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David Miscavige is a CIA-agent! Heber Jentsch too!

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Jan 7, 2008, 10:22:54 AM1/7/08
Robert Trumbull Crowley, former Deputy Director van de Central
Intelligence Agency`s Clandestine Operations Division, died in
Oktober 2000. Before he died, he was with the CIA from 1948, he gave
important parts of his own archive to journalists. Included was a list
of 2619 persons, known as "sources" for the CIA. A "source" is a
person, not paid by the CIA, but voluntarily providing the CIA with
information. Many "sources" are former members of the intelligence

The list can be found here:

Now, guess who's name is under "M"?

Miscavige, David 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,
chairman of the Religious Technology Centre (RTC)
and current leader of the Church of Scientology.

Under "J" we find:

Jentsch, Heber 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,
President of the Church of Scientology International

R. Hill

Jan 7, 2008, 10:30:38 AM1/7/08

Again, I'm stunned... Is this something new, or was this brought
before? It is certainly new to me. What does that mean? These
"confidential" auditing sessions were potentially data mined by the


Rev Dennis L Erlich

Jan 7, 2008, 10:40:13 AM1/7/08

Now there's a weird little two-legged stool for our national
intelligence to try to squat on. If those two are sources for the
CIA, it should hardly be a surprise that no WMD were ever found "over


-----------> wrote:


"Everybody's doin' somethin'
I heard it in a dream
But when there's too much of nothing
It just makes a fella mean." - B Dylan

Jan 7, 2008, 10:48:49 AM1/7/08

I have no idea. I read it in Dutch on nl.scientology, it was written
by Peter Steenkamp (yes, the guy from the article in the Dutch weekly
about suing the CULT). I only translated the first part as his posting
went in the direction of the Freezone.

The other part:
When considering the copyrights of the Scientology materials are owned
by Meade Emory, leader of the Church of
Spiritual Technology (a.k.a. L.Ron Hubbard Library)..........
See here: zie
.... then evidence is mounting for the Freezone's accusations that the
Church was taken over by the USA government at the beginning of the
80's. What was predicted by Hubbard:

"I hereby declare Scientology to be non-political and non-
ideological. ...The reason for this declaration is...the efforts of
[the United States] seize Scientology in the United
States... . Scientology is for a free people and is itself on this
date declared free of any political connection or allegiance of any
kind whatever."
L. Ron Hubbard
HCO Policy letter of 10
January 1968
Politics, Freedom From

Android Cat

Jan 7, 2008, 10:59:28 AM1/7/08

Hubbard used to volunteer information to the FBI and other agencies. Do
their entries have "Appears Mental" beside them?

"A source is not a paid agent but an individual who can occupy a position of
influence, such as an international banker, a member of the print or
television media, or a scholar or academic, who might be in a position to
influence official decisions or supply necessary support for an official CIA

That could be anything. A list of names isn't much to go on, and how
reliable are Cryptome, Gregory Douglas and Joseph Trento? There's a wiff of
Konspiracy Kookery there.

Ron of that ilk.


Jan 7, 2008, 11:08:22 AM1/7/08

It demonstrates that they were using unreliable cultish kooks as
informants. Not good.

Collateral Damn_Edge

Jan 7, 2008, 1:48:33 PM1/7/08

You've probably seen this page with the -pir end addition:
This list is an attempt to match the names from the Crowley list with
the names in NameBase.

The names on the left are from the document, and the names on the
right are possible matches, and the number of pages cited, from

I mention it because there's a link on that page *as* DM's name:
The page you are looking for is no longer available. Please visit our
Home Page or our Search Page to find what you are looking for."

Source info (link) gives:

Miscavige, David
<P align="right">
<FONT size=2><A
DAVID</A> &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT color="fuchsia">6</FONT><BR>

That only being the layout of the page (link) from what I can tell.

"Jentsch, Heber" is the only name in the 'J' index area that doesn't
have a personal name link to it. Check it out:

That was 'lite' or is it 'light' googling on my part sparked by your
vaaary interestink link that should get Sherlock's pounding the Dark
Net caves to see if other relevant 'CIA' pieces can be found if this
isn't a 'Schwarz Chase' leading to Icke like reptilians who 'shape
shift' as American senators.

I didn't find anything else on Google using the "Robert Trumbull
Crowley" "David Miscavige" string, with and without parenthesis.

Time to get out the heavy lifting search engine software and dig!
(Kicking 'Toys 'R' Us' hard drive tower made for Barbie and Ken. Yes,
my monitor is pink.)

Collateral Damn_Edge
[Old OSS digs; 1942; Washington; agents answerable to a 'G Marshall';
King of American War Policy, not FDR; known in the agency as; 'the


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Jan 7, 2008, 1:51:36 PM1/7/08
In article
cultxpt <> wrote:

What this actually reveals (and I can commit on it since I had a good
bit of correspondence with Miscavige and knew Heber well enough) is
that these people are desperate to be "somebody" in the world. Elwrong
had the same thing. They wanted to be influential, determine the course
of history, etc.

Heber, for example, was convinced he was the reincarnation of Benjamin
Franklin. I didn't seem him invent anything but lies for the cult, but
who knows. Maybe Miscavige thinks he was Goebbels, or maybe Himmler.

Then there was Elwrong, who used to crow about being Cecil Rhodes, and
had a famous picture of himself, hands astride hips, gazing boldly to
the sky, standing on top of Rhodes grave. Then someone mentioned to him
one day that Rhodes was a homosexual, and suddenly Elwrong shut up
about it.

It's all about massive personal insecurities and having someone pat
them on the head and say "Yes, you're important. Thanks, you can be
normal now and people will think you're OK."

Only they're not psychologically capable of doing that.


Jan 7, 2008, 2:34:23 PM1/7/08
Ray, I posted about this last year but it looks like it got lost
within the spam.

Spys at the Top? The CIA, David Miscavige and Heber Jentsch Robert T


Tom Klemesrud

Jan 7, 2008, 3:48:08 PM1/7/08
Out_Of_The_Dark wrote:

What piqued my interest was when the Washington Post listed Scientology
on a website about cults under the heading of "1950s CIA cults", along
with the Unification Church; a few months after the Lerma case was

There are other instances that suggests the same. First Robert Gates as
director of the CIA, now secretary of defense, said he would use
organizations like Scientology, or specifically he said Scientology, for
CIA operations.

Then we see when Greece raided Scientology in that country, they found
in the files that the CIA intervened to protect Scientology. I believe
they also found in those documents that Scientology was listed as a
nonofficial cover for the remember the movie Mission impossible,
in which Tom Cruise steals the nonofficial cover (NOC) listt at the CIA?

It's funny that Tom Cruise himself isn't on that list. Especially when
he has audiences with the Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage.

This cult have so many forward stations all over the world, and
relatively no members to support them. It's no wonder then why the US
government gives Scientology a preferential tax treatment that no other
religion enjoys. it seems like the United States government's position
is to allow this cult to abuse US citizens, as long as there is some
case getting for the US intelligence community.

No wonder Europe hates us so much. No wonder why Belgium, Germany, and
Russia are going to get into it with this cult big-time in the coming
months and years.

Jan 7, 2008, 4:18:33 PM1/7/08
> >

I am glad I live in Europe, where the CIA has much less influence.
When the USA government declared that they would infiltrate Holland in
case American soldiers were accused of crimes and would not allow they
were sued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, it
didn't do much good for the reputation of the USA in Europe. And, as
you can guess, particularly not in Holland.
This also might have lessened the influence of the CIA in European
governments and organizations.


Jan 7, 2008, 4:23:20 PM1/7/08
Peter, I posted about this last year with additional info. Not sure
anything about this holds water still but.. here it is anyway.

Spys at the Top? The CIA, David Miscavige and Heber Jentsch Robert T

From: "Out_Of_The_Dark" <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Spys at the Top? The CIA, David Miscavige and Heber Jentsch
Robert T Crowley
Date: 20 Sep 2006 14:36:51 -0700

NB: When I tead 1 r...@127.1's post about cryptome, it reminded me of
another article there I saw the other day. & then some:

The CIA, The Crowley Files, David Miscavige and Heber Jentsch

What are David Miscavige & Heber Jentsch Doing on the CIA Covert Ops
Source List?

"A source is not a paid agent but an individual who can occupy a
position of influence, such as an international banker, a member of
the print or television media, or a scholar or academic, who might be
in a position to influence official decisions or supply necessary
support for an official CIA position. "

A bit of history, first:
"The Crow: Crowley Files of 1996"
The Crowley List

Robert Trumbull Crowley, former Deputy Director of the

Central Intelligence Agency's Clandestine Operations Division, died in

October of 2000. Before he died, Crowley, who had been with the CIA
since its beginning in 1948, gave important portions of his large
files to several journalists. Among these valuable papers is an
alphabetical listing of persons considered to be sources for the CIA.
These are individuals, most of whom who are generally former members
of the American intelligence community and very often not actual
members of the CIA.
Frank G. Wisner, Sr., one of the senior officials of the
CIA, once boasted that his agency had so many friendly contacts in the
American media that he could, upon demand, call on their assistance in
supporting any CIA position that agency desired.
This was called "The Mighty Wurlitzer" after the organ
often found in old movie housesand could always be counted on to make
whatever loud music the CIA wanted. In this list, valid as of 1996,
are the names of many members of the American and foreign media and
although Wisner is dead and gone, the music lingers on. Also found
here are the names of the international banking community as well as
members of Congress and other worthies. The list originally appeared
on a website set up by John Young. This site is the
source of fascinating historical material that is well-worth visiting.
email address is and Mr. Young can also be contacted
at: (212) 873-8700. His mailing address is: 251 W. 89th St., New York,
NY 10024. It was Mr. Young's suggestion that led to the creation of
this site and he should receive full credit for his encouragement to
publish all of the Crowley files on the Internet.
This CIA source list was on his website but in a very
abbreviated form and is reproduced here exactly as it appears in the
Crowley data base printout of 1996 Among the 2,600 names:
Scientology's very own

Jentsch, Heber 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028

Miscavige, David 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028

Association of Former Intelligence Officers AFIO provides a venue for
applying independent, seasoned professional expertise and perspectives
to historic, current, and future national, corporate and ...

"One of the caveats of this gift was that none of the material could
be used or published until after his death.

Among the treasure trove of historical material on the genesis and
operations of the influential CIA was an alphabetical listing of CIA
sources throughout the world, provided below.

A source is not a paid agent but an individual who can occupy a
position of influence, such as an international banker, a member of
the print or television media, or a scholar or academic, who might be
in a position to influence official decisions or supply necessary
support for an official CIA position. "

AFIO WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES (WIN) #49-00 dtd 8 December 2000
WINs contain intelligence items and commentaries based on open source
media reporting, selected, written, edited and produced by Roy Jonkers
for AFIO members and WIN subscribers.


AFIO MEMBER NAMES ON THE WEB -- We have been informed that the names
2,600 AFIO members contained in the 1996 AFIO Directory -- the LAST
now listed on the Web. The Cryptome Website, reportedly specializing
in publishing "leaked" classified documents, attributes the listing to
the late Robert T. Crowley, formerly CIA, who allegedly provided the
directory to a journalist before his death. This is an unconfirmed
uncorroborated allegation. The Cryptome site identifies the list as
containing the names and addresses of "2,600 CIA members" throughout
the world. If factual, this may well be a violation of the law. If the
listing is in fact an AFIO 1996 directory, it is an unauthorized
violation of copyright and of the privacy of the members concerned.

If this proves to be true, we regret this invasion of our members'
privacy by this UNAUTHORIZED (by AFIO) reproduction of our 1996
Directory, but are pleased that our judgment to stop further
publication of directories since 1997 has been confirmed as correct.
The matter is being further examined.

Our records reflect that AFIO was made aware in 1997 that the 1996
directory had been placed on the Internet by Public Information
Research, of Austin, Texas, and that groups claims to have been using
AFIO names since 1988. A protest letter was signed by my predecessor
and sent to PIR on 3 March 1997, citing copyright violation.

Since 1997 no AFIO membership directories have been published to
protect members from commercial exploitation. AFIO now guards and
protects the names and addresses of its members to respect their
privacy. ( (R. Jonkers)

AFIO Central Office
6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A
McLean, Virginia 22101-4533
Telephone: 703 790 0320 | Facsimile: 703 991 1278

Crowley's Obit mentioning this file Washington Post, Oct. 10, 2000, p.

Of course, this ref with mention of Miscavige has been posted:
Trento, Susan B. The Power House: Robert Keith Gray and the Selling of
Access and Influence in Washington. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1992.
430 pages.

Besides Kuwait, Gray has represented China since 1989, Haiti under
Duvalier, supporters of Rev. Moon, the Church of Scientology, BCCI,
the late British publisher Robert Maxwell, the Teamsters under Jackie
Presser, and the Catholic Bishops Conference in their campaign against
abortion. If a book like this had been written in 1980, the mess we're
in today would have been predictable.ISBN 0-312-08319-X

Hartley Patterson

Jan 7, 2008, 5:12:00 PM1/7/08
> > The list can be found here:
> >
> > Miscavige, David 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,

> > Jentsch, Heber 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,

> Again, I'm stunned... Is this something new, or was this brought
> before?

Whether it's true or another Conspiracy Theory rabbit hole, it remains
interesting that our two friends should be on an alleged 1996 list of

"[individuals] who can occupy a position of influence, such as an

international banker, a member of the print or television media, or a
scholar or academic, who might be in a position to influence official
decisions or supply necessary support for an official CIA position."

Hartley Patterson


Jan 7, 2008, 5:40:00 PM1/7/08
On Jan 7, 3:22 pm, wrote:
> Robert Trumbull Crowley, former Deputy Director van de Central
> Intelligence Agency`s Clandestine Operations Division, died in
> Oktober 2000. Before he died, he was with the CIA from 1948, he gave
> important parts of his own archive to journalists. Included was a list
> of 2619 persons, known as "sources" for the CIA. A "source" is a
> person, not paid by the CIA, but voluntarily providing the CIA with
> information. Many "sources" are former members of the intelligence
> community.

This is sloppy or biased " Jounalism".

The exact quote is here:-

"A source is not a paid agent but an individual who can occupy a

position of influence, such as an international banker, a member of
the print or television media, or a scholar or academic, who might be
in a position to influence official decisions or supply necessary
support for an official CIA position."

In other words includes POTENTIAL sources.

Does NOT mean they are voluntarily supplying the CIA with info.

However, how comes the US government goes head to head with
re COS?

Per the german constitution, as posted here or on another board,
the german state has no power or remit to legislate against a
religion. It DOES have powers
to do this for an organisation. So why does Clinton stick his nose in

Larry Brennan has indicated there has been no government takeover

That DM might wish to co-operate with CIA on a quid pro quo basis
does seem quite possible. He apparently has an arrangement with
Interpol where
people not liked get harrassed trying to cross borders. Not sure what
interpol gets in return, or if COS just sends anon " tips" . Karen and
Zenon are an example of critics who suffered this after winning their
last court case which
they won.


Tom Klemesrud

Jan 7, 2008, 7:07:29 PM1/7/08
to wrote:

The CIA shouldn't have any influence in the United States. Their
charter is only supposed to be in foreign countries like Europe--and I
apologize for that.

We Americans citizens know that there is a lot of things wrong with the
way our government works. Using the Scientology cult is just one of
those things. We don't like it, and we detest it.

When I was young man growing up, I took a lot of influence from the
backside of the album from Steppenwolf. I can't remember the name of
the album, but it was a treatise about how bad the bureaucracy of
American politics is when it's out of control. This was in the Vietnam era.

Written and s sung by John Kaye, a native German. The name of the song
was "Monster". If you get a chance to listen to it is quite
interesting. It goes on for about 20 minutes.

I remember now, the name of the album was :Monster".

Piltdown Man

Jan 7, 2008, 9:24:40 PM1/7/08

Hartley Patterson <> wrote...

> > > The list can be found here:


> Whether it's true or another Conspiracy Theory rabbit hole,

If you bother to google on a combination of the primary names mentioned,
you'll rapidly realize just what a kooky, unsavoury, neo-nazi conspiracy
theory rabbit hole this stuff has emerged from.

Android Cat

Jan 7, 2008, 9:23:33 PM1/7/08

Even the page has a definite whiff to it. "international banker",
"underlying facts of the assassination of President John Kennedy", and good
old MK-ULTRA, which has done so much for aluminium foil sales.

All that mess over Karl Rove leaking Valerie Plame's name (2003+) and this
list slid past without a murmur? I'm skeptical.

(Not that CoS wouldn't want a channel to the CIA that they could toss poison
info into from time to time.)


Jan 7, 2008, 10:50:47 PM1/7/08
On Jan 7, 7:07 pm, Tom Klemesrud <> wrote:

Here it is:

From the 1970 release "Monster"
Words and music by John Kay, Jerry Edmonton, Nick St. Nicholas and
Larry Byrom

Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog

And though the past has it's share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey

The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem generous and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'

Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching

America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster

© Copyright MCA Music (BMI)

Tom Klemesrud

Jan 7, 2008, 11:13:19 PM1/7/08
Out_Of_The_Dark wrote:

Reading that brings back a lot of emotions. Is this a case of
everything old is new again? Or, is it a case of not being able to change.

To hear the song Steppenwolf style, the psychedelic rock, and John
McKay's gravelly voice, makes it all the more haunting. It seems what
was true then in 1970, may be true in 2008.


Jan 7, 2008, 11:22:27 PM1/7/08

Yes and sadly, CoS takes full advantage of this and the automaticity
of bureaucracy.

Piltdown Man

Jan 8, 2008, 8:31:16 AM1/8/08

cultxpt <> wrote...

?> The list can be found here:

>> Now, guess who's name is under "M"?
>> Miscavige, David        6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,
>> chairman of the Religious Technology Centre (RTC)
>> and current leader of the Church of Scientology.
>> Under "J" we find:
>> Jentsch, Heber           6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028,
>> President of the Church of Scientology International

Note the spelling of his name. Surely the CIA could get at least *that*

> It demonstrates that they were using unreliable cultish kooks as
> informants. Not good.

It demonstrates only that somebody put a list of names on a website,
claiming it to be a leaked CIA document.

All these conspiracy theories about the CIA or other US intelligence
services supposedly using Scientology in some way (there've been numerous
versions over the years) continue to amuse me. Not that US intelligence
agencies haven't proven themselves capable of monumental incompetence many
times over, but still, all intelligence activities rely on being
unobtrusive and undetected. Why on earth would they want to entangle
themselves with a high-profile nut cult, that has been an permanent object
of both public suspicion and public ridicule, as well as criminal and
political investigations, for as long as it has been around, in almost
every country where it's shown any sign of activity? And just what kind of
information could Heber Jentzsch conceivably have to offer that would be of
any interest to the CIA? It all makes absolutely no sense. In fact, it
sounds positively Hubbardian.


Jan 8, 2008, 11:21:55 AM1/8/08

"Piltdown Man" <pilt...@ivehaditwiththespam.sorry> wrote in message
> cultxpt <> wrote...

> It demonstrates only that somebody put a list of names on a website,
> claiming it to be a leaked CIA document.
> All these conspiracy theories about the CIA or other US intelligence
> services supposedly using Scientology in some way (there've been numerous
> versions over the years) continue to amuse me. Not that US intelligence
> agencies haven't proven themselves capable of monumental incompetence many
> times over, but still, all intelligence activities rely on being
> unobtrusive and undetected. Why on earth would they want to entangle
> themselves with a high-profile nut cult, that has been an permanent object
> of both public suspicion and public ridicule, as well as criminal and
> political investigations, for as long as it has been around, in almost
> every country where it's shown any sign of activity? And just what kind of
> information could Heber Jentzsch conceivably have to offer that would be
> any interest to the CIA? It all makes absolutely no sense. In fact, it
> sounds positively Hubbardian.

Certain propaganda acts as disiformation.

Eg, Having stolen information can yield alot of egg on the agencies face.
Enough to silence. And require such a cover story.

The cult named $cientology is responsible for the largest government
infiltration of the United States would be in possession of CIA documents.

Is this story up anywhere ---?


"Scientology Files Seized in FBI Raid Include CIA Data"

By Dave Pike
Washington Star
12 July 1977

The Folder ticked them off one by one:
"Folder marked U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Agents Directory" and
"Folder captioned U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Employment of
Psychiatrists. Folder contains raw data report dated 1 April 1974.

"One folder titled 'Locksmith Course' containing numerous manuals and data
concerning locks" and "Folder entitled Bugging Devices containing data with
cover sheet entitled Excerpeions (sic) re: Devices.


Food for thought:

Note that some of the files (not sure how many CIA files wherein)procured in
the 77 raid could have been the files that included HOW THEY broke in the
government offices. Creating the means that they had older CIA info in the
raided files ---- other than from the massive FOIA searches. (Google
Marchetti Scientology)

This would support the following:

' Hubbard patterned his intelligence apparatus on the system of
Nazi spy master Reinhard Gehlen. Scientology operates as a global
intelligence organization collecting overt and covert information
on individuals, other organizations and governments and running
covert operations against its "enemies." '
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, Chairman,
Rep. Christopher H. Smith, Co-Chairman,
and all Commissioners
Ford House Office Building, Room 234
Washington, D.C. 20515
Re: Religious Intolerance in Europe: the Scientology connection
Messiah of Madman?

The targets of all this spy activity by the Scientologists were, ini-tially,
the IRS offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles and also
London, England.


... In mid-May of 1973 he was recruited for the Guardian's office and moved
to Washington, D.C., with his wife Patricia, who also joined
the G.O.

... This was accomplished, he was taught, by infiltration, theft of docu-
ments and covert operation.Wrote Gerry Armstrong:B1 [the intelligence
Bureau] was created by L. Ron Hubbard who patterned it after the
intelligence system developed by Nazi spymaster Reinhart Ghelen. (SIC -
Reinhard Gehlen)

... Following weeks of training in G.O. procedures and policies in D.C.,
Meisner was sent to Los Angeles for intensive on-the-job train-ing in the
"Intelligence" Bureau there. He was taught that strict adherence to the
chain of command within the organization was of paramount importance.
He was taught how to place agents in organizations targeted for

*Snow White and the Scientology 11*

infiltration, how to steal documents, and other overt and covert
intel-ligence gathering techniques.


Was the Reinhard Gehlen Organization the "GO?"Of which CIA documents Hubbard
already had in his posession?


Among the more seemingly fanciful claims of Hubbard's oldest
son, L. Ron, junior, was that his father was the successor to the
magicians who created Nazism. Nazism was certainly an
authoritarian group, a protypical destructive cult. Recent
revealations about leading Scientologist Thomas Marcellus'
long-running direction of the Institute for Historical Review can
only add to speculation (95). Dusty Sklar has said that had she
known about Hubbard she would have used him in the last chaper of
The Nazis and the Occult rather than Sun Myung Moon (96). L.
Ron, junior, was sure that the teachings of the Germanen Orden
and the Thule Society had passed directly to his father by


offered a deal to the Americans to bring his resources to bear for them in
exchange for his liberty and that of his fellow colleagues now imprisoned in
American POW camps in GermanyGehlen's archives were picked up and brought to
the camp secretly, even without the knowledge of the CIC. To the end of the
summer Bokor had the support of Brigadier General Edwin Sibert, the G-2
(head of Army intelligence) of the Twelfth Army, and Walter Bedell Smith,
the highest ranking U.S. Army intelligence officer in Europe.[3] General
Sibert contacted his superior, General Walter Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's
chief of staff, who then worked with (added "Wild Bill") William Joseph
Donovan and Allen Dulles, then the OSS station chief in Bern, to make
arrangements. On September 20, 1945, Gehlen and three close associates were
flown to the United States to begin work. Gehlen also revealed a number of
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officers who were secret members of the
U.S. Communist Party.


Hubbard wrote of him as early as 1969:

When Hitler came to power he came to power because of the files of the
original German espionage group. Furthermore, the German, the German
Intelligence Organization at the end of World War II was run by a
General Gehlen, G-E-H-L-E-N, and General Gehlen when he saw they were losing
simply buried all his papers, files and everything" 2 saying he
only had them on Russia of course, because he was on the Eastern Front
mostly, and he buried them all, told all of his agents to disperse and
hide, that is, his officers, didn't disturb his agency networks in any
way whatsoever wherever they were, waited until the American troops showed
up, made a deal with them, was taken over lock stock and barrel by CIA and
was the beginning of the CIA. The Gehlen Organization has operated without
any halt whatsoever from the World War II right on forward to present time.

B1 Course here:

Hubbard's rather singular approach to intelligence work comes through
strongly in his briefing. The theory he outlines is what he described as an
"Intelligence Hypothesis" - in this case, that there was a global
anti-Scientology conspiracy - which he would then confirm though his
intelligence operatives in the Guardian Office. Not surprisingly, he would
invariably have his wildest theories "confirmed" - for who would doubt the
correctness of "Man's Greatest Friend", the genius who had "mastered 37
different fields"? (Reproduced with original formatting and underlining;
transcript forms part of Confidential Intelligence Course.)


This was subsequently adopted by the Guardian Office as a textbook and
features prominently on the Guardian Office's Confidential Intelligence
Course. Given Hubbard's recommendation, it is distinctly probable that The
Spy and His Masters is still in use today by the Office of Special Affairs.
General Reinhard Gehlen (1902-1979) was the wartime head of Germany's Fremde
Heere Ost (FHO), the Wehrmacht's Eastern Front Intelligence Service. As
Hubbard says, Gehlen passed his files on the USSR over to the Americans and
continued working for US Intelligence after the war. (The story is well
documented in Mary Ellen Reese, General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection,
1990). Hubbard is, however, wrong in his claim that the Gehlen Organization
was the beginning of the CIA. In fact, the CIA had been created separately
from the wartime Office of Strategic Services and evolved independently of
the Gehlen Organization. The latter was funded and somewhat loosely
controlled by the CIA, but in 1956 became West Germany's
Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Secret Service).


One other interesting concept is that the National Archives Office in
College Park, Maryland contains several elusive documents in the "Gehlen
files" with the name "KUBARK" on them for docs going back to the early
1960's.Gehlen was known for his use of psychological warfare.

Where in this haystack is the Brainwashing Manual?

Happy New Year!

"Scientology's attacks included:
- disseminating my own documents which had been sealed in my
case; ......Gerry Armstrong

"Bribery Blackmail and Subsidy"

"Bribery for MO (Morale Operations) purposes, is the use of a threat to
dovulge information -- real or imaginmary -- on a man's character, behavior
or intentions in order to make him carry out instructiuons.

Blackmail involves getting something on the man, his family his friends or
his associates. It might be an actual document, a photograph, an act in his
past, or a trumped-up charge that might be made against him. Every man has
some vulnerability.

An effective technique is to play on a man's weakness for drugs, alcohol,
women, luxury or power.

When information on a man is difficult to secure, it can often be planted.
Suporious documents, contraband or rumor can be used to build a record
against him......


Piltdown Man

Jan 12, 2008, 7:40:01 PM1/12/08

Feisty <> wrote...


> Eg, Having stolen information can yield alot of egg on the agencies face.
> Enough to silence. And require such a cover story.
> The cult named $cientology is responsible for the largest government
> infiltration of the United States would be in possession of CIA
> documents.
> Is this story up anywhere ---?

<snip of rehash of Operation Snow White>

This is a fascinating new twist on the conspiracy theories involving
Scientology and the CIA. You're saying that Scientology is in possession of
information that if revealed would be so damaging to the CIA that they're
using it as blackmail? Or in other words, it's the CIA doing Scientology's
bidding, not the other way round, which is the usual conspiracy theory?

It somehow reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where the brothers
Vercotti, who run a Maffia protection racket, try to extort money from the
commander of an army base, suggesting that if he doesn't pay up his tanks
might get broken, or someone might set fire to his paratroops.

<lots of other conspiracy kook stuff snipped>

You know, what I've never been able to understand about these theories is:

We have the well-documented history of Scientology, and their highly
visible public presence today. That shows us a bunch of bungling amateurs,
sailors who don't know which end of a ship is which, translators who
apparently don't know either the language they're translating from or the
one they're translating into (and who've never heard of a spellcheck),
spokesmen who can't keep their lies straight from one sentence to the next,
"spies" who get caught leaving a government building with burgled documents
in their purse, which purse also contains a handy personal diary with notes
about all the spying they've done so far, etc., etc. One long catalogue of
demonstrable gross incompetence, for as long as Scientology has been

But at the same time we're expected to believe that underneath that
exterior facade of total ineptitude, there is hidden a ruthlessly efficient
international intelligence gathering operation, one so competent and
well-oiled that the CIA uses it as a sort of subcontractor, instead of
using its own people. And all staffed by people who are willing to work for
just room and board, a bit of pocket money if they're lucky, but above all
the promise of superhuman magical powers if they get enough auditing.



Jan 13, 2008, 10:13:53 PM1/13/08

"Piltdown Man" <pilt...@ivehaditwiththespam.sorry> wrote in message

You're right. They are not like past-life Nazi's whom send the lower
fifth-columnist peasants to save the world from all the leftist evil as
Fuehrer Ron Hubbard has implanted. Nor would they try to find out via FOIA
requests to see what the CIA had on them. Or for that matter, which other
agents were writing the requests so they could handle them. They would never
try to infiltrate any organization. If they couldn't recruit their
opponents, they wouldn't knock out their opposition either. And if the CIA
in our best interest taught how to break in, where matters of national
security deemed it necessary, $cientology would never use such papers, or
the CIA would not be enmbarassed to let its citizens know. National security
has nothing to do with scrambled eggs...

It's total conspiracy! (But at least it's an attempt to learn what happened,
or hypothesize)


21 August 1976
The Los Angeles Times

8 to 10,000 Expected at Scientology Sessions

The first international Conference for World and Social Reform, a four-day
event beginning Wednesday in the Annaheim Convention Center, is expected to
attract 8,000 to 10,000 Scientologists. The Church of Scientology, an
applied religious philosophy, is sponsoring the meetings.

The program will include speakers from government, medicine and social
reform, as well as exhibits by artists and musicians.

Key speakers Friday and Saturday will be Victor Marchetti, a former CIA
official and coauthor of the books: "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence;"
Daniel Sheehan, attorney for the National Jesuit Office of Social Ministries
who is known for his work on the Pentagon Paper case, and State Assembyman
Richard Alatore.


This is particularly obvious in the totalitarian Communist countries, but
even Western Europe and the U.S. are not free from such practices. Ex-CIA
agent Victor Marchetti's supposed Constitutional right to free speech was
withdrawn by the Courts, when he was prohibited from making any statements
about the CIA without their approval. When it happened this was a novel and
a unique situation for the U.S.A. In Britain, it is illegal for any
government employee to reveal information gained during his employment,
under the draconian Official Secrets Act. The clumsy efforts to prevent the
publication of Peter Wright's Spycatcher show the lengths to which even a
Western government will go to stifle criticism. Scientology, too, uses the
courts in an attempt to silence opposition.

Where the Legal department fails, it is time for Intelligence, with its
branches of covert and overt data collection. This was Hubbard's personal
CIA, and details of its modus operandi came as a shock not only to public
Scientologists, Org staffs and Sea Org members, but even to many Guardian's
Office staff. As with an Intelligence Agency, information is only
distributed on a need to know basis. Intelligence Agencies too perform
immoral acts justified as being for the "greatest good for the greatest

By keeping the compartments of Scientology separate, Hubbard ensured that no
one would have a complete and true picture. An individual can only act on
the information he has, the combination Of his experience and his belief.



Piltdown Man

Jan 15, 2008, 7:40:25 PM1/15/08

Feisty <> wrote...


> You're right. They are not like past-life Nazi's whom send the lower
> fifth-columnist peasants to save the world from all the leftist evil as
> Fuehrer Ron Hubbard has implanted.

You've lost me here.

> Nor would they try to find out via FOIA requests to see what the CIA had
> on them.

We know Hubbard tried that. What does that have to do with kooky claims
that CoS is now being operated as some sort of secret CIA branch (to
summarize the most widely seen conspiracy theory)? Or your new (to me)
twist, that it's CoS that is running the CIA, because they've got blackmail
material on the agency?

> They would never try to infiltrate any organization. If they couldn't
> recruit their opponents, they wouldn't knock out their opposition either.

I know they try to do that, and throughout their history they've shown
themselves to be hopelessly inadequate at it. If CoS knew how to "knock out
their opposition", we wouldn't be having this discussion.

> And if the CIA
> in our best interest taught how to break in, where matters of national
> security deemed it necessary, $cientology would never use such papers, or
> the CIA would not be enmbarassed to let its citizens know.

Now you've lost me again. The CIA taught Scientology to break in and steal
papers? Or Scientology broke in and stole papers on behalf of the CIA? Or
the CIA broke in on behalf of Scientology? I just cannot follow the plot
you're laying out.

> National security has nothing to do with scrambled eggs...

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. An American cultural
reference perhaps?

> It's total conspiracy! (But at least it's an attempt to learn what
> happened, or hypothesize)

What happened in the instance discussed in this thread is that someone from
the vast and confusing netherworld of Internet conspiracy nuts published a
list of names, claiming it to be a list of "CIA informants", and claiming
as its source a conveniently dead former CIA official. This list includes
the names David Miscavige and Heber Jensch (sic), with an office address I
imagine anyone can get out of the LA phonebook under "Scientology". That's
all that happened, so far.

Jonathon Barbera

Feb 25, 2008, 11:15:52 AM2/25/08
On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 14:40:00 -0800 (PST), bb <>

I agree with Larry Brennan. There wasn't a government takeover.

There was, however, a government intervention in the 1978-1982 time
period. They stepped in, made some adjusts and then removed themselves
from the scene.

I seriously doubt Mr. David Miscavige is himself a CIA or DIA
undercover op.

To make the German secret service happy, though, we should consider
making one of their ops the next COB RTC. Let's prove to the world
that the church doesn't favor one nation's intelligence agency over
any other.

-- Jonathon

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