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диклайн 2021 08

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Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2021, 2:45:30 PM8/3/21

Republicans are increasingly ready for violence .. Today's Republican
Party, with its embrace of neofascism, constitutes a public health
emergency .. Right-wing political violence and other antisocial and
destructive behavior are gradually becoming normalized across American
society ..

It is no exaggeration to claim that today's Republican Party - and the
larger "conservative" movement more generally - is sociopathic and
dangerous ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2021, 2:50:59 PM8/3/21
As the U.S. suffers through its first period of outright decline ..
this is our chance for Canada .. This is the time Canada has awaited
for 350 years .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2021, 2:55:24 PM8/3/21

.. On the verge of economic disaster

No one knows for sure what the state of the American economy will
be one year from now, but the existing evidence all points in one
direction: disaster.


Aug 3, 2021, 2:56:57 PM8/3/21
On 8/3/2021 2:50 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> As the U.S. suffers through its first period of outright decline .. this
> is our chance for Canada .. This is the time Canada has awaited for 350
> years ..

ты уже таки переехал в канаду?


Aug 3, 2021, 2:57:30 PM8/3/21
check back in a year

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2021, 3:00:46 PM8/3/21

"If we don't fix our election integrity now, we may no longer have a
democracy." .. The "deep state," such as C.I.A. agents, have intentionally
spread disinformation about the election .. Trump had been victimized by
voter fraud .. Arizona .. the vote had tallied about seventy thousand more
mail-in ballots than had been postmarked ..

American elections are rife with fraud .. A third of Americans now believe
that Biden was illegitimately elected, and nearly half of Trump supporters
agree ..

Georgia .. "I don't think we can say with certainty who won." .. There
were countless election "irregularities," such as voters using post-office
boxes as their residences, in violation of state law ..

The Democrats used the pandemic as a great pretext to be able to cheat:
they caused administrative chaos by changing rules about early and
absentee voting, and they didn't adequately police fraud ..

Have you looked at the Democracy Alliance? .. The Alliance, whose
membership is secret, distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in dark
money to many left-leaning causes ..

Election officials had robbed Trump by illegally casting ballots in the
name of non-voters whose records they had extracted, after the polls had
closed, from a secret folder in electronic voting machines .. The scandal
was visible in the data .. Cases of identity fraud, ballot stuffing, voting
by non-citizens ..

The numbers confirm that there is .. voter fraud .. After a year when
voters' trust in our elections plummeted, restoring that trust should be
the top priority of legislators and governors nationwide .. There is
nothing more important than ensuring every American is confident their vote
counts ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2021, 3:03:44 PM8/3/21

America is suffering from a myriad of shortages - and it might get worse
From coleslaw to semiconductors, America's shortages are worsening with
no resolution in sight .. Empty store aisles, barren car dealerships and
depleted online inventories. Everywhere you look, there's a shortage, and
the bad news is that experts think it's only going to get worse ..


Aug 3, 2021, 3:06:29 PM8/3/21

Из статьи про дебилов процитировал только самих дебилов.

Nice job, ahole.

Расскажи лучше, как протекает обнуление.
Ты уже подмылся?


Aug 3, 2021, 5:53:24 PM8/3/21
А вот клевету левую тут не надо постить.


Dmitry Krivitsky

Aug 3, 2021, 7:35:13 PM8/3/21
On 8/3/2021 5:50 PM, Const wrote:
> А вот клевету левую тут не надо постить.

А правую надо?


Aug 4, 2021, 12:38:24 AM8/4/21
А правой на порядки меньше.
Где-то на два.


Dmitry Krivitsky

Aug 4, 2021, 5:30:06 AM8/4/21
Ну, тот же Смирнов вчера запостил и правую.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 7, 2021, 3:38:55 PM8/7/21

.. Some passengers reported waits on hold as long as nine hours ..

A survey released last week underlines
that consumers are tired of being pushed around or kept at arm's
length when they have problems with a product or service .. the
average actual wait time is .. 17.4 minutes .. Moreover .. consumers
despise those god-awful automated switchboards .. About a quarter of
survey respondents said they've been stuck on hold for 30 minutes or
longer ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 7, 2021, 3:45:00 PM8/7/21

In San Francisco, a woman leans outside a car window brandishing an
AK-47 .. In Minnesota, a man beheaded a woman on a city street, while
they were sitting in traffic .. This week a woman shot another woman
dead on a busy New York City Street, before casually returning to her
white doubled parked SUV .. Meanwhile, a woman kills her husband in
Indiana, chops him up and gets the kids to help dispose of the body ..
An elderly man gets brutally beaten .. Another in a wheelchair gets
tossed and ransacked by ghouls. A would-be pervert chokes a woman out
and drags her off the subway .. Stray gunfire strikes people sitting on
a bus in Queens. Men casually walk over and slug elderly women. Other
men rip jewelry off women's necks in broad daylight ..

In major cities all over, life is changing. For the worse ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 7, 2021, 3:49:09 PM8/7/21
.. Worse .. Your systems are said to be melting down .. "You can't blame the
weather on everything. The system is collapsing on the passengers, gate
agents, and pilots." This system .. is "antiquated." And anyone with
awareness of hardware and software systems will likely know that antiquation
is not a good characteristic .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 7, 2021, 3:53:50 PM8/7/21

.. US loss in Afghanistan not surprising, fits the pattern ..

.. Americans .. will pay their fair share. A close look at the US'
unemployment numbers, income inequality, out-of-pocket health
expenditures, and crime rates post 9/11, indicate why it is now
known as a "Third World country in a Gucci Belt". China is poised
to take over as the world's biggest economy in GDP terms by 2032
and Americans could not have chosen a better location to hand over
the crown ..


Aug 7, 2021, 4:00:25 PM8/7/21
а чё так скромно отрезал?

Americans could not have chosen a better location to hand over the
crown: Afghanistan – the Graveyard of Empires.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 7, 2021, 4:00:26 PM8/7/21
.. US Is Failing With Its Hypersonic Program ..
In a major setback, the US Air Force's second attempt to conduct the
flight test of a hypersonic weapon proved to be a dud. The two
successive failures perhaps explain why the US military is lagging ..
Russia Is Far Ahead .. ( )


Aug 7, 2021, 4:57:07 PM8/7/21
русские уезжают из сша. "настоящая 'мурика" приходит на их
освободившееся место. у нас в долине тоже очень заметно. весь некстдор
забит воплями: в когда-то соврешенно безопасных парках вернуться и
обнаружить свою машину с разбитым окнами - теперь обычное дело.


Aug 7, 2021, 8:03:45 PM8/7/21
ну не то чтобы из сша, но из долины - да, родня на следующей неделе переезжает почти что в наши ебеня (NC)

но об том, чтобы назад в РБ, мысль может возникать только в воспаленном ковидом мозгу


Aug 7, 2021, 11:50:34 PM8/7/21
On 8/7/2021 5:03 PM, ⁹⁹⁹√ wrote:
> но об том, чтобы назад в РБ, мысль может возникать только в воспаленном ковидом мозгу

а двери потихоньку закрываются, как понятно каждому здравомыслящему

уже очень скоро госдеповские дяди через полицаев в рукаве на посадку в
самолет будут объяснять желающим уехать, что ехать-то вы езжайте, но
только без денежек: денежки, ценности и золотые зубы перед отъездом
придется сдать этим самым дядям из госдепа. таковы, мол, законы.

и это будет только начало.

а еще через пару-троцку лет выезжать из страны будет уже совсем нельзя,
без особого разрешения от того же госдепа. и одним из самых
быстрорастущих бинесов в пиндостане будет смагглинг людей отсюда в
свободный мир. через туннели и стены в мексику и дальше...


Aug 8, 2021, 9:35:28 AM8/8/21

ты уже скоро будешь нам писать из осовобождённого бобруйска?

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 9, 2021, 10:50:53 AM8/9/21
The latest data shows the number of highway deaths in 2020 was the greatest
in more than a decade even though cars and trucks drove fewer miles ..
Traffic data indicates the higher death toll was related to higher average
speeds in conjunction with more of those on the roads driving under the
influence of drugs and alcohol .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 9, 2021, 10:56:57 AM8/9/21

America has a recurrent drinking problem, especially the consumption of
distilled spirits, made only worse by COVID-19. Drinking is an overlooked
and deadly epidemic that threatens our national mental and physical health.
In fact, 14.5 million Americans were diagnosed with some type of Alcohol Use
Disorder in 2019, before the pandemic.

Alcohol consumption has spiked during the pandemic, and the consequences
have been predicted to outlast the virus .. Americans drink copious amounts
of alcohol in general .. Many Americans are now drinking every day, drinking
more and drinking alone .. Heavy drinking by U.S. women rose 41% from 2019 ..
Beer sales increased 45.6% during mid-2020, wine rose by 44.3% and distilled
spirits by 19.4% .. There are more than 95,000 alcohol-related deaths in the
U.S. each year ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 9, 2021, 11:01:42 AM8/9/21
Can you honestly say that the government .. has at heart the best interests
of the majority of Americans? I can say, hell no! At best, they are part of
an ever-increasing oligarchy of special interests. And at worst, they are the
puppets of a consortium of characters and rulers straight out of the works of
Aldous Huxley, "Animal Farm" and "1984." .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 9, 2021, 11:06:54 AM8/9/21

Rather Than Pay Fairer Wages, Businesses Look To Prisons ..

After surviving a deadly pandemic, workers in the US are reluctant to
return to unsafe workplaces for poverty wages .. For months, business
owners and corporate media pundits in the US have complained about a "labor
shortage," claiming that businesses are struggling to find new employees
because "no one wants to work." Rather than enticing applicants with more
competitive wages and stronger benefits and protections, though, many
businesses are opting to exploit prison slave labor ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 10, 2021, 1:31:38 PM8/10/21

.. The impact of declining birth rates on the American economy

.. U.S. population growth is now approaching zero, with a chance it
might even turn negative this year .. The obvious fix, then, is vastly
increased immigration ..


Given that attractiveness of migration into the US is also falling,
there's no any reliable 'fix' for the US (as well as there's no chance
against China, India and other Asian numerous populations).


Aug 10, 2021, 1:38:08 PM8/10/21
все ломанулись в россию instead

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 10, 2021, 1:39:25 PM8/10/21

.. In 2020, the 4.2m acres that burned in California was nearly triple
the previous record. This year, fires have burned more than three times
as much land as they had by this point in 2020 ..

The region becomes hotter and drier .. The wildfires themselves will
increase drought and heat, adding a new dimension to the catastrophic
cycle ..

Currently, about half of the contiguous US is in drought .. The entire
state of California is experiencing drought conditions, with more than
88% of the state in the "extreme drought" category ..

In the west, the wildfires, drought, and heat are already wreaking havoc.
.. There are clear indications that places like California won't look
like they do now for much longer. The landscape is growing arid, and as
it gets drier and hotter, there will be more fires. That will lead to
fewer forests and more grasslands, shrublands, and deserts ..


Aug 10, 2021, 1:42:50 PM8/10/21
"a long-term perspective would want America to enlarge its role as a
global magnet for the talented and ambitious"

а бездарные лузеры так и будут всю жизнь дрочить в заграничных эхах на
дик лайн

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 10, 2021, 1:49:21 PM8/10/21

.. Americans don't understand 'how bad it can get'

Contemporary U.S. structure .. removes the importance of the individual ..
the American foreign policy establishment .. they have no sense of how bad
things can get .. It actually could be a lot worse ..


It surely will be a lot worse.


Aug 10, 2021, 1:55:57 PM8/10/21
не ссы
станет хуже - приедем к вам


Aug 10, 2021, 6:20:15 PM8/10/21
On 8/10/2021 1:42 PM, ⁹⁹⁹√ wrote:

> "a long-term perspective would want America to enlarge its role as a
> global magnet for the talented and ambitious"
> а бездарные лузеры так и будут всю жизнь дрочить в заграничных эхах на
> дик лайн

бездарные лузеры через южную границу бегут.

Bye, Anatol


Aug 10, 2021, 6:52:00 PM8/10/21
В Гондурас?

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 11, 2021, 5:22:42 PM8/11/21

.. Losing the geopolitical Olympics

America is still in the lead, but China .. It will be a global disaster
if America ever comes in second place to China. And yet, that appears to
be where we are headed ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 11, 2021, 5:29:27 PM8/11/21

The United States over the past 10 years experienced the slowest population
growth rate in eight decades .. because of plunging fertility rates and
shrinking immigration .. The surge of unauthorized migrants from Mexico and
Central America is .. deceptive: A vast majority .. are quickly deported.
And the flow of legal immigrants .. has fallen precipitously ..

The decline in immigration is an important factor in the long-term decline
in population growth that demographers are forecasting in the United States
.. The Census Bureau had projected that the number of
immigrants in the United States would increase by 1.4 million from July 2017
to July 2019. Instead, it climbed by a net 400,000 ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2021, 5:21:00 AM8/12/21

American government is heading for a climate-induced legitimacy crisis ..

The threat is dire. Every part of the United States will be harmed .. It
raises the question of whether climate change will be the thing that
finally topples the already creaking American constitutional system ..

Traditionally, when a government fails to address a giant, looming threat,
it raises the chance of revolution .. The primary causal factor in
virtually every revolution in history has been the rottenness and
incompetence of the status quo political regime .. The coming years are
going to inflame unrest and discredit the status quo .. Climate disasters
are regularly hammering almost every state .. And all that is just a tiny
taste of what Americans are going to experience over coming decades ..


Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2021, 8:20:07 AM8/12/21

It's frightening how rapidly America is becoming a nation where having
the wrong views about politics and national controversies can cost you
your job or your business .. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has fired
its principal flutist, Emily Skala, simply because the management
disagrees with her thoughts about COVID .. Lesson .. - if you have any
thoughts that might conflict with those of "woke" management types, keep
them to yourself ..


The US has now become sich a place where people are afraid to speak out
(non-anonymously) what they really think, so it should be considered a
totalitarian-like corporato-culto-cracy (close to a theocracy, in fact).

Does it contribute to the American decline? Yes, of course.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2021, 8:32:07 AM8/12/21
"Yes we can't" .. Politics of victimhood has replaced hope and optimism ..
The reason progressives believe that "No one is safe," when it comes to
climate change, and that the drug-death "homelessness" crisis is unsolvable,
is because they are in the grip of a victim ideology characterized by
safetyism, learned helplessness, and disempowerment .. Even apparently
positive progressive proposals are aimed at fundamentally dismantling
institutions. The Democrats' $1 trillion infrastructure bill, supported by
many Republicans, and their $3.5 trillion budget proposal, contain measures
that would finance the continuing degradation of our electrical grids by
increasing reliance on unreliable, weather-dependent renewables, and
establish racial incentives for industries including trucking, where there
is already a shortage of drivers in large measure because not enough of
them can pass drug tests .. ( )


Чтобы скорее сломать пиндошку, надо поддерживать "левых".

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2021, 9:28:32 AM8/12/21

It took the deadly disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic to expose a deeper,
more intractable U.S. public-health crisis: For more than a decade, the
world's richest nation has been losing the battle against diabetes ..

Deaths from diabetes last year surged 17% to more than 100,000, based on a
Reuters analysis of CDC data. Younger people - those ages 25 to 44 -
suffered the sharpest increase, with a 29% jump in deaths ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2021, 10:31:01 AM8/12/21

Hunter Biden is an incredibly disgusting human being. We know about the
drugs and the prostitutes but there have long been rumors that he's
done worse than that. Here's the bad thing for America about Hunter's
debauchery: While we merely suspect those terrible things, Hunter's
confession in 2019 to a prostitute suggests that, if he really did
unspeakable things, America's geopolitical enemies - whether Russians or
Chinese - may have proof.

Hunter liked creating his own child pornography and the contents of the
hard drive he abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware suggests
that he compulsively filmed his sexual encounters with a variety of
young kids and prostitutes .. While everyone has accepted that Biden, a
creepy man by any metric, has a son who is a revolting, debauched human
being, pedophilia is going to be a bridge too far. If the Chinese or the
Russians or any other bad actors have such video ..


Aug 12, 2021, 3:43:37 PM8/12/21
Oleg Smirnov <> wrote:

> Hunter Biden is an incredibly disgusting human being. We know about the
> drugs and the prostitutes but there have long been rumors that he's
> done worse than that. Here's the bad thing for America about Hunter's
> debauchery: While we merely suspect those terrible things, Hunter's

Чего уж тут саспект.
Оно кагбе очевидно было.
И покрывание было и есть очевидно.

Но костикам всё это предпочтительнее здравого смысла.



Aug 12, 2021, 4:02:51 PM8/12/21
опять на личности?


Aug 12, 2021, 5:48:34 PM8/12/21
Чиво ?

Просто ты дал нарицательное имя, стал мемом.
Ничего личного.

Как ты думаешь, карлокостики лучше ?



Aug 12, 2021, 6:06:51 PM8/12/21
если ты знаешь, что я расцениваю подобные выходки как переход на
личности, но продолжаешь - я расцениваю это как намеренную провокацию

и пусть потом Хантер не приходит сжимая яг^H жемчуга


Aug 12, 2021, 8:28:37 PM8/12/21
Так тебе уж сто раз объясняли.

> и пусть потом Хантер не приходит сжимая яг^H жемчуга

Да пусть сжимает.
А насекомые от этого будут грустить.


Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:36:46 PM8/13/21
Academic standards in America are in freefall .. The people who now control ..
Fake experts, fraudulent scientists, partisans in lab coats; people seeking
terrifying levels of control over what was until recently a free country,
people who are drunk with power, people who've lost all sense of proportion
and restraint .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:41:36 PM8/13/21

.. In sum, population growth in excess of productivity gains causes
untold problems, including inflation, falling real wages, social misery,
urban discontent, and food riots. Rapid population increases also lead
to "elite overproduction" .. As their frustrations mount, the embittered
strivers turn on each other by forming rival patronage networks and rent-
seeking factions. Lastly, population growth fosters military expansion
and bureaucratic metastasis, both of which require increased taxation.
And when elites successfully dodge the government's tax bill, the state
goes bankrupt ..

Real wages tripled, and average height and life expectancy both soared
in the low immigration years between 1780 and 1830. The next eight
decades saw a massive immigration wave - real wages stagnated, average
height and life expectancy both fell, and age of first marriages rose (a
proxy for pessimism) .. Those in search of data and evidence explaining
how American society began its ineluctable decline in 1970 need look no
further ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:45:49 PM8/13/21
Racial segregation is getting worse in big U.S. cities .. Since 1990, the
United States has become more racially diverse - yet during that same period,
racial residential segregation has climbed .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:50:48 PM8/13/21

.. Prepare for a long period of political rage ..

The Census Bureau has released new figures showing the increasing diversity
of the United States. It's a complicated and fascinating picture, and one
that contains the seeds of even greater political division and anger ..
We're going to fall further into a cycle of recrimination and revanchism
that both left and right, for opposite reasons, will wind up feeding ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:54:42 PM8/13/21
.. Every decision Biden has made has had tragic or dangerous consequences,
from rescinding Donald Trump's border policies and letting in hundreds of
thousands of illegal immigrants unvetted and largely untested for
coronavirus, to "robbing future generations" through record inflation and
trillions in new debt and spending .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2021, 7:58:57 PM8/13/21
The scale and speed of the onslaught has shocked Afghans and the US-led
alliance that poured billions into the country .. Days before a final
US withdrawal .. units and even whole divisions have surrendered -
handing the insurgents even more vehicles and military hardware to fuel
their lightning advance .. ( )


Aug 13, 2021, 10:38:36 PM8/13/21
Мужчина, Вы всё время опаздываете.
Реальные мейнстримские статьи излагают гораздо
больше на все эти темы и гораздо подробнее.
Да и правдивее, чего уж тут.
Даже с учетом снн-овости.

Что, кстати, тривиальным образом отличается от РФ.
И что столь же тривиальным образом приведет к тому,
что эти проблемы будут зафиксены ( в отличие от ).

Если ты или твои кураторы думают, что это первый
американский кризис, то они, кгхм, ошибаются.


Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 3:24:07 AM8/14/21

The Long History of American Cruelty

.. Serwer therefore sees Trumpism as a "cruel backlash," to the the
election of Barack Obama, the possibility that Hillary Clinton might
be his successor, the swift acceptance of gay marriage, the growing
diversity of cities, and the threat of immigration increase. Faced
with these existential threats, Trump's supporters look to him to
"use the power of the state to wage war" against the people who
threaten their white supremacist vision of America. The adage "The
Cruelty is the Point," then, indicates the resentful delight that
Trump and his supporters exude in their attempt to crush their
opponents in the hope of "re-establishing" their version of the real
America ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 3:27:17 AM8/14/21

Wiped out within weeks, Afghan military was built over 20 years with
$20 mn .. US helped build Afghan military with $83mn, over 20 years ..
The surrenders seem to be happening as fast as the Taliban can travel ..

The swift offensive has resulted in mass surrenders, captured
helicopters and millions of dollars of U.S.-supplied equipment paraded
by the Taliban on grainy cellphone videos .. The Taliban .. walked in
with little or no resistance .. This implosion comes despite the United
States having poured more than $83 billion in weapons, equipment and
training into the country's security forces over two decades .. The
United States' 20-year endeavor to rebuild Afghanistan's military into
a robust and independent fighting force has failed, and that failure is
now playing out in real time as the country slips into Taliban control.


Such an epic gross fuck up... Will Biden resign?

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 4:15:05 AM8/14/21

Out-of-Control Spending .. Our fiscal house isn't in order right now.
The national debt stands at $28 trillion dollars, the projected budget
deficit for Fiscal Year 2021 is nearly $3 trillion and President Joe
Biden is aiming to approve more than $5 trillion in spending just this
year ..

There are real-world consequences ahead if we continue down this path
.. I'm disappointed we .. are choosing to increase the burden on
future generations .. Since last July, prices have risen 5.4 percent.
It's becoming more expensive to fill up our gas tanks, buy food at the
grocery store or in restaurants .. These challenges will only grow ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 4:21:10 AM8/14/21
Anti-Asian hate crime in U.S. skyrocket .. The majority of the
intended attacks are against the Chinese community .. 4,548 of
the attacks occurred in 2020, while 4,533 incidents happened in
2021 .. A majority of the victims of the reported hate incidents
were women .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 1:48:08 PM8/14/21

The American Jobs Plan Won't Save Manufacturers: Half of America's
Manufacturers Will Disappear by 2040 .. The original version of the plan
promised to "revitalize manufacturing .. A fading promise ..


Where "service-driven economy" has led you to.

Things aren't good, and it's getting worse.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 1:56:27 PM8/14/21
Just going to the grocery or to church is dangerous, and it's
especially dangerous for those who are helpless - the elderly, the
disabled, and children. According to the CDC, physical abuse of
senior citizens is increasing, with murders of men aged 60 to 69
"skyrocketing." .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 2:11:03 PM8/14/21

During my commute on the New York City subway one recent morning, I was
again reminded of how thoroughly powerless ordinary citizens are today
against the thugs and bums that have besieged this city, as so many other
cities across America .. Crime going up citywide and the subways being a
particular locus of the problem .. Thugs and bums do not tend to respond
well to critique. People who ask thugs to turn down their tunes get their
faces slashed, and even city bus drivers get clocked for making such
requests .. Smoking in the subway used to be a rarity, and I would go
months without seeing smokers on trains and in stations. Now smoking is
commonplace .. The same is true of those blasting music on the trains ..
Today, during any given subway ride, it is a near-inevitability that at
least one thug who does not understand or care that other people may not
want to be shaken by booming hip hop beats punctuated by profanity and
epithets will get on board at some point along the way .. Another trend I
have noticed taking shape over the past several years is of people who put
their dirty shoes up on the subway seats .. Public urination, both on the
subway platforms and on the city’s streets is likewise increasing apace ..

Сраная пиндошка катится в говно.


Aug 14, 2021, 2:14:29 PM8/14/21
дебил уже перешёл на перепечатку пиара

"TATE COLLEGE, Pa., Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The following
statement details findings from Dr. Jeremy Frank, Founder and CEO of KCF
Technologies, Inc."

дальше он толкает продукты своей фирмы для оптимизации производства

ты бы хочть читал что постишь

а то ты за крайне редкими исключениями просто выбираешь выгодные тебе
фразы, а зачастую, если посмотреть на текст, то всё выходит наоборот

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 2:21:56 PM8/14/21

Chickens ganging up to peck and attack other chickens isn't uncommon. But
such behaviour has largely been consigned to the barnyard - until now. In
restaurants, on airplanes, in stores and the halls of power, bad behaviour
and a lack of remorse about it are everywhere. This degeneration is most
apparent in the realm of politics, where bald-faced lies and bullying have
long been common practice. But it's the total, unabashed rejection of
other people's rights that feels like a new thing. Actually, "rejection"
doesn't quite do it justice. More like the violent and ongoing repudiation
of even the most basic common courtesy and civility. Worse still is the
lack of shame about it all .. We're witnessing it in real time, big and
small, like chickens grown large, armed and storming the capitol ..

ебать окраинцев ебать

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 4:27:51 PM8/14/21

Afghanistan .. Politicians, generals, and the gaggle of parasites to power -
consultants, journalists, analysts, lobbyists, scholars, pundits, activists,
and more - spent two decades lying .. Successive presidents and commanders
promised results that were unattainable and sought to push the tragic
denouement into the future, onto their successors. Why would anyone expect
anything different when the geopolitical Ponzi scheme came crashing down and
policymakers were forced to confront the reality of their handiwork? ..


Actually, this consideration may be applied also to America as such.

The silly sheep feel good while within the bubble of delusion, but one day
real reality will knock on their door, and the house of cards will collapse

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 14, 2021, 4:29:24 PM8/14/21
ulcаn, <news:sf9164$ihv$>
> On 8/14/2021 1:47 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>> The American Jobs Plan Won't Save Manufacturers: Half of America's
>> Manufacturers Will Disappear by 2040 .. The original version of the plan
>> promised to "revitalize manufacturing .. A fading promise ..
>> ...
>> Where "service-driven economy" has led you to.
>> Things aren't good, and it's getting worse.
> дебил уже перешёл на перепечатку пиара
> "TATE COLLEGE, Pa., Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statement
> details findings from Dr. Jeremy Frank, Founder and CEO of KCF Technologies,
> Inc."
> дальше он толкает продукты своей фирмы для оптимизации производства

Лучшая оптимизация для производства это уронить доллар.

> ты бы хочть читал что постишь
> а то ты за крайне редкими исключениями просто выбираешь выгодные тебе фразы,
> а зачастую, если посмотреть на текст, то всё выходит наоборот

Вот, внимательный читатель.


Aug 14, 2021, 5:20:41 PM8/14/21
On 8/14/2021 4:29 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> ulcаn, <news:sf9164$ihv$>
>> On 8/14/2021 1:47 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>>> The American Jobs Plan Won't Save Manufacturers: Half of America's
>>> Manufacturers Will Disappear by 2040 .. The original version of the plan
>>> promised to "revitalize manufacturing .. A fading promise ..
>>> ...
>>> Where "service-driven economy" has led you to.
>>> Things aren't good, and it's getting worse.
>> дебил уже перешёл на перепечатку пиара
>> "TATE COLLEGE, Pa., Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statement
>> details findings from Dr. Jeremy Frank, Founder and CEO of KCF
>> Technologies,
>> Inc."
>> дальше он толкает продукты своей фирмы для оптимизации производства
> Лучшая оптимизация для производства это уронить доллар.

что за чепуха
один доллар всегда равен одному доллару

>> ты бы хочть читал что постишь
>> а то ты за крайне редкими исключениями просто выбираешь выгодные тебе
>> фразы,
>> а зачастую, если посмотреть на текст, то всё выходит наоборот
> Вот, внимательный читатель.

ну вот видишь
сам же всё понимаешь

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 4:06:26 PM8/15/21

American professors report declining salaries, rising university debt

.. In the decade beginning in 2009, colleges and universities' long-term
debt grew by 71% to $336 billion dollars .. Given these realities, the
$336 billion debt universities and colleges have amassed is as much of a
ticking time bomb for the sector as the $1.7 trillion tuition debt is for
tens of millions of students in the United States ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 4:10:56 PM8/15/21

Biden blamed his predecessor, Donald Trump, for empowering the Taliban ..

"This is complete failure through weakness, incompetence .. Trump said ..


The Baba Vanga's prophecy was correct: Obama was
the last American president. It's no longer America, it's something else.
The Obama's successors aren't presidents but clowns, both Trump and Biden.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 4:17:58 PM8/15/21

Taliban could take Afghan capital within 90 days .. - U.S. intelligence


US military analysis says Kabul could fall to Taliban in 90 days ..


It's over. Taliban fighters are entering Kabul. Afghanistan's president
has fled the country.. And thousands of Afghans who have worked for the
Americans are on their own ..


So, one can see, the US intelligence, military analysis is a sick joke.
The most funny thing is, in this case the stupid oafs had no motive to
spread disinformation. They really believed in their wishful thinking.

One will recall it next time when "U.S. intelligence" claims something.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 4:58:56 PM8/15/21
.. 17.8% of Americans had medical-related debt that had been sent to
debt collections agencies .. This represents a striking increase in
America's medical debt burden - nearly twice as large as the percentage
reported in 2009. Millions of Americans lost their incomes and health
coverage .. so the situation is likely worse now ..
Note that this 17.8% reflects only a fraction of Americans burdened by
medical costs. Many others pay off high medical bills by skipping
sending their kids to summer camp, aborting plans for a vacation or
foreclosing on their mortgages .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 5:21:42 PM8/15/21
It is painful to watch us implode .. The great powers .. have all
failed and nearly all of them failed for the same reasons .. All the
factors you see at work in America today are the very things that
have taken down every world power .. America is drowning in both
debt and in demagoguery. President after president, Democrat and
Republican, has spent far more than we have in hand .. We have
created a toxic stew, which we are consuming in quantities no one
could have imagined when I was kid growing up in the 1970s. Now we
watch our nation spiral out of control financially, socially and
morally on the 24-hour news networks and on the unsleeping platform
of social media every day .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2021, 9:19:48 PM8/15/21

Tiny houses are more popular than ever ..

In 2018, 53% of Americans said they would consider living in a tiny
house .. By late 2020, 56% of Americans said the same .. This interest
created a boom in tiny house sales last year ..
Just as was the case with the national real-estate market, outsized
demand and a serious supply shortage made tiny houses more expensive ..
Tiny houses .. are 62% more expensive per square footage, even though
they are eight times smaller ..


Life in the US becomes shoddier each coming day.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 16, 2021, 4:45:57 AM8/16/21
The reason a lot of young people are not doing nearly as well as
their parents at this stage is that they're paying huge amounts -
much more than their parents ever paid, as a proportion of their
paychecks, for education, higher education or student debt, housing
for rent, health care, even transportation. All of these costs have
increased faster than inflation, and at the same time, jobs are not
paying that much more ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 5:06:46 AM8/17/21

Anyone who wanted America's backing should take a look hard look at
what is happening and determine whether US support means anything at all
.. The United States, the great United States that once defeated Hitler
.. seemed helpless as they raced for the exits .. "Please don't kill us,"
seems to be the message the great American army is sending ..
.. This week's events show a real present decline of American hard power
.. The world we have all grown up in, the Pax Americana, is no more ..

"уйду к другому"

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 6:38:10 PM8/17/21

Country declining in significant ways

.. America is moving outward on a rapidly thinning branch
In education .. divergent practices take away the most important aspects
of education for our students. In math, this has resulted in America
falling to 37th in the world while China is ranked number one. This fact
should cause all Americans alarm ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 6:51:31 PM8/17/21

Violent crime is spiraling out of control in America's cities. COVID-19 cases
are significantly rising throughout the country. Inflation is on the rise.
Illegal immigrants .. The Taliban took over Afghanistan .. President Joe
Biden has been on the job less than seven months, but his "Build Back Better"
platform turned into "Make America Worse Again" very quickly ..

.. Afghanistan is an existential disaster for the Biden administration ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 6:55:52 PM8/17/21

.. The federal government on Monday for the first time declared a water
shortage at Lake Mead .. The declaration triggers cuts in water supply that,
for now, mostly will affect Arizona farmers. Beginning next year they will
be cut off from much of the water they have relied on for decades .. But
larger cuts, affecting far more of the 40 million people in the West who
rely on the river for at least part of their water supply, are likely in
coming years ..

Дальше будет больше.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 7:01:47 PM8/17/21
The drastic rise in unemployment, lost access to school meals,
and volatile food supply chains all contributed to food
insecurity rates doubling among all households .. Even worse,
food insecurity among households with children tripled in the
same period .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 7:06:58 PM8/17/21

If you want to see how hollowed-out America has become in the 21st century,
you could do worse than listen to the speech Joe Biden made about Afghanistan
yesterday .. Rather, it was a declaration of moral retreat, even of moral
cowardice, cynically disguised as a clever act of political pragmatism .. It
was remarkable to hear an American president speak like this ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 7:14:52 PM8/17/21

In a 2019 national survey, nearly half of U.S. adults, and a majority of
women, said that dating has become harder in the last 10 years. Two-thirds of
those single and looking for a relationship reported that their dating life
was not going well. In addition, approximately 65 percent of women currently
single and looking to date said that they had experienced harassing behavior
from someone they dated .. Even with modern technologies .. Americans report
that dating has become more difficult than in the past ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 7:21:37 PM8/17/21
Some commentators have said the abandonment of Afghanistan is the worst
crisis facing the West since the Suez Canal crisis. They are wrong. This
is much worse. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2021, 7:30:01 PM8/17/21
The United States spends twice as much on medical care per person than other
wealthy countries .. But with health outcomes that are remarkably poor. We're
a lot sicker. We die younger, and we're more likely to have chronic diseases
like diabetes and heart disease .. Americans die younger than residents of
every other wealthy country .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 2:05:28 AM8/19/21
.. For well over a decade I've noted to activist audiences that the U.S.
empire is in decline. At the same time, I've encouraged activists to see
this as good news .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 2:18:57 AM8/19/21
America's Far-Right Extremists Are Drawing Inspiration .. The failed 20-
year war will likely be used by domestic extremists to recruit and
organize .. Donald Trump supporters, white nationalists, and neo-Nazi
terror groups, which often push Islamophobic messages, celebrated the fact
that an underequipped insurgent group could defeat a great power .. The
scenes of the past week and the failed US-led 20-year war in the country
will likely be used by such extremists as recruitment tools to push
misinformation, grow their ranks, and fuel organizing .. Islamophobia has
been weaponized by white nationalists .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 2:35:55 AM8/19/21
Afghanistan and America: Bloodlust and the failure of prophetic imagination
.. A combination of bloodlust, Western hubris, white supremacy and racism,
conservative Christian nationalist imperialism, and capitalist greed .. No
matter how many troops were deployed, how many drone missions were flown,
and how many U.S. military personnel were killed and wounded, bloodlust,
cultural incompetence, disregard for military and political history, hubris,
white supremacy and racism, Christian national imperialism, capitalist
greed and national pride transformed the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan into
a 20-year fiasco .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 2:52:16 AM8/19/21
Let's be clear. The fundamental underlying agenda of the Republican party
is to transfer as much wealth as possible from the vast majority of us to
the corporate and wealthy elite, the GOP's paymasters. To impose this
agenda, Republicans must convince most of their constituents to vote against
their best interests ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 3:09:23 AM8/19/21
The underlying relative decline in US manufacturing and even services
competitiveness with first Europe, then Japan and East Asia and now China,
has gradually worn away the strength of the US dollar against other
currencies as the supply of dollars outstrips demand internationally ..
The monetary explosion and the fiscal stimulus being applied by the US
authorities to revive the US economy after the pandemic slump is not going
to do the trick. After the 'sugar rush' of Bidenomics, the profitability
of US capital will resume its decline and investment and production will
be weak .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 3:22:03 AM8/19/21
A SHOCKING video shows a Chipotle employee hurling a pair of scissors
at a customer .. Most of the inner city restaurants, if you go in there
and you have a problem with your order, it's better just to go ahead
and humbly accept it unless something serious because they don't want
to hear it .. ( )

Вас много, а я одна.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 3:30:32 AM8/19/21

Decadence and hubris have finally brought down the American Empire
The US is in retreat on all fronts, and its incompetent politicians are
incapable of reversing the decline ..

.. the late 1980s - early 1990s .. America's global clout peaked ..
Twenty years on, America's global plan lies in ruins, its elites
confounded on almost every issue, the stupidity and incompetence on
display .. they don't understand the rest of the world, and aren't fit to
govern their own country ..

Wherever one looks, America's blueprint has failed .. America's internal
problems are immense .. How, under such circumstances, can the US empire
not be in terminal decline? ..


Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2021, 4:02:46 AM8/19/21

One bad decision after another

.. A taxpayer such as myself want to ask: Why are you destabilizing
this country? .. Now that our foreign policy has destabilized Afghanistan,
it appears that both internationally and domestically the Biden
administration is hell-bent on enacting self-defeating laws that make no
logical sense. The policies from this administration have placed
unnecessary strain on borders, education, criminal justice, health care
and more, leaving many citizens such as myself in a state of confusion.
Not a single effective initiative has been implemented to address our
various crises ..


Aug 19, 2021, 8:30:06 AM8/19/21
Согласно Карлу, в этом виноват Трамп.
Правда, Карл?

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 21, 2021, 10:42:03 AM8/21/21

.. Painful truth is that life expectancy in the U.S. has been steadily
declining since 2014, and we are years behind our closest allies in Europe,
Asia and even parts of the Middle East .. A number of factors ..

The first is stagnant wages for most Americans that simply have not kept
pace with inflation, let alone reflected gains in productivity .. The
average hourly wage today commands roughly the same purchasing power as it
did in 1978. The wage gains that have been recorded since then have largely
flowed to the highest earners, further aggravating income inequality ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 21, 2021, 10:50:39 AM8/21/21
Our leading institutions have, for years now, grown used to failing and not
having to answer for it. The corporate media does not demand answers from
those in leadership. America's recent slide has been marked by a stunning
lack of consequences for those who fail us. From those whose risky
investments caused the financial crisis, to those who helped leading
pharmaceutical companies promote opioids as they ravaged the American
heartland, to those at the very top levels of Hollywood, Washington,
academia and Wall Street who turned a blind eye or even provided support as
luminaries such as Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein raped young women -
nobody has been held responsible. Will this time be any different? If not,
America will keep declining .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 21, 2021, 11:00:03 AM8/21/21

.. Decline is a choice .. This week, President Joe Biden chose decline ..

Why did Biden do all of this?

Because American strength is not Biden's priority. He wants America's
footprint on the world stage minimized; he wants America focused as much
as possible on building a Nordic-style social welfare state ..

Так вот он какой, Байден.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 23, 2021, 7:56:32 PM8/23/21
America is in a series of crises that are rapidly compounding .. The lack of
planning and professionalism .. ignorance, weakness and confusion are shocking
.. These crises are all going to get worse .. ( )


Всё плохо и станет хуже.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 23, 2021, 7:58:06 PM8/23/21
But now .. has the US fallen, and in a way that feels more significant than
the failure in Vietnam .. No longer will the US feel invincible. It is not.
No longer will it also seek to march into states to impose its world view,
as it has done so often. And no longer should it expect others to coalesce
around its view .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 23, 2021, 7:59:43 PM8/23/21

America Is No Longer a Serious Nation

We have become a nation of narcissistic adolescents .. We are not .. a serious
country. We have lost the ability to solve big problems .. The problem is not
just our politicians, but the people who put them in office ..


Read also

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 23, 2021, 8:01:20 PM8/23/21

.. America's sense of well-being slipping away ..
.. The growing anxiety .. Now, by a number of measures, our nation's
sense of well-being appears to be unraveling.

.. 10.8% of adults aged 18 and over had symptoms of anxiety disorder or
depression .. For teen mental health, the numbers likewise are troubling ..
In 2020, the proportion of mental health-related emergency room visits
among those aged 12 to 17 rose 31% over 2019. As time goes on, teenage
girls appear to be hard-hit. Emergency room visits for suspected suicide
attempts among girls 12 to 17 increased 50% last winter over the previous
year ..

In 2020, homicide rates shot up 30% higher ..

Deaths from drug overdoses also went through the roof ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 24, 2021, 3:41:01 PM8/24/21

.. Biden's Inability To Govern

Any .. could see that Joe Biden's mind was, to be kind, slipping .. Prior to
the election, the common refrain from Democrats .. was that it didn't really
matter that Biden was compromised because there would be highly qualified,
competent people surrounding him .. Seven months into the nation's
experiment with a leaderless government, we can dispel that notion .. The
historic ineptitude of Biden's crew will haunt Democrats for a long while...
perhaps decades .. the political equivalent of a Cabbage Patch Doll ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 24, 2021, 3:46:27 PM8/24/21
The message sent by the Taliban seizing thousands of American military
weapons .. is more poignant .. than it is to dozens of Hollywood films ..
During the past decade, according to trend surveys conducted by the Gallup
Corporation poll in 132 countries around the world, the positive evaluation
of America's leading role internationally fell from about 50% in 2009 to 33%
in 2019 - reaching a low point of 30% in 2017, with the biggest losses
occurring in Europe and Asia .. ( )

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 25, 2021, 3:34:44 PM8/25/21

Is there something wrong with American culture? Why is it that countries
around the world continue to reject the American way of living? .. Let's
look at our culture and why it may not be so appealing to others. America
has become the modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah whereby sexual immorality,
laziness, and divisiveness are taking over ..

It seems as though the majority of us have allowed ourselves to be walked
over by a small but vocal group of radicals and immoral individuals from
the worst walks of life .. Also, I cannot fathom why our elite are
pushing this radical agenda and why they think that those abroad want this
agenda too .. We are becoming ostracized from the rest of the world ..
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