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Working and being a PUA

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13.3.2000 klo 3.00.0013.3.2000
Its funny I work as a broker, and until I took a look at ASF I never made
the connection between picking up women and sales. Its all a numbers game. I
remember my boss saying "its not what you say on the phone, or what idea you
have but the # of potential people you contact that will ultimatelly decide
whether you succeed or not". How true, and how well it applies to women. I
sit there and call Mr. Jones, and push his buttons. I say I wonder what his
response will be if I say this or that, or I steer the conversation to make
it go where I wish it to go. Again how simmilar to SS, or being a PUA.
Projecting confidence, happiness, persistance, it all applies to the real
world. So whats my point of this story? ALl you guys who want to get better
at PU, and grow some confidence, get a job in sales. Get off your lazy
salary ass and live like a hunter. Especially if you are shy, 3 months of
cold calling on people will build up some serious confidence, and make you
almost impervious to rejection. It will also make you a very smooth talker,
and sharp to boot. Long ago I learned that on the phone I can be anyone I
wish to be, and now its also so true in real life. You are what you project.
Just my my 2 cents in.

The Seduction Library

13.3.2000 klo 3.00.0013.3.2000
Some Guy Writes:

Its funny I work as a broker, and until I took a look at ASF I never made
the connection between picking up women and sales. Its all a numbers

<-------It's NOT all a numbers game. Not in the end. The rules which
apply to 99 out of 100 women are flipped upside down when you decide that
YOU want an LTR. Then the woman is someone you can't replace so easily.
The numbers game you play actually makes it more difficult to find this.
It will, however, lead to a lot of sex.

I remember my boss saying "its not what you say on the phone, or what
idea you have but the # of potential people you contact that will
ultimatelly decide whether you succeed or not". How true, and how well it
applies to women. I sit there and call Mr. Jones, and push his buttons. I
say I wonder what his response will be if I say this or that, or I steer
the conversation to make it go where I wish it to go. Again how simmilar
to SS, or being a PUA. Projecting confidence, happiness, persistance, it
all applies to the real
world. So whats my point of this story? ALl you guys who want to get
at PU, and grow some confidence, get a job in sales. Get off your lazy
salary ass and live like a hunter. Especially if you are shy, 3 months of
cold calling on people will build up some serious confidence, and make
almost impervious to rejection. It will also make you a very smooth
and sharp to boot. Long ago I learned that on the phone I can be anyone I
wish to be, and now its also so true in real life. You are what you
Just my my 2 cents in.

<--------A rising stock market doesn't hurt either, does it? What I'm
seeing is that sales pitches are beginning to reach a saturation point
with women. Logically, there will be a backlash. Would you have
predicted that biotech would rebound so well or that the Dow was on the
way to the toilet? What worked in the past often doesn't work in the
future because too many people hop on the bandwagon. By your own
statements, you admit to approaching "lots" of women. I'd venture that
you and other men like you also approach "lots" of women and they are the
sexiest women, who tend to hang out together and compare notes. They
also read the same magazine articles and watch the same movies. You and
others are not taking into account that just as the internet makes it
easier for men to get pickup information, it becomes easier for the
women, and for rival men.

I've already had several successful pickups with my new "Anti-player"
Foxhunting approach. I lay down the gauntlet, saying I want the same
treatment that men like you are getting, or I'll have to conclude that
women really want to be SSed, hypnotized, picked up, mirrored, and
pitched. I point out how even if the woman has good intentions, that
NATURE punishes nice guys, and that she's fighting a losing battle trying
to change the system. In essence, I'm justifying jerk behavior on the
grounds that the men couldn't be such horrible jerks if so many women are
having sex with them, and that decency and honesty can't be valued much
by women if so many nice guys are alone.

Think of a used-car salesman posting his secrets of negotiation on the
wall where all of his customers could read it. That's what you have
here. The regulars of ASF have shot down every argument in favor of
being a nice guy so well that women cannot hide from what they are truly
like anymore. This means that to further confound the majority of men
they have to change how they act, even if they don't want to, simply to
protect their image or their reputation.

Right now I'm dealing with a 21 year-old woman with a newborn who is
divorcing a man who was nothing like she thought he was when she married
him. She has agreed to date me on principle, and even to pay for it
(coffee) because if I don't have a guarantee of sex, I refuse to pay for
anything. No matter what she does with platitudes, I can point out that
her husband got more rewards (sex, a wife, and a child), than I did. I
further point out to her that if women aren't going to give me an honest
chance, I can just follow the internet playbook and get laid. Sure, she
can walk away, but she won't, because she actually likes me as a man and
it got through to her that she has to start showing with her actions what
type of man she wants in her life.

She and other women are indicating strongly that they are going to change
the rules at just the point where these methods penetrate the mainstream.
To use the internet stocks as an example, the people who are using these
methods now are getting in a bit before the bubble bursts, and will
profit. It's the next generation of PUA that's going to pay the price,
because at some point the methods that work so well now are going to
experience a severe downturn, with playa-hata methods taking over. Men
who read this group will be familiar with a lot of what is in 29 Reasons,
but the women have no desire to wade through the misogyny to get what
they can get with a simple read.

Men who want their pet methods to keep working would be wise to not
publish them. The reason ASF is exploding as it is is that the men who
come here wind up succeeding, and have no reason to quit. Thus, the
membership grows larger and larger, the body of theory expands, and takes
on a life of its own. My current estimate of the audience of this group
and its related sites is close to 200,000. Very soon it will be in the
millions. The material here is too good and becoming too popular to
remain unnoticed by the dinosaur media, which has a strong need for
quality content which it can find from this group free of charge. For
example, Oprah could easily devote an hour to this group, haul in one or
two experts who make a fortune from the exposure (one positive mention
from Oprah is worth about 1-2 million book sales), while Oprah cashes in
from the advertiser revenue.

Once Oprah takes a long look at this group, women all over the country
will be onto you. Be especially careful if she has Tom Cruise on for a
full hour and starts asking him about his Magnolia role. Women might not
pay to see the movie, but it will be on the pay channels for years, and
when women are home late at night, most won't mind killing a few hours
watching Tom Cruise. You might even see a "Making of Magnolia" special
which refers to Ross's website and touches upon the topic further.

What works today is very useful information, but one must keep an eye on
the future to remain stronger than his rivals.

Outfoxing The Foxes: The Ultimate In Mind Seduction (Classic!!)
29 Reasons Not To Be A Nice Guy (New!!)

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Viesti on poistettu


13.3.2000 klo 3.00.0013.3.2000
You make some good points. I sell tools over the phone and it
has improved my game tremendously.

Actually I can only think of one rule of sales that doesn't apply
to seduction..."Never Pitch a Bitch!"

Please email me at because I have a few off
topic questions for ya.

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


14.3.2000 klo 3.00.0014.3.2000
> <-------It's NOT all a numbers game. Not in the end. The rules which
> apply to 99 out of 100 women are flipped upside down when you decide that
> YOU want an LTR. Then the woman is someone you can't replace so easily.
> The numbers game you play actually makes it more difficult to find this.
> It will, however, lead to a lot of sex.

Ooh, jealous, you lame excuse for a man? I notice Jack Ryan managed to
do okay. Where's your results?

> <--------A rising stock market doesn't hurt either, does it? What I'm
> seeing is that sales pitches are beginning to reach a saturation point
> with women. Logically, there will be a backlash.

You dare to invoke logic? Okay, logically, if your approach is for
LTR's, why don't you have one?

> I've already had several successful pickups with my new "Anti-player"
> Foxhunting approach.

Define successful. If you mean, "I called her a stupid bitch and she
didn't click the Ignore button on the chat window", you'll have to do
better than that.

> I lay down the gauntlet, saying I want the same
> treatment that men like you are getting, or I'll have to conclude that
> women really want to be SSed, hypnotized, picked up, mirrored, and
> pitched.

You "lay down the gauntlet"? First of all, it's "Throw down the
gauntlet", but apparently you throw like a girl. Second, demanding
anything from a woman is lame and just what we'd expect from you.
Third, you are a turd.

> I point out how even if the woman has good intentions, that
> NATURE punishes nice guys, and that she's fighting a losing battle trying
> to change the system.

You really are a raving fucking lunatic. What battle? What woman is
trying to change GENETIC IMPERATIVES? It shocks you that being a creep
isn't seductive, so you try threatening, bullying and insulting women
into - what? Sex? Cyber Sex? Simulated Cyber Sex? Fantasizing about
Simulated Cyber Sex? What? WHAT?

> In essence, I'm justifying jerk behavior on the
> grounds that the men couldn't be such horrible jerks if so many women are
> having sex with them, and that decency and honesty can't be valued much
> by women if so many nice guys are alone.

But you aren't decent or honest. Why discuss the point? Remember,
you're the guy who calls women cunts (this is a big no-no, Roy) and
expects them to swoon with desire.

> Think of a used-car salesman posting his secrets of negotiation on the
> wall where all of his customers could read it. That's what you have
> here. The regulars of ASF have shot down every argument in favor of
> being a nice guy so well that women cannot hide from what they are truly
> like anymore. This means that to further confound the majority of men
> they have to change how they act, even if they don't want to, simply to
> protect their image or their reputation.

Or, they could just ignore your advice. Less trouble, makes sense - you

> Right now I'm dealing with a 21 year-old woman with a newborn who is
> divorcing a man who was nothing like she thought he was when she married
> him. She has agreed to date me on principle, and even to pay for it
> (coffee) because if I don't have a guarantee of sex, I refuse to pay for
> anything. No matter what she does with platitudes, I can point out that
> her husband got more rewards (sex, a wife, and a child), than I did. I
> further point out to her that if women aren't going to give me an honest
> chance, I can just follow the internet playbook and get laid.

No, you can't. See, part of the 'playbook' as you call it is to create
good feelings in her. How you gonna do that? Give us a demonstration of
your positive ability to create good feelings.

> Sure, she
> can walk away, but she won't, because she actually likes me as a man and
> it got through to her that she has to start showing with her actions what
> type of man she wants in her life.

She likes you as a man?

You lied to her. You had to. We've all seen what a misogynist you are.
You fucking lied.

> She and other women are indicating strongly that they are going to change
> the rules at just the point where these methods penetrate the mainstream.

What other women? How did they indicate this course of action? WERE

> To use the internet stocks as an example

Huh? In case you didn't notice, women don't operate like stocks in a
free market. They behave like women. See the difference?

> the people who are using these
> methods now are getting in a bit before the bubble bursts, and will
> profit. It's the next generation of PUA that's going to pay the price,
> because at some point the methods that work so well now are going to
> experience a severe downturn, with playa-hata methods taking over. Men
> who read this group will be familiar with a lot of what is in 29 Reasons,
> but the women have no desire to wade through the misogyny to get what
> they can get with a simple read.

You dare invoke the work Misogyny? You, who have demonstrated contempt,
spewed curses, betrayed confidences, and on and on? Go fuck yourself.

> Men who want their pet methods to keep working would be wise to not
> publish them

So SHUT THE FUCK UP, MORON! Do your thing and quit posting this crap.

> The reason ASF is exploding as it is is that the men who
> come here wind up succeeding, and have no reason to quit.

Okay so far. Stopped clock right once today...

> Thus, the
> membership grows larger and larger, the body of theory expands, and takes
> on a life of its own. My current estimate of the audience of this group
> and its related sites is close to 200,000.

You fall down at the first opportunity. That estimate is way too high.
For one thing, those in the 'audience' who do more than read about it
comprise less than 3%. I can say this with confidence because only
about 3% of any given population do more than passively read about
self-directed action. The 'doers' are always a very small minority.

> Very soon it will be in the
> millions. The material here is too good and becoming too popular to
> remain unnoticed by the dinosaur media, which has a strong need for
> quality content which it can find from this group free of charge. For
> example, Oprah could easily devote an hour to this group, haul in one or
> two experts who make a fortune from the exposure (one positive mention
> from Oprah is worth about 1-2 million book sales), while Oprah cashes in
> from the advertiser revenue.

Tracy Cabot was on Oprah. What happened? I asked you a question - WHAT
HAPPENED? Answer - a big yawn. Do you honestly expect Oprah Winfrey to
crusade for Ray, the Idiot Boy of Usenet?

> Once Oprah takes a long look at this group, women all over the country
> will be onto you. Be especially careful if she has Tom Cruise on for a
> full hour and starts asking him about his Magnolia role. Women might not
> pay to see the movie, but it will be on the pay channels for years, and
> when women are home late at night, most won't mind killing a few hours
> watching Tom Cruise. You might even see a "Making of Magnolia" special
> which refers to Ross's website and touches upon the topic further.

Florid hallucinations are the hallmark of psychotic individuals. You
get from point 'A' to the far reaches of the Galaxy without a
spaceship. Do you understand, the scenario you propose is just wishful
thinking, not reality. You so hope others will validate you. Wishes
ain't horses.

> What works today is very useful information, but one must keep an eye on
> the future to remain stronger than his rivals.

Look, fuckface, quit pretending you've discovered how to make fire.
Unplug your ass from that chair and go outside.
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