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to the Sea Org kids

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Jul 7, 2007, 2:42:55 PM7/7/07
Have you ever looked around you while walking around Los Angeles? Do you
ever notice other kids your age, driving cars, shopping for clothes,
enjoying a meal on a restaurant patio?

Some of them are devoted to saving the world, and dedicate some of their
time to saving the environment, being politically active, adopting
causes. But children, these kids aren't spending 99% of their time
running on the Hamster Wheel to Toadle Freedom!

Youth is a time of discovery. Parties with friends, a day at the beach,
your first car, dating, and learning what the real world is all about.

Have you ever been to the mountains or the desert? Or, is your time
spent within the Scientology reality bubble?

So much of what Scientology is teaching you is not true. If you're
reading this, it's possible that you, yourself have nagging doubts, but
you keep them to yourself, don't you? Because you know what will happen
if you dare to share them with a reports, Ethics, the RPF.

Kids, out in the real world, we have the right to speak out about things
we feel aren't "right." Real communication means sharing your thoughts
with others, and getting their input. I have met many ex-Scientologists.
They are, like you, often intelligent people who misplaced their trust.
One thing I think is interesting is, they all harbored these doubts. So,
if there are things about the Sea Org that bother you, be assured that
the people around you are also harboring doubts about Scientology, yet
none of you dare to mention them for fear of reprisal.

This isn't freedom! The gate to the Auschwitz concentration camp had a
message to the prisoners on it; 'Arbeit macht frei,' work makes you
free. The Nazis twisted these words around, being in a concentration
camp doing slave labor isn't freedom!

You are at a time in your life when you should be getting your first car
and exploring the world around you. Like the song says, 'Nobody walks in

You should be playing at the beach. You should have your first job, and
be earning your own money for toys like Ipods, computers, video games.
You should have a dog. You should have real friends, who like you for
who you are, friendship not dependant upon membership in a group.

Saving the world is a noble endeavor. But Scientology is a mock-up; the
organization isn't really working in that direction. Deep down inside,
you probably know this, but you don't want to know. Your youth is being
stolen. Many members, when they finally leave, are in their 20s and 30s.
You can never get the time back when you are free to explore the world.
You'll be spit out as an adult into the real world, with no skills, no
connections, no friends. It's harder as you get older.

Right now, there's still time to go to school and learn to do something
you enjoy. Making money is only part of life, but it does grease the
wheels. If you start now, you can take your life back, and still get in
on some of the youthful fun you're entitled to enjoy.

I know, you wouldn't know what to do if you packed up your small
belongings and walked out, never to return. You don't know where to go,
or who to trust. Los Angeles is a big city.

However, there is a big network of people who would be happy to help
you! Magoo, myself, Arnie, Warrior, Dr. Dave Touretzky, we can all be
contacted thru email.

If you're fed up with your life in the Sea Org and Scientology, you can
find help. Some of you, like Magoo, have invested their whole lives
inside Scientology, and you know that, if you leave, you will lose all
your friends and, some of you, your families as well.

That's no different than a drug addict who decides to clean up. They
have to give up their old friends and their old life, too. But, people
do it all the time. It's not impossible.

And here's a funny thing. Ex-members are connecting up with some of
their old, dear friends on the other side of the veil! Sometimes you
just have to wait until they "wake up" too, and leave the organization.

If you stay in, Scientology will use you up. There is no retirement home
for elderly Scientologists. There is no pension plan. When you quit
producing, that's it! You will find yourself on a street corner,
clutching a garbage bag of possessions, with nowhere to go, no Social
Security (such as it is) and few options. You know this is true! An old
person with few skills is doomed to taking crappy jobs for minimum wage,
living in a crappy little apartment somewhere. But, think about it.
They've got their own place, which they don't have to share. Nobody is
going to drink the last milk in their fridge, or eat the last Ho-Ho out
of the cupboard. They can have a television if they wish. They can call
their friends whenever they want. They don't need permission to go out
of town.

It's better when you're young enough to create a decent life for
yourself. Think about it! If you want to cut class, you can, although a
responsible person would realize that they're going to school for a
reason. Having your own car means you can take a drive up Mt. Wilson to
see the snow whenever you want. You don't need anyone's permission to do
anything. That's Total Freedom, kids! Being responsible enough to pilot
your own life, not relying on somebody else telling you what to do,
being free enough to hit the beach on a sunny day when you feel like it.

Taking up hang gliding, riding motorcycles, exploring the boundaries of
your own ability. You should, at this point in your life, be driving
your own bus. Don't you want to?

Surf's up! The fish are biting! The sun is out (well, not today) and you
should be outside, expanding your mind, learning new things, meeting new
friends. You should be driving your own bus. Don't you want to?

One other thing. There are people on this newsgroup whose job it is to
confuse and instill mistrust. They pose as critics of Scientology, but
it's just a Scientology op. All the off-topic posts about eevil psychs,
same thing, a Scientology op to disrupt communication here.

Odd behavior for a group that claims to be committed to communicating,
isn't it?

Road Runner, Truth Seeker, Lily Fired, Space Traveler (aka Roadrunner)
Barbara Schwarz, are all Scientologists trying to break the flow of
communication about Scientology and its abuses. Some pose as critics.
However, they will never recommend critical websites, trying to convince
you that the critical sites are somehow Scientology related OSA ops.

Truth Seeker is known for referring readers to a series of essays,
written by OSA, which purport to be critical. is one site he won't recommend. is another.
The creator of is Arnie Lerma, ex-SO member, who almost
married one of Hubbard's daughters! You can trust him. He has helped
many people get their lives back.

Beware of the sock puppets who say everyone here is OSA. I'm not. On my
hate pages at, the first thing on
that page is, "Barbara Graham has never been a Scientologist, never had
relatives who were in, etc."

Look at those pages. If a person is listed as a "religious extremist,"
it means they are on Scientology's "enemies list."

Did you ever wonder why a "church" has an enemy's list?
And now, an added note from someone who has been where you are now:
"Rockyslammer's" message to you;

I came into scientology when I was 17 years old - I left when I was 35
years old. I had to start my life anew. I had to work extra hard to
make up for 18 years of not earning. Everything people normally do
much younger. I vowed to give my kids a better start than I made for

My daughter was born into scientology. We left when she was quite
young. She did her schooling and then went to university. She studied

sound and TV production and has just graduated. She is working her
first job. She is a female DJ and obviously heavily into music. She
teaches kids to DJ. She has travelled to many countries and has just
learnt to surf. She has been riding horses since she was 6 years old
and has had three horses/ponies. At the moment she is learning
dressage. She has boyfriends, a car, a flat of her own and she can
talk to ANYONE she wants. And she does - because she is very outgoing.

She is better at communication than me - an OT! I love her to bits as
I do her younger brother. I am a very proud dad!!

My son is nine and he has great fun playing "Crazy Frog" on a his
little guitar. He is really very good. What is even more amazing is
that he is really hooked on Beathoven's "Flur Elise" - gosh what is the
modern generation coming to? He also loves to boogy board and snorkel.
His school is right on the beach and he swims every day in summer.
Unfortunately he is also addicted to his computer games. Damn!

You know something kids? My two think they have a very "normal" life -
and they do!! Can you get your head around that?

Sea Org kids - what you have isn't life. Read Barbz message again -
think about it.

You are told scientology will deliver something to you - it won't. As
I said I
came in mid 1960's as a 17 year old boy. Scientology does NOT give
what it promises - I promise you. The rest of the world thinks
scientologist are aggressive looneys. They are - but it doesn't have
to be that way for you. Good luck.

Email me if you want to swear at me or ask a question. I can talk to
anyone and if you have the courage so can you.

Let's have an addition to my little input.

It was my sons birthday last week - he was 10. What happened that was
special for his birthday celebration? Well he got a $500 guitar - he is
so good that he played recently in front of his entire school. Then we
went to "Snow Planet" where he spent a few hours skiing and snow
boarding. I'm afraid he got a cold wet bum! Then of course there were
the computer games, leggo and hot wheels toys. He is having a party
this week as well.

What happens to you, kids, on your birthday? My son thinks he is just
an ordinary kid - and he is. To me, of course, he is more than ordinary.
Chaplain, ARSCC

"Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
-ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"

Barbara Schwarz

Jul 8, 2007, 2:57:53 AM7/8/07
On Jul 7, 12:42 pm, barb <> wrote:
> Have you ever looked around you while walking around Los Angeles?

Not again this dumb spam posting. You are insulting the intelligence
of young people with that posting. Didn't you notice that no young
Scientologist is interested in your babble?

Exposing p$ychiatric agents and trolls:
if you are intelligent and think for yourself, they defame, libel, and
abuse you as being mentally ill. If you are not intelligent and don't
think for yourself but adopt their mentally retarded, narrow, false,
insecure, and hate filled opinions, they call you sane. - Thanks, I
rather be my own thinking person.

By the way: Wikipedia (Wikipiggi) lies, defames, abuses and harasses.
-- Barbara Schwarz


Jul 8, 2007, 11:58:55 AM7/8/07

The impossible to handle .Lily FireRed.

Jul 8, 2007, 1:45:25 PM7/8/07
On Jul 8, 5:58 pm, barb <> wrote:


Thus spoketh barbz, Her Royal Lieness from the Realm of Boredom.

Congrats, readers, that you roaded through the Highlands of Falsehood
and the Desert of Manipulation.

In case you need a road map through Confusity, I am the right one to
provide it.

Let's start, fasten seat belts:

The first thing you must understand regarding barbz posting is, that
it has been written by an osa-operative, posing as a critic. osa=
office of special affairs, this is the internal police of scientology
and they are the main controlers of the members and of true critics as

She writes this, because the church of scientology is very much afraid
to lose members. They know very well, that the time, when people grow
up and start to think along their own lines, they begin to question
everything. This is a very important time in the life and the best
that can happen to people is, that they never stop thinking along
their own lines.

Scientology, the church of scientology most of all, has an
authoritarian structure, if you are grown up there, you might know
that already.

You might have seen your parents preparing for a course or for a
service, you might have seen them very eager to do everything right.
To be correct, to be under control.
You might have seen them trying to fullfill expectations and might
have noticed even, that this were expectations from other people.
You might have been surprised to watch your father behaving like a
subordinate when he met a guy from the church. Felt his fear even,
probably, and have wondered about that, since you always saw him
strong and full of power.
You might have wished your mother to be by your side, when she was
not, because she had to do something for the church and left you
aside, regardless of your pain or your tears or your illness. Maybe
you were angry, or you felt ashamed. Nothing special, btw, we all got
our reasons to be angry with them from time to time. It is normal, it
is okay even. Parents, who do not provide their children with the
opportunity to be angry with them are bad parents, because they do not
allow their children to be critical. What you must know is, that your
parents have decided long ago to join a church which is authoritarian
and controlling. And that they are afraid of that church as well,
because fear is one of the main weapons scientology has and uses.
Likely your parents joined scientology because they wanted to save the
world, most of the people had good intentions when they joined
scientology. Probably they hoped to become "better" themselves and
they count on the promises of scientology, which are never fullfilled
of course.

Else you should know is, that although they have decided to join the
church, they have absolutely no right to force you to stay in there.
Nobody has a right to decide for you what you believe or not believe.
This is completely up to you.

That is what authoritarian organisations are the most afraid of, that
they cannot control the peoples' life and thoughts any longer. They
think, if they capture the people in the time when they are teenagers
and creating their own mind-empire, that they have to interfere to
make sure, that the "kids" will not slip apart from their influence.
That is the reason why barbz writes her letter to you, which is
written to find out, who of the kids is critical against the church.
Hence her suggestion and advice to call people from the Internet.

Please, do not call anybody from the Internet. I will try to provide
you with some other suggestions, but as long as you got no own
apartment and are dependend on the money of your parents, just hold on
please. Meanwhile try to get the best kind of education you can. If
you are in a scientology-school, ask for courses in external colleges
(community colleges) or in other schools or with non-scientologist
teachers. Don't tell them that you want non-scientologist teachers,
just ask for a musician to be taught music or for someone to be taught
a language or whatever interests you.

Start your own life now. If they bring you to a scientologist, just
learn the brain out of yourself of anything non-scientologese he can
teach you. Eg, if you want to learn French, take the course and study
the language, but avoid any questions re Hubbard if possible. Do in
computers. Try computer courses, whichever you can get.

Most of all: don't be afraid of anybody or anything. If you can manage
that, you have won!

In the following posting "Road map to manipulation" I will try to
explain a little bit, how barbz' = scientology's method works.


barbz wrote:

> Hey there.
<snip> see following "Road Map"

The impossible to handle .Lily FireRed.

Jul 8, 2007, 1:46:23 PM7/8/07
On Jul 8, 5:58 pm, barb <> wrote:
This "<...>" marks cut out passages from barbz posting, I shortened it.

barbz wrote:
> Hey there.

> But children, these kids aren't spending 99% of their time
> running on the Hamster Wheel to Toadle Freedom!

She insinuates that you are running on the Hamster Wheel.
You are not. You are struggling, and questioning. Once you question
you are not running on the Hamster Wheel anymore! To question means to
jump down from that Wheel.


> Have you ever been to the mountains or the desert? Or, is your time
> spent within the Scientology reality bubble?

My guess is, that nobody so far provided you with the opportunity to
go to the mountains or the desert. One day you will go there. All by
yourself, with the friends you made by yourself.
When you question scientology or life in general, you made the first

> So much of what Scientology is teaching you is not true. If you're
> reading this, it's possible that you, yourself have nagging doubts, but
> you keep them to yourself, don't you? Because you know what will happen
> if you dare to share them with a reports, Ethics, the RPF.

Your doubts are the key to your life! Your own life! And they show how
extraordinary you are, how intelligent and couraged. Since I believe
it be true when barbz says, that one might "report" about your doubts,
I think you should be very careful with whom you share them, as long
as you are dependend on your parents money.


> if there are things about the Sea Org that bother you, be assured that
> the people around you are also harboring doubts about Scientology, yet
> none of you dare to mention them for fear of reprisal.

Since barbz, a poster who writes on behalf of the church of
scientology, wants you to "share" your doubts, I recommend you to
think twice about it, especially with whom you share them.


<I snip her blahblah>

> However, there is a big network of people who would be happy to help
> you! Magoo, myself, Arnie, Warrior, Dr. Dave Touretzky, we can all be
> contacted thru email.

Be careful calling and contacting those people in any way.

> If you're fed up with your life in the Sea Org and Scientology, you can
> find help. Some of you, like Magoo, have invested their whole lives
> inside Scientology, and you know that, if you leave, you will lose all
> your friends and, some of you, your families as well.

In fact you will become able to win new friends, to get an own family
if you wish. And your own life. Independency.

> That's no different than a drug addict who decides to clean up. They
> have to give up their old friends and their old life, too. But, people
> do it all the time. It's not impossible.

You are not a drug addict. You are critical to the authoritarian
organisation you were born into and you are no addict.

That is what barbz is really scared of: that you are NOT an addict.
That is the reason, why she posts her posting: because you are not
addicted. Because you think for yourself and because - for whatever
reason - the mind-control-machinery of scientology did not work on

You are no addict.

> And here's a funny thing. Ex-members are connecting up with some of
> their old, dear friends on the other side of the veil! Sometimes you
> just have to wait until they "wake up" too, and leave the organization.

It must be possible to keep contact with your old friends and your
family, but probably there will be a time, when your old friends and
family will not want that.
Yet maybe they are only waiting for the one to do the first step, who
knows? What if that exact fear, to lose the family, is the only thing
which keeps members of your family in scientology? What then?

Try to be the one, who does the first step - when the time is right!

You are not responsible for how your family will deal with your
decision, since it is your life and you have a right to live it the
way you want. You do not have to shut your door. Your door can always
be open and if you make this clear, it will be easier for you to
explain it to your family.


> Having your own car means you can take a drive up Mt. Wilson to
> see the snow whenever you want. You don't need anyone's permission to do
> anything. That's Total Freedom, kids!

That is not Total Freedom, kids, since I guess, scientologists can do
that as well, can't they? But what they cannot is to decide with whom
they make friendship e.g. since non-scientologists are not accepted.
They cannot decide, whether they find Hubbard's writings good or bad.
They cannot decide, whether they feel good or bad, once they e.g. have
doubts (this tone-scale comes to my mind, a straight jacket, if there
was ever one - and stupid like hell)

>Being responsible enough to pilot
> your own life, not relying on somebody else telling you what to do,
> being free enough to hit the beach on a sunny day when you feel like it.

My guess is, you can do that as well. This is freedom. But not enough

> Taking up hang gliding, riding motorcycles, exploring the boundaries of
> your own ability. You should, at this point in your life, be driving
> your own bus. Don't you want to?
> Surf's up! The fish are biting! The sun is out (well, not today) and you
> should be outside, expanding your mind, learning new things, meeting new
> friends. You should be driving your own bus. Don't you want to?

Driving your own bus? Bus?
Anyway - not enough freedom.

> One other thing. There are people on this newsgroup whose job it is to
> confuse and instill mistrust. They pose as critics of Scientology, but
> it's just a Scientology op. All the off-topic posts about eevil psychs,
> same thing, a Scientology op to disrupt communication here.
> Odd behavior for a group that claims to be committed to communicating,
> isn't it?
> Road Runner, Truth Seeker, Lily Fired, Space Traveler (aka Roadrunner)
> Barbara Schwarz, are all Scientologists

barbz lies. Although she writes my name, which is Lily Fire-Red,
wrong, I feel addressed and want to clear up: I am not a
scientologist, nor was I ever one. Not because I am so clever, but
because I had luck, since there were attempts to catch me.

>trying to break the flow of
> communication about Scientology and its abuses. Some pose as critics.
> However, they will never recommend critical websites, trying to convince
> you that the critical sites are somehow Scientology related OSA ops.

Critical content can be found here on a.r.s in the postings of Truth
Seeker mainly, and mine as well, as well as from other posters, like
Ralph Dorian. There are no websites (except that one about Maria Pia
Gardini) I can recommend, since scientology destroys every website,
which is really critical to them. Not that they are so powerful. But
they outnumber true critics and know how to harass the right offices,
so that websites are being shut down, as well as they try to shut down
our Internet accesses or as well as e.g. they cracked my computer.

It is not because they are soooo powerful. They are only more violent,
and less scrupulous when it comes to their "church".

All the best


Don't be afraid of the church of scientology, because that is what
want you to be in order to undermine your criticism and silence you


For further enlightenment, please read some of Truth Seeker's
:: The Hitchhiker's Guide Through A.R.S. - Complete List Of Truth
Seeker's Articles About This Newsgroup ::

or try this link:


The impossible to handle .Lily FireRed.

Jul 8, 2007, 1:47:24 PM7/8/07
On Jul 8, 7:45 pm, "The impossible to handle .Lily FireRed."

Reposted, since barbz posts her stuff again and again, so I post my
answer again and again. Some quotes (Iggy, eg) are from the other
thread, weeks or months ago, but I think they are very enlightening.

Iggy wrote:
> "the even harder to handle .Lily Firered." <> wrote in
> message

> >
> > This "<...>" marks cut out passages from barbz posting, I shortened it.
> >
> >
> > barbz wrote:
> >> Hey there.
> > <...>
> >

> >> But children, these kids aren't spending 99% of their time
> >> running on the Hamster Wheel to Toadle Freedom!
> >

> > She insinuates that you are running on the Hamster Wheel.
> > You are not. You are struggling, and questioning. Once you question you
> > are not running on the Hamster Wheel anymore! To question means to jump
> > down from that Wheel.
> >

> Here, Lily insinuates that those on the Hamster Wheel of Toadle Freedom are
> *allowed* to question....they are not. For, if they do, they are labeled as
> "out-ethics"....and, if they continue to question, may be put in the RPF
> (better known in civilian circles as Scientology's version of a
> concentration camp).

I have reasons to believe what Iggy claims, although I was never in
that church, so I have to confess, that I have no personal experience.
But I have read about that and consider it true.

That is the reason, why I warned you, readers, to talk about your
doubts to anybody. Don't do that at least as long as you are anyhow
dependend on members of that cult. Do not trust anybody from the

But you can question and doubt anything in the beginning all by
yourself and should do so.

I think it could help a little bit, if you read non-scientology books
- anywhich you can get, especially those, your parents or your auditor
warn you about. You could go to a library and read the forbidden books
there, if you are afraid, anybody could dig in your personal stuff and
find them.

Truth Seeker is the forbidden author here. You could start reading him
and of course with each and every critical opinion in your mind. That
is okay, that is great. Read my postings as well with a critical

Another thing I want to mention is, that you should not be afraid of
anybody or anything, yet that does not mean, that you should trust
everybody. That are two different things. Overcome your fear. But be
careful all the time. That is what mountain climbers do, btw. If you
listen to the best and most hazardous in the world they tell you about
overcoming fears by not becoming careless at the same time. The best
of the best climb alone, by the way. But they talk about the "quality
of the next step" and mean, that that step has to be well thought-
through and not be done just because someone with the binoculars
watching from the deck chair shouts at them: "Go ahead - there is a
rock with a view above you" when they cannot be sure that rock is


Jul 8, 2007, 8:31:54 PM7/8/07

"barb" <> wrote in message

> Have you ever looked around you while walking around Los Angeles? Do you
> ever notice other kids your age, driving cars, shopping for clothes,
> enjoying a meal on a restaurant patio?

Glad to see the CoS is still being lead by the nose with these posts. So
very reactive.

Barbara Schwarz

Jul 10, 2007, 2:32:55 AM7/10/07
On Jul 8, 11:46 am, "The impossible to handle .Lily FireRed."

<> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 5:58 pm, barb <> wrote:
> This "<...>" marks cut out passages from barbz posting, I shortened it.

I can't believe that Barbzzz Babbles Graham still spams her crap. No
young person feels approched. If you ask me, if they would read her
crap, they would be all insulted. When does she ever learn?

Exposing p$ychiatric agents and trolls:
if you are intelligent and think for yourself, they defame, libel, and
abuse you as being mentally ill. If you are not intelligent and don't
think for yourself but adopt their mentally retarded, narrow, false,
insecure, and hate filled opinions, they call you sane. - Thanks, I
rather be my own thinking person.

By the way: Wikipedia (Wikipiggi) lies, defames, abuses and harasses.
-- Barbara Schwarz


> >BarbaraSchwarz, are all Scientologists


Jul 10, 2007, 3:38:27 AM7/10/07
Exposing $cientology agents and trolls:

if you are intelligent and think for yourself, they defame, libel, and
abuse you as being mentally ill. If you are not intelligent and don't
think for yourself but adopt their mentally retarded, narrow, false,
insecure, and hate filled opinions, they call you clear. - Thanks, I'd

rather be my own thinking person.

Hey Barbera, I fixed your sig. It reads properly now.

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