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Scientology's Head, David Miscavige, BEATS People up

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no leída,
18 jun 2006, 3:51:5318/6/06
I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
recently left Scientology.

He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
I've heard this before, but since I know
DM is a shrimp, and seems
like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!

He explained it to me, in great detail:

One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
world) about our Constitution, and actual
"rights" that you have.
Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
the police and had DM arrested for abuse.

I'm writing this for anyone "In" who IS suffering this same
abuse: YOU have the right ....the LEGAL not be abused.
Don't allow it! Get to a phone, away from them, and call the police,
if people are harming you. Or? Call me, and I'll come out there and help
you. Plan on the week-ends, as during the week I work.

What a pathetic looser and wimpy bully DM is.
I knew he was, but this was true
experience that honestly was difficult to hear.
No one should have to suffer like that--certainly not under
the protection of "religion".

The good news is this X-Sea Org member is doing great, now!

Freedom rules, outside of Scientology!

Tory/Magoo~Dancing in the moonlight~
In Scientology for 30 years, out happily for 5 years!
For thinking and speaking my mind, Scientology declared me
a 'suppressive person' and expelled me from their so called 'church'
Free at LAST!,,

"Those that give up essential liberty
to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin
Burbank, CA
(818) 841-3632


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 4:00:1818/6/06

"Magoo" <> wrote in message

So, this was more than just light puches, it was a beating. That DM is a
nothing, and he knows it.



no leída,
18 jun 2006, 4:01:3718/6/06

"Susan" <> wrote in message

oops correct the typo:

> So, this was more than just light punches, it was a beating. That DM is a


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 4:23:5918/6/06

"Susan" <> wrote in message

That DM is a
> nothing, and he knows it.

Well, he IS Nothing. Whether he knows it or not, is questionable.
My guess is he honestly believes, whether he *thinks* he's helping people
(and stamping out ALL Counter Intention that would stop Scientology's
<cough> Help--------or he knows it's one gigantic con,
My guess is he *thinks* what he's doing is best.

He's one sick/disgusting crim, this is for sure, and the fact that too many
people are following him unquestionably is truly sick.



no leída,
18 jun 2006, 4:25:5818/6/06

"Susan" <> wrote in message

I figured that's what you meant :) Yes....more than light punches.
Serious time he literally slugged this person so hard he fell
over. Then he kept hitting him. Gawd, if Scientologists only knew what
~actually~ goes on.



no leída,
18 jun 2006, 5:25:4718/6/06
Magoo wrote:

Payback's a bitch, DM...tick tock...

Chaplain, ARSCC

"Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
-ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"

the even harder to handle .Lily Firered.

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 6:52:1718/6/06

Magoo wrote:
> I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
> recently left Scientology.
> He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
> I've heard this before, but since I know
> DM is a shrimp, and seems
> like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
> How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!
> He explained it to me, in great detail:
> One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
> Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
> Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
> when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
> you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
> world) about our Constitution, and actual
> "rights" that you have.
> Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
> the police and had DM arrested for abuse.
> I'm writing this for anyone "In" who IS suffering this same
> abuse: YOU have the right ....the LEGAL not be abused.
> Don't allow it! Get to a phone, away from them, and call the police,
> if people are harming you. Or? Call me, and I'll come out there and help
> you. Plan on the week-ends, as during the week I work.

Please, people inside, be careful to call any "critic".

My suggestion is always: if you are looking for help on behalf of cult
- matters you can find it on various places:
please ask an attorney,
contact the FBI or the next police station,
contact the mayors office,
the citizens-helpline of your government,
the consumer protection center,
contact a hospital,
a doctor,
a good friend (if you want to leave the cult a former friend of yours,
who is not in, or your family),
a (former?) teacher or your former "Seelsorger" (german, it is a
beautiful word. It means: "carer of the soul" and in Austria we call
our priests so), the priest of your former church/temple or look at the

websites of the world religions.
They provide you with their helplines. Each of them can give further
assistance or at least direct you to the right places for your problem.

You should know that the world beyond scientology is not Eden. It is
raw, injust, sad, imperfect, full of mistakes, failures, frustration
and pain.

But it is also full of rights. It is full of laugh, of joy, of
adventures and fun. It is full of mornings when you get up and think:
"Oh, dammn' today I will really sloppy around. Oh, dammn' - I leave the
world waiting for me to be saved. Today is just MY sloppy day!" And it
is full of mornings when you will feel the power to save, probably not
the world, but a person. And you will do it for the person. Not for
Miscavige. Or scientology. Or Hubbard. But for the person alone.

I know, what you will give up, if you leave scientology : you will give
up what you felt as protection. Outside scientology you might probably
feel unprotected or you fear that you will not be protected anymore,
and this is the worst you will have to overcome once you are out - this
feeling of not being protected anymore. This is the price for freedom.
Know, that it is the f e e l i n g you have to overcome, not the f a c
t, that you are not protected anymore. Because what has been sold to
you has also been just the feeling of protection and not protection as
a fact, otherwise nobody would have been able to beat you and come away
with it, because you had no chance to protest against that abuse.

Society needs you. It does not mean, that society will never do you
wrong. It does not mean, that it will always show you love and
appreciation. It does not mean, that society and its members always
treat you as you deserve it. Scientology offered you a group and a
feeling of protection. So, what do you get if you leave scientology? Is
there something above that, could there be something more worthful?

Society offers you a journey back to a wonderful, unique island full of
fruits, palm-trees, beaches, sun and waves. It invites you to climb the
rocks, and to surf the waves. Upwards and downwards. To taste the
fruits, to find out, which are sweet, which bitter. To run through the
shadow to the sun. Once you have discovered this island and master it,
tourists will come. I want to be one of them.

Destination: You.



For further enlightenment, please read some of Truth Seeker's articles:
:: The Hitchhiker's Guide Through A.R.S. - Complete List Of Truth
Seeker's Articles About This Newsgroup ::

or try this link: <>

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 11:15:5318/6/06
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 00:51:53 -0700, "Magoo" <>

>I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
>recently left Scientology.
>He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
> I've heard this before, but since I know
> DM is a shrimp, and seems
>like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
>How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!
>He explained it to me, in great detail:
>One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
>Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
>Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
> when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
> you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
> world) about our Constitution, and actual
> "rights" that you have.
>Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
> the police and had DM arrested for abuse.

If it has been less then two years, I think he can file criminal
charges against DM.

Of course, given the "influence" scientology has over Riverside's DA,
this might not have any effect.

Keith Henson


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 11:32:2318/6/06
One thing DM cannot escape is karma.

Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.

And THAT will end $cientology.

In article <>, Keith Henson

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 12:08:1418/6/06
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 01:23:59 -0700, "Magoo" <>


>He's one sick/disgusting crim, this is for sure, and the fact that too many
>people are following him unquestionably is truly sick.

True, but there are many other examples.

Hitler, Pol Pot, Jim Jones, Applewhite, Moon . . .

It is due to a set human psychological traits left over from the stone

It does not work all the time, but DM is trying to is turn on the
bonding mechanism like happens in battered wife cases. He probably
has no knowledge of how this works any more than the typical wife
beater does. See

Keith Henson


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 12:12:4218/6/06
Skipper wrote:

> One thing DM cannot escape is karma.
> Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
> his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.
> And THAT will end $cientology.

It'd be cool if, like Hitler, his life becomes so intolerable that he
commits R2-45 himself. You know, like if there were no more $2000 suits,
no more Ducati motorcycles and frottage with TC. No more snowy linen
tablecloths at glittering dinners with other guys in penguin suits.
No more of the benefits he's enjoyed from the pain, misery and
gullibility of others.

No more being hailed at extravagently garish events. Well, as the Fear
song says, "No more Scientology!"

Instead, lawsuits, fines, a big sell-off of property to renumerate the
defrauded, and make whole the financially bereft. I'd like to see that
little jackanape reduced to riding around on a 1974 Honda 750 with a bad
rattle. I'd like to see him plucked from his exalted position of
isolation, and dropped right into the middle of teeming, smelly, crowded
humanity. I'd like to see his "buddies" refuse to return his phone
calls; Tom Cruise could easily avoid him. As a movie star, he has
priviledge. I'd like to see that little abusive shit lose everything,
and then be looking at serious prison time. We know the crimes are
there. Getting the feds to crack the nut is the problem. And, as he
contemplates for the last time how he'd look in prison orange, I'd like
to see him fellate a cheap Saturday Night Special. Silver bullet? I'll
allow it.


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 12:20:0618/6/06

"Skipper" <> wrote in message

> One thing DM cannot escape is karma.

Check. I've said that since I left and realized they ~do~ actually
do ALL the bad things, and more, that the critic have said for years they
do. When little Tommy Cruise did his number, pulled back the curtain to SHOW
what an "OT" really is,
THAT was Karma, imnsho. Suddenly all of the world could not only
see what he was, it was OK to discuss it, as Scientology's top Spokesperson
Showed some of their insanities, right on public TV!

> Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
> his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.

Well, we'll see on that.....but you're correct, he's in for some
heavy stuff, whatever his Karma may be. Have you ever read
my "OSA in HELL" series? There's some funny stuff on DM.
Check it out:
Just scroll down to OSA in HEll, and see ones re DM, which are most of them.

> And THAT will end $cientology.

mmm....that I'm not so sure of. I think many people will rejoince
when he goes down, however he does. Remember Sharene Stewart?
She was an Exec at CC who got declared SP. She was one of the very few
people who did get declared, where when she did, people all around seemed to
rejoice: The wicked witch was dead.
(And Sharene, if you're reading this, I hope you've changed! I know
"Scientology turns people into monsters" ...but some were worse than others)

I believe the same shall be true for DM.
Many people "In" really don't like the guy.

Best to you :)


Johnny Mike

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 12:24:1818/6/06

"barbz" <> wrote in message

Sounds like a fine dream. :-) Then, when the movie gets made, who will
play DM?

Johnny Mike

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 12:32:2918/6/06

"Johnny Mike" <> wrote in message

Actually, more like a fine prediction. hehehe :-)


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 13:00:3818/6/06
The Introduction to Scientology Ethics states, 'Morals are actually
laws.' and 'Ethical conduct includes the adherence to the moral codes
of the society in which we live.'

Before I joined Scientology, I wish I knew the head of the cult, David
Miscavige, doesn't give a flying leap about the ethics book other than
to control the minions in Scientology. Why would someone join the
church when it's leader is flagrantly violating it's own rules?

Why would David Miscavige run the "church" into the ground, unless he
has his own personal interest above the interest of the group?


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 13:28:1018/6/06

Magoo wrote:
> I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
> recently left Scientology.
> He told me that DM beat him up, many times.

<rest snipped>

Nobody puts ethics in like you do, Dave Sir! :o)


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 13:29:0818/6/06

Go Tory!

I am so happy this story is leaking out more and more!

David Miscavige's life reflects the disgraceful ironies and
complexities of so much of humankind's worst.

How can a person think that slapping, punching, slugging people is the
right thing to do?

He is so blind he is caught up in the vicious whirlpool vortex of being
a cult leader employing destructive options, unchecked by society.

Best thing he could do is quit, go to jail, and from prison write an
autobiography: "David Miscavige: The Lessons of a New Religious
Movement Leader Gone Bad."

And then just write about the hell he descended into.

That might be a worthwhile ending to David Miscavige's abusive life.

Tory, I suspect the more you share what people told you about David
Miscavige's hardcore worst, the more bullshit will be coming your way
from the Church of Scientology's legal/intelligence/PR arm Office of
Special Affairs (love this name, how unwittingly darkly remniscient and
unreligious this church unit's title is of secretive govt agencies),
their hired lawyers hired private eyes and the OSA volunteers will be
trying to distract and impact your life in various unwanted ways.

Go Tory!

Chuck Beatty
Ex-Sea Org (lifetime staffer, 1975-2003)
Flag Dec 1975-Jun 1983 (TTC, Sup, Word Clearer, D of T, etc.)
Int Base 1983-1984 (Routing Forms Pjt)
Snr HCO Int in the FB in LA 1984-87
Re-Training (Int and LA) 87-88
Int Training Org, LA 88 (Sec Checker Sup)
LRH Tech Research and Comps, CMO Int, (Sept 88-Feb 89)
Int RPF (Feb-Mar 89)
PAC RPF (Mar-May 89)
Int Training Org (May-Sept 89) (Admin Sup)
INCOMM Sep 89-Sept 90 (Routing Forms Pjt)
INCOMM Sept 90-May92 (Computer Room LA & Int)
ASI May 92-Dec95 (Computer Room, In-Training Esto)
Decks Int (Dec 95-Jun 96)
Int RPF (Jun 96-Nov 2000)
PAC RPF (Nov 2000-Mar2003)
Routed out March 29, 2003.

To Join XSO and network to old Sea Org friends:
(I highly recommend ex-Sea Org joining.)

412-260-1170 (I'll be happy to network anyone to anyone)
(media call me from time to time, and I will
network anyone to media who want to expose things.)


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 13:31:4818/6/06

barbz wrote:
> Skipper wrote:
> > One thing DM cannot escape is karma.
> >
> > Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
> > his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.
> >
> > And THAT will end $cientology.
> >
> It'd be cool if, like Hitler, his life becomes so intolerable that he
> commits R2-45 himself. You know, like if there were no more $2000 suits,
> no more Ducati motorcycles and frottage with TC. No more snowy linen
> tablecloths at glittering dinners with other guys in penguin suits.
> No more of the benefits he's enjoyed from the pain, misery and
> gullibility of others.
> No more being hailed at extravagently garish events. Well, as the Fear
> song says, "No more Scientology!"
> Instead, lawsuits, fines, a big sell-off of property to renumerate the
> defrauded, and make whole the financially bereft. I'd like to see that
> little jackanape reduced to riding around on a 1974 Honda 750 with a bad
> rattle. I'd like to see him plucked from his exalted position of
> isolation, and dropped right into the middle of teeming, smelly, crowded
> humanity. I'd like to see his "buddies" refuse to return his phone
> calls; Tom Cruise could easily avoid him. As a movie star, he has

<rest snipped>

Dave has been in a position to siphon off the billions of dollars of
the Sea Org Reserves into accounts he personally controls. Nobody can
touch him. He has more money than Tom Cruise can ever dream of. And it
is all legal money conned out of chumps. And it is all his money now.


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 13:44:5818/6/06
Johnny Mike wrote:

Why, Tom Cruise, of course. Presumably he knows all of DM's moves by
now! Plus, he's also vertically challenged.


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 14:12:4218/6/06

barbz wrote:
> Skipper wrote:
> > One thing DM cannot escape is karma.
> >
> > Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
> > his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.
> >
> > And THAT will end $cientology.
> >
> It'd be cool if, like Hitler, his life becomes so intolerable that he
> commits R2-45 himself. You know, like if there were no more $2000 suits,
> no more Ducati motorcycles and frottage with TC. No more snowy linen
> tablecloths at glittering dinners with other guys in penguin suits.
> No more of the benefits he's enjoyed from the pain, misery and
> gullibility of others.

I rather have DM being held accountable in the "wog" justice process
for everything he did rather than escape the R2-45 way. I'm not a
believer of karma and after life and whatnot, so I rather have him face
our justice, I believe this would help more to expose the whole
criminal activities going on in there.



no leída,
18 jun 2006, 14:17:5918/6/06
This is very, very shocking!

To all those currently in the Sea Org or those who have left, please be
aware that this type of behaviour is very, very illegal.


Any kind of harassment, be it sexual or otherwise, particularly
anything that can lead to a hostile work environment or retaliation is
against the law!!

Don't any of you know that you can hire a lawyer on a contingency basis
and sue the C of S (or the RTC) for this? Get educated and don't let
the past history of C of S intimidation stop you from making sure that
Scientology gets honest and straight (and I don't mean in a sexual


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 14:21:5818/6/06

I don't know if your logic is correct, Keith.

It is possible that as Scientology is a California corporation a suit
could be filed in state courts regarding this type of harassment.

Or, if ample press and other media is done and people went to the D.A.
in Riverside it might make it impossible for them to be derelict in
their duty to do the right thing.

At any rate, it is RIDICULOUS that this type of thing could be
happening!!! If it is. I don't have any first hand knowledge of it,
but if it is it should be acted against.

As I am not a lawyer anything I say here should be thoroughly checked
out legally.


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 14:23:2218/6/06
In article <>, says...


> Don't any of you know that you can hire a lawyer on a contingency basis
> and sue the C of S (or the RTC) for this?

The fact is that you probably *can't* hire a lawyer, especially not on a
contngency basis.

No matter how valid your complaint.

Since the 'Church' of Scientology is willing to spend literally *millions* on
specious lawsuits, frivolous motions, eternal delays and extortionist
harassment, it's very unlikely that *any* lawyer would take a case against

Certainly not on a contingency basis.

You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:00:2418/6/06
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 12:24:18 -0400, "Johnny Mike"
<> wrote:


>Sounds like a fine dream. :-) Then, when the movie gets made, who will
>play DM?

Terrence Stamp did a fine job in Bowfinger.

Keith Henson

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:10:4018/6/06
On 18 Jun 2006 11:12:42 -0700, "Povmec" <>


>I rather have DM being held accountable in the "wog" justice process
>for everything he did rather than escape the R2-45 way. I'm not a
>believer of karma and after life and whatnot, so I rather have him face
>our justice, I believe this would help more to expose the whole
>criminal activities going on in there.

There is a bit of a problem here. I don't have any idea of how they
did it, but the cult is immune from wog justice because the law
enforcement types just won't investigate. Special agent Eric Pham
told me this long ago, and while the order to not investigate might
have gone away after 9/11 I see no evidence of it.

This extends down to the total unwillingness of local law enforcement
to investigate what happened to Marty Rathbun.

In fact, it is worse since the cult can order the DA in Riverside to
indict and convict on an entirely trumped up charge.

Been done.

Keith Henson


no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:16:1218/6/06
In article <>,

That's not all that bizarre. The 'District Attorney's Office' is essentially
a *political* office, so, the DA himself tends to be a 'political' (and thus
corruptable) official.

Why the Scientology Cult, which has no more than 50,000 members, or 100,000
in generous estimates can influence the politics of a whole *county* is open
to question.

There is not even any theoretical basis for such influence that doesn't
involve RICO level crimes.

They tried it with some success in LA County (see Baca), but, Riverside seems
to have sold out entirely.

Unfortunately, most local newspapers have sold out too. Clearwater, as cult-
infiltrated as it may be, is woggy by comparison.

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:31:4418/6/06
On 18 Jun 2006 11:17:59 -0700, "friendship" <>

>This is very, very shocking!
>To all those currently in the Sea Org or those who have left, please be
>aware that this type of behaviour is very, very illegal.
>Any kind of harassment, be it sexual or otherwise, particularly
>anything that can lead to a hostile work environment or retaliation is
>against the law!!
>Don't any of you know that you can hire a lawyer on a contingency basis
>and sue the C of S (or the RTC) for this? Get educated and don't let
>the past history of C of S intimidation stop you from making sure that
>Scientology gets honest and straight (and I don't mean in a sexual

Times *might* be changing where a new crop of lawyers would come into
the frey. However, none of the lawyers previously engaged against
scientology (with the possible exception of Ford Green) will take a
case against the cult even with full cash up front.

I would *love* to be wrong on this point.

Keith Henson

Johnny Mike

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:28:5918/6/06

"Keith Henson" <> wrote in message

Terrence Stamp would be an awesome DM. Of course, they'd have to dig
trenches or CGI him to the correct height.

Keith Henson

no leída,
18 jun 2006, 17:51:3018/6/06
On 18 Jun 2006 11:21:58 -0700, "friendship" <>

>Keith Henson wrote:


>> If it has been less then two years, I think he can file criminal
>> charges against DM.
>> Of course, given the "influence" scientology has over Riverside's DA,
>> this might not have any effect.


>I don't know if your logic is correct, Keith.

It isn't logic, personal experience.

>It is possible that as Scientology is a California corporation a suit
>could be filed in state courts regarding this type of harassment.

If you could get a lawyer. Even if you could, the state courts have
been corrupted when the cult is involved.

>Or, if ample press and other media is done

That's a problem. The Riverside paper seems to have been intimidated,
have not carried a scientology story for years. Ghod knows what they
have on the owners and/or editor, but spending upwards of a $100k on
PIs is the scientology way

>and people went to the D.A.
>in Riverside it might make it impossible for them to be derelict in
>their duty to do the right thing.

It is *much* harder to get a DA to prosecute than it is to get one to
not prosecute. And scientology's influence in the Grover Trask's
office in Riverside county got them to prosecute me and deeply
influence the court on a ridiculous charge. The only way they got a
conviction was to deny me witness and the right to speak in my

>At any rate, it is RIDICULOUS that this type of thing could be
>happening!!! If it is. I don't have any first hand knowledge of it,
>but if it is it should be acted against.

I don't doubt the reports, they come from so many different sources
and are consistent about this beating business.

>As I am not a lawyer anything I say here should be thoroughly checked
>out legally.

Well, I have been trying for over a decade now and have about run out
of ideas. Take a look at what they got away with in their attempt to
frame Tom Klemesrud for murder and the police knew what the cult did.
If you have any ideas, please let me know. If you want to do so
privately, my email is hkhenson (at) rogers dot com.

Keith henson

I am being defamed and forged here

no leída,
19 jun 2006, 1:00:4819/6/06

Keith Henson schrieb:

> On 18 Jun 2006 11:12:42 -0700, "Povmec" <>
> wrote:
> >
> snip
> >
> >I rather have DM being held accountable in the "wog" justice process
> >for everything he did rather than escape the R2-45 way. I'm not a
> >believer of karma and after life and whatnot, so I rather have him face
> >our justice, I believe this would help more to expose the whole
> >criminal activities going on in there.
> There is a bit of a problem here. I don't have any idea of how they
> did it, but the cult is immune from wog justice because the law
> enforcement types just won't investigate. Special agent Eric Pham
> told me this long ago, and while the order to not investigate might
> have gone away after 9/11 I see no evidence of it.
> This extends down to the total unwillingness of local law enforcement
> to investigate what happened to Marty Rathbun.

I am very convinced that you don't really want to find Marty Rathbun,
Keith Henson, all you want to make is noise against Scientology. Same
goes for Korey Kruse, Chuck Beatty, Phil Scott and others. The only who
really wants to know where Marty is.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities. He also has bomb
instructions on the net.)

Barbzzzzz "Babbles" Graham, is the selfproclaimed "chaplain" of an
allegedly non-existing organization named ARSCC that doesn't pay taxes.
But if they don't exist, how come they have a Chief Financial Officer
(jail bird and habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka "Simkatu" and
"Lord Xenu") who works and travels on behalf of ARSCC?

Barbara Graham in her own words: "Anything's legal if you don't get
caught." And:
"You asshole. I was *never* a good person, you sad piece of crap. --
Spidergraham, Chaplain, ARSCC"

Se ha eliminado el mensaje


no leída,
19 jun 2006, 21:25:1219/6/06
This is a felony and make David Miscavige one step away from being an
"illegal PC."

Magoo wrote:
> I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
> recently left Scientology.
> He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
> I've heard this before, but since I know
> DM is a shrimp, and seems
> like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
> How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!
> He explained it to me, in great detail:
> One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
> Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
> Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
> when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
> you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
> world) about our Constitution, and actual
> "rights" that you have.
> Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
> the police and had DM arrested for abuse.

> I'm writing this for anyone "In" who IS suffering this same
> abuse: YOU have the right ....the LEGAL not be abused.
> Don't allow it! Get to a phone, away from them, and call the police,
> if people are harming you. Or? Call me, and I'll come out there and help
> you. Plan on the week-ends, as during the week I work.
> What a pathetic looser and wimpy bully DM is.
> I knew he was, but this was true
> experience that honestly was difficult to hear.
> No one should have to suffer like that--certainly not under
> the protection of "religion".
> The good news is this X-Sea Org member is doing great, now!
> Freedom rules, outside of Scientology!


no leída,
20 jun 2006, 0:03:0720/6/06

Magoo wrote:
> "Skipper" <> wrote in message
> > One thing DM cannot escape is karma.
> Check. I've said that since I left and realized they ~do~ actually
> do ALL the bad things, and more, that the critic have said for years they
> do. When little Tommy Cruise did his number, pulled back the curtain to SHOW
> what an "OT" really is,
> THAT was Karma, imnsho. Suddenly all of the world could not only
> see what he was, it was OK to discuss it, as Scientology's top Spokesperson
> Showed some of their insanities, right on public TV!
Karma does seem to be catching up with the church as it's growth has

no leída,
20 jun 2006, 0:24:1920/6/06

You are right when you say it is impossible to hire a lawyer in any
case against the
scieno cult. When I needed a lawyer to represent me in l977 for a mere
I called three lawyers in San Francisco area and not one would take my
case One
said "You can't afford us and we can't afford you ". I later came to
Los Angeles to
answer the depostion as my friend in Cult Awareness found a lawyer for
me. It it
was that difficult in l977 I am positive it would be worse now.
Living in the Riverside Cty area I receive the Press Enterprise news
each day. Believe
me you will never find any "entheta" on the $cientology cult there.

Ida Camburn


no leída,
20 jun 2006, 0:08:5920/6/06

"Scamology" <> wrote in message

> This is a felony and make David Miscavige one step away from being an
> "illegal PC."

Illegal PC....Ha! This is a few steps from DM behind bars, darlin.

He deserves it, and any and all who have supported such abusive
actions. Keep this in mind: "You can run, but you ~~cannot~~hide".
That goes for the entire bunch of floormats following along with this. Shame
on all of you! It's not like you don't know better.

Tory/Magoo~X-Scientologist after 30 years "in" ...
having left after seeing this dark side of Scientology,
and refusing to "pretend it isn't there".

Master Shake

no leída,
21 jun 2006, 13:07:4721/6/06

Skipper wrote:
> One thing DM cannot escape is karma.
> Given what you've said about him, he will die a horrible death, like
> his role model Adolf Hitler. It may be soon.
> And THAT will end $cientology.
> In article <>, Keith Henson
> <> wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 00:51:53 -0700, "Magoo" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
> > >recently left Scientology.
> > >
> > >He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
> > > I've heard this before, but since I know
> > > DM is a shrimp, and seems
> > >like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
> > >How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!
> > >
> > >He explained it to me, in great detail:
> > >
> > >One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
> > >Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
> > >Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
> > > when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
> > > you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
> > > world) about our Constitution, and actual
> > > "rights" that you have.
> > >Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
> > > the police and had DM arrested for abuse.
> >
> > If it has been less then two years, I think he can file criminal
> > charges against DM.
> >
> > Of course, given the "influence" scientology has over Riverside's DA,
> > this might not have any effect.
> >
> > Keith Henson
> >
> > >I'm writing this for anyone "In" who IS suffering this same
> > >abuse: YOU have the right ....the LEGAL not be abused.
> > >Don't allow it! Get to a phone, away from them, and call the police,
> > >if people are harming you. Or? Call me, and I'll come out there and help
> > >you. Plan on the week-ends, as during the week I work.
> > >
> > >What a pathetic looser and wimpy bully DM is.
> > > I knew he was, but this was true
> > >experience that honestly was difficult to hear.
> > > No one should have to suffer like that--certainly not under
> > > the protection of "religion".
> > >
> > >The good news is this X-Sea Org member is doing great, now!
> > >
> > >Freedom rules, outside of Scientology!
> >

* bump *


no leída,
21 jun 2006, 13:29:2421/6/06

Magoo wrote:
> I met with an X-Sea Org member tonight who
> recently left Scientology.
> He told me that DM beat him up, many times.
> I've heard this before, but since I know
> DM is a shrimp, and seems
> like a wimpy guy, I had to ask him:
> How can DM beat people up? He's so tiny!
> He explained it to me, in great detail:
> One: He always has his entourage of hit men with him.
> Two: One ~~cannot~~ fight back: Part of the mind control.
> Three: Others who were in the Sea Org reminded me that
> when you've been in for years, as this person had been,
> you don't know (or remember, it's been drilled out of your
> world) about our Constitution, and actual
> "rights" that you have.
> Four: He said, had he known of his rights, he would have called
> the police and had DM arrested for abuse.
> I'm writing this for anyone "In" who IS suffering this same
> abuse: YOU have the right ....the LEGAL not be abused.
> Don't allow it! Get to a phone, away from them, and call the police,
> if people are harming you. Or? Call me, and I'll come out there and help
> you. Plan on the week-ends, as during the week I work.
> What a pathetic looser and wimpy bully DM is.
> I knew he was, but this was true
> experience that honestly was difficult to hear.
> No one should have to suffer like that--certainly not under
> the protection of "religion".
> The good news is this X-Sea Org member is doing great, now!
> Freedom rules, outside of Scientology!
> is having a "my bad boss" contest...first prize is a

week's vacation. Somebody needs to enter DM. None of the stories posted
so far
would hold a candle.


no leída,
22 jun 2006, 1:19:5122/6/06

"Scamology" <> wrote in message

> The Introduction to Scientology Ethics states, 'Morals are actually
> laws.' and 'Ethical conduct includes the adherence to the moral codes
> of the society in which we live.'
> Before I joined Scientology, I wish I knew the head of the cult, David
> Miscavige, doesn't give a flying leap about the ethics book other than
> to control the minions in Scientology.

Yeah...that would have been nice, eh?
I wish I'd known that L. Ron Hubbard was taking
drugs and medicine ALL during the 30 years I
had to fight Scientology over the medicines *I*
Not to mention all the other absolute hypocritical things
he did, too.

Both care about one thing: Themselves.



no leída,
22 jun 2006, 1:33:2522/6/06

"banchukita" <> wrote in message

Hey thanks :)
Due to their rules, mine is quite a bit watered down,
but I agree, many should do it!

Thanks again,



no leída,
22 jun 2006, 23:48:5422/6/06

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