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Francis Fukuyama America: the failed state

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Jan 25, 2021, 12:46:58 PM1/25/21
America's political rot is infecting the world order. This could be as
big as the Soviet collapse


Jan 25, 2021, 12:54:25 PM1/25/21
The book on Trump is still not written. We must to await the coming
months to see which man, the deal-maker or the extremist, comes to the
fore. But Trump’s victory also represents the latest stage in a global
shift toward populist nationalism, a pattern whose meaning is starting
to become frighteningly clear.

That trend encompasses Brexit and the rise of right-wing anti-EU,
anti-immigrant parties across Europe. In some sense, these
developments—like Trump—are a delayed popular reaction to globalisation,
and the economic and cultural dislocations that it has wrought in the
name of a freedom that doesn’t stop at the border. The “democratic” part
of liberal democracy is, in other words, now rising up and taking
revenge on the “liberal” part. If this trend continues elsewhere in the
world we will be in for a very rough time of competing and angry

т.е. ты выкопал статью четырёхлетней давности, чтобы поведать нам
большой сюрприз: столь любимый тобой Трамп - нацистская сволочь?


Jan 25, 2021, 1:02:11 PM1/25/21
25.01.2021 20:54, ⁹⁹⁹√ulcan пишет:
Ты так ничего и не пропарсил.


Jan 25, 2021, 1:13:04 PM1/25/21
а ты объясни, будь ласка


Jan 25, 2021, 1:14:23 PM1/25/21
???√ulcan <999V...@russian.z1> wrote:
> On 1/25/2021 12:46 PM, Данилов wrote:
> > America's political rot is infecting the world order. This could be as
> > big as the Soviet collapse
> >
> >

> The book on Trump is still not written. We must to await the coming
> months to see which man, the deal-maker or the extremist, comes to the
> fore. But Trump?s victory also represents the latest stage in a global
> shift toward populist nationalism, a pattern whose meaning is starting
> to become frighteningly clear.

> That trend encompasses Brexit and the rise of right-wing anti-EU,
> anti-immigrant parties across Europe. In some sense, these
> developments?like Trump?are a delayed popular reaction to globalisation,
> and the economic and cultural dislocations that it has wrought in the
> name of a freedom that doesn?t stop at the border. The ?democratic? part
> of liberal democracy is, in other words, now rising up and taking
> revenge on the ?liberal? part. If this trend continues elsewhere in the
> world we will be in for a very rough time of competing and angry
> nationalisms.

> т.е. ты выкопал статью четырёхлетней давности, чтобы поведать нам
> большой сюрприз: столь любимый тобой Трамп - нацистская сволочь?

Видишь, прямо не можешь не врать.



Jan 25, 2021, 1:24:52 PM1/25/21
"global shift toward populist nationalism"

By Francis Fukuyama December 13, 2016

ну тот самый, кстати, of the End of History fame

велики предсказатель:)

...я о нём тогда, на заре девяностых, ещё подростком узнал от отца

мы беселовали за столом, и я высказал такую мысль, что, дескать, теперь
уже всем понятно, что рыночные демократии западного образца - это самое
правильное устройство общества, и что теперь, после всех этих
восточноевропейских революций, уже просто вопрос времени пока все
остальные страны подтянутся к общему празднику

на что он мне как раз рассказал, что у этой идеи даже есть название

хорошее было время
тяжелое, но полное надежды


Jan 25, 2021, 1:59:50 PM1/25/21
25.01.2021 21:13, ⁹⁹⁹√ulcan пишет:
Посмотри на сабж. Где там Трамп?


Jan 25, 2021, 2:10:26 PM1/25/21
а, так ты кроме заголовков ничего не читаешь?


Jan 25, 2021, 2:48:52 PM1/25/21
25.01.2021 22:10, ⁹⁹⁹√ulcan пишет:
Это ты кроме Трампа ничего не читаешь. Как только слово Трамп увидишь,
так сразу в жопе свист образуется. Вот как ты, brebcnsq ты наш счтаешь,
для чего заголовок пишется? Объясняю. Для тех, укого breq слишком велик.
Заголовок существует для того, чтобы подчеркнуть основную мысль. А
основная мысль - это то, что Америка - несостоявшееся государство.
С папой ни Фукуяму читали. Смотрели с папой в книгу, а видели фигу.
Теперь понятно, почему ты такой мудак. Весь в папу пошел.

"The American political system has indeed become dysfunctional;...

Add polarisation and the rise of powerful interest groups into this
system, and the result is what I have labelled vetocracy: that is, a
situation in which special interests can veto measures harmful to
themselves, while collective action for the common good becomes
exceedingly difficult to achieve. Vetocracy isn’t fatal to American
democracy, but it does produce poor governance.

Vetocracy has many other malign effects. The 10,000 page US tax code is
a disgrace, an incomprehensible catalogue of exemptions or subsidies,
special privileges slowly built up in past compromises, layer by
sedimentary layer.

I define “political decay” as the capture of political power by
well-organised interest groups that bend the system to their own
interests, at the expense of broader public interests. A decayed system
is also one that cannot fix itself, because those entrenched interests
and ways of thinking prevent reform. The American political system has
undergone decay over recent decades as well-organised elites have made
use of vetocracy to protect their interests. This does not mean that the
country is no longer democratic; it means that there is a crisis in
representation as some Americans have much more weight in the political
process than others. This perception of unfairness gives rise to the
second important social condition which affected the outcome of the
election, which is inequality.

Inequality has risen over the past generation. The broad figures about
the concentration of wealth and income in the top 10 per cent of the top
1 per cent are well known. What was less recognised until the current
campaign was what was going on in the lives of the other 99 per cent.

When people on the American left have considered inequality, they have
traditionally thought first about African-Americans in inner cities,
undocumented immigrants, or other marginalised minorities. Poverty among
these groups continues to be a major problem, but the burden of growing
inequality has fallen on a different stratum: the old white working
class, which has now suffered three generations of deindustrialisation.

The success of populism in 2016 should thus not be shocking. The
financial crisis of 2008 was the responsibility of an economic elite,
but it was ordinary working class citizens who lost their jobs as a
result. With neither party offering the white working class a home,
economic marginalisation coincided with marginalisation in a political
system that favoured those with money and status. The real surprise
ought to be that the populist uprising did not come sooner.

Вот тебе описание ситуации. А дальнейшее вранье про Трампа, о том, как
его русские привели к власти - это пустопорожгяя трепотня.


Jan 25, 2021, 3:04:27 PM1/25/21
On 1/25/2021 2:48 PM, Данилов wrote:
> Теперь понятно, почему ты такой мудак. Весь в папу пошел.

пшёл, ешак


Jan 25, 2021, 3:11:21 PM1/25/21
25.01.2021 23:04, ⁹⁹⁹√ulcan пишет:
> On 1/25/2021 2:48 PM, Данилов wrote:
>> Теперь понятно, почему ты такой мудак. Весь в папу пошел.
> пшёл, ешак

Ой неправильно ты Лешу цитирушь. Тебе сказать, как правильно цитата звучит?


Feb 2, 2021, 9:31:46 PM2/2/21
Данилов <> Wrote in message:r
> America's political rot is infecting the world order. This could be as big as the Soviet collapse

Да, конечно, мы ведь все в курсе предсказательной силы Фукуямы.

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