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Brian Blank's HUMILIATION # 1

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Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 1, 2003, 12:58:16 PM2/1/03

Brian Blank attempted to play usenet 'English Teacher' and catch Tom
Shelly in a mistake.

Obviously unable to debate me on the facts and merits of my posts, he
claimed that my use of the slang word 'punctualize' is a 'defeat' or
'humiliation' on my part.
Nothing could be further from the truth; it is actually his own

The question addressed here is not whether 'punctualize' is a proper
English word but rather, whether or not it could be used as slang in
an informal setting.

If a word is used at all by others in similiar informal settings or
even in the same exact setting in which I used the word as exampled
below, it is perfectly acceptable to use as slang.

I have never claimed that the word 'punctualize' was proper. It is
slang and as I've proven below, in use by many others. The argument
that I misused the word or thought that the word was not slang is
moot. I never claimed the word 'punctualize' was proper, I simply
used it as slang in an informal setting. Since the word
'punctualize' is obviously slang, English Teacher Blank's only way to
save face is to claim that I used it not knowing it was slang and
thinking it was a real word. This is untrue and he will be utterly
unable to post any type of proof to the contrary.

It is patently silly to expect people to check their grammar,
spelling, etc in usenet postings. And anyone who plays 'English
teacher' in usenet is a jackass and feels ineffective and lacks the
confidence to stand up and properly debate like the rest of us.
How many of us are too lazy to double check spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, etc. Who cares? Only the 'English teacher' jackasses.

The use of the slang word 'punctualize' is particularly amusing
because it is a clear use of slang and not a fundamental mistake in
English usage, as English Teacher Brian Blank would have us believe.
But he has now dug himself into a hole and has to continue defending
himself no matter how silly he makes himself out to be.

The definition of slang is:

A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech,
made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that
are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness,
humor, irreverence, or other effect.

A few days ago, English Professor Brian Blank, wrote that the examples
I have posted thus far of others using the slang word 'punctualize'
were of dead links or of people who learned English as a second
language. Here's many examples for him to ponder, particularly the
ones from usenet which prove that the word 'punctualize' is slang and
in use by others in the exact setting I used it in: informal usenet.

1.) Here's a very scholarly paper written by

Eugene W. Martin
University of Washington - Department of Geography

He uses the slang word 'punctualize' even in a formal setting:

Inscription devices often punctualize the inscription device’s

and natural

2.) An example of a poster to usenet using the slang word:

You old fogies all appear to have scared andyc away with your
suggestions that he try to punctualize

You will note the author's free use of slang and creative spelling,
further proving the informal expectations of writing of usenet.

3.) Another example of the slang word 'punctualize' being used on

I would like to punctualize that we know how to use the software since
we have been using it from 1997!!!

4.) Another usenet example:
"Raw Imma give it to ya / with no trivia / raw like cocaine staright
from Bolivia /my hip-hop will rock the nation / like the
emancipation-proclamation" SInce this has been my favorite song for
years I felt I had to punctualize... Cool?

5.) Usenet exaple again:

When my hands aren't hurting terribly bad i take the time to go back
and fix mistakes and cap things,and even punctualize.

6.) Usenet example:

And of course this little bundle of joy cannot seem to punctualize or
capitalize correctly;

7. Usenet again:

I want to punctualize some facts about italian soccer dictated by my
common sense.

8. Usenet:

Hello, I read Rob White's answer on subject and just want to
punctualize something.

9. And usenet again:
... i mean, behind your words there was more than hate. anyway, just
for punctualize,
i continue to think that you fall towards lowest levels when you
offend ...

10. And again in usenet:
just for punctualize, the best song by them is Kings and Queen

11. Yet another usenet:
and to punctualize, i'm not american and i feel this as an handicap

12. Usenet
you have the amazing ability to type, spell, and punctualize just like
our favorite Skins fan.

13. Usenet again:
You know better than to misspell or mistype or improperly
your posts,

14. Usenet example.

And here the author helps make my point that usenet postings are
highly informal and proper English is certainly not expected:

... I post because i want to not to please anyone.i dont cap and i
rarely punctualize
and if people can't tell im intellegant anyway i really couldn't care
less ...

15. Usenet:
officer who died fighting the Turks in the 1600's. Andrea> And, I wish
to punctualize,
he died VIRGIN. Cavalry, eh?? Well, you'll have to be more specific.
What ...

16. Usenet again:
some people who capitalize and
punctualize perfectly don't know what they are talking about! (i'm
sure you

17. Usenet example:

Here's an example of someone berating others for failing to use proper
English and using the slang word 'punctualize' in the same sentence!

When someone starts ranting about intelligence, and then fails to
capitalize, and spell correctly, it sheds a different light on their

18. Usenet again:
Makoto when you write out such a quick message, not even bothering to
punctualize, or even write out you. But of course we could all use
some pics ...

19. Usenet:
Yet no one can See it, because ordinary consciousness must break up,
tear a piece out from this infinite comment in order for anyone to ...

20. Usenet again:

Somehow the idea of an attorney that can't punctualize, capitalize, or
Please read
the following and think it over. If you don't like it, then Don't do
it ...

21. Usenet example:
Another good example of someone berating another for their lack of
proper English using the word 'punctualize' haha
1) Learn to spell and punctualize before
you post anything. 2) Flex-Able sucks. I love Vai, but the album just
isn ...

22. Usenet:
To avoid offending any sensibilities I must punctualize
that the Capital Brewery

23. Usenet again:
*I post, thus I am*, although somebody can be picky and punctualize
better their philosophy:

24. Usenet example:

Obviously a poster with a flair for slang and free-flow writing:

decaded in trivialityies that also Walsh can punctualize?
I'm definitely not the queen of flames

25. From a website:
meservery - is NOT emo and doesn't
like to punctualize. Mel - likes the Browns.

26. Website example:
... It is interesting to punctualize that in the back yard of this
House, there is Cují
(mezquite tree) of the same specie

27. Website:

i need to punctualize a little num of cams noticed the fact.

28. Another website:
We wish to punctualize here the difference
between true Messianic Judaism and Hebrew Christianity.

29. From a poem on a website:

, A seed in which I sow Flighty stars punctualize to the heavens

30. From a message board

This board is a good example of the free use of slang on message

Can't punctualize marchFIRST? divineInterventures? My spell checker

31. Website
The Vespa Club of Italy:

on '82 , while Rome's and
Firenze's Congresses punctualize always more this organizative resume.

32. From a book written by Dr. Giuseppe Fortunati
Another example of the slang word being used in a formal setting:

It is worthwhile to punctualize how the link between
the citizen’s computer and any central one works. The ...

33. From a legal filing with the Supreme Court of the Philippines

Remember that legal papers are interpreted by certified translators:

since logically the
opposition can only fiscalize the administration and punctualize its
errors ...

After all this proof that the word 'punctualize' is being used quite
freely as slang and since the usenet groups, alt.revisionism and
alt.flame.niggers are highly informal and no group rules dictate that
slang can not be used in those particular group, Brian Blank doesn't
have a leg to stand on and this has now turned into his humiliation.

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God
Purveyor of Truth

Proud Recipient
alt.flame.niggers Most Hated Racist, 2002 & 2003


Feb 1, 2003, 1:09:05 PM2/1/03


Tom on a loudmouthed rant went on to spew that he in fact served in the
Korean war. And that he was also a Frogman and SEAL during the conflict. Not
to mention ace fighter pilot. When asked to provide answers to the following
questions Thomas ran like the mangy curr that he or she is.

1. What RANK were you during the KOREAN war?
2. MOS?
3. Tour of DUTY?
4. Company Commmander?
5. Branch of service?
6. Age during the Korean war?

Thomas would say at this point that one is surrendering to him. Hardly, the
lame bastard has no spine to post the truth.

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 1, 2003, 1:15:36 PM2/1/03

New information as of 12/02:

housenigger one is now demanding me to post my pic 'or he wins'!


Will his utter surrender of the Korean debate and depth of his
humilition ever end?

1. Post your pic coward!
2. DO find a spine an reply to my previous questions. Without cut &

Asking someone to post personal information about themselves in a
group or 'you win' is ridiculous nigger nonsense and you and everyone
else knows it. The fact of the matter is that I made such a fool of
you in the Korean War debate that the only way you could get out of it
was by demanding personal information from me and when I wouldn't post
it, you declared yourself the winner.

Instead of asking me the millions of questions you could have asked if
you had half a brain (and since your'e a nigger, you can't comprehend
human thought), you use this ruse as a way to avoid any other future
debate with me as well.

In fact, the more you ask this and repost it, the more you indicate
your fear of me and the depth of your humilation.

What a fool you are making of yourself.

housenigger one was exposed for his simplistic lack of knowledge
regarding the Korean War
and the timeframe of that war and the fact that it technically never
ended. In fact, since the
late 50's, there have been many skirmishes along the DMZ and within
borders and many
of our military personnel died in combat since.

When I exposed housenigger one for his utter stupidity for not knowing
all this, especially
after given the chance to look it up, his response was to demand the
following personal
information from me knowing full well it would not be given and had
nothing to do with the

1. What was your rank during the KOREAN war?
2. MOS?
3. TOUR of DUTY?
4. Base Commander?
6. Your"supposed" real name?

And since I don't, he somehow feels this gives him a 'win'. Like
niggers, he is gleefully
downing a 40 and dancing in front of the 7-11 thinking that he 'showed
that cracka'. When in
reality, he made a damn fool out of himself and put up this big 'post
personal information
about yourself or I win' smokescreen.

niggers will be niggers and niggers will act like niggers.

Tom Shelly, White God
Purveyor of Truth

Proud Recipient
AFN's Most Hated Racist, 2002

And now this added by I.M. White:

Wrong NIGGER-boy. The humiliation is yours and yours alone.

NIGGERexcrement claims Tom is lying because he prefers not to divulge
personal information, yet the shit-NIGGER admits that not all of the
vets he
"claims" to know will give the same information either. A classic
example of
NIGGER-logic at play.

"Mr.eXtremeOne" <> wrote in message
> Personal info by asking someone who was or "Claims" to be a vet what is
> was?
> You clueless fuck. 98% of TRUE vets that I know and talk to don't have a
> problem repling to these:

1. Rank
2. MOS
3. TOUR of Duty (if applicable)
4. Company Commander
5. Branch of serivce

BUT, if any of the vets you claim to know preferred NOT to answer,
would NOT automatically make them a liar. Therefore, being that you
are the
one making the claim that Tom has lied, the burden of proof lies upon
NOT Tom. Fact is, you just admitted that 2% of TRUE vets prefer NOT to
answer personal questions about themselves or their military career.
In that
respect, your sub-simian NIGGER-logic has no merit whatsoever.

That said, it would seem that the real "clueless fuck" is YOU. Here's
a tip:
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Dumbass NIGGER.

What NIGGERS are missing leaves the NIGGERS without an ability to
about what NIGGERS are missing.

Therefore, NIGGERS need not respond.

I. M. White

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 1, 2003, 1:22:19 PM2/1/03
housenigger one continues to surrender:

On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:09:05 GMT, "Mr.X" <> wrote:

>Tom on a loudmouthed rant went on to spew that he in fact served in the
>Korean war. And that he was also a Frogman and SEAL during the conflict. Not
>to mention ace fighter pilot. When asked to provide answers to the following
>questions Thomas ran like the mangy curr that he or she is.
>1. What RANK were you during the KOREAN war?
>2. MOS?
>3. Tour of DUTY?
>4. Company Commmander?
>5. Branch of service?
>6. Age during the Korean war?


1. What was your rank during the KOREAN war?
2. MOS?

3. TOUR of DUTY?
4. Base Commander?
6. Your"supposed" real name?

And since I don't, he somehow feels this gives him a 'win'. Like
niggers, he is gleefully
downing a 40 and dancing in front of the 7-11 thinking that he 'showed
that cracka'. When in
reality, he made a damn fool out of himself and put up this big 'post
personal information
about yourself or I win' smokescreen.

niggers will be niggers and niggers will act like niggers.

Tom Shelly, White God
Purveyor of Truth

Proud Recipient

Black Knight

Feb 1, 2003, 5:33:58 PM2/1/03
"Mr.X" <> wrote in message news:<53U_9.359$>...

> Tom on a loudmouthed rant went on to spew that he in fact served in the
> Korean war. And that he was also a Frogman and SEAL during the conflict. Not
> to mention ace fighter pilot. When asked to provide answers to the following
> questions Thomas ran like the mangy curr that he or she is.
> 1. What RANK were you during the KOREAN war?
> 2. MOS?
> 3. Tour of DUTY?
> 4. Company Commmander?
> 5. Branch of service?
> 6. Age during the Korean war?

If he did serve in Korea, he'd be at least in his seventies now.I
didn't think horsedung lasted that long.

> Thomas would say at this point that one is surrendering to him. Hardly, the
> lame bastard has no spine to post the truth.

He is one of the silliest MF's to ever come down the road.


Black Knight

Feb 1, 2003, 5:37:43 PM2/1/03
"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Brian Blank attempted to play usenet 'English Teacher' and catch Tom
> Shelly in a mistake.
> Obviously unable to debate me on the facts and merits of my posts, he
> claimed that my use of the slang word 'punctualize' is a 'defeat' or
> 'humiliation' on my part.
> Nothing could be further from the truth; it is actually his own
> humiliation.
> The question addressed here is not whether 'punctualize' is a proper
> English word but rather, whether or not it could be used as slang in
> an informal setting.

Nah. The question is whether you are the dumbest clod that ever got brain damage

from falling out of an outhouse. The answer is yes.

Brian Blank

Feb 1, 2003, 7:04:12 PM2/1/03
On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 09:58:16 -0800, "Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote:

>Brian Blank attempted to play usenet 'English Teacher' and catch Tom
>Shelly in a mistake.

Tom Shelly now shows his dementia by referring to himself in the third

>Obviously unable to debate me on the facts and merits of my posts, he
>claimed that my use of the slang word 'punctualize' is a 'defeat' or
>'humiliation' on my part.
>Nothing could be further from the truth; it is actually his own

Actually, I never said that the use of that word showed your defeat or

So you lie again.

It is your lying that shows your defeat.

Your are a proven liar.

>The question addressed here is not whether 'punctualize' is a proper
>English word but rather, whether or not it could be used as slang in
>an informal setting.

Like I care. You claim to be a "White God" as such you should be
omnipotent and know what words exist and which do not.

>If a word is used at all by others in similiar informal settings or
>even in the same exact setting in which I used the word as exampled
>below, it is perfectly acceptable to use as slang.

So you say. Who cares?

>I have never claimed that the word 'punctualize' was proper. It is
>slang and as I've proven below, in use by many others. The argument
>that I misused the word or thought that the word was not slang is
>moot. I never claimed the word 'punctualize' was proper, I simply
>used it as slang in an informal setting. Since the word
>'punctualize' is obviously slang, English Teacher Blank's only way to
>save face is to claim that I used it not knowing it was slang and
>thinking it was a real word. This is untrue and he will be utterly
>unable to post any type of proof to the contrary.

Translation: "If I keep saying this over and over, somebody will
believe me".

>It is patently silly to expect people to check their grammar,
>spelling, etc in usenet postings. And anyone who plays 'English
>teacher' in usenet is a jackass and feels ineffective and lacks the
>confidence to stand up and properly debate like the rest of us.
>How many of us are too lazy to double check spelling, capitalization,
>punctuation, etc. Who cares? Only the 'English teacher' jackasses.

Get yourself a decent news reader, or better yet, get yourself an
education. Don't cry about your shortcomings in the English

>The use of the slang word 'punctualize' is particularly amusing
>because it is a clear use of slang and not a fundamental mistake in
>English usage, as English Teacher Brian Blank would have us believe.
>But he has now dug himself into a hole and has to continue defending
>himself no matter how silly he makes himself out to be.

Translation: "If I keep saying this over and over, somebody will
believe me".

>The definition of slang is:
>A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech,
>made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that
>are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness,
>humor, irreverence, or other effect.

And your point is what exactly?

I know what slang is, I also know that you will not find that word in
any slang dictionary. The use of it is a mistake.

And how does this address the issue of your lying?

>A few days ago, English Professor Brian Blank, wrote that the examples
>I have posted thus far of others using the slang word 'punctualize'
>were of dead links or of people who learned English as a second
>language. Here's many examples for him to ponder, particularly the
>ones from usenet which prove that the word 'punctualize' is slang and
>in use by others in the exact setting I used it in: informal usenet.

Interesting, you said that you cut and pasted those links from Emma.
Now you say you posted them. Well there's an easy conclusion to draw
from that.

Incidentally, I am not going to refute each of these usages you have
cut and pasted here, I am simply going to point out a few things.
Firstly, not all the users are using the word the way you did,
secondly not all the users are native English speakers (what is the
official language of the Philippines) and thirdly, ever hear the
saying "two wrongs don't make a right"? Just because others misuse the
word in their writing does not make the word correct.

Now, are you going to address the issues of your lies/

All you have shown is that others use the word. Big deal. You are
extremely stupid and quite unable to grasp that the issue was not the
use of the word at all. A real man would have said, after the error
was pointed out, words to the effect of "I'm sorry, I made a mistake".
You however, being the stupid, egotistical, insignificant little worm
that you are, chose instead to go into this further idiot mode hoping
to intimidate me and others. You also chose to deliberately lie in one
of your posts as a means to defend yourself. You also chose to
deliberately lie in this very post where you said "Obviously unable to

debate me on the facts and merits of my posts, he claimed that my use
of the slang word 'punctualize' is a 'defeat' or 'humiliation' on my

>Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God
>Purveyor of Truth
>Proud Recipient
>alt.flame.niggers Most Hated Racist, 2002 & 2003

Well thanks for playing, and thanks for proving again that you are a
lying, cretinous, bigoted, insignificant excuse for a human being.

Have a nice day.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 1, 2003, 7:05:04 PM2/1/03
On 1 Feb 2003 14:37:43 -0800, (Black Knight)

Well, that sums that up succinctly.


Brian Blank

Black Knight

Feb 1, 2003, 7:45:37 PM2/1/03
"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God" <> wrote in message news:<>...

I deleted all your stuff becuase it doesn't matter. The fact that we
all keep laughing at you, mocking you, arguing with you and are all
still here is proof you have lost too many times to count. You can't
drive anybody off. You are an impotent loser.


Black Knight

Feb 1, 2003, 7:56:29 PM2/1/03
"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:09:05 GMT, "Mr.X" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >

<deleted all of Tom the Loser's irrelevant bullshit>

The fact remains that X is still here and you can't do anything about
it. He can hang around and insult you whenever he feels like it. He
can argue with you whenever he feels like it. He can laugh at you
whenever he feels like it.

The same applies to me, Brian, Marvin,Xander, and a host of
others.We're having fun with you, idiot. We sit and laugh at your dumb
proclamations of victory.
WE can do that because what you say doesn't matter to any of us. Your
credibility and respect levels are both ZERO.

Keep beating your gums, fool.


Ken Lewis

Feb 1, 2003, 9:45:52 PM2/1/03
On 1 Feb 2003 16:56:29 -0800, (Black Knight)

>"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God" <> wrote in message news:<>...

>> On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:09:05 GMT, "Mr.X" <> wrote:


>Keep beating your gums, fool.

Speaking of fools and other things....

Your OCD wouldn't be getting the best of you again would it, shit

You have posted 49 messages from 9:14 p.m. on the 31st to 5:07 p.m. on
the 1st. You ever hear of sleep or a life away from the computer?

Get to you shrink and start taking your meds again, bozo.


Feb 1, 2003, 11:45:28 PM2/1/03

"Black Knight" <> wrote in message

Scowls Shelly as (s)he runs away like a scalded dogg.


You're right B, the idiot doesn't have a clue. He'll be on vacation soon,
after the pressure of losing soooo much sets in on his dumbass. Anywho have
fun kicking his ass. I am!

Brian Blank

Feb 1, 2003, 11:46:42 PM2/1/03
On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 22:00:08 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On 1 Feb 2003 16:56:29 -0800, (Black Knight)

>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a

Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
free post.

Judging by the content, Riske must work in an apostrophe factory. he
certainly has a surfeit of them.

He also doesn't know when they should be used.


Brian Blank


Feb 2, 2003, 1:35:24 AM2/2/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
> unsupported babble.
> And I'm certain this wont be the last time...

Did a lotta snippin' there Slurrrrrp. Did the truth hurt your faggey ass? Or
was that Tommi Girl Shelly with the strap-on?

Black Knight

Feb 2, 2003, 7:14:23 AM2/2/03
Brian Blank <> wrote in message news:<>...

He also doesn't know the meanings of the words he uses. Calling me a
"Liberal" is hilarious. There aren't many Liberals in the GOP, NRA or
American Legion.

He also doesn't know how to write proper English.He's got two
delightful run-on sentences in that post.

Did you notice any explanation of why we are "cowards"? If you're
gonna make an accusation, you really need to link the facts with it.


Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 8:03:52 AM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
>>>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
>>>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
>>>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
>>>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
>>Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
>>free post.

>Fact free?
>He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
>You did evade his evidence.
>You were simply too terrified to acknowledge the evidence because in
>doing so you would have to admit that he is right.

Ah, another fool talking about himself in the third person.

Or weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?
>Liberals would rather die than admit that they were ever wrong about
>*anything*, that is what drives them to lie, that is what establishes
>them as craven cowards.

>unsupported babble.
>And I'm certain this wont be the last time...

Thanks for playing.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 8:06:08 AM2/2/03
On 2 Feb 2003 04:14:23 -0800, (Black Knight)

Hi Joe,

Of course you aren't a liberal. I would say that everybody on this
newsgroup who has been here for some time would be aware of that.

The problem is that these "White Gods" being totally delusional,
believe themselves omnipotent, i.e. when they say something it must be
true, when in fact, they are simply impotent, and when they say
something, it's a load of bollocks.


Brian Blank

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 10:35:01 AM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:04:12 GMT, Brian Blank
<> wrote:

>Your are a proven liar.

Post proof that I have ever lied or lost a debate.



By the way, 'it's you're a proven liar' or 'you are a proven liar'.

Not 'your are a proven liar'.

See what happens when you play 'English Teacher?'

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 10:36:06 AM2/2/03
On 1 Feb 2003 16:45:37 -0800, (Black Knight)

>I deleted all your stuff becuase it doesn't matter.

In other words, you are afraid to read it and confront me so you'd
rather post 'muh dickkk' responses and live in a dream world while
being utterly humiliated on usenet.

So noted.

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 10:39:58 AM2/2/03
On 1 Feb 2003 14:33:58 -0800, (Black Knight)

>He is one of the silliest MF's to ever come down the road.

Once again,

Post proof that I have ever been humiliated.


By the way:

Will Bruno run like a coward for the amusement of us all?

Or will he be a man and back up his claims point by point?

1. Post proof that I have ever lost

2. Post proof that I have ever lied.

3. Post proof that 'everone knows I'm full of shit'. Be sure to
include every man, woman, and child on Earth as your statement claims.

4. Post proof that you personally suggested to me that I 'take a
poll' before you made the statement that you did.

5. Post proof to my 'huge logical flaw' in the humiliations I posted
regarding Jeffrey G. Brown

6. Post proof that this 'huge logical flaw' has been explained to me
before you made the statement that it already has been.

7. Post proof that I ever threatened to 'run you off'.

These are your claims, Bruno.

Are you a man or will you cowardly run from defending your

I will save this post and continue to post it from time to time to
remind you of your cowardice and lack of credibility.

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 10:47:22 AM2/2/03
On 1 Feb 2003 16:56:29 -0800, (Black Knight)

>> >

><deleted all of Tom the Loser's irrelevant bullshit>
>The fact remains that X is still here and you can't do anything about
>it. He can hang around and insult you whenever he feels like it. He
>can argue with you whenever he feels like it. He can laugh at you
>whenever he feels like it.
>The same applies to me, Brian, Marvin,Xander, and a host of
>others.We're having fun with you, idiot. We sit and laugh at your dumb
>proclamations of victory.
>WE can do that because what you say doesn't matter to any of us. Your
>credibility and respect levels are both ZERO.

The fact that you are all still here doesn't prove or mean anything.

I want you here, who else would I have to laugh at and humiliated on

In regards to my credibility:

Post proof that I have ever lost or been unable to back up my words.




Will Bruno run like a coward for the amusement of us all?

Or will he be a man and back up his claims point by point?

1. Post proof that I have ever lost

2. Post proof that I have ever lied.

3. Post proof that 'everone knows I'm full of shit'. Be sure to
include every man, woman, and child on Earth as your statement claims.

4. Post proof that you personally suggested to me that I 'take a
poll' before you made the statement that you did.

5. Post proof to my 'huge logical flaw' in the humiliations I posted
regarding Jeffrey G. Brown

6. Post proof that this 'huge logical flaw' has been explained to me
before you made the statement that it already has been.

7. Post proof that I ever threatened to 'run you off'.

These are your claims, Bruno.

Are you a man or will you cowardly run from defending your

I will save this post and continue to post it from time to time to
remind you of your cowardice and lack of credibility.

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 10:53:19 AM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 02:13:36 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
>fantasies yet again.
>You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy

Yes, housenigger one suffered one of the worse humiliations on usenet
I've ever seen. Almost as bad as Jeffrey's:


The worse humiliation I have ever seen given to anyone on

housenigger one is exposed as a real-life faggot.

I didn't believe it at first, I thought the messages were probably
forged but enough information is now in to confirm it: housenigger
one, AKA extremeone, Derek Lawrence, is a faggot.

chello Newsreader
... the gay > > scene. Either contact me by email on
or contact me on > > ICQ, # 40883766. > > > > Any help will ...
@article@36203 - 11k - Cached

Date: 06/04/2000
Author: Derek Lawrence <>


My name is Derek, I'm 31 years old, gay, coming to New York soon. Can
anyone let me know where the best places are to go in terms of the gay
scene. Either contact me by email on or contact
me on
ICQ, # 40883766.

Any help will be appreciated,


Notice that niggerextreme had before they bounced his
ass, and now has Prodigy for the short-term. Now, look at the posts
and notice and Prodigy as the ISP's during the same
exact time
frame niggerextreme was using those service.

Coincindence? I think not.

niggerextreme is a fag.

From: Derek Lawrence (
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original
Date: 2000/06/04


My name is Derek, I'm 31 years old, gay, coming to New York soon. Can
anyone let me know where the best places are to go in terms of the gay
scene. Either contact me by email on or contact
me on
ICQ, # 40883766.

Any help will be appreciated,



From: Derek Lawrence ( HELP
pa.motssView: Complete Thread (2 articles) | Original Format Date:
2000/06/04 I am homosexual and need some advice on what do to about
Does anyone
know how I can meet fellow gay men as I am seeking a partner. Please

Lawrence ( Help! Newsgroups:
(This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format Date:
I am an active homosexual living in the United States. I am having
problems confronting the issue of homosexuality and would like some
I am also seeking a gay partner and wonder where the best places to

Thanks for your kind help,
Lawrence" <> wrote in message
news:kqZg8.21538$, My
name is
Derek Lawrence, and I would like to introduce myself to thegroup. I am
black gay man who enjoys pro-wrestling and remote controlcars/trucks.
purpose here is to find other gay black males with similarinterests
for some
fun times, if you know what I mean <GO>. Please reply tothis group if
are interested.Respectfully, Derek

Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

Feb 2, 2003, 11:00:48 AM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:04:12 GMT, Brian Blank
<> wrote:

>Actually, I never said that the use of that word showed your defeat or
>So you lie again.

Oh really?

What's this?:

Firstly, Shelly is an idiotic moron who thought that there was such a
word as punctualize.

Secondly, Shelly is too craven a coward to admit that he makes
mistakes, so he then goes into his attack mode and posts links to
prove his point, which in fact expose him for a complete and absolute

Thirdly, he goes into liar mode and simply attempts to lie his way out
of this.

And I couldn't help but notice that you failed to address your
humiliation. Here it is again to remind you:


Brian Blank attempted to play usenet 'English Teacher' and catch Tom
Shelly in a mistake.

Obviously unable to debate me on the facts and merits of my posts, he

claimed that my use of the slang word 'punctualize' is a 'defeat' or
'humiliation' on my part.
Nothing could be further from the truth; it is actually his own

The question addressed here is not whether 'punctualize' is a proper

English word but rather, whether or not it could be used as slang in
an informal setting.

If a word is used at all by others in similiar informal settings or

even in the same exact setting in which I used the word as exampled
below, it is perfectly acceptable to use as slang.

I have never claimed that the word 'punctualize' was proper. It is

slang and as I've proven below, in use by many others. The argument
that I misused the word or thought that the word was not slang is
moot. I never claimed the word 'punctualize' was proper, I simply
used it as slang in an informal setting. Since the word
'punctualize' is obviously slang, English Teacher Blank's only way to
save face is to claim that I used it not knowing it was slang and
thinking it was a real word. This is untrue and he will be utterly
unable to post any type of proof to the contrary.

It is patently silly to expect people to check their grammar,

spelling, etc in usenet postings. And anyone who plays 'English
teacher' in usenet is a jackass and feels ineffective and lacks the
confidence to stand up and properly debate like the rest of us.
How many of us are too lazy to double check spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, etc. Who cares? Only the 'English teacher' jackasses.

The use of the slang word 'punctualize' is particularly amusing

because it is a clear use of slang and not a fundamental mistake in
English usage, as English Teacher Brian Blank would have us believe.
But he has now dug himself into a hole and has to continue defending
himself no matter how silly he makes himself out to be.

The definition of slang is:

A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech,
made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that
are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness,
humor, irreverence, or other effect.

A few days ago, English Professor Brian Blank, wrote that the examples

I have posted thus far of others using the slang word 'punctualize'
were of dead links or of people who learned English as a second
language. Here's many examples for him to ponder, particularly the
ones from usenet which prove that the word 'punctualize' is slang and
in use by others in the exact setting I used it in: informal usenet.

1.) Here's a very scholarly paper written by

and natural

5.) Usenet exaple again:

6.) Usenet example:

7. Usenet again:

8. Usenet:

14. Usenet example.

17. Usenet example:

20. Usenet again:

24. Usenet example:

27. Website:


Feb 2, 2003, 11:44:18 AM2/2/03

"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote in message

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:04:12 GMT, Brian Blank
> <> wrote:
> >Your are a proven liar.
> Post proof that I have ever lied or lost a debate.
1. Korean war?
2. Rank?
3. Branch of service?
4. Mos?
5. tour of duty?
6. Age during the war?

Do reply to those 6 questions girly-man. YOu lied about those 6 and lost
that question debate with me.

Insert cut &paste or TWB whines here:

Black Knight

Feb 2, 2003, 2:54:54 PM2/2/03
Brian Blank <> wrote in message news:<>...

In a previous post, I supported one of the most radical positions of
the Conservative wing of the GOP-eliminating the Departments of
Education, Commerce and HUD.Most moderate Republicans won't go that
far.We believe that the Federal government gets too much coercive
power over the states with the funds these departments dole out-there
are always strings attached to the money..That impairs states
rights.It is also improper that taxpayers in Maine should be forced to
pay for education in California or housing in New Mexico.

You're right, though. These guys are ignorant about countless things,
including the meanings of the words they use. Bradbury actually told
me that Conservatives don't engage in personal attack.I wonder if he
saw the Clinton impeachment proceedings or heard Pat Buchanan's
speeches. It astounds me that anyone could be that plain stupid.


I. M. White

Feb 2, 2003, 3:42:31 PM2/2/03

"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote in message

> Yes, housenigger one suffered one of the worse humiliations on usenet
> I've ever seen. Almost as bad as Jeffrey's:

And the shit-NIGGER has been unable to refute the damaging evidence against
him. In conclusion, NIGGERexcrement is a fag.

So noted.

I. M. White

Feb 2, 2003, 3:49:37 PM2/2/03

"Mr.X" <> wrote in message

"Mr.X" <> wrote in message

NIGGERexcrement claims Tom is lying because he prefers not to divulge
personal information, yet the shit-NIGGER admits that not all of the vets he
"claims" to know will give the same information either. A classic example of
NIGGER-logic at play.


"Mr.eXtremeOne" <> wrote in message
> Personal info by asking someone who was or "Claims" to be a vet what is
> was?
> You clueless fuck. 98% of TRUE vets that I know and talk to don't have a
> problem repling to these:

1. Rank
2. MOS
3. TOUR of Duty (if applicable)
4. Company Commander
5. Branch of serivce


My reply to the above NIGGER-babble:

BUT, if any of the vets you claim to know preferred NOT to answer, that
would NOT automatically make them a liar. Therefore, being that you are the
one making the claim that Tom has lied, the burden of proof lies upon you,
NOT Tom. Fact is, you just admitted that 2% of TRUE vets prefer NOT to
answer personal questions about themselves or their military career. In that
respect, your sub-simian NIGGER-logic has no merit whatsoever.

That said, it would seem that the real "clueless fuck" is YOU. Here's a tip:
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Dumbass NIGGER.


NIGGERexcrements response: (Notice the improper use of "per capita").

... in message news:JGNi9.607$
Wow, A whopping
2 percent. Gee Trashy that really makes for a 'per-capita" slappage on me
alt.flame.niggers - Oct. 11, 2002 by I. M. White - View Thread (2 articles)


The illiterate NIGGER humiliates himself with each and every post.

Dumbass NIGGER.

Phantom Ryder

Feb 2, 2003, 4:26:41 PM2/2/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> On 2 Feb 2003 04:14:23 -0800, (Black Knight)

> wrote:
> >
> >
> >He also doesn't know the meanings of the words he uses. Calling me a
> >"Liberal" is hilarious. There aren't many Liberals in the GOP, NRA or
> >American Legion.
> Of course your a liberal, you have been shown evidence to back up the
> claims of myself and Tom Shelly, in typical liberal fashion you ran
> 'asshole and elbows' away from the evidence and pretended it wasn't
> there, like all liberals.
> >
> <snip>
> Diversion.

> >
> >Did you notice any explanation of why we are "cowards"? If you're
> >gonna make an accusation, you really need to link the facts with it.
> >
> >Bruno
> Easy to do, you are a liberal (obviously), liberals are cowards, they
> are *terrified* of the facts presented to them about niggers and jews,
> they will do anything they can to hide the truths shown to them that
> disprove their bleeding-heart agenda of equality.
> You easily fall within this axiom, you prove it every time you open a
> news reader, coward.

The challenge was made and you continue to evade it, Jimmie Boy. Prove you
are white or a god.
Phantom Ryder
"Cave Putorium"

Phantom Ryder

Feb 2, 2003, 4:28:12 PM2/2/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> >Tom Shelly, Defeated White Slime
> >
> >
> hahahahahah
> hahaha

The challenge was made and you, Jimmie Boy, continue to EVADE. Post proof
that you are white and/or a god.

Phantom Ryder

Feb 2, 2003, 4:51:12 PM2/2/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 13:03:52 GMT, Brian Blank
> <> wrote:
> >On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White Slime"

> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
> >><> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>><snip>
> >>>>
> >>>>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
> >>>>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
> >>>>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
> >>>>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
> >>>>
> >>>>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
> >>>>choice...
> >>>
> >>>Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
> >>>free post.
> >>
> >>Fact free?
> >>He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
> >>You did evade his evidence.
> >>You were simply too terrified to acknowledge the evidence because in
> >>doing so you would have to admit that he is right.
> >
> >Ah, another fool talking about himself in the third person.
> >
> >Or weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?
> I noticed you were unable to directly reply to my claims, coward.

> >>
> >>Liberals would rather die than admit that they were ever wrong about
> >>*anything*, that is what drives them to lie, that is what establishes
> >>them as craven cowards.
> >>
> >><snip>
> >>unsupported babble.
> >>And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
> >
> >Thanks for playing.
> >
> Thanks for evading.

I see you still evade the challenge, Jimmie Boy. Post proof that you are
white or a god. I'm still waiting for the proof, scumbag.


Feb 2, 2003, 5:32:11 PM2/2/03

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message

Fuck that. Post the address coward.


Feb 2, 2003, 5:32:47 PM2/2/03

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message news:b1k092

cut & paste, ignore.

Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 5:45:07 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003

00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
> <> wrote:

> >><snip>
> >>
> >>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
> >>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
> >>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
> >>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
> >>
> >>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
> >>choice...
> >
> >Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
> >free post.

> Fact free?
> He did back his words with verifiable evidence.

He? Why are you referring to yourself in the third person? Did you
forget which nym you are posting under?


Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time

Visit the Holocaust History Project

Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 5:46:21 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003

13:03:52 GMT, Brian Blank <> wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
> <> wrote:
> >On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>><snip>
> >>>
> >>>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
> >>>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
> >>>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
> >>>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
> >>>
> >>>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
> >>>choice...
> >>
> >>Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
> >>free post.
> >
> >Fact free?
> >He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
> >You did evade his evidence.
> >You were simply too terrified to acknowledge the evidence because in
> >doing so you would have to admit that he is right.
> Ah, another fool talking about himself in the third person.
> Or weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?

Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.

Not too bright, these ones.

Xander Cage

Feb 2, 2003, 6:15:09 PM2/2/03
On 01 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated Tom Shelly, defeated
White God, came crawling back to the
newsgroup alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:


Nothing of any importance.....

> Tom Shelly, White God


> Purveyor of Truth


> Proud Recipient
> AFN's Most Hated Racist, 2002

Proof posted, thanks!

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without
strategy is the noise before defeat.
Sun Tzu

Xander Cage

Feb 2, 2003, 6:20:29 PM2/2/03
On 01 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated Ken
Lewis, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> You have posted 49 messages from 9:14 p.m. on the 31st to 5:07 p.m. on

> the 1st. You ever hear of sleep or a life away from the computer?

Would you like to see me post 100 messages in a shorter period of time? Keep
your mouth shut if you choose not to deal with the subject matter, Ken!

Xander Cage

Feb 2, 2003, 6:28:07 PM2/2/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
> fantasies yet again.
> You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy
> faggot:

Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the same
problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to utilizing them
in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of your sock puppetry
then you're dumber than a brick of shit!


I. M. White

Feb 2, 2003, 6:39:01 PM2/2/03

"Mr.X" <> wrote in message

> Fuck that. Post the address coward.

Yes, when are you going to back up your blubber-lipped mouth and take
responsibility for your actions, NIGGER-boy? Or are you going to be a
sniveling little coward all of your life and continue to run from the truth
like you have been? TNB.

From: Mr.eXtremeOne (
Subject: Re: Hey I.M. White......remind you of someone?
Newsgroups: alt.flame.niggers

Date: 2002-03-10 09:18:04 PST

"I. M. White"> wrote in message

What are you babbling about, you demented fag of a porchmonkey????

Oh yeah mother fucker, you know what I'm talking about. ADDRESS

Did you, or did you not, make the claim above?

Enough said.

What NIGGERS are missing leaves the NIGGERS without an ability to think
about what NIGGERS are missing.

Therefore, NIGGERS need not respond.

I. M. White

P.S Your acknowledgement that you are fag is so noted.

Xander Cage

Feb 2, 2003, 6:37:14 PM2/2/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated I. M.
White, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

...sock puppet follows sock puppet propping up its failed rhetoric......HA

I. M. White

Feb 2, 2003, 6:47:47 PM2/2/03

"Mr.X" <> wrote in message

> "I. M. White" <> wrote in message news:b1k092
> cut & paste, ignore.

"Cut and paste" of what the stupid-assed obtuse NIGGER stated, then
backpedaled on.

Enough said.

I. M. White

Feb 2, 2003, 6:52:38 PM2/2/03

"Xander Cage" <> wrote in message

> ...sock puppet follows sock puppet propping up its failed rhetoric......HA

As James would say, "The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely


Post proof, asswipe.

NO proof, no merit, so noted.

Phantom Ryder

Feb 2, 2003, 7:31:38 PM2/2/03

Phantom Ryder
"Cave Putorium"

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:51:12 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Thanks for evading.
> >
> >I see you still evade the challenge, Jimmie Boy. Post proof that you are
> >white or a god. I'm still waiting for the proof, scumbag.

<racist rant snipped>

You continue to evade my challenge, Jimmie Boy. Prove you are white or a
god. To call yourself one without proof is a lie, therefore I call you an
admitted LIAR!

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 8:46:20 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>

These ones? Shouldn't that be this one?

Still, it's fun to play with them when I have a bit of time.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 8:53:04 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 07:35:01 -0800, "Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:04:12 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>Your are a proven liar.

I do apologize, that was a typo.

>Post proof that I have ever lied or lost a debate.

On 01/27/03, the self styled "White God, Tom Shelly, did post, amongst
other clap-trap,
"(by the way, an educated person would know how to correctly
punctualize the sentence you wrote)"

When Xander Cage pointed out that the word
"punctualize does not exist, Shelly, being the craven coward he is,
refused to acknowledge that he had made a mistake and said "The word
'punctualize' is acceptable slang and in use by other people as
exampled by doing a google search. You will find about 2 dozens of
sentences in which others have used the word." Of course, Shelly,
being totally stupid, did not check the links, nor did he discover
that they did not exist, they were joke sites or non-English speaker

But what the hell, we all make mistakes, but most people are not
afraid to admit them. Shelly however is not like most people, he
thinks he is the "Undefeated White God" and is infallible.

And this is where Shelly's pride and his lies let him down.

He posted "In pilot slang, we use the phrase VOR often, but it is not

Does that make it unacceptable? Certainly not.

The very fact that you find over 20 examples of the word 'punctualize'
being used in a simple google search is proof enough that the word is
being used by others, therefore, perfectly acceptable for me to use in
an informal discussion such as this."

I found this to be more than a little odd, as VOR is a perfectly
acceptable acronym, unlike the word punctualize so I did a little
research and posted the following:

"I found it at
by looking in
and got the following definitions
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex.

VHF Omnidirectional Range. Aviation acronym.

Voice-Operated Recording. Fails to record silence, even though silence
is golden.

Of course, if I go to, where you claim "VOR" is not
listed, I get a listing (guess you lied again)
1 entry found for VOR.
VOR: in Acronym Finder
Source: Acronym Finder, © 1988-2001 Mountain Data Systems

Click on the link and we go to
which shows
Your search for VOR returned 7 hits (Most Common definition(s) listed

Acronym Definition
VOR VHF (Very High Frequency) Omni-directional Radio-range
VOR Vehicle Occupancy Rate"

So, what does all this prove without a shadow of a doubt?

Firstly, Shelly is an idiotic moron who thought that there was such a
word as punctualize.

Secondly, Shelly is too craven a coward to admit that he makes
mistakes, so he then goes into his attack mode and posts links to
prove his point, which in fact expose him for a complete and absolute

Thirdly, he goes into liar mode and simply attempts to lie his way out
of this.

Sure, the whole thing about which word is correct or not, is basically
inconsequential, however, Shelly has not the wit to understand that
because of his spurious claims to omnipotence and infallibility, when
he makes a simple mistake, he is going to be called on it.

What is more enlightening however is that the whole thread shows that
Shelly is a craven coward, afraid to admit he is even capable of
making mistakes and as a result, this little bit of pedantry has
resulted in his total proven defeat.

He cannot possibly do anything other than admit he lied when he said
"In pilot slang, we use the phrase VOR often, but it is not in

Does that make it unacceptable? Certainly not.

The very fact that you find over 20 examples of the word 'punctualize'
being used in a simple google search is proof enough that the word is
being used by others, therefore, perfectly acceptable for me to use in
an informal discussion such as this."

So what does he do? Firstly he refuses to answer, then he sends in his
sock puppets to post non-existent references to the word punctualize,
while having them whine and moan such phrases as "why are you
attacking him"? Like it wasn't obvious.

His next recourse is to simply lie again about the links in by saying "It is a fact that the definition of VOR does
not exist in, only a link exists."

Of course, only a link exists, all that does is provide
links to other dictionaries' definitions. So, yet again, we have proof
that Shelly is a moron, a liar and a craven coward.

He also is unaware that Google should have a capitalized letter at the
beginning of its name.

Do feel free to post this wherever and whenever you choose. I am sure
that there will never be a substantive reply from the totally
insignificant, cretinous excuse for a human being that the bigot,
posting under the name of Tom Shelly (and others) and thus this post
will serve as a reminder and as a proof of his abject defeat within
this newsgroup.

Yes I can. I've done it often.

>By the way, 'it's you're a proven liar' or 'you are a proven liar'.

Yes I know.

>Not 'your are a proven liar'.

Yes I know. Real men admit their mistakes.

>See what happens when you play 'English Teacher?'

Want to see the proof again?

>Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God

As another proof of your lying. Do see your signature.
Or perhaps you can provide proof of the fact that you are a "White
God"? Without such proof, of course, you are branded as a liar each
time you repeat the claim.

Have a nice day.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 9:00:57 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 08:00:48 -0800, "Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:04:12 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>Actually, I never said that the use of that word showed your defeat or
>>So you lie again.
>Oh really?
>What's this?:

I do note that you fail to comprehend simple English. Where do I say
that the use of that word showed your defeat or humiliation?

>Firstly, Shelly is an idiotic moron who thought that there was such a
>word as punctualize.
>Secondly, Shelly is too craven a coward to admit that he makes
>mistakes, so he then goes into his attack mode and posts links to
>prove his point, which in fact expose him for a complete and absolute
>Thirdly, he goes into liar mode and simply attempts to lie his way out
>of this.

I do note that you fail to comprehend simple English. Where do I say
that the use of that word showed your defeat or humiliation?

>And I couldn't help but notice that you failed to address your
>humiliation. Here it is again to remind you:

Oh, I did respond. You just quoted part of my response above. You have
a very short span of attention, don't you?

So to save bandwidth,I shall just refer you to my previous reply
(which you don't seem to have the wit to understand).


Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 9:04:02 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 07:47:22 -0800, "Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote:

>On 1 Feb 2003 16:56:29 -0800, (Black Knight)
>>> >
>><deleted all of Tom the Loser's irrelevant bullshit>
>>The fact remains that X is still here and you can't do anything about
>>it. He can hang around and insult you whenever he feels like it. He
>>can argue with you whenever he feels like it. He can laugh at you
>>whenever he feels like it.
>>The same applies to me, Brian, Marvin,Xander, and a host of
>>others.We're having fun with you, idiot. We sit and laugh at your dumb
>>proclamations of victory.
>>WE can do that because what you say doesn't matter to any of us. Your
>>credibility and respect levels are both ZERO.
>The fact that you are all still here doesn't prove or mean anything.
>I want you here, who else would I have to laugh at and humiliated on

Now that is a typo. Understand?

>In regards to my credibility:
>Post proof that I have ever lost or been unable to back up my words.
>Will Bruno run like a coward for the amusement of us all?
>Or will he be a man and back up his claims point by point?
>1. Post proof that I have ever lost
>2. Post proof that I have ever lied.
>3. Post proof that 'everone knows I'm full of shit'. Be sure to
>include every man, woman, and child on Earth as your statement claims.
>4. Post proof that you personally suggested to me that I 'take a
>poll' before you made the statement that you did.
>5. Post proof to my 'huge logical flaw' in the humiliations I posted
>regarding Jeffrey G. Brown
>6. Post proof that this 'huge logical flaw' has been explained to me
>before you made the statement that it already has been.
>7. Post proof that I ever threatened to 'run you off'.
>These are your claims, Bruno.
>Are you a man or will you cowardly run from defending your
>I will save this post and continue to post it from time to time to
>remind you of your cowardice and lack of credibility.
>Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 9:11:53 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 14:09:46 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 13:03:52 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
>><> wrote:

>>>On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
>>><> wrote:
>>>>>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
>>>>>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
>>>>>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
>>>>>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
>>>>>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
>>>>Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
>>>>free post.
>>>Fact free?
>>>He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
>>>You did evade his evidence.
>>>You were simply too terrified to acknowledge the evidence because in
>>>doing so you would have to admit that he is right.
>>Ah, another fool talking about himself in the third person.
>>Or weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?

>I noticed you were unable to directly reply to my claims, coward.

I did, you don't have the brains to understand the reply. Hardly my

So, why were you talking about yourself in the third person? Are you
demented or had you simply forgotten what nym you had posted under?

>>>Liberals would rather die than admit that they were ever wrong about
>>>*anything*, that is what drives them to lie, that is what establishes
>>>them as craven cowards.
>>>unsupported babble.
>>>And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
>>Thanks for playing.
>Thanks for evading.

Pot, meet the kettle who talks about himself in the third person.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 9:14:27 PM2/2/03
On 2 Feb 2003 16:28:07 -0700, Xander Cage <>

>On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
>God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
>alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:
>> Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
>> fantasies yet again.
>> You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy
>> faggot:
>Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the same
>problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to utilizing them
>in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of your sock puppetry
>then you're dumber than a brick of shit!

So does Riske.

To be fair, it could be because they are all amazingly stupid (as well
as being certifiably insane).


Brian Blank

Black Knight

Feb 2, 2003, 9:51:18 PM2/2/03
"I. M. White" <> wrote in message news:<b1kan5$bpg$>...

> "Mr.X" <> wrote in message
> news:j0h%9.205$
> >
> > "I. M. White" <> wrote in message news:b1k092
> >
> >
> > cut & paste, ignore.
> >
> >
> "Cut and paste" of what the stupid-assed obtuse NIGGER stated, then
> backpedaled on.
> Enough said.

Do as you wish,Slackjaw. I place more faith in what X says than what
you say.
I don't much care for bigots. As far as I am concerned, their entire
position is based on hatred, an emotion so powerful that it can
overcome the reasoning process. I like to deal with rational
people.I've seen enough of of you to know what you are like. I
wouldn't trust you to take out the trash or give me the correct time.


Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 9:57:45 PM2/2/03
In <>, on 2 Feb 2003 16:28:07 -0700,
Xander Cage <> wrote:

> On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
> God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
> alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:
> > Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
> > fantasies yet again.
> > You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy
> > faggot:
> Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the same
> problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to utilizing them
> in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of your sock puppetry
> then you're dumber than a brick of shit!

In addition, Jimmy boy accidentally referred to himself in the third
person in a post, when he obviously thought he was posting as Shelley.

Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 9:58:40 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003

18:36:06 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> wrote:

> >Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.
> >
> >Not too bright, these ones.

> Post proof that I also post under the name "Tom Shelly".

You posted it yourself.


Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 9:59:15 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Mon, 03 Feb 2003

Yup. I was playing with him/them. :-)

Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 10:00:04 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
18:37:28 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:45:07 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> wrote:
> >In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> >00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >><snip>
> >> >>
> >> >>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
> >> >>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
> >> >>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
> >> >>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
> >> >>
> >> >>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
> >> >>choice...
> >> >
> >> >Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
> >> >free post.
> >>
> >> Fact free?
> >> He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
> >
> >He? Why are you referring to yourself in the third person? Did you
> >forget which nym you are posting under?
> >

> Post proof that I also post as "Tom Shelly"

You already posted it.

> Your opinion is completely worthless without verifiable evidence.

Agreed. Thanks for the evidence.

Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 11:11:31 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
22:18:30 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:57:45 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> wrote:
> >In <>, on 2 Feb 2003 16:28:07 -0700,
> >Xander Cage <> wrote:
> >
> >> On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
> >> God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
> >> alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:
> >>
> >> > Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
> >> > fantasies yet again.
> >> > You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy
> >> > faggot:
> >>
> >> Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the same
> >> problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to utilizing them
> >> in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of your sock puppetry
> >> then you're dumber than a brick of shit!
> >
> >In addition, Jimmy boy accidentally referred to himself in the third
> >person in a post, when he obviously thought he was posting as Shelley.

> Provide proof that I post as Tom Shelly.

I don't have to. You did.


Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 11:12:42 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
22:19:48 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:58:40 GMT, Gord McFee <>

> wrote:
> >In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> >18:36:06 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.
> >> >
> >> >Not too bright, these ones.
> >>
> >> Post proof that I also post under the name "Tom Shelly".
> >
> >You posted it yourself.
> >

> False, your lying, again.

Evasion noted.

> Provide evidence that completely proves that I also post under the
> name Tom Shelly.

You posted it yourself.


Gord McFee

Feb 2, 2003, 11:14:04 PM2/2/03
In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
22:22:54 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 03:00:04 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> wrote:
> >> Post proof that I also post as "Tom Shelly"
> >
> >You already posted it.

> Show us where this so-called post where I allegedly prove myself to be
> also posting under the name of Tom Shelly.

You posted it yourself.

> (evasion expected)

Sorry to disappoint you.

> >> Your opinion is completely worthless without verifiable evidence.
> >
> >Agreed. Thanks for the evidence.

> Lets see your evidence, coward.

Read your own post.

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 11:29:43 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:19:31 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:14:27 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>So does Riske.
>>To be fair, it could be because they are all amazingly stupid (as well
>>as being certifiably insane).
>>Brian Blank

>Provide proof that I also post as Tom Shelly.
>You will evade doing this, you don't have a choice...

No need, old fruit. We'll just go along with the other choice you so
kindly reproduced above.

That is, that both you and Shelly are amazingly stupid (as well as
being certifiably insane).

Thanks for playing.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 11:32:12 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:17:17 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>Post proof.
>The unsupported opinions of a liberal are worthless, prove to us that

>I also post as Tom Shelly.

Boy do you have poor reading comprehension skills.
>You will completely evade backing your words, you don't really have
>any other choice.

I was talking to my friend Gord McFee, not the lunatic who describes
himself as a "White God".

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 11:38:57 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:22:02 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:11:53 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>r weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?
>>>I noticed you were unable to directly reply to my claims, coward.
>>I did, you don't have the brains to understand the reply. Hardly my

>Obviously you don't even know what my post was referring to, coward.

Obviously, you don't have the brains to understand the reply. Hardly
my fault.
>Gawd your stupid.

Sorry, that sentence doesn't seem to have a verb in it.

>>So, why were you talking about yourself in the third person? Are you
>>demented or had you simply forgotten what nym you had posted under?

>Provide proof that I post under multiple nyms, coward.
>Or just run away, like your kind always does....

So, why were you talking about yourself in the third person? If as you
say, you don't post under multiple nyms (and I'll accept that) the
only other reason must be that you are totally demented.

Shall I call for the men in white coats to take you away now?

>>>>>Liberals would rather die than admit that they were ever wrong about
>>>>>*anything*, that is what drives them to lie, that is what establishes
>>>>>them as craven cowards.
>>>>>unsupported babble.
>>>>>And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
>>>>Thanks for playing.
>>>Thanks for evading.
>>Pot, meet the kettle who talks about himself in the third person.
>>Brian Blank

>Provide proof that I post under multiple nyms, coward.
>Or just run away, like your kind always does....

Read for comprehension, numb nuts. I said "So, why were you talking

about yourself in the third person? Are you demented or had you simply
forgotten what nym you had posted under?"

OK, you don't post under multiple nyms, I'll accept that, after all
you wouldn't lie <grin>.

I guess you must be simply demented....

You are fun to play with.

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 11:50:17 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:19:48 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:58:40 GMT, Gord McFee <>

>>In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
>>18:36:06 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.
>>> >
>>> >Not too bright, these ones.
>>> Post proof that I also post under the name "Tom Shelly".
>>You posted it yourself.

>False, your lying, again.

Funny how you keep doing that....
>Provide evidence that completely proves that I also post under the
>name Tom Shelly.
>You will run from this challenge, your kind always does...

Keep on ranting....


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 2, 2003, 11:52:49 PM2/2/03
On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:59:15 GMT, Gord McFee <>

Isn't it fun?


Brian Blank

Phantom Ryder

Feb 3, 2003, 12:27:18 AM2/3/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> <> wrote:
> <snip>
> Evasion.
> From: "Phantom Ryder" <>
> Newsgroups: alt.revisionism,alt.flame.niggers
> Subject: Re: Proof that "Jimmie Boy Riske" runs from challenges
> Message-ID: <tZf%9.99$>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 16:21:29 EST
> "Now run along like the racist douchebag that you
> are, Jimmie Boy, the admitted liar."-- 'Phantom Ryder'
> "Phantom Ryder" lied when it said I "admitted" that I was a liar.
> It will completely evade addressing the claims against it, it is a
> liar and a coward, it knows nothing else....

You continue to evade the challenge, Jimmie Boy. Prove you are white or a
god. Here is the proof you are an admitted LIAR.

The following: ""James Riske, White God" <> " is all
the proof needed to prove you are a liar. You claim to be white and a god.
You fail to provide any proof when challenged, yet you continue to use the
moniker. Therefore, it is logical to conclude you lie and continue to lie.
Next point, mental midget?

You will be continually reminded that you have failed to prove your claim,
mental midget. Run along like the little liar that you are, Jimmie Boy.
You have been challenged, yet you FAIL to provide any shred of evidence,
other than your all encompassing stupidity.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 3:08:37 AM2/3/03

"Tom Shelly, Undefeated White God"
<> wrote in message
> On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:09:05 GMT, "Mr.X" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Tom on a loudmouthed rant went on to spew that he in fact served in the
> >Korean war. And that he was also a Frogman and SEAL during the conflict.
> >to mention ace fighter pilot. When asked to provide answers to the
> >questions Thomas ran like the mangy curr that he or she is.
> >
> >
> >1. What RANK were you during the KOREAN war?
> >2. MOS?
> >3. Tour of DUTY?
> >4. Company Commmander?
> >5. Branch of service?
> >6. Age during the Korean war?
> >
> >
> >Thomas would say at this point that one is surrendering to him. Hardly,
> >lame bastard has no spine to post the truth.
> >
> New information as of 12/02:
> housenigger one is now demanding me to post my pic 'or he wins'!
> haha
> Will his utter surrender of the Korean debate and depth of his
> humilition ever end?
> 1. Post your pic coward!
> 2. DO find a spine an reply to my previous questions. Without cut &
> paste
> coward.
> Asking someone to post personal information about themselves in a
> flame
> group or 'you win' is ridiculous nigger nonsense and you and everyone
> else knows it. The fact of the matter is that I made such a fool of
> you in the Korean War debate that the only way you could get out of it
> was by demanding personal information from me and when I wouldn't post
> it, you declared yourself the winner.

How old were you during the Korean War? -12 yrs old? (for the simple minded,
that means he wasn't born yet). Secondly, now correct me if I am wrong here
(in in the Canadian Forces, and hence not totally up on American rules and
regulations), but Navy SEAL's do not usually hold pilots wings as well, do

I think it is more likly you are one of those wannabe's. If you even spent
any time in the Navy, it was probably as a bosen's mate scrubbing pots, and
with that attitude of yours, you were probably beaten on everyday of your

> Instead of asking me the millions of questions you could have asked if
> you had half a brain (and since your'e a nigger, you can't comprehend
> human thought), you use this ruse as a way to avoid any other future
> debate with me as well.
> In fact, the more you ask this and repost it, the more you indicate
> your fear of me and the depth of your humilation.
> What a fool you are making of yourself.
> housenigger one was exposed for his simplistic lack of knowledge
> regarding the Korean War
> and the timeframe of that war and the fact that it technically never
> ended. In fact, since the
> late 50's, there have been many skirmishes along the DMZ and within
> the
> borders and many
> of our military personnel died in combat since.

The correct answer is the Korean War occured during the 50's PERIOD, the
ongoing actions since have been enforcing the DMZ under UN mandate. Yes,
there have been skirmishes since, but these do not qualify as a the War in

> When I exposed housenigger one for his utter stupidity for not knowing
> all this, especially
> after given the chance to look it up, his response was to demand the
> following personal
> information from me knowing full well it would not be given and had
> nothing to do with the
> debate:
> 1. What was your rank during the KOREAN war?
> 2. MOS?
> 3. TOUR of DUTY?
> 4. Base Commander?
> 6. Your"supposed" real name?

Rank, and MOS would hardly expose you to any undue grief on usenet. Here,
I'll give up mine... Sergeant, 031 (infantry), tours in Bosnia and going
back in Sept. Now, your turn.

> And since I don't, he somehow feels this gives him a 'win'. Like
> other
> niggers, he is gleefully
> downing a 40 and dancing in front of the 7-11 thinking that he 'showed
> that cracka'. When in
> reality, he made a damn fool out of himself and put up this big 'post
> personal information
> about yourself or I win' smokescreen.
> niggers will be niggers and niggers will act like niggers.

You are the fucking inbred retard of the hour, now aren't you.

> Tom Shelly, White God
> Purveyor of Truth
> Proud Recipient
> AFN's Most Hated Racist, 2002

Tom Shelly, liar supreme.

> And now this added by I.M. White:
> Wrong NIGGER-boy. The humiliation is yours and yours alone.
> NIGGERexcrement claims Tom is lying because he prefers not to divulge
> personal information, yet the shit-NIGGER admits that not all of the
> vets he
> "claims" to know will give the same information either. A classic
> example of
> NIGGER-logic at play.

This coming from an ASSHOLE. If Tom Shelly really did serve in the Korean
War, he would be well into his early 60's on up at this point. If he did,
some fucking hero he turned out to be... He is an inbred cowardly liar, who
deserves to be beaten on site for the crap he spews... He is a digrace to
the uniform, and a shameful blight on his country.

> "Mr.eXtremeOne" <> wrote in message
> news:8qvi9.305$
> > Personal info by asking someone who was or "Claims" to be a vet what is
> > was?
> > You clueless fuck. 98% of TRUE vets that I know and talk to don't have a
> > problem repling to these:
> 1. Rank
> 2. MOS
> 3. TOUR of Duty (if applicable)
> 4. Company Commander
> 5. Branch of serivce
> BUT, if any of the vets you claim to know preferred NOT to answer,
> that
> would NOT automatically make them a liar. Therefore, being that you
> are the
> one making the claim that Tom has lied, the burden of proof lies upon
> you,
> NOT Tom. Fact is, you just admitted that 2% of TRUE vets prefer NOT to
> answer personal questions about themselves or their military career.
> In that
> respect, your sub-simian NIGGER-logic has no merit whatsoever.
> That said, it would seem that the real "clueless fuck" is YOU. Here's
> a tip:
> A closed mouth gathers no foot.
> Dumbass NIGGER.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 3:12:16 AM2/3/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:14:27 GMT, Brian Blank
> <> wrote:
> >
> >So does Riske.
> >
> >To be fair, it could be because they are all amazingly stupid (as well
> >as being certifiably insane).
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Brian Blank
> Provide proof that I also post as Tom Shelly.
> You will evade doing this, you don't have a choice...

Hmmm... If you aren't that retarded inbred fuck Tom Shelly, you have got to
be his long lost, retarded fuck twin brother. Your typing and syntax are

Jeff T

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 3:14:18 AM2/3/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> <> wrote:
> <snip>
> Evasion.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck, dodge,
evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any competence.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 3:19:06 AM2/3/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> On 2 Feb 2003 16:15:09 -0700, Xander Cage <>
> wrote:
> <snip>

> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

Evasion noted, have a nice day.

Black Knight

Feb 3, 2003, 10:15:56 AM2/3/03
> Instead of asking me the millions of questions you could have asked if
> you had half a brain (and since your'e a nigger, you can't comprehend
> human thought), you use this ruse as a way to avoid any other future
> debate with me as well.
> In fact, the more you ask this and repost it, the more you indicate
> your fear of me and the depth of your humilation.
> What a fool you are making of yourself.
> housenigger one was exposed for his simplistic lack of knowledge
> regarding the Korean War
> and the timeframe of that war and the fact that it technically never
> ended. In fact, since the
> late 50's, there have been many skirmishes along the DMZ and within
> the
> borders and many
> of our military personnel died in combat since.
> When I exposed housenigger one for his utter stupidity for not knowing
> all this, especially
> after given the chance to look it up, his response was to demand the
> following personal
> information from me knowing full well it would not be given and had
> nothing to do with the
> debate:
> 1. What was your rank during the KOREAN war?
> 2. MOS?
> 3. TOUR of DUTY?
> 4. Base Commander?
> 6. Your"supposed" real name?
> And since I don't, he somehow feels this gives him a 'win'. Like
> other
> niggers, he is gleefully
> downing a 40 and dancing in front of the 7-11 thinking that he 'showed
> that cracka'. When in
> reality, he made a damn fool out of himself and put up this big 'post
> personal information
> about yourself or I win' smokescreen.
> niggers will be niggers and niggers will act like niggers.
> Tom Shelly, White God
> Purveyor of Truth
> Proud Recipient
> AFN's Most Hated Racist, 2002
> And now this added by I.M. White:
> Wrong NIGGER-boy. The humiliation is yours and yours alone.
> NIGGERexcrement claims Tom is lying because he prefers not to divulge
> personal information, yet the shit-NIGGER admits that not all of the
> vets he
> "claims" to know will give the same information either. A classic
> example of
> NIGGER-logic at play.

OOOOOOOH! More tough talk. I'll bet Mr X is really terrified. I'm
gonna go hide under the bed-this dude is too much for me.AWESOME.
If there was ever a World championship for tough talk,he'd be a
If you win that title, you get a trophy-one of those sets of plastic
chattering teeth.


I. M. White

Feb 3, 2003, 11:27:35 AM2/3/03

"Black Knight" <> wrote in message

> Do as you wish,Slackjaw. I place more faith in what X says than what
> you say.

Stupid is as stupid does. NIGGERexcrement has been proven to be one of the
most obtuse NIGGERS on Usenet.

> I don't much care for bigots.

You are confusing bigotry with realism. Then again, we have already
established that you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

As far as I am concerned, their entire
> position is based on hatred, an emotion so powerful that it can
> overcome the reasoning process.

Wrong. We "realists" base our position on factual data. Data which no one
has been unable to refute with credible evidence to the contrary.

I like to deal with rational
> people.I've seen enough of of you to know what you are like. I
> wouldn't trust you to take out the trash or give me the correct time.

IOW, you are nothing a but a bed-wetting NIGGER-loving whigger that falsely
believes that PC thinking/social policy is more important than examining
reality. So noted.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 3:51:27 PM2/3/03
<racist dirt bag self love letter deleted>

I. M. White, you are a blight on our race. You and inbred retarded mother
fuckers like you should be erased form this planet. "Realist", what a crock
of shit... Your momma tell you that, someone has been lying to you boy.
Racism is founded in ignorance and fear, nothing more. You fear it, don't
understand it, don't care to learn about it, hence you hate it. These are
the things that a child does.

I have looked dickheads up and down before, and I have seen nothing but
fear. You inbreds are all alike, cowards.

Jeff T

I. M. White

Feb 3, 2003, 4:26:48 PM2/3/03

"Jeff T" <> wrote in message

I notice all you were able to do was cower by providing nothing but
worthless whigger-opinions based on "political correctness" rather than
standing up like a man and address the "reality" about the parasitical
NIGGERS. I also notice that you were unable to refute any of the facts that
I post about the NIGGER beast. Then again, that is typical of cowards such
as yourself, as the truth most definitely terrifies your kind. So noted.

Fact: Recent studies show that niggers make up only 13% of the population,
yet commit 54% of the crimes.

Fact: Over 68.7% of all nigglets are bastards.

Fact: In 1999, niggers made up just 12% of the population, but make up 47%
of the reported AIDS cases.

Fact: 28% of nigger bucks end up in prison versus 4.4% for white men.

Fact: Niggers are four times as likely to kill their children as whites.

Fact: Niggers are 7 times more likely than whites to commit murder.

Fact: Niggers have the lowest IQ of any race on earth.

Fact: NIGGERS receive 13 times their net contribution to GDP in social
transfer payments.

Fact: NIGGERS are over-represented in crime by four fold, being 55% of
murderers even though they're only 12% of the population.

Fact: Whites must work 42 days each year JUST to earn the money that pays
JUST the taxes which fund JUST the welfare paid JUST to NIGGERS in America.

Fact: Crimes committed by blacks have destroyed entire societies.

Fact: NIGGERS in America have murdered 10 times as many American Whites as
Osama bin Ladin.

Fact: Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 28% of
black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime,
compared to
16% of Hispanic males and 4.4% of white male.

Fact: NIGGER bucks make up only about 6% of the US population, they commit
over half of all violent crimes and over 43% of all rapes.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 4:42:37 PM2/3/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 03:14:18 -0500, "Jeff T"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> <snip>
> >> Evasion.
> >>
> >
> >HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck, dodge,
> >evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any competence.
> >
> Thanks for proving your utter dishonesty by taking my words out of
> context, coward.

> And I'm certain this wont be the last time...

I am not the one evading the questions with this nonsensical circular
arguement... First, prove that you are white... Next Prove that you are a
god. Failure to do so, you will be forever known here as James Riske,
cowardly liar.

Jeff T

Feb 3, 2003, 4:46:46 PM2/3/03

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message

> "Jeff T" <> wrote in message
> news:MDA%9.58005$
> I notice all you were able to do was cower by providing nothing but
> worthless whigger-opinions based on "political correctness" rather than
> standing up like a man and address the "reality" about the parasitical
> NIGGERS. I also notice that you were unable to refute any of the facts
> I post about the NIGGER beast. Then again, that is typical of cowards such
> as yourself, as the truth most definitely terrifies your kind. So noted.

Statistics getting the treatment that they're worth... FLUSH.

Hitler and the nazis hid behind statistics when they began their program of
genocide. Statistics are useless, they can be manipulated to say whatever
the fuck you want, but let me guess, you want statistics to prove it... Only
the uneducated look for statistics, well "statistically speaking, if you
register all firearms, they'l be easier to track in a crime...". Statistics
are the arguement of the weak minded... Weak minded inbred fools such as


Feb 3, 2003, 5:20:22 PM2/3/03

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message

> "Black Knight" <> wrote in message
> > Do as you wish,Slackjaw. I place more faith in what X says than what
> > you say.
> Stupid is as stupid does. NIGGERexcrement has been proven to be one of the
> most obtuse NIGGERS on Usenet.

You've been proven to be one of the most obese handicapped fucks on the
Usenet, COWARD.


Feb 3, 2003, 5:21:16 PM2/3/03

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message


Where's that address COWARD?!!?!


Feb 3, 2003, 5:32:02 PM2/3/03

"Black Knight" <> wrote in message
> OOOOOOOH! More tough talk. I'll bet Mr X is really terrified. I'm
> gonna go hide under the bed-this dude is too much for me.AWESOME.
> If there was ever a World championship for tough talk,he'd be a
> contender.
> If you win that title, you get a trophy-one of those sets of plastic
> chattering teeth.
> Bruno




Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:43:55 PM2/3/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 2 Feb 2003 16:20:29 -0700, Xander Cage <>

> wrote:
> <snip>
> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

Great! I'm being ignored buy one of Tom Shelly's sock puppets. Boy, I'm

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all,
Or if he moves will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
why should we even care?
Black Sabbath - Iron Man

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:44:11 PM2/3/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 2 Feb 2003 16:15:09 -0700, Xander Cage <>

> wrote:
> <snip>
> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

I can smell your fear.

Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a
child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise.
* Cyril Connolly

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:45:52 PM2/3/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 2 Feb 2003 16:28:07 -0700, Xander Cage <>

> wrote:
>>On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
>>God, came crawling back to the newsgroup

>>alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:
>>> Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's homosexual
>>> fantasies yet again.
>>> You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a filthy
>>> faggot:
>>Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the same
>>problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to utilizing
>>them in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of your sock
>>puppetry then you're dumber than a brick of shit!


> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

Then that makes mine completely worthful, thanks punk!

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without
strategy is the noise before defeat.
Sun Tzu

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:46:14 PM2/3/03
On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated I. M.
White, came crawling back to the newsgroup

alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> "Xander Cage" <> wrote in message
>> ...sock puppet follows sock puppet propping up its failed
>> rhetoric......HA HA HA HA AHAAAA HA HA.
> As James would say, "The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are
> completely worthless.
> Ignore."

You mean as Tom Shelly would say, don't you, boy?

> Post proof, asswipe.

Proof already posted, thanks, asswipe!

> NO proof, no merit, so noted.
>'s like the three hears none, one sees none and the
other one speaks none.


Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:46:46 PM2/3/03
On 02 Feb 2003, Gord McFee, wrote:

> In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> 22:18:30 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:57:45 GMT, Gord McFee <>
>> wrote:
>> >In <>, on 2 Feb 2003 16:28:07 -0700,
>> >Xander Cage <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> On 02 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske,

>> >> White God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
>> >> alt.revisionism and mumbled something that sounded like this:
>> >>
>> >> > Looks like our housenigger is trying to remind us of it's
>> >> > homosexual fantasies yet again.
>> >> > You dont need to go through the trouble, we already know your a
>> >> > filthy faggot:
>> >>
>> >> Is this a fucking coincidence or what? You and Tom Shelly share the
>> >> same problem correctly using "your" and "you're" when it comes to
>> >> utilizing them in a simple fucking sentence. If that's not proof of
>> >> your sock puppetry then you're dumber than a brick of shit!
>> >

>> >In addition, Jimmy boy accidentally referred to himself in the third
>> >person in a post, when he obviously thought he was posting as Shelley.
>> Provide proof that I post as Tom Shelly.
> I don't have to. You did.
> Thanks.

Gord, this twit is one of usenets many brain dead wonders. His right brain
has no clue what his left brain is saying. Good luck trying to reason with
him, he's an ignoble bothersome blowhard and I don't imagine he'll change
his tune, ever.

Those who are their own god will end up consigning themselves to the Hell
they built for their enemies."
------- Unknown, on-line.

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 6:47:15 PM2/3/03

Others have noticed this and refuse to get into any kind of a dialogue with
them. When I say "others," I mean other racists.

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 7:20:05 PM2/3/03
On 03 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 3 Feb 2003 16:45:52 -0700, Xander Cage <>
> wrote:
> <snip>

> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

<PLONK> The sound of a sock puppet as it hits my kill file.

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 7:20:13 PM2/3/03
On 03 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 3 Feb 2003 16:46:14 -0700, Xander Cage <>
> wrote:
> <snip>

> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

<PLONK> The sound of a sock puppet as it hits my kill file.

Xander Cage

Feb 3, 2003, 7:20:22 PM2/3/03
On 03 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:

> On 3 Feb 2003 16:47:15 -0700, Xander Cage <>

> wrote:
> <snip>
> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.

<PLONK> The sound of a sock puppet as it hits my kill file.


Black Knight

Feb 3, 2003, 7:22:35 PM2/3/03
"I. M. White" <> wrote in message news:<b1m59n$iua$>...

> "Black Knight" <> wrote in message
> > Do as you wish,Slackjaw. I place more faith in what X says than what
> > you say.
> Stupid is as stupid does. NIGGERexcrement has been proven to be one of the
> most obtuse NIGGERS on Usenet.

That's your opinion, big shot. I like seeing him defy you. I like
doing it myself and no amount of your stupid babble will change
that.Get used to my ridicule,fool-it's permanent.

> > I don't much care for bigots.
> You are confusing bigotry with realism. Then again, we have already
> established that you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

I've got several tools in my shed designed just for knaves like you.
(1)Two handed Claymore(the big 4" sword used by the Scots)
(2)Viking River scheldt sword
(3)2 battle axes
(4)mace and chain
(5)One handed Claymore
(6)Knight's sword

If that doesn't finish the job, I'll pick up my 150" crossbow.
I also have a longbow for backup.

> As far as I am concerned, their entire
> > position is based on hatred, an emotion so powerful that it can
> > overcome the reasoning process.
> Wrong. We "realists" base our position on factual data. Data which no one
> has been unable to refute with credible evidence to the contrary.

That's a lie.Read the critiques of the Bell Curve. It uses bad data,
omits relevant data, uses bad statistical analysis and it's
conclusions don't correlate with even the data used.

> I like to deal with rational
> > people.I've seen enough of of you to know what you are like. I
> > wouldn't trust you to take out the trash or give me the correct time.
> IOW, you are nothing a but a bed-wetting NIGGER-loving whigger that falsely
> believes that PC thinking/social policy is more important than examining
> reality. So noted.

You are a stupid dumbfuck who hasn't got the balls to do anything but
run your mouth. I wonder just how brave you'd be face to face with a
Black man. I know several who would enjoy such an encounter. One of
them has a PhD but he's over 6 feet tall. Another has a Master's
degree and used to play college football.

Did you get beyond the 3rd grade, pissbrain?

Go fuck a rabbit.



Feb 3, 2003, 8:45:34 PM2/3/03

"Black Knight" <> wrote in message
>> > That's your opinion, big shot. I like seeing him defy you. I like
> doing it myself and no amount of your stupid babble will change
> that.Get used to my ridicule,fool-it's permanent.

Gee, thanks!

> Did you get beyond the 3rd grade, pissbrain?
> Go fuck a rabbit.
> Bruno

and of course..........LOL!


Black Knight

Feb 3, 2003, 9:10:39 PM2/3/03

What is the problem with divulging information like that?It is a
certain way to verify what the guy says about his service.If you take
that info and contact the Navy Department(SEALS are part of the Navy),
you can know for sure if what he says is true, especially if he'll
give you his service record number.

Back in the 50s, the Navy didn't use Social Security numbers for
military records, so he would be giving you a number you can't use
against him. As a matter of fact, the use of Social Security numbers
began after I left Boot Camp in the early 1970s.

Here's my info again:

Dates of service-May 1971-77
Date of commissioning-May 1973
Place of commissioning-OCS Newport Rhode Island
Designator-1105(unrestricted line)
final duty station-USS AJAX
service record no-356343

To verify his claim, contact:

Dept of the Navy
Washington DC 20370

The Navy will not give out addresses of discharged members.The address
they keep for you is the one they paid you for travel to listed in
your DD214. If you have moved since then, they don't know where you



Black Knight

Feb 3, 2003, 9:33:31 PM2/3/03
"Mr.X" <> wrote in message news:<GWB%9.911$>...

What was that song by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles?

"I Second that Emotion".


Phantom Ryder

Feb 3, 2003, 11:17:40 PM2/3/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 05:27:18 GMT, "Phantom Liar"
> <> wrote:
> <snip>
> Stupidity.
> >
> >You continue to evade the challenge, Jimmie Boy. Prove you are white or
> >god. Here is the proof you are an admitted LIAR.
> Oh...?
> You just said yesterday:

> From: "Phantom Ryder" <>
> Newsgroups: alt.revisionism,alt.flame.niggers
> Subject: Re: "Jimmie Boy Riske, White Slime" -- Proven liar
> Message-ID: <2hi%9.158$>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 18:58:54 EST
> "I'll give you whiteness, but prove you are a god." -- Phantom Ryder
> Poor stupid "Phantom Ryder", it is a boundless liar and doesn't even
> realize it...

You still fail to post proof that you are a "god". mental midget. I said I
would give you white (meaning you don't have to prove it), but I still
REQUIRE that you prove you are a god.
You are too STUPID to understand the English language.
Phantom Ryder
"Cave Putorium"

Gord McFee

Feb 3, 2003, 11:21:30 PM2/3/03
In <>, on 3 Feb 2003 17:20:13 -0700,
Xander Cage <> wrote:

> On 03 Feb 2003, after having been soundly defeated James Riske, White
> God, came crawling back to the newsgroup
> alt.flame.niggers and mumbled something that sounded like this:
> > On 3 Feb 2003 16:46:14 -0700, Xander Cage <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> >
> > Ignore.
> <PLONK> The sound of a sock puppet as it hits my kill file.

BTW, *he* is the one who apes the Don Ellis style to a "t".

Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time

Visit the Holocaust History Project

Gord McFee

Feb 3, 2003, 11:24:27 PM2/3/03
In <>, on 3 Feb 2003 16:46:46 -0700,
Xander Cage <> wrote:

Yup, this is one of the stupider ones. He makes outrageous statements,
gets whacked and then goes into "I can't see you" mode. Exactly like
Don Ellis, I might add.

I have enjoyed utterly defeating that half wit.

Gord McFee

Feb 3, 2003, 11:26:02 PM2/3/03
In <CrB%9.58016$>, on Mon, 3 Feb 2003

16:42:37 -0500, "Jeff T" <> wrote:

> "James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> > On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 03:14:18 -0500, "Jeff T"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> > >> <> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> <snip>
> > >> Evasion.
> > >>
> > >
> > >HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck, dodge,
> > >evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any competence.
> > >
> >
> > Thanks for proving your utter dishonesty by taking my words out of
> > context, coward.
> >
> > And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
> I am not the one evading the questions with this nonsensical circular
> arguement... First, prove that you are white... Next Prove that you are a
> god. Failure to do so, you will be forever known here as James Riske,
> cowardly liar.

He cannot prove he is a god, since a god would not write "wont" instead
of "won't".

Gord McFee

Feb 3, 2003, 11:27:34 PM2/3/03
In <>, on Mon, 03 Feb 2003
04:12:42 GMT, Gord McFee <> wrote:

> In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> 22:19:48 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
> > On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:58:40 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> > >18:36:06 -0500, "James Riske, White God" <> wrote:
> > >
> > >> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> > >> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> >Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.
> > >> >
> > >> >Not too bright, these ones.
> > >>
> > >> Post proof that I also post under the name "Tom Shelly".
> > >
> > >You posted it yourself.
> > >
> > >ROTFL!
> >
> > False, your lying, again.
> Evasion noted.
> > Provide evidence that completely proves that I also post under the
> > name Tom Shelly.
> You posted it yourself.
> Thanks.

ROTFL! Jimmy-boy has fled the scene completely. The White Clod has
been totally humiliated.

Gord McFee

Feb 3, 2003, 11:28:40 PM2/3/03
In <>, on Mon, 03 Feb 2003
04:52:49 GMT, Brian Blank <> wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:59:15 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> wrote:
> >In <>, on Mon, 03 Feb 2003

> >01:46:20 GMT, Brian Blank <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 22:46:21 GMT, Gord McFee <>
> >> wrote:
> >>

> >> >In <>, on Sun, 02 Feb 2003
> >> >13:03:52 GMT, Brian Blank <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 00:37:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 04:46:42 GMT, Brian Blank
> >> >> ><> wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>><snip>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>It's always fun to watch liberal's act out their stupidity on usenet.
> >> >> >>>This is but another example of what liberal's really are, they are
> >> >> >>>liars and cowards, Kiesel,Knight and Blank are probably the most
> >> >> >>>convincing examples of cowardice I have ever seen on usenet.
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>Keep dodging his evidence cowards, you know you dont really have a
> >> >> >>>choice...
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>Ah, another idiot emerges from his cess pit to make a completely fact
> >> >> >>free post.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Fact free?
> >> >> >He did back his words with verifiable evidence.
> >> >> >You did evade his evidence.
> >> >> >You were simply too terrified to acknowledge the evidence because in
> >> >> >doing so you would have to admit that he is right.
> >> >>
> >> >> Ah, another fool talking about himself in the third person.
> >> >>
> >> >> Or weren't you aware that I was replying to your post?

> >> >
> >> >Nah, he thought he was posting under the Shelley nym.
> >> >
> >> >Not too bright, these ones.
> >>

> >> These ones? Shouldn't that be this one?
> >
> >Yup. I was playing with him/them. :-)
> Isn't it fun?

Yes, although not much of a challenge.

Phantom Ryder

Feb 3, 2003, 11:31:22 PM2/3/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message
> On 3 Feb 2003 16:44:11 -0700, Xander Cage <>

> wrote:
> <snip>
> The unsupported claims of Donald Ellis are completely worthless.
> Ignore.
The unsupported claims of Jimmie Boy Riske, White Slime, are completely

Phantom Ryder

Feb 3, 2003, 11:32:50 PM2/3/03

"James Riske, White Slime" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 04:29:43 GMT, Brian Blank
> <> wrote:
> >>Provide proof that I also post as Tom Shelly.
> >>
> >>You will evade doing this, you don't have a choice...
> >
> <snip>
> Evasion.
> Your fact free opinions are worthless.
> You made the claim idiot now provide proof to back your claim, idiot.
> You will evade this (again), your kind always does...

Prove you are white and a god. Your continued evasion is noted.

Brian Blank

Feb 4, 2003, 12:13:37 AM2/4/03
On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 16:18:00 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 04:29:43 GMT, Brian Blank
><> wrote:
>>>Provide proof that I also post as Tom Shelly.
>>>You will evade doing this, you don't have a choice...
>Your fact free opinions are worthless.
>You made the claim idiot now provide proof to back your claim, idiot.

Are commas on ration in your state?

>You will evade this (again), your kind always does...

So why did you refer to yourself in the third person? Did you forget
who you are or are you just totally delusional?

Thanks for playing.


Brian Blank

Brian Blank

Feb 4, 2003, 12:18:03 AM2/4/03
On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 18:35:26 -0500, "James Riske, White God"
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:42:37 -0500, "Jeff T"

><> wrote:
>>"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 03:14:18 -0500, "Jeff T"
>>> <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
>>> >
>>> >> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
>>> >> <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> <snip>
>>> >> Evasion.
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck, dodge,
>>> >evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any competence.
>>> >
>>> Thanks for proving your utter dishonesty by taking my words out of
>>> context, coward.
>>> And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
>>I am not the one evading the questions with this nonsensical circular

>I dont take orders from knowns liars and their fellow usenet scum,

You do have to laugh at this idiot's lack of English.

>>. First, prove that you are white...

>I dont take orders from knowns liars and their fellow usenet scum,

You do have to laugh at this idiot's lack of English.

>> Next Prove that you are a

>I dont take orders from knowns liars and their fellow usenet scum,

You do have to laugh at this idiot's lack of English.

>>Failure to do so, you will be forever known here as James Riske,
>>cowardly liar.

>False, your a known liar, you made a false conclusion after taking my
>words out of context:

You do have to laugh at this idiot's lack of English.
>From: "Jeff T" <>
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism,alt.flame.niggers
>Subject: Re: "Phantom Ryder" -- proven liar, watch it run away...
>Message-ID: <Zxp%9.57622$>
>Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 03:14:18 -0500
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 03:14:49 EST
>"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message

>> <snip>
>> Evasion.
>"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck,

>dodge,evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any
>competence." -- Jeff T
>You took my post out of context Jeffrey, you then lied about its
>meaning, thanks for showing just how dishonest you really are, idiot.

Who the hell can discern your meaning, you can't even write in basic

Jeff T

Feb 4, 2003, 12:50:36 AM2/4/03

"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:42:37 -0500, "Jeff T"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 03:14:18 -0500, "Jeff T"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >"James Riske, White God" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 00:31:38 GMT, "Phantom Ryder"
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> <snip>
> >> >> Evasion.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing out your own evasion... Duck, dodge,
> >> >evade, it's all these inbred motherfuckers can do with any competence.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Thanks for proving your utter dishonesty by taking my words out of
> >> context, coward.
> >>
> >> And I'm certain this wont be the last time...
> >>
> >
> >I am not the one evading the questions with this nonsensical circular
> >arguement..
> I dont take orders from knowns liars and their fellow usenet scum,
> idiot.

I am not going to get draged into your form of debate, Tom Shelly (AKA James
Riske).. You made the claim, and now I call you on it. You are a liar, the
proof is in the garbage you post.

When you find yourself in a corner, which is every damned day of your inbred
life, you post the same circular crap "Post proof" to which enough proof is
posted to convince a grand jury, you reply "Post proof"... SQUAK! Tommy
wants a cracker! SQUAK!

You call me a liar for calling you on your nonesense, when the fact is, that
post does not meet the litmus test for a lie.

Try a gain Tom Shelly/James Riske, White Liar... Try agin.

Have a nice day,

Jeff T

I. M. White

Feb 4, 2003, 11:56:38 AM2/4/03

"Xander Cage" <> wrote in message

> <PLONK> The sound of a sock puppet as it hits my kill file.

Your defeat is so noted.

What NIGGERS are missing leaves the NIGGERS without an ability to think
about what NIGGERS are missing.

Therefore, NIGGERS need not respond.

I. M. White

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