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Hitler Swindles The German People

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Joe Bruno

May 28, 2005, 1:21:10 AM5/28/05
This is from page 368 of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", My
1992 edition(the 34th printing)

Hitler helped design the Volkswagen(people's car). Then he decreed that

the selling price to the German worker should be $396(990 marks).
However, private industry could not produce the auto that
cheaply.Hitler therefore ordered the State to build it and placed the
Labor Front(which supplanted the trade unions) in charge of the

The main source of financing for the project was a
"pay-before-you-get-it" installment plan. Each worker would pay 5 marks

a week in advance(or more, if he could afford it) When 750 marks had
been paid in, the worker received an order number entitling him to an
auto as soon as it was turned out. Alas for the worker, not a single VW

was ever produced for any customer during the Third Reich. Tens of
millions of marks were paid in, not a pfennig of which was ever
refunded. When the war began, the VW factory turned to the production
of goods more useful to the Army.


May 29, 2005, 8:53:01 AM5/29/05
On 27 May 2005 22:21:10 -0700, "Joe Bruno" <>

Well what did you expect you stupid C unt?? Thats why Goebells was
screaming about Total War - you can't have some fuckin Gauleiter
roamin round in his VW when theres not enough parts for Panzsrs etc...

Jesus F uckin Christ man!!! - Swindle Schmidell .... BAH!!

Joe Bruno

May 29, 2005, 10:53:05 AM5/29/05

Xakob wrote:
> On 27 May 2005 22:21:10 -0700, "Joe Bruno" <>
> wrote:
> Well what did you expect you stupid C unt??

I'm 100% male and don't have one of those, moron.

Thats why Goebells was
> screaming about Total War - you can't have some fuckin Gauleiter
> roamin round in his VW when theres not enough parts for Panzsrs etc...
> Jesus F uckin Christ man!!! - Swindle Schmidell .... BAH!!

When you get a chance, go sit on a red hot poker and rotate.


May 29, 2005, 12:05:26 PM5/29/05

The United States could use a leader who swindles the people the way
Hitler did. By the time Hitler reached the position of leadership,
Germany had lost half its territory, all of its colonies, and most of
its industries. Inflation had reduced the German mark to a joke. The
economy was in a shambles, and Industry and commerce was at a
standstill. Foreign carpetbaggers were picking off German assets at
bargain prices. Unemployment was everywhere, and those who worked did
so for slave wages. The victorious international powers who won World
War I were stripping the Germans of everything, including their pride.

Germany had no army, no navy, no allies, and no influence in the world.
Reparations paid annually to the victorious Allies were designed to
keep Germany in a state of poverty and submission. Germany couldn't
even defend itself against international theft. When the German
government couldn't meet reparation payments, the French simply marched
in and seized the industrial Ruhr; sending black troops as a deliberate

Germany couldn't even defend itself against internal takeovers.
Jewish-Communist rowdies, taking directions for the Jewish Bolsheviks
in Russia, roamed the German streets at will, some even took over the
reins of local governments, and street riots were a regular occurrence.
A worldwide boycott of anything German was organized by foreign Jews
to block even modest economic recovery. To the German citizenry, the
situation was hopeless.

Then Adolf Hitler took over the leadership of the country. Within a
few years, Germany became an economic powerhouse in Europe while the
rest of the world struggled under a worldwide depression. Communist
agitators and street rowdies either went to work or went to jail.
Germany experienced a miraculous transformation.

German industries reassumed their leadership role in the world economy.
The German mark was stabilized and became a powerful exchange medium in
world commerce. Everything from agriculture to banking was
modernized. Newly constructed high speed autobahns connected bustling
cities, and newly built trains whistled through the countryside
carrying passengers and freight to newly refurbished cities supplying
their newly rejuvenated commerce. Unemployment simply disappeared.

Prosperity was distributed to every class of citizens. Artists and
writers flourished. New schools, theatres, churches, auditoriums, and
stadiums were filled with the prosperous and proud Germans. The
result: citizens jammed the streets whenever Hitler passed. Where a
few years before people were afraid to leave their homes because of the
violence, Hitler and his entourage paraded in open cars without fear
while German crowds shouted and cheered his arrival.

No leader in history ever unified so many millions of people to a
common peacetime cause and mutual cooperation as Hitler did in Germany.
No leader in history ever did as much for the common people under his
charge as Hitler did for the Germans. If that's what the Jews like
William Shirer call a swindle, then every country should have a
swindler like Hitler.

Hitler's name has been smeared with holocaust nonsense by Shirer and
his ilk for over half-a-century. It's all a lie. Hitler never ordered
or even allowed Jews to be murdered. The Jews were not murdered--they
were deported. Hitler was not the mass murderer depicted by Jewish
propagandists. The holocaust is a lie.

Ben Cramer

May 30, 2005, 5:21:23 AM5/30/05

"Joe Bruno" <> wrote in message

> Xakob wrote:
>> On 27 May 2005 22:21:10 -0700, "Joe Bruno" <>
>> wrote:
>> Well what did you expect you stupid C unt??
> I'm 100% male and don't have one of those, moron.

I'm still amused by the fact you've chosen the pseudonym of a poofter porn
star. Any reason for that joey? Was it fun in the Navy with all those nice
sailor boys?

You really do come across as a raving queer, don't you?

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