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Real risk of STD's **

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2005. okt. 29. 19:23:032005. 10. 29.
Diseases listed in order of highest incidence.

1. Warts, (HPV): 5.5 million new cases 20 million Americans currently
infected, treatable but not curable, clears in 2-5 years. Soon there
will hopefully be a vaccine against the 4 most common types of warts.

2. Trichomoniasis: 5 million cases annually in the USA, curable with
3. Chlamydia: (NGU in men) 4 million people in USA, curable with
4. Crabs/Pubic Lice: 3 million new cases annually, curable with
5. Gonorrhea: 800,000 people in USA, curable with treatment
6. Scabies: no data, common, curable with treatment
7. Molluscum Contagiosum: no data, common, treatable but not curable,
clears in a few months to several years

8. Herpes: 500,000 new cases annually, 67 million people in USA
currently infected, not curable. There may soon be a vaccine
preventing Herpes in women. Once a good Herpes vaccine is developed,
everyone with Herpes will be free.

9. Syphilis: 70,000 new cases USA, curable with treatment

10. HIV: approximately 40,000 new annual cases in USA, 900,000 people
in USA currently infected, not curable
New cases of HIV per year in the USA: 40,000
Male 28,000 (70%)
Female 12,000 (30%)

New cases
HETEROSEXUAL male 10% = 2,800
+ "Other" Male 18% = 5,040
total = 7,840
Non-black male 53% = 1,484(hetero) + 2,671(other) = 4,155 heterosexual
non-black male
Non-black/Non-Latino 34%: 952(hetero) + 1,714(other) = 2,665
non-black/non-Latino (i.e.white)male

HETEROSEXUAL female 75% = 9,000
Non-black female 37% = 3,330 heterosexual non-black female
Non-black/Nonlatino 20% = 1,800 heterosexual non-black/non-Latino (i.e.

50% intravenous drug using or homosexuals
40% minorities
10% non intravenous drug using white heterosexuals => did they use
data from http://www.whitehouse.gov/onap/facts.html
Condoms reduce the incidence of HIV transmission by 90%.

Other statistical data from http://www.cureresearch.com

NGU occurs only in men and is usually caused by Chlamydia. NGU means
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis (NGU) is urethritis that is not caused by
Gonorrhea bacteria and is usually caused by Chlamydia, though NGU could
be Non-Specific Urethritis (NSU), which is urethritis that cannot be
clearly identified as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

And for females there's also Bacterial Vaginosis, which isn't a
transmittable disease, but occurs when the balance of the vagina is
upset. Sometimes from a new partner. 640,000 women in USA, so it would
fit in at #7.5 right above Herpes.

Candidiasis, Thrush, a Yeast Infection. Candidiasis organisms are
always present in all people, but sometimes get out of control for some
reason. 75% of all women will experience one at least once in their
lives. Candidiasis overgrowth can occur in the mouth or the vagina,
but is not typically transmitted sexually, though it is rarely
possible. Candida yeasts usually live in the mouth, gastrointestinal
tract, and vagina without causing symptoms . When an imbalance occurs,
such as when the normal acidity of the vagina changes or when hormonal
balance changes, Candida can multiply. When that happens, symptoms of
candidiasis appear. Candidiasis of the mouth and throat is known as a
"thrush." Candida is normally found on skin or mucous membranes.
However, if the environment inside the mouth or throat becomes
imbalanced, Candida can multiply. When this happens, symptoms of thrush
appear. Oral Candidiasis is more likely to appear in people with
weakened immune systems, such as those with AIDS. People with OPC
infection usually have painless, white patches in the mouth. Symptoms
of OPC in the esophagus may include pain and difficulty swallowing.

Vaginitis is caused by either a Yeast Infection, Bacterial Vaginosis or

And you're probably vaccinated against Hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B 200,000 to 300,000 new cases in the USA 1990. So at #8.5
above Syphilis if not vaccinated. Consider vaccination against this
disease or insist your partners are tested because it can cause
irreversible liver damage leading to death and may not be curable.
However 95% of acute sufferers begin to develop their own antibodies to
the virus. Generally, the virus will disappear within 6 months of

Prophylactic testing for Herpes & HIV seems most important. The other
three diseases you can test for are Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, & Syphilis.

If you're sexually active and you're partners aren't tested, test
yourself periodically for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, & Syphilis because if
not treated Gonorrhea & Chlamydia can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease in Women (PID) which could lead to infertility and Syphilis
could lead to complications including blindness and death. Test for
Herpes and HIV to ensure you don't pass the disease on to other people.

Inspect genitals for Warts, Herpes, and even Scabies, Crabs, &
Molluscum Contagiosum.

Nothing you can do to prevent Trichomoniasis or non evident Herpes
besides wear condoms.

Luckily these are all easily curable except Warts, Herpes, & HIV, and
Hepatitis B & Molluscum Contagiosum. But Warts and Molluscum are
treatable and the body eventually clears the virus on its own. And the
risk of HIV is small. And you're probably vaccinated against Hepatitis
B. So either test or trust for Herpes or say your prayers...... the
more partners the greater the risk.


Most statistical info from http://www.cureresearch.com

More info at http://www.intelihealth.com

Another good website on STD's =>


Remember not to have sex in water. Condoms don't like heat and
chlorine, and there's even a possibility that air bubbles could get
pushed into the woman's vagina causing an embolism. Or that bacteria
could get pushed in there.
Spermicide is not recommended for oral sex, however I don't know how
bad spermicide/Nonoxynol-9 is for you if it's poisonous or whatever. I
assume a condom with spermicide is better than no condom at all.

Put used condoms in the trash because they could clog plumbing.

If one doesn't ejaculate in the vagina, or catches the ejaculation in a
condom, the risk of contracting Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, &
HIV must be lower for the female.

The risk of Scabies Crabs Molluscum Contagiosum, Warts, Herpes, & I
think Syphilis probably does not change at all in regards to
ejaculation, however, extra skin on skin contact without a condom,
probably increases the risk of contracting these diseases.

oral sex:
As far as oral sex goes, there is a risk of contracting any of the
diseases. The risk is almost always greater for the giver than for the
receiver. I think the risk for the receiver is only in terms of
transmission of Herpes from mouth to genitals. However I do not think
swallowing increases the risk of any of the diseases besides HIV. What
about Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea & Chlamydia?
According to
http://www.dph.sf.ca.us/sfcityclinic/stdbasics/stdchart.asp men could
also get Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia and NGU from receiving oral
sex, and women could get Gonorrhea, Syphilis, & Chlamydia from
performing oral sex on men as well.
http://www.dph.sf.ca.us/sfcityclinic/drk/oralsex4.asp Does ejaculating
in the mouth or swallowing make a difference? My guess would be yes,
but how would I know.

Ejaculating in the eye could spread Gonorrhea or Chlamydia to the eye?

It is my guess that vaginal juices could worsen the spread of Herpes
and Warts, which infect only the mucous membranes, eyes, lips, mouth,
throat, etc?

Wash your entire body especially your crotch three to five times before
sex. Use either mouthwash or alcohol before sex.

I recommend trying the Crown Condoms for better sensation. You may
actually like these condoms:

12 for $6.99; .58 cents a condom
24 for $9.99; .42 cents a condom
1000 for $150; .15 cents a condom
No shipping charges if you get 7-9 day shipping.

Did you find the contents of my post valuable? Donate money to me now!


Using two forms of birth control reduces the risk of pregnancy from 400
to 33,000 times that of using one (depending on the method added).

If you are male
1. If the female is not on the pill, use condoms and pull out.
2. If the female says she's on the pill but you don't know her, use
condoms and don't pull out.
3. If you know the female is on the pill, use condoms and don't pull
out, or don't use condoms and do pull out.
4. If the female is on the pill and uses a diaphragm, both, don't pull

If you are female
1. Get on the pill and use on condoms
2. Get on the pill and use a diaphragm
2. Use a diaphragm and condoms

The female can not be sure that the male will attempt to pull out. And
the male can not be sure that the female is on birth controls pills.

Other diseases:

Chancroid: There are only a few hundred cases of Chancroid in the USA
each year.

Granuloma inguinale or Donovanosis: commonly found in tropical and
subtropical areas such as Southeast India, Guyana, and New Guinea, but
it occurs on occasion in the United States, typically in the Southeast.
There are approximately 100 cases reported per year in the United

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), is highest among sexually active people
living in tropical or subtropical climates, including some areas of the
southern U.S. LGV is considered endemic in East and West Africa, India,
parts of southeast Asia, South America, and the Caribbean. Only 42
cases were reported in the US in 2000.

CMV/Epstein-Bar/Mononucleousis (CMV) approx 1 in 2 or 50.00% or 136
million people in USA (CMV) (Epstein-Bar) 54.4 million people in USA
carry the virus in their throats (Epstein-Bar). Most healthy people
infected with CMV do not have symptoms, but it could cause mono.
Epstein-Bar is more likely to cause mono, but it does not always. It
often causes only a mild illness, like a cold, or no illness at all.
Epstein-Barr virus permanently infects more than 90% of the people on
Earth, but it causes mononucleosis only in a small minority of them. In
developed nations, such as the United States, mononucleosis most often
develops between the ages of 15 and 25, although it can occur at any
age. After the initial infection, it rarely produces any kind of
illness, but it can be transmitted to others. Symptoms of
mononucleosis usually are most intense during the first two to four
weeks of the illness. However, mononucleosis symptoms, especially
fatigue, can sometimes last for several months.
Question for mononucleosis:
1. How many cases are there per year?
2. Given that I have read there is an incubation period of between 10
and 60 days during which the infected are more contagious, how
contagious are carriers of the virus who have never acquired symptoms,
or have overcome the disease?
3. Is there a test to see if you and a potential partner have
anti-bodies to protect you from the two viruses which may cause mono?

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