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Lisa McPherson's Fluid Intake (Straight Text Version)

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no leída,
23 sept 2006, 7:48:33 p.m.23/9/06
Note: This is a straight text version of the comma-delimited
spread-sheet information I posted earlier.

Since some folks seem to insist dehydration had nothing to do
with Lisa's death, I decided to plug the fluid intake numbers
from the watch logs and police investigation summary into a
spread-sheet and see what they looked like. The result follow
below the dotted line.

One thing I noted was "Protein Drinks/Shakes" was listed as if
they were the equivalent to water intake. In fact, they add to
the required daily water intake requirement.

I contacted several protein drink manufacturers and three local
dieticians. All recommended adding at least one, or more, 8oz
glass of water per protein drink to the recommended eight 8oz
glasses of water daily. To account for this in the spread-sheet,
I list protein drinks as a negative number that has to be offset
by increased water consumption.

On a related note, there are several instances with the package
of powder used to make protein drinks is mixed with mashed banana
and fed to Lisa. Even though not if fluid form, I list these
occurrences in the FLUID INTAKE column as the negative impact on
her water requirements is still created.

There are also references to Half & Half containers in the logs.
If these were pints or half-pints, I would expect them to be
described that way. Or as glasses or cups if poured out. So my
assumption is 'container' refers to the small 1oz peel-top
containers used by many coffee shops. If anyone knows for sure
one way or the other, please advise and I'll update the

There are several days where either no intake information was
recorded, or the logs are missing. Even assuming a zero DIFF OZ
sum, e.g., 64oz required, 64oz received for those days makes no
difference to the outcome.

And keep in mind, this listing doesn't take into
consideration the calorie intake shortfall that was also
happening at the same time.

Added note: The original spreadsheet included an entry for 1000mg
of CM on 21-Nov-95. This is from the police summary, but on
consideration, doesn't make sense. I belive this actually is
to be a reference to 1000mg of Calcium in pill form. It is such
insignificant amount either way, I have removed it from the

For your perusal,
Katana ko chi, SPsoo

The columns are:

DATE: The date given on the log.

FLUID INTAKE: The amount and type of fluid intake. The key to may
fluid type abbreviations:

CM = Cal-Mag
PD = Protein Drink
PP = Protein Powder
OJ = Orange Juice
W = Water
c = Cup
Sip = 1oz
Container = 1oz

REQD OZ: Minimum daily water requirement for survival with
minimal exertion from FM 21-76, US Army Survival Manual.

RCVD OZ: Ounces of fluid actually received.

DIFF OZ: Daily difference between the minimum daily requirement
and what was actually received according to the logs.

DIFF OZ TOT: A day-to-day running total of the DIFF OZ's. (Note:
Not pretty if plotted as a chart with REQD OZ as a baseline.)
Note: You need to used a fixed font for the columns to line up.

1-1/2c CM 12
2c CM 16
Total 64 28 -36 -36
3sips CM 3
1/2c CM 4
1c CM 8
2sips PD -2
Total 64 13 -51 -87
2c W 16
1c PD -8
Total 64 8 -55 -142
22-Nov-95 No Intake Reported UNK
23-Nov-95 All Reports Missing UNK
24-Nov-95 All Reports Missing UNK
25-Nov-95 All Reports Missing UNK
Bit of OJ 2
Total 64 2 -62 -204
1 banana w/PP -8
2 oz banana w/PP -2
Total 64 -10 -74 -278
1c PD -8
1c W 8
Total 64 0 -64 -342
Described as "weak" in logs, symptom of 5-8% body fluid loss
1c PD -8
Total 64 -8 -72 -414
3/4c Herb Tea 6
banana shake 4
1/2c PD -4
Total 64 6 -58 -472
Unable to walk, symptom of 10% or greater body fluid loss
Tea 1
1/4c CM 2
1-1/4c OJ 10
1-1/2c PD -12
Total 64 1 -63 -535
J. Johnson says Lisa "Needs 2L of fluids" in log
1c CM 8
2 sips W 2
2 bananas w/PP -16
5 Half&Half containers 5
1/4c PD -2
1/8c CM 1
1/8c OJ 1
Total 64 -1 -65 -600
Still unable to stand
3/4c W 6
1/2c OJ 4
1/8c CM 1
Total 64 11 -53 -653
04-Dec-95 All Reports Missing UNK
05-Dec-95 All Reports Missing UNK

Total Deficit: 653 US fluid Ounces = 5.1 US Gallons = 19.3 liters


no leída,
23 sept 2006, 9:42:59 p.m.23/9/06

Very interesting, thanks so much. A gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds.
5.1 gallons of water weighs 42.8 pounds. Wasn't Lisa said to have lost
in the neighborhood of 30 pounds?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Save some dough, save some grief:

Barbara Schwarz

no leída,
23 sept 2006, 9:55:00 p.m.23/9/06

BigBeard wrote:
> Note:

I bet a million Dollars on that Lisa was nabbed by p$ychs in that
Orlando hotel and then
hypnotized, injected with bacteria, probably e-shocked, and so on, as a
p$ychiatric under cover action to plant her in this condition back in
Scientology. P$ychs sceduled her to die in the orgs forcing them to
accept p$ychiatry in future. I know twisted p$ychs minds. This is
exactly the way they operate.

I have seen with my very own eyes that psychs can transform normal
people in total confused folks and even zombies, and it was the
scariest what I ever saw. I never saw it in the orgs.

However, there is no doubt that the orgs played in the hands by not
getting that they were set up.

Earlier I thought that those around her didn't call a doctor in time.
But now I read that they did. The doctor should have handled her
health problems. The best would have been if they would have documented
that she was p$ychiatric ambused. Her roomate told the police that she
was normal when she left to Orlando and came back confused.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities. He also has bomb
instructions on the net.)

Brian J. Bruns aka Burns plays a "cop" on the net but he is a felon
(computer crimes), a spammer, an anti-free speech activist. The abusive
AHBL website is his. He lies about me on his website, and he is
disturbed. Inmate # 445064, County of Suffolk, NY, FBI: 843935WB8. He
was many months incarcerated.
Bruns is the abuser, and he is supported by Korey Jerome Kruse
("Simkatu" or "Vivaldi") who also just came out of jail and is,
according to the courts, an habitual offender. He also was ordered to
undergo psych evaluation. Of course it didn't help.

Eru Ilúvatar

no leída,
23 sept 2006, 10:20:50 p.m.23/9/06
Barbara Schwarz <> wrote:

>I bet a million Dollars

Please don't make bets that you'll never be able to
cover. Especially one that you'd so obviously lose.


no leída,
24 sept 2006, 3:49:45 a.m.24/9/06

"realpch" <> wrote in message


There's not a 1:1 correlation between the fluid intake deficit
and weight loss. As dehydration progresses the body starts
shutting things down to try and preserve itself. That said, I do
believe a major part of Lisa's weight loss was due to

There also was some (not a lot, but some) food intake going on at
the same time, which is not included here. Someday, when I have
some time, I plan to also add Lisa's daily calory intake (or more
properly lack of daily calory intake) to the chart. Taken
together with the fluid intake deficiency, I'm amazed Lisa lasted
as long as she did.

K Palmer

no leída,
24 sept 2006, 10:47:21 a.m.24/9/06
Thank you for this information - it certainly helps show how dangerously
dehydrated Lisa was.

Kim P


no leída,
24 sept 2006, 11:40:43 a.m.24/9/06

Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> BigBeard wrote:
> > Note:
> I bet a million Dollars on that Lisa was nabbed by p$ychs in that
> Orlando hotel and then
> hypnotized, injected with bacteria, probably e-shocked, and so on, as a
> p$ychiatric under cover action to plant her in this condition back in
> Scientology. P$ychs sceduled her to die in the orgs forcing them to
> accept p$ychiatry in future. I know twisted p$ychs minds. This is
> exactly the way they operate.
> I have seen with my very own eyes that psychs can transform normal
> people in total confused folks and even zombies, and it was the
> scariest what I ever saw. I never saw it in the orgs.
> However, there is no doubt that the orgs played in the hands by not
> getting that they were set up.
> Earlier I thought that those around her didn't call a doctor in time.
> But now I read that they did. The doctor should have handled her
> health problems. The best would have been if they would have documented
> that she was p$ychiatric ambused. Her roomate told the police that she
> was normal when she left to Orlando and came back confused.
> Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
> impostor, please!)

Barbara, it is good to your comment. You are correct that the people
who did this were psychs. They were official church of scientology
scientologists who made choices based upon false data and would up
doing doing evil things that lead to her death.

When are you going to see that the very people you defend here are the
very 'psychs' you hate. Any caring human being would have seen early on
that this girl needed competent medical attention.That the amount of
fluid was so low for so long shows that all the textbook signs and
symptoms of dehydration were ignored.

Have you ever seen a person who is moderately to seriously dehydrated?
I have and the seriousness of getting them fluids, even if it requires
hospitalization, is vital. Its death in action. I list the signs and
symptoms, as well as a court decision related to dehydration death.
>From website:

"As dehydration increases, signs and symptoms develop. These include:
thirst, restless or irritable behaviour, decreased skin turgor, dry
mucous membranes, sunken eyes, sunken fontanelle (in infants), and
absence of tears when crying vigorously."

Symptoms of early or mild dehydration include:

flushed face
extreme thirst, more than normal or unable to drink
dry, warm skin
cannot pass urine or reduced amounts, dark, yellow
dizziness made worse when you are standing
cramping in the arms and legs
crying with few or no tears
sleepy or irritable
dry mouth, dry tongue; with thick saliva.

Symptoms of moderate to severe dehydration include:

low blood pressure
severe muscle contractions in the arms, legs, stomach, and back
a bloated stomach
heart failure
sunken fontanelle - soft spot on a infants head
sunken dry eyes, with few or no tears
skin loses its firmness and looks wrinkled
lack of elasticity of the skin (when a bit of skin lifted up stays
folded and takes a long time to go back to its normal position)
rapid and deep breathing - faster than normal
fast, weak pulse
In severe dehydration, these effects become more pronounced and the
patient may develop evidence of hypovolaemic shock, including:
diminished consciousness, lack of urine output, cool moist extremities,
a rapid and feeble pulse (the radial pulse may be undetectable), low or
undetectable blood pressure, and peripheral cyanosis. Death follows
soon if rehydration is not started quickly.

Ethical concerns over death by dehydration:

Judge Lynch of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court argued that
death by dehydration symptoms was "cruel and violent" in his opinion on
the 1986 Brophy case:

The mouth would dry out and become caked or coated with thick material.

The lips would become parched and cracked.
The tongue would swell, and might crack.
The eyes would recede back into their orbits and the cheeks would
become hollow.
The lining of the nose might crack and cause the nose to bleed.
The skin would hang loose on the body and become dry and scaly.
The urine would become highly concentrated, leading to burning of the
The lining of the stomach would dry out and the sufferer would
experience dry heaves and vomiting.
The body temperature would become very high.
The brain cells would dry out, causing convulsions.
The respiratory tract would dry out, and the thick secretions that
would result could plug the lungs and cause death.
At some point within five days to three weeks, the major organs,
including the lungs, heart, and brain, would give out and the patient
would die.
Be advised that death due to dehydration can occur in 3 days (or less
in hot weather) and no one normally lives more than about 5-6 days
without water.

Barbara Schwarz

no leída,
24 sept 2006, 5:31:48 p.m.24/9/06

Out_Of_The_Dark schrieb:

*** Once again, I am not defending the orgs in regards of the Lisa
case. They should have seen it coming. I was myself on that program and
I had the feeling myself that Ron's policies were not followed. It is
p$ychiartic to keep a person in a small room. I am 100 % sure that Ron
never wrote anything like this. What he wrote is that a person, who
lost her balance or is confused should not stay in the old environment
that restimulates her but be at a peaceful and very safe place. Back in
the old days of Scientology nobody spoke about putting somebody for
weeks in a room. I knew a Scientologists who wanted to open FARM for
those confused fellows. Farm, that means wide open spaces, fresh air,
exercises, nature, serenity. P$ychs lock people in small rooms. Many
people lose appetite and don't want to drink and eat anymore in such

But it is not Ron or Scientology who should be blamed on this but
infiltrators who altered Ron and let their p$ychiatric influence drop

> When are you going to see that the very people you defend here are the
> very 'psychs' you hate. Any caring human being would have seen early on
> that this girl needed competent medical attention.

I thought before she got no medical attention but that's not correct, a
doctor saw her short before she died.

>That the amount of
> fluid was so low for so long shows that all the textbook signs and
> symptoms of dehydration were ignored.

If you think that p$ychs in mental hospitals look that somebody is
hydrated, you err ery much. They just lock you up and torture you. It
is up for you to survive. What makes you think that p$ychs would have
saved Lisa?

I think Lisa would have survived under the care of Scientologists in a
quiet farm world with exercises and if they would have checked if she
was implanted and hypnotized and perhaps deliberately injected with

> Have you ever seen a person who is moderately to seriously dehydrated?

I think I was seriously dehydrated several times in my life. But I
didn't die. However, I agree with you that it is dangerous and should
be avoided.

'> I have and the seriousness of getting them fluids, even if it

Oh, please, leave me alone with Wikipiggi!

Anyway, but we don't know exactly on what she died, don't we? She had
an infection. It could be also the infection, germs, that killed her.

But back to the original problem. I was on the same rundown as Lisa as
long as she was. I didn't die but I didn't like the rundown either. I
was thinking all the time that Ron did not develop this program, as I
noticed that being in a small room for so long felt p$ychiatric and it
took away my physical strenghts and appetite.

Bet your farm on it that L. Ron Hubbard never advised to keep anybody
in a small room for long but that he had wide open spaces and exercises
in mind for those who lose their balance as Lisa. He also would have
checked if she was ambushed, hypnotized and e-shocked or drugged by
p$ychs before she returned to the orgs.

I also think that the orgs learned a lesson and nobody died during the
last ten years, right? But not so in p$ychiatry, people die and die and
die there... And the Scientology haters are not a bit outraged about

-- Barbara Schwarz

The generosity of L. Ron Hubbard: "The hardest task one can have is to
continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he should not. And the
true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue. For the one who
can archive this, there is abundant hope." -- L.Ron Hubbard (From What
is Greatness? Certainty Vol. 13 No. 3, March 1966)

"It takes truth to live with a swiftly changing world. Nothing less
than truth can survive." -- L. Ron Hubbard


no leída,
25 sept 2006, 10:13:17 a.m.25/9/06
On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 03:49:45 -0400, BigBeard <>
wrote in <eQqRg.35961$>:


| There's not a 1:1 correlation between the fluid intake deficit
| and weight loss. As dehydration progresses the body starts
| shutting things down to try and preserve itself. That said, I do
| believe a major part of Lisa's weight loss was due to
| dehydration.
| There also was some (not a lot, but some) food intake going on at
| the same time, which is not included here. Someday, when I have
| some time, I plan to also add Lisa's daily calory intake (or more
| properly lack of daily calory intake) to the chart. Taken
| together with the fluid intake deficiency, I'm amazed Lisa lasted
| as long as she did.

a couple years ago, i became ill with an unknown
'virus' (my doctor scared me into recovery by
threatening to call an ambulance to take me to the
hospital:). i was sick for about 2 weeks, vomiting
almost every day. i tried to eat and drink when i
could, but most days i had only a handful of cheerios
or half a cup of yogurt or nothing at all, and a few
sips of water. i lost 25 lbs in 12 days.

my blood pressure dropped dangerously low. i was
sweaty yet cold, light-headed, and lethargic. i had
trouble remembering simple things, like when i last
ate or if i'd taken my medications. i nearly passed
out once. my doctor was concerned that my brain wasn't
getting enough oxygen and my kidneys might fail.

that was my experience with dehydration. lisa's was
much worse: she had the complication of mental illness
and horrible, stupid people restraining her, force-
feeding her with a turkey baster, and preventing her
from getting competent medical care. her so-called
'church' got away with manslaughter--i hope they're


--------=[ l.l.lipshitz * elkube(at)lycos(dot)com ]=--------

time flies like an arrow. fruit flies like a banana. -gm

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