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Oleg Smirnov

Jan 3, 2018, 9:03:46 PM1/3/18

The decline of U.S. influence is the great global story of our age


The Year American Hegemony Ended

.. 2017 gave unmistakable signs that American hegemony, which has been waning
for a decade, has now ended. A new age has dawned ..

The loss of American prestige .. is difficult to overstate. .. Our economy
has been in decline for decades, our divided society displays unmissable rot,
and our politics are a partisan shamble ..

.. We have spent trillions of dollars on Iraq, Afghanistan, and killing
jihadists all over, and the price in military obsolescence and declining
morale is evident to anyone who wants to see.

Our Air Force, which hasn't faced a serious peer competitor in the skies since
the middle of the Second World War, is shedding pilots at an alarming rate ..
Our Army is equally unready for battle against a peer. ..

Above all, Trump's go-it-alone attitude is precisely the wrong take as
American hegemony disappears. Some empires decline slowly, others fall fast
after a major defeat; history is filled with both outcomes. .. The world has
changed, American hegemony has collapsed, and if it's not careful Washington
may find out the hard way. ..


Волнуются жирные пиндокрысы.


Jan 3, 2018, 10:07:40 PM1/3/18
А худосочные российские - не волнуются.
Добрый царь о них позаботится.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 4, 2018, 1:54:10 AM1/4/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 9:03:46 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> <>
>> The decline of U.S. influence is the great global story of our age
>> <>
>> The Year American Hegemony Ended
>> .. The world has
>> changed, American hegemony has collapsed, and if it's not careful
>> Washington may find out the hard way. ..
>> ...
>> Волнуются жирные пиндокрысы.
> А худосочные российские - не волнуются.
> Добрый царь о них позаботится.


Jan 4, 2018, 3:22:31 AM1/4/18
04.01.2018 5:03, Oleg Smirnov пишет:
Трамп сказал, что Америка уже встает с колен.


Jan 4, 2018, 7:27:22 AM1/4/18
пока толстый сохнет, худой сдохнет

Поговорку «Пока толстый сохнет, худой сдохнет» считать верной

Ученые выяснили, что дольше всех живут люди, вес которых превышает норму на 13,5 кг


Jan 4, 2018, 9:33:05 AM1/4/18
4 января 2018 г. 999Vulcan написал:
Учёные выяснили, что норма была занижена на 13.5 кг...

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 5, 2018, 10:58:02 PM1/5/18

Mountains of US recycling pile up as China restricts imports


Китайцы больше не хотят вытирать им задницу, и у пиндошки теперь
есть шанс утонуть в собственном дерьме не только фигурально, но и
в прямом смысле.


Jan 5, 2018, 11:18:29 PM1/5/18
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:p2phg7$gpo$

> Mountains of US recycling pile up as China restricts imports

> Китайцы больше не хотят вытирать им задницу, и у пиндошки теперь
> есть шанс утонуть в собственном дерьме не только фигурально, но и
> в прямом смысле.

Где-нибудь еще построят перерабатывающие заводы.

Bye, Anatol

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 9, 2018, 11:52:02 AM1/9/18
Sobering Stats
- A greater share of Americans have more debt than money in the bank
than at any point since 1962 ..
- 30.4% of US families have negative net worth despite the recovery
in housing and the stock market.
- Median net worth is below where it was in 1989.
But perhaps the most shocking stat of all is that, on an inflation
adjusted basis, net worth may be the worst in history.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 10, 2018, 9:00:16 PM1/10/18

'Natural' Disasters Batter America, Decline Globally

During 2017, the United States experienced one of its worst years on record
for natural disasters. Fires ravaged the West, and hurricanes Irma, Maria and
Harvey devastated Americans living around the Gulf of Mexico in one of the
worst hurricane seasons ever recorded.

Yet the rest of the world seems to have been comparatively spared. ..

God's Word shows that He commands the weather. "The Lord is slow to anger, and
great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way
in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet"
(Nahum 1:3). ..

The U.S. is experiencing hurricanes, fires and snowstorms as its morality
continues to corrode. Expect to see the weather in this nation continue to

.. the United States has a unique history with God. As explained in our free
book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, this nation descended from
ancient Israel. It received unique blessings from God, and is now singled out
for unique curses.


Jan 10, 2018, 9:45:03 PM1/10/18
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 9:00:16 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> 'Natural' Disasters Batter America, Decline Globally

деревню гадюкино смоет


Jan 10, 2018, 9:50:37 PM1/10/18
а где она? далеко от лексингтона?


Jan 10, 2018, 10:23:50 PM1/10/18
На побережьях

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 16, 2018, 8:10:32 AM1/16/18

Chinese agency Dagong cuts U.S. sovereign ratings to BBB+ from A-
.. Dagong said in a statement that it cut the sovereign ratings to BBB+ from
A- and also placed them on a negative outlook.

The growing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will
continue to erode the solvency of the U.S. federal government, the
Beijing-based ratings agency said. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 16, 2018, 10:58:56 AM1/16/18

American global "leadership": Under Trump, now less than ever
On North Korea, Iran and Israel, the U.S. claims leadership.
In fact, Trump is presiding over an inevitable decline


Jan 16, 2018, 11:12:37 AM1/16/18
а не вы ли нам говорили, как трамп хорош?
или он тем для вас и хорош?

с другой стороны, так ли он нам нужен, этот лидершип?
может, пусть всякие папуасские шитхолы продолжают радостно ложиться под своих путиных?

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 16, 2018, 11:21:02 AM1/16/18

The Dynamics of Decline

In the decade before Donald Trump entered the Oval Office, there were already
signs that this awesome apparatus was on a long-term trajectory of decline,
even if the key figures in a Washington shrouded in imperial hubris preferred
to ignore that reality. Not only has the new president's maladroit diplomacy
accelerated this trend, but it has illuminated it in striking ways.

Over the past half-century, the American share of the global economy has, for
instance, fallen from 40% in 1960 to 22% in 2014 to just 15% in 2017 (as
measured by the realistic index of purchasing power parity). Many experts now
agree that China will surpass the U.S., in absolute terms, as the world's
number one economy within a decade. ..

During just 12 months in office, Donald Trump has accelerated this decline by
damaging almost all the key components in the intricate architecture of
American global power. .. Secretary of State Tillerson seconded that view by
privately labeling the president a "fucking moron." / "It's worse than you can
imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns," one White House aide wrote ..

Message has been deleted


Jan 16, 2018, 11:28:04 AM1/16/18

ты там что, гуглишь dick line каждый вечер на сон грядущий?
ну dick line, и что
в англии уже двести лет dick line
а в италии - две тысячи


Jan 16, 2018, 11:50:47 AM1/16/18
That's what I admire about youngish Italians, the slow dimunition of ambition, the recognition that the best is far behind them. We Americans can learn a lot from their graceful decline. ~Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story


Jan 17, 2018, 12:31:46 AM1/17/18
Ты до сих пор должен мне $15 за это совершенно невероятное говно,
которое я купил (!) по твоей наводке.


Oleg Smirnov

Jan 17, 2018, 2:31:11 AM1/17/18
999Vulcan, <>
Вулах рефлексирует в фазе bargaining (anger, denial уже было).


Jan 17, 2018, 9:23:59 AM1/17/18
во всяком случае, Вулах не ползает по форумам канадских эмигрантов, чтобы убедить их и самого себя в том, что он совершил более разумный выбор страны проживания

(аналогия, конечно, хромает, потому что личный выбор Смирнова ограничен ползанием по форумам)

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 17, 2018, 4:54:34 PM1/17/18


А власти скрывают.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 19, 2018, 2:38:05 PM1/19/18

.. America's empire, it is clear, is now in decline, and a key reason is
imperial overstretch as manifested by endless wars and overspending on the
military (with literally trillions of dollars being thrown away on fruitless
wars). .. Plenty of money for weapons that kill; not so much for medicines
that cure: that's imperial America in a nutshell. ..

.. What we've witnessed over the last 40 years is an immense and wasteful
"investment" in wars and weapons even as our country itself has hollowed out.
.. Infrastructure is crumbling. Medicine is too expensive and America's
overall health and life expectancy are both in decline. .. As a result of all
this, America is running a national debt of roughly 20 trillion dollars. ..

jerry kraus

Jan 19, 2018, 3:09:54 PM1/19/18
Это стареющее население, разрушающее Соединенные Штаты. Две трети американского бюджета теперь используются для поддержки пожилых людей. В середине XX века две трети американского бюджета были использованы для военных и военных научных исследований.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 21, 2018, 7:27:08 AM1/21/18

Donald Trump has been in power as the 45th President of the United States for
a year, since his inauguration on January 20, 2017. / The set-up of the
international arena has long been shifting, away from lone American leadership
towards a more multipolar world in which other powers are gaining influence,
but as Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, Trump's political agenda seems to be
speeding up this process, as data by research institute Gallup on the approval
of other nations' of U.S. leadership suggests.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 22, 2018, 10:52:32 AM1/22/18

Trust Is Collapsing in America / Only a third of Americans now trust their
government "to do what is right" - a decline of 14 percentage points from last
year, according to a new report <> by the communications
marketing firm Edelman. Forty-two percent trust the media, relative to 47
percent a year ago. Trust in business and non-governmental organizations,
while somewhat higher than trust in government and the media, decreased by 10
and nine percentage points, respectively. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 25, 2018, 10:07:32 PM1/25/18

.. Wages Are Definitely Declining Under Donald Trump
Although the White House has touted what it claims to be a jobs rebound, the
truth is that most newly created positions are in low-paying sectors, part
time and without benefits. Not surprisingly, wages continue to stagnate or, as
a recent report indicates, decline. ..


Jan 25, 2018, 10:24:49 PM1/25/18
Смирнов продолжает ласкать себя под гугл ньюс ризалтс на "дик лайн"?

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 25, 2018, 11:28:14 PM1/25/18
999Vulcan, <>
Google is evil. Гугл ньюс стал советской газетой. Ещё забавно то, что
теперь фильтры на нежелательные новости стали у них зависеть от геолокации,
причём именно дпя американских IP максимально вырезают всё диссидентское.

Yury Mukharsky

Jan 26, 2018, 8:33:13 AM1/26/18
У Вас отличный дует получается.

"Америка умирает"
"При трамп-пе-пе-пе"


Oleg Smirnov

Jan 26, 2018, 8:52:55 AM1/26/18

When we take a hard look at US collapse, we see a number of social pathologies
on the rise. Not just any kind. Not even troubling, worrying, and dangerous
ones. But strange and bizarre ones. Unique ones. Singular and gruesomely weird
ones I've never really seen before ..

American collapse is much more severe than we suppose it is. We are
underestimating its magnitude, not overestimating it. American intellectuals,
media, and thought doesn't put any of its problems in global or historical
perspective - but when they are seen that way, America's problems are revealed
to be not just the everyday nuisances of a declining nation, but something
more like a body suddenly attacked by unimagined diseases.

Should the world follow the American model .. then these new social
pathologies will follow, too. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 26, 2018, 8:53:52 AM1/26/18
Yury Mukharsky, <>
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2018 07:23:46 +0300, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> 999Vulcan, <>

> У Вас отличный дует получается.
> "Америка умирает"
> "При трамп-пе-пе-пе"
> ...повтор

Так я ему и предлагаю постить в один тред.

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 8, 2018, 11:23:28 PM2/8/18

.. 50,000 American Bridges Are "Structurally Deficient" .. over the next
decade, the federal government would provide very little money whatsoever
for America's crumbling bridges, rails, roads, and waterways .. a shocking
report .. It is only a matter of time before another Mississippi River
Bridge collapse occurs. ..

Осторожнее там по мостам катайтесь.

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 9, 2018, 8:14:53 AM2/9/18

.. Why Young Americans Are Having Less Sex

.. Sex in America is in decline. Americans are having less sex, the share of
Americans who say they never once had sex in the past year is rising, and -
perhaps most surprising - this revolution in sexual behavior is being led by
the young. .. The cultural outrage over men's bad behavior is likely to
accelerate this trend.

.. The precarious character of the contemporary economy has made young adults
increasingly likely to seek shelter with mom and/or dad rather than to live on
their own or enter into marriage. .. "It's too expensive to afford an
apartment." This shift away from independent living or marriage and toward the
family basement undoubtedly puts a crimp on an active sex life for today's
young men and women. In fact, now, for the first time in more than a century,
young adults as a whole are more likely to live at home with their parents ..


Feb 9, 2018, 11:45:33 PM2/9/18
That is so fucking true.

> Осторожнее там по мостам катайтесь.

А выхода нет, товарищ.
Надо ехать - едем.

И, кстати, пример блядского социализма - это толлы
за нью-йоркские мосты.
Сказать, что они ОУЕЛИ - это ничего не сказать.



Feb 9, 2018, 11:47:25 PM2/9/18
Ты только забыл добавить, что это глобальный феномен.
Не относящийся только к американцам.

И, кстати, жить в соседней комнате в хрущобе с тестем-тещей-свекром-свекровью -
как-то совсем не уменьшало желания ни в СССР, ни в Европе.
Тут что-то новое.


Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 8:13:42 AM2/11/18

.. U.S. health care expenditures per capita are double the OECD average and
much higher than in all other countries. But there are many fewer doctors and
hospital beds per person than the OECD average.

U.S. infant mortality rates in 2013 were the highest in the developed world.

On average, Americans can expect to live shorter and sicker lives, compared to
people living in any other wealthy democracies, and the "health gap" between
the U.S. and its peer countries continues to grow.

U.S. inequality levels are far higher than those in most European countries.

Neglected tropical diseases, including Zika, are increasingly common in the
USA. It has been estimated that 12 million Americans live with a neglected
parasitic infection. ..

The U.S. has the highest prevalence of obesity in the developed world.

In terms of access to water and sanitation, the U.S. ranks 36th in the world.

America has the highest incarceration rate in the world ..

The youth poverty rate in the United States is the highest across the OECD
with one-quarter of youth living in poverty compared to less than 14% across
the OECD. ..


Feb 11, 2018, 10:15:48 AM2/11/18
On 02/11/2018 05:12 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> .. U.S. health care expenditures per capita are double the OECD average and
> much higher than in all other countries. But there are many fewer
> doctors and
> hospital beds per person than the OECD average.

Это потому что в Америке за три часа делается такой же набор
диагностики, как в России за две недели.


Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 2:33:23 PM2/11/18

Social-economic condition of America is declining ..
United States of America (USA) is probably losing its tag as a superpower
nation. The country's sheen seems to be fading away. ..

During the discussion, Friedman shed light on how America's economic condition
is declining. He even said that America is declining as a superpower. "14
percent of America is under the poverty line and the social-economic condition
is declining. This means that one-third population of America is under
serious economic crisis," emoted Friedman. ..


Feb 11, 2018, 2:37:41 PM2/11/18
14% != 1/3

Смирнов, ты там совсем уже сдурел?

я, конечно, понимаю, что в гугле ролно результатов на american decline, но ты всё же фильтруй

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 2:45:07 PM2/11/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 2:33:23 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>> Social-economic condition of America is declining ..
>> United States of America (USA) is probably losing its tag as a superpower
>> nation. The country's sheen seems to be fading away. ..
>> During the discussion, Friedman shed light on how America's economic
>> condition is declining. He even said that America is declining as a
>> superpower. "14 percent of America is under the poverty line and the
>> social-economic condition is declining. This means that one-third
>> population of America is under serious economic crisis," emoted Friedman.
>> ..
> 14% != 1/3


> Смирнов, ты там совсем уже сдурел?
> я, конечно, понимаю, что в гугле ролно результатов на american decline, но
> ты всё же фильтруй

Так уже вон и индусы знают, что у вас там ужас-ужас.


Feb 11, 2018, 2:48:25 PM2/11/18
расскажи это кому-нибудь, кто не был в индии. лол

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 2:55:05 PM2/11/18

Obesity drives U.S. healthcare costs up by 29% ..
The number of obese American adults continues to rise ..
Obesity now affects more than 36% of U.S. adults, according to the latest data
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And last year the agency
found obesity was associated with increased risk of 13 types of cancer. ..


Feb 11, 2018, 2:58:34 PM2/11/18
In 2015, 24 percent of Russians over 15 years of age had obesity problems, compared to 11 percent in 2002, according to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Health Observatory.

Sericinus hunter

Feb 11, 2018, 3:08:07 PM2/11/18
Интересно, где они все. Что тут, что там.
Не, ну, попадаются, конечно. Но точно не каждый третий и не каждый
А это значит, что где-то есть места, где их концентрация ближе уже
к ста процентам. Только вот где? Наверное, в каких-нибудь гетто.


Feb 11, 2018, 3:17:05 PM2/11/18
говорят там их дохера


Feb 11, 2018, 3:20:41 PM2/11/18
в eastern ky

Eastern Kentucky ranks last in national survey of well-being

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 3:21:20 PM2/11/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 2:55:05 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>> Obesity drives U.S. healthcare costs up by 29% ..
>> The number of obese American adults continues to rise ..
>> Obesity now affects more than 36% of U.S. adults, according to the latest
>> data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And last year
>> the agency found obesity was associated with increased risk of 13 types of
>> cancer. ..
> In 2015, 24 percent of Russians over 15 years of age had obesity problems,
> compared to 11 percent in 2002, according to statistics provided by the
> World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Health Observatory.

America is by far the fattest nation in the world with just over 38% of the
adult population considered 'obese.'


Feb 11, 2018, 3:24:00 PM2/11/18
как говорит на этот счёт один мой толстый друг, it's good to be the king


Feb 11, 2018, 3:26:25 PM2/11/18

Sericinus hunter

Feb 11, 2018, 3:26:36 PM2/11/18
Странно. Беглое гугление говорит, что в самом "жирном" штате -- 35,9%
(это Арканзас). В самом худом (Колорадо) -- 21,3%.
Как при таком раскладе может быть more than 36% в целом по стране?

Sericinus hunter

Feb 11, 2018, 3:30:12 PM2/11/18
On 2/11/2018 3:20 PM, 999Vulcan wrote:
> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:08:07 PM UTC-5, Sericinus hunter wrote:
>> On 2/11/2018 2:58 PM, 999Vulcan wrote:
>>> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 2:55:05 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>>>> Obesity drives U.S. healthcare costs up by 29% ..
>>>> The number of obese American adults continues to rise ..
>>>> Obesity now affects more than 36% of U.S. adults, according to the latest data
>>>> from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And last year the agency
>>>> found obesity was associated with increased risk of 13 types of cancer. ..
>>> In 2015, 24 percent of Russians over 15 years of age had obesity problems, compared to 11 percent in 2002, according to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Health Observatory.
>> Интересно, где они все. Что тут, что там.
>> Не, ну, попадаются, конечно. Но точно не каждый третий и не каждый
>> четвёртый.
>> А это значит, что где-то есть места, где их концентрация ближе уже
>> к ста процентам. Только вот где? Наверное, в каких-нибудь гетто.
> в eastern ky

Хорошо. А где подобное место в России?


Feb 11, 2018, 3:31:03 PM2/11/18
electoral college:)


Feb 11, 2018, 3:31:19 PM2/11/18
On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:30:12 PM UTC-5, Sericinus hunter wrote:
> On 2/11/2018 3:20 PM, 999Vulcan wrote:
> > On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:08:07 PM UTC-5, Sericinus hunter wrote:
> >> On 2/11/2018 2:58 PM, 999Vulcan wrote:
> >>> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 2:55:05 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Obesity drives U.S. healthcare costs up by 29% ..
> >>>> The number of obese American adults continues to rise ..
> >>>> Obesity now affects more than 36% of U.S. adults, according to the latest data
> >>>> from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And last year the agency
> >>>> found obesity was associated with increased risk of 13 types of cancer. ..
> >>>
> >>> In 2015, 24 percent of Russians over 15 years of age had obesity problems, compared to 11 percent in 2002, according to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Health Observatory.
> >>
> >> Интересно, где они все. Что тут, что там.
> >> Не, ну, попадаются, конечно. Но точно не каждый третий и не каждый
> >> четвёртый.
> >> А это значит, что где-то есть места, где их концентрация ближе уже
> >> к ста процентам. Только вот где? Наверное, в каких-нибудь гетто.
> >
> > в eastern ky
> Хорошо. А где подобное место в России?

у Смирнова на диване:)

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 11, 2018, 3:53:13 PM2/11/18


Feb 11, 2018, 4:22:27 PM2/11/18
On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:53:13 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> 999Vulcan, <>
> > On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:24:00 PM UTC-5, 999Vulcan wrote:
> >> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:21:20 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Obesity drives U.S. healthcare costs up by 29% ..
> >>>>> The number of obese American adults continues to rise ..
> >>>>> Obesity now affects more than 36% of U.S. adults, according to the
> >>>>> latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
> >>>>> And last year the agency found obesity was associated with increased
> >>>>> risk of 13 types of cancer. ..
> >>>>
> >>>> In 2015, 24 percent of Russians over 15 years of age had obesity
> >>>> problems, compared to 11 percent in 2002, according to statistics
> >>>> provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Health
> >>>> Observatory.
> >>>
> >>> cf.
> >>> America is by far the fattest nation in the world with just over 38% of
> >>> the adult population considered 'obese.'
> >>
> >> как говорит на этот счёт один мой толстый друг, it's good to be the king
> >
> > ну и, кстати, нет
> > не fattest, и не by far
> Данные отсюда

это неполный список стран
полный - по моей ссылке ниже
Смирнов, пока толстый сохнет, худой сдохнет

Человеку советскому обещали, что крах капитализма и победа коммунизма неизбежны. Вместо этого крах постиг сам коммунизм.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:58:10 PM2/11/18
11.02.2018 22:58, 999Vulcan пишет:
А вы говорите санкции.


Feb 12, 2018, 5:25:00 AM2/12/18
De Niro, who called Trump a “fucking fool” and other expletive-laced
adjectives during a speech introducing Meryl Streep at the National
Board of Review awards gala in January, drew applause and laughs when he
told the gathered audience at Dubai’s World Government Summit that
America “will eventually cure itself by voting our dangerous leader” out
of office.


Feb 12, 2018, 12:26:16 PM2/12/18
Там еще не написано, что Obesity now affects more - это
следствие смены определения obesity.


Oleg Smirnov

Feb 13, 2018, 1:19:23 PM2/13/18

Yes, deniers, millions of Americans are among the poorest people in the world
In 2015 it was reported that up to 50 million American adults had negative
wealth and thus numbered among the poorest 10% of the world's adults. This was
disputed .. It's difficult for many Americans to admit the truth about extreme
poverty in our country. .. "There are millions of Americans whose suffering,
through material poverty and poor health, is as bad or worse than that of the
people in Africa or in Asia." ..

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 14, 2018, 7:18:30 AM2/14/18

A new nationwide survey on well-being paints a bleak picture of America, with
a record number of states around the country reporting declines in social,
emotional and psychological health. .. No states showed statistically
significant improvement for the first time in the nearly 10-year history ..
Nationally, the social (having supportive relationships and love in your life)
and purpose (liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your
goals) categories saw sharp declines. ..


Feb 14, 2018, 8:43:00 AM2/14/18
Better cancer detection and treatments, not to mention lots of people quitting smoking, have fueled a 20-year drop in deaths from the disease, a new report shows.

That means more than 2 million lives have been saved, the American Cancer Society statistics indicate.

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 14, 2018, 9:11:55 AM2/14/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 7:18:30 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

> Better cancer detection and treatments, not to mention lots of people
> quitting smoking, have fueled a 20-year drop in deaths from the disease, a
> new report shows.
> That means more than 2 million lives have been saved, the American Cancer
> Society statistics indicate.

.. the first core population decline since WWII (and perhaps in the
nation's history) .. the 15-64 year old US working age population declined
by <230,000> from the same quarter a year ago. Not much of a decline for a
core population in excess of 200 million but the outright decline replacing
decades of constant growth is very important. ..


Feb 14, 2018, 9:38:30 AM2/14/18
The population of Russia peaked at 148,689,000 in 1991, just before the breakup of the Soviet Union.

хвала аллаху за узбеков


Feb 18, 2018, 10:58:19 AM2/18/18
HOW do you measure the well-being of a country’s citizens? Looking at wealth alone is clearly not enough: oil-rich states in the Middle East may have the highest levels of GDP per person yet they lag behind the West in terms of civil rights, education and a host of other quantifiable (and desirable) measures. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) attempts to answer this question with its “Sustainable Economic Development Assessment” (SEDA)

цветная карта по ссылке

Alexei Rezanov

Feb 18, 2018, 11:14:48 AM2/18/18
"The report's authors found that countries with higher financial
inclusion generally had higher well-being than their peers at a similar
income level."
Что меж строк подразумевает highly biased opinion.

А меж тем биткоин медленно встает
( Успел купить по 8?


Feb 18, 2018, 2:25:10 PM2/18/18
"999Vulcan" wrote in message

> HOW do you measure the well-being of a country’s citizens? Looking at
> wealth
> alone is clearly not enough: oil-rich states in the Middle East may have
> the
> highest levels of GDP per person yet they lag behind the West in terms of
> civil rights, education
> and a host of other quantifiable (and desirable) measures.

> Boston Consulting Group (BCG) attempts to answer this question with its
> “Sustainable Economic Development Assessment” (SEDA)

Я бы все-таки посмотрел на методику как они вычисляют "гражданские права" и
весовой коэффициент в этой формуле счастья.

Сдается мне, что это очередная мусорная наука, баскетбол+бумбокс для белых
победителей олимпиад.

Bye, Anatol


Feb 18, 2018, 2:40:10 PM2/18/18
думаешь, Россию опять несправедливо обидели?

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 18, 2018, 5:01:06 PM2/18/18

Silicon Valley may not hold onto its global superiority for much longer ..

AMERICANS, and friends of America, often reassure themselves about its
relative decline in the following way. Even if the roads, airports and schools
continue to slide, it will retain its lead in the most sophisticated fields
for decades. They include defence, elite universities, and, in the business
world, technology. ..

Or is it? American attitudes towards Chinese tech have passed through several
stages of denial in the past 20 years. First it was an irrelevance, then
Chinese firms were sometimes seen as copycats or as industrial spies, and more
recently China has been viewed as a tech Galapagos, where unique species grow
that would never make it beyond its shores. Now a fourth stage has begun,
marked by fear that China is reaching parity. American tech's age of "imperial
arrogance" is ending, says one Silicon Valley figure. ..

Being a global tech hegemon has been lucrative for America. .. A loss of these
spoils would be costly and demoralising .. China is improving at "breakthrough"
innovations. .. For Silicon Valley, it is time to get paranoid. ..


Feb 18, 2018, 6:10:06 PM2/18/18

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 19, 2018, 1:07:11 PM2/19/18

.. A Culture of Narcissistic Entitlement and Resentment

Cruz grew up in a modern American society where citizens are imprinted from an
early age with the idea that they are members of an exceptional nation and
encouraged to pursue a privileged 'American dream'. Some Americans internalize
that fantasy, and when real life diverges sharply from the dream, some of them
become resentful. But those like Cruz seem to take on that resentment to a
pathological degree: they seek to take revenge on the society that promised
them so much and delivered so little.

.. We can also see a reflection of this narcissistic world view in American
foreign policy, where the USA sees itself as entitled to rule the globe
unopposed. When reality intrudes .. the Empire throws a tantrum ..

Interestingly, the two sides of that destructive 'coin' - entitlement and
resentment - seem to be the main motivations for the radical leftist ideologues
that have been causing so much division ..

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 21, 2018, 3:27:28 PM2/21/18

.. The last hegemonic power, the United States, has long acted like a
helpless giant. It is able to destroy but not to control the situation.
.. A look around the globe will readily confirm the inability of the
United States to get its way. .. Now it is virtually the other way
around. The United States has to move carefully vis-a-vis Russia and
China to avoid losing all ability to obtain their co-operation on the
geopolitical priorities of the United States. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 21, 2018, 6:01:56 PM2/21/18

The best country in the world is not the United States, according to the
recently-released 2018 Best Countries report from U.S. News & World Report. In
fact, the U.S. didn’t even make the top five. It’s ranked number 8, beat out by
Switzerland, Canada, Germany, the U.K., Japan, Sweden and Australia, in that
order. ..

When the Best Countries report debuted in 2016, America didn’t garner the top
spot either (Germany did), but at least it made number 4. Last year it fell to
seventh, and now it’s slipped another notch. ..

Message has been deleted


Feb 22, 2018, 12:06:43 AM2/22/18
Oleg Smirnov <> wrote:

> The best country in the world is not the United States, according to the
> recently-released 2018 Best Countries report from U.S. News & World Report. In
> fact, the U.S. didn?t even make the top five. It?s ranked number 8, beat out by
> Switzerland, Canada, Germany, the U.K., Japan, Sweden and Australia, in that
> order. ..

> When the Best Countries report debuted in 2016, America didn?t garner the top
> spot either (Germany did), but at least it made number 4. Last year it fell to
> seventh, and now it?s slipped another notch. ..

Главное тут то, что ты-то ну ниуя не понимаешь ни в этих рейтингах,
ни в том, кто и зачем их составляет, и в отношении к реальности.

Разумеется, US для жизни лучше, чем упаси господь Канада или там Германия.
Причем на самом деле на порядок лучше.


Mikhail Kimmelman

Feb 22, 2018, 12:38:59 AM2/22/18
"Const" wrote in message news:p6lj52$rls$

>> When the Best Countries report debuted in 2016, America didn?t garner the
>> top
>> spot either (Germany did), but at least it made number 4. Last year it
>> fell to
>> seventh, and now it?s slipped another notch. ..

> Главное тут то, что ты-то ну ниуя не понимаешь ни в этих рейтингах,
> ни в том, кто и зачем их составляет, и в отношении к реальности.
> Разумеется, US для жизни лучше, чем упаси господь Канада или там Германия.
> Причем на самом деле на порядок лучше.

Это, конечно, разумеется.
А где именно в США, по-Вашему, лучше всего ?


Oleg Smirnov

Feb 22, 2018, 3:50:46 AM2/22/18

Why America Is Going Broke
Entitlements are driving deficits and debt. Absent reform, the problem will
soon become a crisis.

The federal deficit is big and getting bigger. President Trump's budget
estimates a deficit of nearly $900 billion for 2018 and nearly $1 trillion
(with total spending of $4.4 trillion) for 2019. Its balance sheet reveals that
the public debt will reach $15.7 trillion by October. This works out to
$48,081.61 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. ..

How did the federal government's finances degenerate this far? It didn't happen
overnight. For seven decades, high tax rates and a growing economy have
produced record revenue, but not enough to keep pace with Congress's voracious
appetite for spending. Since the end of World War II, federal tax revenue has
grown 15% faster than national income - while federal spending has grown 50%
faster. ..

What about the future? Social Security and Medicare expenditures are
accelerating now .. Financing this spending will require either record levels
of taxation or debt. Economics teaches us that high tax rates reduce economic
growth and living standards. History teaches us that high public debt
aggravates economic volatility ..


Feb 22, 2018, 8:04:50 AM2/22/18
now, THAT was actually good link

прямая сслыка:

а как в России обстоят дела с долгосрочным обеспечением госпенсий и медобслуживания для стариков?

ps. paywall wsj обходится thusly:

в хроме создаётся favorite на след. url:


который кликается после открывания запэйволленого wsj url'а

you're welcome :-)


Feb 22, 2018, 8:33:15 AM2/22/18
интервью с автором

John Cogan talked about his book The High Cost of Good Intentions, in which he looks at the history of federal entitlement programs in the U.S. over the past 200 years.

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 22, 2018, 8:58:48 AM2/22/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 3:50:46 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> Why America Is Going Broke
>> What about the future? Social Security and Medicare expenditures are
>> accelerating now .. Financing this spending will require either record
>> levels of taxation or debt. Economics teaches us that high tax rates
>> reduce economic growth and living standards. History teaches us that
>> high public debt aggravates economic volatility ..
> now, THAT was actually good link

Т.е. ждёт тебя aggravated economic volatility, и ещё вдобавок
азиаты захотят поменьше иметь дела с долларом, и станет пузырь

> прямая сслыка:
> а как в России обстоят дела с долгосрочным обеспечением госпенсий и
> медобслуживания для стариков?

В России всё улучшается без резких движений.


Feb 22, 2018, 9:05:09 AM2/22/18
On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 8:58:48 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> 999Vulcan, <>
> > On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 3:50:46 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Why America Is Going Broke
> >
> >> What about the future? Social Security and Medicare expenditures are
> >> accelerating now .. Financing this spending will require either record
> >> levels of taxation or debt. Economics teaches us that high tax rates
> >> reduce economic growth and living standards. History teaches us that
> >> high public debt aggravates economic volatility ..
> >
> > now, THAT was actually good link
> Т.е. ждёт тебя aggravated economic volatility, и ещё вдобавок

тебя тоже, и гораздо сильнее
когда америка чихает, весь мир обсирается

> азиаты захотят поменьше иметь дела с долларом, и станет пузырь
> сдуваться.

да куда они денутся с подводной лодки
прочем, это неважно, по большому счёту
живет же как-то канада без резервной валюты
и в твоем списочке классных стран - даже выше америки

> > прямая сслыка:
> >
> >
> > а как в России обстоят дела с долгосрочным обеспечением госпенсий и
> > медобслуживания для стариков?
> В России всё улучшается без резких движений.


Feb 22, 2018, 10:00:03 AM2/22/18
Const пишет:

> Разумеется, US для жизни лучше, чем упаси господь Канада или там Германия.
> Причем на самом деле на порядок лучше.

Это сугубо ТВОЁ мнение.
Лично я чувствую себя здесь комфортнее, чем в калифорнийские времена. По соместительству факторов.
Деньги - да, в штатах много. Остальное у вас хуёво.



Feb 22, 2018, 10:08:52 AM2/22/18

в Германии нельзя жить уже хотя бы потому, что нужно учить немецкий

Message has been deleted


Feb 22, 2018, 10:40:02 AM2/22/18
999Vulcan пишет:
Ну с этой точки зрения да, дебилам лучше не приезжать в Германию, тут всё очень плохо, ага.
(Вулаху дальше не читать!)
Хотя по секрету остальным скажу, что в крупных городах можно жить исключительно с английским произвольно долгое время, и в ус не дуть. Я начал работу в Сони Ериксон, там даже на работе немецким ваще не заморачивались, основное общение было на английском.



Feb 22, 2018, 10:44:18 AM2/22/18

ну если нравится всю жизнь быть иностранцем...


Feb 22, 2018, 10:57:19 AM2/22/18
On 2/22/18 10:37 AM, ALich wrote:
> 999Vulcan пишет:
>> On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 10:00:03 AM UTC-5, ALich wrote:
>>> Const пишет:
>>> > Разумеется, US для жизни лучше, чем упаси господь Канада или там
>>> Германия.
>>> > Причем на самом деле на порядок лучше.
>>> Это сугубо ТВОЁ мнение.
>>> Лично я чувствую себя здесь комфортнее, чем в калифорнийские времена.
>>> По соместительству факторов. Деньги - да, в штатах много. Остальное у
>>> вас хуёво.
>> в Германии нельзя жить уже хотя бы потому, что нужно учить немецкий
> Ну с этой точки зрения да, дебилам лучше не приезжать в Германию, тут
> всё очень плохо, ага.

дебилам при социализьме как раз живется куда лучше чем при капитализьме...

> (Вулаху дальше не читать!)
> Хотя по секрету остальным скажу, что в крупных городах можно жить
> исключительно с английским произвольно долгое время, и в ус не дуть. Я
> начал работу в Сони Ериксон, там даже на работе немецким ваще не
> заморачивались, основное общение было на английском.

жить то можно даже в китае или какой нить простигоспидя индии, вот тока
это не жизнь будет, а так, затяжной отпуск в загранке. вообщем то это
дело вкуса, наверна...


Feb 22, 2018, 11:20:02 AM2/22/18
Бля, а ты чего хочешь-то, в конце концов?
Расслабиться и в ус не дуть - будь типа иностранцем. Сейчас вообще можно хитрожопу провернуть - приедешь со своим паспортом, выкинёшь его, морду сажей намазать и заявить "я типа из Сирии, Асада ненавижу аж кушать не могу, дайте пожить пару лет на полном обеспечении".
Глянут на твою морду и согласятся.
А хочешь - учи язык. Когда ты припёрся в Штаты, язык учить пришлось?



Feb 22, 2018, 11:30:47 AM2/22/18

английский язык учить надо по-любому
это lingua franca
даже в германии вон


Feb 22, 2018, 11:47:19 AM2/22/18
прикинь какая тебе жоппа, скоро китайский придется учить, бедняга :-)
батька тебя защитит, поезжай :-)

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 22, 2018, 12:51:41 PM2/22/18

.. Anyone who thinks America is on the path to greatness is delusional.
Routine mass murder in our streets and schools. In our schools. Domestic
killings that have become so acceptable that we can’t muster outrage any
longer. Leaders who are unwilling to work together to formulate common-
sense measures to control our bloody chaos.

Deficit spending run amok that will bankrupt our country, make us unable
to compete in the world economy and saddle our fearful children and
grandchildren with debt for decades. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 22, 2018, 12:57:38 PM2/22/18
999Vulcan, <>
> On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 8:58:48 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> 999Vulcan, <>
>> > On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 3:50:46 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Why America Is Going Broke
>> >
>> >> What about the future? Social Security and Medicare expenditures are
>> >> accelerating now .. Financing this spending will require either record
>> >> levels of taxation or debt. Economics teaches us that high tax rates
>> >> reduce economic growth and living standards. History teaches us that
>> >> high public debt aggravates economic volatility ..
>> >
>> > now, THAT was actually good link
>> Т.е. ждёт тебя aggravated economic volatility, и ещё вдобавок
> тебя тоже, и гораздо сильнее
> когда америка чихает, весь мир обсирается

У нас все пост-советские кризисы пока что вели к сдуванию шелухи
и оздоровлению, но и опять же, не о России речь, а о том как будете
падать вы.

>> азиаты захотят поменьше иметь дела с долларом, и станет пузырь
>> сдуваться.
> да куда они денутся с подводной лодки
> прочем, это неважно, по большому счёту
> живет же как-то канада без резервной валюты
> и в твоем списочке классных стран - даже выше америки

Перейдут на юань и йену.

>> > прямая сслыка:
>> >
>> >
>> > а как в России обстоят дела с долгосрочным обеспечением госпенсий и
>> > медобслуживания для стариков?
>> В России всё улучшается без резких движений.

Динамику статистических показателей следует смотреть.


Feb 22, 2018, 12:59:24 PM2/22/18
лол, ты бы фильтровал результаты с гугла-то
это letter to the editor
ты таких называешь кликушами, когда они то же самое про россию пишут

ты, однако, так и не ответил зачем лично тебе надо всё это гуглить и постить для кучки каких-то отщепенцев-космополитов

почему *тебе* доставлет удовольствие этот процесс?


Feb 22, 2018, 1:00:03 PM2/22/18
Не обязательно. В зависимости от того, где и чем ты хочешь заниматься. Где-то требуется английский, где-то нужен итальянский или русский, где-то немецкого вообще не надо.
Тут вот некоторые обходятся турецким последние сорок лет. В Германию не выходят.
В целом ни языковой полиции нет, и даже "правосеков" местных почти не слышно, никто заставлять не будет.
Твой выбор. Без украинского ебанатизма.



Feb 22, 2018, 1:01:22 PM2/22/18

я тебе уже показал твою динамику

во всём мире экономика растёт, а в россии - падает
потому что ничем кроме нефти вы никому не интересны, и вы это знаете
потому и постите сюда про загнивающий запад, чтобы самих себя в чем-то убедить


Feb 22, 2018, 1:03:29 PM2/22/18
On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 12:57:38 PM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> 999Vulcan, <>
> > On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 8:58:48 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> >> 999Vulcan, <>
> >> > On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 3:50:46 AM UTC-5, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Why America Is Going Broke
> >> >
> >> >> What about the future? Social Security and Medicare expenditures are
> >> >> accelerating now .. Financing this spending will require either record
> >> >> levels of taxation or debt. Economics teaches us that high tax rates
> >> >> reduce economic growth and living standards. History teaches us that
> >> >> high public debt aggravates economic volatility ..
> >> >
> >> > now, THAT was actually good link
> >>
> >> Т.е. ждёт тебя aggravated economic volatility, и ещё вдобавок
> >
> > тебя тоже, и гораздо сильнее
> > когда америка чихает, весь мир обсирается
> У нас все пост-советские кризисы пока что вели к сдуванию шелухи
> и оздоровлению, но и опять же, не о России речь, а о том как будете
> падать вы.

спасибо за заботу, но лично у нас всё ок, неуклонный рост благосостояния

давай лучше о тебе поговорим
у тебя зарплата в долларовом выражении как за последние 10 лет изменилась?


Feb 22, 2018, 1:04:46 PM2/22/18

ну, если хочешь всю жизнь быть иностранцем и читать российские СМИ, то можно и не учить, конечно


Feb 22, 2018, 1:08:25 PM2/22/18
с автором письма я, кстати, согласен

"A fake president who fosters hate, fear, greed and cynicism. A lewd, immoral abomination of an administration supported by pseudo-religious, family values proponents. How hypocritical."
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