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Unmistakeable rebuke

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Aug 30, 2018, 7:43:52 AM8/30/18
John McCain funeral was ‘unmistakeable rebuke’ to Donald Trump
'His overall message was: ‘It doesn’t have to be this shitty’'


Aug 30, 2018, 7:46:40 AM8/30/18
Republicans rejected McCain and embraced Trump. What does that say about them?

I was one of those naive souls who imagined that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was finished on July 18, 2015, when he called Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) a “loser,” denied that he was a war hero and said, “I like people who weren’t captured.” Mocking a man who had spent more than five years in a hellish POW camp, I figured, was the third rail of American politics, particular when the mocker spent his own Vietnam War years partying at nightclubs.

How wrong I was. How little I understood what were then my fellow Republicans. It turns out that, far from being repulsed by Trump’s attack on their previous standard-bearer, many Republicans rejoiced in it. They are even happier, these fanatical partisans, now that the president could not bring himself to hide his antipathy toward one of America’s greatest heroes even on his deathbed.


Here’s the irony: While McCain is written off as a RINO (Republican in Name Only), Republicans embrace a president who is actually, literally, a RINO. McCain was a Republican his entire life, while Trump has changed parties and political views more often than he has changed wives. As recently as 2011, he was an independent.

And now that he is a Republican, Trump has redefined what the party stands for. Republicans used to preach about the importance of character in America’s leaders and attack the moral relativism of the Democrats. Now they support a president who paid off a porn star and a Playboy playmate to win the presidency and who denies that America is morally superior to Russia. Republicans also used to support family values, fiscal responsibility, law and order, free trade, immigration, democracy promotion and the Atlantic alliance. Under Trump, all those views are as passe as basic civility and decorum.

The GOP’s embrace of Trump and rejection of McCain are emblematic of the atavistic tribalism, ideological extremism and authoritarian cultism that the senator spent his entire life combating. “We weaken our greatness,” McCain wrote in his farewell statement, “when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.” The reaction to McCain’s passing in the fever swamps of the right amply vindicates his eloquent warning.


Aug 30, 2018, 8:42:15 AM8/30/18
On 8/30/2018 7:43 AM, 999Vulcan wrote:

> John McCain funeral was ‘unmistakeable rebuke’ to Donald Trump
Гадальщики на кишках кролика.

А может и не rebuke, а поддержка. "Я больше не буду мешать, твое дело

Bye, Anatol


Aug 30, 2018, 8:45:41 AM8/30/18


Aug 30, 2018, 1:00:53 PM8/30/18
30.08.2018 14:43, 999Vulcan пишет:
> John McCain funeral was ‘unmistakeable rebuke’ to Donald Trump
> 'His overall message was: ‘It doesn’t have to be this shitty’'

Сверхце́нная иде́я, иде́я фикс, идефи́кс (фр. Idée fixe) —
психологический термин, обозначающий суждение, которое возникает в
результате реальных обстоятельств и выводимо из личности, её установок,
но сопровождается неиссякаемым эмоциональным напряжением и преобладает в
сознании над всеми остальными суждениями. Человека охватывает чрезмерная
одержимость в достижении какой-либо цели.

Сверхценные идеи следует отличать от сверхценного бреда и паранойяльного
бреда. При сверхценной идее сохраняется ясное сознание и способность к
реалистической оценке (или, по крайней мере, её проблескам). Такого рода
идеи могут наблюдаться в том числе у нормальных людей (например, в
состоянии влюблённости), но с наибольшей регулярностью у страстных
натур, фанатиков, людей с параноидным расстройством личности и при
патологическом развитии личности.


Aug 30, 2018, 3:31:34 PM8/30/18
999Vulcan <> wrote:
> John McCain funeral was ?unmistakeable rebuke? to Donald Trump
> 'His overall message was: ?It doesn?t have to be this shitty?'

Проблема тут в том, что оно не shitty.



Aug 30, 2018, 3:33:03 PM8/30/18
999Vulcan <> wrote:
> On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 7:43:52 AM UTC-4, 999Vulcan wrote:
> > John McCain funeral was ?unmistakeable rebuke? to Donald Trump
> > 'His overall message was: ?It doesn?t have to be this shitty?'
> >
> >

> Republicans rejected McCain and embraced Trump. What does that say about them?

Что они умнее, чем покойный ?

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