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Yet another spoof of Scientology

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J Xenu

Nov 27, 2005, 1:31:34 PM11/27/05
A flash animation that pokes fun of Scientology and the Xenu story.

Quick question: It's been a while since I followed this group. The NOTs
documents have been available on the net for years, except #23 and #53.
Have either of these been posted here or otherwise made available?

Ralph Hilton

Nov 27, 2005, 1:38:22 PM11/27/05
"J Xenu" <> wrote on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 18:31:34 +0000 in msg
<BAY102-F1322F0EF8...@phx.gbl>, :
See the tech volume 14. It has #23 but not #53.

Ralph Hilton

Michael Pattinson

Nov 27, 2005, 3:01:03 PM11/27/05
Oh my God!!
I never saw such stuff coming out about the super confidential OT3
story before!!

Astonishing to see how this cartoon slams the cult, deservedly so,


Nov 27, 2005, 3:53:28 PM11/27/05

L. Ron Hubbard was a Senior Mind-F_cker; Ralph is a Junior Mind-F_cker.

There is an old tactic of "feed them something acceptable," then add
advertisement or propaganda line.

The propaganda line might only be a few words.

Ralph still takes money from people in exchange for the Xenu/Hubbard

If he hooks one sucker per 10,000 readers on ARS, he's still way ahead;
after all, it is free advertising.


On the subject of "GPMs," Hubbard did a prolonged "bait and switch" on
his followers, from 1963 through 1964. He went back and forth between
"actual GPMs" and "Implant GPMs" (Goals, Problems, Mass) as being

He was slowly easing others into the idea that there were certain
"Implant GPMs" that only he - Hubbard - knew of, and had dated,
described, etc. And that these Implants needed to be "run" or one is
doomed to the "dwindling spiral."

Slowly, while appearing "reasonable," Hubbard led others into his

Those trapped in Hubbard's labyrinth feel deep gratitude towards
Hubbard for his having told them of the events of not only 75 million
years ago, but of 4 Quadrillion years ago.

Amazing that Hubbard's brand of spiritual venereal disease is still

But now others can be warned.


Nov 27, 2005, 6:58:34 PM11/27/05

One URL on this thread features (in Russian) the new Ron's Orgs Tech
volumes, which include OT 3 materials, etc. (Readers are advised to
avoid this material, lest they become "sick.") As this material is
already on the Internet, this is not exactly letting the cat out of the

Accessibility of previously secret doctrine of Scientology, in any
form, is an improvement over it remaining a secret; yet, the material
is presented seriously, and treated as potent truth.

Once true believers are made by way of Ron's Orgs incursion into
Russia, one wonders if the rest of Hubbard's secret doctrine will also
be publicly published. Will Hubbard's Intelligence Tech writings be
published in an additional "Green Volume"? (Or will Ron's Orgs, as
they do now, continue to keep this portion of subject "behind the
scenes," available only for "insiders.")

For a true believer - For a convert to "Hubbard as Messiah," and to the
"Fact of Xenu," etc., would not the rest of Hubbard's writings also be
taken just as seriously?

That would mean that Fair Game, in all its aspects, including spying,
infiltration, and cover "dirty tricks" operations tech, would be alive
and thriving in Russia.

And the "wedge," with which Ron's Orgs made its way into Russia would
have been the common sense-based "lower grades," followed by Hubbard's
implants, Xenu, and oodles of BTs, and the rest of it.

"SP tech," "False Data Stripping," and all of Hubbard's "tech" would

Some counselors in the X-Scientology "Independent Field" have dropped
the ball. They have not adequately alerted others that Hubbard's
so-called Implant/BT infested "upper levels" were not positive in
nature; many unsuspecting individuals, being led into the Ron's Org
dominated "Free Zone" have failed to separate this portion from the
earlier, possibly worthwhile bits and pieces of the subject. As a
result, the "Free Zone" has been taken over, largely, by a mixture of
well-meaning sponge-heads, space cadets and closet fanatics.

There are still wise and decent counselors working quietly behind the

They don't sell Hubbard's "Xenu Bridge," and consequently, they do not
have a supply of preconditioned customers eager to buy.

Somehow, the "sorting out" process has fallen by the wayside.

Perhaps, this should merely be viewed as a sociological experiment; and
a psychological one - for there will be psychological casualties.


Nov 27, 2005, 8:41:12 PM11/27/05

"Muldoon" <> wrote in message

> Muldoon wrote:
>> Ralph Hilton wrote:
>> > "J Xenu" <> wrote on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 18:31:34 +0000
>> > in msg
>> > <BAY102-F1322F0EF8...@phx.gbl>, :
>> >
>> > >A flash animation that pokes fun of Scientology and the Xenu story.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >Quick question: It's been a while since I followed this group. The
>> > >NOTs
>> > >documents have been available on the net for years, except #23 and
>> > >#53.
>> > >Have either of these been posted here or otherwise made available?
>> >
>> >
>> > See the tech volume 14. It has #23 but not #53.
>> >
>> > --

> One URL on this thread features (in Russian) the new Ron's Orgs Tech
> volumes, which include OT 3 materials, etc. (Readers are advised to
> avoid this material, lest they become "sick.") As this material is
> already on the Internet, this is not exactly letting the cat out of the
> bag.
> Accessibility of previously secret doctrine of Scientology, in any
> form, is an improvement over it remaining a secret; yet, the material
> is presented seriously, and treated as potent truth.
> Once true believers are made by way of Ron's Orgs incursion into
> Russia, one wonders if the rest of Hubbard's secret doctrine will also
> be publicly published. Will Hubbard's Intelligence Tech writings be
> published in an additional "Green Volume"? (Or will Ron's Orgs, as
> they do now, continue to keep this portion of subject "behind the
> scenes," available only for "insiders.")

Does the freezone make many converts who aren't ex-scientologists or progeny
of ex-scientologists? It seems to me that the freezone is methadone to
scientology's heroin, mainly there for those who just can't give all that
stuff up cold turkey.


Nov 28, 2005, 12:34:41 AM11/28/05

The term "Free Zone" was coined by "Capt." Bill Robertson, also known
as "Astar Paramejgian," to mean a special portion of this galaxy which
"Elron Elray" (L. Ron Hubbard), and the "Galactic Grand Council," has
established as a place not to be interfered with, etc. by outside
galactic forces, etc.

It gradually became the "FreeZone" since Bill Roberson died, and now
that means - well, it's hard to get a straight answer from the
"FreeZone" - but it's seems to be dominated by the "Capt. Bill
approach," and by Ron's Orgs, yet includes people who are not "part of
Ron's Orgs."

One idea is that the term now means what the old term "Independent
Field" once meant.

In any event - it's supposed to be either "true Scientology," which was
pre-1982 (RTC) Scientology, or for some wishful thinkers, it's means a
kind of reformed (modified, edited) Scientology.

And, yes, it can function as kind of "methadone" for Scientology cult
junkies; and that's one of its redeeming characteristics.

One thing I remember about the original Bill Robertson organization was
its - well - lack of being completely upfront with others (outsiders) -
so that's another carry over from the cult. Point is: Most are
dedicated "Elron" people ("loyal officers," etc.) and the whole bit.

But this seems to have a "public expression" as the more moderate
"FreeZone." (Like the old "Missions.")

So, I'm "glad" it's there (for some) as a "half way house."

Yet, I have seen and known of people who have become "lost" in its maze
of Hubbardian bad science fiction and seemingly endless body thetans,
and become "lifers." (They don't out grow it.)

And it does claim to now be recruiting new people - people never before
involved in Scientology.

It does not think of itself as a "half way house," and recent escapees
from the Cof S - who still "want their LRH Bridge" - don't see it as
that. And the new - never were Scientologists before - members, don't
see it as a "half way house."

But sometimes it can be just that.

So God Bless Rons Orgs! Or was that the Free Zone, or the FreeZone,
or.... ?

Now if you don't mind, I have to get back on my dwinding spiral.

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