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Jim Morrison's grandparents lived on the same block as Sandcastle Hotel (Flag)

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Frank Booth's Mask Inhaler

Jan 31, 2008, 9:49:09 AM1/31/08

Proof, with now Scientology/Criminon connection.

Sandcastle Address
200 N. Osceola Ave, aka The Sandcastle, delivery space (auditing and
training), offices and restaurant for the Flag Advanced Organization
(FSO AO)."

Below Story snip>
The painted door, dubbed “Love Her Madly,” was originally the master
bathroom door in a house at 314 N. Osceola Ave., Clearwater, once
owned by Morrison’s grandparents, Paul and Caroline Morrison."

Google Maps:
Start Address:
200 N Osceola Ave

End Address:
314 N. Osceola Ave
(Morrison House)

Satellite View Image:
(Must See for visual perspective of proximity distance)
Start Address:
200 N Osceola Ave

End Address:
314 N. Osceola Ave
Jim Morrison
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Morrison went to live with his paternal grandparents in Clearwater,
Florida, where he attended classes at St. Petersburg Junior College.
In 1962, he transferred to Florida State University where he appeared
in a school recruitment film.[3]

News Story Snips (01/31/08)
Morrison’s tunes open new doors for BPO
Updated: 01/31/08 6:52 AM
[Buffalo News]

William Blake inspired the name of the iconic rock band The Doors when
he wrote, “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would
appear to man as it is, infinite.”

Blake did not consider what would happen if the doors, not of
perception but of lead singer Jim Morrison’s grandparents’ Florida
house, were removed, cleansed, repainted and sold.

But that’s exactly what’s been happening. The first of the decorated
doors to be sold outside Florida will be displayed at Saturday night’s
“The Music of the Doors” BPO concert, then auctioned to benefit the
BPO and a local organization called Operation Gang Free Streets.

The painted door, dubbed “Love Her Madly,” was originally the master
bathroom door in a house at 314 N. Osceola Ave., Clearwater, once
owned by Morrison’s grandparents, Paul and Caroline Morrison."

Operation Gang Free Streets plans to work in collaboration with what
Reger describes as a California organization of exgang leaders called
Cease Fire. Reger said the proceeds would be used to bring the former
gang leaders to Buffalo to speak. Operation Gang Free Streets would
also work with Criminon, an anti-crime program licensed by a secular
arm of the Church of Scientology. A third organization supporting
Operation Gang Free Streets is the Urban Community Corporation, a
Buffalo group founded in 1999 by J. Luis Acosto that puts at-risk
youth to work in building trades."

Clearwater artist Doug Wright, who painted the door, and Murphy will
be at the BPO concert for the unveiling. The Morrison door will be up
on eBay starting this week. To see the eBay auction, go to and
click on the Doors section.

Two other doors have already been auctioned to benefit cultural
groups. The master bedroom door, painted with a lyric from “When the
Music’s Over,” was auctioned on eBay in October to benefit the
Clearwater Jazz Holiday. The high bid was $3,551.

A second door, titled “Break on Through,” was auctioned on eBay to
benefit the Largo Cultural Center, which is near the original house in
Clearwater. Tracy Christner, development specialist for the Largo
Cultural Center, said that door went for just under $2,500.

A third door, with a “Feast of Friends” motif, was donated to the
Clearwater Public Library, which has a room dedicated to Jim Morrison.
Morrison once held a library card there."

Full Story:
Morrison’s tunes open new doors for BPO
By Anne Neville
Updated: 01/31/08 6:52 AM

William Blake inspired the name of the iconic rock band The Doors when
he wrote, “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would
appear to man as it is, infinite.”

Blake did not consider what would happen if the doors, not of
perception but of lead singer Jim Morrison’s grandparents’ Florida
house, were removed, cleansed, repainted and sold.

But that’s exactly what’s been happening. The first of the decorated
doors to be sold outside Florida will be displayed at Saturday night’s
“The Music of the Doors” BPO concert, then auctioned to benefit the
BPO and a local organization called Operation Gang Free Streets.

The painted door, dubbed “Love Her Madly,” was originally the master
bathroom door in a house at 314 N. Osceola Ave., Clearwater, once
owned by Morrison’s grandparents, Paul and Caroline Morrison.

Jim Morrison’s mother moved into her in-laws’ Clearwater house in 1944
with Jim, then 6 months old, while her husband served in the Pacific
during the final years of World War II. They lived there until 1947. A
teenage Jim Morrison moved back in with his grandparents after
graduating from high school, while he was attending St. Petersburg
Junior College.

When Triangle Development of Clearwater bought the house and
surrounding property to build a condo development, it salvaged from
the building 67 pieces, mainly doors, some with door frames, and

Several of the doors have been decorated with colorful portraits of
Morrison and images and lyrics from some of the band’s hit songs.

The Buffalo door is titled “Love her Madly,” and is painted with the
lyric, “... So sing a lonely song of a deep blue dream/Seven horses
seem to be on the mark ...” and a portrait of Morrison on a blue

This is the first of the doors to leave the Tampa Bay area. Triangle
Development had already heard about the scheduled BPO concert, said
Meg Murphy, the director of marketing and public relations for the
company, but arrangements were made easier by the fact that her
sister, Teresa Reger, lives here.

Half of the money raised in the auction will go to the BPO. The other
half will benefit a new organization called Operation Gang Free
Streets, says Reger, who is president of the Buffalo Church of
Scientology and says she is active in local anticrime initiatives.

Operation Gang Free Streets plans to work in collaboration with what
Reger describes as a California organization of exgang leaders called
Cease Fire. Reger said the proceeds would be used to bring the former
gang leaders to Buffalo to speak. Operation Gang Free Streets would
also work with Criminon, an anti-crime program licensed by a secular
arm of the Church of Scientology. A third organization supporting
Operation Gang Free Streets is the Urban Community Corporation, a
Buffalo group founded in 1999 by J. Luis Acosto that puts at-risk
youth to work in building trades.

Clearwater artist Doug Wright, who painted the door, and Murphy will
be at the BPO concert for the unveiling. The Morrison door will be up
on eBay starting this week. To see the eBay auction, go to and
click on the Doors section.

Two other doors have already been auctioned to benefit cultural
groups. The master bedroom door, painted with a lyric from “When the
Music’s Over,” was auctioned on eBay in October to benefit the
Clearwater Jazz Holiday. The high bid was $3,551.

A second door, titled “Break on Through,” was auctioned on eBay to
benefit the Largo Cultural Center, which is near the original house in
Clearwater. Tracy Christner, development specialist for the Largo
Cultural Center, said that door went for just under $2,500.

A third door, with a “Feast of Friends” motif, was donated to the
Clearwater Public Library, which has a room dedicated to Jim Morrison.
Morrison once held a library card there.

While the painted door auction may be a highlight of the concert — it
will be unveiled onstage during the performance of “Love Her Madly,”
the song it references — the concert itself is expected to be a huge

“These concerts have done very well, historically,” said Baker. “A
couple years ago we presented the music of Led Zeppelin, and this year
the music of Pink Floyd, and this year the Doors. They all sold out,
and this concert is actually the bestselling of all three of those.”

Brent Havens, whom Baker called “the mastermind behind the arrangement
of the music” will conduct “a rock band with the BPO behind it.”

The concert is sold out, although some standing-room tickets may still
be available for $23.50."

Frank Booth's Mask Inhaler/

"Come to Mommy"
--Frank Booth

"The streets are fields that never die"
--Jim Morrison


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