"The Middle Man" <7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote in message
> I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment.
So, Hamster Boy, do you consider the deliberate murder of civilian noncombatants
to be justified?
================================================================== =====
Jeffrey G. Brown jg_b...@my-deja.com
For centuries, philosophers and theologians have debated what it means
to be human. Perhaps the answer has eluded us because it is so simple.
To be human is to choose. - "The Outer Limits: Feasibility Study", 1997
> I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment. If Bush shows
> his balls I just hope that someone shoots the bastards off.
You can be sure this quote will come back and haunt you, coward.
Ross, on the meaning of his response in
Message-ID: <20010802191550...@ng-cl1.aol.com>
ROTFL.... It takes a jew with a University degree to detect an obvious farce.
Do you consider the murder of Palestinian children justified?
Judging from his history, he will probably call the perpetrators 'twits'.
Do you consider the murder of Israeli children justified?
Joe Bellinger is a master (Jew)baiter
Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
> "William Daffer" <whda...@mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:m3ae016...@odysseus.localdomain...
> > "david_michael" <david_...@onetel.net.uk> writes:
> >
> > > I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment. If Bush
> shows
> > > his balls I just hope that someone shoots the bastards off.
> > >
> > > DEM
> > >
> >
> > You can be sure this quote will come back and haunt you, coward.
> >
> > whd
> Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands
> and thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
I had hoped that he would demonstrate the most minimal humanity but
he failed even that test. It's remarkable, when you consider that he
is relatively intelligent, that *the very first thing* out of his
mouth would so completely demonstrate the shallowness and overriding
political motivation of his morality.
Even Joe Bellinger, who still couldn't resist beating the tu-quoque
drum, didn't sink as low as the craven coward 'Cuddles.'
Joe Bellinger alters posts:
Compare Msgs #12 and #13 for proof
> Reminds me of the looks of German cities after carpet bombing attacks by the
> allied war planes. One can only feel sorry for the people caught helplessly
> in the rubble, people who have nothing to do with nothing. When our house
> was hit dead center in 1943 we could not get my little brother out. We dug a
> tunnel do get at him, and he screamed terribly for his mother. When we
> finally got to him after 8 hours he was dead. He was only 11 years old.
Specious moral equivalency noted.
> Why don't you go to help the people get out underneath the rubble first
> instead of yakking nonsense.
> fge
Do you live in New York? Then why don't you shut the fuck up and go
I don't live in New York, so I and others are going to express our
outrage and we aren't going to temper our words because of whatever
strained similarities your political motivation makes you see.
>Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
>thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
Will we be seeing Jews and their lackeys playing it all up to further
the agenda of Israel?
What the flying fuck is going on here?! Hundreds, maybe thousands of
innocent lives have just been lost, the vulnerability of free society
has been expsed, more attacks could be coming, billions of dollars in
damages have been incurred, and an already-shaky world economy may find
itself plunged into deep recession....and you jokers are blathering
about the "liberal Establishment" and whining about the fucking
JOE. Wake the fuck up. You live in AMERICA. AMERICA has been attacked.
YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
action in history. It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
over to the fucking terrorists, dig? America was attacked because of its
relationship with Israel. Do you get it? Those oppressed extremists you
so admire have just become your assailants. It's time to stop wringing
your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
-- Dep
"Always tell the truth. It's the § "Truth is just...truth. You can't
easiest thing to remember." § have opinions about truth."
--David Mamet --Peter Schickele
Do you justify the deaths of Palestinian's youths by Israeli soliders? I
have yet to see you condemn that. I'll give you a chance now Brownshit to
condemn the deaths of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soliders.
Note that Tommy DUH Moron is too gutless to answer the question.
And I notice that you are too gutless to answer the question about
Palestinian children being killed by Israeli soliders.
Hypocrite bastard
JHJ, like all bigots, lacks the moral sense and moral center to understand that
murder is wrong. Don't waste your keystrokes on him, Buck.
But Brown refuses to condemn the murders on innocent Palestinian children by
Your an asshole Brown.
It seems manifestly obvious to anyone who surveys this afternoon's
festivities that the primary targets were not the American people but the
financial and military installations of those who spread murder, poverty,
death and despair throughout the world.
SCREW OFF, Scot. You are a psycho.
>YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
>action in history.
And why? WHY has this country been singled out for this horrific attack? WHY,
Scot? Why wasn't Moscow attacked? Or any other capital in other parts of the
world. Why the USA?
>It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
>over to the fucking terrorists, dig?
Go to hell. No one is throwing ones sympathy to the "fu*king terrorists"...You
are trying to use this incident to justify an out and out attack against the
Palestinian people. That is disgusting, as I see it.
>America was attacked because of its
>relationship with Israel.
We do not know that, but if so, we ought to reconsider our relationship with
Israel in a new light. We need to CEASE this mindless support of Israeli
aggression against the Palestinian people.
>Do you get it?
Yes, I do. Better than you, I think.
>Those oppressed extremists you
>so admire have just become your assailants.
No one is assailing me except YOU. I do not believe in the adage "My country
right or wrong."
>It's time to stop wringing
>your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
>attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
Like I said, Go to hell. I am not weeping over the terrorists responsible for
this act. They are DEAD by their own choice. You hate terrorism directed
against the US but support it against other countries and peoples, is that it?
> It seems manifestly obvious to anyone who surveys this afternoon's
> festivities that the primary targets were not the American people but the
> financial and military installations of those who spread murder, poverty,
> death and despair throughout the world.
American people died, bigot. Therefore they were targeted. And it was the
terrorists who were spreading murder, death, and despair.
The moral incompetence of bigots is one of the unhappy constants of human
Children being killed by anybody is wrong.
People being killed by anybody is wrong.
Terrorism of any kind is wrong.
This attack is the worst act of terrorism in any part of the world.
Why not stay on the topic rather than attempt to shift it to something
And a hypocrite to boot.
Nobody is ignoring anything, except possibly you who is ignoring the
title and topic of this thread.
Of course he won't. He never has and he never will. He is a filthy hypocrite.
I think you are already witnessing that, don't you think?
Ignore them!? They APPROVE of them, and wish for more! They won't be
satisfied until the entire Palestinian people are wiped out.
Well, the answer to that is simple: Patshit Blakely is a gutless coward who is
incompetent to discuss any moral question.
No, Mr Duffy. For many months now the government of America, with the
backing of the British government and other lackeys around the world, has
been directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of children in the
Middle East. Sometimes your filthy friends dropped death from the skies in
the form of bombs directed at the people of Iraq. Sometimes your fellow
vermin in the American government sponsored other governments to do their
murderous work for them, as has been the case with their support for the
strutting war criminal Sharon in Israel. Sometimes you people starved your
victims slowly to death, depriving them of medicines and other essentials,
as has been the case not only in Iraq but also in the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan. The difference is that we never heard about those deaths. We
were not shown the pictures of smouldering buildings crumbling to the ground
when they were Iraqi buildings. We did not see the bleeding bodies when they
were the bodies of Iraqis. We were not allowed to hear the cries of the
dying children of Afghanistan or Palestine. Those things were kept from our
television screens. And because you kept it from our television screens, you
kept it from the minds of our poor, betrayed people.
Now, however, the chickens are coming home to roost. This afternoon a truly
wonderful thing has happened: the oppressed of the earth have turned around
and have shown that they do not have to be nature's eternal victims. They
have shown that the poor, the downtrodden, and the powerless can strike back
at the very heart of the dark forces that are oppressing them. This time it
was not Palestinian children who cowered in fear as death came from the
skies -- this time it was the very fat bankers and financiers who sustain
the terroristic regime of Sharon. This time it was those very military men
who mastermind the attacks on the women and children of Iraq. They thought
they were so safe as they planned death and destruction from their
comfortable offices in the Pentagon, and as they did their dirty deals in
the World Trade Center. Now they have been given a bloody nose that they
will never forget.
Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it.
Death to American capitalism!
Death to international finance!
You are a typical idiot, Andy.
>>>YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
>>>action in history.
>>And why? WHY has this country been singled out for this horrific attack?
>>Scot? Why wasn't Moscow attacked? Or any other capital in other parts of
>>world. Why the USA?
>Because the palestinians, and other Araba see America as "devils".
Why do they see Amercia as devils?
>>>It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
>>>over to the fucking terrorists, dig?
>>Go to hell. No one is throwing ones sympathy to the "fu*king
>>are trying to use this incident to justify an out and out attack against the
>>Palestinian people. That is disgusting, as I see it.
>You've defended them as they murder jewish babies, so i am not
>surprised that you do not car about American babaies.
What are you trying to drool about now? I condemned the attack and the
INDIVIDUALS responsible for it. Tell us all how you defend the Stern and Irgun
and their acts of terrorism, won't you?
>>America was attacked because of its
>>>relationship with Israel.
>We do not know that, but if so, we ought to reconsider our relationship with
>>Israel in a new light. We need to CEASE this mindless support of Israeli
>>aggression against the Palestinian people.
>Good! Let any country murder 50000 Americans and leave them be!
Has anyone identified a COUNTRY as being responsible, Andy? If you know
something the rest of America does not know yet, contact your local FBI office.
>Are you happy that Palestinians are being shown celebrating the act?
A small group of about 50 people, most of them children? YOU ARE A PSYCHO!!!!
What is your advice on that? Go and kill more Palestinian children? You
expect them to be happy as the USA continues to remain silent in the face of
Israeli genocide? Arafat condemned the bombing, while you are seeking to use
it as a means of encouraging America to kill more Palestinian civilians until
Israel can gobble up what is left of their territories. You are despicable.
>>Do you get it?
>>Yes, I do. Better than you, I think.
>You've never gotten anything in your life, you evil, sick fucker.
You have described yourself above, Andy.
I know you and your agenda better than you do.
>>Those oppressed extremists you
>>>so admire have just become your assailants.
>>No one is assailing me except YOU. I do not believe in the adage "My
>>right or wrong."
>That's right, those children killed today, don't matter. Not until
>they target your inbred family.
Do you know something we don't know? What children were killed today? I
haven't seen you shedding any tears or playing violins over the hundreds of
Palestinian children killed by the Israelis over the past few months. _ and,
-My family is not inbred you demented freak of a human being.
>>>It's time to stop wringing
>>>your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
>>>attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
>>Like I said, Go to hell. I am not weeping over the terrorists responsible
>>this act. They are DEAD by their own choice. You hate terrorism directed
>>against the US but support it against other countries and peoples, is that
>You are quite possibly a retard. You seem happy that all those
>Americans were murdered by your heroes.
You are a sick swine.
The Nazi sympathizer and apologist views this as an attack on the liberal
Establishment? You are badly in need of treatment, mr. michael.
As usual, the man who said that the calorie changed in the 1940's is
incorrect. As long as the objects of terror attacks are Jews, it's fine
with Blakelyshit.
The topic was does Jeffrey G. Brown condemn the killing of Palestinian
children by Israeli Troops since Brownshit had the nerve to ask if a denier
condemns the killing of jews by Palenstinians.
A third grade response by JHJ is what we expected and what we got.
JHJ - the wiener with the neener-neener
I'll make it easy for you Brownshit, put a (x) in the proper box.
Do you support Israeli soliders killing Palestinian children?
( ) YES
( ) NO
We can only accept Brownshit's refusal to condemn Israeli killings of
Palestinian children as Brown supports murder.
And you support murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli's by your
refusal to condemn them.
There is no difference between you and the nazi's you claim to be against.
At last the REAL david michael has exposed his ugly face to the entire
world. Thousands and thousands are dead and it's a 'glorious day' to mr.
michael. Now when he protests at being labeled a Nazoid, is there anybody
here who won't convulse with laughter? You, mr. michael, are a puddle of
No, he didn't. But he tried.
> --
> Joe Bellinger alters posts:
> Compare Msgs #12 and #13 for proof
<t...@pacificnet.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:18:12 -0400, "warren2" <don...@erols.com>
> wrote:
> >Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
> >thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
Tommie da Moron leaves his usual puddle of diarrhea:
> Will we be seeing Jews and their lackeys playing it all up to further
> the agenda of Israel?
No, we'll be seeing Nazi sympathizers and apologists like Moron, Bellinger,
Blakely and Michael (among others) doing what they always do - bashing Jews
while demonstrating not a word of compassion or condolence for thousands of
dead people of ALL persuasions. I used to think Tommie da Moron was just
funny and stupid. Now I realize that he is just an evil old man.
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:18:12 -0400, "warren2" <don...@erols.com>
> wrote:
> >Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
> >thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
> Will we be seeing Jews and their lackeys playing it all up to
> further the agenda of Israel?
Tom, I wouldn't have suspected that you would sink this low. But you
have. You see this tragedy as nothing but an opportunity to make
political hay.
Were this 1941 at Pearl Harbor, you'd probably be bitching about how
the Jews had put the Japanese up to it.
Why don't you take a break and come back when you've grown, or
bought, a soul.
Tom Moran, in <3b945797....@news.pacificnet.net>
Daffer says:
> Do you understand the concept of an 'exothermic' reaction?
Yes, I understand the Holocaust community's understanding. The same as
a candle burning, or a piece of wood. You know, Holocaust bodies
burned like candles or wood.
Note that the Nazi david michael resorts to his favorite epithet,
'Stalinist', when his amoral depravity is exposed for all to see. In mr.
michael's world, there are only two groups of people - Nazoids like he is
and Stalinists. I've got news for you, michael. If you and I were alone in
a room with Hitler and Stalin, and I had a gun with only two bullets in it,
I'd be tempted to use both bullets on
> It seems manifestly obvious to anyone who surveys this afternoon's
> festivities that the primary targets were not the American people but the
> financial and military installations of those who spread murder, poverty,
> death and despair throughout the world.
Does that justify it?
Right. We should stop using the term "anti-semites" on the grounds it
was invented by Jew haters so their opinions could look like an
ideology instead of a pathology.
-- Joseph Hertzlinger
Well, if, like mr. heinrich michael, you belong to an organization with a
long history of terroristic behavior, and when you support people like
Nazis, events such as those that occurred today make it imperative to try to
change the subject as soon as possible.
Then you no doubt share your Nazi friend's sentiments such as:
>Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it.
>Death to American capitalism!
>Death to international finance!
Joe, you run a close second to heinrich michael in the contemptibility
Joe Bellinger - working 24/7 to resurrect the 3rd Reich
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:23:31 -0700, <9nl6tm$bmj$1...@suaar1aa.prod.compuserve.com>
"The Middle Man" <7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote:
>I view this action as a act of war on the United States. I only hope Bush
>shows some balls on this one.
It is an act of war and it was against ALL Americans. Regardless of politics-
whether you are a liberal or a conservative- an enemy just shit on all of us!
No one can convince me that ALL those people on those hijacked airlines and all
the people in those World Trade Buildings, or the Pentagon, or the fire
fighters, the police, those on the street were the "liberal Establishment."
First of all they were Americans PERIOD! George Bush will reply with a resolve
that will astonish those who view him as a wimp (and the sooner the better!).
As for those talking about Palestinian children killed versus Israeli children-
I can understand what happens on the West Bank from the perspective of the
Palestinians are under Israeli Occupation just as the French were under Nazi
occupation during WWII BUT the French Resistance Fighters attacked military
targets and military personnel only (to the best of my knowledge) and they would
not have waged such attacks against another nation on the scale everyone saw on
this dark day in American history on September 11, 2001 by people who attacked
my country.
Doc Tavish
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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> Note that the Nazi david michael resorts to his favorite epithet,
> 'Stalinist', when his amoral depravity is exposed for all to see. In mr.
> michael's world, there are only two groups of people - Nazoids like he is
> and Stalinists. I've got news for you, michael. If you and I were alone in
> a room with Hitler and Stalin, and I had a gun with only two bullets in it,
> I'd be tempted to use both bullets on
> YOU.
But I'd bet you'd make the right choice nevertheless. DEM should
ponder the significance of that fact.
Ross, on the meaning of his response in
Message-ID: <20010802191550...@ng-cl1.aol.com>
ROTFL.... It takes a jew with a University degree to detect an obvious farce.
So there goes your mask claiming that you abhor death and destruction
no matter where it arises.
Is this view simply yours, or is it a view of the BNP?
I am sure that it would look good in your next election manifesto.
That little screed of Hamster Boy's should be forwarded to every newspaper and
broadcast outlet in the UK, with information specifying Michael's exact
relationship with the BNP.
Tommie DUH Moron is too gutless AND stupid to answer the question.
>*** post for FREE via your newsreader at post.newsfeeds.com ***
>On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:23:31 -0700, <9nl6tm$bmj$1...@suaar1aa.prod.compuserve.com>
>"The Middle Man" <7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote:
>>I view this action as a act of war on the United States. I only hope Bush
>>shows some balls on this one.
>It is an act of war and it was against ALL Americans. Regardless of politics-
>whether you are a liberal or a conservative- an enemy just shit on all of us!
>No one can convince me that ALL those people on those hijacked airlines and all
>the people in those World Trade Buildings, or the Pentagon, or the fire
>fighters, the police, those on the street were the "liberal Establishment."
>First of all they were Americans PERIOD! George Bush will reply with a resolve
>that will astonish those who view him as a wimp (and the sooner the better!).
>As for those talking about Palestinian children killed versus Israeli children-
>I can understand what happens on the West Bank from the perspective of the
>Palestinians are under Israeli Occupation just as the French were under Nazi
>occupation during WWII BUT the French Resistance Fighters attacked military
>targets and military personnel only (to the best of my knowledge) and they would
>not have waged such attacks against another nation on the scale everyone saw on
>this dark day in American history on September 11, 2001 by people who attacked
>my country.
> Doc Tavish
For what is possibly the only time, I find myself in agreement with
However, this is not just a dark day in American history, it is a dark
day in history, period.
Brian Blank
Title of the thread/topic: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and
Don't you read the subject titles before you post to them?
Brian Blank
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:52:07 -0700, "The Middle Man"
> <7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote:
> [...deletia...]
> >The topic was does Jeffrey G. Brown condemn the killing of Palestinian
> >children by Israeli Troops since Brownshit had the nerve to ask if a denier
> >condemns the killing of jews by Palenstinians.
> >
> >--PB
> Title of the thread/topic: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and
> Pentagon?
> Don't you read the subject titles before you post to them?
What evidence is there that what Patshit reads is processed by anything that
resembles a mammalian brain?
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:28:49 -0500, The Inspector General
> <inspecto...@nonesuch-mail.net> wrote:
> [...deletia...]
> >No one can convince me that ALL those people on those hijacked airlines
> >and all the people in those World Trade Buildings, or the Pentagon, or the fire
> >fighters, the police, those on the street were the "liberal
> >Establishment." First of all they were Americans PERIOD! George Bush will reply with a
> >resolve that will astonish those who view him as a wimp (and the sooner the
> >better!).
> [...deletia...]
> > Doc Tavish
> For what is possibly the only time, I find myself in agreement with
> you.
> However, this is not just a dark day in American history, it is a dark
> day in history, period.
> Regards,
> Brian Blank
Poor Ol' Gutless Scottie must have gotten a new prescription. Wait until it
wears off, and he'll be blaming DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS for today's attacks.
>In article <3vssptsvd787282dh...@4ax.com>, Brian Blank
><Iamnot...@home.spamblocker.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:28:49 -0500, The Inspector General
>> <inspecto...@nonesuch-mail.net> wrote:
>> [...deletia...]
>> >No one can convince me that ALL those people on those hijacked airlines
>> >and all the people in those World Trade Buildings, or the Pentagon, or the fire
>> >fighters, the police, those on the street were the "liberal
>> >Establishment." First of all they were Americans PERIOD! George Bush will reply with a
>> >resolve that will astonish those who view him as a wimp (and the sooner the
>> >better!).
>> [...deletia...]
>> > Doc Tavish
>> For what is possibly the only time, I find myself in agreement with
>> you.
>> However, this is not just a dark day in American history, it is a dark
>> day in history, period.
>> Regards,
>> Brian Blank
>Poor Ol' Gutless Scottie must have gotten a new prescription. Wait until it
>wears off, and he'll be blaming DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS for today's attacks.
Almost certainly, but it is nice to read something sensible from him
for a change.
It's now 17.20 EST and Trade Center Building has just collapsed.
Brian Blank
>In article <v3tsptoi03c88hnqf...@4ax.com>, Brian Blank
><Iamnot...@home.spamblocker.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:52:07 -0700, "The Middle Man"
>> <7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote:
>> [...deletia...]
>> >The topic was does Jeffrey G. Brown condemn the killing of Palestinian
>> >children by Israeli Troops since Brownshit had the nerve to ask if a denier
>> >condemns the killing of jews by Palenstinians.
>> >
>> >--PB
>> Title of the thread/topic: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and
>> Pentagon?
>> Don't you read the subject titles before you post to them?
>What evidence is there that what Patshit reads is processed by anything that
>resembles a mammalian brain?
Or indeed any kind of brain....
Brian Blank
Absolutely, I am sure that although the BNP is close to Fascist, even
they would disassociate themselves from (Dr) Michael's post.
>================================================================== =====
>Jeffrey G. Brown jg_b...@my-deja.com
>For centuries, philosophers and theologians have debated what it means
>to be human. Perhaps the answer has eluded us because it is so simple.
>To be human is to choose. - "The Outer Limits: Feasibility Study", 1997
Brian Blank
> david_michael wrote:
> [...]
> >This afternoon a truly
> >wonderful thing has happened: the oppressed of the earth have turned around
> >and have shown that they do not have to be nature's eternal victims. They
> >have shown that the poor, the downtrodden, and the powerless can strike back
> >at the very heart of the dark forces that are oppressing them.
> At last David Michael shows his true face. Up to now he only has been
> known under the pseudonym "Big Hairy Spider" as a small scale thug and
> harrasser. Now he reveals himself as a supporter of international
> terrorism and mass murder.
Agreed. Any pretense that David Michael is a rational human being
was obliterated by the phrase "this afternoon a truly wonderful
thing happened."
I am thankful, if anyone could be thankful in times such as these,
only in the sense that he was so stupid as to utter such a revealing
But in one sense I shouldn't be surprised: David Michael has always
overestimated the 'reality' of his sensibilities, believing that the
power of his oratory will overcome the demonstrable degeneracy of
his morality.
In 3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk: David E. Michael expressed his
support for the bombers of Washington and New York, who in the course
of their terrorist acts caused the downing of at least 4 commercial
airliners and the destruction of two buildings with a greater loss of
> Any pretense that David Michael is a rational human being
> was obliterated by the phrase "this afternoon a truly wonderful
> thing happened."
Indeed, David Michael now joins Richard "Thank God for those murders" Phillips
in the ranks of morally bankrupt bigots who have proven themselves to be totally
morally bankrupt.
<< snip >>
> We do not know that, but if so, we ought to reconsider our relationship
> with
> Israel in a new light. We need to CEASE this mindless support of Israeli
> aggression against the Palestinian people.
Joe-Joe, that's horseshit. The terrorists are going to be very quick to
blame that bad old America because that bad old America supports
that bad old Israel. Pavlovian Jew-bashers like yourself will be quick
to say aha! and agree with the terrorists. But anyone with an IQ greater
than their own toothbrush will instantly say, "If Israel's being wicked
is really the problem, then the terrorists would have done this to
Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, not New York."
But for you to be able to think a thought like that, you'd not only
have to (a) jettison your reflexive ability to blame Thuh Joos for
all things bad, but (b) you'd have to grow a brain.
> >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >From: "david_michael" david_...@onetel.net.uk
> >Date: 9/11/01 11:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>
> >
> >
> >"Andy" <n...@email.com> wrote in message
> >news:aqisptkkmr2o9koag...@4ax.com...
> >> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 18:37:41 +0100, "david_michael"
> >> <david_...@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >"Buck Turgidson" <deppi...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> >> >news:3B9E4465...@mindspring.com...
> >> >> Debunks wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> > >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >> >> > >From: "Jeffrey G. Brown" jg_b...@my-deja.com
> >> >> > >Date: 9/11/01 8:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >> >> > >Message-id: <jg_brown-E1E8F8...@news.alt.net>
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >In article <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>, "david_michael"
> >> >> > ><david_...@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >> I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment.
> >> >> > >
> >Now, however, the chickens are coming home to roost. This afternoon a truly
> >wonderful thing has happened: the oppressed of the earth have turned around
> >and have shown that they do not have to be nature's eternal victims. They
> >have shown that the poor, the downtrodden, and the powerless can strike back
> >at the very heart of the dark forces that are oppressing them. This time it
> >was not Palestinian children who cowered in fear as death came from the
> >skies -- this time it was the very fat bankers and financiers who sustain
> >the terroristic regime of Sharon. This time it was those very military men
> >who mastermind the attacks on the women and children of Iraq. They thought
> >they were so safe as they planned death and destruction from their
> >comfortable offices in the Pentagon, and as they did their dirty deals in
> >the World Trade Center. Now they have been given a bloody nose that they
> >will never forget.
> >
> >Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it.
> >
> >Death to American capitalism!
> >
> >Death to international finance!
> >
> >
> This one act of terrorism has acheived what two major world wars were unable to
> accomplish: visiting war, death, terror, and destruction upon the American
> Empire. Now that America has been shorn of its seeming invulnerability, I fear
> for the future of this great nation and people.
Like you give a shit. Your first concern was for the poor Palestinians you thought
were going to be victimized, not for a single American victim. You're no American.
-- Dep
"Always tell the truth. It's the § "Truth is just...truth. You can't
easiest thing to remember." § have opinions about truth."
--David Mamet --Peter Schickele
Well, at least we know we can call Herr Dr. Mr. Unterstuermbannstalker Michael a
terrorist supporter with no more empty denials.
"David Gehrig" <zem...@earthlink.net> wrote in message
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
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> >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >From: Buck Turgidson deppi...@mindspring.com
> >Date: 9/11/01 10:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <3B9E4465...@mindspring.com>
> >
> >Debunks wrote:
> >
> >> >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >> >From: "Jeffrey G. Brown" jg_b...@my-deja.com
> >> >Date: 9/11/01 8:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >> >Message-id: <jg_brown-E1E8F8...@news.alt.net>
> >> >
> >> >In article <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>, "david_michael"
> >> ><david_...@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment.
> >> >
> >> >So, Hamster Boy, do you consider the deliberate murder of civilian
> >> >noncombatants
> >> >to be justified?
> >> >
> >> >JGB
> >> >
> >>
> >> Do you consider the murder of Palestinian children justified?
> >
> >What the flying fuck is going on here?! Hundreds, maybe thousands of
> >innocent lives have just been lost, the vulnerability of free society
> >has been expsed, more attacks could be coming, billions of dollars in
> >damages have been incurred, and an already-shaky world economy may find
> >itself plunged into deep recession....and you jokers are blathering
> >about the "liberal Establishment" and whining about the fucking
> >Palestinians?!
> >
> >JOE. Wake the fuck up. You live in AMERICA. AMERICA has been attacked.
> SCREW OFF, Scot. You are a psycho.
What, you think this wasn't an attack on America? What's wrong with you?
> >YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
> >action in history.
> And why? WHY has this country been singled out for this horrific attack? WHY,
> Scot? Why wasn't Moscow attacked? Or any other capital in other parts of the
> world. Why the USA?
What are you doing, getting ready to blame the victim again? If you think this
attack was justified, I suggest very honestly and urgently that you find another
country to live in. America has no need for those who give aid or comfort to the
> >It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
> >over to the fucking terrorists, dig?
> Go to hell. No one is throwing ones sympathy to the "fu*king terrorists"...You
> are trying to use this incident to justify an out and out attack against the
> Palestinian people. That is disgusting, as I see it.
Why do you say that? Is anyone here blaming the Palestinians? If they turn out to
be responsible (and an early claim by a PLO splinter group did take
responsibility, though no one took it seriously), then they damn well should be
held accountable. Why shouldn't they? But it looks like it was the work of Osama
Bin Laden, in another of your favorite countries: Afghanistan.
> >America was attacked because of its
> >relationship with Israel.
> We do not know that, but if so, we ought to reconsider our relationship with
> Israel in a new light. We need to CEASE this mindless support of Israeli
> aggression against the Palestinian people.
What a cowardly thing to suggest: that we should let an extremist group of fanatic
terrorists determine our nation's friends and allies. Haven't you considered
blaming the attacker for the attack?
> >Do you get it?
> Yes, I do. Better than you, I think.
Actually, I hope you do get it, Joe. One day, I hope you really get it.
> >Those oppressed extremists you
> >so admire have just become your assailants.
> No one is assailing me except YOU. I do not believe in the adage "My country
> right or wrong."
But it is your country under assault from a foreign enemy. We didn't do anything
wrong, you asshole--we were *attacked*. Innocent people died, thousands died,
because a group of fanatics disagree with our political alliances. At least stand
up for the country you live in, you craven weasel.
> >It's time to stop wringing
> >your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
> >attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
> Like I said, Go to hell. I am not weeping over the terrorists responsible for
> this act. They are DEAD by their own choice. You hate terrorism directed
> against the US but support it against other countries and peoples, is that it?
I notice you have no words of sympathy for the dead, for the injured, for the
traumatized, for the families. Your main concern is protecting your Palestinians
from any potential guilt and finding a way to leverage this into your usual
anti-Israel weaselly bashing.
Stand up for your own country, you traitorous vermin.
> >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >From: t...@pacificnet.net (tom moran)
> >Date: 9/11/01 9:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <3ba54299...@news.pacificnet.net>
> >
> >On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:18:12 -0400, "warren2" <don...@erols.com>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
> >>thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
> >
> >
> >Will we be seeing Jews and their lackeys playing it all up to further
> >the agenda of Israel?
> >
> I think you are already witnessing that, don't you think?
You are vile.
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:18:12 -0400, "warren2" <don...@erols.com>
> wrote:
> >Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
> >thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
> Will we be seeing Jews and their lackeys playing it all up to further
> the agenda of Israel?
The mind boggles. All of you can go live in fucking Afghanistan.
> >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
> >From: "david_michael" david_...@onetel.net.uk
> >Date: 9/11/01 10:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>
> >
> >
> >"warren2" <don...@erols.com> wrote in message
> >news:9nlddb$rj0$1...@bob.news.rcn.net...
> >>
> >> "William Daffer" <whda...@mediaone.net> wrote in message
> >> news:m3ae016...@odysseus.localdomain...
> >> > "david_michael" <david_...@onetel.net.uk> writes:
> >> >
> >> > > I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment. If Bush
> >> shows
> >> > > his balls I just hope that someone shoots the bastards off.
> >> > >
> >> > > DEM
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > You can be sure this quote will come back and haunt you, coward.
> >> >
> >> > whd
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Trust the Nazi sympathizer and apologist use the deaths of thousands and
> >> thousands of people to further his cowardly agenda.
> >>
> >> sw
> >>
> >>
> >Trust the Stalinist hypocrite to ignore the deaths of thousands of Iraqi
> >women and children, of thousands of Palestinians.
> >
> Ignore them!? They APPROVE of them, and wish for more! They won't be
> satisfied until the entire Palestinian people are wiped out.
Maybe you can go live with your beloved Palestinians. Report back to us on the
wonderful freedom and tolerance you find under the iron hand of Yassir Arafat.
>On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:11:55 -0700, "The Middle Man"
><7patb...@mailandnews.co7> wrote:
>>"Jeffrey G. Brown" <jg_b...@my-deja.com> wrote in message
>>> In article <3ba44263...@news.pacificnet.net>, t...@pacificnet.net
>>> DUH moron) wrote:
>>> > On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:16:16 -0400, "warren2" <don...@erols.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >Do you consider the murder of Israeli children justified?
>>> >
>>> > Do you consider the murder of Palestinian children justified?
>>> Note that Tommy DUH Moron is too gutless to answer the question.
>>And I notice that you are too gutless to answer the question about
>>Palestinian children being killed by Israeli soliders.
>>Hypocrite bastard
>Children being killed by anybody is wrong.
>People being killed by anybody is wrong.
>Terrorism of any kind is wrong.
>This attack is the worst act of terrorism in any part of the world.
>Why not stay on the topic rather than attempt to shift it to something
Because what Debunks and Moron are all about is Jew-bashing.
>"Buck Turgidson" <deppi...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
>> Debunks wrote:
>> > >Subject: Re: Who blew up the World Trade Centers and Pentagon?
>> > >From: "Jeffrey G. Brown" jg_b...@my-deja.com
>> > >Date: 9/11/01 8:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
>> > >Message-id: <jg_brown-E1E8F8...@news.alt.net>
>> > >
>> > >In article <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>, "david_michael"
>> > ><david_...@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment.
>> > >
>> > >So, Hamster Boy, do you consider the deliberate murder of civilian
>> > >noncombatants
>> > >to be justified?
>> > >
>> > >JGB
>> > >
>> >
>> > Do you consider the murder of Palestinian children justified?
>> What the flying fuck is going on here?! Hundreds, maybe thousands of
>> innocent lives have just been lost, the vulnerability of free society
>> has been expsed, more attacks could be coming, billions of dollars in
>> damages have been incurred, and an already-shaky world economy may find
>> itself plunged into deep recession....and you jokers are blathering
>> about the "liberal Establishment" and whining about the fucking
>> Palestinians?!
>> JOE. Wake the fuck up. You live in AMERICA. AMERICA has been attacked.
>> YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
>> action in history. It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
>> over to the fucking terrorists, dig? America was attacked because of its
>> relationship with Israel. Do you get it? Those oppressed extremists you
>> so admire have just become your assailants. It's time to stop wringing
>> your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
>> attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
>It seems manifestly obvious to anyone who surveys this afternoon's
>festivities that the primary targets were not the American people but the
>financial and military installations of those who spread murder, poverty,
>death and despair throughout the world.
Anyone who describes events resulting in deaths that will number in
the thousands as "festivities" doesn't have a soul, and so does not
deserve the shell of a body. If Hitler was, in your own words, a
"twit", you are super-twit of alt.revisionism.
Brian Blank wrote:
The apocalypse must be nearing--I find myself in substantial agreement with
Bradbury. Still, despite all the things you have said that I mightily disagree with,
it is at least gratifying to see that you have some genuine concern for your own
country and your fellow Americans. Now, box some of that up and ship it to Joe
Bellinger. He needs a dose.
> For what is possibly the only time, I find myself in agreement with
> you.
Creepy, innit?
> However, this is not just a dark day in American history, it is a dark
> day in history, period.
*sigh* It is, but only in scale, really. This is almost ordinary for the Irish and
the Israelis. But I am deeply afraid we have seen the wave of the future in war.
Absolutely. Interesting that he has not replied since this post. He is
usually so quick to point out that he is "misunderstood" or
Brian Blank
>"Jeffrey G. Brown" <jg_b...@my-deja.com> wrote in message
>> In article <3b9e...@news-uk.onetel.net.uk>, "david_michael"
>> <david_...@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
>> > I view it as an act of war against the liberal Establishment.
>> So, Hamster Boy, do you consider the deliberate murder of civilian
>> noncombatants to be justified?
>Judging from his history, he will probably call the perpetrators 'twits'.
Notwithstanding his spidership's posting history, this is not too
likely to come from the keyboard of one who has unabashedly and
proudly declared:
"Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it." - Dr.
David E. Michael, September 11, 2001.
The same Dr. David E. Michael whose February 2000 response to the
Haider election in Austria included:
"The truth of the matter is that, for the first time in half a
century, we nationalists have the power to bring Europe to a
shuddering halt."
And the very same Dr. David E. Michael who - three years ago to the
day - during the course of his exposition on his "glorious dream" told
"the Nazis had an excellent record of dealing appropriately with
communists. They hanged them, shot them, strung them up from
lamp-posts. And in so doing they have my complete support." - Dr.
David E. Michael, September 11, 1998
Call the perpetrators of these horrifying acts of senseless, murderous
terror and destruction "twits"? Not the "pragmatic" Dr. David E<ven
when I'm wrong, I'm right> Michael.
Hilary Ostrov
E-mail: hos...@telus.net
WWW: http://www3.telus.net/myssiwyg/
The Nizkor Project http://www.nizkor.org/
Maybe he's figured out that the "supportive" messages he's posted are
likely to lead from a visit from MI5 or whatever they call themselves
these days. What a fucking asshole.
Sorry, forgot that simple fact.
But actually that was Blakely I was replying to. Still, same thing
Brian Blank
> >>Well, at least we know we can call Herr
> >>Dr. Mr. Unterstuermbannstalker Michael a terrorist supporter with
> >>no more empty denials.
> >>
> >>
> >>-- Dep
> >
> >Absolutely. Interesting that he has not replied since this post. He is
> >usually so quick to point out that he is "misunderstood" or
> >"misquoted."
> Maybe he's figured out that the "supportive" messages he's posted are
> likely to lead from a visit from MI5 or whatever they call themselves
> these days.
> What a fucking asshole.
That's more likely.
Morghus, in 73fedc95.01081...@posting.google.com, says:
The bogus farm-house chambers were also supposed to be able to
accomodate 2,000 people each. That's where the interrogators dreamed
up their peak capacity of 10,000 in 1941 at the farmhouses.
for the complete post.
>Debunks wrote:
>> And why? WHY has this country been singled out for this horrific attack? WHY,
>> Scot? Why wasn't Moscow attacked? Or any other capital in other parts of the
>> world. Why the USA?
>What are you doing, getting ready to blame the victim again? If you think this
>attack was justified, I suggest very honestly and urgently that you find another
>country to live in. America has no need for those who give aid or comfort to the
Bellinger seems to think that victims always deserve their fates.
It's his common theme on the Holocaust, too. He should run, not
walk, to the nearest shrink.
>> However, this is not just a dark day in American history, it is a dark
>> day in history, period.
>*sigh* It is, but only in scale, really. This is almost ordinary for the Irish and
>the Israelis. But I am deeply afraid we have seen the wave of the future in war.
>-- Dep
It's the potential scale of carnage that makes it unique.
I just hope and pray that the reality does not live up to the full
Brian Blank
So you are trying to cast blame on Arafat? Just as I thought....pursuing
Israel's agenda. Arafat may be a lot of things, but he is not STUPID. This
was certainly not an act prompted by Arafat.
You are a lackey who only feigns sympathy for the thousands who died today.
You have NO PROOF whatsoever that any Arab group was behind this attack. If
you claim otherwise, contact the FBI.
> Pavlovian Jew-bashers
You are a filthy smear artist. "Oh! Everyone hates the Jews! Everyone hates
the Jews! The world is full of antisemites!" Keep screeching on, you lunatic.
> like yourself will be quick
>to say aha! and agree with the terrorists.
You are human filth. Who ARE the terrorists, Gehrig? The Mossad? Would you
still be whining about antisemites if that were the case?
>But anyone with an IQ greater
>than their own toothbrush will instantly say, "If Israel's being wicked
>is really the problem, then the terrorists would have done this to
>Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, not New York."
HA! Exactly so! So don't JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS about who is responsible for
this attack until ALL the evidence is evaluated by the authorities. Your
stupid statement implies that the US was attacked because they set Israeli
policy, which is utterly absurd. This attack may have come from WITHIN
American shores. Ever stop to think about that?
Of COURSE it was an attack upon America. Did I write otherwise? NO. The
point is, we do not KNOW who is responsible for the attacks. I for one am not
in favor of jumping to conclusions until ALL the evidence has been evaluated.
>> >YOUR country. YOUR homeland has been the target for the worst terrorist
>> >action in history.
>> And why? WHY has this country been singled out for this horrific attack?
>> Scot? Why wasn't Moscow attacked? Or any other capital in other parts of
>> world. Why the USA?
>What are you doing, getting ready to blame the victim again?
I am asking pertinent questions, which is what EVERY RESPONSIBLE thinking
person (you excluded) seems to be doing at this time.
>If you think this
>attack was justified,
Where did I write that, you idiot? You are indeed a smearing psycho.
>I suggest very honestly and urgently that you find another
>country to live in.
I suggest you go and live in Israel as your own raison detre seems to consist
of being an apologist for that nation and its manifold crimes.
>America has no need for those who give aid or comfort to the
Dep foolishly imagines he is living in 1940's America...Go sign yourself in to
a psychiatric institution for observation, you fruitcake.
>> >It's probably not seemly to throw your sympathies
>> >over to the fucking terrorists, dig?
>> Go to hell. No one is throwing ones sympathy to the "fu*king
>> are trying to use this incident to justify an out and out attack against
>> Palestinian people. That is disgusting, as I see it.
>Why do you say that? Is anyone here blaming the Palestinians?
>If they turn out to
>be responsible (and an early claim by a PLO splinter group did take
>responsibility, though no one took it seriously), then they damn well should
>held accountable.
It is damn well near certain that the PLO had NOTHING to do with the attack.
Even if it was a splinter group, the PLO can hardly be held accountable, but I
think it was most likely an attack from within our own shores. Time will tell.
>Why shouldn't they? But it looks like it was the work of Osama
>Bin Laden, in another of your favorite countries: Afghanistan.
Yeh, that country where Christians are routinely persecuted. You are mentally
>> >America was attacked because of its
>> >relationship with Israel.
>> We do not know that, but if so, we ought to reconsider our relationship
>> Israel in a new light. We need to CEASE this mindless support of Israeli
>> aggression against the Palestinian people.
>What a cowardly thing to suggest: that we should let an extremist group of
>terrorists determine our nation's friends and allies. Haven't you considered
>blaming the attacker for the attack?
WHO IS THE ATTACKER, Scot? If you know, contact the FBI, otherwise shut your
stupid trap.
>> >Do you get it?
>> Yes, I do. Better than you, I think.
>Actually, I hope you do get it, Joe. One day, I hope you really get it.
I'll bet you do, but you will never see that day, if it ever comes.
>> >Those oppressed extremists you
>> >so admire have just become your assailants.
>> No one is assailing me except YOU. I do not believe in the adage "My
>> right or wrong."
>But it is your country under assault from a foreign enemy
> We didn't do anything
>wrong, you asshole--we were *attacked*
You do not know the origin of the attack. You are jumping to conclusions.
> Innocent people died, thousands died,
>because a group of fanatics disagree with our political alliances.
And the attackers may have been US citizens, too. Just like McVay.
>At least stand
>up for the country you live in, you craven weasel.
I can do that best by advising people like you to shut your stupid pie holes.
People like you give America a bad name.
> >It's time to stop wringing
>> >your hands and weeping about the poor, poor murderers who have just
>> >attacked YOUR country and show some sympathy for your fellow Americans.
> Like I said, Go to hell. I am not weeping over the terrorists responsible
>> this act. They are DEAD by their own choice. You hate terrorism directed
>> against the US but support it against other countries and peoples, is that
>I notice you have no words of sympathy for the dead, for the injured, for the
>traumatized, for the families.
I notice that you are using their deaths to support your stupid agenda. Others
have noticed, too.
>Your main concern is protecting your Palestinians
>from any potential guilt and finding a way to leverage this into your usual
>anti-Israel weaselly bashing.
I am concerned indeed with protecting the Palestinian people from RASH and
irresponsible retaliation without ONE IOTA OF PROOF. Your agenda rules your
life, doesn't it?
>Stand up for your own country, you traitorous vermin.
>-- Dep
LOL! Like I said, I can do that best by advising you to shut your stupid,
illiterate mouth.
I know. I was doing a sort of "mass" response having just caught up
with the newsgroup this evening, after spending all day trying to
sandwich work between news and television broadcasts. I'm still
stunned by what has happened, and I'm dismayed, at least on one level,
with the facility with which these shitheads leap to use the deaths of
thousands to further their antisemitic agendas.
I'm sorry if you took offence. None was intended.
Screw off, hypocrite. You are a phony whose agenda consists of making Israel
first over the USA or any other country. And you are right about ONE thing: I
AM concerned about the fate of the Palestinian people. Unlike you, who would
like to see them all exterminated and blamed for these acts even though you do
not have ONE SHRED of proof to offer in support of your smear. What else is
new in Nizkook land?
What you are all about is spewing mindless trash.
As is yours.
Don't send me to yours, whatever you do.
Yep. My agenda is the truth.
---- Repost Bellinger's own words from this very day:
Stop this insane persecution of the Palestinians and the terrorism will end.
---- end repost
You make it too easy, Naziboy.
Actually, I don't know Dep's agenda.
Blanche, could you please tell me what Dep's agenda is?
<< snip >>
>>Maybe you can go live with your beloved Palestinians. Report back to us on
>>wonderful freedom and tolerance you find under the iron hand of Yassir
>>-- Dep
> So you are trying to cast blame on Arafat? Just as I thought....pursuing
> Israel's agenda. Arafat may be a lot of things, but he is not STUPID.
> This was certainly not an act prompted by Arafat.
Nor did Dep say it was.
Learn to read, Joe-Joe, and you won't have these little mishaps.
He seems to think it's "bootlickin". Maybe he'll tell us whose boots.
As if nobody whose read this newsgroup for a while doesn't know whose
boots Bellinger thinks anybody who doesn't deny the Holocaust licks.
No, no, I took no offence whatsoever. I just thought that you had
misread it. :-)
As for your other comments, it seems that just as you think that the
shitheads have sunk as low as they can, they make attempts to remind
you that there are even deeper depths they can plumb.
To be fair, Tavish did suddenly go the other way (upwards) which did
more than surprise me.
Brian Blank
I hope that it comes from the heart, and not from the fact that he is
involved in a civil case currently under appeal. And I mean that -
that I hope he means it. Seeing even one of these creeps rise above
the sludge would be a good thing.
Agreed. I don't think his patriotism is in question. As for the rest
of his beliefs......
Brian Blank
> Now, however, the chickens are coming home to roost. This afternoon a truly
> wonderful thing has happened: the oppressed of the earth have turned around
> and have shown that they do not have to be nature's eternal victims. They
> have shown that the poor, the downtrodden, and the powerless can strike back
> at the very heart of the dark forces that are oppressing them. This time it
> was not Palestinian children who cowered in fear as death came from the
> skies -- this time it was the very fat bankers and financiers who sustain
> the terroristic regime of Sharon. This time it was those very military men
> who mastermind the attacks on the women and children of Iraq. They thought
> they were so safe as they planned death and destruction from their
> comfortable offices in the Pentagon, and as they did their dirty deals in
> the World Trade Center. Now they have been given a bloody nose that they
> will never forget.
> Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it.
> Death to American capitalism!
> Death to international finance!
So you do approve of the killing of unarmed civilians in terrorist
I always suspected you did. Now I know it.
Orac |"A statement of fact cannot be insolent."
|"If you cannot listen to the answers, why do you
| inconvenience me with questions?"