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Jan 25, 2021, 9:26:51 AM1/25/21
Trump Fumes in His First Weekend Out of Office as Fauci Clowns on Him

In recent days, former President Donald Trump has watched from afar as
one of his most popular rivals for public attention has been unleashed
by the Biden administration to, in part, disparage Trump’s handling of
the COVID-19 pandemic. And the ex-president hasn’t even been able to
tweet about it.
On top of everything else that was stripped from him, he’s lost his
primary emotional release valve, thanks to his post-Capitol riot banning
from Twitter, just as his enemies—real and perceived—keep dancing atop
his administration’s freshly dug grave.


Jan 25, 2021, 9:29:21 AM1/25/21
ну и заодно уж

Son Tipped Off F.B.I. About His Father, Who Is Charged in Capitol Riot

Two days after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Jackson Reffitt’s father, Guy
W. Reffitt, returned to the family’s home in Texas. He told his son that
he had stormed the Capitol, according to an F.B.I. affidavit.

Then his father leveled a threat: If Jackson, 18, reported him to the
police, he would have no choice but to do his “duty” for his country and
“do what he had to do.”

In interviews with investigators, Jackson Reffitt said his father told
him: “If you turn me in, you’re a traitor. And you know what happens to
traitors. Traitors get shot.”

But he had already reported his father to the F.B.I. weeks before the riot.

“He would always tell me that he’s going to do something big,” the
younger Mr. Reffitt said in a phone interview on Saturday. “I assumed he
was going to do something big, and I didn’t know what.”

Guy Reffitt’s wife told investigators after the riot that he was a
member of the Three Percenters, a far-right militia group, according to
the affidavit.


Jan 25, 2021, 11:39:23 AM1/25/21
???√ulcan <999V...@russian.z1> wrote:
> On 1/25/2021 9:26 AM, ???√ulcan wrote:
> > Trump Fumes in His First Weekend Out of Office as Fauci Clowns on Him
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In recent days, former President Donald Trump has watched from afar as
> > one of his most popular rivals for public attention has been unleashed
> > by the Biden administration to, in part, disparage Trump?s handling of
> > the COVID-19 pandemic. And the ex-president hasn?t even been able to
> > tweet about it.
> > ...
> > On top of everything else that was stripped from him, he?s lost his
> > primary emotional release valve, thanks to his post-Capitol riot banning
> > from Twitter, just as his enemies?real and perceived?keep dancing atop
> > his administration?s freshly dug grave.

> ну и заодно уж

> Son Tipped Off F.B.I. About His Father, Who Is Charged in Capitol Riot


> Two days after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Jackson Reffitt?s father, Guy
> W. Reffitt, returned to the family?s home in Texas. He told his son that
> he had stormed the Capitol, according to an F.B.I. affidavit.

> Then his father leveled a threat: If Jackson, 18, reported him to the
> police, he would have no choice but to do his ?duty? for his country and
> ?do what he had to do.?

> In interviews with investigators, Jackson Reffitt said his father told
> him: ?If you turn me in, you?re a traitor. And you know what happens to
> traitors. Traitors get shot.?

> But he had already reported his father to the F.B.I. weeks before the riot.

> ?He would always tell me that he?s going to do something big,? the
> younger Mr. Reffitt said in a phone interview on Saturday. ?I assumed he
> was going to do something big, and I didn?t know what.?

> Guy Reffitt?s wife told investigators after the riot that he was a
> member of the Three Percenters, a far-right militia group, according to
> the affidavit.

Да мы уж и так уже про тебя всё знаем.
Вряд ли даже такая вот мерзость может что-то добавить
к твоему портрету.



Jan 25, 2021, 12:16:24 PM1/25/21
про мой дар предвидения?

> Вряд ли даже такая вот мерзость может что-то добавить
> к твоему портрету.

к моему портрету гениального провидца?

вообще, кстати, заметьте, что я даже на пике subj не переходил ни на чьи

кстати, мне вот тут понравилось

переписка NeverTrumper с 4EverTrumper



Jan 25, 2021, 1:55:02 PM1/25/21
Seth Rogen танцует на Теде Крузе

"Haha get fucked fascist. Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection
again you fucking clown."

And he didn’t stop there. The actor kept going, even making a reference
to an insult that Donald Trump lobbed at Cruz while they were both
running for president and pointing out that as someone who works in
movies, he’s in a lot of unions:

"If you’re a white supremacist fascist who doesn’t find it offensive
when someone calls your wife ugly, Ted Cruz is the exact motherfucker
for you."


Cruz picked up the bait and said Rogen behaves “online like a Marxist
with Tourette’s”

"As someone who has Tourette’s in their family (and also has a very mild
case himself), I once again take great pleasure in telling you to go
fuck yourself."

and then it escalated

"This isn’t a Twitter “feud.” @tedcruz tried to overthrow our
government. He inspired a deadly mob to storm the Capitol. And I think
that deserves ridicule. So fuck him."

"Your lies got people killed. You have blood on your hands."


Jan 25, 2021, 2:24:22 PM1/25/21
???√ulcan <999V...@russian.z1> wrote:
> On 1/25/2021 9:26 AM, ???√ulcan wrote:
> > Trump Fumes in His First Weekend Out of Office as Fauci Clowns on Him
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In recent days, former President Donald Trump has watched from afar as
> > one of his most popular rivals for public attention has been unleashed
> > by the Biden administration to, in part, disparage Trump?s handling of
> > the COVID-19 pandemic. And the ex-president hasn?t even been able to
> > tweet about it.
> > ...
> > On top of everything else that was stripped from him, he?s lost his
> > primary emotional release valve, thanks to his post-Capitol riot banning
> > from Twitter, just as his enemies?real and perceived?keep dancing atop
> > his administration?s freshly dug grave.

> Seth Rogen танцует на Теде Крузе

> "Haha get fucked fascist. Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection
> again you fucking clown."

> And he didn?t stop there. The actor kept going, even making a reference
> to an insult that Donald Trump lobbed at Cruz while they were both
> running for president and pointing out that as someone who works in
> movies, he?s in a lot of unions:

> "If you?re a white supremacist fascist who doesn?t find it offensive
> when someone calls your wife ugly, Ted Cruz is the exact motherfucker
> for you."

> ...

> Cruz picked up the bait and said Rogen behaves ?online like a Marxist
> with Tourette?s?

> "As someone who has Tourette?s in their family (and also has a very mild
> case himself), I once again take great pleasure in telling you to go
> fuck yourself."
> ===

> and then it escalated


> "This isn?t a Twitter ?feud.? @tedcruz tried to overthrow our
> government. He inspired a deadly mob to storm the Capitol. And I think
> that deserves ridicule. So fuck him."

> "Your lies got people killed. You have blood on your hands."

Это как раз случай идиота-мудака.
И это не Круз.

И насчет крови - я бы на его месте тоже бы заткнулся.

Не говоря уже о том, что нет, никакой крови ни на Крузе, ни на Т. нет.
Это самоочевидно и тривиально.
Равно как и ложь тех, кто кричит истерически обратное.



Jan 25, 2021, 2:35:39 PM1/25/21
On 1/25/2021 2:20 PM, Const wrote:
> ???√ulcan <999V...@russian.z1> wrote:
> Это как раз случай идиота-мудака.
> И это не Круз.
> И насчет крови - я бы на его месте тоже бы заткнулся.
> Не говоря уже о том, что нет, никакой крови ни на Крузе, ни на Т. нет.
> Разумеется.
> Это самоочевидно и тривиально.
> Равно как и ложь тех, кто кричит истерически обратное.

а скажи, тебе реально нравится круз?

ну так, по-человечески

пива бы с ним попил?

или вот с нашим макконнелом даже хотя бы


Jan 25, 2021, 4:34:22 PM1/25/21
Круз - да вроде нормальный.

> или вот с нашим макконнелом даже хотя бы

МакКоннел в другой возрастной группе.
Да и рожа у него говно, и сам он, разумеется, мудак.

Но опять эти странные критерии.
Я и Трампа-то видеть не хочу, не то что выпивать.
Не только лично, но и по телевизору.
А вот действия он совершал почти до самого конца -
на удивление правильные, мудрые.

Но при всем моем отвращении к МакК и Т, всякий колберт и стюарт -
намного, намного хуже.
Это вообще блевотина же жутчайшая, вот натурально,
как приближаться к говну больного человека, умноженному
на десять.

Байден другого поколения, но не очень противный.
Твои блондинистые предпочтения понимаю.
Камала - откровенно мерзкая тварь и это сразу видно, и чувствуется.
Я могу ей дать единственный комплимент, который могу.
Она выглядит и ведет себя лучше Хиллари.
Маргинально, но лучше.
А, во, могу еще один комплимент сделать.
Она лучше Уоррен.
Тем, что ей всё равно, что сосать, лишь бы у власти.
А библиотекарша хоть на вид и получше, но идейная.
Такие особенно опасны.



Jan 25, 2021, 4:54:49 PM1/25/21
On 1/25/2021 4:34 PM, Const wrote:
> ???√ulcan <999V...@russian.z1> wrote:
> Но при всем моем отвращении к МакК и Т, всякий колберт и стюарт -
> намного, намного хуже.

я этого не понимаю
натурально, два мира - два шапиро

/despicable sexist slurs поскипаны/
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