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Barley Milk Babies and Rinder

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Martin Hunt

Jan 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/29/98

In article <xWcA.4254$>,
"Tamera" <> wrote:

>The formula for barley milk is in the Minister's Handbook. It wouldn't
>be there if it wasn't supposed to be used.

So, is that how Rinder's baby died, deprived of essential mother's

Can we have an exact quote from the Volunteer Minister's Handbook,
anyone who has this piece of Hubbardian garbage?

Cogito, ergo sum. FAQs:

"But regardless how hard the going is for us critics in the face
of entrenched evil, as Winston Churchill said once that these are
not the dark days, but rather the great days. They are great because
the cult is giving each of us an opportunity to find out the depth
of our love of freedom." - Grady Ward.


Jan 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/31/98
to (Martin Hunt) asked on Fri, Jan 30, 1998 00:48

>Can we have an exact quote from the Volunteer Minister's Handbook,
>anyone who has this piece of Hubbardian garbage?

Here it is, straight from The Volunteer Minister's Handbook:

"Baby Food Recipe

15 ounces barley water
10 ounces homogenized milk
3 ounces Karo syrup

The syrup should be varied - depending on the baby - some like it weak - some
take it stronger.
On boiling the barley water, put about half a cup of pearl barley in a piece
of muslin, tie loosely to allow for expansion, and boil slowly in about 4 pints
of water. Barley water will turn pink. This gives about the right consistency
of barley water for making formula above.
You don't feed the baby the actual barley, only the water mixed as above. If
you don't know what to do with the barley, eat it yourself.
With cream & sugar, it's pretty good." (1)

So, folks, that is the famous formula. It has been in use by scientologist
parents for nearly 30 years. First appearing as broad public issue in The
Auditor, Issue # 6, in an article entitled "Healthy Babies", the formula has
been in use since approximately 1958. How many bowls of boiled pearl barley
have been eaten, and how many bottles of Baby Food have been drunk, I wouldn't
even try to guess.

I do know that I was nursed at my mother's breast, for when I was born, the
formula was not yet in wide circluation among scientologist mothers. That
slowly changed, after the issuance of Hubbard Communications Office Washington
D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec 58 "PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" - in which Hubbard states
"I picked it up in Roman Times."(2) Hubbard also indicated that the formula was
to be feed "if mother not breast feeding..........Modern hospital formulas and
patent mixes for babies are not just bad, they are criminal."(3) With few Sea
Org mothers allowed the time to breast feed a new child, I believe this
standard tech to be in wide use at all Advanced Org nurseries (Child Care Orgs)
by hatted Nannies on post. Any scientolgist public mother not breast feeding
would be likely to use this Baby Food, in lieu of commercially available mixes
that have been designed for the nutritional needs of infants.

Personally, I rather enjoy barley, but I prefer mine in soup. I suppose that
if I had raised any children on this formula, I'd have eaten many bowls of
boiled pearl barley with milk & sugar. Remember that highest task in
Scientology - never alter the Tech.

Is it Hubbardian Garbage? Judge for yourself. Ask your pediatrician, or a
pediatric nutritionist. Judge for yourself.


(1) The Volunteer Minister's Handbook, Page 370, copyright 1959, 1960, 1961,
1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972,1 973, 1974,
1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard

(2) Hubbard Communications Office Washington D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec 58
"PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" , copyright 1958 by L. Ron Hubbard

(3) Ibid.

All footnote references are quoted under fair use for the purpose of


Jan 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/31/98


> So, folks, that is the famous formula. It has been in use by
> scientologist parents for nearly 30 years.

Some, some few, most, or all? What do mean by throwing this generalization
around? The number of Scieno mother's who've used the barley idea in my
experience has been small.

> First appearing as broad public issue in The Auditor, Issue # 6,
> in an article entitled "Healthy Babies", the formula has
> been in use since approximately 1958.

IN USE or was merely written about then? Can you name a SINGLE user in the few
years following this publication? Can you name ANY PLACE outside of the Sea
Org where the CoS exercises ANY control or monitoring over the dietary habits
of its members???????????

> How many bowls of boiled pearl barley have been eaten, and
> how many bottles of Baby Food have been drunk, I wouldn't
> even try to guess.

Which is odd, as you already have taken a guess. You claim it has been in use
by scientologists (a wonderfully vague numerical description) for 30 years.
This implies at least some number greater than zero in the years, say 1958 to
1968. But there is not evidence that anyone but LRH/MSH did so so far as I

> I do know that I was nursed at my mother's breast, for when I
> was born, the formula was not yet in wide circluation among
> scientologist mothers.

So far as I know, it still isn't. I can't think of a single Scientology mother
I know who didn't either breast feed (common) or use regular formula. Some few
might actually use the barley water junk.

> That slowly changed, after the issuance of Hubbard
> Communications Office Washington D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec > 58 "PROCESSING A

How slowly? You state the change as fact as dating from that time, but offer
no facts.

> - in which Hubbard states "I picked it up in Roman Times."(2)
> Hubbard also indicated that the formula was to be feed "if > mother not
breast feeding..........

So anyone reading that could simply ask themselves "Am I breastfeeding? Yes?
Well then I have no use for this barley stuff. Since Roman's didn't have
formula, this must have been a last ditch effort to save a baby, short of
shoving garum down their throat." There's no reason to suppose this 1958
publication changed any or many mother's behavior.

> Modern hospital formulas and patent mixes for babies are not just
> bad, they are criminal."(3) With few Sea Org mothers allowed the
> time to breast feed a new child,

Those I've met breastfeed. What accounts for the discrepancy in our
experiences, I wonder? And which takes more time - preparing a complicated
barley formula or popping a tit in babies mouth???? Do you think Sea Org
galleys just love the extra work and expense involved if they are tasked with
the barley preparation?

> I believe this standard tech to be in wide use at all Advanced Org >
nurseries (Child Care Orgs)

I've visited one, and saw nothing but milk based or formula based bottles being
distributed to children. Never heard of this barley stuff actually being used
other than by someone else somewhere. I'm sure some mother's have at some time
used it, though.

> by hatted Nannies on post. Any scientolgist public mother not
> breast feeding would be likely to use this Baby Food,

Why? Why would they be likely to? And why doesn't this statement of
probability match up with my experience???

> in lieu of commercially available mixes that have been designed
> for the nutritional needs of infants.

And which are the predominate resource for Scientology mother's I've known,
outside of breastfeeding.

> Personally, I rather enjoy barley, but I prefer mine in soup.

It's not bad the way the Roman's prepared it either. Barley was the base of
popular "fast food" sold by vendors often. The barley stewed all day long in
the pot, kept full for customers visiting the shop, and lentils and other
vegetable morsels would be added. A somewhat sticky glutenous film would
develop which made the barley adhere, much like oriental rice that you can
easily ball up and eat with chopsticks. This is probably what the Karo syrup
is meant to replace. Ordinary barley doesn't congeal and make a sticky mass
that can be eaten by scooping it up with bread as easily.

> I suppose that if I had raised any children on this formula, I'd
> have eaten many bowls of boiled pearl barley with milk & sugar. > Remember
that highest task in Scientology - never alter the Tech.

Or simply don't follow it, if that's their preference. How many Scientologists
do you think order a meal at McDonald's using such phrases as "I'll repeat the
ordering question: May I have fries with that?"

There comes a point after reading so many posts, one after another, which
assume anyone involved in Scientology is a mindless slave to anything Hubbard
wrote. This simply isn't so. They adhere to certain core writings that are
obligatory to subscribe to. It's just stupid to ascribe to all of them a
uniformity of belief and practice that simply doesn't exist.

> Is it Hubbardian Garbage? Judge for yourself. Ask your
> pediatrician, or a pediatric nutritionist. Judge for yourself.

It's Hubbardian garbage. The food in question was designed for adults. It
could have function for a Roman mother "not nursing" only if that mother was
dead (common enough result of childbearing in that era) or was dry and no wet
nurse would be available. That's IF it was even used. Chances are the only
reason it would be used is because barley was so extensively used in
ready-to-eat food stalls in ancient Rome that there was so dang much barley
broth available and no one would have felt some of it would be wasted on an
infant likely to die anyhow.

Poor little arseroids! Fart! Fart! Fart!
Poor little arseroids! Fart! Fart! Fart!
Poor little arseroids! Fart! Fart! Fart!
Poop-poop Pope of Baja Oklahoma

Martin Hunt

Jan 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/31/98

In article <>, (NUKEWASTER) wrote:

>Here it is, straight from The Volunteer Minister's Handbook:
> "Baby Food Recipe
>15 ounces barley water
>10 ounces homogenized milk
>3 ounces Karo syrup

Karo syrup? Isn't that the same stuff LRH used, with a bit of
red food dye, to make gallons of fake blood for his corny movies?
101 uses; a baby food ~and~ a blood substitute.

>Hubbard states "I picked it up in Roman Times." (2)

Weird; I had no idea that the Romans had homogenized milk and
Karo syrup. Well, you learn something every day. I didn't know
that Piltdown Man was an ancestor of modern man before I read
Hubbard's _A History of Man_.

And who would have believed that we evolved from clams?

>(2) Hubbard Communications Office Washington D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec 58
>"PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" , copyright 1958 by L. Ron Hubbard

That, I would like to read.

Thanks, Nukewaster.

Cogito, ergo sum. FAQs:

"ARS must be a starfish to the oyster. It takes time and a little
pressure, but eventually that sucker will open up or break."
- Gregg Hagglund

Ron Newman

Jan 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/31/98

In article <>, (Martin
Hunt) wrote:

> >15 ounces barley water
> >10 ounces homogenized milk
> >3 ounces Karo syrup
> Karo syrup? Isn't that the same stuff LRH used, with a bit of
> red food dye, to make gallons of fake blood for his corny movies?
> 101 uses; a baby food ~and~ a blood substitute.
> >Hubbard states "I picked it up in Roman Times." (2)
> Weird; I had no idea that the Romans had homogenized milk and
> Karo syrup.

And I had no idea that the Romans published a newspaper called
the _Times_. Shouldn't it have been the Roman _Tempora_ ?

Ron Newman

William Barwell

Jan 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/31/98

In article <>,

Martin Hunt <> wrote:
>In article <>,
> (NUKEWASTER) wrote:
>>Here it is, straight from The Volunteer Minister's Handbook:
>> "Baby Food Recipe
>>15 ounces barley water
>>10 ounces homogenized milk
>>3 ounces Karo syrup
>Karo syrup? Isn't that the same stuff LRH used, with a bit of
>red food dye, to make gallons of fake blood for his corny movies?
>101 uses; a baby food ~and~ a blood substitute.
>>Hubbard states "I picked it up in Roman Times." (2)
>Weird; I had no idea that the Romans had homogenized milk and
>Karo syrup. Well, you learn something every day. I didn't know
>that Piltdown Man was an ancestor of modern man before I read
>Hubbard's _A History of Man_.
>And who would have believed that we evolved from clams?
>>(2) Hubbard Communications Office Washington D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec 58
>>"PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" , copyright 1958 by L. Ron Hubbard
>That, I would like to read.
>Thanks, Nukewaster.

You can sometimes find all of this crap in a book called "Child
Dianetics' found cheep at any desperate used book store.

I just returned from a used book store and found 1, count 'em 1 book by
Hubbard there. "Have you lived before This Life?". For $2.98, I
got it. A few Hubbard SF books squatted in the SF bins. Dekology
volumes, unwanted, unsold, dusty and old.

Pope Charles
SubGenius Pope Of Houston

Nick Andrew

Feb 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/1/98

>And I had no idea that the Romans published a newspaper called
>the _Times_. Shouldn't it have been the Roman _Tempora_ ?

I think LRH meant "Times Roman", as in "I typed it up in Times Roman".

Zeta Internet Fax: +61-2-9233-6545 Voice: 9837-1397
G.P.O. Box 3400, Sydney NSW 1043


Feb 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/2/98

In article <>, (Martin Hunt) wrote:
> In article <>,
> (NUKEWASTER) wrote:
>> (2) Hubbard Communications Office Washington D.C. HCO Bulletin 20 Dec 58
>> "PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" , copyright 1958 by L. Ron Hubbard
> That, I would like to read.



(An article for any Scientology Magazine authorized by a Central


The handling of a woman during and after pregnancy has a specific successful
drill which should be generally known. This is not an attempt to give all
the known data concerning pregnancy, delivery and child care. I will
someday summarize all these. At this time I wish to give you only the
processes and general use.

First, a woman should not be processed on engrams after the early months.
Therefore a pregnant woman should be processed toward clear early and well.
In other words she should be gotten in good shape soon in the pregnancy. Old
Expanded Gita on babies, husbands, wives, bodies is definitely indicated.

After the sixth month only havingness and general Scientology processes can
be run without injuring the baby -- no engrams.

Next, the delivery itself should carry as little anaesthetic as possible, be
as calm and no-talk as possible and the baby should not be bathed or chilled
but should be wrapped somewhat tightly in a warm blanket, very soft, and
then left alone for a day or so.

At once after delivery the woman should have simple havingness run -- "Look
around here and find something you have" -- preferably by the husband. One
hour of this at once, one more hour same day, two hours following day, all
havingness and havingness only should be run.

After two days run the following:

"Invent something worse than -- a delivery" (flatten it), "... a baby" (flatten
it), "... a doctor" (flatten it), "... a nurse" (flatten it), "... a delivery
room" (flatten it), "... a mother" (flatten it), "... a husband" (flatten it),
"... an abdomen" (flatten it), "... a womb" (flatten it).

This should be done in next many days following the delivery. This and more
factual havingness (all 3 commands) should straighten up the mother. It would
be well if the six buttons and inventing were cleared away in early pregnancy
so the post-pregnancy processes will run easily. She shouldn't face a new
processing idea in the first few days after delivery, so if the processes are
early prepared, all will be well.

On the baby, perhaps the best thing is *no* processing for three days. Then
talk to the baby, tell the newcomer he or she is welcome, then make friends.
Various things can be done -- touch assist is best. Even the birth engram
can be run but that's a little adventurous in a lot of cases.

The most to know about the baby is not to tire him or her unduly for a week
or so, feed a protein formula if mother not breast feeding. This formula is
most like human milk. I picked it up in Roman days and have used it since --
15 ounces of barley water, 10 ounces of homogenized milk, 3 ounces Karo syrup
(this can be multiplied by any number according to the number of bottles
desired but the ratio remains the same). Evaporated or condensed milk and
heavy sugar make fat not bone. *Protein* is the thing that heals and makes
strong growth. Modern hospital formulas and patent mixes for babies are not

just bad, they are criminal.

Then the next important thing for a baby is to know he or she is winning.
Don't expect him or her to do more than a baby can do. Grant beingness to a

"You make that body lie in that cradle" is wonderful on babies up to six

Let the child see Mama and Daddy both at least once a day. Never quarrel or
argue in front of a baby or a child -- it destroys security.

Always treat mama and baby with courtesy and respect and they'll thrive. After
all, they *have* done something. They're keeping the human race going.


Copyright (c) 1958
by L. Ron Hubbard

David Gerard

Feb 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/2/98

On 31 Jan 1998 18:11:24 -0600, wbar...@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William
Barwell) wrote:

:I just returned from a used book store and found 1, count 'em 1 book by

:Hubbard there. "Have you lived before This Life?". For $2.98, I
:got it. A few Hubbard SF books squatted in the SF bins. Dekology
:volumes, unwanted, unsold, dusty and old.

Hey, what are the Mission Earth audio tapes like?

I often see them for a few dollars in the 'Please take this hideous useless
piece of shit away' bin.

"God lives on the planet Kolob, where he doth bonk the spiritual jailbait"
- Haydn Black

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