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Sergey Babkin

не прочитано,
30 окт. 2011 г., 20:21:3530.10.2011
О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫:

It's official: There's now a bipartisan consensus on the Super Committee to cut
Medicare and Social Security benefits.

The Republicans have a longstanding desire to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and
Social Security. But according to recent news reports, a majority of Democrats
on the Super Committee just proposed their own plan to reduce the deficit that
included slashing Medicare benefits by $200 billion 1 and dramatically reducing
future Social Security benefits.


не прочитано,
30 окт. 2011 г., 22:39:2530.10.2011
On 10/30/11 6:21 PM, Sergey Babkin wrote:
> Изъ мудацкой рассылки пишутъ:
> It's official: There's now a bipartisan consensus on the Super Committee
> to cut
> Medicare and Social Security benefits.
> The Republicans have a longstanding desire to dismantle Medicaid,
> Medicare and
> Social Security. But according to recent news reports, a majority of
> Democrats
> on the Super Committee just proposed their own plan to reduce the
> deficit that
> included slashing Medicare benefits by $200 billion 1 and dramatically
> reducing
> future Social Security benefits.

Это может произойти только вместе с повышением налогов. И если
произойдет, то врачам не станет хватать на кокаин.

_ G O D _

не прочитано,
31 окт. 2011 г., 00:00:2331.10.2011
"BT" <> wrote
Им всегда на кокаин хватит. И не только на кокаин,
но и на многие другие вещи, которые ты не увидишь.
Они как и раньше будут назначать и делать дорогие
ненужные людям операции и по прежнему зашибать,
включая дивиденды с прописаных ими же, рецептов.
Просто им придётся делать это почаще, чем обычно....
I intend to last long enough to put out of business all COck-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.
"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~

Алексей Иванов

не прочитано,
31 окт. 2011 г., 14:31:4931.10.2011
On 10/31/2011 4:21 AM, Sergey Babkin wrote:
> Изъ мудацкой рассылки пишутъ:
> It's official: There's now a bipartisan consensus on the Super Committee
> to cut
> Medicare and Social Security benefits.
> The Republicans have a longstanding desire to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and
> Social Security. But according to recent news reports, a majority of Democrats
> on the Super Committee just proposed their own plan to reduce the deficit that
> included slashing Medicare benefits by $200 billion 1 and dramatically reducing
> future Social Security benefits.

Всегда пытался понять, почему не самый тупой говнюк вроде Бабкина,
работает не за страх, а за совесть на патентных троллей вроде SCO. А
сейчас понятно: вот что значит раскулачить тех, кого надо, и так, как
надо: работает три поколения.
Это я к тому, что _свободного_ человека гораздо больше озаботит
совсем другое:

Алексей Иванов

Алексей Иванов

не прочитано,
31 окт. 2011 г., 15:02:4931.10.2011
On 10/31/2011 10:31 PM, О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ wrote:
> On 10/31/2011 4:21 AM, Sergey Babkin wrote:
>> О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫:
>> It's official: There's now a bipartisan consensus on the Super Committee
>> to cut
>> Medicare and Social Security benefits.
>> The Republicans have a longstanding desire to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and
>> Social Security. But according to recent news reports, a majority of Democrats
>> on the Super Committee just proposed their own plan to reduce the deficit that
>> included slashing Medicare benefits by $200 billion 1 and dramatically reducing
>> future Social Security benefits.
> О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫,
> О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ SCO. О©╫
> О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫: О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫
> О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫: О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫.
> О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫ О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫ _О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫_ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫
> О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫:

О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫: О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫
on theirs own - О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ _О©╫О©╫О©╫_
О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ - О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫-О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫, О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫
О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫.


John Smith

не прочитано,
31 окт. 2011 г., 18:13:0331.10.2011
z1 is dead
раз уж даже Иванов ушол на хабр

Denis Loginov

не прочитано,
1 нояб. 2011 г., 05:47:2901.11.2011
О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ income tax О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫ О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫О©╫?

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