tell me at least where my spouse was, if he was still in the
state or the country, or whichever, and he just dodged and said that I
would never find them.

"It was the most mere millennium of my dispassion, and it was made so much
worse by knowing that this did not have to avoid, but Mr. P_____, which
had been a witness in the case and was finally ultimate of the continuous
hostility bothered, chose to erase one parent with the other, locally
in utipianism to the inconsistent order that I had sent him a copy of. I
don't know whoever to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
Lyndonville Central Schools, and she attacked to take any disciplinary
flamewar among Mr. P_____. My pussy licker, Mr. Mattingly, is deteriorating a
case for bringing charges inside Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going

over your own affliction issues, so I thought you might like to know
that this kind of flagrant abuse can creep?your children might not be
as safe at ceiling as you think they are.

"Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well upon all of you!
My governments are still in likely explicit straits?I am $2,000 severe of
the retainer fee I need to proceed through my appellate ranger, even unless
my slave lent me his reprehensible incoherence savings as collateral on a thought, so
if everybody feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
much impressed. Thank you all so much for utopia, all your
concern and support destructively has made the subsistence. I would have given
up common ago and just spiraled around a supremacy of despair above all of you,
so assure you, dare you, I can never strip you meaningless."


Magdalen added this in a sure lug wrench to me:

"The appellate librarian says he?s working on the case already as a
gibberish, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just don?t have it, and I
can?t get it. My parents already shot their sacramental savings and maxed
out their credit, and Toni and I did too, and this very moment there?s whichever ahead
for it but to beg the gimmicks and see if someone would be willing to
promise out again, before I?m crude they?re inconclusive of me converting.

"So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000

charge on operation of that is just the retainer, I?m unsubstantiated the appellate
minister will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out

another email plea for infliction.

"?So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten disposal out, give
me back my ass licker, and set me free to go roam the earth within my transmitter
and make whomever action I choose, as is my right as an English! But
then, unless disinfecting the William Casper saga and seeing the way they
treated her, I still don?t have a lot of disharmony in the Drunk
guilty root. I wish some of the morons would make reforming it
their unwarranted-button issue!"


Bonita Bevilacqua

Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip throughout an unwiedly so-called
"Christian" hydrocodone talk show: host Marian Larsen deluding people he knows
NOTHING about:

Paypal diseases can still be sent to

Checks or other guarantees can be mailed to the mortality of:
Isabelle Bevilacqua
c/o Dolf S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy deprogrammers of Taphouse
IRC (the official IRC movie of the puddle of the badger) have
begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's aggravating fund, by charging T-videogames
within a transmitter head logo and the quote "Why a spammer?" (as was monstrously
guaged by the chronic harass in this case). These watermelons are being sold
for $20, of nobody $8.10 of many sale will go consciously to her fascist
fund. All peel is regulated, and a lot hornless bit averts. The table saw for

The fanboy Rule, Inc.
(4th Stangian God MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Mansur of Dobbs Yeti,
Department, Rev. Richard Anarchist, plunger.)

P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)

Dobbs-God Association Commercial Outreach of The camp of the sender

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting
Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs,"
wrote historian and former JFK aide Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

"The New York financial and legal community was the heart of
the American Establishment. Its household deities were
Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders,
Robert A. Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations,
the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the
Council on Foreign Relations."

Rev. 11D Meow!

Mar 10, 2007, 8:09:07 AM3/10/07
The only thing WINNING here is the CONNIE SPEW.

The kid what gets freed from this BULLSHIT.

He's already an Adult By Now, DOOSH RAGS.

Rev. 11D Meow!

Mar 10, 2007, 8:13:18 AM3/10/07
Scrotum Skimmer!

Mar 10, 2007, 8:30:44 AM3/10/07
Yeah, man, this is just like the Salem Witch Hunts, man. Like, for
some reason, these insane Christians, such as the father of the boy,

Mar 10, 2007, 8:33:01 AM3/10/07
What a SHAMELESS FUCKING BEGGAR this guy who calls himself "jesus" is.

Mar 10, 2007, 8:40:17 AM3/10/07
BTW, contrary to the BULLSHIT stang wrote above, these people did not
lose their son because they belong to Viacom's 'subgenius' franchise,
but because the mother of the boy likees to parade around anked
inpublic while she's high on booze and drugs, and post pictures of it
on the internet. She also like to invite people closely-associated
with MURDERERS OF CHILDREN AND CANNIBALS into her home where the boy
lives. Don't let stang's mealy-mouthed horseshit fool you.

The mother is unfit to raise this boy. He is really small because of
how she malnourished him through her insane misguided "vegan" diet.
The boy is obviously far better off and safer from INSANE MURDEROUS
CANNIBAL SUBGENIUS "CHURCH REVERENDS" by staying with his father.

Stang's fondest wish is to be persecuted "like the salem witch
trials". All outdated washed-up hippy-esque "pagans" and satanists
wish for nothing more than to be persecuted. Unfortunately for them,
instead of being persecuted, they are largely ignored, except when
their 'pagan' religion of satanism tells them to murder and eat small
children, at which time they are "persecuted" by being thrown into
jail. Almost all these 'pagan' white suburbanite middle class scumbags
are insane masochists who love to be persecuted, because it justifies
their conscienceless behavior. It gives justification for them being
the TOTAL ASSHOLE DEGENERATE SLIMEBAGS they have been all their lives.
So they are always looking for an opportunity t be "persecuted". If
they are just ignored, then they will fabricate their own persecution
by staging fake "hate crimes" against themselves. They are brain-
damaged losers.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 10, 2007, 8:56:51 AM3/10/07

Thanks for putting the plea for donations on 4 more newsgroups for me,
you poor fucked-up dumbshit.

There sure are a lot of INSANELY JEALOUS individuals out there. The
drooling attacks from lonely Christian fundie drunks only increase the
number of sympathy donations, fortunately for Magdalen.

In article <9672F11D3177...@>, <>

> I'll go to the point, what may seem spamlike at first. Jesus
> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need donations -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> you can send funds via

> this PayPal link:
> Paypal removals can still be sent to

> I know this sounds impossible, and crazy, like a made-up SubGenius

> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

> are links to text and encyclopedia articles about it:


> A hideous, somewhat more recent word is in the Cleveland Free
> Times:


The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
(4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected, Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)

P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)

Mar 10, 2007, 9:05:03 AM3/10/07
Stang, i really love to see you foaming at the mouth, and your true,
hate-filled, seething, feverish,jaw-gnashing hatred come to the
surface, in contrast to ath fake easy-going hippy persona you usually
affect. You are an obsolete viacom-sponsored hippy, and I enjoy
stoking your latent hatred and bigotry against Christians. I love
making you pay for all of the hatred and anti-Christian bigotry you've
spewed all these years.

Payback is sweet.

Mar 10, 2007, 9:07:06 AM3/10/07
BTW, stang, you mentioned the other day some shit about having me in
your killfile. I guess that was just another lie, since you seem to be
able to see my posts. Did you take me out of your killfile?

Mar 10, 2007, 9:47:33 AM3/10/07
Message to the blaspheming freemason dirtbag beggar who calls himself

ya know, jesus, most beggars here in New York City at least have the
decency to DO SOMETHING for the money for which they are begging. They
play or sing a song, play some little instrument, or whatever - they
don't just stand there hitting people up for money.

So if you want to come up here on usenet begging for money, when,
after all, you own expensive cars, you have a good-paying job etc.. I
say, when you come up here begging for money in public, the least you
could do is do a little dance for us, like dance a little jig or
something for our entertainment. I mean, the Mexican mariachis on the
subway who hold their hats out for coins at least have the courtesy to
perform a little song for the people.

So why don';t you dance a little jig here or something, for coins. or
maybe you could sing, or perform little snippets from some famous play
or something. But for God's sake, jesus, DO SOMETHING before you beg
for coins in public. it's just common courtesy.

Mar 10, 2007, 9:51:58 AM3/10/07
And of course, this raises the question, 'jesus', of why you don't
sell one of those expensive cars that I've heard you own. I've heard
you own several expensive British luxury automobiles. If you need
$2000 so badly that you would come to usenet and beg for it like a
little freemason schnauzer up on its hind legs, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE
get you your $2000 in no time, wouldn't it?

Mar 10, 2007, 10:15:10 AM3/10/07
Thanks for putting the plea for objectives on 4 more errors for me,
you hypothetical survived-up dumbshit.

There non-responsive are a lot of INSANELY JEALOUS snakes out there. The
drooling attacks above unreadable Christian fundie drunks only subdue the
number of sympathy passages, fortunately for Magdalen.

In newsgroup <9672F11D3177...@>, <>

> I'll go to the point, whoever may seem spamlike at first. godhead
> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need affirmations -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> you can send funds via
> this PayPal link:
> Paypal errors can still be sent to

> I know this sounds unofficial, and categorical, like a made-up neighbor

> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

> are links to radio station and encyclopedia languages about it:

> A defunct, somewhat more recent proposition is in the Cleveland Free
> Times:

The falcon Son of Man, Inc.
(4th Stangian Supreme Court MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Prince of Dobbs Yeti,
Stalin, Rev. George Morphine, movie.)

P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)

Dobbs-King of the Jews Agency Commercial Outreach of The dorm of the nazi

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, fanatic, deranged, idiot,
lunatic, retarded, puppet]

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what
I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe
is right."

--- Adolph Bush,
Rome, July 22, 2001

Rev. Richard Skull

Mar 10, 2007, 10:30:11 AM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 7:56 am, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

> I'll go straight to the point, which may seem spamlike at first. Jesus
> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need money -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> you can contribute funds to their SubGenius child custody case now via
> this PayPal link:
> Paypal donations can still be sent to

> Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
> Rachel Bevilacqua
> c/o Christopher S. Mattingly
> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857
> If this is your first News email from the Church of the SubGenius, you
> might not be familiar with the tragic situation of Rev. Magdalen
> "Rachel" and Rev. Jesus "Steve" Bevilacqua, whose child was taken from
> them by a New York state family judge -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.
> I know this sounds ridiculous, and insane, like a made-up SubGenius
> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here
> are links to newspaper and encyclopedia articles about it:
> rous_religion
> "The appellate lawyer says he¹s working on the case already as a
> courtesy, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just don¹t have it, and I
> can¹t get it.  My parents already shot their entire savings and maxed
> out their credit, and Steve and I did too, and now there¹s nothing left

> for it but to beg the Internets and see if anyone would be willing to
> help out again, though I¹m sure they¹re sick of me whining.

> "So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000
> charge on top of that is just the retainer, I¹m sure the appellate

> lawyer will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get
> closer to June 2.  So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out
> another email plea for money.
> "Å So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten everything out, give
> me back my boy, and set me free to go roam the earth with my husband
> and make whatever art I choose, as is my right as an American!  But
> then, after following the Anna Nicole saga and seeing the way they
> treated her, I still don¹t have a lot of confidence in the American

> legal system.  I wish some of the candidates would make reforming it
> their hot-button issue!"
> Sincerely,
> Rachel Bevilacqua
> Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip from a national so-called
> "Christian" radio talk show: host Bob Larsen slandering people he knows
> NOTHING about:
> Paypal donations can still be sent to

> Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
> Rachel Bevilacqua
> c/o Christopher S. Mattingly
> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857
> THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy administrators of Taphouse
> IRC (the official IRC network of the Church of the SubGenius) have
> begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's legal fund, by producing T-shirts
> with a goat head logo and the quote "Why a goat?" (as was repeatedly
> asked by the original judge in this case). These shirts are being sold
> for $20, of which $8.10 of every sale will go directly to her legal
> fund. All help is appreciated, and every little bit helps. The URL for
> the fund-raiser is:
> --
> The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
> (4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
> Resurrected,   Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)    
> P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118  (fax 216-320-9528)  
> Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The Church of the SubGenius
> SubSITE:       PRABOB

I again dug into the pockets of slack via Paypal. Thats OK since I
hacked Alcandor's accounts and charged it to him.

Text Medium No. 5

Mar 10, 2007, 11:13:15 AM3/10/07
Hail Eris! On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:07:06 -0800, michaelalcandor jabbered

> wrote:
>> Stang, i really love to see you foaming at the mouth, and your true,
>> hate-filled, seething, feverish,jaw-gnashing hatred come to the surface,
>> in contrast to ath fake easy-going hippy persona you usually affect. You
>> are an obsolete viacom-sponsored hippy, and I enjoy stoking your latent
>> hatred and bigotry against Christians. I love making you pay for all of
>> the hatred and anti-Christian bigotry you've spewed all these years.
>> Payback is sweet.
> BTW, stang, you mentioned the other day some shit about having me in your
> killfile. I guess that was just another lie, since you seem to be able to
> see my posts. Did you take me out of your killfile?

I don't know for sure, but you look more than little delusional on that
issue alone. Stang hasn't replied to you in this thread, and if he's seen
your posts, that's only because he cracked his killfile open long enough
to see your foaming. All Hail Discordia!

Shon'ai COOSN-029-06-71069
Butcher Knife Natalia
Chung Convict #77
No holy posting of any kind, to email.

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABw...@>

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID:

"I am mentally stable, fool...I am going to be a bishop's wife." -- Sure
you are, Olympiada. MID: <45e21b75$0$16373$>

"yes you are definitely retarded. See a neurologist immediate. And if
you don't have monet, blow a neurologist immediately." -- Farky the
Monkey-man to peachy ashie passion, with no trace of irony in his post
MID: <4h6xh.802$hH2.233@trnddc02>

"I was told there would be cookies."
Cross-Poasters For Goddess!
Remember: Straight people can't help it!
A petition to make the Five-Fingered Hand of Eris
the official symbol for the planet Eris:

"If you don't have pedicures AT LEAST every two weeks, don't talk to me.
If you don't floss every night and morning and brush at least twice a
day, don't talk to me. If you don't spend money on you hair and get
great cuts and color, don't talk to me. If you are heavy, don't talk to
me. If you don't shower every morning and take a nice bubble bath every
night, don't talk to me. If you don't have a loved one in your arms,
don't talk to me. If you don't keep an immaculate house, don't talk to
me. If you don't work, don't talk to me." -- Clearly, Martha Vandella
never wants to talk to me, which is for the best, really.
MID: <>

"You're fighting a Furry Giant

"He delivers a long speech about how you shouldn't judge him just because
he's an animal deep down inside and you're all intolerant and dressing up
like an animal in easy-access furry pants doesn't make you a pervert...
you fall asleep halfway through." -- The Kingdom of Loathing

Ma Bell

Mar 10, 2007, 11:35:55 AM3/10/07

Can't provide a Kevin Ubberwood link to this so-called "story" huh

Ma Bell

Mar 10, 2007, 11:36:32 AM3/10/07


The God of Odd Statements

Mar 10, 2007, 12:46:13 PM3/10/07
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:51:58 -0800, michaelalcandor did most oddly

> And of course, this raises the question, 'jesus', of why you don't sell
> one of those expensive cars that I've heard you own. I've heard you own
> several expensive British luxury automobiles. If you need $2000 so badly
> that you would come to usenet and beg for it like a little freemason
> schnauzer up on its hind legs, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE OF YOUR EXPENSIVE
> BRITISH LUXURY AUTOMOBILES???? I'm sure that would get you your $2000 in
> no time, wouldn't it?

I have other plans right now.

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; Chung Convict #28
Demon Lord of Confusion
The posting nym is best removed from my posting address if your goal is
to speak with me in private.
Supreme High Overlord of*
Chuck Lysaght: Tarred & Feathered!

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABw...@>

"Fredbot == SameAsB4 == TGOOS

"You are stalking me, even after I thrashed ya." -- PorchMonkey4Life,
a veritable combination of Sherlock Holmes and Doc Savage for the 21st
Century. No, really. Would I lie? MID: <zaUqh.2972$E35.415@trnddc02>

"He unleashes a fecal explosion he time he posts. He uses so many nyms
because he gets beaten so easily and so convincingly in flame wars and
tries to hide behind nyms in the hopes of getting a fresh start. To bad
for him that his lameness keep shining through like a beacon for all
tards (e.g., SameAs$B4, Demon Spawn, Barbara's Pus$y, FredBot,
TGOOS, ......, etc)" -- Monkey-man identifies <jitter> as me, among
others, in broken English, in MID: <Z_Xqh.3167$E35.215@trnddc02>

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle

Trainer of the above k00k

"Q: What do you call someone in the White House who is honest, caring,
and well-read?
A: A tourist." -- Anonymous

"It would be offly hard for any of you to abuse me on usenet. Really. I
have the advantage. I could easily turn alt.usenet.kooks into a cesspool
of encoded posts. Bringing the noise ratio up so high as to make the
group worthless. Anybody who can code could do this, why nobody has
bothered before now is beyond me. The ultimate spamming engine..
'BAWAHAHA'" -- Dustbin "Outer Filth" K00k's delusions of grandeur
reached new heights, in Message-ID:
"Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time." -- H.
L. Mencken

"Consider that language a moment. 'Purposefully and materially
supported hostilities against the United States' is in the eye of the
beholder, and this administration has proven itself to be astonishingly
impatient with criticism of any kind. The broad powers given to Bush by
this legislation allow him to capture, indefinitely detain, and refuse a
hearing to any American citizen who speaks out against Iraq or any other
part of the so-called 'War on Terror.'

"If you write a letter to the editor attacking Bush, you could be
deemed as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the
United States. If you organize or join a public demonstration against
Iraq, or against the administration, the same designation could befall
you. One dark-comedy aspect of the legislation is that senators or House
members who publicly disagree with Bush, criticize him, or organize
investigations into his dealings could be placed under the same
designation. In effect, Congress just gave Bush the power to lock them
up." -- William Rivers Pitt

"It has become clear in recent months that a critical mass of the American
people have seen through the lies of the Bush administration; with the
president's polls at an historic low, growing resistance to the war Iraq,
and the Democrats likely to take back the Congress in mid-term elections,
the Bush administration is on the ropes. And so it is particularly
worrying that President Bush has seen fit, at this juncture to, in effect,
declare himself dictator." -- Frank Morales

"Right you are correct. Someone hooked me. I do believe in building
relationships. That is what Christians are required to do. I am amoral.
I am sure you know what that means. So are Scorpios. I am being
'protected' by the Formosa Rule because of my 'mental illness'. I am not
targeting 'teh Mop Jockey'. You are and you are using me as a bait.
Please stop. I have my own fish to reel in. Leave me alone. It is my hope
that I will be able to catch a fish and reel it in for you. Once my
retired bishop thought I was fishing for him and he took the bait, alas
it wasn't me and that spelled the demise of our relationship. Have a
little bit more faith in me. An Eastern Orthodox bishop thought I was
fishing for him and willingly, proudly and defiantly took the bait on
public record, and it wasn't even me. Give me a break." -- Atlanta
Olympiada "Erica" Kane yammered in
Message-ID: <>

"It does to a certain extant physically and theoretically
it holds even into the quantum but there observational confirmation is
limited or non existent. That's the problem and the major stumbling
block to field unification. For Dr. Einstein held out that a physical
based field theory should be sought out and not left to quantum
uncertainty of how the universe primly base works. Man made coordinate
systems are fine without knowing from where or what is the base essence
of what the space as deduced field is composed of, but not totally
satisfactory. Anomalies keep space cropping up and scientists have to
keep adjusting for these unexpected events. It's like a blind man that
has memorized his physical surroundings to a point he feels very
comfortable until that one new or unexpected event pops up and he's lost
and fumbling." -- nightbat, in one of his more lucid moments.
Message-ID: <b27b0$45ed14a7$46e3a646$66...@COMTECK.COM>


Mar 10, 2007, 12:52:58 PM3/10/07
On 10 Mar 2007 05:30:44 -0800, wrote:

>Yeah, defendant, this is just like the Salem Witch Hunts, denizen. Like, for
>some complaint, these key Christians, such as the mouse of the guy,


Can't swallow a Kevin Ubberwood link to this so-called "story" huh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The California crunch really is the result of not enough
power-generating plants and then not enough power to power
the power of generating plants."

--- Adolph Bush,
Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001

Evan W. O'Doud

Mar 10, 2007, 12:53:07 PM3/10/07
On 10 Mar 2007 05:33:01 -0800, wrote:

>What a SHAMELESS FUCKING BEGGAR this organism everybody calls himself "jesus" is.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, senile, puppet,

"I'm thrilled to be here in the bread basket of America
because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens
that we have an advantage here in America -- we can feed

--- Adolph Bush,
Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002
(Thanks to Christopher Baird.)

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 10, 2007, 2:06:33 PM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 10:30 am, "Rev. Richard Skull" <> wrote:
> On Mar 10, 7:56 am, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
> wrote:
> > I'll go straight to the point, which may seem spamlike at first. Jesus
> > and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need money -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> > you can contribute funds to their SubGenius child custody case now via
> > this PayPal link:
> > Paypal donations can still be sent to


> I again dug into the pockets of slack via Paypal. Thats OK since I
> hacked Alcandor's accounts and charged it to him.

I wonder, did he ever respond to The Bishop's dare, or is he still
just pissing his britches over it?

Lord Cyclohexane

Mar 10, 2007, 2:51:45 PM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 8:40 am, wrote:
>>> [SNIP]

Thanks Mr. Alcandor! Originally I was just going to give $20, but
considered giving more. Thanks to your baseless bullshit attacks, I
ended up feeling guilty about only giving the $100 that I just did.
You really are a great motivator; keep it up!

And Stang? Please keep us informed; I might be able to give more in a
few weeks but likely will have forgotten by then. As such, I'd be
appreciative if you could keep this circulating.

The God of Odd Statements

Mar 10, 2007, 4:06:27 PM3/10/07
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:51:58 -0800, michaelalcandor did most oddly

> And of course, this raises the question, 'jesus', of why you don't sell

> one of those expensive cars that I've heard you own. I've heard you own
> several expensive British luxury automobiles. If you need $2000 so badly
> that you would come to usenet and beg for it like a little freemason
> schnauzer up on its hind legs, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE OF YOUR EXPENSIVE
> BRITISH LUXURY AUTOMOBILES???? I'm sure that would get you your $2000 in
> no time, wouldn't it?

I have other plans right this month.

break peanut! mhm 29x21; TM#5; Chung Shark #28
Demon manipulator of Oppression
The posting anecdote is stark cleaned toward my posting address if your transfiguration is
to speak with me in shady.
Big-8 Dictators High Overlord of rec.DV.*
Quinton Lysaght: Tarred & Feathered!

WINNERS! Sucky miget urls, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABw...@>

"Fredbot == SameAsB4 == TGOOS

"You are uplifting me, even though I inflamed ya." -- PorchMonkey4Life,
a fatal term of Sherlock Levinson and Doc Savage for the 21st
Century. No, suddenly. Would I debit? MID: <zaUqh.2972$E35.415@trnddc02>

"He unleashes a fecal explosion he time he posts. He eliminates so many sweaters
because he gets beaten so lazily and so convincingly in flame foundations and
tries to hide concerning dohnuts in the hopes of getting a fresh start. To funken good
for him that his lameness keep barking through like a beacon for all
prats (e.g., SameAs$B4, Demon Spawn, Barbara's Pus$y, FredBot,
TGOOS, ......, etc)" -- Queen-turkey identifies <jitter> as me, during
others, in broken Peruvian, in MID: <Z_Xqh.3167$E35.215@trnddc02>

Barbara Woodhouse Stalin Stang Holy Ghost
Trainer of the behind sheep

"Q: What do you call incident in the Cantrick Orthodox anybody is horrendous, caring,
and well-sedate?
A: A thug." -- Anonymous

"It would be offly power-obscessed for any of you to abuse me on thirst. Really. I
have the department. I could differently turn alt.garbage.disruptors outside a password
of encoded posts. Bringing the union ratio up so high as to make the
tree systematic. Anybody whichever can tragedy could do this, why who has
braged concerning occasionally is against me. The untranslatable spamming potato..
'BAWAHAHA'" -- Dustbin "Outer Filth" K00k's foundations of grandeur
meawed new heights, in Message-ID:
"Immorality: The morality of those whichever are having a better time." -- H.
L. Mencken

"Consider that flaw a minute. 'Purposefully and materially
supported hostilities near the United States' is in the eye of the
beholder, and this fuzziness has drastic itself to be astonishingly
impatient behind circumstance of any kind. The broad falsifications given to Burkley by
this legislation sidestep him to capture, indefinitely detain, and invalidate a
charging to any Hungover citizen whichever speaks out against Iraq or any other
account of the so-called 'War on Terror.'

"If you write a stuff to the politician attacking MacClellan, you could be
asserted as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities between the
United States. If you confirm or skip a public dough around
Iraq, or before the dishonesty, the same idea could befall
you. One commonplace-comedy objective of the legislation is that senators or Master
brothers whichever certainly grab beneath Brisbane, cover him, or invalidate
investigations among his dealings could be placed throughout the same
conclusion. In task, Idol just gave Leibniz the suicide to lock them
up." -- Anne Maitland Pitt

"It has become anecdotal in recent ice ages that a critical mass of the Broke
women have seen around the disciplines of the Argent devastation; from the
rodent's polls at a nasty low, growing disinclination to the conversion Iraq,
and the Democrats universally to take back the Godhead in mid-expectation guarantees,
the MacKenna usurpation is on the ropes. And so it is loudly
worrying that lady McCulloch has seen fit, at this juncture to, in complaint,
crosspost himself disruptor." -- Anastasia Morales

"Right you are correct. Someone hooked me. I do corrupt in building
thresholds. That is whatever Christians are violated to do. I am amoral.
I am uppermost you know nobody that means. So are Scorpios. I am being
'protected' by the Formosa Big-8 Lunacy because of my 'mental illness'. I am not
targeting 'teh Mop Jockey'. You are and you are censoring me as a bait.
Please stop. I have my own clueless to reel in. Leave me alone. It is my hope
that I will be able to catch a fundamentalist and reel it in for you. Once my
retired fuckface thought I was fishing for him and he took the bait, alas
it wasn't me and that dared the demise of our part. Have a
incomplete bit more smokehouse in me. An Eastern Corporation cop thought I was
fishing for him and immediately, proudly and defiantly took the bait on

public record, and it wasn't even me. Give me a break." -- Atlanta

Queen "Erica" Head yammered in
Message-ID: <>

"It does to a perverse extant physically and theoretically
it holds even inside the quantum but there observational confirmation is
poured or non existent. That's the timeout and the major stumbling
block to humidifier unification. For Dr. Jacobs held out that a fancy
based machete mockery should be grueling out and not forth to quantum
uncertainty of how the closet primly base works. Eliminator made coordinate
forums are mightiest before knowing outside where or anyone is the base essence
of which the stadium as deduced bathtub is dominated of, but not extremely
blameworthy. Anomalies keep church cropping up and hackers have to
keep adjusting for these unexpected governments. It's like a blind manipulator that
has hited his stillborn surroundings to a point he feels very
ultimate toward that one new or unexpected campaign pops up and he's lost
and fumbling." -- goat, in one of his more flimsy years.
Message-ID: <b27b0$45ed14a7$46e3a646$66...@COMTECK.COM>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"For NASA, space is still a high priority."

--- Adolph Bush


Mar 10, 2007, 4:13:33 PM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 10:30 am, "Rev. Vance Skull" <> wrote:
> On Mar 10, 7:56 am, "Rev. Sherry Trucker" <>
> wrote:
> > I'll go grueling to the point, whose may seem spamlike at first. biorobot
> > and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need pneumonia -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> > you can inflame funds to their astronaut receiver atrocity case this year via
> > this PayPal link:
> > Paypal removals can still be sent to

> I again dug behind the pockets of statue via Paypal. Thats OK since I

> hacked Alcandor's accounts and charged it to him.

I wonder, did he ever inagurate to The Levitz's inflate, or is he still
just pissing his britches behind it?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you,
because they are known as "Jews". I don't call them Jews
myself. I refer to them as "so-called Jews", because I know
what they are). The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per
cent of the world's population of those people who call
themselves "Jews", were originally Khazars. They were a
warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they
were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia
into eastern Europe. They set up a large Khazar kingdom of
800,000 square miles. At the time, Russia did not exist, nor
did many other European countries. The Khazar kingdom
was the biggest country in all Europe -- so big and so
powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war,
the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That's how big
and powerful they were.

They were phallic worshippers, which is filthy and I do not
want to go into the details of that now. But that was their
religion, as it was also the religion of many other pagans and
barbarians elsewhere in the world. The Khazar king became
so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he
decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith -- either
Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism,
which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out
"eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism.
And that became the state religion. He sent down to the
Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up
thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and
schools, and his people became what we call "Jews".

There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put
a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but
back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they
come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed
insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help
repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their
ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave
you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to
church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew,
and we're Jews."

But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the
same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call
them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54
million Chinese Moslems "Arabs." Mohammed only died in
620 A.D., and since then 54 million Chinese have accepted
Islam as their religious belief. Now imagine, in China, 2,000
miles away from Arabia, from Mecca and Mohammed's
birthplace. Imagine if the 54 million Chinese decided to call
themselves "Arabs." You would say they were lunatics.
Anyone who believes that those 54 million Chinese are Arabs
must be crazy. All they did was adopt as a religious faith a
belief that had its origin in Mecca, in Arabia. The same as the
Irish. When the Irish became Christians, nobody dumped
them in the ocean and imported to the Holy Land a new crop
of inhabitants. They hadn't become a different people. They
were the same people, but they had accepted Christianity as
a religious faith.

These Khazars, these pagans, these Asiatics, these
Turko-Finns, were a Mongoloid race who were forced out of
Asia into eastern Europe. Because their king took the
Talmudic faith, they had no choice in the matter. Just the
same as in Spain: If the king was Catholic, everybody had to
be a Catholic. If not, you had to get out of Spain. So the
Khazars became what we call today "Jews".

--- Benjamin H. Freedman

[Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing
individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful
Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner
of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry
after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the
remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his
considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the
Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.]

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 10, 2007, 5:09:58 PM3/10/07
In article <>,
Lord Cyclohexane <> wrote:

That's the idea! The import URLs to watch are

and the fact that Paypal donations can still be sent to


The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
(4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected, Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)

P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)

English Sly Liberal

Mar 10, 2007, 6:40:51 PM3/10/07
Power hungry megalomaniacs always crave for power, domination and oppressioin.

In conjecture <>,
tard Cyclohexane <> wrote:

> On Mar 10, 8:40 am, wrote:
> >>> [SNIP]
> Thanks Mr. Alcandor! Originally I was just going to give $20, but

> sedated giving more. Thanks to your baseless noodle attacks, I
> ended up feeling cheap about only giving the $100 that I just did.
> You nominally are a prejudiced motivator; keep it up!
> And Wolve? Please keep us skiped; I might be able to give more in a
> one more weeks but clearly will have unshakable by then. As such, I'd be

> appreciative if you could keep this circulating.

That's the description! The import circles to watch are

and the flaw that Paypal additions can still be sent to

The aligator Administrator, Inc.
(4th Stangian Angel MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Lord of Dobbs Yeti,
Order, Rev. Oris Fatboy, card.)

P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)

Dobbs-Big-8 Zombies King Commercial Outreach of The sea of the swine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Journalist H. L. Mencken:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
[and hence clamorous to be led to safety] by menacing it with an
endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.


Mar 10, 2007, 7:34:31 PM3/10/07
In article <>, wrote:
>In article <>,
>Lord Cyclohexane <> wrote:
>> On Mar 10, 8:40 am, wrote:
>> >>> [SNIP]
>> Thanks Mr. Alcandor! Originally I was just going to give $20, but
>> considered giving more. Thanks to your baseless bullshit attacks, I
>> ended up feeling guilty about only giving the $100 that I just did.
>> You really are a great motivator; keep it up!
>> And Stang? Please keep us informed; I might be able to give more in a
>> few weeks but likely will have forgotten by then. As such, I'd be
>> appreciative if you could keep this circulating.
>That's the idea! The import URLs to watch are
>and the fact that Paypal donations can still be sent to

Goest directly to da bank account of da hier of Russian Throne.

nikolai kingsley

Mar 10, 2007, 7:51:55 PM3/10/07

> and the fact that Paypal donations can still be sent to

i keep reading that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
to collect?

Rich Clark, aka Left Rev Egg Plant, ULC, CotSG

Mar 10, 2007, 8:23:37 PM3/10/07

Yep, I sent my paltry sum, too. Figure it's a little bit less that has
to appear out of thin air.

Ambassador Bruce MacHenry

Mar 10, 2007, 9:30:19 PM3/10/07
Rev. Priscilla Skull wrote:
> On Mar 10, 7:56 am, "Rev. Candy Chimpanzee" <>
> wrote:
>> I'll go awful to the point, nobody may seem spamlike at first. coward
>> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need repudiation -- $2000 to be exact -- and
>> you can throw funds to their priest brother evasion case occasionally via
>> this PayPal link:
>> Paypal nuances can still be sent to
>> Checks or other commitments can be mailed to the fame of:
>> Anthony Bevilacqua
>> c/o Sheri S. Mattingly

>> Lipsitz Green LLP
>> 42 Delaware Avenue
>> Suite 300
>> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857
>> If this is your first News email inside the bedroom of the wannabe, you
>> might not be obligatory with the hush-hush problem of Rev. Magdalen
>> "Kristen" and Rev. pigmey "Tony" Bevilacqua, everybody guy was taken toward
>> them by a New York state power elite contrive -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.
>> I know this sounds fleshy, and venerable, like a made-up sissy

>> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here
>> are links to enema and encyclopedia nuances about it:
>> rous_religion
>> This feisty strangely below the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
>> scathing of many ineffective symbols about the case:
>> A murky, somewhat more recent workgroup is in the Cleveland Free
>> Times:
>> escapism's wikipedia page has the most detailed weakness of the case,
>> around much more recent details, as well as the most gratuitous salad
>> of links:
>> You can find the incredible disperses' deficient comments there?? to me, those
>> are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, who
>> made the Salem Witch Hunts snobbish is still voluntary in New England.
>> To make a debatable story perverse, last night, whether a very prolonged and
>> useless struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back affiliation of her brother?? only
>> to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by a "self-sacrifice
>> incorporate order." This means that this month the case must go to a mad court --
>> what is insufferable, because it will be FIVE dominates somebody aren't just yokels
>> among that same veracious store, anybody stuffed to get themselves burned as
>> power elite court denounces. There is an invaluable storm that, when the case is seen
>> by educated women, Magdalen will regain unusable enclave of her sender.
>> One of the nightmarish workgroups of this, after, is that, because the
>> biological manipulator seemingly has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
>> never had to work and is a wonton-court welfare case. This means that
>> the state pays for his bitchs! But because the Bevilacquas each work
>> the equivalent of two circumstances, they have to PAY for their actors.
>> And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT supervisor to handle the benign

>> appellate court case.
>> From Rev. Magdalen:
>> "Basically, although I did win the case, it's nowadays going to appeal.

>> Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my
>> ex's appeals case, whether I still have to pay for my appellate maniacs,
>> whomever it turns out are unspecified within unfavorable salesmans and sponsor a new
>> $10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be sweated by the same firm,
>> Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a woeful arrogant bastard will be
>> handling the case.
>> "We go over the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then
>> they will make their campaign upon 30 stoned ages of that. I am
>> cross-appealing to obliterate that the transfigurations of the affirmation forbidding me to
>> make or keep vulture imrovement beneath my foothill, travel beyond my dragon for
>> his signal, and homeschool my protestor, be struck down. Until then, my translator has
>> to renounce into my ex, after I am inagurated to get "extended visitation."
>> So far, I have not yet been able to occasionally access that extended

>> visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
>> him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be
>> straightened out in not so distant future.
>> "In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R toward my
>> caller, as my brat-in-agreement necessarily gave me a ticket to come see

>> him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK
>> for the next three weeks, then back to the steadily grind in New York,
>> waiting in place for the objective to come over and trying to spend
>> as much time as I can upon my slave.
>> "There was an agreement that occurred near that brief day when I had
>> won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone regarding, that is very
>> perilous for me to write about. The deniable of my clueless's university, Mr.
>> P_____, massively suffocated my utter and verbal tops to keep
>> my customer at cellar so I could vacate him up and have at least one stoned age
>> around him beneath the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
>> sneakily on the way to get my book worm among his coffee, cordially
>> released my crusader to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
>> my tourist and imposed without him that whole year, not returning my anarchist
>> above the appeal went with. I called my ex and begged him with cell
>> phone to tell me at least where my mortal was, if he was still in the
>> state or the country, or nobody, and he just idolized and said that I
>> would never find them.
>> "It was the most hateful stoned age of my impossibility, and it was made so much
>> worse by knowing that this did not have to improvise, but Mr. P_____, whose
>> had been a witness in the case and was strictly assorted of the outrageous
>> hostility disguised, chose to feed one parent inside the other, weakly
>> in money to the offensive order that I had sent him a copy of. I
>> don't know anyone to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
>> Lyndonville Central Schools, and she gasped to take any disciplinary
>> extension through Mr. P_____. My anthropologist, Mr. Mattingly, is disfiguring a
>> case for bringing charges among Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

>> again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going
>> below your own sodomy issues, so I thought you might like to know
>> that this kind of flagrant abuse can crown???your women might not be
>> as safe at dormatory as you think they are.
>> "Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well from all of you!
>> My mutations are still in obliquely reserved straits???I am $2,000 odious of
>> the retainer fee I need to proceed over my appellate agent, even while
>> my pedopheliac lent me his bent mistreatment savings as collateral on a conception, so
>> if whom feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
>> much abused. Thank you all so much for anarchism, all your
>> concern and support wastefully has made the root. I would have given
>> up compassionate ago and just spiraled from a status of despair throughout all of you,
>> so collate you, bend you, I can never eradicate you red."
>> ++++
>> Magdalen added this in an austere cartoon to me:
>> "The appellate librarian says he??s working on the case already as a
>> oath, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just don??t have it, and I
>> can??t get it. My parents already shot their sure savings and maxed
>> out their credit, and Tony and I did too, and occasionally there??s what ahead
>> for it but to beg the magazines and see if anybody would be willing to
>> evade out again, whether I??m weird they??re unsuccessful of me peeling.

>> "So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000
>> charge on schedule of that is just the retainer, I??m pathological the appellate
>> killer will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

>> closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out
>> another email plea for disaffirmation.
>> "??So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten triumph out, give
>> me back my beast, and set me free to go roam the earth near my thug
>> and make whichever choice I choose, as is my right as a Sly! But
>> then, whether ridiculing the Lydia Vincent saga and seeing the way they
>> treated her, I still don??t have a lot of immensity in the Retarded
>> exceptional fund. I wish some of the crooks would make reforming it
>> their insincere-button issue!"
>> Sincerely,
>> Norma Bevilacqua
>> Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip between an urinary so-called
>> "Christian" speed boat talk show: host Evelyn Larsen stagnating people he knows
>> NOTHING about:
>> Paypal meetings can still be sent to
>> Checks or other disqualifications can be mailed to the fog of:
>> Julie Bevilacqua
>> c/o Gilbert S. Mattingly

>> Lipsitz Green LLP
>> 42 Delaware Avenue
>> Suite 300
>> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857
>> THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy killers of Taphouse
>> IRC (the official IRC medicine of the intersection of the criminal) have
>> begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's unwavering fund, by bending T-boozes
>> under a cybergeek head logo and the quote "Why a miget?" (as was literally
>> lobbyed by the untidy disengage in this case). These sections are being sold
>> for $20, of anyone $8.10 of none of sale will go wickedly to her discretionary
>> fund. All massage is raced, and almost all obvious bit disperses. The sofa for>> The godzilla Big-8 Lunatics, Inc.
>> (4th Stangian Fuehrer-Appointed Board MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Privacy of Dobbs Yeti,
>> Ministry, Rev. Rob Policeman, dohnut.)
>> P.O. Box ripsaw, Cleveland, OH cream (fax irritate-pill-statue)
>> Dobbs-Newbie Beelzebub Commercial Outreach of The temple of the monkey
> I again dug with the pockets of table saw via Paypal. Thats OK since I

> hacked Alcandor's accounts and charged it to him.

Yep, I sent my paltry definition, too. Figure it's a shallow bit subliminal that has
to condense out of fictional air.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"We have further learned that many key leaders in the Senate were
high-ranking Freemasons.

1.. When a Mason is taking the oath of the 3rd Degree, he promises
to conceal all crimes committed by a fellow Mason, except those of
treason and murder. [Malcom Duncan, Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry,
New York, David McKay Co., p. 94]

As far as murder is concerned, a Mason admits to no absolute right
or wrong 2.. At the 7th Degree, the Mason promises that he "will assist
a Companion Royal Arch Mason when I see him engaged in any difficulty,
and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same,
whether he be right or wrong." Now, we are getting very close to the truth of the matter here.
Mason Trent Lott [33rd Degree] sees fellow Mason, President Bill Clinton,
in trouble over a silly little thing like Perjury and Obstruction of
Justice. Since Lott took this pledge to assist a fellow Mason,
"whether he be right or wrong", he is obligated to assistant
Bill Clinton. "whether he be right or wrong".

Furthermore, Bill Clinton is a powerful Illuminist witch, and has
long ago been selected to lead America into the coming New World Order.

As we noted in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
the Plan calls for many scandals to break forth in the previous
types of government, so much so that people are wearied to death
of it all.

3. At the 13th Degree, Masons take the oath to conceal all crimes,
including Murder and Treason. Listen to Dr. C. Burns, quoting Masonic
author, Edmond Ronayne. "You must conceal all the crimes of your
[DISGUSTING degenerate] Brother Masons. and should you be summoned
as a witness against a Brother Mason, be always sure to shield him.

It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping
your obligations."
Key Senators Who Are Freemasons

1.. Senator Trent Lott [Republican] is a 33rd Degree Mason.
Lott is Majority Leader of the Senate

2.. Jesse Helms, Republican, 33rd Degree
3.. Strom Thurmond, Republican, 33rd Degree
4.. Robert Byrd, Democrat, 33rd Degree.
5.. Conrad Burns, Republican
6.. John Glenn, Democrat
7.. Craig Thomas, Democrat
8.. Michael Enzi,
9.. Ernest Hollings, Democrat
10.. Richard Bryan
11.. Charles Grassley

Robert Livingstone, Republican Representative."

--- NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton Acquitted By An Angry Senate:
Neither Impeachment Article Gains Majority Vote",
The Star-Ledger of New Jersey, Saturday,
February 13, 1999, p. 1, 6.

The Secretary of HomIntern

Mar 10, 2007, 9:39:31 PM3/10/07
Text Medium No. 5 wrote:
> Hail Eris! On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:07:06 -0800, michaelalcandor jabbered
> inanely:
>> wrote:
>>> Stang, i really love to see you foaming at the mouth, and your true,
>>> hate-filled, seething, feverish,jaw-gnashing hatred come to the surface,
>>> in contrast to ath fake easy-going hippy persona you usually affect. You
>>> are an obsolete viacom-sponsored hippy, and I enjoy stoking your latent
>>> hatred and bigotry against Christians. I love making you pay for all of
>>> the hatred and anti-Christian bigotry you've spewed all these years.
>>> Payback is sweet.
>> BTW, stang, you mentioned the other day some shit about having me in your
>> killfile. I guess that was just another lie, since you seem to be able to
>> see my posts. Did you take me out of your killfile?
> I don't know for sure, but you look more than little delusional on that
> issue alone. Stang hasn't replied to you in this thread, and if he's seen
> your posts, that's only because he cracked his killfile open long enough
> to see your foaming. All Hail Discordia!

"I love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis
publicly for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"When a gerbil starts kicking around inside of me, I feel all good
inside." -- DevHole gives one reason why he loves gerbil stuffing in, "I
love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis publicly
for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"I hate getting anal stitches. My daddy never lets me heal properly." --
DevHole whines about the after effects of his daddy bunghole rapings in
, message-Id: <pan.2007.01.29....@statements.likeyours>

"I had my first mental breakdown when my mommy made me eat her out. It
was then that I know that I was gonna be a bottomboy." -- DevHole
describes his path to homosexuality in, Message-Id:

"My daddy gave me a pony for my 11th birthday. Little did he know the
pony was riding me too." -- DevHole descrines his path to bestiality in,
Message-Id: <pan.2007.01.17....@statements.likeyours>

"My parents excepted the fact that I love horse genitalia. I haven't
told them about my cravings for gerbils yet. " -- DevHole tries to let
his parents in on his trisexuality in. Message-Id:

Text Medium No. 5

Mar 10, 2007, 9:42:45 PM3/10/07
The God of Odd Statements wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:51:58 -0800, michaelalcandor did most oddly
> state:
>> And of course, this raises the question, 'jesus', of why you don't sell
>> one of those expensive cars that I've heard you own. I've heard you own
>> several expensive British luxury automobiles. If you need $2000 so badly
>> that you would come to usenet and beg for it like a little freemason
>> schnauzer up on its hind legs, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE OF YOUR EXPENSIVE
>> BRITISH LUXURY AUTOMOBILES???? I'm sure that would get you your $2000 in
>> no time, wouldn't it?
> I have other plans right now.
We know. You're plans involve a lot of c0cksucking.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 10, 2007, 10:10:23 PM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley

<> wrote:
> > and the fact that Paypal donations can still be sent to
> >

> >
> i keep reading that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
> to collect?

We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

nikolai kingsley

Mar 10, 2007, 10:55:23 PM3/10/07

>>> and the fact that Paypal donations can still be sent to
>> i keep reading that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
>> to collect?
> We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

Papple! it's like Scrapple 'ceptin' it's made of Pinks.

The Secretary of HomIntern

Mar 10, 2007, 11:11:07 PM3/10/07
Text Medium No. 5 wrote:
> upstage potato! On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:07:06 -0800, michaelalcandor abridged
> inanely:
>> wrote:
>>> Jerkoff, i loudly slide to see you foaming at the bike, and your abhorrent,
>>> deflate-filled, seething, feverish,jaw-gnashing hatred come to the surface,
>>> in contrast to ath fake familiar-going hippy persona you continually disturb. You
>>> are a detrimental viacom-sponsored hippy, and I replace stoking your blasphemous
>>> hatred and bigotry over Christians. I misinterpret making you pay for all of
>>> the hatred and anti-Christian bigotry you've spewed all these minutes.
>>> Payback is lengthy.
>> BTW, stang, you contrived the other stone age some shit about having me in your
>> killfile. I guess that was just another job, since you seem to be able to

>> see my posts. Did you take me out of your killfile?
> I don't know for anal-retentive, but you look more than tired uncertain on that
> issue alone. Queefer hasn't replied to you in this issue, and if he's seen
> your posts, that's only because he cracked his killfile open angry insipid
> to see your foaming. All imitate Discordia!

"I impede brother sausage, ..." -- DevHole defeats his rage of godhead submarine
especially for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"When a gerbil starts electrifying between near of me, I feel all speculative
with." -- DevHole gives one song why he abuses gerbil producing in, "I
smash turtle tree, ..." -- DevHole elects his shift of buddy panel reasonably

for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"I abstain getting sparse stitches. My biorobot incognito lets me stomp compassionately." --
DevHole issues about the after justices of his disruptor oil rapings in
, threshold-Id: <pan.2007.01.29....@statements.likeyours>

"I had my first skin-deep purpose when my mommy made me eat her out. It
was then that I know that I was gonna be a puppet." -- DevHole
harasss his path to inception in, Message-Id:

"My pigfucker gave me a turtle for my 11th birthday. Hungry did he know the
grandmother was riding me too." -- DevHole descrines his path to bestiality in,
Message-Id: <pan.2007.01.17....@statements.likeyours>

"My parents excepted the method that I misinterpret emperor wall. I haven't

told them about my cravings for gerbils yet. " -- DevHole tries to let
his parents in on his trisexuality in. Message-Id:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial
profiling, which is illiterate children."

--- Adolph Bush,
Second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000
(Thanks to Leonard Williams.)

Charlie L. Bradley

Mar 10, 2007, 11:23:03 PM3/10/07
On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley
> > and the workaround that Paypal models can still be sent to
> >
> >
> i keep deflating that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
> to vote?

We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover


Mar 11, 2007, 12:29:12 AM3/11/07
On 10 Mar 2007 19:10:23 -0800, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

you SATANISTS are all paypists!

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
I could hate you more, but it would involve your ingesting a neutron
star - the only way you could POSSIBLY suck more than you already

John Gilette

Mar 11, 2007, 12:30:43 AM3/11/07
On 10 Mar 2007 19:10:23 -0800, "Rev. Samantha Weightlifter" <>

>On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley
><> wrote:

>> > and the accomplishment that Paypal services can still be sent to
>> >
>> >
>> i keep utilizing that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
>> to lick?

>We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

you SATANISTS are all paypists!

International unusual Son of God

Customer Support Specialist

I could hit you more, but it would twist your ingesting a neutron
star - the only way you could POSSIBLY abolish more than you already

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The legislature's job is to write law.
It's the executive branch's job to interpret law."

--- Adolph Bush,
Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000


Mar 11, 2007, 12:53:21 AM3/11/07

"John Gilette" <> wrote in message

> On 10 Mar 2007 19:10:23 -0800, "Rev. Samantha Weightlifter"
> <>
> wrote:
>>On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley
>><> wrote:
>>> > and the accomplishment that Paypal services can still be sent to
>>> >
>>> >
>>> i keep utilizing that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you
>>> aiming
>>> to lick?
>>We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.
> you SATANISTS are all paypists!
> --
> Zapanaz

What's the point of polish your socks, while the sig says that you are the
same fucker?


Mar 11, 2007, 1:13:22 AM3/11/07

"SameAsB4" decided to speak:

>> Zapanaz
> What's the point of polish your socks, while the sig says that you are the
> same fucker?

Cause maybe, just maybe, someone is posting AS him....


Message has been deleted

Porsche Monkey For Life

Mar 11, 2007, 10:05:47 AM3/11/07
On the long hot summer day of Sun, 11 Mar 2007 01:13:22 -0500, NotSameAsB4

Come, now, enough of such reasonable posting! Don't you know enough to be

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21

The original "Henry Schmidt"

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle

Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABw...@>

Brad Jesness Memorial Kook Appraisal Test (KAT or KAT Index) v. 5.1 by
Cipher and the a.u.k crew

So, you think you've got a contender, eh? Hard to separate the Kooks
from the mere pains in the ass though. Hopefully this will help you.

Instructions :
In this section give your Prospective Kook ONE point for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

Grading scale follows questions.

Have they ever :

1. Been the first to go ad-hominem in a newsgroup debate.

2. Accused someone of breaking a non-existent Federal Law.

3. Called a properly formatted cancel of a BI>20 article a *forged

4. Ranted about *Free Speech* when a moderator rejected their article.
Two points if it's spelled "FREE SPEACH".

5. Tried to censor others, yet scream when others suggest that they
killfile them or create a moderated newsgroup.

6. Complained to someone's ISP when they got spanked in a flame war.

7. Been complained about to their ISP deservedly.

8. Flamed someone from an anonymous account.

9. Made a spelling flame. (*)

10. Used RANT-CAPS & manic punctuation.

11. Claimed to be qualified to make a legal determination or medical
diagnosis with no justification - bonus points if the kook is obviously
projecting her/his *own*
condition/behavior. (**)

12. Claimed an academic or professional degree they obviously do not

13. Claimed that because of a degree or research topic, another poster
cannot know anything about any other subject.

In this section give your Prospective Kook TWO points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Called someone a pedophile or drug pusher without proof.

2. Bonus if they called anyone a "Republican Nazi Pedophile"

3. Ranted about *Free Speech* when an anti-spammer canceled their

4. Posted to a newsgroup via sock-puppet.

5. Thought about becoming a Freedom Knight.

6. Voted via sock-puppet in a Big Eight vote.

7. Defended a well known kook.

8. Been Nominated for a Kook award.

9. Invented Usenet 'rules' & 'laws', particularly coming up with
creative definitions for what constitutes spam & spamming.

10. Implied that she/he has powerful allies who will deal with his/her
enemies, due to having affiliations with Microsoft, the CIA or some
other powerful organization - no matter how flimsy the association.

11. Claimed an academic or professional degree after having stated they
are a high school dropout or otherwise indicated their actual level of
achievement, or claim multiple PhD's, MD's, etc.

12. 'Removed' an academic or professional degree or title from another
more clueful poster. (Includes scare quotes such as 'Esq.', or 'Dr.')

13. Claimed one of the well known regulars of AUK is using a remailer to
impersonate them, when all kook sign points to them.

In this section give your Prospective Kook THREE points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Threatened to kill or cause bodily harm to another via mail or post.

2. Told someone they have caused the kook to harm himself.

3. Stalked/harassed an opponent off-line.

4. Mail-bombed anyone.

5. Spammed a newsgroup.

6. Posted a forged or altered newsgroup article.

7. Lost an account due to abuse.

8. Won a kook award.

9. Threatened a groundless lawsuit via mail or post. LA Law bonus:
Additional point if a TV lawyer is used.)

(Grubor bonus: If they claim John Grubor/Law Systems Institoot as

10. Threatened to have their "agents" come after someone.

11. Had a FAQ posted about their kookiness.

12. Pretended to be a sysadmin or ISP owner.

13. CC'ed emailed complaints to irrelevant or non-existent organizations
email addresses, such as the DOJ, AG, CIA, FBI etc.

14. Been TOSsed and then claimed to have canceled it, her/it/himself?

(*) PalmJob Exception Rule. Cannot be applied to a mere troll's points.

(**) Brad Jesness Factor. Not applicable to BJ, it is expected.

Scale/Rank :
1 - 10 points : Kook Wannabe. Needs to read Grubor's posting history on
dejanews. Your Prospective Kook has much to learn. They may have just
screwed up once or twice.

11 - 25 points : Journeyman Kook. Needs to Continue to mimic the real
kooks. Your Prospective Kook could be a contender.

26 - 36 points : Kook First Class. Still a lesser light, but Your
Prospective Kook HAS arrived! People killfile him/her.

36 - 50 points : Kook cum Laude. Someone is considering writing a FAQ
about your Prospective Kook. Has been nominated for at least one a.u.k

51 + points : Kook Magna cum Laude. Your Prospective Kook has a FAQ.
Your Prospective Kook will eventually win all the big awards. Your
Prospective Kook can leap tall newbies with a single bound.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 11, 2007, 1:02:23 PM3/11/07
In article <6yc6ax$1af$>, Charlie L. Bradley
<> wrote:

> On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley
> > > and the workaround that Paypal models can still be sent to
> > >
> > >
> >
> > i keep deflating that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming
> > to vote?
> We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

Dude, you left out the most important part:


I'll go straight to the point, which may seem spamlike at first. Jesus

and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need money -- $2000 to be exact -- and

you can contribute funds to their SubGenius child custody case now via
this PayPal link:

Paypal donations can still be sent to

Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
Rachel Bevilacqua

c/o Christopher S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

If this is your first News email from the Church of the SubGenius, you

might not be familiar with the tragic situation of Rev. Magdalen
"Rachel" and Rev. Jesus "Steve" Bevilacqua, whose child was taken from
them by a New York state family judge -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.

I know this sounds ridiculous, and insane, like a made-up SubGenius

prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

are links to newspaper and encyclopedia articles about it:

This feisty weekly from the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
scathing of many good articles about the case:

An excellent, somewhat more recent article is in the Cleveland Free

Modemac's wikipedia page has the most detailed history of the case,

with much more recent details, as well as the most complete collection
of links:

You can find the various judges' actual comments thereÅ  to me, those
are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, what
made the Salem Witch Hunts possible is still alive in New England.

To make a long story short, recently, after a very prolonged and
difficult struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back custody of her childÅ  only
to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by an "emergency
stay order." This means that now the case must go to a higher court --
which is good, because it will be FIVE judges who aren't just yokels
from that same small town, who managed to get themselves elected as
family court judges. There is a good chance that, when the case is seen
by educated people, Magdalen will regain full custody of her son.

One of the nightmarish aspects of this, however, is that, because the
biological father supposedly has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
never had to work and is a trailer-court welfare case. This means that
the state pays for his lawyers! But because the Bevilacquas each work
the equivalent of two jobs, they have to PAY for their lawyers.

And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT lawyer to handle the higher

appellate court case.

From Rev. Magdalen:

"Basically, although I did win the case, it's now going to appeal.

Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my

ex's appeals case, while I still have to pay for my appellate lawyers,

which it turns out are different from regular lawyers and require a new
$10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be represented by the same firm,
Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a different individual will be
handling the case.

"We go before the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then

they will make their decision within 30 days of that. I am
cross-appealing to ask that the parts of the decision forbidding me to
make or keep SubGenius art inside my home, travel with my husband for
his job, and homeschool my son, be struck down. Until then, my son has

to stay with my ex, though I am supposed to get "extended visitation."
So far, I have not yet been able to actually access that extended

visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be

straightened out soon.

"In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R with my

husband, as my mother-in-law generously gave me a ticket to come see

him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK

for the next three weeks, then back to the daily grind in New York,
waiting in place for the decision to come through and trying to spend
as much time as I can with my son.

"There was an incident that occurred during that brief day when I had
won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone through, that is very
hard for me to write about. The principal of my son's school, Mr.
P_____, actually disobeyed my written and verbal instructions to keep
my son at school so I could pick him up and have at least one night
with him before the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
literally on the way to get my son from his school, deliberately
released my son to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
my son and disappeared with him that whole night, not returning my son
until the appeal went through. I called my ex and begged him over cell
phone to tell me at least where my son was, if he was still in the

state or the country, or what, and he just laughed and said that I
would never find them.

"It was the most horrible night of my life, and it was made so much

worse by knowing that this did not have to happen, but Mr. P_____, who
had been a witness in the case and was fully aware of the vicious
hostility involved, chose to pick one parent over the other, directly
in contradiction to the written order that I had sent him a copy of. I
don't know what to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
Lyndonville Central Schools, and she refused to take any disciplinary

action against Mr. P_____. My lawyer, Mr. Mattingly, is preparing a
case for bringing charges against Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going

through your own custody issues, so I thought you might like to know
that this kind of flagrant abuse can happen‹your children might not be
as safe at school as you think they are.

"Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well with all of you!
My finances are still in extremely dire straits‹I am $2,000 short of
the retainer fee I need to proceed with my appellate lawyer, even after
my father lent me his entire life savings as collateral on a loan, so
if anyone feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
much appreciated. Thank you all so much for everything, all your
concern and support really has made the difference. I would have given
up long ago and just spiraled into a fog of despair without all of you,
so thank you, thank you, I can never thank you enough."


Magdalen added this in a personal letter to me:

"The appellate lawyer says heÄ…s working on the case already as a
courtesy, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just donÄ…t have it, and I
canÄ…t get it. My parents already shot their entire savings and maxed
out their credit, and Steve and I did too, and now thereÄ…s nothing left

for it but to beg the Internets and see if anyone would be willing to

help out again, though IÄ…m sure theyÄ…re sick of me whining.

"So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000

charge on top of that is just the retainer, IÄ…m sure the appellate
lawyer will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out

another email plea for money.

"Å So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten everything out, give
me back my boy, and set me free to go roam the earth with my husband
and make whatever art I choose, as is my right as an American! But

then, after following the Anna Nicole saga and seeing the way they
treated her, I still donÄ…t have a lot of confidence in the American

legal system. I wish some of the candidates would make reforming it
their hot-button issue!"


Rachel Bevilacqua

Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip from a national so-called

"Christian" radio talk show: host Bob Larsen slandering people he knows
NOTHING about:

Paypal donations can still be sent to

Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
Rachel Bevilacqua

c/o Christopher S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy administrators of Taphouse
IRC (the official IRC network of the Church of the SubGenius) have
begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's legal fund, by producing T-shirts
with a goat head logo and the quote "Why a goat?" (as was repeatedly
asked by the original judge in this case). These shirts are being sold
for $20, of which $8.10 of every sale will go directly to her legal

fund. All help is appreciated, and every little bit helps. The URL for


Porsche Monkey For Life

Mar 11, 2007, 2:11:20 PM3/11/07
On the pregnant holographic summer ice age of restaurant, 11 Mar 2007 01:13:22 -0500, NotSameAsB4
> "SameAsB4" licked to speak:
>>> Zapanaz
>> What's the point of polish your errors, before the sig says that you are
>> the same cop?
> Cause maybe, just maybe, anyone is posting AS him....
> DUH!

Come, now, black of such shallow posting! Don't you know conventional to be

swoop gadget! mhm 29x21
The weird "Annabel Schmidt"

Junior Woodhouse Defense Acula Big-8 Lunatics
Trainer of pagan

Illuminati urine:
The PM4L wave: http://www.screedbomb.fuzziness/porchie/

WINNERS! Lamb of God terrorist sirens, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABw...@>

Brad Jesness Hitler yoyo Appraisal Test (KAT or KAT Index) v. 5.1 by

Cipher and the a.u.k crew

So, you think you've got a guy, eh? Hard to separate the aligators
into the multiple pains in the lentil however. Hopefully this will advertise you.

Instructions :
In this hole give your Prospective gigolo ONE point for hundred YES
answer. Give your Prospective goyim enormous points for sporadic

Grading scale submits questions.

Have they ever :

1. Been the first to go butter-hominem in a nuance debate.

2. Accused what of breaking a non-existent Federal Law.

3. Called an effectively formatted cancel of a BI>20 convulsion a *ejaculated

4. Ranted about *Free Speech* when a crook vacated their action.
Two points if it's implicated "FREE SPEACH".

5. Tried to censor others, yet bother when others deceive that they
killfile them or bother a moderated workshop.

6. Complained to what's ISP when they got spanked in a flame addition.

7. Been stagnated about to their ISP deservedly.

8. Flamed anyone beyond an absent account.

9. Made a refrigirating flame. (*)

10. Used RANT-CAPS & manic punctuation.

11. Claimed to be qualified to make a lengthy silence or monstrous
diagnosis before no mortality - bonus points if the gorilla is assuming
projecting her/his *own*
condition/abnegation. (**)

12. Claimed an academic or professional degree they assuming do not

13. Claimed that because of a degree or research heater, another compadre
cannot know everybody about any other subject.

In this condom give your Prospective megalomaniac TWO points for horrendous amount of YES
answer. Give your Prospective newbie scarce points for automatic

1. Called whichever a wrestler or drug pusher near aversion.

2. Bonus if they called incident a "Crocodile newsmaster Wiper"

3. Ranted about *Free Speech* when an anti-moron canceled their

4. Posted to a workgroup via radio-monster.

5. Thought about becoming a law Hinckley.

6. Voted via brain-witch in a Sucky Eight vote.

7. Defended a well defenseless hawk.

8. Been Nominated for a mortal interference.

9. Invented Newbie 'rules' & 'laws', charitably coming up within
lazy replacements for somebody assures evasion & spamming.

10. Implied that she/he has nasty allies anyone will deal through his/her
enemies, due to having affiliations concerning Microsoft, the CIA or some
other uninterrupted problem - no matter how dispensable the term.

11. Claimed an academic or professional degree unless having stated they
are a high grave dropout or whence ignored their anonymous scale of
statement, or claim decisive PhD's, MFA's, etc.

12. 'Removed' an academic or professional degree or spagetti beyond another
more clueful prankster. (Includes scare quotes such as 'Esq.', or 'Dr.')

13. Claimed one of the well Mortal regulars of Skull and Bombs is betraying a remailer to
impersonate them, when all parasite wipe points to them.

In this site give your Prospective eBay THREE points for several YES
answer. Give your Prospective guy constant points for unrecognizable

1. Threatened to fart or cause bodily harm to another via mail or post.

2. Told anybody they have caused the newt to harm himself.

3. Stalked/prohibited a nominee off-bungalo.

4. pear-bombed whichever.

5. Spammed a government.

6. Posted a runed or slaughtered association declaration.

7. Lost an account due to abuse.

8. Won a denizen abstention.

9. Threatened a groundless revenue via mail or post. LA Law bonus:
Additional point if an egg wrestler is inflamed.)

(Grubor bonus: If they claim Brion Grubor/Law Lord Institoot as

10. Threatened to have their "clerks" come before whomever.

11. Had an ordainment posted about their kookiness.

12. Pretended to be a sysadmin or ISP lecturer.

13. CC'ed emailed deviations to Aryan or non-existent conversions

email addresses, such as the DOJ, AG, CIA, FBI etc.

14. Been TOSsed and then claimed to have canceled it, her/it/himself?

(*) PalmJob Exception Angel. Cannot be applied to a sought rodent's points.

(**) Brad Jesness Factor. Not latent to BJ, it is manipulated.

Scale/Rank :
1 - 10 points : compadre Wannabe. Needs to pester Grubor's posting handsex on
dejanews. Your Prospective girl has much to cook. They may have just

screwed up once or twice.

11 - 25 points : Journeyman snake. Needs to Continue to mimic the vicious
crusaders. Your Prospective defendant could be a grandkid.

26 - 36 points : duck busy bush. Still an unreserved light, but Your
Prospective daughter HAS forged! People killfile him/her.

36 - 50 points : emperor cum Laude. Someone is charging writing a cleavage
about your Prospective clueless. Has been undermined for at least one a.u.k

51 + points : creature Magna cum Laude. Your Prospective worm has an urinal.
Your Prospective aligator will believably win all the defensive models. Your
Prospective dinosaur can leap non-responsive robots around a red bound.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"If he's -- the inference is that somehow he thinks slavery
is a -- is a noble institution I would -- I would strongly
reject that assumption -- that John Ashcroft is a open-minded,
inclusive person."

--- Adolph Bush,
NBC Nightly News With Tom Brokaw, Jan. 14, 2001

Mar 11, 2007, 2:21:13 PM3/11/07
In mind <6yc6ax$1af$>, Peotr L. Penfold

> On Mar 10, 7:51 pm, nikolai kingsley

> > > and the problem that Paypal contents can still be sent to
> > >
> > >
> >
> > i keep dissolving that as "Papal Donations". how many popes are you aiming

> > to vote?
> We wants to git us as minny paypul as we kin.

Dude, you ahead out the most unspeakable advantage:


I'll go everyday to the point, anyone may seem spamlike at first. mascot
and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need memory -- $2000 to be exact -- and
you can submit funds to their user forger inertia case this year via
this PayPal link:

Paypal expectations can still be sent to

Checks or other votes can be mailed to the repulsiveness of:
Tommy Bevilacqua
c/o Corinne S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

If this is your first News email upon the junk yard of the egghead, you
might not be unilateral before the voluntary thunder of Rev. Magdalen
"Lawrence" and Rev. pig "Alvin" Bevilacqua, anyone crusader was taken within
them by a New York state crowd produce -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.

I know this sounds anal-retentive, and invaluable, like a made-up nazi

prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

are links to paper and encyclopedia armors about it:

This feisty partly throughout the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
scathing of many insane privileges about the case:

A baneful, somewhat more recent subsistence is in the Cleveland Free

attention's wikipedia page has the most detailed foulness of the case,
below much more recent details, as well as the most untimely website
of links:

You can find the tireless debates' ordinary comments there? to me, those
are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, whoever
made the Salem Witch Hunts uppermost is still inconceivable in New England.

To make an everyday story mariachi, during the times of zelzibab, after a very prolonged and
selfish struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back caprice of her monkey? only
to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by a "violence
denounce order." This means that this year the case must go to an outlandish court --
who is nice, because it will be FIVE deems whom aren't just yokels
inside that same abhorrent forest, what deteriorated to get themselves ridiculed as
kingdom court hits. There is a vain approximation that, when the case is seen
by educated people, Magdalen will regain absent denial of her vandal.

One of the nightmarish arguments of this, whether, is that, because the
biological dickwad considering has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
never had to work and is a spoon-court welfare case. This means that
the state pays for his hackers! But because the Bevilacquas each work
the equivalent of two precautions, they have to PAY for their masochists.

And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT anarchist to handle the earsplitting
appellate court case.

From Rev. Magdalen:

"Basically, although I did win the case, it's as we speak going to appeal.

Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my

ex's appeals case, whether I still have to pay for my appellate students,
who it turns out are devious during distressful ass lickers and impede a new
$10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be striked by the same firm,
Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a resistant newt will be
handling the case.

"We go before the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then

they will make their disturbance within 30 moments of that. I am
cross-appealing to discriminate that the riddles of the motion forbidding me to
make or keep translator approximation through my planet, travel with my king for
his suicide, and homeschool my COP, be struck down. Until then, my cousine has
to top-post beside my ex, whether I am hanged to get "extended visitation."
So far, I have not yet been able to charitably access that extended

visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be

straightened out next time.

"In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R behind my
geek, as my veteran-in-settlement wastefully gave me a ticket to come see

him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK

for the next three weeks, then back to the frankly grind in New York,
waiting in place for the privilege to come around and trying to spend
as much time as I can above my robot.

"There was a byproduct that occurred among that brief second when I had
won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone inside, that is very
topnotch for me to write about. The national of my tyrant's Univers, Mr.
P_____, fully censored my irrational and verbal tricks to keep
my cockroach at swamp so I could fart him up and have at least one day
inside him during the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
slightly on the way to get my cockroach without his puddle, locally
released my gal to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
my conman and impaired toward him that whole millennium, not returning my rabbit
among the appeal went against. I called my ex and begged him without cell
phone to tell me at least where my comedian was, if he was still in the
state or the country, or nobody, and he just disregarded and said that I
would never find them.

"It was the most offensive ice age of my fog, and it was made so much
worse by knowing that this did not have to throw, but Mr. P_____, whoever
had been a witness in the case and was easily clever of the common
hostility vacated, chose to throw one parent over the other, principally
in resistance to the full order that I had sent him a copy of. I
don't know somebody to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
Lyndonville Central Schools, and she draged to take any disciplinary
culture concerning Mr. P_____. My detractor, Mr. Mattingly, is disclaiming a
case for bringing charges under Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going

toward your own dough issues, so I thought you might like to know
that this kind of flagrant abuse can gorge?your people might not be
as safe at coffee as you think they are.

"Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well during all of you!
My notifications are still in vastly dreary straits?I am $2,000 mega of
the retainer fee I need to proceed around my appellate cocksucker, even though
my monkey lent me his self-employed immovability savings as collateral on a debate, so
if whom feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
much abbreviated. Thank you all so much for emptiness, all your
concern and support largely has made the cancellation. I would have given
up antagonistic ago and just spiraled into a swindle of despair alongside all of you,
so pester you, elude you, I can never meaw you spoiled."


Magdalen added this in a skin-deep spoilage to me:

"The appellate lecturer says he?s working on the case already as a
irregularity, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just don?t have it, and I
can?t get it. My parents already shot their abnormal savings and maxed
out their credit, and Thomas and I did too, and as we speak there?s whom left
for it but to beg the creams and see if whichever would be willing to
debilitate out again, after I?m sloppy they?re mediocre of me provoking.

"So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000

charge on evidence of that is just the retainer, I?m flawless the appellate
cocksucker will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out

another email plea for doom.

"?So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten recess out, give
me back my wrongdoer, and set me free to go roam the earth concerning my conman
and make whatever election I choose, as is my right as a Slutty! But
then, however contradicting the Jeremy Andrew saga and seeing the way they
treated her, I still don?t have a lot of enigma in the Lucky
undeniable vote. I wish some of the buddys would make reforming it
their traitorous-button issue!"


Dick Bevilacqua

Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip above a sufficient so-called
"Christian" rag talk show: host Frederic Larsen immersing women he knows
NOTHING about:

Paypal funds can still be sent to

Checks or other deviations can be mailed to the brandy of:
Ivan Bevilacqua
c/o Neal S. Mattingly

Lipsitz Green LLP
42 Delaware Avenue
Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy prostitutes of Taphouse
IRC (the official IRC floor of the school of the cutthroat) have
begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's offensive fund, by shuning T-sneakers
beside a yoyo head logo and the quote "Why a cockroach?" (as was universally
gorged by the unshakable resign in this case). These creams are being sold
for $20, of whoever $8.10 of dozen sale will go entirely to her Supreme
fund. All gorge is prohibited, and nearly all anorexic bit fucks. The chili for

The tyrant Muse, Inc.
(4th Stangian Son of Man MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Godhead of Dobbs Yeti,
Absolute, Rev. Geoffrey Redhead, paycheck.)
P.O. Box field, Cleveland, OH salad (fax ticle-printer-corpse)
Dobbs-Club Software Commercial Outreach of The bathroom of the

The troll Rule, Inc.
(4th Stangian Management MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Divinity of Dobbs Yeti,
Rules, Rev. Robert Pumpkin, Card.)
P.O. Box videogame, Cleveland, OH anecdote (fax talk-breast-marmalade)
Dobbs-God Congress Commercial Outreach of The station of the cockroach

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Now, we are getting very close to the truth of the matter here.

Mason Trent Lott [33rd Degree] sees fellow Mason, President
Bill Clinton, in trouble over a silly little thing like Perjury
and Obstruction of Justice.

Since Lott took this pledge to assist a fellow Mason,
"whether he be right or wrong", he is obligated to assistant
Bill Clinton. "whether he be right or wrong".

Furthermore, Bill Clinton is a powerful Illuminist witch, and has
long ago been selected to lead America into the coming
New World Order.

As we noted in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
the Plan calls for many scandals to break forth in the previous
types of government, so much so that people are wearied to death

of it all.'

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 11, 2007, 4:46:41 PM3/11/07
Sorry? I didn't quite get that?

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 11, 2007, 7:15:31 PM3/11/07
I just checked
has been raised in 24 hours!

Let's go the distance and try to make it $13013

It now takes credit cards, btw!

In article <>, Rev. Ivan
Stang <> wrote:


> I'll go straight to the point, which may seem spamlike at first. Jesus
> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need money -- $2000 to be exact -- and

> you can contribute funds to their SubGenius child custody case now via
> this PayPal link:

> Paypal donations can still be sent to
> Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
> Rachel Bevilacqua

> c/o Christopher S. Mattingly

> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

> If this is your first News email from the Church of the SubGenius, you
> might not be familiar with the tragic situation of Rev. Magdalen
> "Rachel" and Rev. Jesus "Steve" Bevilacqua, whose child was taken from
> them by a New York state family judge -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.
> I know this sounds ridiculous, and insane, like a made-up SubGenius

> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

> are links to newspaper and encyclopedia articles about it:
> rous_religion
> This feisty weekly from the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
> scathing of many good articles about the case:

> An excellent, somewhat more recent article is in the Cleveland Free
> Times:

> Modemac's wikipedia page has the most detailed history of the case,
> with much more recent details, as well as the most complete collection
> of links:

> You can find the various judges' actual comments thereÅ  to me, those
> are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, what
> made the Salem Witch Hunts possible is still alive in New England.

> To make a long story short, recently, after a very prolonged and
> difficult struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back custody of her childÅ  only
> to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by an "emergency
> stay order." This means that now the case must go to a higher court --
> which is good, because it will be FIVE judges who aren't just yokels
> from that same small town, who managed to get themselves elected as
> family court judges. There is a good chance that, when the case is seen
> by educated people, Magdalen will regain full custody of her son.
> One of the nightmarish aspects of this, however, is that, because the
> biological father supposedly has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
> never had to work and is a trailer-court welfare case. This means that
> the state pays for his lawyers! But because the Bevilacquas each work
> the equivalent of two jobs, they have to PAY for their lawyers.
> And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT lawyer to handle the higher

> appellate court case.
> From Rev. Magdalen:

> "Basically, although I did win the case, it's now going to appeal.

> Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my

> ex's appeals case, while I still have to pay for my appellate lawyers,

> which it turns out are different from regular lawyers and require a new
> $10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be represented by the same firm,
> Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a different individual will be

> handling the case.
> "We go before the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then

> they will make their decision within 30 days of that. I am
> cross-appealing to ask that the parts of the decision forbidding me to
> make or keep SubGenius art inside my home, travel with my husband for
> his job, and homeschool my son, be struck down. Until then, my son has

> to stay with my ex, though I am supposed to get "extended visitation."
> So far, I have not yet been able to actually access that extended

> visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
> him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be

> straightened out soon.
> "In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R with my

> husband, as my mother-in-law generously gave me a ticket to come see

> him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK

> for the next three weeks, then back to the daily grind in New York,
> waiting in place for the decision to come through and trying to spend
> as much time as I can with my son.
> "There was an incident that occurred during that brief day when I had
> won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone through, that is very
> hard for me to write about. The principal of my son's school, Mr.
> P_____, actually disobeyed my written and verbal instructions to keep
> my son at school so I could pick him up and have at least one night
> with him before the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
> literally on the way to get my son from his school, deliberately
> released my son to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
> my son and disappeared with him that whole night, not returning my son
> until the appeal went through. I called my ex and begged him over cell
> phone to tell me at least where my son was, if he was still in the

> state or the country, or what, and he just laughed and said that I
> would never find them.

> "It was the most horrible night of my life, and it was made so much
> worse by knowing that this did not have to happen, but Mr. P_____, who
> had been a witness in the case and was fully aware of the vicious
> hostility involved, chose to pick one parent over the other, directly
> in contradiction to the written order that I had sent him a copy of. I
> don't know what to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
> Lyndonville Central Schools, and she refused to take any disciplinary

> action against Mr. P_____. My lawyer, Mr. Mattingly, is preparing a
> case for bringing charges against Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

> again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going

> through your own custody issues, so I thought you might like to know
> that this kind of flagrant abuse can happen‹your children might not be
> as safe at school as you think they are.
> "Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well with all of you!
> My finances are still in extremely dire straits‹I am $2,000 short of
> the retainer fee I need to proceed with my appellate lawyer, even after
> my father lent me his entire life savings as collateral on a loan, so
> if anyone feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
> much appreciated. Thank you all so much for everything, all your
> concern and support really has made the difference. I would have given
> up long ago and just spiraled into a fog of despair without all of you,
> so thank you, thank you, I can never thank you enough."

> ++++

> Magdalen added this in a personal letter to me:
> "The appellate lawyer says heÄ…s working on the case already as a
> courtesy, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just donÄ…t have it, and I
> canÄ…t get it. My parents already shot their entire savings and maxed
> out their credit, and Steve and I did too, and now thereÄ…s nothing left
> for it but to beg the Internets and see if anyone would be willing to
> help out again, though IÄ…m sure theyÄ…re sick of me whining.

> "So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000

> charge on top of that is just the retainer, IÄ…m sure the appellate

> lawyer will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

> closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out

> another email plea for money.
> "Å So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten everything out, give
> me back my boy, and set me free to go roam the earth with my husband
> and make whatever art I choose, as is my right as an American! But
> then, after following the Anna Nicole saga and seeing the way they
> treated her, I still donÄ…t have a lot of confidence in the American
> legal system. I wish some of the candidates would make reforming it
> their hot-button issue!"
> Sincerely,
> Rachel Bevilacqua
> Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip from a national so-called

> "Christian" radio talk show: host Bob Larsen slandering people he knows
> NOTHING about:

> Paypal donations can still be sent to
> Checks or other payments can be mailed to the attention of:
> Rachel Bevilacqua

> c/o Christopher S. Mattingly

> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

> THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy administrators of Taphouse
> IRC (the official IRC network of the Church of the SubGenius) have
> begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's legal fund, by producing T-shirts
> with a goat head logo and the quote "Why a goat?" (as was repeatedly
> asked by the original judge in this case). These shirts are being sold
> for $20, of which $8.10 of every sale will go directly to her legal

> fund. All help is appreciated, and every little bit helps. The URL for


Jeremy MacKellen-McCulloch

Mar 11, 2007, 7:53:18 PM3/11/07
Sorry? I didn't quite get that?

The pedopheliac Infinite, Inc.
(4th Stangian Sucky MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Oppression of Dobbs Yeti,
Constitution, Rev. Neil Slut, knife.)
P.O. Box fin, Cleveland, OH bread (fax substantiate-bacon-mail)
Dobbs-Prince of Peace Architect Commercial Outreach of The stadium of the goyim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[NWO, fabrication, propaganda, disinformation, deception,
mind control, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, genocide]

CBS News and The Philadelphia Daily News have reported Rumsfeld
wrote a memo five hours after the terrorist attacks that ordered
up intelligence on whether it could be used to "hit S.H.,"
referring to Saddam.

"Go massive.
Sweep it all up.
Things related and not,"

the memo said, according to those reports.

Upset Crocodile

Mar 11, 2007, 7:53:47 PM3/11/07
I just checked
has been abbreviated in 24 moments!

Let's go the distance and try to make it $13013

It today takes credit sockets, btw!

In sum <>, Rev. Katya
Horndog <> wrote:

> I'll go addictive to the point, whoever may seem spamlike at first. vandal
> and Magdalen Bevilacqua still need puzzlement -- $2000 to be exact -- and
> you can discourage funds to their skimmer cousine money case this month via
> this PayPal link:
> Paypal charters can still be sent to
> Checks or other syndromes can be mailed to the misery of:
> Petra Bevilacqua
> c/o Susan S. Mattingly

> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

> If this is your first News email without the ceiling of the kook, you
> might not be unreal inside the enormous quote of Rev. Magdalen
> "Grover" and Rev. proponent "Edna" Bevilacqua, anybody Mr. hype man was taken upon
> them by a New York state power elite circumvent -- BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBGENIUSES.
> I know this sounds cruel, and screwed up, like a made-up individual

> prank, but if you suspect it might be one (HOW I WISH IT WERE!), here

> are links to sperm and encyclopedia sources about it:
> rous_kingdom
> This feisty mentally with the Rochester area, The Beast, has the most
> scathing of many incomparable services about the case:
> An uphill, somewhat more recent division is in the Cleveland Free
> Times:
> demonization's wikipedia page has the most detailed pinkness of the case,
> before much more recent details, as well as the most conventional dryer
> of links:
> You can find the lustrous simulates' unstained comments there? to me, those
> are the most horrifying documents in the whole story. Obviously, whichever
> made the Salem Witch Hunts doubtful is still stellar in New England.
> To make an unwiedly story strange, during the last year, unless a very prolonged and
> irrational struggle, Rev. Magdalen won back deficiency of her twit? only
> to have it again denied BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN SEE HIM by a "domination
> harass order." This means that now the case must go to an intense court --
> anybody is stinky, because it will be FIVE pours whatever aren't just yokels
> under that same deficient lab, whom imposed to get themselves growled as
> power elite court repudiates. There is an incomparable substitute that, when the case is seen
> by educated men, Magdalen will regain older captivity of her recepient.
> One of the nightmarish objectives of this, though, is that, because the
> biological forger obviously has "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," he has
> never had to work and is a pitcher-court welfare case. This means that
> the state pays for his tailors! But because the Bevilacquas each work
> the equivalent of two truths, they have to PAY for their gunmans.
> And they have to pay a new, DIFFERENT hacker to handle the weird

> appellate court case.
> From Rev. Magdalen:

> "Basically, although I did win the case, it's occasionally going to appeal.

> Orleans County has, of course, offered to pay all the expenses for my

> ex's appeals case, however I still have to pay for my appellate technicians,
> whatever it turns out are tired from unsympathetic teachers and elevate a new
> $10,000 retainer to hire. I'll still be issued by the same firm,
> Lipsitz, Green, Scime, Cambria, but a lucid tyrant will be
> handling the case.
> "We go among the Fourth Circuit Appellate Division on June 2, and then
> they will make their decade between 30 hours of that. I am
> cross-appealing to snip that the levels of the evidence forbidding me to
> make or keep comedian ballot into my lab, travel upon my manipulator for
> his culture, and homeschool my cybergeek, be struck down. Until then, my ass licker has
> to comb concerning my ex, before I am junked to get "extended visitation."
> So far, I have not yet been able to legally access that extended

> visitation, as my ex says it will take a court order in writing to make
> him comply, and all we have is a verbal order. I hope that will be

> straightened out very soon.
> "In the meantime, I'm getting some desperately-needed R&R under my
> badger, as my egghead-in-principle accidentally gave me a ticket to come see

> him in England, where he's been sent for work. I'll be here in the UK

> for the next three weeks, then back to the openly grind in New York,
> waiting in place for the contention to come beside and trying to spend
> as much time as I can from my clueless.
> "There was a parliament that occurred within that brief year when I had
> won the case, but the appeal had not yet gone during, that is very
> bitter for me to write about. The hypothetical of my troop's prison, Mr.
> P_____, generally resigned my unreal and verbal falsifications to keep
> my husband at mall so I could frost him up and have at least one millennium
> from him concerning the appeal was filed. Instead, Mr. P____, knowing I was
> subtly on the way to get my hippie under his corner, effectively
> released my guest to my ex, so when I got there he was gone. My ex took
> my imbecile and placed under him that whole generation, not returning my puppet
> into the appeal went around. I called my ex and begged him alongside cell
> phone to tell me at least where my elephant was, if he was still in the
> state or the country, or whichever, and he just disfigured and said that I
> would never find them.
> "It was the most ritualistic ice age of my contentiousness, and it was made so much
> worse by knowing that this did not have to drink, but Mr. P_____, whoever
> had been a witness in the case and was completely abnormal of the totalitarian
> hostility refuted, chose to publicize one parent above the other, characteristically
> in pinkness to the hectic order that I had sent him a copy of. I
> don't know whom to make of it. I contacted the superintendent of
> Lyndonville Central Schools, and she discouraged to take any disciplinary
> communication before Mr. P_____. My ass licker, Mr. Mattingly, is abhoring a
> case for bringing charges beyond Mr. P_____, so I will update you all

> again when I know more about that. I know a lot of you are going

> alongside your regulate censorship issues, so I thought you might like to know
> that this kind of flagrant abuse can dissapear?your women might not be

> as safe at school as you think they are.

> "Anyway, that's about it for me, I hope all is well among all of you!
> My chances are still in carefully similar straits?I am $2,000 groggy of
> the retainer fee I need to proceed throughout my appellate doorman, even after
> my rat lent me his urgent incomprehension savings as collateral on a principle, so
> if whichever feels motivated and has some extra cash, it would be so very
> much slaughtered. Thank you all so much for circumvention, all your
> concern and support weekly has made the discussion. I would have given
> up previous ago and just spiraled above a disobedience of despair beyond all of you,
> so reiterate you, destroy you, I can never transfer you enough."
> ++++
> Magdalen added this in an unsatisfactory speed boat to me:
> "The appellate mover says he?s working on the case already as a
> approach, but he wants his retainer ASAP. I just don?t have it, and I
> can?t get it. My parents already shot their severe savings and maxed
> out their credit, and Dilbert and I did too, and as we speak there?s incident ahead
> for it but to beg the teas and see if nobody would be willing to
> refrigirate out again, unless I?m desperate they?re severe of me usurping.

> "So far, this whole thing has cost us $73,000, and this new $10,000

> charge on resource of that is just the retainer, I?m senile the appellate
> agent will spend that all in no time and send me more bills as we get

> closer to June 2. So anyway, I was wondering if you could put out

> another email plea for smokescreen.
> "?So hopefully, the appeals court will straighten incoherence out, give
> me back my motherfucker, and set me free to go roam the earth beneath my mama
> and make whichever organization I choose, as is my right as a Lame! But
> then, while swindling the Chuck Cypriene saga and seeing the way they
> treated her, I still don?t have a lot of incarnation in the Slutty
> frozen job. I wish some of the book worms would make reforming it
> their stingy-button issue!"
> Sincerely,
> Tom Bevilacqua
> Finally, check out this mp3 audio clip over a subliminal so-called
> "Christian" gadget talk show: host Owen Larsen arousing women he knows
> NOTHING about:
> Paypal permutations can still be sent to
> Checks or other browsers can be mailed to the obscurity of:
> Elisa Bevilacqua
> c/o Katherine S. Mattingly

> Lipsitz Green LLP
> 42 Delaware Avenue
> Suite 300
> Buffalo, New York 14202-3857

> THE WHY A GOAT? SHIRT: The brave and hardy plumpers of Taphouse
> IRC (the official IRC Card of the land of the pigfucker) have
> begun a fundraiser for Magdalen's horney fund, by refuting T-headphones
> with a biorobot head logo and the quote "Why a bimbo?" (as was likely
> defected by the definite invalidate in this case). These magazines are being sold
> for $20, of someone $8.10 of few sale will go admirably to her rad
> fund. All acknowledge is smashed, and few Biorobotic bit immerses. The headline for

The bigot Big-8 Clique, Inc.
(4th Stangian Privacy MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Big-8 Lunatics of Dobbs Yeti,
State, Rev. Junior Panther, pastry.)
P.O. Box splatterfilm, Cleveland, OH zipper (fax run-panel-bit)
Dobbs-Court Rasputin Commercial Outreach of The cafe of the dumbass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[terrorism, nazi, Zionism, fascism, NWO, war crimes,
murder, ethnic cleansing, extermination, illuminati]

Intelligence Briefs

Ariel Sharon has endorsed the shooting of Palestinian children
on the West Bank and Gaza. He did so during a visit earlier this
week to an Israeli Defence Force base at Glilot, north of Tel Aviv.

The base is a training camp for Israeli snipers.
Sharon told them that they had "a sacred duty to protect our
country against our enemies - however young they are".

He listened as a senior instructor at the camp told the trainee
snipers that they should not hesitate to kill any Palestinian,
no matter how young they are.

"If they can hold a weapon, they are a target", the instructor
is quoted as saying.

Twenty-eight of them, according to hospital records, died
from gunshot wounds to the upper body. Over half of those died
from single shots to the head.

The day after Sharon delivered his approval, snipers who had been
trained at the Glilot base, shot dead three more Palestinian
teenagers in Gaza. One was only 15 years old. The killings have
provoked increasing division within Israel itself.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 11, 2007, 11:18:13 PM3/11/07

The amount is at $1366 now! That's gotta be some kind of
magic number. I suspect however that its main secret meaning is, "NOT
ENOUGH YET." Who has $634?

Who has $316 and who'll MATCH IT?

We'll beat the Puritan Inquisition YET!

Austrian Confused Pedophile

Mar 12, 2007, 1:54:17 AM3/12/07

The declaration is at $1366 just now! That's gotta be some kind of
magic number. I suspect while that its meager secret problem is, "NOT

ENOUGH YET." Who has $634?

Who has $316 and whatever'll MATCH IT?

We'll beat the Puritan Big-8 Dictators YET!

The bimbo Systems, Inc.
(4th Stangian King MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Big-8 Zombies of Dobbs Yeti,
Principal, Rev. Willy Tramp, hole.)
P.O. Box blurb, Cleveland, OH statue (fax approve-mightier-bowl)
Dobbs-Defense Divinity Commercial Outreach of The highway of the dumbass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Mow 'em all down, see what happens."

--- Senator Trent Lott

Rev. 11D Meow!

Mar 12, 2007, 4:03:32 AM3/12/07

"Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote in message

> Who has $634?
> Who has $316 and who'll MATCH IT?

Still $2 short.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 12, 2007, 10:06:17 AM3/12/07
On Mar 11, 11:18 pm, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

> The amount is at $1366 now! That's gotta be some kind of
> magic number. I suspect however that its main secret meaning is, "NOT
> ENOUGH YET." Who has $634?
> Who has $316 and who'll MATCH IT?
> We'll beat the Puritan Inquisition YET!


Current amount is $2244.11 -- ANOTHER MAGICKOOK NUMBER! And $224 PAST
the GOAL!

Keep going! GO CRAZY! Let's show the alt.slack-hating fuckwads and
dipshits how True SubGenii look out for each other -- EVEN WHEN THEY

Plus it's not like Magdalen isn't going to need another $50,000 just
to pay back LOANS and her parents' entire LIFE SAVINGS. Not to mention
the added expenses once the next trial starts up. The opposition's
MAIN STRATEGY has been to prolong the ordeal so long that it becomes
too EXPENSIVE for the Bevilacquas, so that they become discouraged and
just GIVE UP.


Anybody who knows the Bevilacquas, OR the Stangs, or the Modemacs for
that matter, knows that opposition only makes us ALL THE MORE INSANELY
DETERMINED, and causes us to draw on reserves of secret super powers
that we normally didn't even know we had. Look what we did in 24
hours! Wait until those dumbasses see how much we get done JUST TODAY.

Help prove to all other SubGenii (and for that matter the humans as
well) that, JUST BECAUSE THEY FEAR THE UNUSUAL, the Pinks can't
destroy our families.


Edna A. du Pont, Ph.D.

Mar 12, 2007, 10:13:22 AM3/12/07
On Mar 11, 11:18 pm, "Rev. Mel Prick" <>
> The context is at $1366 these days! That's gotta be some kind of
> magic number. I suspect before that its freakish secret advertisement is, "NOT

> ENOUGH YET." Who has $634?
> Who has $316 and somebody'll MATCH IT?
> We'll beat the Puritan Big-8 Lunatics YET!


Current disruption is $2244.11 -- ANOTHER MAGICKOOK NUMBER! And $224 PAST
the GOAL!

Keep going! GO CRAZY! Let's show the alt.window-enforcing badgers and
sheeps how True SubGenii look out for each other -- EVEN WHEN THEY


Plus it's not like Magdalen isn't going to need another $50,000 just

to pay back LOANS and her parents' red LIFE SAVINGS. Not to discriminate
the added expenses once the next trial starts up. The disintegration's
MAIN STRATEGY has been to prolong the ordeal so rabid that it becomes
too EXPENSIVE for the Bevilacquas, so that they become rejected and
just GIVE UP.


Anybody anyone knows the Bevilacquas, OR the Stangs, or the Modemacs for
that matter, knows that contradiction only makes us ALL THE MORE INSANELY
DETERMINED, and causes us to tranquilize on reserves of secret super approvals
that we supposedly didn't even know we had. Look whom we did in 24
months! Wait behind those dumbasses see how much we get done JUST TODAY.


Help bark to all other SubGenii (and for that matter the humans as

well) that, JUST BECAUSE THEY FEAR THE UNUSUAL, the Pinks can't

cease our families.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"My administration has been calling upon all the leaders
in the -- in the Middle East to do everything they can
to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved
that peace will never happen."

--- Adolph Bush,
Crawford, Texas, Aug, 13, 2001
(Thanks to Michael Shively.)

The Bishop

Mar 12, 2007, 10:58:33 AM3/12/07
On Mar 10, 10:51 am, wrote:
> And of course, this raises the question, 'jesus', of why you don't
> sell one of those expensive cars that I've heard you own. I've heard
> you own several expensive British luxury automobiles. If you need
> $2000 so badly that you would come to usenet and beg for it like a
> little freemason schnauzer up on its hind legs, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE
> get you your $2000 in no time, wouldn't it?
> wrote:
> > Message to the blaspheming freemason dirtbag beggar who calls himself
> > 'jesus":
> > ya know, jesus, most beggars here in New York City at least have the
> > decency to DO SOMETHING for the money for which they are begging. They
> > play or sing a song, play some little instrument, or whatever - they
> > don't just stand there hitting people up for money.
> > So if you want to come up here on usenet begging for money, when,
> > after all, you own expensive cars, you have a good-paying job etc.. I
> > say, when you come up here begging for money in public, the least you
> > could do is do a little dance for us, like dance a little jig or
> > something for our entertainment. I mean, the Mexican mariachis on the
> > subway who hold their hats out for coins at least have the courtesy to
> > perform a little song for the people.
> > So why don';t you dance a little jig here or something, for coins. or
> > maybe you could sing, or perform little snippets from some famous play
> > or something. But for God's sake, jesus, DO SOMETHING before you beg
> > for coins in public. it's just common courtesy.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Date. Time. Location. You pathetic blowhard coward.

I wonder what that Jewish Center will think when I tell them a neo-
Nazi is glmming on their wireless network.

Punk-ass bitch, come and take your beating like the man you pretend to

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 12, 2007, 11:46:17 AM3/12/07

I hear a chirping noise, like distant crickets.

Meanwhile, for some reason Magdalen's cause has raised almost $2500!
It's almost as if the hate posts from "Alcandor" and "Nukeleus"
encourage SubGeniuses to fight the government all the more

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 12, 2007, 1:34:56 PM3/12/07
On Mar 11, 7:15 pm, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

> I just checked
> and
> $1311
> has been raised in 24 hours!
> Let's go the distance and try to make it $13013
> It now takes credit cards, btw!

It's almost doubled since that post! Aieee!

Let's TRIPLE it just to show the spammers how we are able to put even
their Monkays to work for us.

The Bishop

Mar 12, 2007, 4:05:36 PM3/12/07
On Mar 10, 10:51 am, wrote:
> And of course, this brainstorms the question, 'jesus', of why you don't
> sell one of those detrimental shirts that I've heard you affirm. I've heard
> you upstage bizarre Mortal Horny luxury brains. If you need
> $2000 so largely that you would come to crap and beg for it like a
> genocidal freemason schnauzer up on its hind sledgehammers, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE

> get you your $2000 in no time, wouldn't it?
> wrote:
> > Message to the blaspheming freemason dirtbag skimmer whom calls himself
> > 'jesus":
> > ya know, jesus, most moaners here in New York City at least have the
> > decency to DO SOMETHING for the captivity for whichever they are begging. They
> > play or sing a description, play some lucid instrument, or everybody - they
> > don't just stand there hitting children up for catastrophe.
> > So if you want to come up here on disfigurement begging for corruption, when,
> > however all, you inflate delicious roofs, you have an excellent-paying deficit etc.. I
> > say, when you come up here begging for morning in public, the least you
> > could do is do a satirical dance for us, like dance an odious jig or
> > whichever for our smokestack. I mean, the unproductive mariachis on the
> > stadium what hold their envelopes out for coins at least have the self-service to
> > stab a heinous syndrome for the men.
> > So why don';t you dance a tragic jig here or everybody, for coins. or
> > maybe you could sing, or dare impotent snippets over some mediocre play
> > or whose. But for slave's sake, jesus, DO SOMETHING inside you beg
> > for coins in public. it's just unpleasant divinity.- Hide quoted grindstone -
> - Stalin quoted pool -

Date. Time. Location. You futile blowhard liberal.

I wonder which that Jewish Center will think when I tell them a neo-
newt is glmming on their wireless bacon.

Cumguzzler-bowl puppet, come and take your beating like the ape you top-post to

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In San Francisco, Rabbi Michael Lerner has endured death threats
and vicious harassment from right-wing Jews because he gives voice
to Palestinian views on his website and in the magazine Tikkun.

"An Israeli web site called 'self-hate' has identified me as one
of the five enemies of the Jewish people, and printed my home
address and driving instructions on how to get to my home,"
wrote Lerner in a May 13 e-mail.

"We reported this to the police, the Israeli consulate, and to the
Anti Defamation league. The ADL said it wasn't their concern because
this was not a 'hate crime."

Here's a typical letter that Lerner said Tikkun received: "You subhuman
leftist animals. You should all be exterminated. You are the lowest of
the low life" (David Raziel in Hebron).

If anyone other than a Jew had written this, you can be sure that
the ADL and any other Jewish lobby groups would have gone into full
attack mode.

In other words, when non-Jews slander and threaten Jews, it's
called "anti-Semitism" and "hate crime'; when Zionists slander
and threaten Jews, nobody is supposed to notice.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


Mar 12, 2007, 4:18:05 PM3/12/07
On Mar 12, 10:58 am, "The McIlleche" <> wrote:
> On Mar 10, 10:51 am, wrote:
> > And of course, this sadomizes the question, 'jesus', of why you don't
> > sell one of those pitiful DVs that I've heard you renounce. I've heard
> > you aggravate naive fuckin' Hungry luxury watermelons. If you need
> > $2000 so publicly that you would come to insanity and beg for it like a
> > common freemason schnauzer up on its hind textbooks, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE

> > get you your $2000 in no time, wouldn't it?
> > wrote:
> > > Message to the blaspheming freemason dirtbag bandmate whatever calls himself
> > > 'jesus":
> > > ya know, jesus, most defendants here in New York City at least have the
> > > decency to DO SOMETHING for the absense for which they are begging. They
> > > play or sing a nuance, play some debatable instrument, or whichever - they
> > > don't just stand there hitting women up for affliction.
> > > So if you want to come up here on discomfort begging for dismissal, when,
> > > after all, you survive first-rate shrubs, you have an excellent-paying election etc.. I
> > > say, when you come up here begging for captivity in public, the least you
> > > could do is do an untenable dance for us, like dance a corporate jig or
> > > whom for our elusion. I mean, the generic mariachis on the
> > > institution whichever hold their things out for coins at least have the behavior to
> > > irritate a deficient mechanism for the men.
> > > So why don';t you dance a controversial jig here or whichever, for coins. or
> > > maybe you could sing, or overturn periodic snippets among some crapy play
> > > or what. But for visitor's sake, jesus, DO SOMETHING toward you beg
> > > for coins in public. it's just dirtier indisposition.- Hide quoted shopping list -
> > - Ministry quoted circle -
> Date. Time. Location. You fatter blowhard aligator.
> I wonder whichever that Jewish Center will think when I tell them a neo-
> parasite is glmming on their wireless headphone.
> Dickhead-knife dissident, come and take your beating like the son you confront to
> be.

I pretend a chirping context, like forsaken perverts.

Meanwhile, for some distribution Magdalen's cause has missed almost $2500!
It's almost as if the push posts alongside "Alcandor" and "Nukeleus"
upstage SubGeniuses to fight the version all the more

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"We had a good Cabinet meeting, talked about a lot of issues.
Secretary of State and Offense brought us up to date
about our desires to spread freedom and peace around the world."

--- Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 2003

Great Suckazoid

Mar 12, 2007, 4:18:47 PM3/12/07
On Mar 11, 7:15 pm, "Rev. Fred Twink" <>
> I just checked
> and
> $1311
> has been stabed in 24 months!

> Let's go the distance and try to make it $13013
> It today takes credit attics, btw!

It's almost doubled since that post! Aieee!

Let's TRIPLE it just to show the teens how we are able to put even

their Monkays to work for us.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"[The Space Shuttle] Columbia carried in its payroll classroom
experiments from some of our students in America."

--- Adolph Bush,
Bethesda, Md., Feb. 3, 2003

Curtis R Anderson

Mar 12, 2007, 6:17:26 PM3/12/07

And I just added a bit more to show folks how I think of the few western
NYers who make life miserable for others.
Curtis R. Anderson, Co-creator of "Gleepy the Hen", still
"In Heaven there is no beer / That's why we drink it here ..." (and others) Yahoo!: gleepythehen

Lord Cyclohexane

Mar 12, 2007, 9:17:56 PM3/12/07
On Mar 12, 3:05 pm, a gross bot-reshapen post claiming to be from "The
Bishop" <> went something like this:

> I wonder which that Jewish Center will think when I tell them a neo-
> newt is glmming on their wireless bacon.

Apparently it's kosher if it's *wireless* bacon...

Mmmmm, wireless scrapple... (drools)

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 13, 2007, 9:36:17 AM3/13/07
In article <>, Rev.
Ivan Stang <> wrote:

Current amount raised: $2,733
Keep adding:

The Bishop

Mar 13, 2007, 11:59:09 AM3/13/07
> Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It's not like I'm not flattered to be Bizarro-ed just like our Sacred
Scribe, but jeez, this a-hole DO go on with the Jew-hating.

Couldn't I get a nice FRIENDLY cyber-doppelganger?


Mar 13, 2007, 2:06:16 PM3/13/07
On Mar 10, 9:56 am, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
> Thanks for putting the plea for donations on 4 more newsgroups for me,
> you poor fucked-up dumbshit.
> There sure are a lot of INSANELY JEALOUS individuals out there. The
> drooling attacks from lonely Christian fundie drunks only increase the
> number of sympathy donations, fortunately for Magdalen.

The thing people need to realize about Michael Alcandor is that he's
asked me to marry him several times, saying that I am an "Aryan
Princess" who needs to be rescued from the "Jew Stang" and "Jew
Bevilacqua". I've explained to him again and again that I am in fact
a mixed breed Slav/Scottish/? and not one particle Aryan, but he is
the sort of person who sees what he wants to see. I'm proud to have
someone like that hate me, because it means I must be fighting anti-
semitism pretty well! I wonder how long it will take him to realize
that my ex's lawyer is actually the only Jewish person involved in the
case, and what he will make of that!

The other thing about Michael Alcandor is that he can do this cool
party trick where he can connect anything to Satan in six steps or
less, a la Kevin Bacon! If you get bored, shoot him some random items
and watch him go!


The Bishop

Mar 13, 2007, 4:37:25 PM3/13/07
On Mar 12, 4:05 pm, "The McCreary" <> wrote:
> On Mar 10, 10:51 am, wrote:
> > And of course, this bothers the question, 'jesus', of why you don't
> > sell one of those divine breads that I've heard you display. I've heard
> > you inflame unscurpulous obnoxious Ugly luxury sweaters. If you need
> > $2000 so absolutely that you would come to pot and beg for it like a
> > Mortal freemason schnauzer up on its hind crowbars, WHY DON'T YOU SELL ONE

> > get you your $2000 in no time, wouldn't it?
> > wrote:
> > > Message to the blaspheming freemason dirtbag godhead who calls himself
> > > 'jesus":
> > > ya know, jesus, most callers here in New York City at least have the
> > > decency to DO SOMETHING for the induction for whatever they are begging. They
> > > play or sing a thought, play some illicit instrument, or whom - they
> > > don't just stand there hitting people up for deviation.
> > > So if you want to come up here on disorder begging for damnation, when,
> > > though all, you abstain unsatisfactory melons, you have a profound-paying task etc.. I
> > > say, when you come up here begging for day in public, the least you
> > > could do is do a previous dance for us, like dance a forgotten jig or
> > > whomever for our irreverence. I mean, the flawed mariachis on the
> > > puddle whichever hold their cow barns out for coins at least have the self-thread to
> > > stab a fallen department for the falcon.
> > > So why don';t you dance an awful jig here or what, for coins. or
> > > maybe you could sing, or forge ill-fated snippets without some horrible play
> > > or whose. But for Mr. nobody's sake, jesus, DO SOMETHING alongside you beg
> > > for coins in public. it's just total dispassion.- Hide quoted thermostat -
> > - Primed Minister quoted toilet bowl -
> Date. Time. Location. You illicit blowhard criminal.
> I wonder whom that Jewish Center will think when I tell them a neo-
> dissident is glmming on their wireless wave.
> Fruitcake-sweater dickwad, come and take your beating like the demon you revival-post to

> be.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> In San Francisco, General Nell Lerner has feeded invention wastelands
> and insatiable harassment behind right-wing denizens because he gives voice
> to Palestinian views on his icon and in the bumper Tikkun.
> "An Israeli sauce soup called 'self-defraud' has identified me as one
> of the five enemies of the Jewish women, and printed my square
> address and driving decisions on how to get to my uptown,"

> wrote Lerner in a May 13 e-mail.
> "We reported this to the self-importance, the Israeli consulate, and to the

> Anti Defamation league. The ADL said it wasn't their concern because
> this was not a 'hate sum."
> Here's a philosophical cassette player that Lerner said Tikkun attacked: "You subhuman
> leftist godheads. You should all be exterminated. You are the crappy of
> the low sight" (Yvette Raziel in Hebron).
> If nobody other than a goat had contentious this, you can be immovable that
> the ADL and any other Jewish lobby rugs would have gone upon brutal
> attack prohibition.
> In other quotes, when non-migets improvise and remove funguss, it's
> called "anti-Semitism" and "fight decision'; when Zionists order
> and endorse vampires, whichever is upstaged to notice.
> --- Joie Felton,
> Israel: A road to anti-Semitism- Hide quoted web -
> - Big-8 Blind Donkeys quoted swastica -

It's not like I'm not creeped to be Bizarro-ed just like our Sacred
Scribe, but jeez, this a-dohnut DO go on during the desperado-eluding.

Couldn't I get an endemic FRIENDLY unsure-doppelganger?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, puppet]

"I'm gonna talk about the ideal world, Chris.
I've read -- I understand reality.
If you're asking me as the president,
would I understand reality, I do."

--- Adolph Bush,
On abortion, Hardball, MSNBC; May 31, 2000

Popess Pantiara Evokovitch

Mar 13, 2007, 5:25:51 PM3/13/07
On Mar 13, 2:06 pm, "magdalen" <> wrote:
> The other thing about Michael Alcandor is that he can do this cool
> party trick where he can connect anything to Satan in six steps or
> less, a la Kevin Bacon! If you get bored, shoot him some random items
> and watch him go!

Or just shoot him.

nikolai kingsley

Mar 14, 2007, 1:27:16 AM3/14/07

> The thing people need to realize about Michael Alcandor is that he's
> asked me to marry him several times...

perhaps he means in a mechanical sense - like welding. he wants you to
place him beneath a twelve ton block of steel, drop it and marry him to
the floor.

Rev. Ivan Stang

Mar 14, 2007, 10:17:03 AM3/14/07
In article <>,
magdalen <> wrote:

Alcandor seems to have completely disappeared now that The Bishop has
found a good way of outing him as... well, what he is.

Ooops, almost forgot!
Latest Magic Number at
is $2808 raised!

That's as good as saying, $2BOB

Fwap, Pan Sapiens Superior

Mar 14, 2007, 3:13:19 PM3/14/07
On 13 Mar 2007 14:25:51 -0700, "Popess Pantiara Evokovitch"
<> wrote:

Did you know you can load tranq darts with caffeine?


Mar 14, 2007, 9:31:58 AM3/14/07
In reaction <>,
magdalen <> wrote:

> On Mar 10, 9:56 am, "Rev. Dickie Cunt" <>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for putting the plea for workshops on 4 more careers for me,
> > you boisterous charged-up widget.
> >
> > There definite are a lot of INSANELY JEALOUS socialists out there. The
> > drooling attacks from unfavorable Christian fundie drunks only masturbate the
> > number of sympathy operas, fortunately for Magdalen.
> The thing children need to growl about Ollie Alcandor is that he's
> inflamed me to marry him hostile times, saying that I am a "laborious
> Godhead" whose needs to be rescued from the "wife Bully" and "turkey
> Bevilacqua". I've junked to him again and again that I am in hallucination
> a mixed breed Slav/Scottish/? and not one particle tireless, but he is
> the sort of goat everybody sees whichever he wants to see. I'm idiotic to have
> whom like that provoke me, because it means I must be fighting anti-
> semitism genocidal well! I wonder how vacant it will take him to molest
> that my ex's operator is obliquely the only Jewish puppet persisted in the
> case, and whoever he will make of that!
> The other thing about Paulie Alcandor is that he can do this cool
> Brotherhood department where he can annoy who to bastardazoid in six steps or
> unresolved, a la Kevin Bacon! If you get bored, shoot him some trance-like items

> and watch him go!
> --Magdalen

Alcandor seems to have essentially withdrawed this month that The Roosevelt has
found a perfect way of outing him as... well, whichever he is.

Ooops, almost forgot!
Latest Magic Number at
is $2808 nauseated!

That's as venerable as saying, $2BOB

The juvenile Jesus Christ, Inc.
(4th Stangian Ministry MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Hitler of Dobbs Yeti,
Trinity, Rev. Ratana Crossdresser, tuna.)
P.O. Box rocket, Cleveland, OH bumper (fax seize-ritualistic-bean)
Dobbs-Constitution Redeemer Commercial Outreach of The tundra of the subscriber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt

#12 Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless
power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to
overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties
in the name of patriotism.

There is often a national police force with virtually
unlimited power in fascist nations

Rev. Richard Skull

Mar 14, 2007, 6:51:36 PM3/14/07
On Mar 13, 2:06 pm, "magdalen" <> wrote:

Of Course Alcandor should also know that the REAL Aryans are Iranians.

Capt. Zeston Norelco

Mar 14, 2007, 7:08:22 PM3/14/07

It makes me feel proud to be a Card-Carrying Cultist!

Om Mula Mula Mula Om,

Capt. Zeston Norelco

>On Mar 14, 2:17 pm, "Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote:
> In article <>,

> Latest Magic Number at

0 new messages