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Scientology's top triangle -- Sadism

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Gerry Armstrong

May 29, 2005, 1:44:32 PM5/29/05
Scientology sells "control" as a pro-survival objective and sells
courses and auditing programs to gradiently attain that objective.

Cult founder L. Ron Hubbard even defines "Scientologist" as "one who
controls persons, environments and situations." PAB 137, quoted in
Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary.

The tech dictionary states in the definition for the Scientology
symbol: "The upper triangle is the KRC triangle. The points are K for
knowledge, R for responsibility and C for control.

As Fromm makes very clear, and is obvious to anyone who has broken
away from Hubbard's and Scientology's control and confronted it with
honest study and introspection, what Scientology is selling,
practicing and enforcing is sadism.

Hubbard's famous law of control in "On Control and Lying," is dripping
with sadism: "The only way to control people is to lie to them."

Sadistic Scientology matches up flawlessly with what Fromm calls the
religion of psychical cripples.

There is hope for psychical cripples, but it is not in sadism and so
it cannot be in Scientology. Scientology is a place to learn about
sadism, and even to gain enough knowledge of sadism to be able to
recognize and avoid its many other forms after Scientology. But one
doesn't have to become a masochist to understand sadism. Doing
Scientology is a foolish way to learn the lesson, although it's a
lesson nevertheless can be learned.

Scientology's organizational and policy requirement and support for
Scientologists' psychological state of sadism is Hubbard's
"Suppressive Person" doctrine and its fair game execution. Anyone who
will not be controlled, who will not be Hubbard's or new cult boss
David Miscavige's masochist, is beastifed and obliterated.

Probably the most universal and dramatic proof of Scientology's and
Scientologists' sadism is the "contract" cult leader Miscavige
concocted to bind me as his victim.

As Fromm says, "to force someone to endure pain or humiliation without
being able to defend himself is one of the manifestations of absolute
control," and it is a manifestation, of course, of ultimate sadism.
Miscavige's "contract" with me, so he and his cultists say, forces me
to endure pain and humiliation inflicted by every Scientology
organization and virtually every Scientologist without being able to
defend myself.

The great importance of Miscavige's "contract" is not only that it
mandates the absolutely sadistic handling and treatment of me, but
that it contracts virtually every Scientologist to this absolute

Preventing people from becoming Scientology sadists really is out of
our hands, but it is completely within our hands to tell the world
what they're becoming.

The Anatomy of Human Destrictiveness
© 1973 Eric Fromm
Fawcett Publications, Inc.

Part Three "The Varieties of Aggression and Destructiveness and Their
Respective Conditions"
Chapter 11 "Malignant Aggression"
Section "The Nature of Sadism"
pp. 322, 323


I have given these examples of Stalin's sadism because they serve very
well to introduce the central issue: ~the nature of sadism~. Thus far
we have dealt descriptively with various kinds of sadistic behavior,
sexual, physical, and mental. These different forms of sadism are not
independent from each other; the problem is to find the common
element, the essence of sadism. Orthodox psychoanalysis claimed that
a particular aspect of sexuality was common to all these forms; in
the second phase of Freud's theory it was asserted that sadism was a
blending of Eros (sexuality) and the death instinct, directed outside
oneself, while masochism is a blend of eros and the death instinct,
directed toward oneself.

Against this, I propose that the core of sadism, common to all its
manifestations, is ~the passion to have absolute and unrestricted
control over a living being~, whether an animal, a child, a man, or a
woman. To force someone to endure pain or humiliation without being
able to defend himself is one of the manifestations of absolute
control, but it is by no means the only one. The person who has
complete control over another living being, makes this being into his
thing, his property, while he becomes the other being's god. Sometimes
the control can even be helpful, and in that ease we might speak of a
benevolent sadism, such as one finds in instances where one person
rules another for the other's own good, and in fact furthers him in
many ways, except that he keeps him in bondage. But most sadism is
malevolent. Complete control over another human being means crippling
him, choking him, thwarting him. Such control can have all forms and
all degrees.

Albert Camus's play, ~Caligula~, provides an example of an extreme
type of sadistic control which amounts to a desire for omnipotence.
We see how Caligula, brought by circumstances to a position of
unlimited power, gets ever-more deeply involved in the craving for
power. He sleeps with the wives of the senators and enjoys their
humiliation when they have to act like admiring and fawning friends.
He kills some of them, and those that remain still have to smile and
joke. But even all this power does not satisfy him; he wants absolute
power, he wants the impossible. As Camus has him say, "I want the

It is easy enough to say that Caligula is mad, but his madness is a
way of life; it is one solution of the problem of human existence,
because it serves the illusion of omnipotence, of transcending the
frontiers of human existence. In the process of trying to win
absolute power Caligula lost all contact with men. He became an
outcast by casting them out; he had to become mad because, when the
bid for omnipotence failed, he was left a lonely, impotent individual.

The case of Caligula is of course exceptional. Few people ever have
the chance to attain so much power that they can seduce themselves
into the delusion that it might be absolute. But some have existed
throughout history, up to our time; if they remain victorious, they
are celebrated as great statesmen or generals; if they are defeated,
they are considered madmen or criminals.

This extreme solution to the problem of human existence is barred to
the average person. Yet in most social systems, including ours, even
those on lower social levels can have control over somebody who is
subject to their power. There are always children, wives, or dogs
available; or there are helpless people, such as inmates of prisons,
patients in hospitals, if they are not well-to-do (especially the
mentally sick), pupils in schools, members of civilian bureaucracies.
It depends on the social structure to what degree the factual power of
superiors in each of these instances is controlled or restricted and,
hence, how much possibility for sadistic satisfaction these situations
offer. Aside from all these situations, religious and racial
minorities, as far as they are powerless, offer a vast opportunity for
sadistic satisfaction for even the poorest member of the majority.

Sadism is one of the answers to the problem of being born human when
better ones are not attainable. The experience of absolute control
over another being, of omnipotence as far as he, she, or it is
concerned, creates the illusion of transcending the limitations of
human existence, particularly for one whose real life is deprived of
productivity and joy. Sadism has essentially no practical aim; it is
not "trivial" but "devotional." ~It is transformation of impotence
into the experience of omnipotence~; it is the religion of psychical

[End Quote]

© Gerry Armstrong

P. Berner

May 30, 2005, 3:11:06 AM5/30/05
Kurzfassung für Langschläfer (Germanische Translazion)
"Gerry Armstrong" <> schrieb
(...nichts, er zitiert bloss Fromm's Behauptung von1950):

| Scientology verkauft, praktizert & setzt Sadismus durch.

Ich denke, diese lächerlche Behauptung braucht nicht mal
widerlegt zu werden. Genau _den_ Schwachsinn verbrei-
ten unsere hirnlosen 'critics' seit Jahrzehnten. Und die mei-
sten von ihnen ohne jemals auch nur einen _einzigen_ Blick
in die schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen Hubbards geworfen zu

Die Erklärung dieses Phänomens liefert Einstein, auch 1950:

| "Mittelmässige Geister verurteilen gewöhnlich alles, was
| über ihren Horizint hinaus geht:
| Grosse Geister haben stets heftige Gegnerschaft in den nur
| Mittelmässigen gefunden. Diese Letzteren nämlich konnten
| es nicht verstehen, wenn ein Mensch sich nicht gedankenlos
| den 'ererbten' Vorurteilen unterwirft, sondern ehrlich und
| mutig seine Intelligenz gebraucht ud die Pflicht erfüllt, die
| Ergebnisse seines Denkens in klarer Form wiederzugeben."

Und wenn sich, vielleicht schon innerhalb der nächsten 20
Jahre, Hubbard's Lebenswerk weltweit als äusserst nützlich
durchgesetzt haben wird, dann werden die selben hirnlosen
Kleingeister ohne rot zu werden beteuern, 'es schon immer
gewusst zu haben, dass...'

Dazu wäre da z.B. auch ein gewisser 'Jesus' auszugraben:
Erst ans Kreuz 'getratscht', heut' von PapaRazi beklatscht.

Doch _ich_ vergebe euch, da ihr nicht wisst was ihr tut!

Ich denke, der alte Bartel *) und sein Sohnemann werden's
mir wohl nicht wirklich übel nehmen, dass ich sie hier kurz
vertreten habe.

Peter Berner, freier Scientologe
*) der bärtige Alte (mein respekt-loser Ausdruck für 'Gott')

Peter Widmer

May 30, 2005, 5:27:02 AM5/30/05
Das höchste Dreieck von Scientology - Sadismus

Scientology verkauft "Kontrolle" als Ziel zum Überleben und verkauft
Kurse und Auditing Programme, um dieses Ziel stufenweise zu erreichen.

Kultgründer L. Ron Hubbard definiert sogar "Scientologe" als "einer
der Personen, Umgebung und Situationen kontrolliert". PAB 137, erwähnt
in Dianetik und im Scientology Technical Dictionary.

Der Technical Dictionary erklärt in der Definition des Scientology
Symbols: "das obere Dreieck ist das KRC Dreieck. Die Punkte sind K für
Wissen, R für Verantwortung und C für Kontrolle".

Wie Fromm klar macht, und für jedermann offensichtlich, der sich von
der Kontrolle durch Hubbard und Scientology befreit und diese mit
ehrlichem Studium und Selbstbeobachtung konfrontiert, was Scientology
verkauft, ausübt und aufzwingt ist Sadismus.

Hubbards berühmtes Gesetz der Kontrolle in "On Control and Lying"
trieft von Sadismus: "der einzige Weg, Leute zu kontrollieren, ist sie
zu belügen".

Die sadistische Scientology passt einwandfrei mit dem zusammen, was
Fromm die Religion der psychischen Krüppel nennt.

Es gibt Hoffnung für psychische Krüppel, aber sie ist nicht im Sadismus
zu finden und kann folglich nicht Scientology sein. Scientology ist ein
Ort, wo Sadismus erlernt wird und wo genügend Wissen über Sadismus
erworben wird, um in der Lage zu sein, nach Scientology seine vielen
anderen Formen zu erkennen und zu vermeiden. Aber man muss nicht
Masochist werden um den Sadismus zu verstehen. Scientology auszuüben
ist eine dumme Weise diese Lektion zu lernen; obwohl es eine Lektion
ist, die dennoch erlernt werden sollte.

Die organisatorische und methodische Forderung und Unterstützung
Scientologys für diesen psychologischen Zustand des Sadismus von
Scientologen ist Hubbards Doktrin der "unterdrückerischen Person"
und ihrer Ausübung von "fair game". Jemand der nicht kontrolliert
sein will, der nicht Hubbards oder des neuen Kultchefs David
Miscaviges Masochist sein will, wird zur Unperson erklärt
und vernichtet.

Vermutlich ist der umfassendste und drastischste Beweis des Sadismus
Scientologys und von Scientologen vom Sadismus der "Vertrag", den sich
Kultführer Miscavige ausdachte, um mich als sein Opfer zu fesseln.

Wie Fromm sagt, "jemand zu zwingen Schmerz oder Erniedrigung auszuhalten
ohne in der Lage zu sein sich zu verteidigen ist eine der
Manifestationen der absoluten Kontrolle" und es ist selbstverständlich
eine Manifestation des ultimativen Sadismus. Miscaviges "Vertrag" mit
mir, so sagt er es und seine Kultisten, zwingt mich Schmerz und
Erniedrigung auszuhalten, die mir durch jede Scientology Organisation
und praktisch durch jeden Scientologen zugefügt werden darf, ohne in
der Lage zu sein mich zu verteidigen.

Die grosse Bedeutung von Miscaviges "Vertrag" ist nicht nur, dass er
mich der absolut sadistischen Behandlung und Behandlung unterstellt,
sondern dass er praktisch jeden Scientologen zu diesem unbegrenzten
Sadismus verpflichtet.

Leute daran zu hindern sadistische Scientologen zu werden liegt wirklich
nicht in unserer Hand, aber es liegt völlig in unserer Hand, der Welt zu
erklären, zu was diese Leute dort gemacht werden.

-> Das Buch 'Anatomie der menschlichen Destruktivität' ist
-> im Handel erhältlich
-> <>

The Anatomy of Human Destrictiveness

Š 1973 Eric Fromm
Fawcett Publications, Inc.


[End Quote]

Š Gerry Armstrong

Peter Widmer <>
Waldegg 3802 <>

Lisa Ruby

May 31, 2005, 11:35:52 PM5/31/05
Gerry wrote:

>The great importance of Miscavige's "contract"
>is not only that it mandates the absolutely
>sadistic handling and treatment of me, but
>that it contracts virtually every Scientologist
>to this absolute sadism.

Yes, and it is time for decent people who have been lured into
Scientology via feigned words to break this contract with absolute
sadism (Satan).

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