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The Free-what?

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1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

The cruise ship that delivers the highest level of the scieno-cult's services
availble had its maiden voyage in June 1986. What is not commonly known about
it is, as it was built as a cruise liner in Finland in the late 60's, it is
loaded with asbestos (including blue asbestos, the most dangerous type of
cancer-causing asbestos) which was never removed or encapsulated. The
executives in charge of ship renovations were aware of this fact but made no
attempt to handle it in the proper way. In other words, this is a blatant
violation of U.S. codes and there is no mystery as to why the ship never
enters U.S. waters. It would never pass proper inspections in the U.S.

I pity those who go to the ship for The Ultimate Truth and return with
carcinogens in their lungs, unbenownst to them.

Ted Mayett (KoX)

1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

Current members. On even the outside chance that this is accurate,
do *not* become staff on the Freewinds. Please.

Ted Mayett OT 1.1


1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

Code9red wrote:

> The cruise ship that delivers the highest level of the scieno-cult's services
> availble had its maiden voyage in June 1986. What is not commonly known about
> it is, as it was built as a cruise liner in Finland in the late 60's, it is
> loaded with asbestos (including blue asbestos, the most dangerous type of
> cancer-causing asbestos) which was never removed or encapsulated. The
> executives in charge of ship renovations were aware of this fact but made no
> attempt to handle it in the proper way. In other words, this is a blatant
> violation of U.S. codes and there is no mystery as to why the ship never
> enters U.S. waters. It would never pass proper inspections in the U.S.
> I pity those who go to the ship for The Ultimate Truth and return with
> carcinogens in their lungs, unbenownst to them.

Could you get us some more explanations about your source about this?

If really true, we could probably get this ship back on heaven.


Tilman Hausherr

1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

In <>,
(Code9red) wrote:

>I pity those who go to the ship for The Ultimate Truth and return with
> carcinogens in their lungs, unbenownst to them.

I assume it is not a big risk to the paying guests, as they stay only a
few days - but it could be a big risk to the staff members who stay
there several years.


Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP4]

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

Find broken links on your web site with "Xenu's Link Sleuth":

Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine

1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

In article <>, rgonnet writes:
>Code9red wrote:
>> The cruise ship that delivers the highest level of the scieno-cult's services
>> availble had its maiden voyage in June 1986. What is not commonly known
>> about
>> it is, as it was built as a cruise liner in Finland in the late 60's, it is
>> loaded with asbestos (including blue asbestos, the most dangerous type of
>> cancer-causing asbestos) which was never removed or encapsulated. The
>> executives in charge of ship renovations were aware of this fact but made no
>> attempt to handle it in the proper way. In other words, this is a blatant
>> violation of U.S. codes and there is no mystery as to why the ship never
>> enters U.S. waters. It would never pass proper inspections in the U.S.
>> I pity those who go to the ship for The Ultimate Truth and return with
>> carcinogens in their lungs, unbenownst to them.
>Could you get us some more explanations about your source about this?
>If really true, we could probably get this ship back on heaven.

("get it back on heaven"? this does not work in English).

You don't name it but I assume you mean the FreeWinds. Is it not a fake
sailing ship with no doubt plenty of engine-power to run under power
the whole way? This would be interesting if there are resources like
"lloyd's list" or whatever, and if they are on line, so someone could
look up the various cahnges of name and ownership on this vessel.


In art<>, David Gerard writes:
>I recall claims from FACTNet that people higher on the OT levels tended
>to get cancer more than others.

Doesn't make sense: they say "all OTs", if it were this then it
would be "in OT8s who have visited the FreeWuinds"

In article <>, Tilman Hausherr writes:
>I assume it is not a big risk to the paying guests, as they stay only a
>few days - but it could be a big risk to the staff members who stay
>there several years.

Also, asbestos is not generlally dangerous until it is disturbed
and the dust raised, especially by cutting or drilling it.

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1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

It was originally "La Boheme" (Commodore Cruise Lines), then bought by Majestic
Cruise Lines (the church.

David Gerard

1997年10月26日 凌晨2:00:001997/10/26

On Sun, 26 Oct 1997 08:22:36 +0100,
rgonnet <> wrote:
:Code9red wrote:

:> The cruise ship that delivers the highest level of the scieno-cult's services
:> availble had its maiden voyage in June 1986. What is not commonly known about
:> it is, as it was built as a cruise liner in Finland in the late 60's, it is
:> loaded with asbestos (including blue asbestos, the most dangerous type of
:> cancer-causing asbestos) which was never removed or encapsulated. The
:> executives in charge of ship renovations were aware of this fact but made no
:> attempt to handle it in the proper way. In other words, this is a blatant
:> violation of U.S. codes and there is no mystery as to why the ship never
:> enters U.S. waters. It would never pass proper inspections in the U.S.
:> I pity those who go to the ship for The Ultimate Truth and return with
:> carcinogens in their lungs, unbenownst to them.

:Could you get us some more explanations about your source about this?
:If really true, we could probably get this ship back on heaven.

I recall claims from FACTNet that people higher on the OT levels tended
to get cancer more than others.

I hereby encourage all users to leave for a provider whose
email and Usenet messages are not boycotted by the rest of the net, and
for ISPs to continue to block email and Usenet messages from
Earthlink, until *stop* the flow of junk email and spam.
For more information, see


1997年10月27日 凌晨3:00:001997/10/27

Re: the Freewinds, during the renovations it was run very loosely and everyone
was treated pretty well compared to the usual Sea Org routine. There was no
RPF and the staff got every other weekend, I think, off, so they could cruise
around the islands and have fun. It was a very atypical situation for SO.
But once the renos were finished the missionnaires were sent in and all the
stiff "ethics" were put in and it was back to the usual SO routine.

At the Fort Harrison (Flag), conditions were always pathetic for SO members. I
find it particularly disgusting how the children are treated, not getting to
see their parents but once a week if they're "upstat" and not receiving
sufficient education to pass public school standards. Scn has such a
disdainful view of "wog" educational systems, which are clearly and
demonstrably better--just compare test scores of the cult children vs. "wogs".
It is truly disgusting. These children are dressed shabbily because their
parents aren't paid enough to properly dress their children (and the cult,
while providing uniforms for SO adults, certainly aren't going to pay for the
children's clothing). The children are raised with no real sense of love from
their parents (would you consider you were loved by your parents if they sent
you to a boarding school in the same town but only saw you for one to three
hours a week, and only if your stats are up?)

And what about child labor laws? Why aren't the state and Federal laws
protecting these children? They are made to work, but they call it a boarding
school and call the work they do "volunteer".

I heard about a cult executive in L.A. who used to drop her children off at the
local supermarket before going in to work so they could just wander around
unsupervised because she didn't have anywhere else to put them while she
worked for the cult, 18 hour days...

I could go on. I have such disdain for this cult, a ruiner of family values,
having no respect for children (the viewpoint is that children are just small
adults, but kind of psychotic, and must be treated with the harsh reality of
the cult "ethics tech"). I have seen these children drop out of school and
grow up to be useless members of society who cannot function in the real world
and so must remain within the confines of the Scientology community.

Hud Nordin

1997年10月27日 凌晨3:00:001997/10/27

In article <> Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine <> writes:
>Does anyone know how to trace ship registration stuff, and whether it
>is on-line? I presume they have a unique identiier / registration
>number for insurance purposes. That will be the way to nail it down.
>IIRC there is some mechanism where largeish ships have to be insured
>like cars have to be insured, or neither their registering country
>or the ports will have anything to do with them.

Who knows: does Scientology spend money on outside insurers, or are they
self-insured like other large institutions?
Hud Nordin <> Silicon Valley / The City of Sunnyvale / California

Leonardo Serni

1997年10月31日 凌晨3:00:001997/10/31
收件者: (David Gerard) wrote:

>On Sun, 26 Oct 1997 08:22:36 +0100,
>rgonnet <> wrote:
>:Code9red wrote:

>:> The cruise ship that delivers the highest level of the scieno-cult's services
>:> availble had its maiden voyage in June 1986. What is not commonly known about
>:> it is, as it was built as a cruise liner in Finland in the late 60's, it is
>:> loaded with asbestos (including blue asbestos, the most dangerous type of
>:> cancer-causing asbestos) which was never removed or encapsulated. The

>I recall claims from FACTNet that people higher on the OT levels tended

>to get cancer more than others.

While it is entirely likely that a 1960 ship might be built using
asbestos, the exposure rate isn't likely to cause any significant
raise in cancer statistics.

I'd expect a higher rate, if any, in the maintenance personnel or
crew. The type of cancer involved would also be relevant.


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