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Intro to (the) Demonic creatures etc., having NO PERMISSION to talk to Koos Nolst Trenite - {HRI note 20090713-V2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 14, 2009, 3:00:47 PM7/14/09
Intro to (the) Demonic creatures etc., having NO PERMISSION to talk to
Koos Nolst Trenite (and to other decent, caring people), unless very
specifically asked

13 July 2009
{HRI note 20090713-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 14 July 2009)

(view Summary
by skipping - some
or much - indentation)

(this may shake or jar
your customary denial of
the, nevertheless present,
nature of life itself)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Koos Nolst Trenite is the VERY OPPOSITE of l. ron hubbard, and l. ron
hubbard is an (extremely) demonic creature.

However, there are people, who maintain, that demonic creatures
"do not exist."

Gerry Armstrong, once a personal friend of l. ron hubbard who
was also his best man (to his, Gerry Armstrong's wedding), Gerry
does maintain, also now, that

"there are no demonic creatures."

So his actions towards me and towards others, are
predictable, and such actions as his, have been
researched and described in the "Defining 'Destructive
Cowards' series." *(n)


And indeed, towards those who do care and who do look at life,
he, Gerry, acts as malicious, as mendacious, and as void of
looking at himself and at others, as is predicted therein:

all the contortions and wriggling of the mind,

for not having to face demonic creatures, like the
demonic creature l. ron hubbard,

nor any other ones, for instance as documented in
the Discovery Channel series 'A Haunting,' which I
have pointed at already earlier.

He, Gerry, once the big "friend" of the demonic creature l. ron
hubbard, (Gerry Armstrong) maintains, that demonic creatures
"do not exist,"

meaning, he can not and will not face demonic creatures,

which he justifies with the irrational platitude, which is void
of actuality and real meaning, the platitude:

"All creatures can talk to God." *(n)

He continues with the "logic" that should support his cowardice
and his inability, that must make his cowardice right.


He denies WHO is detrimental to people, which is his (Gerry's)
refusal to care for people and for their lives, and he is
justifying that, with the "logic" *(n)

that "All creatures can talk to God, so also can 'demonic
creatures' (talk to God) - therefore 'demonic creatures'
do not exist, because they 'instantly would become normal
again' the moment they would wish so." *(n)

Something to that effect, he, Gerry Armstrong, tried to tell me
to explain his cowardice and his earlier and persistent malice
towards me and thus towards others too: *(n)


Gerry Armstrong is thus being a mental puppet of the - admittedly very
Evil - game of the DEMONIC CREATURE l. ron hubbard. *(n)

With him, with Gerry Armstrong, as with others of his

'demonic creatures "do not exist," however.

And by consequence, very decent and very caring and
very truthful people "also do not exist,"

as explained extensively in the 'Defining Destructive
Cowards' series.




The Whole Essence Of A Demonic Creature

He can not define 'God' - but I can, and I did *(n).

I can (I could only) after a vast amount of entirely
unique research in the matter,

comprising all religions and related facts,

guided solely by my intense Love for people, and by my
very, very high Intelligence, and protected by the Beauty
that resides in my soul, more than in others.

From that you can understand - and I have also explained
that in various Human Rights Issues - that

THE WHOLE ESSENCE of a demonic creature is his or her intentional,
enforced and IRREPARABLE disconnection from the Source Energy of
Life - or from God, if 'God' is defined correctly. *(n)(n)(n)

The this-life-time former personal close "friend" of
Gerry Armstrong, that is, l. ron hubbard,

is the one who invented and applied spiritual methods in
a distant past - which I researched and published -

to INTENTIONALLY DESTROY the connection of people to (feel) the
Source Energy of Life, that is, to God if defined correctly.

In terms of Fine Particle Physics, he, l. ron hubbard, developed
techniques to inflict such INTENSE RED HATE Energy onto the soul
of people who 'wanted to talk to God'

- people who simply wanted to restore their feeling of being
alive as themselves by connecting (again better) to the
Source Energy of Life, to God - which was

OPPOSED by l. ron hubbard:

he inflicted so much Hate Energy "as if coming from God,"
that it feels like the victims as if "God Hates Them."

Whenever they then try to connect to God, to the
Source Energy of Life, they get this intense Hate
Energy - which reflects of course in
their behavior:

l. ron hubbard inflicted on them, the permanent feeling and
condition, that "God Hates Them."

They have become demonic creatures. *(n)


And the Hate Energy is created originally by l. ron hubbard, as
far as I found, it is not a normal part of The Creation, neither
are the other three of the four basic Harmful, Altered Life
Energies (Drugging, Ugliness, Unconsciousness and Pain-Hate
Energies). *(n)

And so l. ron hubbard "created his own universe," in order
"to oppose God." And he now calls that "the void" in which
people "create a Universe." But it is all still within
the actual Creation that he opposes.

I have written and published this already elsewhere,
but someone who is a personal friend of l. ron
hubbard, is not likely to, or would refuse to study



l. ron hubbard (Hubbard) says, OF COURSE, that
"demonic creatures do not exist," and "it is all
in your mind," and "you mock it all up," "in the
void that is life" ...according to a demonic
creature, which l. ron hubbard is.

In this, he is largely assisted by psychiatry, that
- infected by Criminal Minds similar to Hubbard -
(psychiatry) is based on current medical "science."

A common trick of hypnotism and related Black Magic - of
which l. ron hubbard is the main 'Implanter' as he calls
his distant past practices of destroying people himself,

a common trick of hypnotism is, to have (at least) TWO
OPPOSING views to be felt BOTH as valid at the same time.

Like: "Only the physical is true," and "Only
the spiritual counts."

In this case, he plays the insidious Evil wrapped
in the 'Good of Scientology,' against the insidious
Evil wrapped inside the 'Good of Medical Science.'

The insidious evil in this case, that "demonic
creatures do not exist," that "it is all in your

But someone who DENIES the existence and nature of
demonic creatures, will also deny that, of course...




Again: Koos Nolst Trenite is the VERY OPPOSITE of l. ron hubbard,
and l. ron hubbard is an (extremely) demonic creature.

Some, if not most or nearly all of the "posters to
alt.religion.scientology," since fifteen years, like to have
that confused, of course, because

THEY REFUSE TO FACE - not only their own, but much more do
they refuse to face or to understand -

the INTENSE Ugliness and the inconceivable Treachery of
l. ron hubbard, yes, even, THAT he exists.

Thus l. ron hubbard very easily ADDS to THEIR demonic nature,
he fuels it very easily.

It is demonic creatures who fuel each other's evil - including their
criminal libel - which they feel they have to maintain,

they want to MAINTAIN their level of Evil,

in order to oppose even the IDEA of any chance, of their getting a
TINY bit LESS Insane and LESS Evil,

through the fact of admitting the truth, that also I do exist.
I have explained the phenomena above, in terms of Fine Particle
Physics, about the origin and nature of their condition.




Well, such are demonic creatures.

Of course their evil is unpleasant to experience, for you, but that is
their whole 'reason for living:' to be evil, nasty, mean, ugly, and
indeed murderous, and to make your life into hell.

It is their nature, because they are blocked from feeling the Source
Energy of life, also called God.


Only a murderer by nature, would think of, or even want to be accusing
ME of such an act, that for him or her is "normal,"

and "desirable," if he had the opportunity to murder someone

- as they have shown, and is also recorded over the past fifteen
years, in their writing -

not ONE of them would NOT have me

- me, the most caring and most beautiful and most understanding
person known -

murdered, if they had the chance to do so unhindered or to let it be
done unhindered

...we are talking about REAL, potential murderers, here.

I am doing endlessly MORE work for the cause that they merely
PRETEND to fight for - to oppose Evil.


Otherwise they would GREATLY assist me.



But their JOY of being perverts, as they show now again, in the
way they talk, in their REFUSAL of any very well known truth, in
how they relish their Ugliness and their intentional Meanness,

their repulsive JOY has no limit, other than the limit imposed
by me and others, on them.


As they show again and again, they work FOR l. ron hubbard, who is
another demon, a demon like they are:

They work FOR l. ron hubbard, in trying to oppose my actual handling
of THAT creature, and generally in their Intense HATE OF LIFE.



I know about you - about those who are NOT demonic creatures - that
you are tremendous cowards: You don't have to tell me that.

If you WOULD have any courage and decency, then you WOULD open
your mouth, of course, but you do not dare to, even though you
are NOT a demonic creature.

You are afraid of what the bullies here will say of you...
except if you agree with them.


The mentioned Gerry Armstrong just now committed a very abject
act, fixating himself permanently to the level of the demonic

to those, who PREVENT the demon l. ron hubbard from being looked
at, and that was also the PURPOSE of Gerry Armstrong, while

PRETENDING - strangely enough - the very opposite, that "he is
the one exposing Hubbard."

They - the demonic creatures, whom Gerry Armstrong joined
so tightly now - these claim, that demons "do not," that
l. ron hubbard "does not" ...exist. *(n)

Which is why 'Evil Creatures fight for Evil beliefs.' *(n)

So that also they themselves, as how they are, "do not
exist either."


And those who speak FOR or on behalf of demonic creatures, ALSO
claim - as predicted in the "Defining 'Destructive Cowards'"
series - that 'demonic creatures "do not exist".'




I have explained in very simple terms, (enclosed below) why (the)
demonic creatures do not have permission to talk to me,

and that applies also to those, like Gerry Armstrong, who talks FOR
and on behalf of demonic creatures, and who talks also for the
(extremely) demonic creature, his deceased "friend" l. ron hubbard.

And so we understand the fact, that Gerry Armstrong is not
interested in truth either, because it conflicts with his

To feel and assert, that demonic creatures "do not exist."

Which reminds me of my old biology teacher,

who had a joke, that "Santa Claus, and The Stork,
and The Giraffe, 'do not exist'." *(n)

He taught very well, though - he was a very good

My teacher put those pupils who did NOT want to learn, in the back of
the class room, so that these did not disturb, nor absorb the
attention of those, like me, who DID want to learn something from
him. *(n)


Truth IS accessible, to those who can and want to have it - to those
who love and care about people.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(to be added, as indicated)


Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me

7 December 2007

(Version 2.0.2
on 30 Oct 2008)


Demonic creatures have NO permission to talk to or speak with me,

unless specifically asked by me, and then only on the question
asked of them by me or by someone for me.

This has always been so, wherever and whenever I could recognize them.

This is how it is in the street, and it is not at all different
in the Usenet newsgroups.



You can think of these Demonic creatures as street bums,

as to how their soul is, and

as to how the Energies they emanate, are.

Some even claim, that (their and) any soul, and
(those and) any Energies, (also those THEY emanate)

so that they are not recognized as the source
of Evil Energies,

nor recognized as Evil souls (that are obvious
from their past-lives).


Their only purpose is to destroy life,

and the only reason for their shouting to get a connect-
ion, is, to try and get (to steal) Energy from others,

as they are Energy-vampires too,

and it is not hard to imagine, what THEY would use that
Energy for.



Do these Hate Beauty, Love and Truth?

Certainly, they so do hate very intensely, very forcefully, with
tremendous rancor. (rancor: 'The deepest malignity or spite;
deep-seated enmity or malice; deep-rooted hatred.')


They abhor and are disgusted by genuine Beauty, Love and Truth,

which they may try to approach and "admire" IN ORDER TO
DESTROY IT and to obtain and pervert and subvert the
Energy of.



Me being fully and wholly their opposite, my communications are so
Strong in Beauty, so All-embracing in Love, and so Rich in Truth,

that these my communications (my Energies) do literally 'burn the
soul' of any Demonic creature, sociopath or mental street bum and
the like:

To such individuals, any communication of mine acts as
'Holy Water,' it burns their soul

- and they react accordingly... some sort of 'explode,'

others, feeling forced to have to feel and to face the
actuality of how people really are,

including feeling the existence and thus the
Energies of demons like l. ron hubbard, and of
his evil soul mates,

will go onto a 'killing spree,' a 'knife-stabbing' "fest"
for them,

AND TO 'DICTATORIALIZE' their lies and false
feelings onto others,

to eradicate and exterminate decent people, and

to kill those who emanate the Energy of pure, penetrating
Truth, of pure, penetrating Beauty, and of pure, and
equally penetrating Love.


Therefore - being KIND to them - they are ordered to filter out
of their perception, any communications

not meant for them, not written for them and not posted
or published for them,

that are written by me.



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far the
most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known, and on
top of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known on
Earth and beyond.


'l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good" '
(21 April 2008)

'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20021213}
(13 Dec 2002)


Copyright 2007-2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 14, 2009, 5:04:51 PM7/14/09
Intro to (the) Demonic creatures etc., having NO PERMISSION to talk to
Koos Nolst Trenite (and to other decent, caring people), unless very
specifically asked

13 July 2009
{HRI note 20090713-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 14 July 2009)

(view Summary
by skipping - some
or much - indentation)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(this may shake or jar
your customary denial of
the, nevertheless present,
nature of life itself)


Koos Nolst Trenite is the VERY OPPOSITE of l. ron hubbard, and l. ron
hubbard is an (extremely) demonic creature.

However, there are people, who maintain, that demonic creatures
"do not exist."

Gerry Armstrong, once a personal friend of l. ron hubbard who
was also his best man (to his, Gerry Armstrong's wedding), Gerry
does maintain, also now, that

"there are no demonic creatures."

So his actions towards me and towards others, are
predictable, and such actions as his, have been
researched and described in the "Defining 'Destructive
Cowards' series." *(n)


And indeed, towards those who do care and who do look at life,
he, Gerry, acts as malicious, as mendacious, and as void of
looking at himself and at others, as is predicted therein:

all the contortions and wriggling of the mind,

for not having to face demonic creatures like the

demonic creature l. ron hubbard,

nor any other ones, for instance as documented in
the Discovery Channel series 'A Haunting,' which I
have pointed at already earlier.

He, Gerry, once the big "friend" of the demonic creature l. ron
hubbard, (Gerry Armstrong) maintains, that demonic creatures
"do not exist,"

meaning, he can not and will not face demonic creatures,

which he justifies with the irrational platitude, void of any
actuality and void of real meaning, the platitude:

"All creatures can talk to God." *(n)

He continues with the "logic" that should support his cowardice
and his inability, that must make his cowardice right.


He denies WHO is detrimental to people, and that is his
(Gerry's) refusal to care for people and for their lives;

and he is justifying that, with the "logic" *(n)

that "All creatures can talk to God, so also can 'demonic
creatures' (talk to God) - therefore 'demonic creatures'
do not exist, because they 'instantly would become normal
again' the moment they would wish so." *(n)

Something to that effect, he, Gerry Armstrong, tried to tell me
to explain his cowardice and his earlier and persistent malice
towards me and thus towards others too: *(n)


Gerry Armstrong is thus being a mental puppet of the - admittedly very

Evil - game of DEMONIC CREATURE l. ron hubbard. *(n)

But with Gerry Armstrong, with others of his disposition,

demonic creatures however, "do not exist."

And by consequence, very decent and very caring and

very truthful people then "also do not exist,"

- the barrier between good and evil being torn
down -

with a collapse of all previously correct perception
and of previously correct memory on the matter,

as explained extensively in the 'Defining Destructive
Cowards' series.




The Whole Essence Of A Demonic Creature

He can not define 'God' - but I can, and I did. *(n)

I can (I could only) after a vast amount of entirely
unique research in the matter,

comprising all religions and related facts,

guided solely by my intense Love for people, and by my
very, very high Intelligence, and protected by the Beauty
that resides in my soul, more than in others.

From that you can understand - and I have also explained
that in various Human Rights Issues - that

THE WHOLE ESSENCE of a demonic creature is his or her intentional,
enforced and IRREPARABLE disconnection from the Source Energy of
Life - or from God, if 'God' is defined correctly. *(n)(n)(n)

The this-life-time former personal close "friend" of
Gerry Armstrong, that is, l. ron hubbard,

is the one who invented and applied spiritual methods in
a distant past - which I researched and published -

to INTENTIONALLY DESTROY the connection of people to (feeling)

the Source Energy of Life, that is, to God if defined correctly.


In terms of Fine Particle Physics, he, l. ron hubbard, developed
techniques to inflict such INTENSE RED HATE Energy onto the soul
of people who 'wanted to talk to God'

- people who simply wanted to maintain or restore their feeling

of being alive as themselves by connecting (again better) to
the Source Energy of Life, to God - which was

OPPOSED by l. ron hubbard:

He inflicted so much Hate Energy "as if coming from God,"
that it feels to the victims, as if "God Hates Them."

Whenever they then try to connect to God, to the

Source Energy of Life (when they try to be alive)
they get this intense Hate Energy - and that does
reflect in their behavior, of course - they feel,

"God Hates them."

Or translated, that "God is Hate," that Life, that
being alive, "does consist of Hating people." *(n)


l. ron hubbard inflicted on them, the permanent feeling and the

condition, that "God Hates Them."

They have become demonic creatures. *(n)



And the Hate Energy is created originally by l. ron hubbard, as

far as I found.

It is not a normal part of The Creation, neither are the other

three of the four basic Harmful, Altered Life Energies

(Drugging, Ugliness, Unconsciousness and Pain-Hate
Energies). *(n)

And so l. ron hubbard "created his own universe," in order
"to oppose God." And he now calls that "the void" in which

people "create a Universe by agreement of 'what is real'."
But it is all still taking place within the actual
Creation, which he opposes

with his ILLUSION of "The Creation."

I have written and published this already elsewhere,

but someone who is a personal friend of l. ron

hubbard, is not likely, or would refuse, to study
those things.



l. ron hubbard (Hubbard) says, OF COURSE, that
"demonic creatures do not exist," and "it is all
in your mind," and "you mock it all up," "in the

void, that is life" ...according to a demonic

creature, which l. ron hubbard is.

In this, he is largely assisted by psychiatry, that
- infected by Criminal Minds similar to Hubbard -
(psychiatry) is based on current medical "science."

A common trick of hypnotism and related Black Magic - of
which l. ron hubbard is the main 'Implanter' as he calls
his distant past practices of destroying people himself,

a common trick of hypnotism is, to have (at least) TWO
OPPOSING views to be felt BOTH as valid at the same time.

Like: "Only the physical is true," and "Only
the spiritual counts."

He uses it to justify any evil he does
or others with him, do.

His spiritual crimes "are not real,"
"because only the physical is true;"
and his physical crimes are to be
disregarded, "because only the
spiritual counts."

In this case, he plays the insidious Evil wrapped
in the 'Good of Scientology,' against the insidious
Evil wrapped inside the 'Good of Medical Science.'

The insidious evil in this case, that "demonic
creatures do not exist," that "it is all in your

mind" - which both have in common.


Jul 14, 2009, 6:12:55 PM7/14/09
Koos Nolst Trenite <> wrote:
> Intro to (the) Demonic creatures etc.


There are no demonic creatures other than those psuedo-beings
created by the fears of people.

They have no power at all.

Evil is a myth. All existence is Blessed.

I see that this is crossposted to sci.skeptic, where
all the nasty bigots who belong to the Darwinist religion
hang out and pretend that their beliefs are facts.

Which is what all religious fanatics believe, of course.


Sidney Lambe
Wiccan Priest and Apprentice Magician
usenet4444 (at) gmail (dot) com

Plato Been

Jul 14, 2009, 11:32:32 PM7/14/09
As I wrote, in the original post:

l. ron hubbard (Hubbard) says, OF COURSE, that
"demonic creatures do not exist," and "it is all
in your mind," and "you mock it all up," "in the
void, that is life" ...according to a demonic
creature, which l. ron hubbard is.

In this, he is largely assisted by psychiatry, that

- infected by Criminal Minds* similar to Hubbard -

(psychiatry) is based on current medical "science."


Gerry Armstrong is thus being a mental puppet of the - admittedly very
Evil - game of DEMONIC CREATURE l. ron hubbard. *(n)

But with Gerry Armstrong, with others of his disposition,

demonic creatures however, "do not exist."

And by consequence, very decent and very caring and
very truthful people then "also do not exist,"

- the barrier between good and evil being torn
down -

with a collapse of all previously correct perception

and of previously correct memory on the matter[;]

as explained extensively in the 'Defining Destructive
Cowards' series.


See also:

(*) 'Criminal Minds want to have everything seen and felt IN REVERSE'
{HRI 20090703-V1.0.1}
(3 July 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Jul 2009)



The respondent poster, a demonic creature (presumably only having read the
subject title, and then reacting like one) exposed himself as follows,
in a typical viewpoint, WORTHY OF NOTE, which implies, that others "must
be made convinced," that he "does not exist," and that any act of

- any true respect for him, that is -

is "the embodiment of evil," and (that) true perception of others, is
"destruction of life itself," that means,

the destruction of the pretenses and lies and mask of the demonic
creature who IS the one continuously destroying the life of others.


On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:12:55 +0200, the demonic creature "Evergreen"
'Sidney Lambe,' claiming to be Wiccan Priest and Apprentice Magician
with in his signature,

(he) did write - and that, to him inadvertently - to out himself
as follows:

0 new messages