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Nazi Ear Implant Malfunctions

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Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild

Apr 18, 2004, 2:56:10 PM4/18/04
U.S. General in Baghdad Nearly Faints
Saturday April 17, 2004 4:31 PM,1280,-3988518,00.html

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq appeared to
briefly lose consciousness during a news conference Saturday, bumping his
face into a podium microphone. He left the room for a period but returned
smiling and answered more questions.

There was no immediate explanation for the apparent fainting spell suffered
by Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the deputy head of operations in Iraq, who
delivers daily briefings to Baghdad-based journalists alongside the top
coalition spokesman Dan Senor.

Kimmitt had left the podium for a few minutes earlier in the press
conference, which was broadcast live internationally. He returned, looking
pale, to take more questions.

Just after answering a question, Kimmitt leaned toward Senor and whispered,
``I gotta go.''

Senor nodded and said, ``OK,'' and then told reporters the next question
would be the last.

As he listened to the question, Kimmitt's eyes rolled upward and he began
leaning forward into the podium. The podium's small black microphone struck
him on the right side of the mouth. After a few seconds leaning against the
microphone, he slumped backward but remained standing.

Senor stepped toward him and said, ``You all right?''

``No, I'm not,'' Kimmitt mumbled. Two aides approached the podium and led
him out a side door.

Senor continued answering questions. About 15 minutes later, Kimmitt
returned again and resumed answering questions. When one reporter prefaced
a question by saying, ``I hope you're feeling better,'' Kimmitt smiled but
offered no explanation.

Anti-War / Anti-Fascism protest:
"The stations that are showing Americans intentionally killing women
and children are not legitimate news sources. That is propaganda,
and that is lies." -- Senior military spokesman Mark Kimmitt, Nazi
"...since when is fighting invaders in your own country terrorism?" - Tempest


Apr 18, 2004, 4:21:52 PM4/18/04
Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild <Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG> posted

>U.S. General in Baghdad Nearly Faints
>Saturday April 17, 2004 4:31 PM
>BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq appeared to
>briefly lose consciousness during a news conference Saturday, bumping his
>face into a podium microphone. He left the room for a period but returned
>smiling and answered more questions.

At least give him credit for remaining more mentally competent than
Dubya under rather similar circumstances.


SubGenius Spice

Apr 18, 2004, 8:50:51 PM4/18/04
In alt.slack, Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild was all like...

:: As he listened to the question, Kimmitt's eyes rolled upward and he began

:: leaning forward into the podium. The podium's small black microphone struck
:: him on the right side of the mouth. After a few seconds leaning against the
:: microphone, he slumped backward but remained standing.

his prolly mis-timed his viagra, draining all the blood from his brain.

which explains:

:: About 15 minutes later, Kimmitt

Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild

Apr 20, 2004, 1:10:22 AM4/20/04
PeteM <> wrote:

That's true. I think his Nazi ear implant's operating system went
into garbage collection and memory block recovery there for a while.

Android Cat

Apr 20, 2004, 1:43:27 AM4/20/04
Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild wrote:
> PeteM <> wrote:
>> Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild <Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG> posted
>>> U.S. General in Baghdad Nearly Faints
>>> Saturday April 17, 2004 4:31 PM
>>> BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq
>>> appeared to briefly lose consciousness during a news conference
>>> Saturday, bumping his face into a podium microphone. He left the
>>> room for a period but returned smiling and answered more questions.
>> At least give him credit for remaining more mentally competent than
>> Dubya under rather similar circumstances.

And he didn't ralph on the Japanese PM like George the Elder. Hope it was
nothing serious.

> That's true. I think his Nazi ear implant's operating system went
> into garbage collection and memory block recovery there for a while.

He got a cheap one from Real and it [buffering] had some [buffering] lag
problems [buffering] with the [buffering] connection. (Those people make MS
look good and they were on their hands and knees to Apple--who turned them
down flat. Yeesh!)

Ron of that ilk.


Apr 20, 2004, 1:51:01 AM4/20/04
In article <>,
Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG says...

> PeteM <> wrote:
> >Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild <Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG> posted
> >>U.S. General in Baghdad Nearly Faints
> >>Saturday April 17, 2004 4:31 PM
> >>,1280,-3988518,00.html
> >>BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq appeared to
> >>briefly lose consciousness during a news conference Saturday, bumping his
> >>face into a podium microphone. He left the room for a period but returned
> >>smiling and answered more questions.
> >At least give him credit for remaining more mentally competent than
> >Dubya under rather similar circumstances.
> That's true. I think his Nazi ear implant's operating system went
> into garbage collection and memory block recovery there for a while.

Check Barbara Schwarz Remembers Wholesale! on ABS.

You can lead a Clam to Reason, but you Can't Make him Think

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 21, 2004, 4:50:25 PM4/21/04
SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.

Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
which he denies or not denies having, just read this:


For all those who don't know what that is, here is the definition: The
Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists Mindcontroller Secret

However, don't make the mistake and believe that this secret service
exists only since the Nazi time, the 40s. They exist since several
centuries. I believe somebody tried to explain their secret existance
and wrote about the Bavarian Illuminati. However, that person did not
look deep enough. The SEGNPMSS is much worse than those.

It takes big books to describe all the despicable things they did and
do, but I want to concentrate in this postings only on how they
infiltrate the governments. It is a big mistake to think that they
only infiltrated the U.S. government. They are in every government on
the planet.

How do they do it? Do they send in people in Nazi uniform, jodelling
people in Bavarian outfits, or psychs in blood stained white coats?
No, usually that is not what they are doing. They managed to attach
just about anybody to their system by subjecting people to get body
and ear implants. Most people are getting these pin size small
implants already when they are babies in the hospitals from rotten
docs and nurses.

However, most people are then tricked into participating in officially
working for their secret service when they are first graders and need
somebody to help and cheat through school. (The school system is
deliberately made stressful for the kids, and bullies are hires to
attack the kids that they join, to make them think they need help and
protection.) It is similar how psychiatry works. They channel in the
minds of people and make them depressed and crazy and then they sell
their poison and drugs to them.

But the SEGNPMSS does not protect people, they want to control people.
What people don't know is who really runs them, who has all access to
their ear implants, and that the SEGNPMSS is not honest with them and
channels in their subconcious minds to manipulate them.

People cheat through school, the case officer/mindcontrollers tells
them how to get their grades by channeling the answers of the
questions of the exams in their ears. These kind of idiots (don't you
agree, porn and bomb instruction guy Dave Touretzky?) become then the
future scientists, psychiatrists, officials, leaders of the
governments, etc.

They occupy governmental positions, and whenever the SEGNPMSS wants
the official or leader to work in their favor, they just call his code
and the guy obeys and wastes the governmental money, denies good
people their rights, and fails to do his job.

When a catastophy happens, those guys stand there and look stupid.
People ask, how could this happen, and they come forward with all
kinds of justifications, but not the truth that they were mislead.
They still protect their case officers, as they follow those guys
since they were little. They don't get that the SEGNPMSS can bypass
case officers. Whoever has their code and talks in their minds and
owns them, and can run them.

In order to set up a terror attack in the USA, the SEGNPMSS just had
to channel those officials, which were responsible to prevent terror,
what reports they should put aside, and there you have it, green light
for the terror attack to become a full atrocity success.

I heard justifications as: "We were not informed that terrorists would
use planes to attack..." etc. But does somebody really have to tell
that to people whose job it is to protect from terror attacks? If it
is your job to protect the nations from such attacks, should you not
get the idea that planes could come down violently on your own?

I wrote to President Clinton already in 1992/1993 that we should build
under water so that if a plane hits us that we have the water as
buffer. Imagine if the WTC and the Pentagon administration would not
be skycrapers or unprotected office buidling, but villages deep enough
in salt water, how many people would be dead? Probably only the people
in the planes and nobody else. But Bill Clinton had others things in
mind. He and his staffs should have thought about the danger because
a little plane almost hit the White House while he was sitting
President, remember?

Anyway, if it is your job to protect the nation from terror attacks,
you think of all the dangers that could happen, and that are planes
that are directed to destroy or go down, bombs (right, porn- and bomb
instruction guy Dave Touretzky) other explosives, assassinations, the
disributing of germs, viruses, diseases, poisoned food and water,
leaking radioactivity, man-made hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes,
hypnosis and mindcontrol, the psychiatric making of people into remote
controlled zombies and robots.

You protect the vulnerable areas without that somebody has to tell you
that those could be attacked. You just know, if you are not a dummy
who just listens to her/his codes without using the own mind to think
far enough.

It will happen again as people usually are not critical of what is
sent through their ear implants. Many people think that their case
officer is a kind of God and not that somebody using them to make
mistakes or to control them for their purposes.

The CIA director Geroge Tenet said recently that it needs 5 years to
get Al Queda under control. I know a way to have that success
instantly. All what is necessary is to blow the whistle of the
SEGNPMS, the German Nazi psychs, who run Al Queda, just as they run
the American officials who fails to report and coordinate with others
about danger. The Germans are using the orientals for their
anti-American and anti-Jewish hatred because they can't do it
officially anymore since they lost WW II. They organize the training,
hypnosis and mindcontrol of terrorists all over the world. If the CIA
would finally investigate the SEGNPMSS behind todays terrorists, and
criminal rulers as Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il etc, and if they
would blow the whistle on how they recruit and run the terrorists, we
would live in a much safer and saner world.

It is also possible that other nations would not see the enemy anymore
in the USA but rather in psychs who are behind all the troubles and
disasters. Who wants to be run by the German Nazi psychs? They are
losers! Look what a bad reputation Islam received since the SEGNPMSS
choose Muslims to do the dirt work for them! I think most Muslims
would be outraged if they would know who is behind that. Many people
don't even make anymore a difference between terrorists and Muslims.
(Are you not one of them, David Touretzky?)

Anyway, any American and Jew should try to give his best to convict
the SEGNPMSS, because the American and Jewish hatred is not "natural".
The SEGNPMSS is behind that hatred, and so many people in other
nations are buying that hatred and SEGNPMSS lies about Americans and
the Jews.

(Reminds me also to the SEGNPMSS hatred against Scientology. It is
basically the same. SEGNPMSS says it needs to be attacked and
infiltrated, and there goes the good reputation that L. Ron Hubbard
and his original Scientology deserves.)

If the American and the other secret services don't reveal how the
SEGNPMSS, psychiatrists (and yes, the hard core are they are
overwhellmingly German and Bavarian psychs) and mindcontrollers talk
in the minds (and also subconcious minds) of their officials to let
them make the wrong decisions, the world NEVER will be safe, and it is
just a matter of time when the next terror attack hits innocent
people, as the SEGNPMSS has green light to organize the terror. Nobody
is stopping them, people are either working actively to make the
terror happen or they are asleep and don't do the responsible steps to
prevent it.

Remember, a SEGNPMSS case officer just has to dial the codes of the
officials, and they will misplace documents, will not act upon danger,
will ignore danger, and the plane will hit, the bomb will go off, the
deadly bacteria will be distributed, the food and water will be
poisoned, the radioactivity will leak, etc. You name it, as I have to
go now.

Barbara Schwarz

Joe Cosby

Apr 21, 2004, 4:53:15 PM4/21/04
On 21 Apr 2004 13:50:25 -0700, (Barbara
Schwarz) wrote:


funny how the mind leaves little clues.

Joe Cosby
"My leg wants to marry your dog."

Dunter Powries

Apr 21, 2004, 7:44:39 PM4/21/04
Barbara Schwarz <> wrote in message

> SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.
> Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
> which he denies or not denies having, just read this:

Why is the acronym based on English?

Android Cat

Apr 21, 2004, 9:31:59 PM4/21/04

Barabara's processor chip has a SEGFAULT error.

Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild

Apr 21, 2004, 11:52:04 PM4/21/04
to (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:

>Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
>which he denies or not denies having, just read this:

I have _never_ denied that I'm under alien control. Never!

The thing of it is, though, I can also control other people's implants,
including those in Utah.

SubGenius Spice

Apr 22, 2004, 2:20:55 AM4/22/04
In alt.slack, Barbara Schwarz was all like...

:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.
:: Wanna know more about ear implants, [...]

no I don't, but thanks.

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 22, 2004, 5:12:57 PM4/22/04
"Dunter Powries" <fech.redcaps@spedlin> wrote in message news:<HHDhc.16315$>...

I gave them this name, and I don't think much in the German language
anymore. They of course call themselves something else. Probably: "Uns
gehoert heimlich die ganze Welt und wir versklaven die Leute wie wir
wollen." Oder "Ach wie gut das nienand weiss, das wir Rumpelstilschen

The name I gave them would be in German: Still Existierender Deutscher
Nazi Psychiater Verstandkontrollierer Geheimdienst, and the acronym
would be SEDNPVG. Do you like that more?

Do you know that all my postings that have SEGNPMSS in the headline
don't show up? If they don't exist, who is sucking my postings about
them our of the headlines? Any explanations?

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 22, 2004, 5:23:08 PM4/22/04
Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
> >Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
> >which he denies or not denies having, just read this:
> I have _never_ denied that I'm under alien control. Never!

All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline don't show up on the
Google message board. If they don't exist, why are other people not
allowed to know about them? Any ideas? After all you are a SEGNPMSS or
SEDNPVG robot.

SEDNPVG = Still Existierender Deutscher Nazi Psychiatry
Verstand-kontrollierer Geheimdienst.

For all those who don't know what that is, here is the English

definition: The
Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists Mindcontroller Secret

Service + SEGNPMSS.

Rasta Robert

Apr 22, 2004, 7:24:04 PM4/22/04
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 at 21:23 GMT, Barbara
Schwarz <> wrote:
> All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline don't show up on the
> Google message board. If they don't exist, why are other people not
> allowed to know about them? Any ideas? After all you are a SEGNPMSS or
> SEDNPVG robot.

Most likely because you did mention that acronym only often in message
bodies but not in subject lines of messages. Other usenet archives
don't seem to have any postings with 'SEGNPMSS' in the subject line and
neither do any of my fetched and stored messages in Agent have
this in the sunject line. Most likely that you didn'y use it
in a subject line up 'til now.

<> -!- <>


Apr 22, 2004, 8:18:06 PM4/22/04

"Barbara Schwarz" <> wrote in message

All praise Saint Francis E. Dec!! Hallelujah!!

Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild

Apr 23, 2004, 2:21:35 AM4/23/04
to (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...
>> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>>>Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
>>>which he denies or not denies having, just read this:
>> I have _never_ denied that I'm under alien control. Never!

>All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline
>don't show up on the Google message board.

I remove them using my Nazi ear implants, Psychobarb.

Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild

Apr 23, 2004, 2:22:50 AM4/23/04

What? I can't hear you. My Nazi ear implants are malfunctioning.

SubGenius Spice

Apr 23, 2004, 2:48:01 AM4/23/04
In alt.slack, Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild was all like...

:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote:
:: >In alt.slack, Barbara Schwarz was all like...

:: >:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.
:: >:: Wanna know more about ear implants, [...]
:: >no I don't, but thanks.
:: What? I can't hear you. My Nazi ear implants are malfunctioning.


Barbara Schwarz

Apr 23, 2004, 2:58:48 PM4/23/04
Rasta Robert <> wrote in message news:<>...

That can't be the reason, Rasta Robert, as postings saying "This
posting did not show up" also did not show up.

The SEGNPMSS is real and they painfully stalk me, 24 hours a day. They
are even more obsessed with me as Garry Scarff is, and those psychs
have more power and secret influence as the little dirty

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 23, 2004, 3:48:28 PM4/23/04
SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message news:<>...

I posted before that the SEGNPMSS (Still Existing German Nazi Psych
Mindcontroler Secret Service) infiltrates governments, the agencies.
They also infiltrate state governments, and via their earimplants,
officials are mislead or bribed to ignore danger.

Killer Harris was known to police. There were approximately 15
complaints about that guy on him violating the law and being
dangerous. The Littleton Sheriff's Office filed those all away, and
they are still not forthcomming with why they did not book that guy.

It is so easy for the SEGNPMSS to plan and execute terror and murder,
because the people that are paid and hired to protect the people are
sleeping or actively help to prepare those atrocities.

Harris and Klebold were apparently in psychiatric "care". Why did the
psychs not see what was going on? Why did they not stop the massacre?
Psychs are so uneffecive and unprofessional. What do they except
drugging, shocking people and persecute those people that just want to
be left alone and live in peace?
I think that the psychiatric drugs that those two teenagers got made
them more violent and ready for hypnosis and mindcontrol. I don't
think that they would have gone through with their threats of killing
others, if psychs would not made terrorists out of them, just as they
do with suicide bombers and pilots.
Columbine was as litte a domestic terror as the other school killings,
or the Oklahoma City bombings. The SEGNPMSS is behind that.

People really should be careful with hating others, because the
SEGNPMSS picks such people for their terror acts. They don't pick
choir boys and girls. Their terrorists must have enough hate in them
to operate after psychs hypnotized them and blocked access to their
anaytical minds and made them to zombies that kill others and
themselves. (Psychs like if terrorists kill themselves after
committing the terror attack so that they can't blow the whistle on
them.) If they do that to a good natured person, that person will feel
miserable and likely kill herself but not taking anybody with her. A
good person who got such treatment will be just confused as Lisa
McPherson was after secret psychiatric treatment. But those that hate
are more likely being picked and wasted in the process. You ARS guys
and all others, give up your hatred as that makes you vulnerable of
becomming a psychiatric killer zombie.

If something that needs to be outlawed, then it is mindcontrol and any
kind of psychiatric techniques, as terror will never end. The psychs
must be bused and handled by the law.
Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 23, 2004, 3:49:21 PM4/23/04
Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
> >Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...
> >> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
> >>>Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
> >>>which he denies or not denies having, just read this:
> >> I have _never_ denied that I'm under alien control. Never!
> >All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline
> >don't show up on the Google message board.
> I remove them using my Nazi ear implants, Psychobarb.

I posted before that the SEGNPMSS (Still Existing German Nazi Psych

Joe Cosby

Apr 23, 2004, 4:52:48 PM4/23/04
On 23 Apr 2004 12:48:28 -0700, (Barbara
Schwarz) wrote:

I guess the evil PMS monsters stole your sense of irony too huh.

"A blarg is a combination of spobbles and nunacks."
-xqed (

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 23, 2004, 11:39:52 PM4/23/04
to (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...
>> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>>>Fr...@SkepticTank.REMOVE.ORG (Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild) wrote in message news:<>...
>>>> (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>>>>>Wanna know more about ear implants, including those of Frederic Rice,
>>>>>which he denies or not denies having, just read this:
>>>> I have _never_ denied that I'm under alien control. Never!
>>>All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline
>>>don't show up on the Google message board.
>> I remove them using my Nazi ear implants, Psychobarb.

>I posted before that the SEGNPMSS (Still Existing German Nazi Psych
>Mindcontroler Secret Service) infiltrates governments, the agencies.

But your powers are no match for mine thanks to my Nazi ear implants.

Xenu always prevails!

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 23, 2004, 11:41:24 PM4/23/04
SubGenius Spice <> wrote:
>In alt.slack, Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild was all like...
>:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote:
>::>In alt.slack, Barbara Schwarz was all like...
>::>:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.
>::>:: Wanna know more about ear implants, [...]
>::>no I don't, but thanks.
>:: What? I can't hear you. My Nazi ear implants are malfunctioning.


Ronco, based out of Bonn, Germany, right? }:-}

Psychobarb, that ringing in your ear isn't your implant malfunctioning,
really. It's caused by the lack of oxygen to your brain. }:-}

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 23, 2004, 11:43:21 PM4/23/04
to (Barbara Schwarz) wrote:
>SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> In alt.slack, Fredric L. Rice de Rothschild was all like...
>>:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote:
>>::>In alt.slack, Barbara Schwarz was all like...
>>::>:: SubGenius Spice <> wrote in message: snipped.
>>::>:: Wanna know more about ear implants, [...]
>>::>no I don't, but thanks.
>>:: What? I can't hear you. My Nazi ear implants are malfunctioning.

>I posted before that the SEGNPMSS (Still Existing German Nazi Psych
>Mindcontroler Secret Service) infiltrates governments, the agencies.
>They also infiltrate state governments, and via their earimplants,
>officials are mislead or bribed to ignore danger.

I know, Psychobarb: I'm the head langolear. <smile>
Note the literary reference? -------- }:-}

Whoop! Whoop! Activate Psychobarb's secondary backup systems, Otto!

Rasta Robert

Apr 24, 2004, 7:51:42 AM4/24/04
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 at 18:58 GMT,
Barbara Schwarz <> wrote:
> Rasta Robert <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 at 21:23 GMT, Barbara
>> Schwarz <> wrote:
>> >
>> > All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline don't show up on the
>> > Google message board. If they don't exist, why are other people not
>> > allowed to know about them? Any ideas? After all you are a SEGNPMSS or
>> > SEDNPVG robot.
>> Most likely because you did mention that acronym only often in message
>> bodies but not in subject lines of messages. Other usenet archives
>> don't seem to have any postings with 'SEGNPMSS' in the subject line and
>> neither do any of my fetched and stored messages in Agent have
>> this in the sunject line. Most likely that you didn'y use it
>> in a subject line up 'til now.
>> RR--//->
> That can't be the reason, Rasta Robert, as postings saying "This
> posting did not show up" also did not show up.
Maybe you postulated the subject so hard and your own OT powers
made them vanish to comply with your postulate? ....
Did you use that precise subject line? There are postings
about it from you showing up under the subject 'who steals my


Apr 25, 2004, 2:38:56 AM4/25/04
to (Barbara Schwarz) wrote in message news:<>...

> Rasta Robert <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 at 21:23 GMT, Barbara
> > Schwarz <> wrote:
> > >
> > > All my postings having SEGNPMSS in the headline don't show up on the
> > > Google message board. If they don't exist, why are other people not
> > > allowed to know about them? Any ideas? After all you are a SEGNPMSS or
> > > SEDNPVG robot.
> >
> > Most likely because you did mention that acronym only often in message
> > bodies but not in subject lines of messages. Other usenet archives
> > don't seem to have any postings with 'SEGNPMSS' in the subject line and
> > neither do any of my fetched and stored messages in Agent have
> > this in the sunject line. Most likely that you didn'y use it
> > in a subject line up 'til now.
> The SEGNPMSS is real and they painfully stalk me, 24 hours a day. They
> are even more obsessed with me as Garry Scarff is, and those psychs
> have more power and secret influence as the little dirty
> Scarff-scum-bag.


The Real Barbara Schwarz
Garry Scarff Fan Club
Apartment 401
335 East Broadway
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Barbara Schwarz

Apr 25, 2004, 3:08:08 PM4/25/04
to (Still_lying_about_Marty) wrote in message news:<>...

Postings with e-mail address, and identities "Barbara_Schwarz",
"the real Barbara Schwarz de Rothschild" and "Truth Speaker 2" are not
done by me. I also don't post with ID Still_lying_about_Marty.Those
postings are forgeries of criminal, Aids infected, gay lunatic Garry
Lynn Scarff who is a fanatical Dave Touretzky defender. Scarff is
nobody on his own. I believe there is something like the gay Mafia,
and Scarff belongs it it. He would sell grandmother to be me. Scarff
persecutes me from thread to thread often using my name as identity
for those crimes (!) and verbally assaults me, threatens me, harasses
me, sexually harasses me, tries to intimidate me, libels, insults and
lies about me. He also posts with Dicktop Stud and Papa Boner. He
furthermore lied that he spoke to a roomate of mine in the Utah mental
health hospital. I never was in that hospital, but he probably escaped
from one. It is also striking that especially the worst and most
lawless guys, as Scarff, promote junk science psychiatry.

Scarff is active member of the gay WeHo "church", that according to
Scarff applaudes Scarff's lawless behavior against me. An ex-WeHo
member wrote me that this "church" sanctions and promotes dishonorable
behavior and that he and his friends were raped and drugged by one of
their active members, and that one of their active members murdered
others under the guise of "drug overdose". The ex-WeHo wrote that the
gay men make sexual innuendo during sermon and "church" leadership, as
their "Pastor" Terry Brewer, don't see what's wrong with that.

And below is a list of other anti-religious extremists, or psychiatric
trolls, how I call them.

Linda Anderson
Gerald Armstrong
Jim Beebe
Graham Berry
David Bird
Tory Christman
Ursula Caberta
Ida Camburn
Joe Cisar
Robert Clark
Elizabeth Ann Cox
Mark Dallara
Alexander Dvorkin
Valerie Emanuel
Steven Fishman
Vickki Ford Cook
Phil Georgi
Scott Goehring
Roger Gonnet
Barbara Graham
Gregg Hagglund
Steve Hassan
Tilman Hausherr
Andreas Heldal-Lund
Keith Henson
Deana Holmes
Jeff Jacobsen
Patrick Jost
Charlotte Kates
Rod Keller
Steven Kent
Arnie Lerma
Joe Lynn
Ted Mayett
Frank Oliver
Kady O'Malley
Zenon Panoussis
Ted Patrick
Michael Pattinson
Robert Peterson
Bruce/Kathleen Pettycrew
Jesse Prince
Roland Rashleigh-Berry
David Rice
Fred Rice
Rick Ross
Karin Spaink
David Touretzky
Alan Walter
Grady Ward
Johan Wevers
Hana/Jerry Whitfield
Larry Wollersheim
Sten-Arne Zerpe

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