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The RPF Insider Newsletter #1 (From inside!)

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Oct 1, 2004, 10:12:32 PM10/1/04
Through some elaborate means, one of the Executives on the RPF has managed
to get information out to someone, who then got it to me :)
Geeee....OSA....things really ARE getting bad, aren't they? all interested, this is some HOT news. Enjoy and thank
you to those who have cared enough to make this public.

The RPF Insider Newsletter #1

Hello everybody out there in the real world!

I’m here in the PAC RPF and I’m going to tell the world the nightmare we are
going through here in the west wing of blue PAC building, where we are all
being secluded from the world. Come by and look at the windows of the 2nd
floor of Catalina street. You will see white plastic in front of all the
windows, so we can’t be seen by anybody from the outside! Hopefully I will
be allowed to get out of here soon...
I have watched several people that managed to blow (blow = leaving without
permission, Scientology term) from the RPF. If the person is “recovered" by
the PAC "security” they are put into the RPF's RPF. That is a Rehabilitation
Project Force to the RPF itself! Talk about being subdued and treated like a
rat! The members of the RPF's RPF can not even talk to other members in the
RPF! The punishment for the others in the group when someone blows is
horrific! The “security” is increased from having one buddy watching you all
the time, to TWO persons being with you all the time. When you are in the
basement painting or doing some work off the crew lines, and have to go to
the bathroom, the other two persons have to come with you and "watch you",
and each other, waiting outside the can until you are done! Can you imagine
how ridiculous that is? You can’t even go and take a dump in peace!
I have seen others getting a “Fitness Board Turndown” in order to get
kicked out of the Sea Org. There is an elaborate administrative procedure to
be allowed to leave. One must have a “severance pay”of tiny $500 to be
allowed to leave. Can you believe it? After all those years of trustworthy
service to the Sea Org, you get $500 and are kicked out into the street. I
have no clue what it costs to live in the real world these days, but I
believe the $500 will last about one week. I think a month’s rent in LA is
something like $800 to $1,000. Is that right? Having worked day and night
for many years as an Executive, “helping others” and following orders, we
get 500 bucks! And it takes forever, months and months sometimes before
people are allowed to leave. We’re told that “it’s not approved in the FP
yet” (FP= Financial Planning, done once a week and the money is then
dispersed to what it is approved for). Meanwhile the guys trying to leave
are in the basement like rats, kept away from any staff members and out of
the view of any public, so as to “not upset them” or “cause enturbulation”
for them. We are in the basement scraping paint off the floor, 10 hours a
day, painting old dusty pipes with color coding, which is being glorified
with “we are doing great work that the staff will be proud of”. Who cares if
the damn pipes in the basement are red, green, blue or black?
There are many people that have been dismissed from GOLD and sent to the
RPF. Probably they didn’t get along with “the Management” or David
Miscarriage (misspelled?) I think they are getting rid of the smart and
clever guys that are a threat to expose DM’s international fraud and police
If you have taken any services in the past or wonder where some people in
the Sea Org are these days, I will list out for you, from the top of my
head, who is right now here in the RPF, or recently graduated, or who has
recently blown or has been SP declared or “Fitness Boarded” out of the Sea
Org with a “probational SP declare”. This is something new that has been
invented. Another piece of squirrel administrative technology. Nobody can
find a reference what that is. One is declared a Suppressive Person on a
probational basis. One still has to “make good” (do the steps A to E, AND a
personalized "re-entry" program) to be able to come back, but one is not
“officially SP declared” on the standard lines with an issue that goes to
everyone. If every SP Declare was published, lots of Scientologists would be
enturbulated, because there have been so many. Basically, one is told to
“shut up” and if you make any noise you will get declared! Anyway, I’m not
afraid to tell everybody about this, as I will probably be SP declared the
second they find out who it is that is writing this IN THE RPF!! Thank God I
have a friend that is helping me to get the information out to the world so
something can be done about this. Let’s see how long it will take for the
smart guys at INT and OSA to figure out who it is that is helping me. Well,
I think PAC security better get on the stick or they will be losing some
sleep and have some extra work to do...

I have a lot more to say, and I can tell you a lot about all these peoples'
lives and dilemmas. I have enough to write a book, which I plan to do, as
soon as they kick me out! Stay tuned for further updates...

Here’s the list of the names:

Aczel, John
Akiyama, Roger
Alexander, Tanya
Allen, Elaine
Allsop, Cameron
Alvarez, Hender
Anderson, Brian
Aristi, Alfonso
Arneson, Torren
Ashworth, Pat
Asplund, Lars
Atwood, Ben
Avila, Felipe
Baxter, Arthur
Beatty, Chuck
Belcastro, Ivan
Bersier, Jean Phillipe
Bertinato, Emilio
Bervera, Ismael
Besnard, Jean Yves
Bieg, Patrik
Biggs, Petal
Boykin, Steve
Brandis, Tom
Brefka, Wendy
Bush, Diane
Butcher, Faye
Cabral, Miriam
Caneen, Joe
Castle, Stefan
Champagne, Eileen
Christiansen, Tia
Codd, Clyde
Contreras, Griselda
Cook, Peter
Copelan, Laurel
Cornu, Patrizia
Croteau, Yvette
Crowther, Gigi
Danilovich, Micho
Davies, Leelan
Decrescenzo, Laura
DeRudder, Isabelle
Dezotell, Paul
Diaz, Dora Luz
Diaz, Luz Esther
Didcoate, Kathy
Didcoate, Richard
Di Ieva, Marco
Dippel, Karen
Dolgov, Vadim
Dubreuil, Joelle
Ellison, Bill
Emenau, Mark
Epstein, John
Epstein, Leslie
Eves, Cherie
Eves, Mike
Eves, Paul
Fallegger, Maria
Faulkner, Jon-Paul
Fiandica, Doug
Fraser, Berenice
Frau, Francesco
Freire, Rui
Gahwiler, Matthis
Galbiati, Matteo
Gambino, Jenny
Garth, Colwell
Gibson, Margaret
Gomez, Alejandro
Gouessan, Alain
Greve, Ryan
Griffin, John
Heinzel, Marie-Alice
Heldt, Birthe
Herzer, Cheryl
Hoden, Ken
Hoden, Lisa
Hogarth, Sheldon
Homier, Claude
Homier, Dominique
Howson, David
Hubbert, Pam
Huber, Noldi
Ibarra, Dharma
Jansen, Jan
Juss, Brian
Karlsson, Lennart
Kimoto, Shannon
Knight, Cat
Konneus, Leif
Lane, Andrea
Lefevre, Vincent
Lerner, Susan
Lev, Nir
Lewis, Lisa
Lindstein, Mariette
Long, Ken
Macias, Marianna
Maday, Martin
Marmolejo, Ricardo
McKinstrey, Mark
McQuade, Brenda
Miller, Gary
Morillo, Elvia
Morrisette, Chris
Mottl, Berndt
Mottl, Rena
Mousell, Sheldon
Mueller, Jurgen
Muller, Doug
Muller, Zerrin
Murton, Candy
Mustard, Caroline
Nossis, Kettie
Nunnellee, Richard
Oakes, Carole
Ortman, Mark
Osborne, Theron
Parkin, Edward
Parz, Callie
Pearse, Kylea-Rose
Percy, Kali
Pouw, Anthony
Price, Bill
Ramirez, Isi
Redmon, Rebecca
Reiss, Jesse
Robitaille, Phillipe
Rowe, Lallah
Santos, Florencia
Seagal, Ron
Searing, Tony
Selle, Erin
Sereda, Linda
Shapiro, Ken
Shay, Gary
Sims, Patty
Sinclair, Fred
Smith, Eric
Smith, Julia
Smith, Stan
Soendker, Patricia
Southworth, Gailynn
Southworth, Kashanka
Sporri, (wife?)
Sporri, Urs
Stark, Marco
Startari, Stefania
Stilo, Donna
Stracener, Colby
Stuckenbrock, Uwe
Szoke, Marlana
Szombathy, Imre
Tinat, Justin
Townsend, Sheri
Trent, Vincent
Vandersall, Mel
Walimaa, Tyler
Wallace, Liz
Watson, Jane
Weber, Jeff
Weibert, Kari
Weiland, Janet
Weissman, Pam
Welch, Simone
Welte, Dieter
Wheelis, Alex
Wheelis, Majbritt
Whitta, Denise
Whittaker, Hodl
Wilbur, Sarah
Williams, Russ
Wills, Steve
Woodcraft, Matt
Woodruff, Henry
Zerbini, Linda


Probational SP declares??? To those inside, who are staying in, this IS your
"Church". These people are living in these conditions. Don't you think it IS
time you did ~something~???

My thanks again to those who have helped get this information out. One more
proof of the fact:
The critics RULE!

All the best to those who are helping. Please keep up the terrific work.
This is one fabulous example of freedom, despite tyranny within the
organization hiding behind the cloak of 'religion': The Church <Spit!> of

Tory/Magoo~Dancing in the moonlight~
In Scientology for 30 years
Happily out for 4 years/2 months!
For thinking and speaking my mind, I am:
Declared SP, and Expelled (SP 6 ^with Cumulative Cluster)
A Free Speech Advocate~
Free at last!!!
For more information, please see:
Burbank, CA
(818) 841-3632


Oct 2, 2004, 12:15:05 AM10/2/04
Ken Hoden, Janet Weiland??? Tory, are they still in the RPF and are they
really trying to get out of the cult? I imagine that Matt Woodcraft is the
brother of Astra and Zoe, hope he gets out ok.



Oct 2, 2004, 12:52:08 AM10/2/04
In article <>, Magoo says...

>Through some elaborate means, one of the Executives on the RPF has managed
>to get information out to someone, who then got it to me :)
>Geeee....OSA....things really ARE getting bad, aren't they?
> all interested, this is some HOT news. Enjoy and thank
>you to those who have cared enough to make this public.

Magoo, there are two guys on this list that I really really care for. If there
is any way to get a messaGe to Colwell Garth and/or Vincent Trent, tell them
that I am willing and able to come and get them, and help them get a new start.
Colwell was my twin on the SHSBC, a talented black artist from New York. Vincent
Trent was a PC of mine at CCLA, owned his own successful business, and has
family in Sacramento. Both these guys are dear to me. Let me know if and how I
can help them.


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Oct 2, 2004, 5:26:48 AM10/2/04

"Ladayla" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, Magoo says...
> >
> >Through some elaborate means, one of the Executives on the RPF has
> >to get information out to someone, who then got it to me :)
> >Geeee....OSA....things really ARE getting bad, aren't they?
> > all interested, this is some HOT news. Enjoy and thank
> >you to those who have cared enough to make this public.
> Magoo, there are two guys on this list that I really really care for. If
> is any way to get a messaGe to Colwell Garth and/or Vincent Trent, tell
> that I am willing and able to come and get them, and help them get a new
> Colwell was my twin on the SHSBC, a talented black artist from New York.
> Trent was a PC of mine at CCLA, owned his own successful business, and has
> family in Sacramento. Both these guys are dear to me. Let me know if and
how I
> can help them.
> la

Thanks, la....I'll see what we can do. I'm sure they would LOVE to hear from

My best to you....


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roger gonnet

Oct 2, 2004, 6:23:15 AM10/2/04
Do you have any date for that text? Is it septemebre, before??


"Magoo" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Message has been deleted

Mike Gormez

Oct 2, 2004, 9:16:40 AM10/2/04
"On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 19:12:32 -0700, "Magoo" <>
wrote in <>:

>Here’s the list of the names:
>Aczel, John
>Akiyama, Roger

Probably husband of Beth Akiyama, OSA PR New York City

These are wealthy folks.

>Mousell, Sheldon

Long timer: "AB SHELDON MOUSELL is promoted to PO3 (ENGR)." -- FLAG ORDER
3476 - 5, 12 July 1975

>Woodcraft, Matt

Brother of Zoe and Astra

"They are permanently disconnected from their mother Leslie Woodcraft
(watched Lisa Mcpherson, when she was being held against her will in
Clearwater), grandmother Daphne Farrow (in the Sea Org. at Flag and 80
years old so they will never see her alive again, or even know when she
dies), brother Matthew Woodcraft (in the S.O. in LA)."

I'll do a CC to Astra

Mike Gormez

- WISE is Scientology recruitment in the workplace
- Scientology and health
- 'Religious' child abuse and neglect
- Hubbard on psychs

Keith Henson

Oct 2, 2004, 9:25:43 AM10/2/04
On 02 Oct 2004 05:24:04 GMT, (IDA J 007) wrote:

>>Subject: The RPF Insider Newsletter #1 (From inside!)
>>From: "Magoo"
>>Date: 10/01/2004 7:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time
>>Message-id: <>

>>Through some elaborate means, one of the Executives on the RPF has managed
>>to get information out to someone, who then got it to me :)
>>Geeee....OSA....things really ARE getting bad, aren't they?
>> all interested, this is some HOT news. Enjoy and thank
>>you to those who have cared enough to make this public.


>>Hoden, Ken
>>Hoden, Lisa

Anyone know who Lisa Hoden is?


>>Probational SP declares??? To those inside, who are staying in, this IS your
>>"Church". These people are living in these conditions. Don't you think it IS
>>time you did ~something~???
>>My thanks again to those who have helped get this information out. One more
>>proof of the fact:
>>The critics RULE!
>>All the best to those who are helping. Please keep up the terrific work.
>>This is one fabulous example of freedom, despite tyranny within the
>>organization hiding behind the cloak of 'religion': The Church <Spit!> of

>Thanks for this Tory . I see Ken Hoden listed here . He is from Golden Era and
>testified in Keith Henson case.

Far more than that, Ken Hoden was top management of gold base. If he
got out and was in any shape to testify . . . .

>Those who saw him later said he appeared very
>pale and possibly ill.He didn't look healthy at that time either . I recognize
>other names there --Woodcraft,Pearce,Heldt,Boykin,.
> All there should have a huge walk out and get into the sunshine. Chuck Beatty
>has left --just follow and you will be okay too.
>Life is much better on the outside -most families who have been disconnected
>are forgiving.
>Ida J. Camburn -

Things do seem to becoming unglued. I can think of something that
might help, but I don't want it in the open. Email me especially if
you live in Southern California.

Keith Henson

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roger gonnet

Oct 2, 2004, 12:25:33 PM10/2/04

"Keith Henson" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> On 02 Oct 2004 05:24:04 GMT, (IDA J 007) wrote:
>>>Subject: The RPF Insider Newsletter #1 (From inside!)
>>>From: "Magoo"
>>>Date: 10/01/2004 7:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time
>>>Message-id: <>
>>>Through some elaborate means, one of the Executives on the RPF has
>>>to get information out to someone, who then got it to me :)
>>>Geeee....OSA....things really ARE getting bad, aren't they?
>>> all interested, this is some HOT news. Enjoy and thank
>>>you to those who have cared enough to make this public.
> snip
>>>Hoden, Ken
>>>Hoden, Lisa

better not click onto the references given on lisa hoden by google.


> Anyone know who Lisa Hoden is?

probably the wife of ken. I think I saw her name somewhere in scn
declarations to the IRS.


Keith Henson

Oct 2, 2004, 12:41:02 PM10/2/04
On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 09:41:37 -0700, Rev. Desertphile de Rothschild
<> wrote:

>On 02 Oct 2004 05:24:04 GMT, (IDA J 007) wrote:


>>Thanks for this Tory . I see Ken Hoden listed here . He is from Golden Era and

>>testified in Keith Henson case. Those who saw him later said he appeared very

>>pale and possibly ill.He didn't look healthy at that time either . I recognize
>>other names there --Woodcraft,Pearce,Heldt,Boykin,.

>Hoden not only slandered and lied about Henson (and me), he also
>perjured himself. Does he now feel contrite for doing so? Ashamed?
>Perhaps the RPF has finally taught him how evil it is to be victimized
>for real, and perhaps he has gained some hint of what criminal abuse
>he helped inflict upon Henson.
>But I doubt it. When I met him I felt so sorry for him:he looked to
>used and abused (though that might hae been because Stacey Moxon had
>died just a few minutes before). Once I read about his perjury in the
>Henson mock trial, all sense of my feeling sorry for him dried up.
>Hoden went to the RPF for the death of Moxon, and his perjury against
>Henson was his "amends project."
>Hoden's *REAL* "amends project" would be to run to the Riverside DA's
>office and confess.

There is a wee bit of a problem there. If Hoden were to walk into the
DA's office and offer to confess, the cult would be called to send out
a thug squad to take him back.

Graham Berry saw a letter in the DA's open file about me that was from
Gerald Feffer (husband of Monique Yingling, major lawyer for the thug
cult) to the elected DA Grover Trask. The first letter was dated in
2000 before I started picketing out there and a was addressed "Dear

Also DA Tom Gage lied to the court when he filed the indictment
against me. I can prove he didn't provide notice by mail. The only
way I found out is because the cult lawyers screwed up an
misinterpreted something I put in a filing in the Hurtado case.

One of my contacts in Riverside says that while my case was the first
he knew about where they tried to add "failure to appear" charges by
not giving someone notice, it has become common practice since then.
As Sergeant Secor told me,

there is no way to report corrupt and illegal activity of this kind by
DA officials. That's why Riverside's DA office and courts deserve
their reputation as the most corrupt in the US.

After years of experience with law enforcement entirely unwilling to
"lift the tail of a skunk" I don't have any advice about where someone
should go if they were a former cult insider who wanted to confess to
law enforcement.

Talking to Mark Ebner or another author is my only suggestion.

Keith Henson

Phil Scott

Oct 2, 2004, 1:00:18 PM10/2/04

"Rev. Desertphile de Rothschild" <> wrote
in message

> On 02 Oct 2004 05:24:04 GMT, (IDA J 007)
> (Trimed)
> >Thanks for this Tory . I see Ken Hoden listed here . He is
from Golden Era and
> >testified in Keith Henson case. Those who saw him later
said he appeared very
> >pale and possibly ill.He didn't look healthy at that time
either . I recognize
> >other names there --Woodcraft,Pearce,Heldt,Boykin,.
> Hoden not only slandered and lied about Henson (and me), he
> perjured himself. Does he now feel contrite for doing so?
> Perhaps the RPF has finally taught him how evil it is to be
> for real, and perhaps he has gained some hint of what
criminal abuse
> he helped inflict upon Henson.

The RPF would tend to further the brainwash and
introversion into Hubbies bogus notions of life... it would
not tend to wake anyone up according to previously published
reports unfortunately.

In the current circumstance however, with the stats
crashing world wide and recruitment almost impossible... these
gentle folks will be waking up shortly regardless....
Id like to see about 500 OT-7's storm the next even with
rubber chickens and razzi horns... I think that would do it.
a suitable approach.

Breaking news of world scale bank fraud will be the
undercurrent that precludes escape for those running the
show...the govts can be paid off...but not the wide range of
civil cases.

> But I doubt it. When I met him I felt so sorry for him:he
looked to
> used and abused (though that might hae been because Stacey
Moxon had
> died just a few minutes before). Once I read about his
perjury in the
> Henson mock trial, all sense of my feeling sorry for him
dried up.
> Hoden went to the RPF for the death of Moxon, and his
perjury against
> Henson was his "amends project."

Thats probably close... that mess may be breaking open
now ... it could be messy with broad implications.

> Hoden's *REAL* "amends project" would be to run to the
Riverside DA's
> office and confess.

He may not even have to...the worms are out of the can and
have headed for the hills... my conversation with the
Sherriffs office in Riverside county two months ago didnt do
scn any good either (re the records in the Henson case).

> > All there should have a huge walk out and get into the
sunshine. Chuck Beatty
> >has left --just follow and you will be okay too.
> >Life is much better on the outside -most families who have
been disconnected
> >are forgiving.
> >
> >Ida J. Camburn -

Good going Ida... it looks like you will live to see the
criminal cult go under...that has to be a very very good and
just thing. .. a lesson to the world.

Evil destroys itself.

Regarding those getting out... and turning states evidence,
they will do well and will heal like the rest in time... those
that try to walk the fence will not do well... as is the case
with about 9 tenths of the 'freezone'.... still nutz.... doing
the capt Bill thang... looking for Marcabs, and fearing the
motha ships will arrive any second.... not progress.

This mess will make a great movie... we got a good start on
footage at Tory's parties last weekend. I hope there was
plenty of you. That will go down in were
fighting this organization effectively, and alone.... before
most of us even knew it was a problem...

Thanks Ida... never have so few done so much for so many.

The considerable wounds and losses we have suffered have not
been in vain, we are still standing. You are still standing.

Thats more than the those running the criminal cult can say...
their knees are buckling now, as an increasely engraged bunch
of thier victims is going after them in the courts..

We need to look those responsible directly in their eyes
now... they need to see us standing silent...looking at them.

One December 5th.
We did that to world class standards one windy and rainy night
standing outside of the SF org on 136 McAlister St...11 of us
in 1998.. Dec 5th...

.....then the staff scurried upstairs and turned thier lights
out and it all went dark...thier sign went dark and we stood

.... rain falling on us in silence, silouettes.. .. we were
all in a line that formed naturally ..there were tremors in
the earth and the air.. that picket rocked in dead silence
for 10 minutes...

and the wind blew...and it rained on the glistening
streets...the city was silent also..

The silence was deafening. And we cried out for justice ...
and the wind heard us...and those inside the building heard
us. and they have not been the same since.

Justice had arrived.... and it stood silent.

as it always does.

then we offered a prayer to our gods and to those guarding
Lisa in her long trek through the night...her sacrifice was
absolutely not in vain... we,.... all of us in this

....have made sure of that.

What we have done has counted far beyond the scope of this
single battle.


Phil Scott

> ---

Message has been deleted


Oct 2, 2004, 2:56:23 PM10/2/04

"Keith Henson" <> wrote in message

Or posting *his* story on the Internet, as I did once I woke up and left. I
realized that was actually my only hope for safety.
Recently an attorney called me and told me he felt that was one of the
smartest things I did, as "It's like you're in your own wittness protection
program". That was my plan. Tell the world.....................
Tell it ALL

My very best to each critic and certainly each X-Scio who has stood up
against this totalitarian organization. Your
courage and work will never be forgotten.


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Oct 4, 2004, 2:06:57 PM10/4/04
Just wanted to comment on a few of the names!

> Magoo wrote:
> ||
> || Here?s the list of the names:
> ||
> || Aczel, John

now there is an old timer..

> || Anderson, Brian

wasn't this guy at Flag?

> || Baxter, Arthur

isn't he the australian guy that used to be at Flag?

> || Danilovich, Micho

relative of John the ol' Chief Off FSO?

> || Didcoate, Kathy
> || Didcoate, Richard

jeez two old names from the UK!

> || Epstein, Leslie

I remember her as CO ASHO - formidable lady

> || Heldt, Birthe

is she the wife of Carl Heldt?

> || Lindstein, Mariette

aha Billy's wife

> || McQuade, Brenda

wonder what Mark is up to

> || Mottl, Berndt

wasn't he the CO AOSH EU?

> || Weiland, Janet

is she still tubby or has the RPF worn her down?

whats with all the brits and euros?

Mike Gormez

Oct 4, 2004, 3:50:16 PM10/4/04
"On 4 Oct 2004 11:06:57 -0700, (Deomorto) wrote in

>Just wanted to comment on a few of the names!
>> Magoo wrote:
>> ||
>> || Here?s the list of the names:
>> ||
>> || Aczel, John
>now there is an old timer..
>> || Anderson, Brian
>wasn't this guy at Flag?

Yes. He was Commanding Officer for the Special Affairs in Clearwater and
he destroyed all the original notes which had been written for the Quirino
"summary" by the caretakers of Lisa McPherson.

It is speculated that thanks to his fuckup of the Lisa M case he was
removed from post.

Rev. Desertphile de Rothschild

Oct 5, 2004, 1:52:34 PM10/5/04
On 4 Oct 2004 11:06:57 -0700, (Deomorto) wrote:

>> || Weiland, Janet

> is she still tubby or has the RPF worn her down?

"The face that sunk a thousand ships."


Oct 15, 2004, 6:15:52 PM10/15/04
Mike Gormez,

You better correct your archive. Apparently your scanner didn't do a
accurate job and also you did not personally see to it that documents are
perfect. Sloppy!

Did you even read Flag's closing arguments?


"The record of this hearing shows, first, that plaintiffs contrived claim
that the senior ecclesiastical leader of a worldwide religion ordered
the 'murder' of a parishioner during a religious rite for public relations
purposes is a sham pleading without a shred of evidentiary support or truth."

. . .

"Just as Ms. Liebreich was a distant relative of Lisa McPherson and never
really part of her life, Ms. Liebreich, as plaintiff, is a distant
afterthought of her lawyer, the for-profit anti-Scientology business named
for her niece, and the multi-millionaire who joined with that lawyer and
that business to steer this case."

"None of that absolves Ms. Liebreich from what participation she did have
in creating the circumstances that now merit sanctions. She ratified the
misconduct of her lawyer and his confederates; specifically and under oath,
took credit for it as her own, and changed her testimony at Mr. Dandar's
direction to conceal the plans to share any recovery in this case with
Mr. Minton and his LMT. Indeed, were it not for Ms. Liebreich's
authorization and imprimatur, the misconduct apparent in this proceeding
would not have been possible. Ms. Liebreich shared one trait of all
participants: she was (when Lisa was alive) and is an anti-Scientologist
and is motivated by an all-consuming hatred of Lisa's chosen religion.
Her shifting and contradictory testimony shows that she also shared in
the "anything goes for the good of the cause" mentality that has resulted
in the misconduct in this case."

- ESTATE OF LISA MCPHERSON, by and through the Personal Representative,
Plaintiff, CASE NO: 00-5682-Cl-li
Division 11


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