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UK Peeps

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Apr 14, 2006, 2:56:17 PM4/14/06
Apologies first for this totally off topic post.

Some of you know, I have been busy of late with an up and coming lawsuit
against a particular pharmaceutrical company and more importantly the
govermental body that grants licenses to them.

You can help me by downloading a petition and obtaining as many signatures
as you possibly can.

We have a deadline of one month to get 1000 plus signatures to present to
the House of Commons.

Form can be downloaded here

Thanks for your time



Apr 14, 2006, 4:51:13 PM4/14/06

Hey Fiddy - stick a counter on that page as well. Just so you can produce a
figure in court, i.e "my blog dealing with the subject has had xxxxx hits"


"here are the young men, the weight on their shoulders"


Apr 14, 2006, 8:58:45 PM4/14/06

"tomScotland" <> wrote in message

I have a webstats page that is seperate plus a few feeds from there Tom



Apr 15, 2006, 2:53:03 AM4/15/06
Hail to the BOD

Bob I couldn't d/l the petition.


Dave R
"fiddaman64" <> wrote in message

Cam on Google

Apr 15, 2006, 4:32:43 AM4/15/06

5HT reuptake inhibitors [Seroxat in one or two cases] have either
ruined the lives or [imo] caused the suicide of a few friends of mine.
I worked part time at a psychiatric unit and have seen firsthand the
detrimental effects these supposed wonder drugs [as they were faited at
the time] cause turning mildly depressed folk to desperation who see no
option but to end it all.
If you could organise an online petition I think you could get over
10000 signatures in a month.
I'll get as many sigs as I can and good luck with your lawsuit.


Apr 15, 2006, 5:20:43 AM4/15/06

"Cam on Google" <> wrote in message

The MP for Dundee, Stewart Hosie, wants the sigs then he will put it before
the House of Commons. Unsure whether an online petition would work as there
are too many weirdo's out there.

Thanks for your help Cam

More info here:



Apr 15, 2006, 5:23:20 AM4/15/06

"mib" <> wrote in message

> Hail to the BOD
> Bob I couldn't d/l the petition.
> --
> Dave R

Have emailed you the form Dave



Apr 15, 2006, 1:32:42 PM4/15/06

What he said! I'd sign if I could.

I took Seroxat for about 6 months and it almost did me in, not in the
way you might think but nevertheless. Best thing I've ever done was
kicking those fookin' pills. I suffered withdrawal symptoms for a lot
longer than the 6 months I took 'em, they're pure lingering EVIL!


To The Top

Apr 16, 2006, 6:48:23 PM4/16/06

"fiddaman64" <> wrote in message

> Some of you know, I have been busy of late with an up and coming lawsuit

> against a particular pharmaceutrical company and more importantly the
> govermental body that grants licenses to them.

Bob, first Rover and now a pharmaceutical company? Damn. I hope it pays
well. Look out General Motors, Fiddy's a-comin!! LOL

You may make some charitable donations to our BOD trust fund, you know, for
tax purposes and such. I have that address.

Whoo Ya


Apr 17, 2006, 2:00:42 PM4/17/06

"To The Top" <> wrote in message

> "fiddaman64" <> wrote in message
> > Some of you know, I have been busy of late with an up and coming lawsuit
> > against a particular pharmaceutrical company and more importantly the
> > govermental body that grants licenses to them.
> Bob, first Rover and now a pharmaceutical company? Damn. I hope it pays
> well. Look out General Motors, Fiddy's a-comin!! LOL

And look what happened to Rover! Good luck Bob, I know someone who was on
Seroxat and he turned into a complete basket case on 'em.


Apr 18, 2006, 2:07:05 AM4/18/06

"Goulash" <> wrote in message

It's a class action lawsuit tops - There's 1500 of us. GSK have been sued in
the States on numerous occasions over Paxil (Seroxat) They always setle out
of court so Paxil is still marketed. It's been said that it is easier to go
cold turkey on Heroin than Seroxat - GSK will have you believe it's not
addictive. Twats



Apr 20, 2006, 12:14:10 AM4/20/06
Petitions sound nice but with one petition that I know of, something
like 1500 petitions were received but out of which only less than a
hundred were from the actual vicinity of the area of the petition that
actually counted... and the U.S. Government only counted the less than
hundred as legit.
There's Gonna Be Some Rockin'...

Message has been deleted


Apr 20, 2006, 9:45:49 AM4/20/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message

>> Some of you know, I have been busy of late with an up and coming lawsuit
>> against a particular pharmaceutrical company and more importantly the
>> govermental body that grants licenses to them.
> Damn, you're a lawyers dream.
> Question: If the users of this drug were sick/ill/ or whatever before
> they took the drug, and they took the drug and now they are claiming they
> are still sick/ill or whatever, how do you measure damages?

Damages are put in place because the Pharmaceutrical company, Glaxo
SmithKline, witheld data during the clinical trials - in other words - they
knew the drug could cause harm - ie; suicidal tendancies and aggression.
Imagine a food company launching a product that caused severe adverse
reactions to the consumer. Claimants in the Seroxat litigation want justice
and the drug banned. There have been many deaths and homicide related events
regarding this drug - surely that is a major concern?


Message has been deleted


Apr 20, 2006, 12:13:11 PM4/20/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message

> How much justice do you want and expect?

Those responsible removed from their respective posts of authority, a ban on
Seroxat for new patients, an independant review of the MHRA and it's close
associations with Pharmaceutrical companies. Financially, nothing could
replace what people have been through on this drug.

> Does this require a class action lawsuit where the remedy is money?

How else does a group of 1500 people get justice?

> A few questions:
> 1) Have people been helped by this drug?


> 2) Was the drug the proximate cause of these deaths and homicides in light
> of the fact that the users were already suffering from mental health
> problems?

According to the Donald Schnell case - yes - Glaxo SmithKline were ordered
to pay the remainder of his family $7M after he murdered them then commited
suicide. They have also settled out of court on numerous occasions in the
States. The UK litigation is the first of its kind in this country.

> 3) What are your damages?

You mean how did it effect me? That's a private matter.

>> surely that is a major concern?

> Well certainly it is. But I don't see how a bunch of people filing
> lawsuits for money will remedy your concerns. Good luck.

OK - Point taken. We'll just let them continue to pump ot the poisoin
without question then.


Message has been deleted


Apr 20, 2006, 2:32:56 PM4/20/06
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:31:37 -0400, "PAEOAM" <>

>> Some of you know, I have been busy of late with an up and coming lawsuit
>> against a particular pharmaceutrical company and more importantly the
>> govermental body that grants licenses to them.

>Damn, you're a lawyers dream.
>Question: If the users of this drug were sick/ill/ or whatever before they
>took the drug, and they took the drug and now they are claiming they are
>still sick/ill or whatever, how do you measure damages?

By applying the scientific method

Message has been deleted

Cam on Google

Apr 20, 2006, 5:46:45 PM4/20/06

PAEOAM wrote:
> >
> >> How much justice do you want and expect?
> >
> > Those responsible removed from their respective posts of authority, a ban
> > on Seroxat for new patients,
> At your own admission, this product has helped others.

Thalidymide worked without side effects on some pregnant women

> >an independant review of the MHRA and it's close associations with
> >Pharmaceutrical companies. Financially, nothing could replace what people
> >have been through on this drug.

> How does a class action lawsuit for money adress these issues?

> >> Does this require a class action lawsuit where the remedy is money?
> >
> > How else does a group of 1500 people get justice?

> If you're looking justice in the court system, you are going to be severely
> disappointed. Now, if you're looking for money, that is a different matter.

> >> A few questions:
> >>
> >> 1) Have people been helped by this drug?
> >
> > Yes

> Then why would you want it completely banned?

Again Thalidymide didnt have adverse effects on every patient
prescribed with it but the severity of the adverse reactions and not
being able to determine who would suffer them the substance was
completely banned [in the UK]

> >
> >> 2) Was the drug the proximate cause of these deaths and homicides in
> >> light of the fact that the users were already suffering from mental
> >> health problems?

Seroxat was prescribed over here for the mildest of depressions by GPs.
If a patient is deemed to be capable of self harm or unrational and/or
aggresive behaviour a CPN [COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRIC NURSE[ at least would
be involved or the patient advised to go into an open pxychiatric unit
for assessment treatment or in severe cases sectioned under the Mental
Health Act.

> >
> > According to the Donald Schnell case - yes - Glaxo SmithKline were ordered
> > to pay the remainder of his family $7M after he murdered them then
> > commited suicide.

> Have you murdered anyone?

> >They have also settled out of court on numerous occasions in the States.

> Do you have access to these settlement agreements? I don't think you can
> draw a negative inference from something you have not read.

> >The UK litigation is the first of its kind in this country.

> If you lose, do you have to pay the Defendent's costs, fees, attorney fees
> etc.?

> >> 3) What are your damages?

There are plenty of documented cases of patients while being prescribed
[solely by their GP as a routine prescription] Seroxat experiencing
severe mental problems and episodes not consistant with the GPs

> >
> > You mean how did it effect me? That's a private matter.

> Okay then. Let me make a few reasonable assumptions then: 1) You write
> about it on Usenet, 2) You have created a blog about it, 3) You have
> admitted that you are clinically depressed, 3) You haven't killed yourself,
> 4) I doubt you have killed anyone else, 5) You are really mad at a company
> for making a drug you admit helps people, 6) You are involved with a class
> action suit for money, and 7) You want "justice" even though your remedy
> seems to exclusively be money.

As I understand the motivation of the action is primarily to get
Seroxat withdrawn. Should people be compensated for their suffering
caused by Seroxat......HELL YES.

> Based on this, the steps seem to be:
> 1. I was suffering from mental illness.
> 2. To address the mental illness, I took a (I assume) prescribed drug.
> 3. I stopped taking the drug becasue it didn't work.
> 4. I am still struggling with mental illness.
> Therefore,
> I should get money.

Your assumptions are wrong so naturally so are your conclusions

> >
> >>
> >>> surely that is a major concern?
> >>
> >> Well certainly it is. But I don't see how a bunch of people filing
> >> lawsuits for money will remedy your concerns. Good luck.
> >
> >
> > OK - Point taken. We'll just let them continue to pump ot the poisoin
> > without question then.

> How can it be poison when it -- at your own admission -- helps people? And
> yes, you can and should question it. But I'm not sure that suing for money
> is going to achieve much for the public good.

Again Thalidymide

> Good luck -- I mean it. I'm not trying to make light of your situation.
> Just don't put too much into the legal matters surrounding this. Rarely do
> I see people get what they want: justice. Justice is a goofy television
> term people try to believe in. Courts are venues where disputes are
> resolved in such a way, that usually, everyone loses. The only question is:
> who is going to lose more. Even if you do win money -- where I am, it would
> be a long shot -- it is not going to help your clinical situation.
> Inviato da X-Privat.Org - Registrazione gratuita


Apr 20, 2006, 6:24:55 PM4/20/06

>> At your own admission, this product has helped others.
> Thalidymide worked without side effects on some pregnant women

Of course it had side effects, just like every other item people ingest. In
the case of Thalidomide, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, there
were severe birth defects and/or death. The damages were clear. This
example, to this point of time, is not analogous. I could say the same
thing about alcohol: Dude got all drunk, shot and killed his family, then
himself. Let's file a class action suit against alcohol companies.

>> >> A few questions:
>> >>
>> >> 1) Have people been helped by this drug?
>> >
>> > Yes
>> Then why would you want it completely banned?
> Again Thalidymide didnt have adverse effects on every patient
> prescribed with it but the severity of the adverse reactions and not
> being able to determine who would suffer them the substance was
> completely banned [in the UK]

Maybe the drug should be banned, I don't know. But Bob's class action seems
like a stretch to me.

>> >> 3) What are your damages?
> There are plenty of documented cases of patients while being prescribed
> [solely by their GP as a routine prescription] Seroxat experiencing
> severe mental problems and episodes not consistant with the GPs
> prognosis.

Sure. And they need to establish compensable damages.

>> >
>> > You mean how did it effect me? That's a private matter.
>> Okay then. Let me make a few reasonable assumptions then: 1) You write
>> about it on Usenet, 2) You have created a blog about it, 3) You have
>> admitted that you are clinically depressed, 3) You haven't killed
>> yourself,
>> 4) I doubt you have killed anyone else, 5) You are really mad at a
>> company
>> for making a drug you admit helps people, 6) You are involved with a
>> class
>> action suit for money, and 7) You want "justice" even though your remedy
>> seems to exclusively be money.
> As I understand the motivation of the action is primarily to get
> Seroxat withdrawn.

Class Action lawsuits seek MONEY as a remedy. Some sort of action in equity
would be used for an injunction, not a tort.

>Should people be compensated for their suffering
> caused by Seroxat......HELL YES.

Sure. What are the damages, and were the damages claimed proximately caused
by the product. The pill didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and tell them
to kill their family and themself. You need serious expert opinion
testimony to even try to attempt to establish this. And it isn't as easy
as you think.

>> Based on this, the steps seem to be:
>> 1. I was suffering from mental illness.
>> 2. To address the mental illness, I took a (I assume) prescribed drug.
>> 3. I stopped taking the drug becasue it didn't work.
>> 4. I am still struggling with mental illness.
>> Therefore,
>> I should get money.
> Your assumptions are wrong so naturally so are your conclusions

Which ones? I can only rely on the info Bob, or you as his spokesperson,
put forth.

>> >
>> >>
>> >>> surely that is a major concern?
>> >>
>> >> Well certainly it is. But I don't see how a bunch of people filing
>> >> lawsuits for money will remedy your concerns. Good luck.
>> >
>> >
>> > OK - Point taken. We'll just let them continue to pump ot the poisoin
>> > without question then.
>> How can it be poison when it -- at your own admission -- helps people?
>> And
>> yes, you can and should question it. But I'm not sure that suing for
>> money
>> is going to achieve much for the public good.
> Again Thalidymide

Again, it doesn't apply.

To The Top

Apr 20, 2006, 8:06:38 PM4/20/06

"fiddaman64" <> wrote in message

> Damages are put in place because the Pharmaceutrical company, Glaxo

> SmithKline, witheld data during the clinical trials

No wonder med prices are too high. Every time someone gets a case of
diarrhea, a pharmaceutical gets sued, and then of course it gets passed on
to the consumer.

> Imagine a food company launching a product that caused severe adverse
> reactions to the consumer.



Apr 21, 2006, 2:14:54 AM4/21/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message

> >
>>> How much justice do you want and expect?
>> Those responsible removed from their respective posts of authority, a ban
>> on Seroxat for new patients,
> At your own admission, this product has helped others.

So on that basis a drug that is defective is ok to license?

Do a google on Paxil or Seroxat - there are thousands of patient experiences
out there



Apr 21, 2006, 2:50:28 AM4/21/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message
> >

> Okay then. Let me make a few reasonable assumptions then: 1) You write
> about it on Usenet,

I asked for help with the petition

2) You have created a blog about it,

One of many sources of information. The best (IMO) being here:

3) You have
> admitted that you are clinically depressed,

Have I?

3) You haven't killed yourself,

No shit Sherlock, by the way 4 comes after 3

> 4) I doubt you have killed anyone else,

Does having homicidal thoughts count?

5) You are really mad at a company
> for making a drug you admit helps people,

Mad at them for stating there was a 1% risk of suicide and aggression -
which is classed as frequent by he Medicines Regulatory Authority - the
actual figure was almost treble that

6) You are involved with a class
> action suit for money, and 7) You want "justice" even though your remedy
> seems to exclusively be money.

It's about justice and having the drug removed. I don't expect a huge wad of
money. If you think being part of a help group is about getting money then
you are hugely mistaken.

> Based on this, the steps seem to be:
> 1. I was suffering from mental illness.


> 2. To address the mental illness, I took a (I assume) prescribed drug.

Correct - I was prescribed a drug by my GP that was deemed safe. Evidence
suggests that the drug is not safe.

> 3. I stopped taking the drug becasue it didn't work.

Incorrect - I tried weaning off the drug - the withdrawal effecs were so bad
I was given an oral syringe to come down by 1/2mg per week. I came down from
40mg to 22mg but couldn't hack it anymore - This is a drug that THEY SAY is
not addictive - I and thousands of others beg to differ.
I made the decision to go cold turkey as I had made several attemps to wean
off it. Cold turkey on Seroxat ain't a pleasurable experience

> 4. I am still struggling with mental illness.

Incorrect - I've been Seroxat free for almost two years now

> Therefore,
> I should get money.

You are so naive. Glaxo SmithKline hid trial data purely so they could make
money - they didn't care about the adverse effects this drug had on peeps.
Seroxat has earned them billions of pounds yet despite the evidence that
they witheld clinical trial data they are still being allowed to sell it.
It's a David v Goliath scenario and hopefully a victory for the small man.

I understand your cynicism but believe me there is more to this than meets
the eye. Like I said in an earlier thread - do a google on 'Paxil' or
'Seroxat' or educate yourself futher by going here:

As far as evidence goes I have heaps of it and will be only to pleased to
pass it on to you though I think you have already made your mind up that I,
along with others are only in this for the money.

Thanks for the input on this though


Message has been deleted


Apr 21, 2006, 10:33:17 AM4/21/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message
> Send me the class action petition and I'll learn a whole lot more.

Basically, GSK are being sued under the consumer protection act 1987

Message has been deleted


Apr 21, 2006, 12:46:24 PM4/21/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message

> "fiddaman64" <> wrote in message
> news:N262g.56976$
> Thanks for the link. But, I can learn a heck of a lot more from the
> actual petition[s] that were filed.

Has not been filed yet - Anticipated that it will be filed at end of month

Have sent you an email


Apr 22, 2006, 10:20:15 AM4/22/06

"fiddaman64" <> wrote in message

General question: Are you filing personally and then seeking class action


Apr 24, 2006, 9:53:49 AM4/24/06

"PAEOAM" <> wrote in message

> Let's file a class action suit against alcohol companies.

Judging by the look of some of the women that us blokes have shagged whilst
under the influence of alcohol I think we should definitely file a class
action suit against alcohol companies :>)

To The Top

Apr 24, 2006, 10:33:36 AM4/24/06

"Goulash" <> wrote in message
I don't know why I missed the whole of Chris's post, but I caught this
snippet courtesy of Goulie's response. Imagine the millions of class action
suits against the big brewers. They must be settling them out-of-court on a
daily basis. Big Tobacco missed that lesson. Imagine Fiddy, take on
Budweiser and you'll have your check in a week. Maybe I'll join one based
on general principal. Although I'm the only one putting a bottle to my
lips, I wish that at times there was no more beer left to drink. Maybe a
big fat check will make me a happy sober man. :)

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