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Sep 14, 2011, 3:47:50 AM9/14/11
Sábado, 10 de septiembre, año 2011 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

ourselves before our heavenly, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
with the families that lost over three thousand precious lives in a
senseless terrorist attack that brought down the Financial Twin Towers
on September 11, 2001. We remember them with love, condolences and
prayers before our heavenly Father to ask Him never to allow this
terrible event to take place again in the lives of so many innocent
people from the homes of American families through the country.

We know that they are in the precious presence of our heavenly Father
because His blessed Son, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, descended
from paradise to retake them to eternal life, so they may live with
our heavenly Father never to know violence again but only love, peace,
prosperity and eternal happiness with their loved ones and holy
angels. On earth, they lived with their loved ones in the flesh,
broken-bones and ill blood that they received from Adam and Eve to
submit their bodies to the dust of the ground, because from the dust
they were taken to the dust they must return not in paradise but on
earth, our Father assured to Adam the day he sinned.

However, as our Lord Jesus Christ descended faithfully to reclaim
their eternal souls for our heavenly Father in heaven, then they were
at once dressed for eternity with the sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones
and atoning-blood full of eternal life, so they may become sons and
daughters of God in heaven forever. Because, in heaven they no longer
have to live in the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood of Adam
and Eve but only in the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ filled with eternal life and blessings
without end for all eternity to come.

Therefore, they have become part of our heavenly Father’s holy Kingdom
of priests to serve the Holy Spirit of His blessed name, glorified
commandments and the every day supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, our faithful
and constant savior everywhere and wherever we may go in life today.
The three thousands living souls that the September 11’s attacks
claimed as the Financial Towers came down violently, they are happy
citizens from the world above in heaven where they continue to live
their celestial-life of service to our heavenly Father and His tree of
life only to remember with love and joy their loved ones and friends
from everyplace.

In heaven, they follow each day and faithfully the every step of our
heavenly Father’s Blessed Lamb with the atoning-blood, because now
they have to find and conquer new glories never seen by angels before,
for our heavenly Father’s blessed name and fulfilled commandments,
commandments glorified forever within the borders of the Promised
Land, Israel. Truly, as they were on earth they wanted to live the
good life in heaven, and, fortunately, they have found the love, peace
and eternal happiness they were looking for all the days of their
lives, but also, now they look at earth with great love too because of
their loved ones that they can never stop loving into eternity.

They follow the every foot step of our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb
to wherever he may take them in heaven, and they do it with great love
and unending joy, but they also remember their loved ones and friends
from everywhere on earth too to embrace them someday with an eternal
love that will never end in all eternity to come. May our heavenly
Father continue to bless and enrich your life with the presence of His
Son Jesus Christ and of His Holy Spirit to wherever life may take you
in this life and in the next one to come in heaven at last to embrace
our God, savior, loved ones and friends, in the power of the Holy
Spirit! Amen!

like to extend our love, condolences and prayers to the Russian
families that lost their loved ones and friends in a plane crash as it
failed to gain altitude from Russian’s Yeroslavi airport on the way to
a jockey game in Minsk, capital of Belarus.

We would like to let them know that their loved ones and friends are
in paradise walking in the foot steps of our heavenly Father’s Chosen
Lamb, because they have become His children so they may be His
personal priests forever in eternity always serving Him around His
continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Blessed Son
Jesus Christ.

For sure, they have been reunited with their ancestors and friends in
paradise, because our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ has
lifted them back together for His eternal glories, however now they
look forward to someday see and embrace their loved and friends from
earth in heaven, so they may never separate again in all eternity to


As Moses approached the burning bush over Mount Sinai, surprised he
was immediately to hear our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach speaking to him
from within the holy fire of the continuous burn-offering that he had
seen from a distance for three days already without spreading out of
control towards other areas to continue to burn all over the place. At
once, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach said to Moses: remove your sandals
for the land where you are standing is holy ground for our heavenly
Father and His Holy Spirit on earth and in heaven forever.

(Actually, our Lord Jesus Christ was announcing to Moses and the
entire world that a supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
was in progress to liberate Israel from slavery and the nations from
the power of sin, death and eternal darkness in hell forever as well.)
Without delay Moses removed his sandals, because he understood that
something great was taking place over the mountaintop that had to do
with his life and the lives of his brothers throughout Egypt and the
new land conquered to be in the near future as the Promised Land, for
example, and the New Jerusalem from heaven above as well.

This was the celestial-sacrifice that would not only empower Moses’
faith to believe our heavenly Father in what he was doing with His Son
Jesus Christ to do wonderful-and-supernatural things by the power of
the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and glorified Ten Commandments, so
Israel may see ahead new days of love, peace and eternal-prosperity
into eternity. Because, in Egypt’s slavery Israel did not have any
future at all but only darkness into all eternity, since they where
not free to serve, honor and glorify our heavenly Father through the
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood Pact of Life and Love that
had started earlier with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for example, so
they needed help from heaven desperately.

Certaintly, this was a celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood from
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven that had to take place within the
boundaries of a Chosen Land that if Israel obey to do our heavenly
Father’s will just as He told Moses and Aaron to manifest to the
Pharaoh, then its lands would yield its fruit abundantly forever.
Therefore, the celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood was pouring
the Holy Spirit from heaven everyplace and throughout the land, so
darkness may fade away progressively from within the hearts of men,
women and children everywhere, for Israel liberated was going to be at
last to raise the continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
over the chosen mountaintop within the Promised Land.

For this is the service to His name that our heavenly Father was
talking about as He led Moses and Aaron to speak to the Pharaoh of
Egypt, so he may let His people go to do a sacrifice of an atoning-
blood never seen by anyone before in a new land far away from Egypt’s
eternal slavery. Indeed, this was a glorious bloody event that was to
take place in due time after the virgin birth of the King Messiah, our
Lord Jesus Christ, from one of David’s chosen daughter that would give
to Israel and the nations the sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood for everyone everywhere to resurrect to eternal life on
earth and in heaven forever.

For this is the Kingdom of priests that our heavenly Father was
constituting through faith in His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested
over the mountaintop burning with the offering of fire of the daily
celestial-sacrifice that would finally liberate the entire world from
Satan’s darkness, so the nations may ascend saved to paradise to live
their celestial lives for eternity. In other words, this very
especial virgin birth of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach from David’s
daughter was bringing into the entire world every one’s sinless-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that would later honor our heavenly
Father’s anointed name finally to glorify the commandments crucified
over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the start of a new eternal life, in
heaven for eternity.

Because, with Adam our heavenly Father started Eve’s life from his
fifth rib thus to bring into the world his children but, now, our
heavenly Father was restarting the entire human race with one man
also, and this is His blessed Son, Jesus Christ, so we may inherit his
very holy life filled with righteousness, sanctities and godliness
forever. In other words, our heavenly Father had sent Adam and Eve to
live on earth to replenish it with children, because in paradise they
could not do this anymore since bound they were to die because of sin,
therefore, their bodies had to return to earth to die with their
children, so they may resurrect to life at last.

So, in resurrection day: Adam and Eve with their children may retake
eternal life but this time not with their sinful-flesh, broken-bones
and ill blood, instead, they may retake their celestial-lives with the
sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones and holy-blood in the heaven above, the
New world, destined to rule humankind forever by our Lord Jesus Christ
in our heavenly Father’s name. Meaning also that Adam and Eve lived
with their children by the billions to receive Jesus Christ thus
becoming new creatures before our heavenly Father by burying their
sinful-flesh into the ground later to resurrect in resurrection day to
a new world from heaven above where they will retake eternal life, but
with our Lord Jesus Christ’s sinless-body forever.

For this is how our heavenly Father needs to regenerate humankind man-
by-man, woman-by-woman and child-by-child by making them believe in
His Son Jesus Christ for a second birth to become priests for Him,
abandoning their sinful-flesh deep into the ground to resurrect later
in resurrection day with the eternal sinless-flesh filled with eternal
life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ. Faithfully, the Holy Spirit of
God was with Moses to bless and make him understand what our heavenly
Father was doing with his life and the lives of his brothers within
Israel, so they may find a new life in a new country far better than
where they had lived for the past four-hundred-and-thirty years of
total darkness.

Furthermore, these blessings of liberation to inherit a new life with
a new land flowing with milk and honey of love, peace, prosperity, and
blissful-happiness could only take place first if the Israelites’ sin
blocked or erased forever it could be, so they may start clean
somewhere else within the Promised Land or within the New Jerusalem
from heaven above. Therefore, the Israelites required a burn offering-
sacrifice of atoning-blood above the mountaintop that could do these
wonderful things for them and their children for future generations,
so they may always live each day liberated from the power of sin and
darkness thus for Satan never to imprison them into an eternal slavery
as he did in Egypt, for example.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had sent over Mount
Sinai’s summit the daily celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood for
Moses to see and receive it faithfully within his heart just as he
heard our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach confess to him that he is the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. In other word, what
our heavenly Father had done with His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, was to manifest to Moses and Israel that His Son’s atoning-
blood was shining high above the mountaintop to cover the sins from
the Israelites far-and-wide throughout the land so they may escape
Egypt’s slavery forever to inherit a new land somewhere else.

Therefore, for Moses to believe in our heavenly Father’s blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach’s salvation for himself and for Israel likewise,
then, the atoning-blood spilled had to be over the mountaintop
immediately, because, without this ancient spilling from our heavenly
Father’s Chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood then there is no faith possible
for any one, family, nation or nations to escape Satan’s lie.
Truthfully, without our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb spilling his
atoning-blood over Mount Sinai’s summit, so Moses and Israel may
witness it then there is no hope for life for any one at all anywhere
on earth much less in paradise, therefore lost we are forever to
Satan’s lies only to know eternal damnation in hell’s eternal
tempestuous destructive fire.

Here our heavenly Father had to seal His Chosen Lamb’s Salvation Plan
with the atoning-blood for Israel to believe immediately through
Moses’ personal faith in His Son that had declared to him that he is
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, so Israel
may know that they have life in Him forever. That is to say, also that
the moment that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested openly to Moses
that he was the God of his ancestors, then he was telling him that he
was the only celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood possible that
they knew to escape Satan’s lie and darkness, so they may continue to
live liberated from evil everlastingly.

In other words, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was telling Moses that he
is the celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that liberated and
protected his ancestors, and that he was personally there over the
mountaintop to liberate and protect the children of Israel from all
evils forever, because there is no greater sacrifice of the atoning-
blood on earth possible for salvation. For this is the Holy Spirit’s
eternal life that bought it could only be with the Chosen Lamb’s
atoning-blood that spilled it had to be over Mount Sinai first, so the
Israelites could also spill it over the top-and-doorpost of their
homes for the destroyer to see the pact of the atoning-blood thus
sparing the life of the firstborn everywhere.

Moreover, the spilling of the atoning-blood over the top-and-doorposts
of the Israelites’ homes was to make the sign-of-the-cross that Moses
saw initially burning over Mount Sinai’s summit and directly from
where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach spoke to him as our heavenly
Father’s continuous celestial-sacrifice, so Israel may survive the
enemies’ attacks that were to come later fiercely from everywhere.
Therefore, as the destroyer was to come over the entire land of Egypt,
then he was to search for the firstborn of the families to take his
life with him, however, if he could see the atoning-blood forming the
cross over the top-and-doorposts of any home, then he could not see
the firstborn of that family, sparing his life forever.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father sent His Chosen Lamb
over Mount Sinai’s summit so His supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood may shine brightly thus to enlighten the eyes, minds,
hearts, souls, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child,
beginning with Moses, for example, so Israel may walk out liberated
from slavery forever. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ declared
openly to his disciples everywhere within Israel that he is the light
of the world, so darkness may not exist anymore in this life and in
the next one to come, because, our heavenly Father plans to create a
new earth with glorious heavens for the nations to inhabit forever.

In other words, our heavenly Father had to manifest to Moses and the
nations, beginning with Israel, the supernatural light that outshines
sin and darkness from over the mountaintop, so people from everyplace
may believe in His blessed Son’s unique salvation that has the power
to liberate Israel from slavery and everyone else from everywhere
around the world too. In truth, we have received these days this
unique salvation directly from Mount Sinai’s summit and from our
heavenly Father through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
that empowered Moses’ faith initially to believe in what He is doing
over the mountaintop, so Israel may finally believe in His Son’s one-
of-its-kind salvation at last to conquer the Promised Land.

Because, without this faith, the one that was born over the
mountaintop within Moses’ heart as he saw face-to-face our Lord Jesus
Christ burning over the fire offering the celestial-sacrifice, then,
Israel could have never left Egypt with its years of slavery behind
nor cross the Red Sea in dry ground much less conquer the Sinai’s
desert and the Promised Land. Meaning also that Israel needed the Holy
Spirit of faith that Moses received from our heavenly Father and His
Chosen Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, over the mountaintop finally to
conquer the Promised Land, otherwise, Israel will never find peace
since it is only by faith that the Promised Land conquered it can be
these days and forever into eternity.

That is why the Israelites have had problems over the years to conquer
the Promised Land since the day they all enter into it to possess it
according to our heavenly Father’s will in their lives, and to this
day they have failed to do so because without faith based in the
Chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood it is just impossible. In truth, trying to
conquer the Promised Land without faith in our heavenly Father’s Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach great work of unique salvation over Mount Sinai’s
summit or Jerusalem’s holy hill, it is just as trying to take the bull
by its horn—and this is a big fight doom to failure because it is not
going to happen ever.

However, if the Israelites everywhere return to our heavenly Father
through the way, truth and life that He had set before them, beginning
with the patriarchs as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and son on, then
they will lawfully conquer Canaan so they may finally enjoy the fruit
of its lands as the promised milk and honey, for example. Israel would
become a paradise on earth, because occupied it would be finally by
people that love our heavenly Father’s one-of-its-kind celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood that forgives sin forever moreover has
the power to dress the souls of men with the sinless-flesh, unbroken-
bones and holy-blood that fully paid for our sins on the cross
already, Jesus Christ, our righteous eternal life.

However, not until then, Israel will continue to struggle with the
Promised Land as trying to take the bull by its horn, and it is not
going to work at all because as the years go by, then Israel’s land
will become more angry as ever and difficult to conquer by anyone—
unless, again, done it is by our God’s ancient-way only. That is
correct; Israel is not going to be the heavenly dreamed Promised Land
flowing with milk and honey everywhere for every one to enjoy unless
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach loved, honored, exalted and sanctified he
is within its borders just as it is in heaven by every angel,
archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures, for example.

Truthfully, the Promised Land will vomit people from its lands by
refusing to give water and food to drink and eat to people and animals
alike, if our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of righteousness, love,
obedience and sanctification towards His Chosen Lamb does not prevail
manifested initially to Moses over Mount Sinai’s summit and over
Jerusalem’s holy hill to the nations. Meaning also that the Promised
Land will only love, honor, respect to provide its goods in abundance
to those that obey our heavenly Father through the glorious virgin
birth, sacred-life and glorious fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of His
blessed name and exceptional commandments within His blessed Son’s
messianic-life, our Lord Jesus Christ, the ever present sacrifice in
everyplace, in heaven and earth.

That is the fruitful Promised Land on earth and the same is true with
the New Jerusalem from heaven above that they both have a zealous
Spirit to love, exalt, and glorify always our heavenly Father through
the blessed-and-honorable messianic-life of His blessed Son, because,
he is the only One that forgives sin-to-give life abundantly to men
and earth nowadays. Therefore, if you would love to live finally in
peace to enjoy the goodness that our heavenly Father promised
initially to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for example, then do as Moses
did, and this is to obey our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach so Mount Sinai’s
glory may enrich your life with living-water from the rock and manna
to eat every day forever.

Because, if you fail to believe wholeheartedly what our heavenly
Father did with His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and with
Moses over Mount Sinai by providing His Son’s atoning-blood so Israel
may escape Egypt to cross the Red Sea in dry ground later to conquer
the desert finally to inherit the Promised Land, then you will never
know peace. Because, the Promised Land will only love, honor, prosper
and fill to satisfaction the thirsty and hungry hearts through faith
and love to our heavenly Father and His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, who, in good time, lay down his life so his sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood may suffer the punishment of our sin
on the cross and the grave too.

For on the third day our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected unto life again
with our sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood that have
paid in full the verdict of our sins, so we do not have to die to go
hell anymore, because that sentenced and cursed were also finally
carry out by our Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin and glorious immolated-
body. Because, our sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood have to
return to the dust, for our heavenly Father told Adam and Eve, after
they both sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, from the dust I took
you to the dust you shall return, and this is why people die to return
their sinful bodies to the dust, fulfilling our heavenly Father’s will

That is why that Adam and Eve could not die in paradise after they
sinned against the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, by not eating
from his fruit but, instead they both ate from the tree of knowledge
of good and evil, so they may die returning to where they came from
initially—and this is the earth. That is the reason that we all die on
this earth, however, since we have believed in Jesus Christ’s name to
be born again, because he told his disciples that they had to be born
again to reenter paradise, then as we die on this earth we ascend back
into paradise to inherit our heavenly-body from our savior for all

Really, this is the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
full of eternal life that initially was born from David’s virgin
daughter to give us that messianic-life that fulfilled both to our
heavenly Father’s satisfaction the blessed name and commandments, so
we may live at last forever without Satan’s lie, rebellion, curse, sin
and eternal darkness for all eternity to come. Meaning also that as
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was been crucified on the cross and over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, then, the holy body that each one has in him
received the due punishment to our sins in addition died to descend to
hell thus to resurrect with a glorified celestial-body on the third
day for heaven and eternal glories.

In other words, our heavenly Father put Adam and Eve on earth so they
may eventually die to hide their sins underground forever because of
the punishment that they both had received from Him together with
their children, for eating from the forbidden fruit when they were to
eat instead from any tree in paradise, including the tree of life.
However, in the moment we die in this world to give our imperfect-
bodies back to the earth thus hiding our sins with our sinful-flesh,
broken-bones and ill blood deep underground, then we ascend to
paradise to retake our glorified-bodies from our Lord Jesus Christ’s
sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and sanctified blood to live forever
saved before our heavenly Father in eternity.

This means also that in a thousand years from now, we will be living
in our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His likeness in
our eternal days in heaven, but, we will live in our glorified-bodies
that we have received from Jesus Christ to remind us always that we
paid in full for our sins in our resurrected celestial-bodies for
eternity. Because, as our Lord Jesus Christ was been crucified on the
cross over Jerusalem’s holy hill, he was been punished and crucified
with the celestial-bodies that we are to inherit from him on the day
we resurrect from the dead in heaven, so we may live thereafter as
priests of His continuous celestial-sacrifice within His New Jerusalem
from heaven above.

In other words, our heavenly Father sent His blessed Son Jesus Christ
to be born from David’s virgin daughter, so we may inherit a sinless-
flesh, unbroken-bones and eternal blood to glorify daily the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and fulfill the commandments forever, so we
may pay in full for our sins over the cross by descending to the
grave. Now, our sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones and blood full of
eternal life resurrected already on the third day because they were
very holy but not our living-souls yet, however, our Lord Jesus Christ
could resurrect, therefore, he resurrected on the third day with each
one of our celestial-bodies so we may return to our eternal life with
our heavenly Father in heaven immediately.

You may see it this way as well, for example. As our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach was been nailed to the cross so he may hang there until
death, then, our celestial-bodies that each one of us is going to
receive from him in resurrection day took the full punishment for our
sins before our heavenly just as if we were the ones been nailed to
the cross to die. On the cross, our Lord Jesus Christ was crucifying
your celestial-bodies to pay in full for your sins that you may have
committed or that you will later thus your celestial-body and atoning-
blood descended to the grave of a rich person but they could not
resurrect on the third day, however, Jesus Christ could, and he did it

Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ did this wonderful work for
each one of us on the cross and in our graves as well, then our newly
glorified-bodies resurrected with him on the third day filled with
love, blessing, and eternal life to become today and for all eternity
our heavenly Father’s priests for his continuous celestial-sacrifice
in heaven. This means that these days, and even before you were born
on earth with Adam’s or Eve’s sinful-flesh and ill blood, our Lord
Jesus Christ had your glorified-body liberated already from sin before
our heavenly Father, in the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so He may see
you always liberated from Satan and his lies forever, thus filling you
with blessings for eternity.

That is why that in eternity: you will bear our Lord Jesus Christ’s
sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that physically paid in
full for your sins on the cross to descend to the grave of the rich
bound to hell too but not to decay, nonetheless, on the third day our
Lord Jesus Christ lifted your celestial-body to eternal life to
eternity forever. And our heavenly Father permitted that His blessed
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach may suffer entirely and unto death the
punishment of our sins over the cross, because, each one of us has
come out from him by bearing forever into eternity his sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood that paid in full for our sins over
the cross, to our heavenly Father’s eternal satisfaction.

Therefore, each time you may say something negative to our Lord Jesus
Christ because of whatever reason, then you are indeed saying it to
yourself and never to our heavenly Father or to Jesus Christ himself—
so it is better never to say anything about what you really do not know
—believe me, you will save yourself from many unwanted-problems. For
example, our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his disciples that it was
better to any one to tie a stone around the neck and jump into the
bottom of the sea before to say or do anything evil against one of his
little ones that believe in him, certainly woe to the ungodly that
causes evil to come into the world.

Nonetheless, our heavenly Father had to manifest His blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach over the mountaintop as His sacred-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood, because this was the only way possible to atone for
Israel’s sin first so to breakaway immediately from the power of
Satan’s darkness that had chained them for more than four-hundred-and-
thirty years within Egypt as eternal slaves to Pharaoh. That is why
that it was important for Moses to ascend to the mountaintop to meet
face-to-face with the savior of Israel and of the nations so his faith
may grow without limit always, because he had seen with his eyes and
heard with his ears to understand forever within his heart what was
our heavenly Father’s will for Israel and the nations.

And the same is true these days with every man, woman, and child
within Israel and the nations around the world, they must ascend to
the mountaintop to meet face-to-face with the Creator and savior of
their living-souls, so their faith may grow each day into eternity
thus to do our heavenly Father’s will wherever life may take them. In
other words, you must ascend to the mountaintop, and never stay below
at its foot, but go up to see and believe forever what has been done
for you and your loved ones, so you may embrace love, peace,
prosperity and eternal happiness in this life and in eternity to
believe always in Jesus Christ, our unique eternal salvation.

That is correct these days. You must ascend to the mountaintop just as
Moses did in his days to believe in our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and
for all the work that he has personally done to bring forgiveness,
blessing, salvation and the eternal happiness to ascend into paradise
with a sinless-body, unbroken-bones and an atoning-blood filled with
life for you, your loved ones, and friends forever. Indeed, without
this glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
manifested over Mount Sinai’s summit so Moses may see it to believe
immediately in the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
Jacob, then Israel would have never escaped Egypt’s slavery and we
would be without faith these days only to know darkness throughout the
earth forever.

However, thanks to our heavenly Father that helped Moses through His
Holy Spirit to believe in His blessed Son Jesus Christ as he
personally manifested openly to him as the celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood that was in progress, first to get him to believe in his
personal salvation, and then to extend this faith for Israel to escape
slavery forever. Meaning also that the faith that ignited within
Moses’ heart it was to spread over Israel from Mount Sinai’s summit to
touch the hearts of millions everywhere, so we may also escape slavery
of death in hell to enter finally into a unique world from heaven
above that flows abundantly with milk and honey for everyone’s
enjoyment into eternity.

Nowadays, the work that our heavenly Father started within the Holy of
Holiest to manifested over Mount Sinai’s summit so Moses may see it
thus to awaken faith in His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as his
personal Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to save him from his sins
and to liberate Israel from slavery, it is here with you today too.
This is the faith in the atoning-blood of our heavenly Father’s Chosen
Lamb that Moses had to ascend to the mountaintop to believe in his
unique salvation that spread over Israel to liberate it from slavery
and to the nations until these days also to liberate them from Satan’s
lie, curse and death, so we may live forever saved for heaven.

And so, without delay ascend to the mountaintop of Mount Sinai’s
summit or the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s staff or Jerusalem’s holy
hill, so your faith that is hibernating within your heart may awaken
into a new world from heaven above, so you may live your new
relationship with our heavenly Father and His tree of life, Jesus
Christ. Our heavenly Father is waiting patiently for you to make your
approach to His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, because he alone
is our continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that will
wash us clean from all darkness that Satan’s lies from paradise have
brought into us, so he may hurt us with problems, difficulties,
infirmities and death everywhere we may go.

However, our heavenly Father through the glorious life of His blessed
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach will make sure that everything that Satan made
to harm us in the end He will turn it into glorious blessings, because
the supernatural powers and blessings from our daily sacrifice of the
atoning-blood are greater than any evil that Satan may throw against
us these days. Therefore, each time that we may need to approach our
heavenly Father, then we must do it through his celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood that He brought down within the Holy of Holiest
manifested to be over Mount Sinai’s summit so Moses and Israel may see
it in this life and in the next one to come in heaven forever.

For this is the celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that served
Israel to escape Egypt, helped them to cross the Red Sea in dry ground
later to conquer the Sinai’s desert and the Promised Land, so they may
live not in the sinful-flesh of Adam but, instead in the sacred-flesh
and atoning-blood of the continuous sacrifice, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because, only in the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach our heavenly Father expects every man,
woman and child to live in the Promised Land, so the land may yield
its fruits in season for every one everywhere to enjoy love, peace,
prosperity and happiness with their loved ones and friends from
everyplace as well.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his disciples by
saying: I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can ever come
close to our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven except through me
alone, for I am the daily celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
that washes you clean from sin today and forever. In truth, to have
Jesus Christ as your personal savior within your heart, then you have
a continuous sacrifice that it is always advocating around the clock
for you, your loved ones and even your friends from everyplace,
because, this celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood really loves
you to take care of your every need every day and forever in eternity

That is to say, also that by you having Jesus Christ living within
your heart, then you have sealed the eternal Pact of Love that our
heavenly Father promised to show always to His servants Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob likewise, so you may live each day of your entire life on
earth protected from Satan’s lies and hidden wilds. This means also
that with Jesus Christ living within your heart as your personal
savior and advocate before our heavenly Father that is in heaven, then
you will not have Satan speaking against you before our heavenly
Father’s holy angels, because now is Jesus Christ in person defending
you, your loved ones and friends on earth and in heaven forever.

Therefore, our heavenly Father is waiting for you to ascend to the
mountaintop today so to rekindle your faith in His every day supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that has many blessings to
impart into your life thus for you to become the person that He
created you to be forever on earth and in heaven through His Son Jesus
Christ. With our Lord Jesus Christ’s light living within your heart
then you will shine in darkness, so you may not stumble easily into
problems, difficulties, infirmities and death but you will instead
avoid or walk around them, so you may enjoy only blessing and endless
happiness always, for our heavenly Father’s new found glories on earth
and in heaven forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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