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My Friend Sister Thedra.

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John Winston

Apr 13, 2010, 11:00:52 PM4/13/10
Subject: My Friend Sister Thedra. April 13, 2010.

Here is something about one of my dearest friends,
Sister Thedra.


About the late Sister Thedra
Since the later part of the last Century the Kumara
wisdom preserved by Aramu Muru has begun to reemerge
into the world. This process began with the late Sister
Thedra, whom Je--s C-rist appeared physically to while
on her deathbed and spontaneously healed her of c-ncer
while she was in the Yucatan, where she had gone to
accept her fate, and the will of our L-rd Jes-- Ch-ist.
That is when something m-raculous occured.
--sus spoke to her saying, "My name is Esu Sananda
Kumara" and then sent Thedra down to the Monastery of
the Seven Rays to learn the Kumara wisdom.
After five years, Thedra was told to return to the
U-ited States where she founded the Association of
Sananda and Sanat Kumara at Mt. Shasta in California.
While heading this organization, Thedra c-anneled many
messages from Sananda and taught the Kumara wisdom
until her passing in 1992.
While in the Yucatan It is said that while Sister
during the 1960s Thedra was in the Yucatan, she was
told a se-ret by her friend George Hunt Williamson,
also known as Brother Philip, who authored Sec-ets of
the Andes, and the SECR-T PLACES OFTHE LION.
Williamson, confided in his long time friend Sister
Thedra that he intentionally scrambled the
re-inc-rnational lineages in order to protect this next
generation when they the Mayan Solar Priests, who were
the direct line descendents of the Kumara according to
prophesy were scheduled to reinc-rnate or return to
fulfill their missions upon Earth, one of which was to
relocate these ancient sites where the original records
of the Amaru were placed for safe keeping.
Sister Thedra, 1900-1992, spent five years at the abbey
undergoing intensive s-iritual training and
While in South America in the Yucatan, she had an
experience which changed her in an instant when as it
is told by her that J--us Chr-st physically appeared to
her and spontaneously cu-ed her of ca-cer.

He introduced himself to her by his true, name,
"Sananda Kumara," thereby revealing his affiliation
with the Venusian founders of the Great Solar
Brotherhoods. It was by his command that Sister Thedra
went to Peru where in here travels she met Williamson.
Sister Thedra eventually left Peru upon telling her
experience there was complete.
Even before she returned to the States she met with
harsh criticism from the c-urch, which she elected to
leave. (JW That was the ch-rch that is in Salt Lake
City, Utah.)
She then traveled to Mt. Shasta in California and
founded the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara.

You ask, Is There A Difference Between Je--s and
Our Lo-ds name given at birth by his father Joseph, and
his beloved mother Mary was Yeshua, thus being of the
house of David and the order of Yoseph, he would be
called Yeshua ben Yoseph.

The Roman Emperors placed the name of Jes-- upon the
sir name of Yeshua, after the Emperor Justinian adopted
C-ristianity as the official faith of Rome, and ordered
that the sacred books be compiled, upon approval of a
specially appointed council, appointed by the Emperor,
into a recognizable and uniform work titled The B-ble.
Prior to this there never was a Bi-le per say.

There exited until the time of the Emperor's edict, a
selection of many Sac-ed texts, that were employed in
the Sacr-d Teachings,. Many of which were copies of
what the Greeks had transposed from the original texts
in the Libraries of Alexandria, which were originally
compiled by Alexander the Great, and were destroyed by
Julius Caesar, fearing that they might prove dangerous
to the rule of a Caesar, an Earthly Go-.
In addition, it kept. (he thought) the knowledge of
Alexander's Libraries, out of the hands of the
Ptolemy's, who were said to be descended from his
At the time Caesar had no way of knowing the vast
portions of the Library that were already in the
Americas, in the Great Universities of the Inca, and
the Maya.
Yeshua spent many years in the East after his
The good Sheppard, upon his appearances to the
Apostles after his ascension told his Apostles that he
was in fact going to tend to his fathers other sheep;
which means, plainly that he was continuing upon his
sacre- journey.
As the ascended one, Yeshua took to himself the name of
Sananda, meaning the Ch-isted one, and Sananda was
thus embraced forever more by the Great Solar

To many of you this is all new, to others it will be
received as a welcome easing of the wall that has so
long separated two sides of the same coin, this is
being placed into the ethers and the matrix of thought
at this time as it is the time of the Awakening, and
the Christos is already emerging into the new
consciousness, and mother Earth herself.

Sister Thedra and the phenomenon of ch-nneling.
Authority to use the name of Sananda was given to
Sister Thedra when Jesus~ Sanada appeared to her in the
Yucatan, and c-red her instantly of the ca-cer that had
taken her body over.
Further he allowed a picture of his continence to be
taken at that time that she might realize the
occurrence was more than a dream. (JW I was told by
my teacher and Guru Merelle Fagot that Thedra had
a large format camera called a 620, if I remember right,
and it had bellows on it and founded out. She used
this to take the picture of Sananda. Merele said that
she got some real good pictures with that camera. I
have seen this picture that Thedra took and Sananda
didn't look very handsome, he just looked like a normal
person with not too long of hair and he had very dark
Sanada's Message to her by Sister Thedra.
"Sori Sori: Mine hand I have placed upon thine head,
and I have given unto thee the authority to use Mine
name. Give unto them the name Sananda, by which they
shall know Me as the L-rd thy G-d - the Son of Go- sent
that ye be made to know Me, the One sent from out the
inner temple that there be Light in the world of men."
(The meaning of "Lo-d -od: "The L-rd G-d, for he is
"Lor-" of, and responsible for, that which he has
brought forth.)
"Now it is come when ones which have the will to follow
Me shall come to know Me by that name which I commanded
thee to give unto the world as Mine "New name."
There are many that shall call upon the name of Jes--,
yet they will deny the new name as they are want to do.
While unto thee I give assurance that I am the One sent
that there be Light in the world of men. Now let this
be understood, that they that deny Mine New Name deny
Me by any name. So be it I have appointed thee Mine
spokesman; I've given unto thee the power and authority
to speak for being that which I AM. And I say unto thee
Mine child whom I have called forth and anointed thee
with the Ho-y Spi-it, thy name shall be as it is now
called, Thedra - that name I spoke unto thee from out
the ethers, and thou heard Me and accepted that which I
gave unto thee; and wherein have I deceived thee?
Wherein have I forgotten thee, or left thee alone?"
"I say unto thee, Mine hand is upon thee and I shall
sustain thee and you shall come to know that which I
have kept for thee. So be it that I have kept thy
reward, and at no time shall it be dissipated of
scattered, for it is intact. So let this Mine Word
suffice them which question thee - let them question,
and I shall bear witness for thee. For do I not know
Mine servants from the traitor?
Do I not reward Mine servants according unto their
works or merits? I speak that they might know that I am
mindful of Mine servants, that I am not a poor puny
priest who has forgotten his servants."

"I say unto them, Mine servants shall be glorified
above the c-owned heads of the nations which have set
themselves apart, and denied Me Mine part of Mine word
- for they have turned from Me in their conceit and
"Now let this go on record as Mine Word, and I shall
give unto them proof, which are of a mind to follow Me.
So be it as I have spoken and I am not finished; I
shall speak again and again, and I shall rise Mine
Voice against them which set foot against Mine
servants, and they shall be as ones cast out. So let
them ask of Me and I shall enlighten them. So be it I
know where of I speak. Be ye as ones blest to accept Me
and know Me for that which I AM.
The Final Messages
Note: This Newsletter, No. 64, was the final newsletter
that was recorded by Sister Thedra. On Saturday, June
13, 1992, at exactly 10.00 PM, at the age of 92,
Sister Thedra made her final transition from the
comfort of her own bed at the A.S.S.K. When the time
arrived, she simply took one small breath and slipped
quietly away, without pomp or fanfare.
She left as she had a humble servant for the
greater good.
The messages that follow were given to Sister Thedra
shortly before her transition.
They are compiled here to give you some idea of the
significance of her passing and of the expansion of the
work, as she is now free to work unencumbered by the
physical limitations and by the pain which has so
encumbered her in the past.
She has carried on the work here on the Earth plane for
the last 50 years because that's where the work was assured that her work now in the higher
realms will simply be an extension of that work.

Part 1.

John Winston.

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