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Want some fun? Read this about DM

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2007年1月11日 中午12:01:092007/1/11
I would like to quote two things about DM and see if anyone else thinks
this might be a little odd.

OK, this first is from a declaration that David Miscavige made on 15
October 1999 in the case of Wollersheim vs. the Church of Scientology
of California. It is part 57 of that declaration.

"57. Upon the dismantling of the GO, church executives within the
ecclesiastical hierarchy assumed responsibility for the legal
affairs which the GO had mishandled. This era was marked by great
concerns about the religion's future in the aftermath of the GO,
and it was against this backdrop that newly assigned personnel
began to examine the legal affairs that had been the exclusive
province of the GO for 15 years. Not being experienced in such
matters, they retained legal counsel to review the structure of the
entire religion. I know the concern was not "gutting CSC" to " avoid
Wollersheim," or anybody else for that matter. The history that
Wollersheim ignores concerned events of far greater importance than
his case. In fact, at the time, I had never even heard of the man.
I was not involved in that restructuring, but I am aware of the
events that led up to it. I shortly thereafter resigned from church
staff for 5 years, as described later in this declaration".

While I quoted the whole section above, the main part I am referring to
is the next to the last sentence:

"I was not involved in that restructuring, but I am aware of the
events that led up to it".

Soooooo, as we can see in DM's own words, he was NOT involved in the
corporate restructuring, right?

Now look at the following link from one of their own web pages about

The sentence on that page I refer you to is:

"Mr. David Miscavige has worked tirelessly to protect the religion.
He authored the early 1980's reorganization of Church corporate and
management structures which have given the religion years of sustained
growth and stable leadership".

Sooooooooooo, as we can see on the Church of Scientology's own website
about DM, he not only WAS involved in the corporate restructuring but
"authored" it, right?

Um.... errr.....does anyone else notice anything strange here?

Would you believe they were BOTH lies (as are a couple other statements
he made in just that part 57 of the declaration)??? LMAO

I just thought some of you may enjoy this:)

BTW, can anyone help me to save this website page (quickly) so that it
can be shown as having existed if "the church" suddenly panics and
changes it? That would be helpful to a little project I am working on.



2007年1月11日 中午12:17:282007/1/11

What can one believe? Some (I lean in this direction) believe that the
IRS took effective control of the kult, forced the restructuring to
expose cash flows and make possible taking all taxes and penalties owed.
The job Davie had to do was mock up alternative reasoning for why
things are what they are.

Some day soon, I believe that all of the kult's secret history will be
revealed. We will likely be 'amazed'.



2007年1月11日 下午1:24:582007/1/11
In article <>, SME says...

Done. I have saved a copy of the page (as html file complete).

>That would be helpful to a little project I am working on.

Always happy to help. An SP is as valuable as he can help other SPs.

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
"Scientology: it's about deception."



2007年1月11日 下午1:33:112007/1/11
LOL Warrior. Thanks very much:)



2007年1月11日 下午1:46:132007/1/11
Hey Q

Actually I know what happened on that "corporate sortout" and exactly
what DM's role was in it. I just thought it was amazing that they can't
even keep their lies straight. lol

Personally, I believe that that page is going to come back to haunt
them. But that's just my opinion.

The IRS did not take control as part of that corporate sortout, nor are
the rumors true that the attorneys and IRS took control through CST.
The real powers of those attorney "Special Directors" in CST are very
limited per their own bylaws (restricted mostly to things like helping
ensure they keep tax exempt status). Plus the church folks in corporate
authority there can easily remove an attorney special director with
just a 2/3s vote.

Plus the $12.5 million DM paid as part of the 1993 "settlement" with
the IRS is not even close to what they would have to pay if they are
determined not exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code. They may have very rough roads ahead.

Oh the corporate sortout was made a joke and a smokescreen by DM's
actions, but it was not an IRS takeover.



2007年1月11日 下午1:51:002007/1/11
In article <1168541172.925746.152370@>, says...

> Hey Q
> Actually I know what happened on that "corporate sortout" and exactly
> what DM's role was in it. I just thought it was amazing that they can't
> even keep their lies straight. lol
> Personally, I believe that that page is going to come back to haunt
> them. But that's just my opinion.
> The IRS did not take control as part of that corporate sortout, nor are
> the rumors true that the attorneys and IRS took control through CST.
> The real powers of those attorney "Special Directors" in CST are very
> limited per their own bylaws (restricted mostly to things like helping
> ensure they keep tax exempt status). Plus the church folks in corporate
> authority there can easily remove an attorney special director with
> just a 2/3s vote.
> Plus the $12.5 million DM paid as part of the 1993 "settlement" with
> the IRS is not even close to what they would have to pay if they are
> determined not exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
> Code. They may have very rough roads ahead.
> Oh the corporate sortout was made a joke and a smokescreen by DM's
> actions, but it was not an IRS takeover.

I suspect that in any actual investigation of the background and
particulars of the 'IRS Settlement' the *payment* would be the
least of the problems the 'Church' (or IRS quislings) would

RICO anyone? Criminal conspiracy? Subversion and corruption?

But, that's also why nobody's in a rush to investigate...

That can of worms has teeth.

You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think

Android Cat

2007年1月11日 下午1:53:392007/1/11
Warrior wrote:
> In article <>,
> SME says...
>> Soooooo, as we can see in DM's own words, he was NOT involved in the
>> corporate restructuring, right?
>> Now look at the following link from one of their own web pages about
>> DM:

>> BTW, can anyone help me to save this website page (quickly) so that

>> it can be shown as having existed if "the church" suddenly panics and
>> changes it?
> Done. I have saved a copy of the page (as html file complete).

Done. It'll join the other DM pages archived in case of changes.

>> That would be helpful to a little project I am working on.
> Always happy to help. An SP is as valuable as he can help other SPs.

Make more entheta!

Ron of that ilk.
I've got a new hard disk, I think I'll back up the Internet.


2007年1月11日 下午3:07:312007/1/11
In article <>,
SME wrote:
>LOL Warrior. Thanks very much:)

You're welcome! I'll send the files to you as soon as I get
off the road and back home from my secret government assignment.

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
"Scientology: it's about deception."

>> SME asked in an earlier post:

>> >
>> >BTW, can anyone help me to save this website page (quickly) so that
>> >it can be shown as having existed if "the church" suddenly panics
>> >and changes it?


2007年1月11日 下午6:40:552007/1/11

"Zinj" <> wrote in message

<shiver> Worms with teeth. Scary.


2007年1月11日 下午6:43:372007/1/11

"Android Cat" <> wrote in message

I'll take mine with a side of angel hair, and a nice Chianti!


2007年1月11日 晚上7:31:052007/1/11

Noisy investigations.
Definitely noisy. And definitely deep.

Chaplain, ARSCC

"Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
-ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"

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