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Feb 22, 2018, 10:30:59 AM2/22/18
Why mass shootings don't convince gun owners to support gun control

It seems like America's decline is a done deal, that the tide of liberal rot is unstoppable. But the one place he knows he can draw the line is at his door, on his private property, because he has a gun. He can defend his own. If the minorities riot again, or immigrant criminals move in nearby, or terrorists attack, or some wackjob goes on a shooting spree, or Obama comes for his guns ... well, that's what the guns are for. He's given up a lot, but he won't give up his autonomy or the safety of his family. He'll defend that to the end.

To our gun owner, another mass shooting is not an argument for getting rid of guns. It's a confirmation of his every instinct, another sign of moral and societal decay, another reason to arm himself and defend what he's got left.

You can tell him about Canada and Australia until you're blue in the face — the lower rate of gun deaths, the hunting exemptions, the seemingly intact freedoms. You can cite high popular support for restrictions on gun and ammunition sales. You can tell him that not every incremental tightening of standards is a slippery slope, that no one wants to confiscate his guns.

But you're just another self-righteous liberal on another self-righteous crusade, too blind or stupid to see how governments always use people like you to disarm their citizenry. You've taken enough — of his taxes, his freedoms, his culture. He won't give you any more.


Feb 22, 2018, 10:47:29 AM2/22/18
Let us imagine, then, a conservative gun owner — an older white gentleman, let's say, in his 50s, living in the Rust Belt somewhere. When he was growing up, there was living memory of a familiar order: men working in honorable trade or manufacturing jobs, women tending home and children, Sundays at church, hard work yielding a steady rise up the ladder to a well-earned house, yard, and car.

That order was crumbling just as our gun owner inherited it. The honorable jobs are gone, or going. It's hell to find work, benefits are for shit, and there isn't much put aside for retirement. The kids are struggling with debt and low-paying jobs. They know, and our gun owner knows, that they probably aren't going to have a better life than he did — that the very core of the American promise has proven false for them, for the first time in generations.

It's a bitter, helpless feeling. And for someone naturally attuned to "order, structure, closure, certainty, consistency, simplicity, and familiarity," it's scary. The role he thought he was meant to play in the world, the privileges and respect that came along with it, have been thrown into doubt. Everything is shifting under his feet.

Over the last few years, our gun owner has found a whole network of TV channels, radio shows, books, blogs, and Facebook groups that speak directly to his unease. They understand the world he heard about from his father and grandfather, the world that's being lost; they understand the urgency of saving what's left of it.

Most of all, with his already heightened sensitivity to threat further aggravated by economic uncertainty, they finally help him see who's to blame.


Feb 22, 2018, 10:57:20 AM2/22/18
нахуй канаду с австралией, тебе вулах, в австралии, по ебалу надают тока
за то что у тебя фамилие еврейское :-) в канаде дубак вечный, тебе проще
обратно к батьке, верно говорю тебе, как пить дать ! :-)


Feb 22, 2018, 11:20:02 AM2/22/18
G пишет:
> нахуй канаду с австралией, тебе вулах, в австралии, по ебалу надают тока
> за то что у тебя фамилие еврейское :-) в канаде дубак вечный, тебе проще
> обратно к батьке, верно говорю тебе, как пить дать ! :-)

Да уж.. В Канаде дубак, а греться, то бишь получать тепловую энергию из химической, никак не получается..
Приходится мёрзнуть.
Действительно, лучше в Белоруссию.



Feb 22, 2018, 11:47:18 AM2/22/18
че эт не получается то? очень даже получается, в канаде охуенное пиво и
не плохие вискари, все местное, греться можно хоть круглый год :-)


Feb 22, 2018, 7:48:15 PM2/22/18
999Vulcan <> wrote:
> You can tell him about Canada and Australia until you're blue in the face ? the lower rate of gun deaths, the hunting exemptions, the seemingly intact freedoms. You can cite high popular support for restrictions on gun and ammunition sales. You can tell him that not every incremental tightening of standards is a slippery slope, that no one wants to confiscate his guns.

Наверное, потому что всё это есть наглая ложь прямо в лицо ?

> But you're just another self-righteous liberal on another self-righteous crusade, too blind or stupid to see how governments always use people like you to disarm their citizenry. You've taken enough ? of his taxes, his freedoms, his culture. He won't give you any more.

В принципе, да, правильно.



Feb 22, 2018, 7:49:51 PM2/22/18
999Vulcan <> wrote:
> >
> > But you're just another self-righteous liberal on another self-righteous crusade, too blind or stupid to see how governments always use people like you to disarm their citizenry. You've taken enough ? of his taxes, his freedoms, his culture. He won't give you any more.

> Let us imagine, then, a conservative gun owner ? an older white gentleman, let's say, in his 50s, living in the Rust Belt somewhere. When he was growing up, there was living memory of a familiar order: men working in honorable trade or manufacturing jobs, women tending home and children, Sundays at church, hard work yielding a steady rise up the ladder to a well-earned house, yard, and car.

> That order was crumbling just as our gun owner inherited it. The honorable jobs are gone, or going. It's hell to find work, benefits are for shit, and there isn't much put aside for retirement. The kids are struggling with debt and low-paying jobs. They know, and our gun owner knows, that they probably aren't going to have a better life than he did ? that the very core of the American promise has proven false for them, for the first time in generations.

> It's a bitter, helpless feeling. And for someone naturally attuned to "order, structure, closure, certainty, consistency, simplicity, and familiarity," it's scary. The role he thought he was meant to play in the world, the privileges and respect that came along with it, have been thrown into doubt. Everything is shifting under his feet.

> Over the last few years, our gun owner has found a whole network of TV channels, radio shows, books, blogs, and Facebook groups that speak directly to his unease. They understand the world he heard about from his father and grandfather, the world that's being lost; they understand the urgency of saving what's left of it.

> Most of all, with his already heightened sensitivity to threat further aggravated by economic uncertainty, they finally help him see who's to blame.

А вот это уже глупые либдемовские фантазии.



Feb 22, 2018, 7:52:45 PM2/22/18
да нет, про hollowing out the middle class всё верно
да вот хоть Смирнова послушай:)


Feb 22, 2018, 9:58:17 PM2/22/18
Послушай, среди водопроводчиков, AC technicians, механиков -
нет безработицы и не предвидится.

А вот среди юных либеральных долбоебов с arts degree - огромная.
И если робот, который починит унитаз от нас где-то в 50 годах,
то робот, который будет писать на выбор либо прогрессивную,
либо консервативную пропаганду - он УЖЕ С НАМИ СЕГОДНЯ.

А теперь вот попробуй переписать кусок выше с учетом этих замечаний.
О том, что совершенно бессмысленное миллениальное существо,
не умеющее ничего делать, не имеющее никакого образования
в настоящем смысле, не умеещее думать, а умеющее только
нести хню, печатая на телефоне с помощью thumbs - да,
чувствует себя лишним, потерянным, threatened, испуганным,
маленьким и несчастным.
А тут вдруг еще выясняется, что там за окном манхеттено-помойки
и его пяти квадратных метров жилой площади, там есть какая-то
огромная непонятная страна, населенная нормальными людьми.

> да вот хоть Смирнова послушай:)

Пусть тогда не вые и споет нам Валенки.



Feb 22, 2018, 10:02:14 PM2/22/18
так, я запутался, вот эти самые нормальные люди у меня по соседству избрали трампа, потому что у них угольные шахты закрылись, или потому что у них либеральное образование?

> > да вот хоть Смирнова послушай:)
> Пусть тогда не вые и споет нам Валенки.

(не)кстати, Валенки, оказывается, - не русская песня, а цыганская


Feb 22, 2018, 10:05:55 PM2/22/18
On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 9:58:17 PM UTC-5, Const wrote:
> 999Vulcan <> wrote:
> И если робот, который починит унитаз от нас где-то в 50 годах,
> то робот, который будет писать на выбор либо прогрессивную,
> либо консервативную пропаганду - он УЖЕ С НАМИ СЕГОДНЯ.

кстати, да, я сегодня постил неплохое эссе на этот счёт про fake humans

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