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Good news for US -- Secure Fence Act of 2006

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G. Morgan

Oct 4, 2006, 4:34:20 AM10/4/06
By US I mean those in the security industry and the United States. I'm
more than happy to install cameras along the fence. It's about time
we do something to secure our border. That jackass Bush better sign
it. Maybe it would have stoped degenerates like Juan Leonardo
Quintero from coming in. Five fucking years after the attack on our
country and we're just now doing something about physical security,
what a pity.

Secure Fence Act of 2006

Juan Leonardo Quintero


(remove the double e's to email)

Frank Olson

Oct 4, 2006, 9:36:11 AM10/4/06
G. Morgan wrote:
> By US I mean those in the security industry and the United States. I'm
> more than happy to install cameras along the fence. It's about time
> we do something to secure our border. That jackass Bush better sign
> it. Maybe it would have stoped degenerates like Juan Leonardo
> Quintero from coming in. Five fucking years after the attack on our
> country and we're just now doing something about physical security,
> what a pity.

You obviously haven't tried to board a plane with an "economy size"
bottle of shampoo. :-)

Oct 5, 2006, 5:54:14 AM10/5/06

The whole thing is just another pork barrel act to benefit favorite
contractors -- specifically those who contributed heavily to the Bush
campaigns. Don't expect they'll toss anything your way. It'll
probably go to Diebold in a no-bid contract, just like the security and
access control systems they installed in all the palaces-turned-prisons
in Iraq.

The project is a waste anyway. They'll just tunnel under it or ram
through it like they do all the time in places where there already is a
fence. Besides, more terrorists have been caught coming in from Canada
than Mexico. It seems they prefer riding across the northern border in
a rented car to walking through the desert.

The real reason that Bush is willing to put up this fence is to appease
his xenophobic, right-wing, Republican base who hate Mexicans and most
other immigrants (never mind the fact that virtually all of them are
descendants of immigants).

There's not a shred of evidence that Mexicans have been involved in any
terrorist acts against the US. They just come here looking for work
and what they get is mostly jobs that Americans don't want.

While Bush and his cronies divvy up a few hundred million dollars among
their pals to build a fence to keep Mexicans out, they completely
ignore the area where Bin Laden is hiding -- assuming he's not dead.
They're passing laws to make it legal for the CIA and the military to
torture prisoners, then convict and sentence them based on
"confessions" elicited by force. If you're dumb enough to think
they'll stop at using these tactics against foreign nationals, you're
in for a nasty surprise. The day they think you're an inconvenience
they'll come knocking at your door.

"First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist - so I
said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a
Social Democrat - so I did nothing. Then they came for the trade
unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the
Jews, but I was not a Jew - so I did little. Then when they came for
me, there was no one left who could stand up for me." -- Martin

Mark Leuck

Oct 5, 2006, 8:20:36 PM10/5/06

<> wrote in message

Man that chemo really makes you think strange things

Nomen Nescio

Oct 5, 2006, 11:10:17 PM10/5/06
Bass said:

>The project is a waste anyway. They'll just tunnel under it or ram
>through it like they do all the time in places where there already is a

Therefore, we should just disband the Border Patrol, since the illegals
will just come in anyway?

Fences work great, if you build a good enough fence. The Great Wall of
China, for example.

>The real reason that Bush is willing to put up this fence is to appease
>his xenophobic, right-wing, Republican base who hate Mexicans and most
>other immigrants (never mind the fact that virtually all of them are
>descendants of immigants).

Yeah, what the hell, let's just stand by and do nothing while tens of
millions of illegal aliens invade our country. After all, if I come home
some night and find a stranger in my living room, I should let him stay,
because "all he wants to do is sleep."

Tens of millions of Mexicans sneak across the border, and eventually, we
give them amnesty. Meanwhile, they breed like rabbits, and all their kids
are automatically U.S. citizens, because the kids were born here. It's not
only an invasion, but a geometrically increasing influx.

Like all the pro-illegal groups, you lump legal and illegal immigrants into
one category, and then say that America is a nation of immigrants. The
point is, American citizens should control how much immigration is allowed.
We shouldn't let the illegal aliens make that determination.

Billions of people throughout the world would dearly love to come to the
United States and work. They can't all live here. Seal the borders, and
let Americans decide how many immigrants they are willing to let into this
country. It is, after all, our country, not theirs.

- badenov

Crash Gordon

Oct 5, 2006, 11:46:32 PM10/5/06
Actually they are taking jobs away from our people - jobs that people do
want. I haven't seen a non-mexican-drywaller, laborer, painter, gardener,
fastfoodworker, apprentice electrician, apprentice framers, roofers in a
lonnnng while.

So we are training illegals to take our own jobs, typical wacko american
thinking these days. Fehgedaboud giving them Social Security benefits when
they haven't even paid into the almost bankrupt system..that just freekin
baffles my mind.

I say kick them all the fuck out and let them apply for legal entry into the
country. In the meantime take all our unemployed and make them pick fucking
lettuce/cabbage/ pick, no benefits.

Then drop the big one on Iran/China & N. Korea (ok maybe a small big
one)...just end the shit once and for all. That way we can spend more time
to importing stuff; like who's playin sex shit on the internet with who's
page/intern whatever.

Why the hell are we selling all our concrete and copper to China anyway? I
went to buy a 25' roll of 12/2 romex...32 freekin dollars?? What the fuck?
We are shootin' our ownselves in the feet.

<> wrote in message


Oct 6, 2006, 8:46:29 AM10/6/06
Here is a copy of an e-mail that puts it into perspective.

Let's say I break into your house

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the
thinking behind these protests.

Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-w working and honest (except
for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm hard-working and honest, um, except for well, you know.

And what a deal it is for me!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being an anti-housebreaker. Oh yeah, and I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me


Nomen Nescio wrote:

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Frank Olson

Oct 6, 2006, 12:19:47 PM10/6/06
Tommy wrote:
> Here is a copy of an e-mail that puts it into perspective.
> Let's say I break into your house
> A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
> Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the
> thinking behind these protests.
> Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-w working and honest (except
> for when I broke into your house).
> According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
> If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there.
> It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm hard-working and honest, um, except for well, you know.
> And what a deal it is for me!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being an anti-housebreaker. Oh yeah, and I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me

Now THAT's putting it all in perspective.


Oct 6, 2006, 1:53:41 PM10/6/06
to wrote:
> "First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist -

Now ..... ya see? Ya gotta stop right there.

Because ..... that's exactly what you are.

You want everyone to have everything regardless if they work for it or
You want all the people who actually worked and earned all the things
they have, to just give it away to people who haven't worked for it.
You think
it's ok for the govenment to control everything that everyone does and
provide everyone with everything they need from the day their born till
the day
they die. You think it's ok for people who have never contributed
to this country to come here and be supported by taxes that US citizens
pay for schools and social programs. Then you're the first to cry about
bad our schools are and why our children don't do well scholastically.
how bankrupts or medical services are and wonder why hospitals are
and having such a bad time. Then you use that to propose that a
medical program should be implemented to take BETTER care of people who

haven't contributed. And then rather than try to update the Social
program by also letting people participate in increasing their
retirement benifits,
you'd rather the govenment increase the taxes of the dwindling
of working age people. Not so strangely, this sounds like a scene out
Atlas Shrugged. We all knew John Galt had the right idea. It's people
you that he finally figured out how to handle.

Read your history. Just about every "great" nations downfall, came
as a result of an *uncontrolled* flow of another culture into their
..... be it by conquest or a consious decision, under the guise of
It's the destruction of a culture that this "immigration problem" all
down to.The very thing that people from other countries want to come
here for....our way of living and the benefits that we've derived from
culture. Any "uncontrolled" large influx of a different culture into
is going to change it into something worse than what the immigrants
trying to escape from. Change and other cultures coming in, are ok and

actually do a nation good. But it's got to be controlled. And the
job is to protect us from invasion from outside our borders. And this
IS an

You can call the picture of your world any color you choose, but it all
Red to everyone else.

And besides, what do you care? Right? You may as well go out
sounding like your all for the "down trodden" . The "underdog". You've
stepped on and crushed so many people in your miserable life .....
that I can almost understand that now that you know you're going to
die soon, that you'd like to go out seeming as if you were actually a
good person.

Yeah. So I guess I can understand that. You can justify your ignorance

now because you're not going to be around to see the consequences of
your convoluted and already disproven view of Socialism..... anyway.

What a waste of life you were.

G. Morgan

Oct 6, 2006, 5:48:42 PM10/6/06
Exacto-Mundo. That's if you get a good one and not a scumbag cop
killer. My personal thought is that we just lop off all their heads
and catapult them back over the border. Then again, I'm the same guy
who wants to nuke Mecca while they are circling the Kaaba. I guess
I'll never get elected to president.

On 06 Oct 2006 12:46:29 GMT, "Tommy" <tommy at leesecurity dot net>



Oct 6, 2006, 6:09:09 PM10/6/06
G. Morgan wrote:
> Exacto-Mundo. That's if you get a good one and not a scumbag cop
> killer. My personal thought is that we just lop off all their heads
> and catapult them back over the border. Then again, I'm the same guy
> who wants to nuke Mecca while they are circling the Kaaba. I guess
> I'll never get elected to president.


Oct 6, 2006, 10:36:20 PM10/6/06
Dude... there's no funding for this. just more worthless legislation to
make it look like we are doing stuff when in fact both houses of Congress
would have to agree to funding which neither has done or will do. So its
just more Bush bs.
"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

Crash Gordon

Oct 7, 2006, 11:03:03 AM10/7/06
Hey, the real reason we are in Iraq is so we'd have better military
positioning to deal with all these fucks. Remember many countries didn't let
us fly over them when we needed to? The problem now is fighting a PC war

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

G. Morgan

Oct 7, 2006, 11:31:52 PM10/7/06
On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 21:36:20 -0500, "thesatguy" <>

>Dude... there's no funding for this. just more worthless legislation to
>make it look like we are doing stuff when in fact both houses of Congress
>would have to agree to funding which neither has done or will do. So its
>just more Bush bs.

Is there funding?

It's hard to say whether their building it or not. Or course this
month is "Hispanic Heritage Month", bad timing eh?

Robert L Bass

Oct 8, 2006, 9:09:54 AM10/8/06

"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message

> Bass said:
>>The project is a waste anyway. They'll just tunnel under it or ram
>>through it like they do all the time in places where there already is a
> Therefore, we should just disband the Border Patrol, since the illegals
> will just come in anyway?

No, moron. I said the fence is a waste. The border patrol is a useful tool.

> Fences work great, if you build a good enough fence...

If that were true you wouldn't have a job.

> The Great Wall of
> China, for example.

Nice tourist attraction.

> Yeah, what the hell, let's just stand by and do
> nothing while tens of millions of illegal aliens
> invade our country. After all, if I come home
> some night and find a stranger in my living room,
> I should let him stay, because "all he wants to
> do is sleep."

I'm not interested in your marital problems.

> Meanwhile, they breed like rabbits...

--- Snip racist drivel ---

> and all their kids are automatically U.S. citizens,
> because the kids were born here. It's not only
> an invasion, but a geometrically increasing influx.

That's probably about the the same thing that the Navaho said about us. :^)

> Like all the pro-illegal groups, you lump legal
> and illegal immigrants into one category, and

> then say that America is a nation of immigrants....

I hate to burst your bubble, Bubba, but we *are* a nation of immigrants. I kind of like it that way.

> The point is, American citizens should control
> how much immigration is allowed. We shouldn't
> let the illegal aliens make that determination.

We don't let immigrants decide. The point of the discussion isn't whether we have laws. It's whether we waste hundreds of millions
(probbably billions by the time it's actually built) of dollars on yet another pork barrel project that will do nothing to enhance
our security.

> Billions of people throughout the world would

> dearly love to come to the United States and work...

Whereas, millions of our own citizens prefer to live off the fat of the land. It's a sad state of affairs, but building a fence
across the southern border won't fix anything.

> Seal the borders, and let Americans decide how
> many immigrants they are willing to let into this
> country. It is, after all, our country, not theirs.

IMO the best option propounded so far is to provide a "worker permit" for those who want to come in and do migrant work or whatever.
The reality is that we already have such a program for technically competent immigrants. It's called an H1B card (might be a hyphen
in there somewhere). American employers have to demonstrate that they have made a good faith effort to secure the services of a US
citizen to fulfill a job and have found no one ready, willing and able. They can then petition USCIS for H1B status for a qualified
immigrant. One of our friends is a tri-lingual engineering specialist who came from Brazil ten or twelve years ago on an H1B. He
works hard, pays taxes and contributes to the local economy just like any citizen. The only difference is he can't vote. Having
raised his children here (one born an American citizen and the other born in Brazil), he has now received permanent residency and is
getting ready for his citizenship oath.

Being multi-lingual and open-minded about other cultures, I've gotten to know many people from other countries who live in my
community. Most are a positive influence. Most just want to live peaceful, quiet lives with the opportunity to care for their
families without fear of repression or insurmountable hurdles of poverty and violence where they came from. Given that many of our
own citizens don't contribute anything at all to our society, I prefer to find a lawful way to help people like these.

Don't deliberately misinterpret what I say (something you routinely do) about this. I believe we should have and enforce tough
immigration laws. I believe we need to make a real effort to keep out those who want to do us harm. It's just that this stupid
fence won't do anything but line the pockets of a bunch of rich political contributors. It won't stop or even slow illegal
immigration. Note that none of the 9/11 terrorists walked in from Mexico. They all flew here on commercial airliners. A few have
apparently been able to pass back and forth through the Canadian border without so much as a nod from customs agents there. Worse
yet, the 5,000-mile Canadian border is completely unmanned along vast stretches of forest. Boats wander across the great lakes
every day, landing in small US towns without any customs patrol at all. TTBOMK, there has not been a single documented account of a
terrorist entering the US from Mexico, there have been several arrests of people who were planning to do things like blow up the
Space Needle. They came in through Canada.

If we want to do something to truly enhance border security rather than just make another give-away of billions of dollars to fat
cat political donors, we should take our soldiers out of Iraq and station them along our own borders. At least there they could
defend a country we care about.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


Oct 25, 2006, 8:19:23 AM10/25/06
On 06 Oct 2006 12:46:29 GMT, "Tommy" <tommy at leesecurity dot net>

>Here is a copy of an e-mail that puts it into perspective.

>Let's say I break into your house
>A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
>Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the
>thinking behind these protests.
>Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-w working and honest (except
>for when I broke into your house).
>According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
>If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there.
>It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm hard-working and honest, um, except for well, you know.
>And what a deal it is for me!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being an anti-housebreaker. Oh yeah, and I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me

Highlight..... Right click.... save!!!!

G. Morgan

Oct 25, 2006, 6:37:01 PM10/25/06
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:19:23 GMT, Michael <sirfl...@gtP.Arr.comM>

>Highlight..... Right click.... save!!!!

Highlight --> R Click -> Send To -> Your congressman!

Nov 1, 2006, 6:44:43 PM11/1/06
The example you used "someone broke into your house" is irrelevant.
When someone breaks into your house he invades your privacy. Hard
working immigrants don't.

How about humanity? Think about them as Human Beings instead of Illegal
Immigrants. They have already gone thru a lot of shit, they put their
lives on the line before they reached this land, now you want to deport
them to make their lives even worse? that's exactly the same thing
territorial animals do to those who invade their territories. Give them
a break!

Did you know that it is extremely difficult to come into the USA
legally? Those who broke in illegally had no chance in hell to get a
work VISA. That's why they tried the other way. They deserve staying
here, so treat them as refugees of poverty and be nice to them, maybe
learn their language so you can understand them better, I'm sure first
German Immigrants spoke German. Immigrants also try very hard to learn
English as well. And of course their children will learn English and be
productive Americans. Humans have a brain that enables them to learn
other languages, Animal don't, if the wolf hears his mate barking he
will deport him.

Illegal Immigrants took the risk that many of US immigrants did in the
1700's and 1800's who were granted the right to stay here permanently,
this may include your ancestors.

So get off your ego mind. They are here now and you need to deal with
it. And maybe change/add a few laws to accommodate them, after all you
will HAVE to, you have no choice, there are millions of them.

The only thing I agree with is that America should secure the borders
but let the illegal immigrants that are already here be Americans.
Using your example; nobody leaves their house door wide open to
strangers, and no company will insure your house if you have no doors.

Secure the borders America, MAKE AMERICA MORE DIVERSIFIED, and increase
that 55,000 a year Diversity VISA lottery/giveaway program:

Love it that AMERICA is getting more diversified! Racists and Animals
are hating it because they are scared of the outcome.

A *LEGAL* Immigrant,


Nov 1, 2006, 6:54:19 PM11/1/06
<> wrote in message

I propose that we take a vote next week. Those who support illegal
immigration will identify themselves, and have the letter F appended to
their social security numbers. Then, the financial burden of supporting the
illegals would be shifted entirely to those good souls with an F after their
SSN on their tax return.

Nov 1, 2006, 8:33:01 PM11/1/06

Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
Traits of families on AFDC (1)

White 38.8%
Black 37.2%
Hispanic 17.8%
Asian 2.8%
Other 3.4%

Since the majority of hispanics are legal, illegals remain just a small
% that mostly fall in Hispanic and Other.
WTF are you worried about? a few pennies you pay every year to help a
poor family have a better life?


Nov 1, 2006, 8:48:34 PM11/1/06
Fucking idiot!

Mark Leuck

Nov 1, 2006, 9:05:01 PM11/1/06

<> wrote in message
> The example you used "someone broke into your house" is irrelevant.
> When someone breaks into your house he invades your privacy. Hard
> working immigrants don't.
> How about humanity? Think about them as Human Beings instead of Illegal
> Immigrants. They have already gone thru a lot of shit, they put their
> lives on the line before they reached this land, now you want to deport
> them to make their lives even worse?

Oh cry me a river

> that's exactly the same thing
> territorial animals do to those who invade their territories. Give them
> a break!

Tell you what, I'll come over and move in and we'll see just how much you
like that. your argument is absurd, ever thought that by putting up a fence
Mexico might be inclined to start fixing their own problems? They have the
resources yet are one of the most corrupt governments in the western

> Did you know that it is extremely difficult to come into the USA
> legally? Those who broke in illegally had no chance in hell to get a
> work VISA. That's why they tried the other way.

Gee I wonder why they coudn't get a work visa

> The only thing I agree with is that America should secure the borders
> but let the illegal immigrants that are already here be Americans.
> Using your example; nobody leaves their house door wide open to
> strangers, and no company will insure your house if you have no doors.

But using your examples we shouldn't even secure the borders, why do that
and keep out more hard working people who went through a lot of shit getting

Mark Leuck

Nov 1, 2006, 9:06:23 PM11/1/06

<> wrote in message

> WTF are you worried about? a few pennies you pay every year to help a
> poor family have a better life?

A few pennies? Try countless billions


Nov 1, 2006, 10:08:23 PM11/1/06
<> wrote in message

> alarman wrote:
>> I propose that we take a vote next week. Those who support illegal
>> immigration will identify themselves, and have the letter F appended to
>> their social security numbers. Then, the financial burden of supporting
>> the
>> illegals would be shifted entirely to those good souls with an F after
>> their
>> SSN on their tax return.
>> js
> Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
> Traits of families on AFDC (1)
> Race
> --------------
> White 38.8%
> Black 37.2%
> Hispanic 17.8%
> Asian 2.8%
> Other 3.4%
> Since the majority of hispanics are legal, illegals remain just a small
> % that mostly fall in Hispanic and Other.
> WTF are you worried about? a few pennies you pay every year to help a
> poor family have a better life?

Welfare is but a small part of what illegal immigration is costing this
country. If you're not worried about it, how about picking up the tab. I
don't want to.

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 12:58:09 AM11/2/06

"Jim" <> wrote in message

> Fucking idiot!

Nice sig line.

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 12:59:45 AM11/2/06
> ever thought that by putting up a fence
> Mexico might be inclined to start fixing
> their own problems?...


> They have the resources yet are one of
> the most corrupt governments in the
> western hemisphere.

You're confusing them with the Bush administration.

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 1:00:06 AM11/2/06
> A few pennies? Try countless billions

Oh, now you want to talk about Iraq?

Mark Leuck

Nov 2, 2006, 1:14:06 AM11/2/06

"Robert L Bass" <> wrote in message

Sound's like you're having a Kerry moment

G. Morgan

Nov 2, 2006, 1:28:33 AM11/2/06
On 1 Nov 2006 15:44:43 -0800, ""
<> wrote:

>Did you know that it is extremely difficult to come into the USA
>legally? Those who broke in illegally had no chance in hell to get a
>work VISA. That's why they tried the other way. They deserve staying
>here, so treat them as refugees of poverty and be nice to them, maybe
>learn their language so you can understand them better,

Fuck that... They can go through the process legally, or get out.

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 1:56:56 AM11/2/06
> Sound's like you're having a Kerry moment

I didn't see the news report about that until the next say. Now everyone's talking about apologies and so forth but I haven't heard
exactly what he said.


Nov 2, 2006, 2:30:31 AM11/2/06
The statistics you provided show welfare recipients by race, not immigration
status, and as such they are meaningless.



<> wrote in message

Mark Leuck

Nov 2, 2006, 5:51:14 PM11/2/06

"Robert L Bass" <> wrote in message

I should think it wouldn't be that hard to look up

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 7:03:18 PM11/2/06
> I should think it wouldn't be that hard to look up

If I cared enough to bother...

Mark Leuck

Nov 2, 2006, 8:49:04 PM11/2/06

"Robert L Bass" <> wrote in message

> > I should think it wouldn't be that hard to look up
> If I cared enough to bother...


Of course if it were Bush who did it you'd be posting another "Family
Values" thread

Robert L Bass

Nov 2, 2006, 9:05:50 PM11/2/06
> Of course if it were Bush who did it you'd
> be posting another "Family Values" thread...

And if it were Bush who said it, you wouldn't even mention it.

BTW, did you see the news report today about the economy slowing down due to Republican waste?

G. Morgan

Nov 2, 2006, 9:14:28 PM11/2/06

Was it on the fair-and-balanced channel or the propaganda channel?

Mark Leuck

Nov 2, 2006, 11:24:51 PM11/2/06

"Robert L Bass" <> wrote in message

Bush would have never said it which is why I wouldn't mention it

BTW, did you notice the booming economy for the past 4 years due to
Republican tax cuts?

Robert L Bass

Nov 3, 2006, 5:23:19 AM11/3/06
> Bush would have never said it which is why I wouldn't mention it

Yeah, right. A few days ago he said he was the "Commander Of Chief".

> BTW, did you notice the booming economy for the
> past 4 years due to Republican tax cuts?


Mark Leuck

Nov 3, 2006, 7:08:53 PM11/3/06

Nov 4, 2006, 2:35:05 AM11/4/06
really? we will see what America will vote for.
And yes your grand children will be modalo

Nov 4, 2006, 2:35:19 AM11/4/06
really? we will see what America will vote for.
And yes your grand children will be molado

Everywhere Man

Nov 4, 2006, 3:03:37 AM11/4/06
to wrote:
> really? we will see what America will vote for.
> And yes your grand children will be molado <

Who bought a Movado?

I believe you're trying to say MULATTO.


Nov 4, 2006, 7:18:56 AM11/4/06

<> wrote in message

> The example you used "someone broke into your house" is irrelevant.
> When someone breaks into your house he invades your privacy. Hard
> working immigrants don't.

They "broke into" our country.

> How about humanity? Think about them as Human Beings instead of Illegal
> Immigrants. They have already gone thru a lot of shit, they put their
> lives on the line before they reached this land, now you want to deport
> them to make their lives even worse? that's exactly the same thing
> territorial animals do to those who invade their territories. Give them
> a break!

Yes, they are human beings, and I don't wish them ill. However they put
their lives on the line breaking the law of this country, so yes i do want
to deport them. We are all territorial in nature. territorial animals will
allow others through their territory if they proceed in the correct manner.

> Did you know that it is extremely difficult to come into the USA
> legally? Those who broke in illegally had no chance in hell to get a
> work VISA. That's why they tried the other way. They deserve staying
> here, so treat them as refugees of poverty and be nice to them, maybe
> learn their language so you can understand them better, I'm sure first
> German Immigrants spoke German. Immigrants also try very hard to learn
> English as well. And of course their children will learn English and be
> productive Americans. Humans have a brain that enables them to learn
> other languages, Animal don't, if the wolf hears his mate barking he
> will deport him.

I cannot make blanket statements about who might get VISA's. Why do they
"DESERVE" to stay here? Yes they can learn a language, yet by my experience
most seem to not want to learn english or assimilate into america.

> Illegal Immigrants took the risk that many of US immigrants did in the
> 1700's and 1800's who were granted the right to stay here permanently,
> this may include your ancestors.

Look at your statement. see any differences in it. Illegal vs US
immigrants. this country is built around immigration, yet those immigrants
of yesteryear were processed and documented, not snuck in through backroads
and in trucks.

> So get off your ego mind. They are here now and you need to deal with
> it. And maybe change/add a few laws to accommodate them, after all you
> will HAVE to, you have no choice, there are millions of them.

It has nothing to do with ego. we do need to deal with them, and it will
probably involve some sort of amnesty. Accomodation is not the answer,
assimilation is. if they want to come to america, become americans. Drink
beer, pay taxes, pay insurance, pay bills, have a heart attack, then die

> The only thing I agree with is that America should secure the borders
> but let the illegal immigrants that are already here be Americans.
> Using your example; nobody leaves their house door wide open to
> strangers, and no company will insure your house if you have no doors.

like i said assimilation into our culture.

> Secure the borders America, MAKE AMERICA MORE DIVERSIFIED, and increase
> that 55,000 a year Diversity VISA lottery/giveaway program:
> Love it that AMERICA is getting more diversified! Racists and Animals
> are hating it because they are scared of the outcome.
> A *LEGAL* Immigrant,

Glad to hear that you came in the right way.

Robert L Bass

Nov 4, 2006, 9:52:38 AM11/4/06
> really? we will see what America will vote for.

Most indicators point to a take-back of the House. It would be nice if we could wrest the Senate away from these crooks as well.

> And yes your grand children will be modalo


Robert L Bass

Nov 4, 2006, 9:53:55 AM11/4/06
> really? we will see what America will vote for.
> And yes your grand children will be molado

Mulatto? OK, that would be nice.

Frank Olson

Nov 4, 2006, 11:39:59 AM11/4/06
Robert L Bass wrote:

>>And yes your grand children will be modalo
> Modalo?

It's got something to do with music... I'm guessing all your
grandchildren will be playing kazoos.

Roland Moore

Nov 4, 2006, 12:46:14 PM11/4/06
To quote Slim Pickens in Blazing Saddles "I am depressed". I thought this
was a good ole KKK boy finally speakin' up. Heck, now you're saying is is a
musical instrument? Can they play "Camptown Races" on it at least at the
cross burning?
I guess it figures that someone who would be worried about their grandkids
being "MULATTO" would be someone that couldn't even spell it correctly.
Most folks would be worried about happy, healthy and all that other
unimportant stuff.
I guess the real irony is that nearly all the science seems to point to the
original human ancestors being from the dark side of the "MULATTO" family
tree. Oh well, (quoting Slim again) time for me to "whup up a good number 6
on 'um."

"Frank Olson" <> wrote in message

Everywhere Man

Nov 4, 2006, 1:17:40 PM11/4/06

The tax cuts are great but this administration is borderline liberal
when it comes to spending.
Make sense out of spending billions on that 700 mile fence for a 2100
mile border.
Take a bucket with 9 holes, and only plug 3 of them, then try to sell
it to your neighbor saying it will hold water. Would your neighbor
respect you afterwards?

Our surplus turned into a deficit, and not only due to the war on
terror, but the willy nilly contracts being doled out to friends of
this administration. We could have, and should have ended this war on
terror on September 12th, 2001 with a few well placed nukes. Now we are
stuck spending billions playing military patty cakes with the
terrorists. Shame on this adminstration for putting global opinion
ahead of the safety of American citizens.

The political process in this country has been hijacked by radicals on
both sides, and we are paying the price for it.
We have the likes of Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, George
Soros, Ned Lamont, and Michael J Fox for the liberals. On the radical
conservative side we have folks like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Rush
Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Dick Cheney.

We not only need to enforce separation of church and state but might
want to add a separation of Hollywood and state to the mix. Throw the
UN the hell out of NY too, and immediately extinguish every treaty
signed with any country not willing to join us. We are the biggest dog
on the block and we are letting poodles piss on us. Enough is enough.

Stop bowing before leaders of oil rich countries. Slap the shit out of
them and MAKE them do business with us. Stop spending billions building
homes in Kabul, and Baghdad and start building some affordable housing
here for the handicapped and elderly. Fuck Kabul. Fuck Baghdad. They
lived in caves since the beginning of time. They think a toilet is a
thermal crock pot. Take care of HOME and let the neighbors worry about
their problems.
Stop building schools overseas where people who hate us will learn new
ways to harm us.
They don't appreciate our help anyway. IF we have all of that money for
schools in Iraq and Afghanistan then why the hell don't we have money
for school vouchers here?
Stop spending billions trying to protect countries like South Korea &
Saudi Arabia who don't respect us and start spending those billions to
revamp our immigration system so people won't have to sneak across
Yes Bush is wasting money left and right. The flip side of the coin is
the liberals would also waste that money but on even more retarded
programs like saving the three nippled Bolivian octopus, and teaching
starving Africans the benefits of dieting.
We need a true conservative in the White House

The special interest groups have way too much influence on our country.
Are they doing it because there's something in it for them financially,
or are they just concerned citizens?
Everyone wants to dip in the trough of Pork Barrel spending.
The Bush Administration should be ashamed of themselves for hoodwinking
true conservatives into believing they would be a conservative

Every citizen of this country should immediately beg GOD to reincarnate
Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan so we can return to the path of
superiority and not medicocrity.

Robert L Bass

Nov 4, 2006, 2:09:52 PM11/4/06
> To quote Slim Pickens in Blazing Saddles...

One of the funniest movies of all time. :^)

> I guess it figures that someone who would
> be worried about their grandkids being
> "MULATTO" would be someone that couldn't

> even spell it correctly...

There's a lot of that going around. Heck the Idiot in the White House *twice* referred to himself as the "Commander Of Chief" in
recent weeks.

Mark Leuck

Nov 4, 2006, 4:38:35 PM11/4/06

"Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message

Damn I thought you were R Campbell for a minute there

Everywhere Man

Nov 4, 2006, 4:41:55 PM11/4/06

Jesus that was a Campbell post wasn't it?


Nov 4, 2006, 8:27:11 PM11/4/06

"Tommy" <tommy at> wrote in message

History has proven in this country that immigrants come in and kill the
natives. This time the Spanish are taking over. This is not far-fetched. Go
to the hardware store and you'll see the labels are all in both Spanish and
English. Why is this necessary, except that the natives are being conquered.
One day English will disappear from the packages and the natives will be
sent to reservations. It is the American way.



Nov 4, 2006, 8:30:53 PM11/4/06
> History has proven in this country that immigrants come in and kill the
> natives. This time the Spanish are taking over. This is not far-fetched.
> Go to the hardware store and you'll see the labels are all in both Spanish
> and English. Why is this necessary, except that the natives are being
> conquered. One day English will disappear from the packages and the
> natives will be sent to reservations. It is the American way.

they better hurry up or the muslims will get there 1st

Robert L Bass

Nov 4, 2006, 9:38:36 PM11/4/06
>> Make sense out of spending billions on that
>> 700 mile fence for a 2100 mile border.

Kind of like a $1.2 Trillion program to prevent teen pregancy using fishnet condoms. :^)

Everywhere Man

Nov 5, 2006, 5:20:12 PM11/5/06

Yes Bill Maher is funny.
The Democrats wouldn't do any better, which shows the sad state of
affairs in this country.
Too bad Michael Bloomberg won't throw his hat into the Presidential
race. He's not beholden to any power brokers, financial supporters, or
media agencies. He speaks his mind whether you agree with him or not.
He strongly believes in crushing terrorism. He keeps his nose out of
our bedrooms, and he has a history of destroying worthless government
He's a social liberal but conservative when it comes to the economy and
NY residents call him at his house to discuss their issues, and he
never complains about it. He only asks that they respect the time of
day they call, and to not use profanity.
He rides the subway to work, and the only skeletons in his closet are
leftover Halloween decorations.
I'm just sorry he's term limited here in NY because we're losing a good
mayor when he leaves.

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 5:41:55 PM11/5/06

"Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message

> Robert L Bass wrote:
> > >> Make sense out of spending billions on that
> > >> 700 mile fence for a 2100 mile border.
> >
> > Kind of like a $1.2 Trillion program to prevent teen pregancy using
fishnet condoms. :^) <
> Yes Bill Maher is funny.

Ues in a pretty tasteless kind of way

> The Democrats wouldn't do any better, which shows the sad state of
> affairs in this country.
> Too bad Michael Bloomberg won't throw his hat into the Presidential
> race. He's not beholden to any power brokers, financial supporters, or
> media agencies. He speaks his mind whether you agree with him or not.
> He strongly believes in crushing terrorism. He keeps his nose out of
> our bedrooms, and he has a history of destroying worthless government
> program


Nov 5, 2006, 5:50:45 PM11/5/06

> I'm just sorry he's term limited here in NY because we're losing a good
> mayor when he leaves.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him on the presidential ticket in 2008.

Nov 5, 2006, 5:52:56 PM11/5/06

>> Yes Bill Maher is funny.
> Ues in a pretty tasteless kind of way

He's been having a field day with all these gay Republican "family values"
leaders lately.


Nov 5, 2006, 6:18:43 PM11/5/06
"" <> wrote in message

>> I'm just sorry he's term limited here in NY because we're losing a good
>> mayor when he leaves.
> I wouldn't be surprised to see him on the presidential ticket in 2008.

I'll be surprised if you do.

Everywhere Man

Nov 5, 2006, 6:50:41 PM11/5/06

Mark Leuck wrote:
> "Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Robert L Bass wrote:
> > > >> Make sense out of spending billions on that
> > > >> 700 mile fence for a 2100 mile border.
> > >
> > > Kind of like a $1.2 Trillion program to prevent teen pregancy using
> fishnet condoms. :^) <
> >
> > Yes Bill Maher is funny.
> Ues in a pretty tasteless kind of way

Mark I am ultra conservative, but I still have a sense of humor. I
laughed at Clinton jokes. I laughed at Carter jokes. I hated both of
them as Presidents. I laughed at Reagan and Bush Sr. jokes. I loved
both of them. I don't stop laughing at jokes because the butt of them
is a Republican.
Funny is funny regardless of who the President is.

> > The Democrats wouldn't do any better, which shows the sad state of
> > affairs in this country.
> > Too bad Michael Bloomberg won't throw his hat into the Presidential
> > race. He's not beholden to any power brokers, financial supporters, or
> > media agencies. He speaks his mind whether you agree with him or not.
> > He strongly believes in crushing terrorism. He keeps his nose out of
> > our bedrooms, and he has a history of destroying worthless government
> > program
> Bloomberg? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! <

As opposed to who? What current Republican do you wish to see elected
in 08, and have you already decided that your vote will be cast for a
Republican? I can assure you there's no current Democrat considering a
run that would get my vote, but I've yet to be floored by anyone the
Republicans are parading out there.
The country is polarized by radicals. We need a conservative leader who
can unite the country again.
If conservative Zell Miller ran for President as a Dem against a
liberal Republican like Lincoln Chafee do you think Republicans would
cross party lines and vote for Zell? Do you think Dems would vote for
We're stuck in a process where billions of dollars are spent trying to
get people to vote for either an elephant or a donkey. It's time to
think outside the box because the choices inside the box are not
looking out for our interests.
I prefer to cast my vote for my country and not circus animals.
The country has been hijacked by morons on both sides spending billions
trying to decide if 2 queers should be allowed to call themselves
husband and husband or Mrs. & Mrs.
We have radicals fighting over what should or shouldn't be allowed on
TV. We're spending billions fighting over placement of Christmas
mangers and Easter Eggs.
While I personally don't believe that GOD intended for two members of
the same sex to wed, and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass on my
local TV station, I don't recall asking my local representatives to
waste my money fighting over that when they can't find two nickels to
spend on education or body armor for our troops.
And while I firmly believe that Christianity is under attack by the
left wingers I don't remember asking anyone to spend billions defending
Easter Eggs. I'd bet money if we interviewed Jesus he'd had difficulty
recalling seeing any bunny rabbits handing out chocoalte eggs when he
emerged from the tomb. I'd also imagine Jesus wouldn't be too happy
seeing disabled veterans laying homeless in the streets because this
country has cash to spend on programs that promote painting his mother
out of cow shit, and nothing left for those who fought for our freedom.
But let's look at this from the atheist point of view for a second.
Since they don't believe in GOD wouldn't you imagine it's an even
bigger waste of money in their eyes when they see their local reps
duking it out over whether Jesus or Mohammed should be displayed at the
Town Hall? To them Jesus and Mohammed were ancient rock stars so why
not cast a vote for the Rolling Stones while you're at it?
Wouldn't the atheists get annoyed when there's no money to help the
homeless move from the cardboard box on the sidewalk into a home, but
they see cash flowing left and right to morons worrying about a spotted
The government has poked it's nose way too far into our business.
The job of the goverment is simple.
Defend the country from attack or imminent attack, maintain the basic
infrastructure of the nation, and keep the hell out of our personal

Funny thing about the Right wing Christians and Left wing liberals
The religious right has been doing more hammering of bungholes than
discussing the evils of bungholing, and the left wing tree huggers have
been travelling the country in their SUV's, and jet planes with armed
guards talking about gun control, and global warming.

Don't you think it's time the people, and not the special interests,
have a voice in this country again?

End of RHC post part II

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 6:58:05 PM11/5/06
On 5 Nov 2006 15:50:41 -0800, "Everywhere Man" <>

>I can assure you there's no current Democrat considering a
>run that would get my vote, but I've yet to be floored by anyone the
>Republicans are parading out there.
>The country is polarized by radicals. We need a conservative leader who
>can unite the country again.

What about Barack Obama? He seems like a candidate that could make
GOP's cross party lines.

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 7:00:39 PM11/5/06

I wouldn't know, you sound like one of the three viewers his show has

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 7:08:20 PM11/5/06

"Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message

> The country is polarized by radicals. We need a conservative leader who
> can unite the country again.

Who are the radicals Tom? Seems to me they mostly come from the left. You
are a fool to think nominating ANYONE from the right will calm these morons
you speak of.

> If conservative Zell Miller ran for President as a Dem against a
> liberal Republican like Lincoln Chafee do you think Republicans would
> cross party lines and vote for Zell?

I like Zell too but it all depends on who's running as the republican

> Do you think Dems would vote for
> Chafee?

Well he IS after all a republican in name only, it wouldn't bother me much
if he got spanked tuesday

> We're stuck in a process where billions of dollars are spent trying to
> get people to vote for either an elephant or a donkey. It's time to
> think outside the box because the choices inside the box are not
> looking out for our interests.

And yet you can only seem to think of Republicans and Democrats to do it

> I prefer to cast my vote for my country and not circus animals.

I don't see any circus animals running

> The country has been hijacked by morons on both sides spending billions
> trying to decide if 2 queers should be allowed to call themselves
> husband and husband or Mrs. & Mrs.

You sound like RLB here

> We have radicals fighting over what should or shouldn't be allowed on
> TV. We're spending billions fighting over placement of Christmas
> mangers and Easter Eggs.

Yea and who's against that Tom? Hello?

> While I personally don't believe that GOD intended for two members of
> the same sex to wed, and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass on my
> local TV station,

The difference is you can choose not to see Denis Franz's ass whereas you
can't stop gays from marrying once the law is implemented.

> I don't recall asking my local representatives to
> waste my money fighting over that when they can't find two nickels to
> spend on education or body armor for our troops.

I see you swallowed the whole body armor bullshit, you seem to believe a lot
of it coming from the left even tho you consider yourself "ultra

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 7:09:12 PM11/5/06

"alarman" <> wrote in message

Tom'll still be punching the Hillary ticket :)

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 7:09:53 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 18:00:39 -0600, "Mark Leuck" <>

I didn't know he still had a show.

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 7:10:43 PM11/5/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

He's the same old liberal package with a pretty face, just like Hillary

Everywhere Man

Nov 5, 2006, 7:27:19 PM11/5/06

nah my candidate is only running so he can gain exposure for a lter run
at Congress. The evil witch will be re-elected no matter what.


Nov 5, 2006, 7:48:18 PM11/5/06
Hillary has a pretty face?



"Mark Leuck" <> wrote in message

Everywhere Man

Nov 5, 2006, 7:59:32 PM11/5/06

Mark Leuck wrote:
> "Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message
> > The country is polarized by radicals. We need a conservative leader who
> > can unite the country again.
> Who are the radicals Tom? Seems to me they mostly come from the left. You
> are a fool to think nominating ANYONE from the right will calm these morons
> you speak of. <

If you don't think people like Ann Coulter, Bill Maher, Rush Limbaugh,
George Soros, and Michael Moore are radicals then who is a radical in
your opinion?

> > If conservative Zell Miller ran for President as a Dem against a
> > liberal Republican like Lincoln Chafee do you think Republicans would
> > cross party lines and vote for Zell?
> I like Zell too but it all depends on who's running as the republican<

The republicans will trot out the usual suspects and the dems will
nominate Satan's spawn.

> > Do you think Dems would vote for
> > Chafee?
> Well he IS after all a republican in name only, it wouldn't bother me much
> if he got spanked tuesday<

It wouldn't bother me if every candidate in every contest suddenly
dropped out on Monday either. They are all crooks.

> > We're stuck in a process where billions of dollars are spent trying to
> > get people to vote for either an elephant or a donkey. It's time to
> > think outside the box because the choices inside the box are not
> > looking out for our interests.
> And yet you can only seem to think of Republicans and Democrats to do it<

Huh? Neither of those parties has anyone looking out for us.

> > I prefer to cast my vote for my country and not circus animals.
> I don't see any circus animals running<

Sure you do.

> > The country has been hijacked by morons on both sides spending billions
> > trying to decide if 2 queers should be allowed to call themselves
> > husband and husband or Mrs. & Mrs.
> You sound like RLB here<

No I sound like somebody who really doesn't care one way or the other
about what queers do, just like how I don't care to spend money on
abortion clinics. We're too busy trying to decide if GOD wants queers
to marry, and less time making sure our senior citizens don't get
frozen meals from the Meals on Wheels program.
We're spending money to finance the murder of innocent babies and even
more keeping convicted child predators alive. Something is pretty
fucked up there wouldn't you agree?
You are missing my point across the board. Leave the moral battles to
GOD since HE is the one in charge of that stuff and stop spending my
money for programs that we have no business financing.

> > We have radicals fighting over what should or shouldn't be allowed on
> > TV. We're spending billions fighting over placement of Christmas
> > mangers and Easter Eggs.
> Yea and who's against that Tom? Hello?<

The lefties are against it, Mark. The ACLU is against it. The people
trying to destroy our country are against it, and WE ARE PAYING FOR IT!

> > While I personally don't believe that GOD intended for two members of
> > the same sex to wed, and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass on my
> > local TV station,
> The difference is you can choose not to see Denis Franz's ass whereas you
> can't stop gays from marrying once the law is implemented.<

Who fucking cares if they marry each other? For the love of GOD if
every rump ranger in this country was married tomorrow their would be
nothing different than how things are today.
The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves seeing billions
being spent by both sides trying to decide whether queers can legally
Who is for it? Again the same lefty clowns like the ACLU but when those
opposing it are busted smooching pickles themselves it becomes a joke.

> > I don't recall asking my local representatives to
> > waste my money fighting over that when they can't find two nickels to
> > spend on education or body armor for our troops.
> I see you swallowed the whole body armor bullshit, you seem to believe a lot
> of it coming from the left even tho you consider yourself "ultra
> conservative" <

I just came from the VA hospital and saw results of "body armor". The
Dems lie about troops not being issued body armor, and the death toll
shows the body armor being issued doesn't work as well as it COULD. How
can it get any better? Spend some money researching more affective body
armor and less money on investigating who is sucking who's dick.
In fact stop issuing the shit completely, withdraw the troops tomorrow,
and nuke the whole damn Middle East so we can end this wasting lives
and cash when we have the resources to avoid that.
So how about it? Which of our so-called leaders has the balls to do
what should be done to spare American casualties at the expense of
public opinion?
Kids die every single day because the poll numbers say throwing a nuke
would cost people an election.
Our kids should have to get shot by some terrorist assclown when we
have the ability to turn that country into a glow in the dark sandbox?
Now who is the liberal? Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Gore,
Kerry, and Hillary wouldn't do it. McCain, Rudy G., Jebb Bush, Howard
Dean, and anyone else who is toying or has toyed with the notion they'd
be great for this country wouldn't do it either.
Special interest goofballs in charge of killing our kids.
I should have to pay $4 for a gallon of gas because Karl Rove decided
ending this war with nukes would cost House seats?
It makes me want to puke when I see politicians at funerals for our
troops and how brave Johnny was when if the government did it's job
Johnny wouldn't be dead.
It makes me puke when goofballs like Cindy Sheehan are paraded around
denouncing the kids who died because their country doesn't have the
balls to do the right thing.
So yes I have a real big problem with Democrats and Republicans, and I
believe anyone who doesn't have a problem with our kids dying rather
than the kids of our enemies is anti-American.
Go pull the lever on Tuesday for either an elephant guy or a donkey guy
because you've been sold that one side is always right and the other
side is always wrong. Tunnel vision when politics is involved is a very
dangerous view to have.
You might want to readjust your belief that you are a conservative.
Conservatism as it is practiced today is radicalism just like

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 8:04:30 PM11/5/06
On 5 Nov 2006 16:59:32 -0800, "Everywhere Man" <>

> Leave the moral battles to

>GOD since HE is the one in charge of that stuff and stop spending my
>money for programs that we have no business financing.

Exactly why republicans should quit making stem cell research sound
like baby-killing. Moral legislation on potentially life saving
science is the cruelest thing Bush has done so far.

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 8:23:25 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 18:10:43 -0600, "Mark Leuck" <>


If you think his face is pretty, well.. that's you're own personal

I think he has the appeal to bridge the gap between dems and gop's
with a fantastic independent appeal.

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 8:23:46 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 16:48:18 -0800, "Doug" <> wrote:

>Hillary has a pretty face?

You 'ld do her.


Nov 5, 2006, 8:31:27 PM11/5/06


"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 8:35:11 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 17:31:27 -0800, "Doug" <> wrote:


Yeah--- but you would still do her.

Roland Moore

Nov 5, 2006, 8:50:22 PM11/5/06
Walk a mile in my shoes? When Bill was giving cigar lessons to Monica I
thought, Why? Then I pictured this critter rolling over first thing in the
morning saying "make love to me big boy". Even if he was in the middle of
Viagra Falls, Monica was probably the only thought that could help him get
it up. If he didn't he be condemned to muff diving and to licking up all the
yogurt and cottage cheese those thunder thighs could churn out of that
whisker biscuit. The only things to be thankful for then is it couldn't give
him red wings anymore and that same whisker biscuit was too old to throw out
another pup like that 'beautiful' daughter of his. And he already had to
suffer that routine for decades? After that I only had pity for him. He
never got my vote, but if I had the coin to burn I'd get him a box of the
best cuban cigars along with a weekend pass at the Playboy Mansion.
Hillary has a pretty face? Maybe if it was painted on the front of an A10
Wart Hog. Oh NO! Not even there. She started off young and ugly and went
down hill from there. Who could even ask the question 'Hillary has a pretty
face'? To that I can only quote Jack Nicholson in the movie "Going South"
where he says . "I wouldn't take her to a dog fight if she was the defendin'

"Doug" <> wrote in message


Nov 5, 2006, 8:57:53 PM11/5/06
Maybe if I borrowed your beer goggles



"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 8:59:24 PM11/5/06
I was being kind....very kind

"Doug" <> wrote in message

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 9:00:59 PM11/5/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 17:31:27 -0800, "Doug" <> wrote:
> >
> Yeah--- but you would still do her.

She's like 60+, overweight and has an annoying voice, I don't know about
Doug but I sure wouldn't

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 9:02:50 PM11/5/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

Why? Because he talks a good game? With the little experience in high public
office he has you have no idea what his real opinions are and to get
ANYWHERE within the democratic party he'll have to change everything that
appeals to people like you

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 9:12:12 PM11/5/06

"Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message

> Mark Leuck wrote:
> > "Everywhere Man" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > > The country is polarized by radicals. We need a conservative leader
> > > can unite the country again.
> >
> > Who are the radicals Tom? Seems to me they mostly come from the left.
> > are a fool to think nominating ANYONE from the right will calm these
> > you speak of. <
> If you don't think people like Ann Coulter, Bill Maher, Rush Limbaugh,
> George Soros, and Michael Moore are radicals then who is a radical in
> your opinion?

Ann yes, Rush no, the others are all leftys, tell me Tom what the DailyKOS
and Democratic Underground are?

> > > If conservative Zell Miller ran for President as a Dem against a
> > > liberal Republican like Lincoln Chafee do you think Republicans would
> > > cross party lines and vote for Zell?
> >
> > I like Zell too but it all depends on who's running as the republican<
> The republicans will trot out the usual suspects and the dems will
> nominate Satan's spawn.

And Zell won't run anyway so move on

> > > Do you think Dems would vote for
> > > Chafee?
> >
> > Well he IS after all a republican in name only, it wouldn't bother me
> > if he got spanked tuesday<
> It wouldn't bother me if every candidate in every contest suddenly
> dropped out on Monday either. They are all crooks.

I can see why you like Chafee tho, he's a wishy washy republican like

> > > We're stuck in a process where billions of dollars are spent trying to
> > > get people to vote for either an elephant or a donkey. It's time to
> > > think outside the box because the choices inside the box are not
> > > looking out for our interests.
> >
> > And yet you can only seem to think of Republicans and Democrats to do
> Huh? Neither of those parties has anyone looking out for us.

But apparently Bloomberg is different?

> > > I prefer to cast my vote for my country and not circus animals.
> >
> > I don't see any circus animals running<
> Sure you do.
> > > The country has been hijacked by morons on both sides spending
> > > trying to decide if 2 queers should be allowed to call themselves
> > > husband and husband or Mrs. & Mrs.
> >
> > You sound like RLB here<
> No I sound like somebody who really doesn't care one way or the other
> about what queers do, just like how I don't care to spend money on
> abortion clinics. We're too busy trying to decide if GOD wants queers
> to marry, and less time making sure our senior citizens don't get
> frozen meals from the Meals on Wheels program.

I don't want "queers" to marry and it has nothing to do with God

> We're spending money to finance the murder of innocent babies and even
> more keeping convicted child predators alive. Something is pretty
> fucked up there wouldn't you agree?

Gee which side is doing that Tom?

> You are missing my point across the board. Leave the moral battles to
> GOD since HE is the one in charge of that stuff and stop spending my
> money for programs that we have no business financing.

Now you don't want moral battles and just a second ago you did, make up your

> > > We have radicals fighting over what should or shouldn't be allowed on
> > > TV. We're spending billions fighting over placement of Christmas
> > > mangers and Easter Eggs.
> >
> > Yea and who's against that Tom? Hello?<
> The lefties are against it, Mark. The ACLU is against it. The people
> trying to destroy our country are against it, and WE ARE PAYING FOR IT!
> > > While I personally don't believe that GOD intended for two members of
> > > the same sex to wed, and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass on my
> > > local TV station,
> >
> > The difference is you can choose not to see Denis Franz's ass whereas
> > can't stop gays from marrying once the law is implemented.<
> Who fucking cares if they marry each other? For the love of GOD if
> every rump ranger in this country was married tomorrow their would be
> nothing different than how things are today.
> The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves seeing billions
> being spent by both sides trying to decide whether queers can legally
> marry.
> Who is for it? Again the same lefty clowns like the ACLU but when those
> opposing it are busted smooching pickles themselves it becomes a joke.

You don't care you do care you don't care etc etc

> > > I don't recall asking my local representatives to
> > > waste my money fighting over that when they can't find two nickels to
> > > spend on education or body armor for our troops.
> >
> > I see you swallowed the whole body armor bullshit, you seem to believe a
> > of it coming from the left even tho you consider yourself "ultra
> > conservative" <
> I just came from the VA hospital and saw results of "body armor". The
> Dems lie about troops not being issued body armor, and the death toll
> shows the body armor being issued doesn't work as well as it COULD.

In many instances soldiers didn't wear the armor given to them, it was too
heavy, everything COULD work better than it does Tom

> Spend some money researching more affective body
> armor and less money on investigating who is sucking who's dick.

I think they did that already which is why casualties are far less than with
any conflict to date

> In fact stop issuing the shit completely, withdraw the troops tomorrow,
> and nuke the whole damn Middle East so we can end this wasting lives
> and cash when we have the resources to avoid that.

Oh yea that'll fix everything, nuke 100 million people who aren't the bad

> So how about it? Which of our so-called leaders has the balls to do
> what should be done to spare American casualties at the expense of
> public opinion?
> Kids die every single day because the poll numbers say throwing a nuke
> would cost people an election.

Who are you gonna nuke? wait never mind

Going by this I think you've gone farther right than conservative

Mark Leuck

Nov 5, 2006, 9:15:39 PM11/5/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

I hate to break it to you but all he did was stop federal funding for
embryonic stem cell research, if you did some research you'd find that
funding is microscopic compared to private funding which is still going on.

The only thing embryonic stem cell research has done is give Michael J Fox
some airtime

Robert L Bass

Nov 5, 2006, 10:32:01 PM11/5/06
> I wouldn't know, you sound like one
> of the three viewers his show has

That's it. There are just 3 people watching his weekly HBO series. You sure know your stuf.

He, heh, heh... :^)

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 10:36:00 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 20:15:39 -0600, "Mark Leuck" <>


I was going to quote the same website:

This limits the research to about 19 genetic strains.

Robert L Bass

Nov 5, 2006, 10:39:45 PM11/5/06
> I hate to break it to you but all he did was
> stop federal funding for embryonic stem
> cell research, if you did some research...

Exactly. In an effort to pander to the radical, religious right, Bush cut off federal fundong to research that could lea to cures
for horrific diseases. He did this in the face of poignant pleas from people from every party, including the wife of a former
Republican president. The man has no shame, no morals and no brain. He is an amoral parasite.

> you'd find that funding is microscopic
> compared to private funding which is
> still going on.

He'd rather spend money on things like killing American soldiers.

> The only thing embryonic stem cell research

> has done is give Michael J Fox some airtime...

You'd better pray you never develop one of the hundreds of diseases that could be treated or cured with the aid of that research.

Well, no matter. Shortly we'll take back the House, possibly the Senate, too. In two more years we'll have all three branches and
then we can start undoing all the damage that Bush and his crooked cronies have done. Meanwhile, we'll at least keep them from
doing much more.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 10:45:28 PM11/5/06
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 22:39:45 -0500, "Robert L Bass"
<> wrote:

>Exactly. In an effort to pander to the radical, religious right, Bush cut off federal fundong to research that could lea to cures
>for horrific diseases. He did this in the face of poignant pleas from people from every party, including the wife of a former
>Republican president. The man has no shame, no morals and no brain. He is an amoral parasite.

Jebus, I hate agreeing w/ you too...

You got that right.

G. Morgan

Nov 5, 2006, 10:47:23 PM11/5/06
On Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:45:28 GMT, G. Morgan <>

I don't agree with your spelling though.

Everywhere Man

Nov 5, 2006, 11:58:16 PM11/5/06

Wishy washy? Bloomberg does what is right regardless of what side
approves or disapproves. That's what you call a LEADER. What you seem
to be looking for is a FOLLOWER.

> > > > We're stuck in a process where billions of dollars are spent trying to
> > > > get people to vote for either an elephant or a donkey. It's time to
> > > > think outside the box because the choices inside the box are not
> > > > looking out for our interests.
> > >
> > > And yet you can only seem to think of Republicans and Democrats to do
> it<
> >
> > Huh? Neither of those parties has anyone looking out for us.
> But apparently Bloomberg is different?
> >
> > > > I prefer to cast my vote for my country and not circus animals.
> > >
> > > I don't see any circus animals running<
> >
> > Sure you do.
> >
> > > > The country has been hijacked by morons on both sides spending
> billions
> > > > trying to decide if 2 queers should be allowed to call themselves
> > > > husband and husband or Mrs. & Mrs.
> > >
> > > You sound like RLB here<
> >
> > No I sound like somebody who really doesn't care one way or the other
> > about what queers do, just like how I don't care to spend money on
> > abortion clinics. We're too busy trying to decide if GOD wants queers
> > to marry, and less time making sure our senior citizens don't get
> > frozen meals from the Meals on Wheels program.
> I don't want "queers" to marry and it has nothing to do with God <

Oh here we go. Now the queers are a drain on the economy too right? As
long as they're not asking you to join their ranks then what the hell
do you care what they do? let the gays marry. Shit I don't care if they
want to marry a garbage can. Just don't waste my money fighting
something that is none of your business in the first place.

> > We're spending money to finance the murder of innocent babies and even
> > more keeping convicted child predators alive. Something is pretty
> > fucked up there wouldn't you agree?
> Gee which side is doing that Tom? <

The same side that promotes sexual promiscuity. Hollywood liberals.
Which side makes it impossible for single mothers on welfare to support
the babies that aren't killed?
Which side is trying to block regulating cooking oils to stop obesity
and which side wants everyone to become a fat ass and collect social
Both sides that you see are guilty of wasting my money.
You only see two sides. You see the left as always wrong, and the right
as never wrong.
Caught in the middle are the people who pay for all of this bullshit.
You can take sides be it right or left and point a finger of blame at
the other side but the bottom line is the so called leaders for the
last umpteen years have been slowly sucking the life out of this
Out of every dollar that finds it's way into Washington fifteen cents
makes it's way back out to pay for our programs.

> > You are missing my point across the board. Leave the moral battles to
> > GOD since HE is the one in charge of that stuff and stop spending my
> > money for programs that we have no business financing.
> Now you don't want moral battles and just a second ago you did, make up your
> mind <

On one side we have the government. Their job is to manage the NATION.
The separation of church and state is a two way street.
GOD got along just fine before there was ever Air America or the Weekly
The government is a business. The business is owned by 300,000,000
million shareholders. Imagine tomorrow if a new manager at Monitronics
decided who you could marry and who you couldn't. If he or she told you
that someone you knew was being fired for being gay. If they said you
can no longer eat chicken unless it was cooked their way. How long
would that manager last before being replaced? Now imagine he tells the
customers who they can marry and who they can't. Mass client exous.
Now why would that manager start poking his or her nose into things
like that when they were only hired to manage the tech department? They
would be out of line for doing stuff like that.
Same thing applies to the government.
We employ the President, Congress, and Supreme Court to manage this
country according to the U.S. Constitution and not by what some
preacher or Hollywood actor says.
Who in the holy hell gave George Bush the right to decide if GOD
approves of stem cell research or not? Where was this man of Faith when
Terry Schiavo was murdered? If George Bush would rather have a job
trying to guess what GOD wants from us I'd suggest he resign and start
lobbying for a job at the Vatican.
We don't employ any of these people to tell us who can marry who. Show
me where in the Bill of Rights it says we have the right to dictate
marriages. Show me where it says we need to fund the murder of innocent
babies? Show me where it says anything about moral decisions needing to
be paid for by the public.
I pay tens upon thousands in taxes because of unconstitutional programs
created by administration after adminstration.
Like I said show me where in the Bill of Rights it gives permission to
fund murdering babies, banning marriages, pay for the Virgin Mary's
poop painting, or the other shit we're paying for.
Show me ONE leader today that respects and abides by the Bill of

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be

Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without
the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be
prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place
to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous
crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in
cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in
actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be
subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or
limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use,
without just compensation.

Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district
wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have
been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses
against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his
favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed
twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no
fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the
United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states
respectively, or to the people.

> > > > We have radicals fighting over what should or shouldn't be allowed on
> > > > TV. We're spending billions fighting over placement of Christmas
> > > > mangers and Easter Eggs.
> > >
> > > Yea and who's against that Tom? Hello?<
> >
> > The lefties are against it, Mark. The ACLU is against it. The people
> > trying to destroy our country are against it, and WE ARE PAYING FOR IT!
> >
> > > > While I personally don't believe that GOD intended for two members of
> > > > the same sex to wed, and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass on my
> > > > local TV station,
> > >
> > > The difference is you can choose not to see Denis Franz's ass whereas
> you
> > > can't stop gays from marrying once the law is implemented.<
> >
> > Who fucking cares if they marry each other? For the love of GOD if
> > every rump ranger in this country was married tomorrow their would be
> > nothing different than how things are today.
> > The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves seeing billions
> > being spent by both sides trying to decide whether queers can legally
> > marry.
> > Who is for it? Again the same lefty clowns like the ACLU but when those
> > opposing it are busted smooching pickles themselves it becomes a joke.
> You don't care you do care you don't care etc etc <

The point is we should only be paying into the government for things
approved by the Constitution. If I find something that does not harm
anyone morally unacceptable to me then I should make people who
disagree with me pay for my protest posters?

> > > > I don't recall asking my local representatives to
> > > > waste my money fighting over that when they can't find two nickels to
> > > > spend on education or body armor for our troops.
> > >
> > > I see you swallowed the whole body armor bullshit, you seem to believe a
> lot
> > > of it coming from the left even tho you consider yourself "ultra
> > > conservative" <
> >
> > I just came from the VA hospital and saw results of "body armor". The
> > Dems lie about troops not being issued body armor, and the death toll
> > shows the body armor being issued doesn't work as well as it COULD.
> In many instances soldiers didn't wear the armor given to them, it was too
> heavy, everything COULD work better than it does Tom <

And you know this how? You're guessing.

> > Spend some money researching more affective body
> > armor and less money on investigating who is sucking who's dick.
> I think they did that already which is why casualties are far less than with
> any conflict to date <

The casualties should be at ZERO but this adminstration is too
concerned with public opinion so they won't drop the nukes.

> > In fact stop issuing the shit completely, withdraw the troops tomorrow,
> > and nuke the whole damn Middle East so we can end this wasting lives
> > and cash when we have the resources to avoid that.
> Oh yea that'll fix everything, nuke 100 million people who aren't the bad
> guys <

I'd rather 100 million of theirs buy the farm before one of ours does.
Next time they won't be so Gung Ho when they think about attacking us.
Are you more concerned about being fair to the enemy than to our
soldiers? Your comment certainly implies that.

> > So how about it? Which of our so-called leaders has the balls to do
> > what should be done to spare American casualties at the expense of
> > public opinion?
> > Kids die every single day because the poll numbers say throwing a nuke
> > would cost people an election.
> Who are you gonna nuke? wait never mind <

Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, &
Afghanistan should be targets for some nice tactical nukes and if we
have the time lob a few at France just to piss off Pete. Watch the rest
of the world fall in line. Watch how quick people start doing what we

No going by this I am an American.
Stop wasting the taxpayer's money on bullshit and start spending it on
things that actually make life more enjoyable.

Here's a little lesson on Conservatism.
True conservatives want extremely LIMITED government involvement on
social issues. Today's conservatives want the government up our ass and
the liberals want us to pay for the lube.

Mark Leuck

Nov 6, 2006, 12:12:44 AM11/6/06

"Robert L Bass" <> wrote in message

Bill Maher is one of those bitter unfunny people who thinks they are
comedians, his previous show failed in the ratings and the fact he made some
moronic statements. HBO is about the only forum who will have him these days
which isn't saying much. my only problem is figuring out who the other 2
viewers are, no doubt relatives of yours

G. Morgan

Nov 6, 2006, 12:13:22 AM11/6/06
On 5 Nov 2006 20:58:16 -0800, "Everywhere Man" <>

>Like I said show me where in the Bill of Rights it gives permission to

>fund murdering babies, banning marriages, pay for the Virgin Mary's
>poop painting, or the other shit we're paying for.
>Show me ONE leader today that respects and abides by the Bill of

Show me a law that:

Prevents stem cell research

okaying nor denying any marriage of any type.

Mark Leuck

Nov 6, 2006, 12:17:16 AM11/6/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

Thats the problem, he's not right and neither are you. Here is the decision

No cure has been found using this research and much more promise has occured
using adult stem cell research.

Nomen Nescio

Nov 6, 2006, 2:40:09 AM11/6/06
Mark Leuck said:

>Thats the problem, he's not right and neither are you. Here is the decision
>No cure has been found using this research and much more promise has occured
>using adult stem cell research.

Bush is a dickhead on this, and many other issues.

He claims he is opposed to embryonic stem cell research because it's like
killing babies. Okay, that's a position that is arguable. But if he is so
hell-bent on preserving those embryos, he should be opposed to tossing them
in the garbage, or flushing them down the drain. He should therefore
support federal legislation requiring each and every one of those embryos
to be given every opportunity to develop into a full-fledged human baby.

Only he doesn't. He doesn't want to use them for research, but he's
content to let them die. That makes him a hypocrite of the first order.
If they're going to be thrown in the trash anyway, then let's put them to
some constructive use. Give their deaths meaning; "don't let them die in

- badenov

Nov 6, 2006, 6:07:14 AM11/6/06
> Jebus, I hate agreeing w/ you too...
> You got that right.

Don't let that fool you into thinking that I'll ever have any respect for

Nov 6, 2006, 6:34:14 AM11/6/06
> Bill Maher is one of those bitter unfunny people who thinks they are
> comedians, his previous show failed in the ratings...

Wrong. His previous show failed because cowardly sponsors pulled their ads
when he said something that offended them.

> HBO is about the only forum who will have him these days...

HBO is the ideal venue for somone who refuses to pull any punches. Maher
isn't afraid to poke fun at Democrats and Republicans alike. It's just that
the Republicans have been giving him so much more material lately.

> which isn't saying much. my only problem is figuring out who the other 2

> viewers are, no doubt relatives of yours...

A little info from HBO:
Bill Maher is one of the most politically astute comedians in America today.
His unflinching honesty and commitment to never pulling a punch have
garnered him the respect and admiration of millions of fans. In 2003, Maher
launched a new show, "Real Time with Bill Maher," on HBO, a network that's a
perfect fit for his irreverent style. The hour-long show airs live at
11:00PM on Friday nights.
"Real Time with Bill Maher" has received multiple Emmy nominations as well
as nominations from the Writers' Guild of America and Producers' Guild of
America. Some of the outstanding guests who have appeared on the show
include George Clooney, Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Robin Williams, Drew
Barrymore, Bradley Whitford, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Gen. Wesley Clark, Susan
Sarandon, Kevin Costner, Gary Hart, Pat Buchanan, Ben Affleck, John Edwards
and George Carlin. Each week, Bill's hilarious opening monologue, incisive
interviews and stimulating panel discussion, as well as his extremely
popular "New Rules" segment, serve to wrap up the week's most important
events in a way that makes you think, as well as laugh.

The "New Rules" segment proved so popular, that Bill adapted it into a book,
New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer. The book spent nearly three
months on The New York Times Best Sellers List. The book will be released in
paperback on September 5th. Some of the best "New Rules" have been put
together and are currently available on DVD.

Bill most recently hosted "Amazon Fishbowl with Bill Maher," a 30-minute
program featuring live performances by renowned musicians and
thought-provoking interviews with authors, directors and actors that was
shown on the homepage.

In 1993, Maher created "Politically Incorrect." On Comedy Central, Maher
brought together some of the most interesting politicians, entertainers, and
journalists to participate in some of the most controversial, topical and
comical discussions. Winners of four CableACE Awards combined, Maher and his
program grew in popularity year to year, eventually catching the attention
in 1997 of ABC and capturing the post-"Nightline" time slot. A cutting edge
contender of provocative late night television, "Politically Incorrect"
survived for five years on ABC and concluded its final run in July 2002.
"Politically Incorrect" received a total of 18 Emmy nominations since 1995.

Maher, inspired by the show's success, assembled some of "PI's" most
memorable highlights in his book, Does Anybody Have a Problem With That?
Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits.

Maher's book, When you ride ALONE you ride with bin Laden, was released in
2002. The book is a useful and hilarious guide for the many Americans who
want to help the war effort, but are at a loss as to how. A combination of
33 new posters, as well as several classics from our government's archives,
and text by Maher, help Americans make the connections between what we do
and how it can help our troops and ourselves. In conjunction with the book's
release, Maher went on a nationwide stand-up tour and drew standing ovations
for his hilarious routine which utilized the posters from the book to
illustrate his commentary.

Maher's credits include five HBO specials, including the critically
acclaimed "Bill Maher: Be More Cynical" and most recently, the Emmy
nominated "I'm Swiss." Maher has participated in sold-out comedy tours
throughout the United States. He received a Tony nomination for the
three-week run of his one-man Broadway Show, "Victory Begins at Home."

Nov 6, 2006, 6:54:02 AM11/6/06

>> You're confusing them with the Bush administration.
> Sound's like you're having a Kerry moment

"President Bush demanded that Kerry apologize. Can you imagine that -- Bush
demanding an apology for someone stumbling over his words? ... Kerry should
have tried the Bush strategy: say so many stupid things, no one cares
anymore." --Jay Leno

G. Morgan

Nov 6, 2006, 9:03:04 AM11/6/06

Be assured the feeling is mutual.

Mark Leuck

Nov 6, 2006, 6:14:46 PM11/6/06

"" <> wrote in message

> > Bill Maher is one of those bitter unfunny people who thinks they are
> > comedians, his previous show failed in the ratings...
> Wrong. His previous show failed because cowardly sponsors pulled their
> when he said something that offended them.

It helps when you don't cut what I said

"Bill Maher is one of those bitter unfunny people who thinks they are

comedians, his previous show failed in the ratings and the fact he made some
moronic statements. "

While his show previously did have decent ratings it was quickly tanking
before he made his statements

> > HBO is about the only forum who will have him these days...
> HBO is the ideal venue for somone who refuses to pull any punches. Maher
> isn't afraid to poke fun at Democrats and Republicans alike. It's just
> the Republicans have been giving him so much more material lately.

And of course since he's an extremely liberal democrat

> > which isn't saying much. my only problem is figuring out who the other
> > viewers are, no doubt relatives of yours...
> A little info from HBO:
> Bill Maher is one of the most politically astute comedians in America
> His unflinching honesty and commitment to never pulling a punch have
> garnered him the respect and admiration of millions of fans. In 2003,
> launched a new show, "Real Time with Bill Maher," on HBO, a network that's
> perfect fit for his irreverent style. The hour-long show airs live at
> 11:00PM on Friday nights.

Figures coming from HBO, they should stick to movies

> "Real Time with Bill Maher" has received multiple Emmy nominations as well
> as nominations from the Writers' Guild of America and Producers' Guild of
> America.

Big woo, it's harder naming shows that HAVEN'T won an Emmy than have

> Some of the outstanding guests who have appeared on the show
> include George Clooney, Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Robin Williams, Drew
> Barrymore, Bradley Whitford, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Gen. Wesley Clark, Susan
> Sarandon, Kevin Costner, Gary Hart, Pat Buchanan, Ben Affleck, John
> and George Carlin. Each week, Bill's hilarious opening monologue, incisive
> interviews and stimulating panel discussion, as well as his extremely
> popular "New Rules" segment, serve to wrap up the week's most important
> events in a way that makes you think, as well as laugh.

Hey try naming a right-winger in that group, fact is Bill can't make it on
anything but networks like HBO that don't have the same ratings scheme as a
normal network. He'd fail just like Air America

> Maher's credits include five HBO specials, including the critically
> acclaimed "Bill Maher: Be More Cynical" and most recently, the Emmy
> nominated "I'm Swiss." Maher has participated in sold-out comedy tours
> throughout the United States. He received a Tony nomination for the
> three-week run of his one-man Broadway Show, "Victory Begins at Home."

Yea he sure is a funny guy

Mark Leuck

Nov 6, 2006, 6:16:21 PM11/6/06

"G. Morgan" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 06:07:14 -0500, ""
> <> wrote:
> >> Jebus, I hate agreeing w/ you too...
> >>
> >> You got that right.
> >
> >Don't let that fool you into thinking that I'll ever have any respect for
> >you.
> >
> Be assured the feeling is mutual.
> --
> -Graham

Looks like Toms taunting has driven you to the arms of your enemy G :)

Mark Leuck

Nov 6, 2006, 6:19:00 PM11/6/06

Bush never claimed to be a great orator whereas Kerry.....well...

Everywhere Man

Nov 6, 2006, 7:08:08 PM11/6/06
Mark Leuck wrote:
> Yea he sure is a funny guy
> <

His political beliefs are beyond absurd, just like George Carlin, Chris
Rock, Richard Pryor, Rosie O'Donnell, Chevy Chase, Whoopi Goldberg, and
Roseanne Barr, BUT that doesn't change the fact that they come out with
some pretty funny stuff. Most of the comedians on the Comedy Central
Roasts are lefties but they still make me laugh.
I can't just rely on the Redneck Comedy Tour for laughs even though
they are funny as hell.
I watch Hannity & Colmes for political debates and Real Time with Bill
Maher for his offsite interviews and New Rules segment. My stomach
turns when guests like Ben Affleck, Harry Belafonte, or the goofy Alec
Baldwin start sharing their nutty political beliefs.
You take this guy way too seriously.
He's nothing more than a comedian trying to cause a stir.

G. Morgan

Nov 6, 2006, 7:13:51 PM11/6/06
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 17:16:21 -0600, "Mark Leuck" <>


To me it looked like the enemy was drawn into Tom's.

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