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Vince Daniels, Kate Wickstrom, HIPPA

5 προβολές
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μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 1:06:58 μ.μ.19/2/07
It was unfortunate for listeners and convenient for Kate that she did
not listen to the first part of the program.

There is a certain amount of validity to some of Kate's claims about
HIPPA regulations. It is true that privacy regulations prohibit a
health care provider from revealing information about a client. She
was, however, hiding behind privacy regulations to avoid some of the

I accept that it was beyond the scope and budget of Vince's program to
get signed notarized waivers in place so that Kate could have given
some straight answers. (she would have claimed she never got the
waivers anyway)

Even still, she could easily have confirmed whether she and Per had
called an "unnamed former client" minutes before airtime without
violating anyone's privacy.


μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 3:46:04 μ.μ.19/2/07

I think there is no way she didn't listen to the whole show. But
saying she hadn't left her a lot of outs. You are right she couldn't
answer the questions about people. But she could have answered the
one about what she read or heard that made her start this center.

And she sure could have answered the one about if she or the center is
part of scientology.



μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 3:58:39 μ.μ.19/2/07

Oh, don't worry. Sure, she fucked up bigtime in the perception of the
listening audience. But afterward, Scientology must have given her
some free auditing to re-hypnotize her into thinking it was all for
the greater good.

A CS/53 repeated to a floating F/N should fix her up just fine for
another couple of weeks. In the interim, she won't even notice the
mice or the mold in the toilets.
> jerald


μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 4:04:12 μ.μ.19/2/07
> > jerald- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

LOL Eldon,

I bet they are cleaning like mad over there right now.



μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 5:40:38 μ.μ.19/2/07

Yes, in fact they did on Saturday. I heard from one of my guests
yesterday and she reported to me that she keeps in touch with other
students that she has made friends with over there. Apparantly they
scrambled after the show on Saturday and held "an emergency staff
meeting." This will be followed up again on my next show this
weekend, I can assure you.


μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 5:49:49 μ.μ.19/2/07

HIPAA, the US "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA)" of 1996, Public Law 104-191.

"HIPAA" is the correct acronym.

Make it so!



μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 7:09:09 μ.μ.19/2/07

What's even more funny is that Per called David's mom Friday and she
told him that David and I were going to be on the Vince Daniels show
and he asked who that was.....said he has never heard of him. Then
after talking to her about refunding her the 27.9K she had already
spent and not wanting to involve attornies because it just eats up
money.....he said "but if David and Kim are going to be flying out to
California to do that radio show I'll be more inclined not to want to
work with you." His mom never said ANYTHING about
California......BUSTED PER!!!

Nothing but lies from the very beginning! Shit certainly does run



μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 7:27:52 μ.μ.19/2/07
In article <1171930149.807563.146570
@q2g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>, kimber...@yahoo.com says...


> Nothing but lies from the very beginning! Shit certainly does run
> downhill!!
> Kimberly

We have to be careful about religious bigotry here, since lying
is a Scientology Sacrament.

So much so that the 'Church' lies even when it doesn't have to.

Scientology: The Science of Believing Anything You Like
This is the 'Tech' This is the Session.

Tigger Tigger

μη αναγνωσμένη,
19 Φεβ 2007, 8:37:00 μ.μ.19/2/07

In 1995 Kate Wickstrom said she was NOT a Scientologist and that
NarCONon Stone Hawk was NOT connected "to the church".


Sugar Loaf's future - The Leelanau Forum

Senior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: Dec 2004

02-16-2005 01:33 PM            

I have read the postings following the Record Eagle story that came out
this morning. I am a very direct person. I will tell you the way things
are at all times - I have no "hidden agendas". There is nothing "Kate"
hasn't told you if asked. I'm sorry Tigger has such an opinion of me
without having ever met me.

The fact that I own a drug rehab center using the technology of L. Ron
Hubbard does not make me a Scientologist. I had worked in the field of
substance abuse for over 20 years. It was not until my ex-husband had
gone to Narconon in 1999 for his own addiction, did I ever hear of
Narconon nor realize there was an alternative to rehab. Narconon offers
a person a different way of ending their addiction - it is a very
holistic program. They teach people how to communicate, confront and
control things in there lives and has been successful. I have had over
200 people graduate from my center in the past 2 years, who are now
leading drug free productive lives. I think that is pretty good.

Narconon is purely secular. My center is not connected to the Church. It
has never taken any money from Scientology in any form nor does
Scientology own the building. We opened a Narconon because it was the
program that saved my (ex)husbands life. The program made sense because
it does not give drugs to get people off drugs - it makes them confront
their addiction and handle it. My only purpose in opening the center was
to help other people get off drugs and alcohol, because I personally
went through the devastation of what drugs can do to a person and their

Am I a Scientologist - No. I really do not even know enough about
Scientology to make any kind of evaluation. I believe that everyone is
entilted to their own beliefs. I have mine and nothing or any one could
change them.

As far as Sugar Loaf - as I have stated from the very beginning, my only
purpose to opening Sugar Loaf is to give back to Leelanau County what I
believe belongs to all who live there. I grew up in Leelanau -went to
Leland and Glen Lake Schools - my family still lives there. What I am
doing with Sugar Loaf is so far removed from anything I do with my rehab
center. Sugar Loaf is going to be a Resort once again - with skiing,
golfing, lodging, dining, entertainment, laughter and FUN.
As everyone also knows, the dark clouds that have hung over Sugar Loaf
for so many years, has taken a considerable amount of time to sort out
and resolve. I,have never been a person who "waits" well and this has
been a real learning experience for me as far as patience, although I am
often told that good things come to those that wait. The delays are not
something that are going to stop me from pursuing the purchase. We are
all anxious to close the deal and get started. It has just taken a
little longer than any of us had anticipated. I know your patience is
running thin as well, but hang in there with me. We will succeed.

I will follow the forum more regularly and answer any questions I can,
as well as keep you more appraised of the closing.


μη αναγνωσμένη,
20 Φεβ 2007, 12:08:51 μ.μ.20/2/07

Vince, looking forward to more on this from your show. I think you
ROCK!! :)


μη αναγνωσμένη,
20 Φεβ 2007, 12:19:46 μ.μ.20/2/07

Oh, no... poor Wickstroms! You've got undercover agents in the damn
place. You're such a suppressive person. Bwahahaha!

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