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диклайн 2020 03

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Oleg Smirnov

Mar 2, 2020, 1:15:57 PM3/2/20

The 2016 election brought into sharp relief the anomalies and imperfections
of our democratic institutions. .. Americans have been fed up with
gerrymandering, campaign finance, and two-party monopolies for years. ..

As discontent with the Trump administration grows .. a serious conversation
about democratic reform has begun to take shape. It is focused in particular
on our electoral system and representative institutions. There is a growing
sense that problems in American democracy are not just related to parties and
partisanship. Instead, they are structural, built into our institutions
themselves .. Our electoral system does not let voters vote their true
preferences, nor does it translate the greatest vote-getters into the winners.
.. American institutions are "biased" towards Republicans, and .. "American
elections no longer convert the popular will into control of government." ..

The crisis of liberal democracy at home and abroad requires us to think
critically about what exactly is wrong with our democratic institutions and
practices. For decades, Americans' trust in institutions has been on the
decline. Many Americans say they are fed up with a system that feels like it
is not truly representative, one in which their choices are constrained. ..

Voters and politicians are increasingly receptive to calls for reform. ..


Mar 2, 2020, 1:45:27 PM3/2/20
On 3/2/2020 1:14 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> .. American institutions are "biased" towards Republicans, and .. "American
> elections no longer convert the popular will into control of
> government." ..
> The crisis of liberal democracy at home and abroad requires us to think
> critically about what exactly is wrong with our democratic institutions and
> practices. For decades, Americans' trust in institutions has been on the
> decline. Many Americans say they are fed up with a system that feels
> like it
> is not truly representative, one in which their choices are constrained. ..
> Voters and politicians are increasingly receptive to calls for reform. ..

Я значала подумал, что это карлокостик сюда принёс. Очень уж напоминает
стенания демократов, проигравших выборы. Потому что когда выигрывают, то
все эти institutions сразу становятся незыблемыми основами.

Oleg Smirnov

Mar 2, 2020, 3:29:24 PM3/2/20
YuraS, <news:r3jk86$758$>
Вам там белoлентoчнoе движение готовят, на случай переизбрания Трампа.

Oleg Smirnov

Mar 2, 2020, 5:59:37 PM3/2/20

The End of American Exceptionalism

Washington has begun to come to terms with a global transformation
.. Washington overreached .. Washington must adapt to the realities of
a multipolar world. ..

.. Urgently needs to rebuild its own domestic foundations, from
education and health care to transportation and energy infrastructure.
.. Increasingly, Washington must grapple with the implications of its
diminished standing .. Investing in a real egalitarian democracy that
protects Americans from homelessness, illness, and poor education ..

Chauvinists, know-nothings .. might deride such a mindset as "weak"
or "un-American." But whether they like it or not, circumstances will
reduce the United States to a diminished international role. It would
be far better for the country to choose to transform itself before
it's forced to.
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