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USS Stargazer

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Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

Hello all,

I am interested in building a reproduction of the USS Stargazer model
that was seen in Picard's ready room on Next Gen., but I'm having trouble
finding out what various kits were used to build it (except for the Ertl
Enterprise, of course). I've been told by what should be a *very* reliable
source that "Orguss", "Macross" and "Gundam" kits were used, but
someone else is insisting that "Crusher Joe" kits were really used. Can
anyone out there help me? Either with a web site address or direct
information? Many thanks in advance.

Timothy Lindsey

Rick Sternbach

Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

In article <>, (DTYLES) wrote:

Yes to *all* of the above. Andy Probert and I initially designed the basic
body of the Stargazer, but Andy got busy with a lot of other issues on
TNG, and I finished off the actual gross construction and detailing of the
desk model, which Greg Jein later copied into a 4-footer. Lots of parts
and decals from all those anime kits; the largest being the Valkyrie wings
and wing box assemblies, and the Orguss gun bits. Two Gundam shells (can't
recall the kit) were placed on either side of center on the saucer
underside. Lots of filling and sanding and kitbashing using two movie
Enterprises. BTW, Franklin Mint did a very nice copy in pewter, and before
it went to pewter, they produced a small number of resin copies for studio
approvals, etc., which are infinitely sharper in detail. Someone who got
ahold of one resin copy turned it into a ripoff garage kit.


Rick Sternbach
Senior Illustrator
Star Trek Voyager
Paramount Pictures

"We've been doing so much for so long with so little, that we're now qualified to do anything with nothing!"

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