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Rush Takes It In The Butt Today... 24 July 96

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Robert Hubby

no leída,
27 jul 1996, 3:00:0027/7/96

Donald P Boell ( wrote:
: In <4t5p2a$> writes:
: >Porkboy couldn't believe his chubby little ears today. Caller Doug
: >(?) had his ducks in a row when he got ahold of Rush-Baby this
: >afternoon...

Must've been a moron. Rush lets them talk on the air, unlike Liberals (See
Don's comment below about "Hilly the kid."

: Nice compassion. Porkboy. Great. German judge gives you a 2.
: Pigot.

A 2? I'd give this mindless parrot a 0.5 at most. He can't even come up his
own insults.

: >No matter how much huffing and puffing Rush did, ihe could not hide
: >the fact that he was caught off-guard and speechless.

Why would he bother to "hide" anything? Tell us what "Doug" said. Or did you
even hear it? I couldn't listen to it because I was at work. I take it that
he was some sort of Liberal Moron, or one of the Seminar callers (The radio
version of "Buttman") and Rush let him natter on for a half hour or so.

: Unlike your heros, Rush takes calls from those that disagree as long as
: they are willing to discuss the topic de jour. Hillary recently told
: the world she would take all calls while secretly telling the screeners
: that she'd take no calls on subjects she did not want to talk about
: (e.g. Livingstone, Whitewater, etc.)
: Your hero was a coward. Rush allowed a moron to attack him on the air.
: Rush has character. Hillary is a character.

"Moron theory" confirmed...

: >It was beautiful to hear Rotundobutt scraping for words while
: >frantically searching for the dump button.
: You have a sad life if this is how you get your jollys.

Interesting. EIB doesn't HAVE a "dump" button. If he did, would he not have
used it early in the call?

: >Way to go Caller!!!!

I guess we can put You in the "Moron" catagory, too...

: >Hug a tree today.
: Cut down a tree today

Build a house today, or make some nice redwood furniture.

R.A.H. Elf of the redwoods, Sonoma Valley, Breakfast Cereal Country.
沉nsert Bilabial Fricative here)


no leída,
28 jul 1996, 3:00:0028/7/96

In article <4tdv44$>, Robert Hubby <> wrote:
>Interesting. EIB doesn't HAVE a "dump" button. If he did, would he not have
>used it early in the call?
>R.A.H. Elf of the redwoods, Sonoma Valley, Breakfast Cereal Country.

Oh, COME ON now! Even a dedicated Dittohead isn't that stupid. How
do you suppose Mr. Rush always gets the last word on every call? Do
you really believe that if you get connected to Mr. Rush and just
plain refuse to hang up your end of the call, that you will be
allowed to go on talking forever? Get a clue, kid. When Mr. Rush
has had enough, he fades a caller down, gets in his last licks, and
starts the next commercial. He doesn't pull a Bob Grant and hang
up loudly in somebody's ear, but then Bob Grant at least has the
"cojones" that Mr. Rush doesn't.

Jim Beckman

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