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Jul 25, 2019, 9:23:15 AM7/25/19

The Gov. Phil Murphy administration on Tuesday fired 30 state workers
from their jobs at the state’s Schools Development Authority after
independent reviews found most were improperly hired by the agency’s
former CEO, NJ Advance Media has learned.

Of the 30 people fired, 27 were hired by Lizette Delgado-Polanco, who
resigned in April following reports she hired family and friends after
she took control of the agency,

Fourteen of the new hires were brought on at salaries that top six
figures and reach as high as $170,000.

Make America Venezuela!

Bye, Anatol


Jul 25, 2019, 1:17:58 PM7/25/19
> from their jobs at the state?s Schools Development Authority after
> independent reviews found most were improperly hired by the agency?s
> former CEO, NJ Advance Media has learned.

> Of the 30 people fired, 27 were hired by Lizette Delgado-Polanco, who
> resigned in April following reports she hired family and friends after
> she took control of the agency,

> Fourteen of the new hires were brought on at salaries that top six
> figures and reach as high as $170,000.

Главное тут даже не то.
Главное тут другое, что эта вот Schools Development Authority
очевидным образом ВООБЩЕ НЕ НУЖНА.

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