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Scientology's LEAF Project - Letters To The Editor Attack Force - Exposed

Skip to first unread message Exposing the CON for over 10 years!

Mar 3, 2008, 10:15:49 PM3/3/08
Every thing in Scientology is choreographed... a SHOW, an apparency,
designed to leave the uniformed public confused and to provide an
apparency of agreement that there is belief is a certain desired
fallacy that benefits the coffers of $cientology.

Teen Screen is legislation to interview school kids to prevent
SUICIDES...that is opoosed by the scam of scientology, because it is
based upon psychology and psychiatry...

I never had any doubt that all the letters to editors and the anti-
psych spam was coordinated, but you'll LOVE THIS:

"LEAF" = Letters to the Editor Attack Force

It was / is an actual group set up to do this...

Run by Doyle Mills, CW scientologist and OSA volunteer. He also works
at Digital Light Wave

Note that in some of the letters he says: "report compliance by
So his "LEAF" operatives are commanded to report completion of
back to him!

Note the "LEAF Buffalo Letters" one.

From: "Mr Doyle Mills" <>
To: "Mr Doyle Mills" <>
Subject: LEAF - TeenScreen Letter
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 21:25:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Microsoft Offi
ce Outlook, Build 11.0.5510
Thread-Index: AcbsE2RsSxYtpg2mTXOxYZlar4H3Yg==
x-mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198

Need a quick TeenScreen comment.

Click on the above link and read the short article
which mentions TeenScreen.

Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and write
your comments.

You can write what you want. If you need hatting go to

I do have a request though. If your last name ends in
A-B, J-M or T-Z, include the TeenScreen petition link
in your letter. Here's the link

And if your last name ends in C, H or S, I'd like you
to also write an email to the reporter. Tell him to
dig a little deeper next time, to find out the full
truth about TeenScreen or something like that.

And report compliance by email.

Thank you,


I don't usually forward these things. But since I
haven't given any LEAF assignments in the last few
days I thought some of you might be antsy to get in
some production.

If you have the time and fit the qualifications, help
out. If not, no sweat, I'll get out a real LEAF
assignment in a day or two.



From: Tulia Connan []
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 12:57 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Importance: High

Dear All,
We are launching the biggest mass mailing campaign and
a major part of it will occurr at our website. We
have a big project, that if we get at least 10 people
doing it, it will only take you about a day or two.

We are looking for volunteers that know some HTML.
This is urgent, and it can be done from anywhere!.

Please call us or email us if you can help or know
someone who could.

This needs to be a donation offcourse, commendations
will be given!

Please contact our Webmaster at




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And one of them is mine!

I encourage you to read these two letters. I think
they definitely impinge. They are much longer than
newspapers normally like to publish, which is good.
The editor must have thought it important enough to
give us more space. We actually got more words than
the one we were responding to.

Doyle Mills' letter:
There are "facts" and then there is the truth

Your recently published a letter from two social
workers - Ms. Gutman and Ms. Jarvis - on the subject
of TeenScreen. Curiously, it was entitled the "facts"
about the TeenScreen program.

I think the social workers should crack open a
dictionary and look up what a "fact" is. Obviously
with no investigation of their own, they accept and
spew the "facts" given to them by TeenScreen. One of
the definitions for facts is "something said to be
true or supposed to have happened," as in this
example: "The facts given by the witness are highly
questionable." Yet the public doesn't want or need
that kind of "facts" to be presented as truth. They
need real facts, as in this definition: "something
that actually exists; reality; truth."

Ms. Gutman's and Ms. Jarvis' letter is full of
assertions, none of which can be proven by evidence.
TeenScreen spawned a lawsuit in Indiana because a teen
was screened and labeled with a mental disorder
without her parents' knowledge.

TeenScreen refuses to release the identity of their
mysterious donors. Many members of TeenScreen's
executive board have connections to drug companies.
TeenScreen's biggest supporter and co-conspirator is
NAMI, which receives millions from drug companies, a
verifiable fact because NAMI is a non-profit
organization required to reveal its contributors.

TeenScreen is intimately involved in treatment, as
evidenced by the fact that TeenScreen always partners
with a local mental health provider so that identified
youth can be directed into treatment. That information
can be found on TeenScreen's own website.

Suicide IS a horrible tragedy. No one is denying that.
Yet, suicide is very, very, very rare. If you want to
see how rare, click on You'll see
that the suicide rate for youth in Iowa as reported by
the CDC is 2.62 per 100,000. That's a very small
number. Screening identifies 30% or higher youth as
needing further evaluation. Screening is obviously
good for finding new customers for the mental health
system but it's complete folly to pretend that its
purpose is finding those at risk and preventing

Add to that the FACT that the FDA requires a black box
warning on antidepressants, the same ones that will be
given to some of these kids entering the mental health
system via TeenScreen. This warning states that the
drugs can CAUSE suicidal tendencies and violence in
young people. Ms. Gutman and Ms. Jarvis neglected to
mention that fact.

Everything I have stated here is verifiable, backed up
by evidence. Though this may be an editorial, I am not
stating an opinion. I am stating documented, provable

Doyle Mills

Clearwater, FL

Elizabeth Cameron's letter:
Statistics don't indicate a significant danger

I am writing in response to the letter "Here are the
facts about the TeenScreen Program." This letter makes
it sound like suicide is a pervasive threat for Iowa of such grave dimensions that it
requires wholesale screening through the schools to
catch the many desperate children whose difficulties
would otherwise go unnoticed. Statistics from the
Centers for Disease Control, however, would indicate
otherwise: In 2004, 19 Iowa children between the ages
of 0 - 18 committed suicide out of a total of 724,
095. That is a percentage of .00262%, or 2.62 per
100,000 people. That is hardly an epidemic.

For the rare child who really is in trouble, though,
it seems reasonable to ask whether TeenScreen and the
recommendations that follow it will actually do him
any good. First of all, is it not unlikely that his
unhappiness will have been noticed already by somebody
- parents, teachers, minister, coaches, or friends?
Are we so unobservant that only an official suicide
questionnaire will uncover a child on the edge? I
doubt it.

Secondly, even if this were likely, does it really
justify asking leading, suggestive questions to
thousands upon thousands of other children, subjecting
them to the possibility of misdiagnosing, mislabeling,
and potentially damaging treatments? I don't think so.

And last, supposing that we screen everybody and
really do catch a child who appears to be in trouble -
then what? In the wake of this assessment - whatever
else is recommended - the follow-up is very likely to
include a referral, a diagnosis, and a prescription.
Once in the hands of a psychiatric professional,
diagnosis will be made on the basis of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual, which has been thoroughly
discredited. Then, prescription, and no help there.
Black box warnings have been added to various
psychiatric drugs on the basis that they can actually
increase the likelihood of suicide.

So what do we do? We get this TeenScreen program out
of the schools, and help children without hurting
them. Caring parents and teachers and ministers and
friends can do far more to bring children up to an
enthusiasm for life than all the assessments and
diagnoses and prescriptions in Christendom.

Elizabeth Neal Cameron

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection


The Manitowoc (Wisconsin) Herald-Times published 5
letters today against TeenScreen! Woohoo!

You know, if you got all your friends to write
letters, we could have the truth being printed in
thousands of newspapers. Have your friends contact me
if they need a little info on how to write good
letters to the editor.

Although it's sad that 50 children in the state commit
suicide a year, that is a small number since there are
millions of kids in the state. This doesn't warrant
screening millions of children, and many of the kids
that have committed suicide were already under
psychiatric care. The normal treatment for kids with
mental problems is to put them on highly addictive,
mind-altering psychiatric drugs which have side
effects of possible heart problems, brain damage,
possible thoughts of suicide and possible violent
behavior (read the black box warning). There are
already over 4 million children in our country on
these drugs and I'm sure by now you have read the
articles on the over-drugging of children in America.
Teen Screen asks children about 12 questions. There
are no physical tests are done. The child could have
allergies, hormone imbalances, bad diet, no exercise
or some other physical problem going on, which is
never looked for. Many kids have been mis-diagnosed.
This leaves the child being mis-labeled for the rest
of his life. Teen Screen is promoted as the answer but
it just doesn't work and is actually causing more harm
than help. -- Carol Jenkins of Largo, Fla.

Parents need to be very aware that their parental
rights are being challenged by the psychiatric
industry through the Teen Screen program. Even some
psychiatrists admit openly that psychiatry does not
cure, it only controls. Their so-called science is
really a pseudo-science. It has no basis in fact, it
has no scientific tests that stand up to critical
review. MDs base their work on true science. Such is
not the case with psychiatry. Parents and the general
citizenry need to find out the truth about the real
motives of the psychiatric and the pharmaceutical
industry. Their goal is to have more than 8 million
children on drugs within a few years. Through Teen
Screen, they are tempting your children with pizzas
and other coupons to take part in the program. Parents
do not even know what is going on. Parents would be
amazed if they knew what sort of questions their
children are being asked in the program. Teen Screen
favors a "Passive Consent" form that requires no
parental approval. For more, I refer your readers to Addiionally, only recently did the FDA
mandate that the black box "Warning: Side effects
include possible suicide" be placed on psyche drugs. --
Henry W. Schroeder of Madison

There are no studies that show "screening" reduces
suicide. There are studies i.e. U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force report of May of 2004 states: A.
There is no evidence that screening for suicide risk
reduces suicide attempts or mortality. B. No studies
were found that directly address the harms of
screening and treatment for suicide risk. So why
screen? The only logical answer is to enrich
psychiatrists and big pharma. Will other businesses be
allowed to screen kids? Since no scientific proof is
required perhaps "astrologists" would like a crack at
the kids. No, they can't afford the bribes. Who will
step up and demand proof before allowing kids to
become money-making experiments for the unscrupulous?
-- Tony Miller of Fresno, Calif.

I have been astounded and amazed at fact that some
parents and educators just take, just "swallow," the
advertisements and statements that have come across
the media about psychiatric drugs. Often you read or
hear: "These are safe; these will help." And yet, the
FDA and many other agencies all over the world have
put out warnings that these drugs can cause suicides
and violence. I am a grandmother of two children and
four grandchildren, and I have spent a good portion of
the last 20 to 25 years doing tutoring, helping
students and have observed thousands of students. I
have used educational methods that have proven to be
successful in handling the students: not focusing,
feeling exasperated, squirming around, not doing
homework, aggressiveness, super activity, being
defiant to teachers, day dreaming and many other
behaviors. Never did I have to use drugs, psychiatric
help of any kind, and the students really understood
what they were studying. If they were ill, they went
to get an exam from a medical doctor. So, from having
this real experience I know that children do not have
to take dangerous drugs; I have seen that there is a
real help that works, and does not kill. -- Mary
Collins of Concord, N.H.

After seeing various incarnations of this exact story
in more than 25 different newspapers across the
country over the last year, it amazes me that the
pharmaceutical companies can blatantly troll for
future customers in our schools (using their front
group "TeenScreen") and there isn't more of an outcry
from the parents. Garrett Smith is the latest teen
tragedy who was placed on "meds" to combat depression
only to commit suicide shortly thereafter. And the
list grows.
TeenScreen would be a joke if the situation weren't so
serious. If TeenScreen has its way, by its own
estimates 37 percent of all teens will be put on
anti-depressants. Given the horrible side effects of
anti-depressants which include suicide and murder
(Helloooo? Is anyone paying attention?), that will
turn our entire school system into a modern day Mei
Lei (as with Columbine). I don't know a single parent
who wants that. -- Phil Gilbert of Hollywood, Calif.


We dont have to make up anything about scientolgy, the truth is
stranger than any rubbish that could be invented..

"The incredulity of our data, is our best defense"

"There is nothing as wild in the books of Man as will probably happen
here on Earth. And it will happen and be allowed to happen simply
because all this is so incredible that nobody will even think of
stopping it until it is far, far too late." LRH
LERMANET.COM Exposing the CON of Scientology since 1996
Arnie Lerma
703-241-1498 Exposing the CON
for our friends and family
to get them out of scientology
before they end up here:


Mar 3, 2008, 11:20:19 PM3/3/08
Goddamn excellent, Arnie. I'm going to blog that if you don't mind. :)


Mar 3, 2008, 11:38:55 PM3/3/08
On Mar 3, 10:15 pm, " Exposing the CON for over 10 years!"

<> wrote:
> Every thing in Scientology is choreographed... a SHOW, an apparency,
> designed to leave the uniformed public confused and to provide an
> apparency of agreement that there is belief is a certain desired
> fallacy that benefits the coffers of $cientology.
> Teen Screen is  legislation to interview school kids to prevent
> SUICIDES...that is opoosed by the scam of scientology, because it is
> based upon psychology and psychiatry...

Psychiatry survives by destroying
others with poisons, they call it
helping people with medication.


Mar 3, 2008, 11:48:24 PM3/3/08
On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, LaserClam <> wrote:

>        Psychiatry survives by destroying
>        others with poisons,  they call it
>        helping people with medication.

Scientology Inc time and time again always
keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?,23599,22058789-2,00.html

To You

Mar 4, 2008, 2:25:56 AM3/4/08
Of course, the very insane do like to be drugged.

Of course the very malicious like to push drugs onto others, so that
others will lose the ability to perceive.

'Teen screen' is pure evil ONLY, but "critic" Arnie Lerma does not attack
it, BUT those who expose pure evil.


Teen Screen Questions - for Arnie Lerma (now, or in his next life time
when he is a defenseless and even more confused kid:)

Official Teen Screen Questions:

"Has there been a time when nothing was fun for you and you just weren't
interested in anything?

"Has there been a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that
you weren't as good-looking or as smart as other people?

"How often did your parents get annoyed or upset with you because of the
way you were feeling or acting?

"Have you often felt very nervous when you've had to do things in front of

"Have you often worried a lot before you were going to play a sport
or game or do some other activity?"

On Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:15:49 -0800, Exposing the CON for over
10 years! wrote:

> Complaints-To:
> Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 19:15:49 -0800 (PST)
> From: " Exposing the CON for over 10 years!" <>
> Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=Su6lkwoAAAA0w6LwW34Fzkekb-L68OgK
> Lines: 425
> Message-ID: <>
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 03:15:50 +0000 (UTC)
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
> Organization:
> Path:!!!!!!!hwmnpeer03.ams!!!!!!!not-for-mail
> Subject: Scientology's LEAF Project - Letters To The Editor Attack Force - Exposed
> User-Agent: G2/1.0
> X-Complaints-To:
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> X-Trace: 1204600550 14038 (4 Mar 2008 03:15:50 GMT)
> Xref: alt.religion.scientology:1925472
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Mar 4, 2008, 4:48:47 AM3/4/08
On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
>           Scientology Inc time and time again always
>           keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
>           with  orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?

How can drugs really help someone?


Mar 4, 2008, 5:25:19 AM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 8:48 pm, LaserClam <> wrote:

>        How can drugs really help someone?

Too bad you cant ask Elli Perkins
or Micheal and Kathryn Walicki, eh LoserClam?

THEY ARE DEAD!!!! Exposing the CON for over 10 years!

Mar 4, 2008, 9:20:45 AM3/4/08
On Mar 3, 11:20 pm, Anonymous <a...@anon.anon> wrote:
> Goddamn excellent, Arnie. I'm going to blog that if you don't mind. :)

PLEASE do so...that was my hope and intent

topic changed to
Scientologist JOINS Anonymous and brought docs!
that is how it came to be known
Arnie Lerma
Tel 703-241-1498
Support: Exposing the CON


Mar 4, 2008, 10:39:08 AM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 5:25 am, Alert <> wrote:
>           Too bad you cant ask Elli Perkins
>           or Micheal and Kathryn Walicki, eh LoserClam?

Now I get it, psychiatrists give poison to
people that causes people to kill people.

Hubbard liked 'em young

Mar 4, 2008, 10:30:41 AM3/4/08
LaserClam <> wrote in news:b67a1151-8055-4db7-9180-

> On Mar 4, 5:25ÿam, Alert <> wrote:
>> ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Too bad you cant ask Elli Perkins
>> ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ or Micheal and Kathryn Walicki, eh LoserClam?

> Now I get it, psychiatrists give poison to
> people that causes people to kill people.

That's it. Medication, which has gone through extensive testing with
hundreds of lab technicians and thousands of testers, has been specifically
designed to make people murder other people.

And not one person has managed to blow the whistle.

No one knows why psychs are manufacturing medication to create problems.
Normally when people try to take over the planet they offer a solution to
problems. But making problems? There has to be a reason.

I trust Scientology to get to the bottom of this elaborate conspiracy that
has left no evidence.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Android Cat

Mar 4, 2008, 1:37:41 PM3/4/08

So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off on
the anti-venom?

Ron of that ilk.


Mar 4, 2008, 1:54:45 PM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 1:37 pm, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
> LaserClam wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
> >> Scientology Inc time and time again always
> >> keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
> >> with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
> >>,23599,22058789-2,00.html

> >        How can drugs really help someone?
> So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off on
> the anti-venom?
> --
> Ron of that ilk.

Scientology can help you with that. Exposing the CON for over 10 years!

Mar 4, 2008, 2:35:10 PM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 4:48 am, LaserClam <> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
> > Scientology Inc time and time again always
> > keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
> > with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
> >,23599,22058789-2,00.html

> How can drugs really help someone?

How does a "Distinguished Member Technical Staff" justify using
company time
to make anti-psych posts to ARS??

LASER clam, as in Digital Light Wave which uses relatively cheap
LASER diodes to build their switch??



Introduction: Scientology's dead agent pages have included allegations
of guilt by association to various folks with unsavory reputations.
This page is a summary of some of scientology's allegations, in order
to show the pattern used for Scientology's propaganda, not just
against this social reform activist but against the most vocal.

Another longer reply to new websites making scurrilous allegations has
been posted with links on my chatboard archive HERE, if anyone has any
questions after reading all of this stuff, please give me a call at
703 241 1498

Examples: False Claim: Arnie Lerma's alleged anarchist connection: I
was actually asked about this by an agent of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation - giving false information to a Federal Agent is a

One day while picketing Scientology in Washington DC a fellow I did
not know and had never seen before, walked up to me on "R" street and
asked me for a picket sign. Always carrying extra signs with me just
for such occassions, I and gave him one. This apparantly was
choreographed by Scientology, as camera's clicked inside scientology
in DC.... Later I found out who he was, a fellow named Bill White.
whom I have never spoken to on the phone nor exchanged e-mail and knew
nothing about this guy, until I read SCientology's lies about me on
their hate pages. Unable to respond to the true and accurate materials
on, they try to keep their members from reading it with
lies like these, they also hope to discourage you from providing
financial support for the efforts of the ex-members at to
Expose Scientology
continues HERE

Scientology;s continued apparancy of 'success' depends upon removing
their own members,
and those they wish to favprably impress, - removing and reducing
their ability to think clearly..

It is this same diminished ability to reason effectively, which
allows the ludicrous and fallacious arguments to penetrate and then
modify their behavior - making them a dependent object of the cult to
be used, consumed, and then spit out when they are a mere husk of what
they once were...

And Joost Meerloo, A doctor, having survived by means of his
escaping detention BY the nazis with the help of the underground
resistance movement lived to explain HOW THEY DID IT.

and find out why Hubbard did it..

His writings, chillingly explain to anyone conversant with this effort
what we are facing in scientology... you will realize that the
stopping tactics are IDENTICAL...

When I asked Paulette Cooper WHY she decided to take on scientology
and write The Scandal of Scientology, - she said..
arnie.. I grew up in an orphanage, I remember being so cold that
I would look forward to peeing on myself, so that I might feel the
warmth. I grew up in an orphanage because my parents died in
Auschwitz...and I recognized in scientology the same spectre that
killed my parents...

I drew a deep breath...

The following is fact...of Scientology's involvement
I just documented it


Arnie Lerma Exposing the CON
for our friends and family
to get them out of scientology
before they end up here:

Hey kids, LAUGH at Scientology today!

Hubbard liked 'em young

Mar 4, 2008, 1:48:06 PM3/4/08
"Android Cat" <> wrote in

>>> Scientology Inc time and time again always
>>> keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
>>> with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
>> How can drugs really help someone?
> So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold
> off on the anti-venom?

No, he'd run down to the org and get audited immediately. When he
eventually exteriorizes, his case manager will shout at his corpse until he
comes back. If not, oh well, it's not like he was really alive in the MEST
universe to begin with. Exposing the CON for over 10 years!

Mar 4, 2008, 3:11:26 PM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 1:37 pm, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
> LaserClam wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
> >> Scientology Inc time and time again always
> >> keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
> >> with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
> >>,23599,22058789-2,00.html

> > How can drugs really help someone?
> So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off on
> the anti-venom?
> --
> Ron of that ilk.


Can you tell what part of the country laserclam posts from?

if so, then read THIS thread:

Black Mamba

Mar 4, 2008, 3:28:17 PM3/4/08
" Exposing the CON for over 10 years!" <>
wrote in message

| On Mar 4, 1:37 pm, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
| > LaserClam wrote:
| > > On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
| >
| > >> Scientology Inc time and time again always
| > >> keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
| > >> with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
| >
| >
| >
| > > How can drugs really help someone?
| >
| > So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off
| > the anti-venom?
| >
| > --
| > Ron of that ilk.
| AC,
| Can you tell what part of the country laserclam posts from?

Laser Clam is like a pit viper!


Henri Ladd

Mar 4, 2008, 3:57:41 PM3/4/08
to Exposing the CON for over 10 years! wrote:

> On Mar 4, 1:37 pm, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
>>LaserClam wrote:
>>>On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
>>>>Scientology Inc time and time again always
>>>>keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
>>>>with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
>>> How can drugs really help someone?
>>So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off on
>>the anti-venom?
>>Ron of that ilk.
> AC,
> Can you tell what part of the country laserclam posts from?

It appears the clam is posting from the Toronto area.

Black Mamba

Mar 4, 2008, 4:05:24 PM3/4/08
"Henri Ladd" <> wrote in message

| Exposing the CON for over 10 years! wrote:
| > On Mar 4, 1:37 pm, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
| >
| >>LaserClam wrote:
| >>
| >>>On Mar 3, 11:48 pm, Alert <> wrote:
| >>
| >>>>Scientology Inc time and time again always
| >>>>keep getting caught trying to 'align' peoples 'reality'
| >>>>with orchestrated campaigns, eh LoserClam?
| >>
| >>
| >>> How can drugs really help someone?
| >>
| >>So, if you get bit by a rattlesnake in your mailbox, we should hold off
| >>the anti-venom?
| >>
| >>--
| >>Ron of that ilk.
| >
| >
| > AC,
| >
| > Can you tell what part of the country laserclam posts from?
| It appears the clam is posting from the Toronto area.

Not very many rattlesnakes up there if you ask me!

Laser Clam is either misinformed regarding the natural habitiat of certain
species or he might have taken DOPE and is high.


Tom Newton

Mar 4, 2008, 9:43:59 PM3/4/08
On 2008-03-04, Exposing the CON for over 10 years! <> wrote:
> Every thing in Scientology is choreographed... a SHOW, an apparency,
> designed to leave the uniformed public confused and to provide an
> apparency of agreement that there is belief is a certain desired
> fallacy that benefits the coffers of $cientology.

Of course. It must be so because a cowardly troll who posts shit
all over the Internet while he hides behind dozens of aliases so
that he doesn't have to take responsibility for anything he says,
said so.

Thinking that everyone believes everything he/she posts just
because he/she posted it is one of the main features of the
psychopathology of trolls.

Fortunately for the Church of Scientology, most of the members of
'anonymous' are trolls, who believe paranoid gibberish like the
above because they are, not surprisingly, as gullible as they
think everyone else is.

But theres are two conditions to a troll's gullibility, and they
are obvious: The information must be negative and critical and
aimed at a specific intended victim. In-other-words: Abusive.

Here on ars, the trolls have found their own twisted paradise.

Here they have a victim whom they don't even have to face on
an Internet forum.

They can pile abuse on this victim all day long, with, they
think (contrary to what they post) no fear of retribution.



calhobbit (at) | The Truth will set you free:
gmail [DOT] com |

Mar 4, 2008, 10:05:48 PM3/4/08
On Mar 4, 6:43 pm, Tom Newton <t...@server.invalid> wrote:
> On 2008-03-04, Exposing the CON for over 10 years! <> wrote:
> > Every thing in Scientology is choreographed... a SHOW, an apparency,
> > designed to leave the uniformed public confused and to provide an
> > apparency of agreement that there is belief is a certain desired
> > fallacy that benefits the coffers of $cientology.
> Of course. It must be so because a cowardly troll who posts shit
> all over the Internet while he hides behind dozens of aliases so
> that he doesn't have to take responsibility for anything he says,
> said so.
Arnie Lerma is far from a cowardly troll who hides behind dozens of
aliases. What the fuck are you smoking Tom? He proudly reveals his
name everytime, as well as his namesake site, Have
you truly lost ALL of your marbles?

> Thinking that everyone believes everything he/she posts just
> because he/she posted it is one of the main features of the
> psychopathology of trolls.

If you read a little further, like DOWN TO THE MEDICAL STUDY, then you
would see how correct he actually is. $ci's whole concept of
"psychiatry is a sham" just had a 12-guage blown through it. Thus,
justifying everything he said initially. Learn to fucking read Tom.
If you're going to REPLY to someones MESSAGE, maybe you should have an
IDEA of what the MESSAGE was ABOUT. You fact assassinating

> Fortunately for the Church of Scientology, most of the members of
> 'anonymous' are trolls, who believe paranoid gibberish like the
> above because they are, not surprisingly, as gullible as they
> think everyone else is.

Yes, only Anonymous takes a medical study published by MSNBC as
credible information. Forget the REST OF THE WORLD.

> But theres are two conditions to a troll's gullibility, and they
> are obvious: The information must be negative and critical and
> aimed at a specific intended victim. In-other-words: Abusive.

No, correction. In-other-words: Truth. If you find the truth
abusive, GTFO. It's that simple you dumb prick. This study isn't
debatable, especially by you or ANYONE in $cientology. Until you earn
some genuine medical credentials, do everyone else a favor and shut
the fuck up, eh? I think everyone has had about enough of your
senseless babbling. You don't even remotely make sense.

> Here on ars, the trolls have found their own twisted paradise.

Seeing as you are certainly an authority on trolls, I am glad to hear
you've finally been able find a place on this planet that you actually
feel welcomed to. Be it a delusion or not, I'm sure that is no
concern of yours.

> Here they have a victim whom they don't even have to face on
> an Internet forum.

Right. We didn't face them Feb 10? We're not going to face them
March 15? Need I go on? You as always, make absolutely no logical
sense -- not even with a vivid imagination.

> They can pile abuse on this victim all day long, with, they
> think (contrary to what they post) no fear of retribution.

Do you see me masking my IP? I'm not afraid at all. I openly welcome
you, your OSA faggot clown posse, or anyone else in the $ci
organization to fuck with my life. They may hold an iron fist of fear
over others, but I certainly am not one of them. Why should we fear
retribution for bringing the truth to light anyways? Why should
anyone fear that? I thought it was only human nature to want to be
well informed...

Then again, after reading $ci's definition of "ethics", I can
understand why this would be so "abusive" to them. Afterall, we ARE
trying to pee on their brainwashing party. Exposing the CON for over 10 years!

Mar 4, 2008, 10:12:30 PM3/4/08

Ok that nails the ID down, thanks


Mar 4, 2008, 10:41:39 PM3/4/08
Is that what you think they did to you or is that was scientology told
you to believe they did?
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