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JOIN NAMBLA (Mail Bomb Roy Radow-Faggot Child Molester)

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Fred Cherry

Jan 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/4/96

In Message-ID: <4c556o$>
Subject: Re: JOIN NAMBLA (Mail Bomb Roy Radow-Faggot Child Molester)
Date: 31 Dec 1995 04:56:56 GMT (Omega Starr) wrote:

>How do these mother fuckers get away with this shit. It's shit like this
>that keeps Sen Exon up at arms trying to censor the Internet.
>Ya think just maybe the ole' Senator's got something to do with this? :-)
>Maybe he outta censor this guy out of freedom. I see he has moved from
> They are really against censorship. I wonder why he's coming
>from another provider...hmm!

I believe the reason Roy Radow no longer posts from is that he
moved to California.

It certainly is NOT true that is against censorship. I was
terminated from because I attacked Radow on the Internet. One of
the owners of specifically wrote that he preferred Radow to me.

The largest homosexual newsgroup on the Internet is soc.motss. When Radow
posts in that newsgroup, no one objects to the fact that he is posting
there. When I post anything to that newsgroup, the denizens go ape. They
flood my service provider with complaints.

I am presently residing in New York. The reason I post from Colorado is
that it is very difficult to find a service provider that does not succumb
to homosexual pressure.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln

Alfonse Capone

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
I'm glad to see that at least somebody else wants to get rid
of the child predator scum.
I'm all for "anything goes" and totally against censorship but I draw
the line with taking advantage of innocent kids. Any human being with
the slightest amount of decancy and dignity would. That's why even in
prisons they beat the hell out of child molesters.
Anything I can do to help let me know.


Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
In <4ci7cq$> (Alfonse Capone)
>I'm glad to see that at least somebody else wants to get rid
>of the child predator scum. I'm all for "anything goes" and totally
against censorship but I draw the line with taking advantage of
innocent kids. Any human being with the slightest amount of decancy and
dignity would. That's why even in prisons they beat the hell out of
child molesters. Anything I can do to help let me know.
Funny, I personally draw the line at self-righteous bigots with
murderous fantasies.

I guess you don't know much about prisons. I know a number of men
who have gone to prison for sex with boys and they found themselves to
be quite popular. One I know was the head of the prisoner grievance
committee and assisted many prisoners with their appeals. (He even saw
some of his former boy friends -- they had matured a few years -- in
prison on various petty crime charges.) Another one I know who went to
federal prison, became the president of the "toastmasters." A man in
jail for molesting a girl produced erotic artwork for his fellow
prisoners. Another man I know who was in jail for robbery and was
given the maximum because he had a picture of a nude 6-year-old in his
wallet, beat the living shit out of a few people who tried to give him
a hard time.

The reality of prison (and human) life is somewhat more complex
than you wish it to be. The prisoners who are usually attacked (a very
tiny percentage of adults in prison for crimes involving children) are
generally socially and/or emotionally vulnerable for other reasons. The
"child molester" label is just a convenient justification.

You're free to engage in violent fantasies about "child molesters,"
but you might try seeing a shrink instead. Usually dwelling on these
kinds of fantasies is a way of denying one's own attraction to what one
claims is so abhorrent. But then again, perhaps it's just better to
late hate consume you.

n.s. aristoff


Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
> Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>will fuck you without even buying you a drink

Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

Adam Barkow

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority

Charles Rosendahl

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
Mike wrote:
> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink
> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.
All Right,
Who in the Hell are these creatures? You know, I just
start to use the news groups when all of the sudden everything
gets deleted almost instantly by some omnipotent beings who
seem to know what is in the best interests of the opiated mob.
These MUST be the same folk who desired warning labels on
music/video items. I imagine they are Janet Reno groupies
as well. Well, all I can say is: If you think you can control
the net, Go Fuck yourself.
It matters not what gets thrown up on the net. If parents
are so god-damned concerned about what their children are exposed
to, then by god they should watch what they do and beat the fear of
god into them when they stray.


Go Bomb Yourself,

The Voice of Freedom and Responsibility.

- There's always Lycos and the individual contributors of the net.

Robert Freeman

Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96
to (Conrad Sabatier) wrote:

>In article <4ci902$>,

> Barkow ) wrote:
>>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on

>>this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority

>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink

>With new Internet service providers popping up all over the country every day,
>it's hard to understand why anyone would want to stay with one of these
>monolithic online services.
>Conrad Sabatier --
Using AOL or any commercial service to get on the net is stupid. Or put it this
way, would you buy a new car if your salesperson was the only one to drive it
after the purchase? Of course not. You don't need to be taken for a ride.

Hey you talkin' to me?


Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96
In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.960104070907.27405A-100000@earth>, Fred Cherry <> wrote: >I am presently residing in New York. The reason I post from Colorado is >that it is very difficult to find a service provider that does not succumb >to homosexual pressure. And maybe, soon, you will have to post from outer Siberia. One can only hope. You are regularly "terminated" from your ISPs, because you post inflamatory, libelous, spurious assaults on individuals. You are stopped because what you do has no value beyond stirring up hatred and invective. No doubt you will add me to your list of people to flame and attack. I don't really care. I will stand up to people like you and to your attitudes as long as I have a single breath left in my body. You are justifiably cut off from spreading your invective. You are a degenerate mind and a waste of human resource. But we know who you are, where you post, and we will *ALWAYS* stand against you, as righteous people should. Mairhtin O'Feannag ____________________________________________________________________ Geek Rating: GCS/ d-(d--) H- s:+ !g p? au a w+(w++) v++(v*) C+++$ UL--- L+>++ !3 E? N+++ W++ M !V -po+ Y++ t+ 5 j++ R- G? tv- b+ !D B? e- u** h-- f r+ n y* True evil entered the world not with the first sin, nor even with the first murder. It came when an otherwise decent man first looked at a sinner, and at a guiltless stranger with a similar appearance... and punished both of them. (Stolen, and wonderful)

Conrad Sabatier

Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96


Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96
In article <4ckmu4$>, says...
You got that right.

Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96
Mike wrote:
> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink
> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

Drink, kiss goodnight? They won't even respect you in the morning.
Is there such a thing as right to privacy? I guess its there stinking
system and they set the rules.

Lee Anderson

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
IN OTHER WORDS AOL FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
to (Maddog) wrote:
>In article <4ckmu4$>, says...
>>In article <4ci902$>,
>> Barkow ) wrote:
>>>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>>>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>>>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>>>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me
>>>this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked
>>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>>With new Internet service providers popping up all over the country
>every day,
>>it's hard to understand why anyone would want to stay with one of
>>monolithic online services.
>You got that right.

Yeah I just watched the special on A&E about AOL and yes they do have
TOS Cops. I seen they don't even have to admit there a cop also. They
also had the dude from also. I guess he's in Sweden or
Denmark or something. Really neat show. If you get a chance watch it!


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In <4ckmu4$> (Conrad

Sabatier) writes:
>In article <4ci902$>,
> Barkow ) wrote:
>>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me
>>this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked
>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>With new Internet service providers popping up all over the country
every day,
>it's hard to understand why anyone would want to stay with one of
>monolithic online services.
>Conrad Sabatier --
You got that shit right!
Go to a smaller provider,
I don't have lesbian chat rooms, but thats ok.

Frank Welder

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
fornication, I have told you in time past, that they
which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire.
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say,
Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take
the water of life freely. Revelations 21:8:19:15;22:17

Men and brethren, what shall we do? Repent, and be baptized every one of
you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:37,38

Rabbit Hutch

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In article <4ci902$>,

If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
will fuck you without even buying you a drink

With all the low-cost internet access available, why the fuck is
ANYONE still at AOL????? DUMP the AOL bullshit!! You can now find FULL
access, uncensored, E-mail etc,etc,etc... Prodigy got so hokey-pokey and
childish, I dumped it and never regretted it. DO IT!!!!!

The Rabbit


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
And another dimwitted, religious fanatic heard from.

On 7 Jan 1996 06:13:26 GMT in,

John Hopkin

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
to (Conrad Sabatier) wrote:

>In article <4ci902$>,
> Barkow ) wrote:

>>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
>>this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink

>With new Internet service providers popping up all over the country every day,

>it's hard to understand why anyone would want to stay with one of these
>monolithic online services.

>Conrad Sabatier --

>>>Right on, Conrad. Not only that, but why do these people insist on paying AOL and the other two $2.95 and hour for internet access
when they can get unlimited access for between $18-25. a month? I log
on at 8a.m. and leave it on all day, so I dont have to worry about
busy signals after 5p.m. Even with the cost of a second phone line
added in, its still much cheaper than AOL. Maybe those people are just
using their ten free hours, which you can get by buying a $3.00
magazine with one of their "FREE" software offers. In fact, in case
you didnt realise this, everytime yer 10 free hours expires, you can
cancel your account, and then start a new account. Just use the
passwords included with the free software. You dont even have to buy a
magazine, once you cancel, AOL will send you free software and a new
password every couple of weeks! So you get free access AND free floppy
disks. HAHAHAHAHHA THE FOOLS!!! Long live anarchy on the Internet!!!
John Hopkin
Hop-Art Music, Inc.

Mike Hudson

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In article <4cn8qs$>,
Not that I give a shit any longer, but you can't do this anymore...unless
you have dozens of credit cards...because once you try to use the same
credit card number you've used before it bounces you to a screen that
gives you an 800 number to call due to an error with the account
information.............they're getting wiser.


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In article <>, (Frank Welder) writes:
>Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
>fornication, I have told you in time past, that they
>which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians

Pssst! Frank! Go forth and multiply, old son.
notes01 07.01.96


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96

you fucking suck!


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
On 7 Jan 1996 17:15:33 GMT, (Mikey Likes It) wrote:

>From now on...IF YOU RECEIVE AN AOL OR COMPUSERVE DISK...Make them spend
>some money. Write refused on the fucker and throw it back in the mail.
> AOL sucks!

Humm, run that by me. If I write Refused on the 30 sample memberships
a year I get from AOL they will get charged a return postage??
Maybe even convince them to quit senting them to me?

However they are a good source of free disks.
I only put Pirate software on them so if I am ever busted I will say
it came like that from AOL and get them investigated.

I have not read one of their brochures lately, but if they list full
internet access and then restrict you like that is it Federal Mail

This is written "Tonge in Cheek" as I really don't care what AOL does.
Anyone stupid enough to pay those kind of prices is already getting


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
Havin probs with Aol? get a real server post to ng's and find out about
ones in your area the should be one. I went from payin a 150 aol bill and
300-400 phone bill to 20 a month unlimited access (with a small amount of
problems but it's better than payin 450-550 a month) Aol sux it dosn't
give you real internet access so Y pay the high bills get real..get a
real server!

why not?

Mikey Likes It

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In article <4coa5c$>, says...

>In article <4ci902$>,
>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
>this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>will fuck you without even buying you a drink
> With all the low-cost internet access available, why the fuck is
>ANYONE still at AOL????? DUMP the AOL bullshit!! You can now find
>access, uncensored, E-mail etc,etc,etc... Prodigy got so hokey-pokey
>childish, I dumped it and never regretted it. DO IT!!!!!
> The Rabbit

This is very true. I close friend of mine was bounced from AOL. This
guy spent a lot of money on their chicken shit network. He never, I
repeat never, traded anything that appeared to be under 21 years of age.
The guy simply liked to hang out in the chat rooms and trade celeb and
blowjob pics. This dude is quite wealthy, owns a couple of businesses,
and was trying to have fun in the anonymity of AOL.

I wrote a letter to AOL and Steve Case when I dropped their service. I
specified censorship as the main reason. When I included my new e-mail
address, they never answered.


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
to (Rabbit Hutch) writes:


Thanks for the warning...and advice. I'm sure your right about
being monitored. It seems however,that if AOL is stupid enough
to monitor private transmissions that they will rapidly begin
loosing mememberships....mine for starters.


Ken Gollubier

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
In article <4ckmu4$>, (Conrad Sabatier) wrote:

>With new Internet service providers popping up all over the country every
>it's hard to understand why anyone would want to stay with one of these
>monolithic online services.

Believe it or not, there a lot of people who can barely turn their computers
on, let alone download all of their internet clients and unzip(what's zip?)
them and then find somewhere to put them and Heavens to Murgatroid,
configure this stuff. This is even harder when you realize these people
have never read a doc in their lives..they rely on the tech support people
from the monoliths to do all of their computing for them and they simply
look at the pictures and chat.


Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96
Frank Welder wrote:
> Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
> fornication, I have told you in time past, that they
> which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians
> 5:19-21Go have a circle jerk with Jesus, and I'll see you in hell (which doesn't

Aol Sucks!

Jon Wolf

Jan 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/7/96

Will you people stop wiht this childish flaming. It gts you nowhere and moake
you look like a bunch of morons.

/| _ (| | |_/_ |\ |\
| | / \_/|/| | | | / \_|/ |/
\|/\_/ | |_/ \/ \/ \_/ |_/|_/
(| |)

Frank Welder

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
In article <>, (Frank Welder) wrote:

You recently made a post to a newsgroup in the
hierarchy that did not conform to the topic, standards, and practices
of this newsgroup. A quick examiniation of the Newsgroups: line
shows that your post was excessively crossposted to many newsgroups,
including this one.

Before you press your [Send] button in the future, examine
your post to ensure that it is going to the newsgroups you intend.
Repeated excessive crossposting ("spamming") and failing to use
the Followups-To: line of a post will result in notification of
your postmaster. Thank you.

Elf Sternberg
Moderator, FAQ

The article in question is returned to you.

This AOL WARNING PLEASE READ !!!! was in alt.christnet. All I did was
reply to it. Go to the person who crossposted in the first place.

> Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
> fornication, I have told you in time past, that they
> which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians

Harry Dick

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
Anybody that was paying the amount of money you claim "I went from payin
a 150 aol bill and 300-400 phone bill" has bigger problems than using
"Get a fucking life" was there any point in the day that you weren't on

In article <>,

Persinthia Lawdro

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
In article <4ckmu4$>, says...
>In article <4ci902$>,

> Barkow ) wrote:
>>If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
>>PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
>>e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
>>bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
>>this one.

....And that's a bad thing??? Those people should consider it a favor from
AOL to be booted off of their rip-off on-line service!

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to (Persinthia Lawdro) wrote:

Better that the little perverted, ME TOO spamming idiots stay inside
AOL trading pics than coming here doing more damage than their
clueless, scum predecessors have.

Phil Phucked

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
begin 644 asbdtenn.gif

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to (Frank Welder) wrote:

>> Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
>> fornication, I have told you in time past, that they

>> which do such things shall get their rocks off in a big way. Galatians

>> 5:19-21
>> But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and

>> whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all buttfuckers, shall have
>> their part in the lake lake of pleasure as they get their jollies.

>> And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the

>> lake of pleasure.
>> And the Spirit and the bride say, Cum in my mouth, my pussy, my ass. And
>>let him that heareth say, Let me cum in your mouth, your pussy, your ass.
>> And let him that is athirst cum also. And whosoever will, let him shoot his
>> load into the water of life freely. Revelations 21:8:19:15;22:17
>> Men and brethren, who shall we do? Fornicate, and be baptized every
>> one of you in the name of pleasure for the ejaculation of cum, and ye shall
>> receive a hand-job as a gift from the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:37,38

Phil Phucked

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to (Harry Dick) wrote:

BKA Phil Phucked ...etc.

What's your reason for existence?
Do you believe in anything?
Or does your lifestyle contradict
The words you write for the songs you sing?



Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
In article <4cqfpn$>, wrote: > (Irishboy) wrote: <Snip> >Libelous, libel is the publication of lies, Roy Radow is an admitted >child molester, and a homosexual. People who prey on children should >be removed from society, like you. The only one who needs to be removed from society, is Fred Cherry. You are quite mistaken in your attack. I do not now, or ever, advocate any form of pedophilia, pederasty, or other exploitation of children. The post that was forged in my name, was forged because I advocate free and uncensored expression of opinion. Not child porn, nor any other exploitation of children. This includes the Bible thumpers who exploit children in their "ministries". Children should be allowed to safely establish their sexuality - irrespective of whether that is gay, straight, bi or other <although I am really at a loss as to what "other" might be> Now, on to your little post. If you are saying that *I* need to be removed from society, you are wrong. People like Fred Cherry, who post spurious, libelous accusations against innocent people, area a scourge, and are banned from every ISP they register with. Nigh on to the *ENTIRE* thinking Internet community have risen up and against Fred Cherry and his hate filled posts. He is nothing but a piece of human garbage, in my opinion. He is a waste of the chemicals and water that make up his body, in my opinion. He should be locked up in a sanitarium, in my opinion. The world would be a better place if he were not in it, in my opinion - and in the opinion of most of the people I have corresponded with here and elsewhere. SO, if you are spamming me, - CLAP-CLAP!!! Be GONE!!! You have no power here. If you are spamming child mollesters and pederasts.... Well, I am neither, and I agree with you that mollestation is disgusting. Mairhtin O'Feannag ____________________________________________________________________ Geek Rating: GCS/ d-(d--) H- s:+ !g p? au a w+(w++) v++(v*) C+++$ UL--- L+>++ !3 E? N+++ W++ M !V -po+ Y++ t+ 5 j++ R- G? tv- b+ !D B? e- u** h-- f r+ n y* True evil entered the world not with the first sin, nor even with the first murder. It came when an otherwise decent man first looked at a sinner, and at a guiltless stranger with a similar appearance... and punished both of them. (Stolen, and wonderful)

Admiral of the Narrow Sea

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Thanks Phil....

P.S: can you give some advice to a scanning-newbie as to what type of
equipment to purchase; i.e.: make, model, selling points, etc. Thanks

Deacon Maccubbin

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
The previous messages in this thread have been brought to you by CAPA
(Compuserve's Agent Provacateurs of America). :-)

Seriously, folks, there are 101 good reasons for SOME people to use a
commercial service like AOL. Not everyone wants to spend their time
plowing through the rants of Fred Cherry, the interminable preaching of
the brain-damaged fundamentalist right, the constant homophobic attacks
that make up such a huge portion of these gay newsgroups. Some prefer less
disruption and more discussion, less cussedness and more consciousness.

Others enjoy the resources and contacts possible in AOL's Gay and Lesbian
Community Forum (AOL's most active forum and the largest forum on any
commercial computer service).

Still others prefer the graphical interface available on AOL (and other
services) rather than simple text, and some of them don't know how to set
up their system to make it internet compatible. They don't know how to
choose an ISP in the first place (and, frankly, few ISPs have made it an
easy chore).

The issue of cost isn't even important for many; some can afford it
anyway, and others may use AOL only for e-mail (which can easily be done
within the five free hours per month if you use AOL's Flashmail feature
and don't get a gadzillion e-mails a day).

Some have found that searching for specific information can be a LOT
faster and easier on AOL than it is on the web. (One of these days, when
someone invents a web browser/searcher that REALLY works well, that may

I maintain an AOL account as well as five accounts on other services, each
of which includes (or is solely) a direct internet account. Each one
serves its purpose and is worthwhile. I almost never use AOL for my
internet access, but I DO use AOL at least twice a day every day. I don't
understand why a relatively small group of malcontents tries to insist
that what THEY have chosen for their online service is the ONLY thing
ANYBODY should choose. It reminds me of the Mac/DOS/Windows wars -- and
the battle is fought with the same fanaticism.

(Disclaimer: I am also the operator of a forum on AOL -- the Lambda Rising
Online bookstore forum -- and one of those responsible for establishing
the Gay and Lesbian Community Forum there, though I have no connection to
it today other than as a satisfied user.)

Rational discussion in one or two newsgroups welcomed, but flames and
further cross posts will be ignored.

/s/ Deacon Maccubbin

* Every Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans Book in Print + Videos, Music & Gifts
* FREE Catalog by Mail - Out-of-Print Book Search Service
* America Online's gay/lesbian bookstore (AOL keyword: GAYBOOKS)

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to (Irishboy) wrote:

>In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.960104070907.27405A-100000@earth>,
> Fred Cherry <> wrote:

>>I am presently residing in New York. The reason I post from Colorado is
>>that it is very difficult to find a service provider that does not succumb
>>to homosexual pressure.

>And maybe, soon, you will have to post from outer Siberia. One can only hope.
>You are regularly "terminated" from your ISPs, because you post inflamatory,
>libelous, spurious assaults on individuals. You are stopped because what you do
>has no value beyond stirring up hatred and invective.

>No doubt you will add me to your list of people to flame and attack. I don't
>really care. I will stand up to people like you and to your attitudes as long
>as I have a single breath left in my body.

>You are justifiably cut off from spreading your invective. You are a
>degenerate mind and a waste of human resource. But we know who you are, where
>you post, and we will *ALWAYS* stand against you, as righteous people should.

>Mairhtin O'Feannag
>Geek Rating: GCS/ d-(d--) H- s:+ !g p? au a w+(w++) v++(v*) C+++$ UL---
>L+>++ !3 E? N+++ W++ M !V -po+ Y++ t+ 5 j++ R- G? tv- b+ !D B? e-
>u** h-- f r+ n y*

>True evil entered the world not with the first sin, nor even with the
>first murder. It came when an otherwise decent man first looked at a
>sinner, and at a guiltless stranger with a similar appearance... and
>punished both of them. (Stolen, and wonderful)

Jack Fowler

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to' ) wrote:

>>Conrad Sabatier --
>You got that shit right!
>Go to a smaller provider,
>I don't have lesbian chat rooms, but thats ok.

Hell, you can even have lesbian chat rooms if you want. Just go to
IRC chat rooms.


Michael Graham

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
In <> (JustMe)
>And another dimwitted, religious fanatic heard from.
>On 7 Jan 1996 06:13:26 GMT in

>(Frank Welder) wrote:
>>Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery,
>>fornication, I have told you in time past, that
>>which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians

>>But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
>>whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have
>>their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which
is the
>>second death.
>>And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
>>lake of fire.
>>And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say,
>>Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him

>>the water of life freely. Revelations 21:8:19:15;22:17
>>Men and brethren, what shall we do? Repent, and be baptized every one

>>you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
>>receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:37,38

Oh shut the fuck up you religious fanatic, if you don't like something,
don't read it!

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
to Nobody
JustMe wrote:
> And another dimwitted, religious fanatic heard from.

...And Ye Shall Dwell In The House of AOL forever and ever... Amen.

Jan 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/8/96
Harry Dick wrote:
> Anybody that was paying the amount of money you claim "I went from payin
> a 150 aol bill and 300-400 phone bill" has bigger problems than using
> AOL.

Godddd.... that much.... and when I quit Delphi, I thought that $100 a
menth was too much for a server. Now I use Onramp, which is only $29
a month for a full service, 24 hour, 28.8 with full graphics. No
hourly or per minute charges, either, just a flat monthly $29 rate,
and that's for 24 hour service. The 1-800 number tech-help is pretty
good too.


Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
That's different.


Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
John Hopkin wrote:
> password every couple of weeks! So you get free access AND free floppy
> disks. HAHAHAHAHHA THE FOOLS!!! Long live anarchy on the Internet!!!
> John Hopkin
> Hop-Art Music, Inc.

Preach on brothers... this is why AOL is GOOD to hack. Go in and fish
for a pw and kill aol... KILL AOL... KAIOLLL!The only online service
with any apparent worth is ImagiNation... which has an online paintball
game. Hehe.
Weighing in at a combined sanity of 65%

Generic Guy

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
to (Deacon Maccubbin) wrote:
>Some have found that searching for specific information can be a LOT
>faster and easier on AOL than it is on the web. (One of these days, when
>someone invents a web browser/searcher that REALLY works well, that may

Ever try Lycos? They'll find anything you want.

>I maintain an AOL account as well as five accounts on other services, each
>of which includes (or is solely) a direct internet account.

What in the HELL do you need 5 accounts for? What can't you do on
an individual ISP that you need severl services for?

>(Disclaimer: I am also the operator of a forum on AOL

Ahh, free access. explains a lot.

Matthew W.Koenig

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
how do i do a search for a pw on aol so i can menace those losers
please rerply to

Denise Simon

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96

In a previous post someone knocking AOL complained about the TOS
people being rotten and the services being over zealous. I want to
offer a different opinion. I'm a happy AOL user. I've had a few problems
with them but all services have some problems.

I, for one, would not be an AOL user anymore if there was no
control. As a newly acknowledged lesbian over a year ago, I spent much
time in the gay and lesbian areas and in Womenspace, a lesbian chat room.
Several times someone came into this public room to gay bash and offer
rude and offensive language. In one case, I called a TOS person and
in others someone else did and the person was removed from AOL. Had
that not been done, I would have stopped using AOL very quickly. Sure,
they probably overstep bounds (The TOS) sometimes and they need to be
confronted when they do. If you are TOSsed and believe it was not deserved,
take it up with Steve, the president of AOL (I can't remember his
last name), or with customer support. I've fought them in the past (not
on TOS issues - I've not been TOSsed) and they have always been reasonable
(even if I did not get my way).


Steve Struthers

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
Charles Rosendahl <> writes:

>Mike wrote:
>> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink

>> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

>All Right,
> Who in the Hell are these creatures? You know, I just
>start to use the news groups when all of the sudden everything
>gets deleted almost instantly by some omnipotent beings who
>seem to know what is in the best interests of the opiated mob.
>These MUST be the same folk who desired warning labels on
>music/video items. I imagine they are Janet Reno groupies
>as well. Well, all I can say is: If you think you can control
>the net, Go Fuck yourself.

> It matters not what gets thrown up on the net. If parents
>are so god-damned concerned about what their children are exposed
>to, then by god they should watch what they do and beat the fear of
>god into them when they stray.



The easiest way to deal with the likes of Compuserve and AOL is simply
not to purchase their services in the first place, and, if you already
have a Compuserve/AOL account, to cancel it, making sure that you tell
them *exactly* what led you to decide to cancel.

I guarantee that Compuserve and AOL *will* change their ways if enough
of their customers cancel, and if they start finding themselves unable
to attract new ones.

Then again, the vast majority of people are just *stupid* enough that
they don't realize the power of the pocketbook. Either that, or they
actually *enjoy* being spoon-fed endless amounts of pablum.

Tom DeLosh

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96

>> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

>Drink, kiss goodnight? They won't even respect you in the morning.

Drink? kiss goodnight? Respect?! Hell, they won't even wash first
or even pick the scabs off it.

:-) (soooorrryyy!)


Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96

You should check around. I get all that (ppp/slip) and a shell account
for a web page or bot for $20.00. sometimes the smaller company's are
really better.


Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96
In <4cv440$> (Greg) writes:
> (Lee Anderson) wrote:
>No, in those exact words AOL FUCKING SUCKS
Just go to Office Max, or Comp USA, or even request free AOL from mag
advertisements, get a handful of diskettes from AOL start up kits. Get
them home and put in computer and "FORMAT". 100's of free disketts from
AOL! Screw them.....You win! and save others hundreds of dollars
screwing with "monoliths" like AOL. If you hate them.....Hit them where
it counts....The pocketbook! So far I have 227 diskettes and have had
over 50 hrs. free time from them! They keep sending me more disks and
asking me to re-join!!!!! Some body's making them rich, It ain't me!!!

William D. Bowman

Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96
In <4cvt50$>' )

Considering AOL uses ultra low quality "disposable" disks in the start
up kits, you won't get much benefit from your hard work, and I don't
think AOL will miss a couple hundred disks considering the amount they
throw out there.....


Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96


Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96
In article <4cucia$>, says...

>how do i do a search for a pw on aol so i can menace those losers
>please rerply to

Or, better still, forward this one to the and

Jonathan Andrew Sheen
Intuitive Information, Inc. Customer Support

Leviathan of the GEI (Detached.)
Sig? No, thanks. I don't smoke....

Fred Grossman

Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96
Adam Barkow wrote:
> If you are a member of AOL and are either trading, hanging out in the
> PIC rooms, receiving or sending graphic files privately through the
> e-mail system STOP RIGHT NOW!! Their new technology will have you
> bounced off the system faster than you can say "nice tits". Trust me on
> this one. Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority

> will fuck you without even buying you a drink

You mean AOL has people who sit around all day and night reading the E-Mail and gazing
at each and EVERY attached file/image? Gosh. I want that job.


Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96

Major Disaster

Jan 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/11/96

and Swallows!

bryan wilson

Jan 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/11/96
In <4cvt50$>' )
>In <4cv440$> (Greg) writes:

>> (Lee Anderson) wrote:
>>No, in those exact words AOL FUCKING SUCKS

>Just go to Office Max, or Comp USA, or even request free AOL from mag
>advertisements, get a handful of diskettes from AOL start up kits. Get
>them home and put in computer and "FORMAT". 100's of free disketts
>AOL! Screw them.....You win! and save others hundreds of dollars
>screwing with "monoliths" like AOL. If you hate them.....Hit them
>it counts....The pocketbook! So far I have 227 diskettes and have had
>over 50 hrs. free time from them! They keep sending me more disks and
>asking me to re-join!!!!! Some body's making them rich, It ain't me!!!

done it too ! doesn't it give some feeling of power?? fuck AOL

J. J. Vagos Godinho

Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96
Major Disaster wrote:

> Greg wrote:
> >
> > (Lee Anderson) wrote:
> >
> > >IN OTHER WORDS AOL FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > No, in those exact words AOL FUCKING SUCKS
> and Swallows!What a load of fucking crap!


Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96
to (Steve Struthers) wrote:

>Charles Rosendahl <> writes:

>>Mike wrote:
>>> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>>> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink

>>> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

>>All Right,


Yeah, I once had an account with AOL. When they offered you the
ability to create a Web page, I did. But I made the mistake (in THEIR
eyes) of putting a link to a partial nude shot of Pam Anderson on it.
Next thing I know my account was cancelled without any notification of
ANY kind. They are SOOoooo Lame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96
send some

G Benoit

Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96
It isn't really a question of AOL/CompuServe or other Internet providers
playing parents or police. They're businesses and like any business, they
want to limit their liability IN CASE the Police jump on them. It is
similar to holding a bartender liable if a drunk leaves his bar and kills
someone. The two prime issues, it seems, are a) that these services
cooperate with police and b) that telecommunications (like the NET) are
NOT, repeat NOT, protected by First Amendment rights (as books are).
Telecommunications are considered public utilities and as such the Gov't,
in the form of right-wing special interest groups, thinks THEY should
control it. So, PLEEEEEEZE consider this: we MUST reinforce in the
public's mind the role of parents (or whoever) as the sole controlling
interest in the case of children -- that the Gov't's role is NOT PERSONAL
police! This is a democracy that REQUIRES our participation and if we let
the Gov't and others judge what is right for us then we are not a free
people! Think about it: this issue is so important that it may well rank
up there with our original 1776 Revolution!

Michael Harris

Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96
Ithink you are right.

Jan 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/12/96


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
In article <4d4a66$>,
CMG <> wrote:
>Go for it !
>Free diskettes; the only thing AOL is good for and their
>customers pay for in the end...
I just had an idea for all those free AOL disks they send out...fill em up
with the nastiest pictures you have from these newsgroups, and mail them back
to their corporate headquarters!!!!!!!!!


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
to' ) wrote:

>In <4cv440$> (Greg) writes:

>> (Lee Anderson) wrote:
>>No, in those exact words AOL FUCKING SUCKS

>Just go to Office Max, or Comp USA, or even request free AOL from mag
>advertisements, get a handful of diskettes from AOL start up kits. Get
>them home and put in computer and "FORMAT". 100's of free disketts from
>AOL! Screw them.....You win! and save others hundreds of dollars
>screwing with "monoliths" like AOL. If you hate them.....Hit them where
>it counts....The pocketbook! So far I have 227 diskettes and have had
>over 50 hrs. free time from them! They keep sending me more disks and
>asking me to re-join!!!!! Some body's making them rich, It ain't me!!!

And this pertains to these newsgroups how??

Tree Boy


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
On 11 Jan 1996 06:17:33 GMT in,
(jay lemer) wrote:

>In article <4cik8a$>, gru...@rio.comÂș says...

>>> Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>>Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

>for a newbie, what's TOS?
Heads I win; tails you lose.

Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
to (JustMe) wrote:

TOS : It's the Terms of Service agreement on AOL... typical legal
jargon, plus a lot about civility, no abusive, obscene, or offensive
language or activities, etc., etc., It's the "play our way or leave
the playground" rule, set up by the owners of that playground.

* Rev. Ray Whiting // *
* New Thought Metaphysical minister/practitioner *
* Unity not Uniformity; Diversity not Division *


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
a path of great evil, in which
one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by which
we hold precious and
enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
remains lurking. From where it
shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for us,
the hours that He has
provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
author versus authority. With
disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
uncollected, the debt you have
inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
eternity, and so the Keepers of
the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it damnation
or eternal peace. I lay
down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods own
hand, soothing the cries
from the weeping ones of the universe, not captive of the hour but as
if time were none but a
rock, unable to bend and flex with the physics and laws deemed, the
Universal Physical. So how
can we deny that which we hold so dear and eternal in the heart of
hearts, the man of men, the
world? I cannot! Then I confess, and let that be my vice. For is not
this world but Eden, to
frolic in the serenity of Gods nest? But how can there be Utopia when
there remains
wickedness? For that we shall believe the truth has been presented in
a fashion not
homogenized, but orderly in sensation and reality. Divine shall be
those things by which the
hands of time shall not manipulate. Just as the prescription falls
unto the living creatures of the
earth that birds shall be none but birds, and man shall be none but
man, in the divinity of the
spiritual images that history again has recorded, this application by
which our destiny lay, has
already been written. On, and above this history lies a new venue, a
new beginning, a new
prescription. By your own touch, and the hand, now you are empowered
to again write your
chapter, a legacy and not a fantasy. This vision of your own future,
as if future were past, and
past were future. And in this vision, let there be none but the tears
of joy, and a light. A light
that leads to a promised fruit, in faith delivered, reciprocal in form
and fashion. Only then will
this fledgling leave the nest and with wings of strength and recovery,
and determination, of life
fulfilled! Will you be there when this nest releases its captives of
time and the phantom hand, to
fly and soar with certainty and abandon? I believe! And now you are
entertained with these
choices..... Of when to set forth this motion, and beginning of this
adventure with the spirit new
and a quest, a mission that now cannot be denied, for with fury and
flame shall burn, all to ashes
and rubble, the total of restraints with which you were bound and tied
and bloodied. For
freedom anew is arisen from these ashes and grow it shall, and after
it all, shall be renewed the
newest of the inhabitants of the new order that has by rights, a born
woman child, set free, this
born man child. And a Queen, tattered, and without shoes, shall be
delivered upon some golden
throne to sit and rule with Lords and judges. The crown has been
bestowed upon the nape of this
majestic entity. Again, I believe! Do you believe? Then eternal shall
be your own glory, and
pass it on!....( 8:1:3 ~)~) Xuniphaer ( 2:5:3 ~)~)

Debbie Molinaro

Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
In article <4d2a1t$>, (jay lemer) wrote:

:for a newbie, what's TOS?

On AOL (America OnLine), TOS stands for Terms Of Service which are the rules
all members agree to read and live by when they sign up for an AOL account.
When someone is TOSsed, it means they broke the rules.
"Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity"

Chris Russell Robinson

Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
".................(thunder)..........(Lightning)......THIS IS THE

-This message was brought to you by the Church of the Right-Wing
Masterbation Society



Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
Yo! God! Perhaps thou should take a brief course in effective

In article <4d8rii$>,

>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path,
>a path of great evil, in which
>one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by
>we hold precious and
>enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
>remains lurking. From where it
>shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for
>the hours that He has
>provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
>author versus authority. With
>disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
>uncollected, the debt you have
>inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
>eternity, and so the Keepers of
>the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it
>or eternal peace. I lay
>down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods

>hand, soothing the criFrom: (T) )
>Subject: A message from God
>References: <4bh2vq$>
<> <4bjmhf
>$> <4bk3o9$>
<4c556o$> <Pine
<4ci7cq$> <4ci90
>2$> <4cik8a$>
>ca> <4d8u3t$>

>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path,
>a path of great evil, in which
>one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by
>we hold precious and
>enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
>remains lurking. From where it
>shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for
>the hours that He has
>provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
>author versus authority. With
>disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
>uncollected, the debt you have
>inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
>eternity, and so the Keepers of
>the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it
>or eternal peace. I lay
>down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods

>hand, soothing the criith which you were bound and tied


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
a path of great evil, in which
one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by which
we hold precious and
enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
remains lurking. From where it
shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for us,
the hours that He has
provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
author versus authority. With
disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
uncollected, the debt you have
inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
eternity, and so the Keepers of
the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it damnation
or eternal peace. I lay
down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods own
hand, soothing the criFrom: (T) )
Newsgroups: soc.motss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,alt.censorship,alt.christnet
Subject: A message from God
References: <4bh2vq$> <> <4bjmhf$> <4bk3o9$> <4c556o$> <Pine.SOL.3.91.960104070907.27405A-100000@earth> <4ci7cq$> <4ci902$> <4cik8a$> <4d2a1t$> <4d8u3t$>

Don Juneau

Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96

Well, well. A message from God. Too bad He faked his address, huh?
Tsktsktsk. Broken Commandment by the Commandment-maker, such a poor example.

Well, I can't claim to be God, but I *can* speak for myself, and probably
other newsgroup-readers: FUCK OFF. If we wanted to read religious
propaganda, we'd read it in the appropriate NG.

And now, back to the pleasures of the flesh, as created and approved of
by Ye Highest Power.

Reverend Donald T Juneau, ULC

Captain Hook

Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
to (jay lemer) wrote:

>In article <4cik8a$>, gru...@rio.comÂș says...
>>> Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>>>will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>>Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

>for a newbie, what's TOS?

It's on AOL and it means Terms of Service. If you say 'shit' and they
catch you at it (some bible-thumper reporting you), they will cancel
your account. Of course, shit is one of the more minor infractions,
they have tons of them.

I actually had an AOL account for a while. Got one of those free disks
and decided to give them a try to see what it was like. When the shit
went down involving the FBI on AOL, I wrote Steve Case a few letters
in protest regarding privacy and then a couple days later, my account
was cancelled. Every time I started a chat room with FBI in the title,
it would fill up and then the TOS police would close it down. AOL and
Censorship: you bet, dispite what they say to the contrary.

I'm really glad I hadn't given up my regular ISP account while I was
on AOL,

It is best to give AOL a wide berth.

Captain Hook


Jan 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/13/96
to wilson ) wrote:

>In <4cvt50$>' )

>done it too ! doesn't it give some feeling of power?? fuck AOL

Too bad.... all those disks you got? They suck! Just like AOL!!! They
are frequently full of bad sectors, and if they aren't now... they
WILL be.

L. J. Silver

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
You need to get back on the thorazine. ) wrote:

>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
>a path of great evil, in which

<something deleted, but not sure what>


L. J. Silver


Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
to (T) ) wrote:

"****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************

" As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path,
"a path of great evil, in which

"one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by
"we hold precious and
"enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
"remains lurking. From where it
"shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for
"the hours that He has
"provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
"author versus authority. With
"disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
"uncollected, the debt you have
"inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
"eternity, and so the Keepers of
"the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it
"or eternal peace. I lay
"down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods
"hand, soothing the criFrom: (T) )


"Subject: A message from God
"References: <4bh2vq$>
<> <4bjmhf$>
<4bk3o9$> <4c556o$>
<4ci7cq$> <4ci902$>
<4cik8a$> <4d2a1t$>

"****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************

" As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path,
"a path of great evil, in which

"one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by
"we hold precious and
"enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
"remains lurking. From where it
"shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for
"the hours that He has
"provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
"author versus authority. With
"disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
"uncollected, the debt you have
"inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
"eternity, and so the Keepers of
"the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it

L. J. Silver

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
I think you missed the point. AOL can and does police their users and
can, at their discretion, toss anyone for violations for their very
broad and vague Terms of Service. The new Telecommunications Bill,
currently hung up in Congress, will protect ISP's from liability
issues regarding what the users of their services send and/or receive.
This liability protection is the same offered the mailman who delivers
a package of cocaine, or the phone company from someone making obscene
phone calls. I'm not exactly sure what the point of your post was, but
I sincerely hope that you aren't an English Professor teaching writing
skills. (G Benoit) wrote:

>It isn't really a question of AOL/CompuServe or other Internet providers
>playing parents or police. They're businesses and like any business, they

<jibberish deleted>

>In article <4d5ngn$>, (Bubba) wrote:

>> (Steve Struthers) wrote:
>> >Charles Rosendahl <> writes:
>> >>Mike wrote:
>> >>>

>> >>> > Their over zealous TOS police with their unchecked authority
>> >>> >will fuck you without even buying you a drink
>> >>>
>> >>> Buy you a drink hell! They won't even kiss you goodnight.

<more jibberish deleted>

>> Yeah, I once had an account with AOL. When they offered you the
>> ability to create a Web page, I did. But I made the mistake (in THEIR
>> eyes) of putting a link to a partial nude shot of Pam Anderson on it.
>> Next thing I know my account was cancelled without any notification of
>> ANY kind. They are SOOoooo Lame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This sure has strayed from the original!


Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
The God I know, Isn't short of cash, didn't put sex here as a test, made
love a wonderfull thing. And loves you too.

Scott, Mari & Brian

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
In <4d8rii$> (T) )
>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
>a path of great evil, in which

God would like you to know that he's tired of all the bitching from you
christians, and wants to know if you want cheese and crackers to go
with your whines. He's thinking of switching religions if this keeps

He wishes you'd all find a different hobby other than annoying him with
your petty problems and leave him alone to contemplate the universe.
(Or his navel, the translation was a little garbled...line noise...)

Go forth and spy on each other, since you show one face to the public,
and another behind closed doors. Take your new religion and keep it
amongst yourselves.

If you believe the Bible has no mistakes, and every word came directly
from God, then I have some Pacific beach front property in Arizona to
sell you.

Michael Cox

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
Get a life! You sound like something out of some ancient Mesopotamian
religious hodgepodge! Why post it here?


Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96

>".................(thunder)..........(Lightning)......THIS IS THE

Now that's the first accurate god quote I've ever read. Thanks pal!

Bill Irwin jr.

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
to G Benoit

You are under the mistaken impression that this is a right wing problem. It is not. It is your
kind of thinking that will divide those who seek to protect the newsgroups from the fanatics
bent on censoring the net. There are people on both sides of the aisle (democrat and
republican) that are supporting the Exon amendment. Newt Gingrich (right wing) has come out
*against* the Exon Amendment. Pat Schroeder (as liberal as they get) is *FOR* the Exon
Amendment. We must identify those in both camps who are traitors and give them hell!


Bill Irwin Jr. "Those that give up their liberty and freedom for a small measure of safety deserve neither liberty nor safety!" Benjamin

Personal Web page Http://
Photo page at RIT Http://

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
I have always wondered what God's e-mail address is. Thanks for letting
me know that it is

Greg Newman

Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
hack <ha...@agt.met> writes:

>The God I know, Isn't short of cash, didn't put sex here as a test, made
>love a wonderfull thing. And loves you too.

The god you know sounds like an impotent whiner.

Me, I want MY gods to have huge schlongs and whip 'em out at a moment's


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
On 14 Jan 1996 11:48:30 GMT in,
(JohnnyButch) wrote:

Right out of the bible, isn't it?


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
If you really want to register your protest to this dork, e-mail him
with 1.27 quadra-tera-bytes of bullshit.

In <> Don Juneau

John Costin

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
AOL gives you ther free disk and then they run the hours up and you pay
big $$$$. And it is sooooooo slow. and keep getting punted.


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
In article <4dbhtc$>, ha...@agt.met propones...

>The God I know, Isn't short of cash, didn't put sex here as a test, made
>love a wonderfull thing. And loves you too.

Nicely put. True too. Thank you very much.


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
Yeah, that was much better. When I was a little elf, God told me
a had a cute weenie and then kissed it. I thought that was normal
until I travled to earth and saw just how funked up people can get.

Weird shit here. - M

In article <4daqie$>, propones...

I hate brainless AOL idiots

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
to (LiVeR) wrote:

[snipped for brevity]

>Too bad.... all those disks you got? They suck! Just like AOL!!! They
>are frequently full of bad sectors, and if they aren't now... they
>WILL be.

Bad sectors is right..just like the bad sectors in the brain of those
AOLamers that post nothing but "ME TOO" all over the place.


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
That's exactly what I do. Ditto Compuserve. Ditto Prodigy.
I'm using IDT slip/ppp for $21/mo year prepaid cancel after 90 days
option. The only bad thing is no 800 tech help (when they do screw up on
their side - and they did. But I'm sending them the bill.)


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
This prophet (myself) has a message for the world. It is the message
of life, love and truth. Of divine reality and the personal power of
the individual to know the truth, see the reality, understand the
workings, and step into heaven.

Beware of arcane mulla-wugga that is in any way dreary or hints of some
gothic horror. The way is not like that. Beware of those who warn you
about evil and tell you that you will have to do battle. There is no evil
except what is perpetrated from the minds of confused individuals. Evil
is not intrinsic in creation. What is intrinsic is Love, which is Divine
Spirit. That is what is real and the only thing that has any currency.

I'm not going to waste any time arguing with people who write the stuff below.
I'm not going to debate. I'm just going to reveal. Look for
to open soon and bring you a true message that REALLY IS (for a change)
from God. I give you my vision. Take it for what it's worth at face value.
Then do with it what you will. It is not negotiable.

- M

In article <4d8rii$>, propones...

>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
>a path of great evil, in which

>one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by which
>we hold precious and
>enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
>remains lurking. From where it
>shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for us,
>the hours that He has
>provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
>author versus authority. With
>disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
>uncollected, the debt you have
>inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
>eternity, and so the Keepers of
>the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it damnation
>or eternal peace. I lay
>down no rules, for the rules are set by time and space, and Gods own
>hand, soothing the criFrom: (T) )

>Newsgroups: soc.motss,,

>Subject: A message from God
>References: <4bh2vq$> <> <4bjmhf$>
> <4bk3o9$> <4c556o$> <Pine.SOL.3.91.960104070907.27405A-100000@ear
>th> <4ci7cq$> <4ci902$> <4cik8a$> <4d2a
>1t$> <4d8u3t$>

>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************
> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path, possibly
>a path of great evil, in which

>one can never anticipate what lies in wait. That those things by which
>we hold precious and
>enduring in our hearts, a declaration that we cannot deny truths,
>remains lurking. From where it
>shall all begin, to where the total of what God has set forth for us,
>the hours that He has
>provided, I hereby set forth by the scroll, and the challenges of
>author versus authority. With
>disregard for the receipt that has existed for untold centuries
>uncollected, the debt you have
>inherited, the debt shall never be dismissed, living on through
>eternity, and so the Keepers of
>the Clock shall not reveal what destiny has prescribed, be it damnation

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
to (BHarrison) wrote:

> wrote:

>>I have always wondered what God's e-mail address is. Thanks for letting
>>me know that it is

>Its G...@Heaven.Com

.COM? I knew the church was in it just for the money.


And on the eighth day, God invented bankers...

Rush H. Limbaugh

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
In article <4dcg68$>, says...
Gee! I think I liked it better with all the thunder and stuff.

bad dog

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
In <4db2s9$>, Mari &

Brian ) writes:
>In <4d8rii$> (T) )
>>****************** STUDY THIS PROPHECY & LEARN IT******************

>> As with every foreign journey, we step forth into a path,
>>a path of great evil, in which

>God would like you to know that he's tired of all the bitching from
>christians, and wants to know if you want cheese and crackers to go
>with your whines. He's thinking of switching religions if this keeps
>He wishes you'd all find a different hobby other than annoying him
>your petty problems and leave him alone to contemplate the universe.
>(Or his navel, the translation was a little garbled...line noise...)
>Go forth and spy on each other, since you show one face to the public,
>and another behind closed doors. Take your new religion and keep it
>amongst yourselves.
>If you believe the Bible has no mistakes, and every word came directly
>from God, then I have some Pacific beach front property in Arizona to
>sell you.

... jesus saves, but with the t-bill rates what they are these days
it's getting tougher.


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96

David Pratt

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
enough said.

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