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A fairly funny day in Paris

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Oct 18, 2008, 7:03:26 PM10/18/08
Funny incident #1: Victor, who is fairly rambunctious in his
presentation, was holding forth on a bullhorn across the street from
the Paris CC, dealing out various insults to the clams who came out to
smoke about every five minutes. (Nobody can smoke indoors in France
these days, which is inconvenient for chain-smoking Scienos.) Part of
his routine was holding up a pair of handcuffs and saying, "Here's
your Clear bracelet." A clam approached him with a sheet of paper and
asked him to read it. Victor refused, so the clam read it aloud to
him. It was a news report (or maybe an internal communique) about the
kid who got caught in the US for DdOS attacks and might spend 10 years
in prison. Eeeeeek! Somehow that was supposed to intimidate the dozen
or so protesters, whose numbers were about equal to those of the clams
inside the org. The only cop on hand so far was one in a multi-
pocketed sleeveless vest wearing aviator shades who was on the org
side of the street talking into a walkie-talkie. Other than that, he
was plainclothes.

Funny incident #2. A guy who lives on the second floor (first above
street level) of the appartement building next door appeared on his
balcony complaining about the bullhorns used by Victor and Nono la
Patate (a.k.a. le clown). He was told by Victor that it was an
authorized protest, so tough shit. Shortly, four cops showed up in a
police car followed by two more on bicycles. Nono went over to talk to
them, and was berated and insulted by one rather uptight young cop in
the car. Thereupon, Nono turned around and repeated what the cop had
said to those gathered on the street, which really pissed off the cop.
A lady who was standing there told the cop he should be more civil, so
he got out of the cop car and went into a "just doing my job" spiel
that got sort of whiny toward the end. She really dressed him down
about his decorum -- which he deserved, being an aggressive and
pompous little prick. Someone, somehow later found out that six
complaints have already been made by citizens about his behavior. No
real problem. The demo continued without the bullhorns.

Funny observation: After the cops showed up, lots of people came out
on the balconies of the next-door building and more stopped on the
sidewalk to see what the hell was going on. Their sentiments were, of
course, with the demonstrators as they always are in France. If people
protest, they must have a good reason.

Later, we retired to a nearby parc for refreshments.


Oct 19, 2008, 6:12:22 AM10/19/08
"Eldon" <> a écrit dans le message de

> Funny incident #1: Victor, who is fairly rambunctious in his
> presentation, was holding forth on a bullhorn across the street from
> the Paris CC, dealing out various insults to the clams who came out to
> smoke about every five minutes. (Nobody can smoke indoors in France
> these days, which is inconvenient for chain-smoking Scienos.) Part of
> his routine was holding up a pair of handcuffs and saying, "Here's
> your Clear bracelet." A clam approached him with a sheet of paper and
> asked him to read it. Victor refused, so the clam read it aloud to
> him. It was a news report (or maybe an internal communique) about the
> kid who got caught in the US for DdOS attacks and might spend 10 years
> in prison. Eeeeeek! Somehow that was supposed to intimidate the dozen
> or so protesters, whose numbers were about equal to those of the clams
> inside the org. The only cop on hand so far was one in a multi-
> pocketed sleeveless vest wearing aviator shades who was on the org
> side of the street talking into a walkie-talkie. Other than that, he
> was plainclothes.

bwhahaha!! the cretinized clam believes that the minor could get ten years?
We'll see.
Here is what I wrote yesterday regarding such methods:

"The scan cult criminal attorney is once again at the same defense as used
France: globally, these assholes of the crime cult want to make sure that
it's impossible to adress any picket against the cult itself, because
criminal puppets of the cult will say that THEY have been attacked
INDIVIDUALLY by anyone being in fact there to picket the cult itself.

Such a jurisprudence, if ever gotten by the cult would indeed allow them to
refuse any picket since it would be enough to have ONE scientology dishonest
member before an org to be able to pretend that the picketers attacked him.

Since there was indeed someone convicted twice in Paris after one of the
very WELL KNOWN member of the crime cult did a false report and got a false
attestation from other members, it's moreimportant than ever to have a video
running or two at each picket, otherwise, the criminals of the cult could do
whatever they want (including shooting picketers with guns if there are no
witnesses), then pretend their lives were at stake!

Beware, moxon is an old beast of the cult and I dunno if there is anywhere
in the world a most vicious attorney to defend them. Best evidence would be
that he has been able to avoid indictiment in United States against Mary Sue
et al, and has contributted to avoid Hubbard's indictment in the same. It
was really necessary to be ultra vicious and dishonest before courts to
avoid such problems."

So, getting ONE minor indicted after perhaps millions of TAXES funds spent
to get him do seem a large victory. If there had not been such a ridicule
helper of clams as a sheriff in LA, and if the cult had'nt paid and gotten
some more blackmail or pressure against the FBI, the guy in LA would never
even had been searched and found.

> Funny incident #2. A guy who lives on the second floor (first above
> street level) of the appartement building next door appeared on his
> balcony complaining about the bullhorns used by Victor and Nono la
> Patate (a.k.a. le clown). He was told by Victor that it was an
> authorized protest, so tough shit. Shortly, four cops showed up in a
> police car followed by two more on bicycles. Nono went over to talk to
> them, and was berated and insulted by one rather uptight young cop in
> the car. Thereupon, Nono turned around and repeated what the cop had
> said to those gathered on the street, which really pissed off the cop.
> A lady who was standing there told the cop he should be more civil, so
> he got out of the cop car and went into a "just doing my job" spiel
> that got sort of whiny toward the end. She really dressed him down
> about his decorum -- which he deserved, being an aggressive and
> pompous little prick. Someone, somehow later found out that six
> complaints have already been made by citizens about his behavior. No
> real problem. The demo continued without the bullhorns.
> Funny observation: After the cops showed up, lots of people came out
> on the balconies of the next-door building and more stopped on the
> sidewalk to see what the hell was going on. Their sentiments were, of
> course, with the demonstrators as they always are in France. If people
> protest, they must have a good reason.

Sure the people a&round do not like a lot the clam cultists. Only those very
few who are members of the cult can like it.

Perhaps the guy from the building nearby was one, but I'd suppose that no,
he was only bored of the horn: such can be a good idea if used only rarely,
unless hundreds of picketers are present and have to show how many they are.


Oct 19, 2008, 7:12:34 AM10/19/08
On Oct 19, 8:12 am, "feministe" <> wrote:
> "Eldon" <> a écrit dans le message
That possibility also occurred to me, but I think it was just the
noise. It was pretty loud, and the neighborhood is pretty residential.
What I found interesting was that there were just about as many
protesters as clams in the org at the time. I was there a bit early
and counted ten going out for lunch. It appeared that a couple stayed
inside and later came out for a smoke. As Nono noted, that bald-headed
OSA asshole was not around, and nobody was taking pictures from the
upstairs windows (or anywhere else).


Oct 20, 2008, 5:09:07 AM10/20/08
In article
Eldon <> wrote:

Sounds like a lovely day.


Oct 20, 2008, 1:00:00 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 1:09 am, Skipper <skipSPAMpr...@yahoo.not> wrote:
> In article
> <>,

> Sounds like a lovely day

It sure does! Especially when the general public comes around and
shows support for Anonymous and protests against this cult. Thanks
for the report Eldon.


Oct 20, 2008, 3:11:42 PM10/20/08

Yer welcome. It helps that the Paris CC is in a neighborhood that's
sort of like a small town, located near a square that is a gathering/
shopping place. My impression is that most of the people who live
around there are well aware of the cult's presence and would resent it
even without any protests.

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