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Christian hatred at its worst

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Fredric L. Rice

Sep 12, 2005, 10:12:24 PM9/12/05


Sep 13, 2005, 7:50:45 AM9/13/05
Here is what I simply do not "get." Christian God Jesus is quoted as
saying that divorce is not allowed save for adultery. Oddly enough
christian ministers are happy to marry people that have been divorced.
Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
(let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the ancient
language.) Yet Christian ministers damn the homosexual which
contradicts Jesus own Actions. Ah but I always forget that the
Christian church doesn't follow Jesus though, they follow Paul. It's
too bad, I really like the Jesus guy. He was quite the Mensch.

So can like actions be found in CO$? Does Hubbard teach something that
is not only ignored but treated in the opposite fashion?



Sep 13, 2005, 9:33:28 AM9/13/05
Ramona wrote:

> Here is what I simply do not "get." Christian God Jesus is quoted as
> saying that divorce is not allowed save for adultery. Oddly enough
> christian ministers are happy to marry people that have been divorced.
> Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
> action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
> (let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the ancient
> language.)

Unlikely. Servant in the NT does mean slave though.

Christians typically ignore Jesus. Jesus tells us to call no man father,
what do all RCCs call their priests? What word does Pope really signify.

Jesus commands no religous oaths. So all courts for centuries have
demanded religous oaths, hands on bible, and the miserable xians put
forbidden religous oaths on money.

Prayer is to be private.
So naturally xians do the opposite.

Christians are commanded to avoid repetitive rote prayer.
So the Catholics have rosaries.

Chrisitians are commanded by god via the holy ghost to live
in holy communism, see Acts 4.
Luke 19, forsake all you have.

Leviticus 20 commands death to homosexuals.
To this day, the homophobes twist their faces in hate at
the very concept of homosexuality.
The verse right after that commands adulterers be executed.

The same ugly, red faced haters, visages twisted into distorted
ugly homphobia, will happily line up to vote for adulterous
right wing politicians.

I cannot take somebody that stupid seriously except in the
manner I take a nest of rats seriously.
A problem demanding traps.

> Yet Christian ministers damn the homosexual which
> contradicts Jesus own Actions. Ah but I always forget that the
> Christian church doesn't follow Jesus though, they follow Paul. It's
> too bad, I really like the Jesus guy. He was quite the Mensch.
> So can like actions be found in CO$? Does Hubbard teach something that
> is not only ignored but treated in the opposite fashion?
> Ramona
> Fredric L. Rice wrote:
>> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
>> ---
>> http://www.ElmerFudd.US/
>> "After all, there's more to this world than tits." - Uncle Vic

"Today the official spokesman for the Foxes
agreed an investigation into what happened
to the henhouse may be needed."

Cheerful Charlie


Sep 13, 2005, 9:34:57 AM9/13/05
WCB wrote:
> Ramona wrote:
>>Here is what I simply do not "get." Christian God Jesus is quoted as
>>saying that divorce is not allowed save for adultery. Oddly enough
>>christian ministers are happy to marry people that have been divorced.
>>Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
>>action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
>>(let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the ancient
> Unlikely. Servant in the NT does mean slave though.

Pais tends to mean MORE than just slave.

> Christians typically ignore Jesus. Jesus tells us to call no man father,
> what do all RCCs call their priests? What word does Pope really signify.
> Jesus commands no religous oaths. So all courts for centuries have
> demanded religous oaths, hands on bible, and the miserable xians put
> forbidden religous oaths on money.
> Prayer is to be private.
> So naturally xians do the opposite.
> Christians are commanded to avoid repetitive rote prayer.
> So the Catholics have rosaries.
> Chrisitians are commanded by god via the holy ghost to live
> in holy communism, see Acts 4.
> Luke 19, forsake all you have.
> Leviticus 20 commands death to homosexuals.

But death is also proscibed to children committing acts against their
parents in the hebrew bible.

> To this day, the homophobes twist their faces in hate at
> the very concept of homosexuality.
> The verse right after that commands adulterers be executed.

EXACTLY!! Ignore one and damn the other.

> The same ugly, red faced haters, visages twisted into distorted
> ugly homphobia, will happily line up to vote for adulterous
> right wing politicians.
> I cannot take somebody that stupid seriously except in the
> manner I take a nest of rats seriously.
> A problem demanding traps.

That's why I have killfiled Ruby. I responded to Kim, yeah it's Ruby by
proxy, but it just makes me sick to see so much hate being promoted
attempting to "rescue" scientologist. I breaks my heart that someone
would believe this to be the best a diety can do, is to hate It's own


Sep 13, 2005, 12:24:27 PM9/13/05
On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:12:24 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric
L. Rice) wrote:

> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.

I went; I looked; I saw; I vomited. The web site claims they can
PREVENT homosexuality. That is like claiming one can prevent being
born black.

--- / I support privatization of religion.
Free random & sequential signature changer

Hartley Patterson

Sep 13, 2005, 1:15:01 PM9/13/05
Fredric L. Rice FR...@SkepticTank.ORG:

> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.

I wouldn't call it that. Illogical religious unreality perhaps. They
sincerely believe they are motivated by love.

Alt.Religion.Scientology FAQ

Fredric L. Rice

Sep 14, 2005, 1:15:21 AM9/14/05
desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:12:24 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
>> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
>I went; I looked; I saw; I vomited. The web site claims they can
>PREVENT homosexuality. That is like claiming one can prevent being
>born black.

Get a look at their "experts." I was thinking I would take those
hate mongering Christian fuckers' photographs and use them in a web
site that has them curing negros of their dark skin.


Sep 14, 2005, 1:42:01 AM9/14/05
Hartley Patterson wrote:
> Fredric L. Rice FR...@SkepticTank.ORG:
>>Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
> I wouldn't call it that. Illogical religious unreality perhaps. They
> sincerely believe they are motivated by love.

Well the folks at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS are admittedly
not motivated by love. They believe in a hateful and vengeful God.

Rev. Phelps of Westboro Baptist runs the web site
where he has many pages of vile like this:


And then his newest kick is where instead of
just protesting gay pride parades and AIDS funerals and Matthew
Shephard's he goes to the funerals of dead American soldiers
to protest America itself.

Here's what he had to say about Katrina:

"Thank God for Katrina -- New Orleans, symbol of America, seen for what
it is: a putrid, toxic, stinking cesspool of fag fecal matter."

"Pray for more dead bodies floating on the fag-semen-rancid waters of
New Orleans."

"Pray for more American bodies blown to smithereens by cheap home made
Iraqi IEDs - like the IED America bombed WBC with August 20, 1995,
hoping thereby to terrorize us into silence about America's fag sins."

I've seen this vile scumbag and his family protesting at churches and
funerals. He even has young children hold up placards with depictions
of homosexual sex on them.

Piltdown Man

Sep 14, 2005, 2:30:48 AM9/14/05

Ramona <> wrote...

Not that it really matters, but...


> >>Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
> >>action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
> >>(let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the
> >>ancient language.)

This is where I thought "huh???"


> Pais tends to mean MORE than just slave.

Its basic meaning is just "child" or "young person", and either
"boy"/"young man" or "girl"/"young woman" depending on further grammatical
context. As in many languages, a general word with that meaning also had
extended meanings, such as "servant", "slave", "low-ranking employee", etc.
For instance, "boy" in English came to denote a slave too, "maid" came to
denote a particular type of domestic employee, etc.

But the claim that there is a specifically sexual connotation to the word
as used in Matthew 8:5-13 is completely incorrect. The two URLs you
give in an apparent attempt at substantiation don't substantiate anything
at all.


That page basically makes the bizarre claim that any male personal servant
of a Roman army officer was also necessarily a sexual partner. This is
obviously total nonsense. There are no quotes or cites of any linguistic or
historical sources. It's just a convoluted attempt to twist a legendary
story about Jesus supposedly performing yet another miraculous healing into
him supposedly approving of gay relationships, mainly based on the author's
fertile imagination, supported by scraps of half- and non-truths.

> display_post&Post_ID=b9b000a4f3407cf2fa096454ec5d1599

That page just contains the same incorrect claim you were making earlier:

"The author chose 'paias,' not 'uios' (son), or 'duolos' (slave), but
'paias,' a word which refers to a young male kept for sexual purposes
(the root of English 'pederasty'); it is an unambiguous and deliberate

Once again, no source of any kind is quoted or cited. Bringing up the
English word "pederasty" is a dishonest way to imply a sexual connotation
that isn't there. "Pederasty" derives from a declined form of "pais",
"paidos", and "erastos" which means "lover". "Pederast" means "a lover of
boys". The sexual aspect is inherent in the "lover" bit, not the "boy" bit.
(The first URL you gave also tries this trick, and even claims that "pais"
on its own means "boy lover".)

What makes these feeble attempts to somehow link this story to
homosexuality even feebler is that in the version of the same story told in
Luke 7:7, the word "doulos" is used, which unambiguously just means
"slave" or "servant".

What I can't understand is: why does anyone bother to come up with such
inanities? The people who are convinced that the Bible is the word of God
and that it says all gay people are evil aren't going to be convinced. They
wouldn't even be convinced if it *did* make linguistic sense. And the rest
of the world doesn't care in the first place.

Piltdown Man

Sep 14, 2005, 2:31:01 AM9/14/05

Ramona <> wrote...


> Ah but I always forget that the
> Christian church doesn't follow Jesus though, they follow Paul. It's
> too bad, I really like the Jesus guy. He was quite the Mensch.

It has been observed by many scholars who know something about
first-century Judaism (unlike most Christian theologians, that is) that if
you gather all the sayings attributed to Jesus in the NT, there's really
nothing there that couldn't come straight out of the Talmud. How this
shadowy, historically undocumented Pharisee rabbi somehow turned into the
central deity in the religion created by Paul will remain one of history's
great mysteries.

Lisa Ruby

Sep 14, 2005, 3:48:21 AM9/14/05
Fredric L. Rice wrote:

>Contemporary Christianity: abject

Religious, which loves to
promote the "Christians are hateful" New World
Order propaganda, links to the article Fredric
Rice cited above.

They have also pasted an article written by Bob
Enyart that reveals his own role in promoting the
"Christians are terrorists" conditioning.

Bob Enyart, pastor, radio host commentator and
purportedly a Chrstian, believes that anyone who
commits homosexual behavior should be executed:

"Anyone performing homosexual behavior, upon
conviction, will be executed."

Here are the first two pages from Bob Enyart's
book, The First Five Days.

SHADOWGOV.COM is a fictional essay which describes
the takeover of the existing American government
by a shadow government of the Christian religious
right. The United States becomes a theocratic
dictatorship overnight. In their first two days
in office, the new government issues two proclamations, implementing a
number of basic changes in the country:

All inmates currently on death row
were to be publicly executed on the second day
of the new government. "The penalty for murder
is death, as is the penalty for attempted murder,
conspiracy to murder, advocacy of murder and all
other capital crimes," such as homosexual behavior.

Individuals convicted of performing an abortion
would be executed. Painless executions would be
abolished. The victim's families would have the right
to kill the convicted murder, by stabbing, shooting, strangulation,

Persons convicted of advocating access to abortion
would be executed. Feminists Pat Schroeder and
Gloria Alred were arrested and tried for the new crime
of advocating access to legal abortions.

Jury trials were suspended; all trials are by judge.
The accused are tried almost immediately without
having any time to prepare their case or hire a lawyer.
The rationale is that the community has a right to a
speedy trial. The penalty for being in contempt of court
is flogging.

Homosexual establishments (e.g. bars, publishing
facilities, support groups, etc.) are closed and

"Anyone performing homosexual behavior, upon
conviction, will be executed."

The media debates whether the death penalty
requires gay or lesbian sexual activity, or
whether it would include the mere state of
having a homosexual orientation.

quoted from


Sep 14, 2005, 5:45:41 AM9/14/05
Fredric L. Rice wrote:

It worked for Michael Jackson...


"Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release
form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance."
This assistance might involve holding you against your
will for an indefinite period, isolating you from
friends and family, and denying you access to
appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed
for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not,
the release form absolves your caretakers of all
responsibility for your suffering and death.

Welcome to the Church of Scientology."

--Dr. Dave Touretzky
Peter Alexander

Rev. Norle Enturbulata

Sep 14, 2005, 6:50:04 AM9/14/05
Alas, extremists on either side rarely have anything to offer but hatred of
others, and in this hatred these disparate people actually find themselves
in unity with the very folks they hate.

"Simkatu" <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2005, 9:09:24 AM9/14/05
I love the "examples" they always find of "cured" individuals. Give it
10 years and we will see how well the "cure" holds.



Sep 14, 2005, 9:50:13 AM9/14/05

Don't they know that only lesbians are curable?


Sep 14, 2005, 9:57:51 AM9/14/05
Piltdown Man wrote:

> Ramona <> wrote...
> Not that it really matters, but...
> <snip>
>>>>Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
>>>>action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
>>>>(let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the
>>>>ancient language.)
> This is where I thought "huh???"

> <snip>
>>Pais tends to mean MORE than just slave.
> Its basic meaning is just "child" or "young person", and either
> "boy"/"young man" or "girl"/"young woman" depending on further grammatical
> context.

Greco/Roman society did not have the sexual bias that is found in the
Judeo/Christo culture. The Greco/Roman culture also perceived women as
not sexual objects, but bearers of offspring, pleasure was derived from
other males, be it company of the companionship of young men/boys. This
is typical of patriarchal and pagan societies. You did study ancient

As in many languages, a general word with that meaning also had
> extended meanings, such as "servant", "slave", "low-ranking employee", etc.

Exactly. And based on lifestyle, this was the NORM.

> For instance, "boy" in English came to denote a slave too, "maid" came to
> denote a particular type of domestic employee, etc.
> But the claim that there is a specifically sexual connotation to the word
> as used in Matthew 8:5-13 is completely incorrect.

I disagree. Again, women were for bearing babies and were held in very
low regard.

The two URLs you
> give in an apparent attempt at substantiation don't substantiate anything
> at all.

Tom Horner, author of David Loved Jonathan: Homosexuality in Biblical
Times, points out that in Matthew, the earlier account and directed to a
Greek-speaking Jewish audience, the word for servant is pais - which
means "boy", but can also mean "servant", and, given the rather greater
than average concern for a servant demonstrated by the centurion, can
also mean "lover". The word "pederasty" for instance derives from pais.

Luke, who was writing in a much more Greek milieu changes the word pais
to the much more neutral doulos ("servant" or "slave"), presumably aware
of its homosexual implications to any reader with a Greek cultural
background. Jesus, clearly, does not condemn the centurion in this story
of faith."

Are there graphic pictures of the Centurian and his male lover? No, but
based on language, and religious beliefs, and societal norms of the time
and culture inferences can be made. This is not a new concept. I
recall it from History of Western Civilization Class over 20 years ago.
It was taught by a very Roman Catholic professor to boot. He made a
point of telling the class that while he taught history, he
compartmentalized his religious beliefs which were in direct conflict
with knowns.

> That page basically makes the bizarre claim that any male personal servant
> of a Roman army officer was also necessarily a sexual partner.

Because that was the NORM. Females in those societies were held as
chattel for the purpose of childbearing. This was held in stark
contrast to the Hebrew women that were shop owners and in control of
family finances as a norm. I doubt that adding that "healing" was
accidental, but a missionary tool.

This is
> obviously total nonsense.

Not if you have studied ancient history.

There are no quotes or cites of any linguistic or
> historical sources.

You would have had to do a little footwork yourself. See the first
paragraph. "Pederasty" for instance derives from pais.

It's just a convoluted attempt to twist a legendary
> story about Jesus supposedly performing yet another miraculous healing into
> him supposedly approving of gay relationships, mainly based on the author's
> fertile imagination, supported by scraps of half- and non-truths.

I think it was an attempt to draw converts from that Greco/roman
society. It ultimately worked now, didn't it?

> That page just contains the same incorrect claim you were making earlier:
> "The author chose 'paias,' not 'uios' (son), or 'duolos' (slave), but
> 'paias,' a word which refers to a young male kept for sexual purposes
> (the root of English 'pederasty'); it is an unambiguous and deliberate
> choice".
> Once again, no source of any kind is quoted or cited.

While you ignore the inferred, the word "pederast" can be found in your
very own dictionary a very good source. It comes from the Greek
"Paiderastia," just as you can find the word Pedestrian derived from
"pedester" on foot. So while you might not like the source or the
facts, they remain. You might also want to read a few books on the
norms of Ancient Western Civilization, perhaps even take some courses
and then you will have plenty of additional source materials.

For giggles study the difference between the words "Almah" and
"Bethulah." The word chosen makes all the difference between a young
woman (not necessarily a virgin) and a virgin.

Bringing up the
> English word "pederasty" is a dishonest way to imply a sexual connotation
> that isn't there. "Pederasty" derives from a declined form of "pais",
> "paidos", and "erastos" which means "lover". "Pederast" means "a lover of
> boys". The sexual aspect is inherent in the "lover" bit, not the "boy" bit.
> (The first URL you gave also tries this trick, and even claims that "pais"
> on its own means "boy lover".)

Do you not understand how we have derived our language? Again, find a
good unabridged dictionary. Then if you find a meaning "dishonest"
complain to Webster.

> What makes these feeble attempts to somehow link this story to
> homosexuality even feebler is that in the version of the same story told in
> Luke 7:7, the word "doulos" is used, which unambiguously just means
> "slave" or "servant".
> What I can't understand is: why does anyone bother to come up with such
> inanities?

It's called the study of Ancient History and language. It's actually
quite fun. And you know the adage about not studying history. ;-)

The people who are convinced that the Bible is the word of God
> and that it says all gay people are evil aren't going to be convinced. They
> wouldn't even be convinced if it *did* make linguistic sense. And the rest
> of the world doesn't care in the first place.

Sometimes it's not about making anybody happy, but finding out meaning.
I realize that the fundies are going to ignore the facts, but then
they believe that if "Jesus wrote the bible in English it's good enough
for me." They want no more information, don't tell them that King James
was a known homosexual that paid for the rewriting of the bible, the
very version they likely use. Ah, but knowing those bits and pieces
sure gives me a giggle.



Sep 14, 2005, 11:21:28 AM9/14/05
Simkatu wrote:

> Hartley Patterson wrote:
>> Fredric L. Rice FR...@SkepticTank.ORG:
>>> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
>> I wouldn't call it that. Illogical religious unreality perhaps. They
>> sincerely believe they are motivated by love.
> Well the folks at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS are admittedly
> not motivated by love. They believe in a hateful and vengeful God.

It's all about feeling superior. If I denegrate and belittle you, I
must be "better" than you. In religious history terminology it's
supersessionism. Each new religion is deried from that which is older.
The new religion takes from the old then distances itself from it's
roots and then calls itself the improved version. Since Christianity is
already a fairly old religion, the old days of supercessionism regarding
Judaism alone have transformed into supercessionism of sects within the
organization itself with each group as the superior and truer version
of the original.


Sep 14, 2005, 11:56:05 AM9/14/05
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 05:15:21 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric
L. Rice) wrote:

> desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:

> >On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:12:24 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> >> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.

> >I went; I looked; I saw; I vomited. The web site claims they can
> >PREVENT homosexuality. That is like claiming one can prevent being
> >born black.

> Get a look at their "experts." I was thinking I would take those
> hate mongering Christian fuckers' photographs and use them in a web
> site that has them curing negros of their dark skin.

The web site reminds me of Scientologist signing their insane shit
with "Much Love" at the bottom: calling hatred "love" is


Sep 14, 2005, 12:01:14 PM9/14/05
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 02:45:41 -0700, barb <> wrote:

> Fredric L. Rice wrote:

> > desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:

> >>On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:12:24 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> >>
> >>> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.

> >>I went; I looked; I saw; I vomited. The web site claims they can
> >>PREVENT homosexuality. That is like claiming one can prevent being
> >>born black.

> > Get a look at their "experts." I was thinking I would take those
> > hate mongering Christian fuckers' photographs and use them in a web
> > site that has them curing negros of their dark skin.

> It worked for Michael Jackson...

Nicole Kidman stated that Tom Cruise is not homosexual. How the
bloody hell would she know? There are a hell of a lot of women
married to homosexuals.

> --
> --barb
> Chaplain,ARSCC
> "Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release
> form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance."
> This assistance might involve holding you against your
> will for an indefinite period, isolating you from
> friends and family, and denying you access to
> appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed
> for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not,
> the release form absolves your caretakers of all
> responsibility for your suffering and death.
> Welcome to the Church of Scientology."
> --Dr. Dave Touretzky
> Peter Alexander


Sep 14, 2005, 12:10:26 PM9/14/05
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 00:42:01 -0500, Simkatu <>


> I've seen this vile scumbag and his family protesting at churches and
> funerals. He even has young children hold up placards with depictions
> of homosexual sex on them.

A rather recent study tended to demonstrate a link between hatered
of homosexuals and latent homosexuality.

Here is an abstract from Adams, H.E., L.W. Wright Jr, B.A. Lohr
(1996) dissertation titled "Is 'homophobia' associated with
homosexual arousal?" published in _Journal of Abnormal Psychology_
105(3): pg. 440-445.

"The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in
exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward
homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of
'homophobic' men (n = 35) and a group of non-'homophobic' men (n =
29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on
the Index of 'Homophobia' (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980).
The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli
consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian
videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored.
They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M.
Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile
circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos.
MALE HOMOSEXUAL STIMULI. The groups did not differ in aggression.
'Homophobia' is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that
the 'homophobic' individual is either unaware of or denies."

[CAPITAL LETTERS EMPHASIS is mine, not in the original.]


Sep 14, 2005, 12:18:50 PM9/14/05
David Rice, Esq. wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 02:45:41 -0700, barb <> wrote:
>>Fredric L. Rice wrote:
>>>desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:12:24 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
>>>>> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
>>>>I went; I looked; I saw; I vomited. The web site claims they can
>>>>PREVENT homosexuality. That is like claiming one can prevent being
>>>>born black.
>>>Get a look at their "experts." I was thinking I would take those
>>>hate mongering Christian fuckers' photographs and use them in a web
>>>site that has them curing negros of their dark skin.
>>It worked for Michael Jackson...
> Nicole Kidman stated that Tom Cruise is not homosexual. How the
> bloody hell would she know? There are a hell of a lot of women
> married to homosexuals.

My best friend's twin sister was married to man. After her pregnancy,
her man became stressed initially telling her that he was a
transvestite, though he also stated he was definately not gay. Soon
thereafter he came "out" with the truth. Not only was he not a
transvestite, but he was a transexual. He has since had completion
surgery and is known by a female name...oddly enough he picked the name
of my friend and his middle name was that of the twins' mother. As for
the baby...he as a she demanded that the child be told he was dead. You
see as a female she denied paternity.

So a short story is made incredibly long...a wife would not know the
truth unless it was told as the truth.


Hartley Patterson

Sep 14, 2005, 1:04:04 PM9/14/05

> Hartley Patterson wrote:
> > Fredric L. Rice FR...@SkepticTank.ORG:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
> >
> > I wouldn't call it that. Illogical religious unreality perhaps. They
> > sincerely believe they are motivated by love.
> Well the folks at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS are admittedly
> not motivated by love. They believe in a hateful and vengeful God.

Indeed. Dumping everyone who disagrees with you in the evil box is however
what the CoS does; I wouldn't want to be caught doing the same.

Piltdown Man

Sep 14, 2005, 8:40:59 PM9/14/05

Ramona <> wrote...

> Piltdown Man wrote:
> >>Pais tends to mean MORE than just slave.
> >
> > Its basic meaning is just "child" or "young person", and either
> > "boy"/"young man" or "girl"/"young woman" depending on further
> > grammatical context.
> Greco/Roman society did not have the sexual bias that is found in the
> Judeo/Christo culture. The Greco/Roman culture also perceived women as
> not sexual objects, but bearers of offspring, pleasure was derived from
> other males, be it company of the companionship of young men/boys. This
> is typical of patriarchal and pagan societies.

You mean, patriarchal societies such as the ones portrayed in the Old
Testament? Wow! That the OT patriarchs "derived their pleasure" from the
"companionship of young men/boys" is new to me. I'm not sure what you mean
by "pagan societies", though, considering that word is meaningless outside
of Christianity.

> You did study ancient history?

Apparently more than you ever did. Graeco/Roman culture (as if that's some
kind of monolithic entity in the first place) didn't perceive women as
sexual objects? Have you ever *looked* at any Greek or Roman pornography?
(Because it's Greek or Roman, it's usually called "erotic art", not "porn",
but it's the same thing.) The vast majority of pornographic depictions, of
erotic literature, of love poetry, of love stories,... from those cultures
are heterosexual in nature. The vast majority of prostitutes in the Roman
empire were women. The vast majority of sexual liaisons mentioned in
biographical accounts of the Roman emperors were heterosexual. The claim
that young men and boys were seen as the only source of sexual pleasure and
women only as bearers of offspring is ludicrous.

Anyway, what has any of this got to do with the meaning of the word
"pais" in first-century koine?

> > As in many languages, a general word with that meaning also had
> > extended meanings, such as "servant", "slave", "low-ranking employee",
> > etc.
> Exactly. And based on lifestyle, this was the NORM.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I simply pointed out that in Greek as in
many other languages, general words for "child" or "young person" also are
used to mean varying kinds of "servant" (as in English with "boy", or
"girl", or "maid", or "groom" for instance). What "lifestyle" and what
"NORM" are you on about, and how does it relate to what I stated?


> > But the claim that there is a specifically sexual connotation to the
> > word as used in Matthew 8:5-13 is completely incorrect.
> I disagree.

Now there's an impressive argument. "I disagree."

Can you come up with one single legitimate source (not some nonsense on
obscure websites) that shows that the word "pais" in first-century Koine
had the specific meaning of "a young male kept for sexual purposes", and
didn't just mean "boy"/"young man"/"servant/slave" etc., as every
dictionary seems to say it does? (I'm not holding my breath waiting.)

> Again, women were for bearing babies and were held in very
> low regard.

What has this got to do with the meaning of the word "pais" in
first-century Koine? It seems especially irrelevant since "pais" means
"girl"/"young woman" too.

> > The two URLs you
> > give in an apparent attempt at substantiation don't substantiate
> > anything at all.
> "

Oh goody, a third URL. We all know that anything stated on at least three
web pages is true. And the briefest look at this particular web page
certainly suggests it's an extremely reliable and scholarly source. After
all, it's got the author's name at the top in a jaunty handwritten form
embellished with rainbow colours, uses the Microsoft Comic font throughout,
and is all about a fictional Christian "martyr", Saint Longinus. (Luckily
for Longinus, not actually having existed is no bar to martyrdom and

> Tom Horner, author of David Loved Jonathan: Homosexuality in Biblical
> Times,

Nobody told him that David and Jonathan are mythological figures, and that
they, and the "biblical times" they supposedly lived in, never existed?

> points out that in Matthew, the earlier account and directed to a
> Greek-speaking Jewish audience,

Not that it's relevant to the meaning of "pais", but how does he know it's
"the earlier account", or who it was directed to? None of the gospels can
be dated with any certainty, and there is not a shred of information about
the dating of the sources the compilers of the gospels drew on, or what
audience they were thinking of. "Account" also suggests that the events
described actually happened. There is no reason to assume this.

> the word for servant is pais - which
> means "boy", but can also mean "servant", and, given the rather greater
> than average concern for a servant demonstrated by the centurion,

Again, not that it's relevant, but how on earth does Tom Horner (or rather,
whoever put up the amateurish web page you're quoting from, who seems to be
offering a summary of Horner's views) know what the "average concern for a
servant" demonstrated by an "average" Roman centurion would be? And how
does he know that this concern would have been greater if he was also
having sex with the servant?

> can also mean "lover".

And here we go again. This is exactly the same bogus, backwards reasoning
exhibited on the other two web pages you quoted earlier. He starts by
assuming this fictional Roman centurion *must* have had a sexual
relationship with this fictional servant, *therefore* the word used to
describe him, "pais", must also mean "lover". That's not how it works,
sorry. Obviously, one can use the word "boy" in reference to a young male
lover, that doesn't mean that that's part of the meaning of the word. I
could come up with countless examples in present-day English of the word
"girl" being used in reference to female prostitutes, or women appearing in
porn movies. Using the same kind of pseudo-logic, I could therefore
conclude that "girl" means "a woman having sex for money". And at least in
those cases, it could be established that the women thus described actually
exist, and actually are having sex for money, unlike in the "centurion"
story. There, both the existence of the protagonists and their supposed
sexual connection is a matter of pure supposition.

The question remains: what are the references to other texts in Koine from
the first century AD, showing that "pais" meant "lover" or "a young male
kept for sexual purposes"? It's a very simple question to answer, if such
references exist.

> The word "pederasty" for instance derives from pais.

Sigh. We've already been over this one twice. "Pederasty" derives from
"pais" and "erastos", "lover". There is absolutely no sexual connotation in
the "pais" bit, only in the "erastos" bit. It's not a "for instance", it's
an irrelevancy. "Pediatry" also derives from "pais". So does "orthopaedic".
Those also count as "for instance" to support the claim that "pais" means

> Luke, who was writing in a much more Greek milieu

As with Matthew, nobody knows who wrote Luke, or for what audience. All we
know is that he had somewhat better Greek than the compilers of the other
three gospels, and thus, maybe, might have been a bit better-educated.

> changes the word pais
> to the much more neutral doulos ("servant" or "slave"), presumably aware
> of its homosexual implications to any reader with a Greek cultural
> background.

Oh god, here the twisted reasoning really goes into overdrive (but at
least, unlike the web pages you quoted earlier, he got the spelling of
"doulos" right).

First of all, the word wasn't "changed". That implies the story in Luke
derives from Matthew, and there is no reason to assume that. In fact, the
current consensus among most Biblical scholars (there is nothing about
which *all* Biblical scholars agree, of course) is that the compilers of
Matthew and Luke didn't know each other's texts. There is strong internal
evidence for this view.

Secondly, what is being claimed here is that the compiler of Luke,
allegedly writing for a "Greek milieu" and therefore one without the
Jewish prejudice against homosexuality, on purpose used a word *without* a
"homosexual implication", to hide the fact that his supposed source
allegedly written for a Jewish audience, Matthew, clearly indicated such an
implication. Not only is this the exact opposite of what you'd expect him
to do, but it also, as they say in court, once again assumes facts not in
evidence. Namely, the unsubstantiated claim that the word "pais" has a
"homosexual implication". In this truly outstanding example of circular
reasoning, the fact that the version of the story in Luke uses a word that
doesn't carry any sexual connotation is being used to support the claim
that the word "pais" in Matthew therefore *does* carry such a connotation,
and vice versa. And all without any reference to any other outside source.

<snip of a boring, irrelevant personal anecdote>

> >>
> >
> >
> > That page basically makes the bizarre claim that any male personal
> > servant of a Roman army officer was also necessarily a sexual
> > partner.
> Because that was the NORM.

No, it wasn't, silly. Where on earth did you get such a notion from? The
vast majority of personal servants did the same kind of things in Rome that
personal servants do and have always done in all cultures that have such
servants. Clean the house. Wash the clothes. Do the shopping. Serve the
meals. Take care of the children. Groom the horses. The idea that it was
the "norm" for Roman army officers to have a male slave for sex is
completely absurd. For starters, most of them wouldn't be able to afford
such a luxury item. And if Roman men were so uninterested in sex with women
except for procreation, and just saw them as "chattel for the purpose of
childbearing", how on earth did the documented huge numbers of female
prostitutes and the flourishing brothels in Roman cities where they worked
survive? Since you're an expert on Roman culture, I take it you have seen
the brothel wall paintings that were preserved in Pompei. Can you tell me
how many of them picture men having sex with women, and how many men having
sex with men?

> Females in those societies were held as chattel for the purpose
> of childbearing. This was held in stark contrast to the Hebrew
> women that were shop owners and in control of family finances
> as a norm.

This really is getting too absurd to try to respond to. Especially since
it's hasn't got anything at all to do with the meaning of the word "pais"
in first-century Koine.


> There are no quotes or cites of any linguistic or
> > historical sources.
> You would have had to do a little footwork yourself.

I think I'm beginning to understand how your mind works. All
unsubstantiated claims someone plops on a web page somewhere, or posts in a
newsgroup cut-and-pasted from such a web page, are true, unless and until
someone else does the "footwork" to prove they're false.

> See the first
> paragraph. "Pederasty" for instance derives from pais.

That's the fourth time you've trotted out this irrelevant statement
(including the three quotes from other people). You think it becomes any
less ridiculously irrelevant with repetition?

> > It's just a convoluted attempt to twist a legendary
> > story about Jesus supposedly performing yet another miraculous healing
> > into him supposedly approving of gay relationships, mainly based on the
> > author's fertile imagination, supported by scraps of half- and
> > non-truths.
> I think it was an attempt to draw converts from that Greco/roman
> society. It ultimately worked now, didn't it?

Please try to follow what you're responding to. The "convoluted attempt"
referred to the silly webpage you cited, not to the NT miracle healing
story. And the Horner person you quoted in support (albeit second-hand)
just a few paragraphs above claims that the author of Luke *removed* a
homosexual implication from the story because he was writing for a Greek
audience. So which one is it?

> >>
> >>display_post&Post_ID=b9b000a4f3407cf2fa096454ec5d1599
> >
> >
> > That page just contains the same incorrect claim you were making
> > earlier:
> >
> > "The author chose 'paias,' not 'uios' (son), or 'duolos' (slave), but
> > 'paias,' a word which refers to a young male kept for sexual
> > purposes (the root of English 'pederasty'); it is an unambiguous and
> > deliberate choice".
> >
> > Once again, no source of any kind is quoted or cited.
> While you ignore the inferred,

"Inferred" sources? "Inferred" quotes and cites? Both are novel concepts to
me. Please explain what you mean.

> the word "pederast"

And that makes it five times. At how many repetitions do you think it
finally will become relevant?

> can be found in your very own dictionary a very good source.

Sadly, I do not own a dictionary of first-century Koine. Based on the
authoritative way you carry on about the subject, you clearly do. So please
tell me which such dictionary you own, and quote its definition for "pais",
showing it means either "a young male kept for sexual purposes" or "lover".
Surely that's just a matter of taking it off the shelf and typing in a line
or so from the lemma "pais", to conclusively prove me wrong?

> It comes from the Greek "Paiderastia," just as you can find the
> word Pedestrian derived from "pedester" on foot.

And there she goes again, for the *sixth* time. What's so astonishing about
this tenacity in repeating nonsense is that I already explained the
derivation of "pederasty" in my first post in this thread.

> So while you might not like the source or the facts, they remain.

I've so far been unable to spot any sources or facts in anything you've

<snip of some more irrelevant stuff>

> > Bringing up the
> > English word "pederasty" is a dishonest way to imply a sexual
> > connotation that isn't there. "Pederasty" derives from a declined
> > form of "pais", "paidos", and "erastos" which means "lover".
> > "Pederast" means "a lover of boys". The sexual aspect is inherent
> > in the "lover" bit, not the "boy" bit.
> > (The first URL you gave also tries this trick, and even claims that
> > "pais" on its own means "boy lover".)
> Do you not understand how we have derived our language?

I guess that somehow, during the years I was getting my degree in
linguistics, all the people who taught me must have neglected to explain
this to me.

But I do wonder: are you too thick to understand my paragraph about the
derivation of "pederasty" you replied to, or did you once again just
not bother to read it properly? It must be one or the other.

> Again, find a good unabridged dictionary.

What good unabridged dictionary of first-century Koine would you recommend,
Oh Wise One? And which are the bad unabridged dictionaries of first-century
Koine, just to make sure I don't go wrong in my search?

> Then if you find a meaning "dishonest" complain to Webster.

When it comes to English, I'll stick to the OED, thankyouverymuch, I have
no need for some American desk dictionary.

The dishonesty I referred to is the claim, which you've now touted at least
six times, that the existence of the English word "pederasty" is proof that
the Greek word "pais" has a sexual connotation. Anybody who can check a
dictionary, even an "abridged" one, can see that this is a blatant lie.


> > What makes these feeble attempts to somehow link this story to
> > homosexuality even feebler is that in the version of the same story
> > told in Luke 7:7, the word "doulos" is used, which unambiguously
> > just means "slave" or "servant".
> >
> > What I can't understand is: why does anyone bother to come up with such
> > inanities?
> It's called the study of Ancient History and language.

So claiming on webpages or in newsgroups that "pais" means "a young male
kept for sexual purposes", or "lover", without offering any substantiation,
is "the study of Ancient History and language". Check.

Message has been deleted

Lisa Ruby

Sep 14, 2005, 10:41:39 PM9/14/05
Simkatu wrote:

>I've seen this Baptist preacher
>holding up placards saying "GOD HATES
>FAGS" at Churches, at funerals,
>and at high schools.

I've heard of such a thing. Such preachers are plants,
instigators, agent provacateurs. The same type of
Christian-in-name-only bombs abortion clinics and shoots
abortionists. They have an agenda to further--an anti-Christian
one---and they do it well.

Lisa Ruby


Sep 15, 2005, 10:43:04 AM9/15/05
Piltdown Man wrote:
> Ramona <> wrote...
>>Piltdown Man wrote:
> <snip>
>>>>Pais tends to mean MORE than just slave.
>>>Its basic meaning is just "child" or "young person", and either
>>>"boy"/"young man" or "girl"/"young woman" depending on further
>>>grammatical context.
>>Greco/Roman society did not have the sexual bias that is found in the
>>Judeo/Christo culture. The Greco/Roman culture also perceived women as
>>not sexual objects, but bearers of offspring, pleasure was derived from
>>other males, be it company of the companionship of young men/boys. This
>>is typical of patriarchal and pagan societies.
> You mean, patriarchal societies such as the ones portrayed in the Old
> Testament? Wow! That the OT patriarchs "derived their pleasure" from the
> "companionship of young men/boys" is new to me.
Were OT societies Patriarchal AND Pagan?

I'm not sure what you mean
> by "pagan societies", though, considering that word is meaningless outside
> of Christianity.

And you have a degree in linguistics? Shocking!!

>>You did study ancient history?
> Apparently more than you ever did.

Clearly you concentrated on liguistics and skipped school bypassing a
rounded education regarding history.

Graeco/Roman culture (as if that's some
> kind of monolithic entity in the first place) didn't perceive women as
> sexual objects?

SO bathhouses aren't real and their function was only imaginary. Okay then.

Have you ever *looked* at any Greek or Roman pornography?
> (Because it's Greek or Roman, it's usually called "erotic art", not "porn",
> but it's the same thing.) The vast majority of pornographic depictions, of
> erotic literature, of love poetry, of love stories,... from those cultures
> are heterosexual in nature. The vast majority of prostitutes in the Roman
> empire were women. The vast majority of sexual liaisons mentioned in
> biographical accounts of the Roman emperors were heterosexual. The claim
> that young men and boys were seen as the only

Putting words in my mouth, which I did not say. Naughty naughty.

source of sexual pleasure and
> women only as bearers of offspring is ludicrous.

More of that naughty behavior. Would you deny that women were legally
property? Would you deny that property is treated differently than that
which is held to equal status? Clearly you would.

> Anyway, what has any of this got to do with the meaning of the word
> "pais" in first-century koine?
>>> As in many languages, a general word with that meaning also had
>>>extended meanings, such as "servant", "slave", "low-ranking employee",
>>Exactly. And based on lifestyle, this was the NORM.
> I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I simply pointed out that in Greek as in
> many other languages, general words for "child" or "young person" also are
> used to mean varying kinds of "servant" (as in English with "boy", or
> "girl", or "maid", or "groom" for instance). What "lifestyle" and what
> "NORM" are you on about, and how does it relate to what I stated?

Context. Consider the social and economic status of the Centurion.
Consider that the sexual bias of the Hebrew world was not inflicted upon
that society.

> <snip>
>>>But the claim that there is a specifically sexual connotation to the
>>>word as used in Matthew 8:5-13 is completely incorrect.
>>I disagree.
> Now there's an impressive argument. "I disagree."
> Can you come up with one single legitimate source (not some nonsense on
> obscure websites) that shows that the word "pais" in first-century Koine
> had the specific meaning of "a young male kept for sexual purposes",

A "young male kept" is sufficient. My entire point is that one can
indeed intimate more into the role as "kept." Just as a kept woman is
more than sex, but companionship etc. Do you deny that homosexuality
was considered acceptable, normal, in that society?

> didn't just mean "boy"/"young man"/"servant/slave" etc., as every
> dictionary seems to say it does? (I'm not holding my breath waiting.)
>>Again, women were for bearing babies and were held in very
>>low regard.
> What has this got to do with the meaning of the word "pais" in
> first-century Koine?

Context. One must consider the time and the norms to determine meaning.
Surely you had to have learned that in school?!

It seems especially irrelevant since "pais" means
> "girl"/"young woman" too.

Huh oddly enough that word wasn't considered, regarding Mary, creating
the whole almah/bethulah problem.

The issue of words brings me back to CO$ and FAIR GAMES. On policy is
seemingly cancelled, but upon further study one finds that only the
words have been cancelled and not the policy.


Clearly since you don't understand the concept of root words.

> But I do wonder: are you too thick to understand my paragraph about the
> derivation of "pederasty" you replied to, or did you once again just
> not bother to read it properly? It must be one or the other.
>>Again, find a good unabridged dictionary.
> What good unabridged dictionary of first-century Koine would you recommend,
> Oh Wise One? And which are the bad unabridged dictionaries of first-century
> Koine, just to make sure I don't go wrong in my search?
>>Then if you find a meaning "dishonest" complain to Webster.
> When it comes to English, I'll stick to the OED, thankyouverymuch, I have
> no need for some American desk dictionary.
> The dishonesty I referred to is the claim, which you've now touted at least
> six times, that the existence of the English word "pederasty" is proof that
> the Greek word "pais" has a sexual connotation. Anybody who can check a
> dictionary, even an "abridged" one, can see that this is a blatant lie.

Okay sure.

> <snip>
>>>What makes these feeble attempts to somehow link this story to
>>>homosexuality even feebler is that in the version of the same story
>>>told in Luke 7:7, the word "doulos"

Ah, so now you leap to a different author. haha

is used, which unambiguously
>>>just means "slave" or "servant".
>>>What I can't understand is: why does anyone bother to come up with such
>>It's called the study of Ancient History and language.
> So claiming on webpages or in newsgroups that "pais" means "a young male
> kept for sexual purposes", or "lover", without offering any substantiation,
> is "the study of Ancient History and language". Check.

Again, I sent you a list of books that you oddly deleted. So, you have
been given plenty of resources to catch you up on ancient history. BTW I
never said that the exclusive purpose was for sexual reasons. Ah, but
you chose to ignore that and imagine otherwise. You ignore all to the
exclusion of language. Forget the bathhouses. If you don't look there
you won't see anything.

Sep 15, 2005, 1:30:56 PM9/15/05
On 14 Sep 2005 19:41:39 -0700, "Lisa Ruby"
<> wrote:

> Simkatu wrote:

> >I've seen this Baptist preacher
> >holding up placards saying "GOD HATES
> >FAGS" at Churches, at funerals,
> >and at high schools.

> i'VE heaRD of SUch a ThInG. SuCh preACHErS aRe PlAnts,
> INstIgAtoRS, AGent prOvACateuRS. THe SAmE TYPE of
> cHristIan-iN-NAmE-OnLY BomBs ABOrtIoN ClINicS AND ShoOts
> abORTiONiSts. THeY HaVE aN aGenDa TO FURtheR--an Anti-ChrIsTIan
> One---aND THey Do IT WELL.

Do they all have ear implants controling them?

Piltdown Man

Sep 16, 2005, 12:48:33 AM9/16/05

Ramona <> wrote...


> Were OT societies Patriarchal AND Pagan?

The mythical "societies" in the OT were definitely patriarchal, that's
where the word comes from after all. "Pagan" is a word coined by Christians
during their power grab in the Roman empire in the first few centuries AD
to describe non-Christians who refused to convert. Later on, they started
applying it to other kinds of non-Christians, always in a highly derogatory
fashion. You seem to think it's some kind of universal anthropological
distinction that can be used to classify all human societies, including the
mythical ones in the OT, into either "pagan" or "non-pagan", regardless of
whether they've ever heard of Christianity, or whether they existed before
Christianity was even invented. I have no idea what your reasons are for
assuming such a dichotomy, or what your specific criteria are for applying
the label "pagan". I usually prefer not to get involved in such
theological, Christian-only, semantic brawls


> > Have you ever *looked* at any Greek or Roman pornography?
> > (Because it's Greek or Roman, it's usually called "erotic art", not
> > "porn", but it's the same thing.) The vast majority of pornographic
> > depictions, of erotic literature, of love poetry, of love stories,...
> > from those cultures are heterosexual in nature. The vast majority of
> > prostitutes in the Roman empire were women. The vast majority of
> > sexual liaisons mentioned in biographical accounts of the Roman
> > emperors were heterosexual. The claim that young men and boys were
> > seen as the only
> Putting words in my mouth, which I did not say.

You're a liar, pure and simple. I didn't put any words into your mouth. I
properly quoted your statement: "The Greco/Roman culture also perceived

women as not sexual objects, but bearers of offspring, pleasure was derived

from other males". Just what part of that did I supposedly "put into your
mouth"? In response, I mentioned some examples of the huge amount of
evidence showing you're talking utter bollocks.

<snip, and the liar Ramona continues:>

> Would you deny that women were legally property?

So were many men. What's the idea, trying to twist this into a discussion
of Roman law, and the legal status of women vs. men, and slaves vs. free
men, at varying stages of the Empire? All to distract attention from your
absurd claims that:

(a) "Greco/Roman culture" (whatever that is) didn't perceive of women as
sexual objects, and that "those societies" only thought of women as
"chattel for the purpose of childbearing"; and that:

(b) "Pais" in first-century Koine meant "a young male kept for sexual
purposes", or "lover";

and of course that:

(c) I supposedly "put words in your mouth", which is a blatant lie.

<snip of yet more irrelevancy.>

> > I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I simply pointed out that in Greek
> > as in many other languages, general words for "child" or "young person"
> > also are used to mean varying kinds of "servant" (as in English with
> > "boy", or "girl", or "maid", or "groom" for instance). What "lifestyle"
> > and what "NORM" are you on about, and how does it relate to what I
> > stated?

<The liar Ramona responds:>

> Context. Consider the social and economic status of the Centurion.
> Consider that the sexual bias of the Hebrew world was not inflicted upon
> that society.

The lying Queen of Irrelevancy strikes again. But she seems to be unable to
post a quote of any reputable source on first-century Koine showing that
"pais" meant "a young male kept for sexual purposes", or "lover".


> > Can you come up with one single legitimate source (not some nonsense on
> > obscure websites) that shows that the word "pais" in first-century
> > Koine had the specific meaning of "a young male kept for sexual
> > purposes",

<the liar Ramona responds:>

> A "young male kept" is sufficient. My entire point is that one can indeed
> intimate more into the role as "kept."

"Intimate more into the role as 'kept'" is gibberish. Somehow, I'm not
surprised that it seems to be your "entire point".

Please post a quote of any reputable source on first-century Koine showing
that "pais" meant "a young male kept for sexual purposes", or "lover".

> Just as a kept woman is more than sex, but companionship etc.

Please post a quote of any reputable source on first-century Koine showing
that "pais" meant "a young male kept for sexual purposes". Until you do so,
any discussion about what the English word "kept" does or doesn't imply is

> Do you deny that homosexuality
> was considered acceptable, normal, in that society?

That is completely irrelevant to any of the claims you've made, lying


> > What has this got to do with the meaning of the word "pais" in
> > first-century Koine?
> Context. One must consider the time and the norms to determine meaning.

Please post a quote of any reputable source on first-century Koine showing
that the meaning of "pais" is "a young male kept for sexual purposes", or
"lover". The people who put together such sources take into account
context. That's what they do for a living. And unlike Ramona, they know
Greek. They also usually aren't liars.

<huge snip of stuff the liar Ramona doesn't care to respond to>

> >>Do you not understand how we have derived our language?
> >
> > I guess that somehow, during the years I was getting my degree in
> > linguistics, all the people who taught me must have neglected to
> > explain this to me.
> Clearly since you don't understand the concept of root words.

Please explain, oh Wise Ramona, Purveyor of All Truths Linguistical (and oh
yes, liar), how you have determined that I don't understand "the concept of
root words", and how this relates to your inability to come up with a quote
of any reputable source on first-century Koine showing that "pais" meant "a
young male kept for sexual purposes", or "lover".


> > What good unabridged dictionary of first-century Koine would you
> > recommend, Oh Wise One? And which are the bad unabridged dictionaries
> > of first-century Koine, just to make sure I don't go wrong in my
> > search?

One notes that for some strange reason, the Wise Ramona, ARS expert in
residence on the meaning of words in first-century Koine (and linguistics
in general, and of course Ancient History of all kinds but in particular
that of Greco/Roman culture), decided to not answer this simple request for
information. One cannot help but wonder why.

> >>>What makes these feeble attempts to somehow link this story to
> >>>homosexuality even feebler is that in the version of the same story
> >>>told in Luke 7:7, the word "doulos"
> Ah, so now you leap to a different author. haha

No you lying shit, I don't. You *really* don't read the posts you're
replying to, or even the web pages you quote here, do you? What you're
replying to I posted earlier in the thread (you see the ">>>"? Stop and
think: why are there three ">" thingies, not just one?)

The "leaping to a different author" was done by the people who put up the
web pages cited by *you*. I responded to those pages. They have to go into
painful pseudo-logical contortions to try and explain away the fact that
one of two versions of this story (in Matthew) uses the word "pais", which
they claim has a homosexual connotation, while the other version (in Luke)
doesn't use that word.


> Again, I sent you a list of books that you oddly deleted.

You sent me a list of books? When? That's the first I've heard of this. How
did you send it? In email? (I haven't used a repliable email address in
this newsgroup for a while, but it isn't that difficult to track down a
real email address, or my real name.) And I then apparently deleted it, and
"oddly", too. How and when did I do this, considering I have no idea what
"list of books" you're on about? And you didn't just send it once, since
you use the word "again". I'm flabbergasted.

Which one of the books in this list was the dictionary of first-century
Koine containing the definition of "pais" as "a young male kept for sexual
purposes", or "lover"? Even more intriguingly, which of those books will
demonstrate to me that, say, the poetry of Virgil, or Catullus, or Horace,
or Ovid, or Martial, or Juvenal (to name just a few), shows that
"Greco/Roman culture" didn't perceive of women as sexual objects?

> So, you have been given plenty of resources to catch you up on ancient
> history. BTW I never said that the exclusive purpose was for sexual
> reasons.

The "exclusive purpose" of *what* didn't you ever say? You're talking
gibberish again.

What you did say was: "The Greco/Roman culture also perceived women as not

sexual objects, but bearers of offspring, pleasure was derived from other

males". Anybody with the barest minimum of knowledge of both Greek and
Roman cultures knows that that is complete nonsense. You also stated
unequivocally that all male servants of Roman army officers were also
sexual partners. At least, you claimed this was "the NORM" (no, not just
the "norm", the "NORM" -- we all know idiotic statements don't just become
more true the more times one repeats them, they also become more true when
one repeats them using CAPITALS.).

> Ah, but you chose to ignore that

What did I ignore, you liar? The imaginary "list of books" you supposedly
sent to me, and which I supposedly "oddly deleted"? Your ludicrous claims
that "Greco/Roman culture" didn't perceive women as sexual objects? Your
singular failure to come up with *any* kind of cite, quote or reference to
support your claims that "pais" in first-century Koine had any kind of
sexual connotation, and meant either "a young male kept for sexual
purposes", or "lover"?


Sep 19, 2005, 11:10:20 AM9/19/05

Piltdown Man wrote:
> Ramona <> wrote...
> <snip>
> > Were OT societies Patriarchal AND Pagan?
> The mythical "societies" in the OT were definitely patriarchal, that's
> where the word comes from after all. "Pagan" is a word coined by Christians
> during their power grab in the Roman empire in the first few centuries AD
> to describe non-Christians who refused to convert.

O.T. is also a Christian term. Rest assured that we Jews DO NOT use
such a term in conversation with one another. Because we live in a
Christian Society, I use the terms OT and Pagan because they keep us at
equal levels of understanding. You used the term O.T., but because I
understood what you were discussing I thought there was no need to make

Pagan 1. one of the people or community observing a polytheistic
religion, as the Romans and Greeks.

Yup, that would be the definition that covers Exactly the conversation.

> Later on, they started
> applying it to other kinds of non-Christians, always in a highly derogatory
> fashion.

And Mormons use the term Gentile in discussing non-mormons. I am
therefore a gentile, even though Jewish, to a mormon.

>You seem to think it's some kind of universal anthropological
> distinction that can be used to classify all human societies, including the
> mythical ones in the OT, into either "pagan" or "non-pagan", regardless of
> whether they've ever heard of Christianity,

Nope, just speaking in terminology that is a given in this a christian

It's funny that so many people so easily get stuck on words.
Spacetraveler had his own issues with the Policy of Fair Games. He
wanted to believe it was a cancelled policy though clearly stated only
the words FAIR GAMES themselves were cancelled.

I also find it interesting that CO$ has it's own dictionary
superceeding other known words. But then supercessionism is the goal,
it would seem, of every newer religion.


Sep 25, 2005, 2:51:11 PM9/25/05

Fredric L. Rice wrote:
> Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
Nothing in that link above promotes hatred.


Sep 25, 2005, 5:20:31 PM9/25/05

> Fredric L. Rice wrote:

You are right. And nothing on the Ku Klux Klan web site promotes
hatred either. (Sheeeish!)

Do you *REALLY* believe that telling homosexuals they are mentally
ill and perverted is not an act of hatred?

Sep 25, 2005, 11:11:41 PM9/25/05

David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On 25 Sep 2005 11:51:11 -0700, wrote:
> > Fredric L. Rice wrote:
> > >
> > > Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
> > Nothing in that link above promotes hatred.
> You are right. And nothing on the Ku Klux Klan web site promotes
> hatred either. (Sheeeish!)
> Do you *REALLY* believe that telling homosexuals they are mentally
> ill and perverted is not an act of hatred?
Show me what words in that page promote hatred.


Sep 25, 2005, 11:54:49 PM9/25/05

> David Rice, Esq. wrote:

> > > Fredric L. Rice wrote:

Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
can help you with that!

Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
homosexuality is preventable and treatable"

Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)

Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
be gay."

Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
and preventing homosexuality."

Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
women affected by homosexuality"

Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"

Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former

All, and more, of these insanely hatful and vile statements are on
just that single web page. That one single web page proves beyong
any possibility of doubt that "Focus on the family" is a hate

You're welcome.

Sep 26, 2005, 11:38:56 AM9/26/05

David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On 25 Sep 2005 20:11:41 -0700, wrote:
> > David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> > > On 25 Sep 2005 11:51:11 -0700, wrote:
> > > > Fredric L. Rice wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Contemporary Christianity: abject hatred.
> > > > Nothing in that link above promotes hatred.
> > > You are right. And nothing on the Ku Klux Klan web site promotes
> > > hatred either. (Sheeeish!)
> > > Do you *REALLY* believe that telling homosexuals they are mentally
> > > ill and perverted is not an act of hatred?
> > Show me what words in that page promote hatred.
> Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
> can help you with that!
> Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
> conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)

Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> be gay."

Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> and preventing homosexuality."

Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> women affected by homosexuality"

Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"

Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> homosexuals"

Nothing hateful about that.
All of these statements are about love, not hate.


Sep 26, 2005, 8:40:04 PM9/26/05
On 26 Sep 2005 08:38:56 -0700, wrote:

> David Rice, Esq. wrote:

> > Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
> > can help you with that!
> >
> > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
> > conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> > be gay."

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> > and preventing homosexuality."

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> > women affected by homosexuality"

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

> > Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> > homosexuals"

> Nothing hateful about that.

You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 26, 2005, 11:19:23 PM9/26/05
to wrote:

Looks like you haven't checked it out, huh? It's 100% Christian hate.

Bush is a Christian. Get over it!

Kim Palmer

Sep 27, 2005, 8:39:23 AM9/27/05
David Rice, Esq. wrote:

But, but he has ALL the answers to EVERYTHING and he does not even have
to think about it at all - ALL the answers are given to him - the fact
that he has never ever studied the texts from all perspectives nor
studied the actual history of the region ( I do mean the real history
and not the history that is taught in Sunday School) has nothing to do
with it because he KNOWS he is right. He has studied it you have not
adn stop being so glib.

Same thing different verse

Kim P

Sep 27, 2005, 11:42:07 AM9/27/05

David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On 26 Sep 2005 08:38:56 -0700, wrote:
> > David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> > > Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
> > > can help you with that!
> > >
> > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.
What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality to
be treated. I wonder why.

> > > Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
> > > conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.
Against whom is this hate directed to?

> > > Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> > > be gay."
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.

What is wroing with saying that people do not have to be gay?

> > > Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> > > and preventing homosexuality."
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.

You are the sick monkey. You state that anything that opposes your
perverted agenda must be hateful.

> > > Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> > > women affected by homosexuality"
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.

Talking about love is hateful? I never knew that.

> > > Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.

So helping friends is hateful?

> > > Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> > > homosexuals"
> > Nothing hateful about that.
> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> that.

It is hateful to hear from those who rejected the homosexual


Kim Palmer

Sep 27, 2005, 12:27:40 PM9/27/05
to wrote:
> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>On 26 Sep 2005 08:38:56 -0700, wrote:
>>>David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>>>Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
>>>>can help you with that!
>>>>Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
>>>>homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
> homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality to
> be treated. I wonder why.

homosexuality is NOT a disease that needs to be treated - it is not an
evil possession or some demon or satan tricking you or anything else.
It is - did you choose heterosexuality? No? Then tell my why you think
you have the right to determine anyone else's sexuality for them?

>>>>Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
>>>>conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> Against whom is this hate directed to?

any and all homosexuals and their families - by claiming it is a
preventable disease you are denying the rights of all those who are
different than you to live their lives . This is hatred and bigotry
at its most subtle.

>>>>Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
>>>>be gay."
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> What is wroing with saying that people do not have to be gay?

People who are homosexual are homosexual like people who are
heterosexual - they just are why can you not just leave them be?

>>>>Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
>>>>and preventing homosexuality."
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> You are the sick monkey. You state that anything that opposes your
> perverted agenda must be hateful.

How is standing up for the rights of homosexuals being perverted? Taking
away thier rights to exist is perverse and inhumane - and just shows
how hate filled and without love or compassion many so-called christians
really are.

>>>>Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
>>>>women affected by homosexuality"
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> Talking about love is hateful? I never knew that.
>>>>Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> So helping friends is hateful?

Helping people accept themselves as they are and to live lives without
having to fear discrimination and bigotry because they do not fit in to
someone's narrow little world view is good - denying someone the right
to be who they are is not helpful - it is harmful and hateful.

>>>>Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
> It is hateful to hear from those who rejected the homosexual
> lifestyle?

There is no such thing as an ex-homosexual - except in the narrowminded
confines of the so-called christians who refuse to accept anyone who
does believe EXACTLY as they do.

Homosexuality exists in nature - and has been observed by naturalists -
it is not uncommon - and to find it in homo sapiens should not be
surprising at all - homosexuals exist and are - not because of some
non-existant demon possession but because they ARE. Would you reject a
child who was homosexual? If you answer yes or say you would attempt to
cure them then you are being cruel and abusive to that child by not
accepting them for who they are. And that is the most hateful of all.

Kim P
> Michael


Sep 27, 2005, 1:24:44 PM9/27/05

> > > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.

Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
is preventable and treatable."

Now do you find this revised statement to also have "Nothing hateful
about that."?

> > > > Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> > > > be gay."
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.

Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to

be Christian."

Do you still find your statement that there is "Nothing hateful about

> > > > Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> > > > and preventing homosexuality."
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.

Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding

and preventing Christianity."

Do you still find your statement that there is "Nothing hateful about

> > > > Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> > > > women affected by homosexuality"
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.

Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and

women affected by Christianity."

Still find #5 not hateful?

> >
> > > > Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.

Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about

Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's Christian?"

Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about

> > > > Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> > > > homosexuals"
> >
> > > Nothing hateful about that.
Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former

Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about

So when the word homosexuality is altered to read Christian, do you
still find the statement not hateful?



Sep 27, 2005, 8:57:12 PM9/27/05
Kim Palmer wrote:

> wrote:
>> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>> On 26 Sep 2005 08:38:56 -0700, wrote:
>>>> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>>>> Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
>>>>> can help you with that!
>>>>> Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
>>>>> homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>> homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality to
>> be treated. I wonder why.
> homosexuality is NOT a disease that needs to be treated - it is not an
> evil possession or some demon or satan tricking you or anything else.
> It is - did you choose heterosexuality? No? Then tell my why you think
> you have the right to determine anyone else's sexuality for them?

Obviously this moron never wondered why he is sexually attracted to
objects of his/her desire. What hardwiring makes men attracted to women?
What makes them attracted to shoes, sheep, or other men? This display of
simplemindedness, I hope, is not endemic amongst the Xian communities.
The fundies certainly don't mind displaying their stupidity about the
subject of human sexuality. I wonder if they think people who get turned
on by fetishes choose that, too?
"I'd like you to meet my husband, Bruno Mali." LOL.

>>>>> Hatred #2: "a message routinely silenced today." (including
>>>>> conspiracy theory--- no doubt 'certain European bankers' eh?)
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> Against whom is this hate directed to?
> any and all homosexuals and their families - by claiming it is a
> preventable disease you are denying the rights of all those who are
> different than you to live their lives . This is hatred and bigotry
> at its most subtle.
>>>>> Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
>>>>> be gay."
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> What is wroing with saying that people do not have to be gay?
> People who are homosexual are homosexual like people who are
> heterosexual - they just are why can you not just leave them be?

If God made them attracted to the same sex, who are you little monkeys
to challenge that?
Oh, I get it! Homosexuals MUST be choosing to be that way. Otherwise,
that means God went out of its way to create homosexuals and, according
to these sanctimonious hypocrites, God would be wrong by doing so. Aha!

>>>>> Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
>>>>> and preventing homosexuality."
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> You are the sick monkey. You state that anything that opposes your
>> perverted agenda must be hateful.
> How is standing up for the rights of homosexuals being perverted? Taking
> away thier rights to exist is perverse and inhumane - and just shows
> how hate filled and without love or compassion many so-called christians
> really are.

Absolutely. I bet a lot of them have latent homosexual tendencies that
they punish by harassing people who are honest enough to admit their

>>>>> Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
>>>>> women affected by homosexuality"
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> Talking about love is hateful? I never knew that.

I see no difference between your display of "love" here and plain old
intolerant, bigoted, tiny-minded hatred. How would you like it if our
political institutions were suddenly run by agnostics and athiests who
decided that religious fervor is caused by a malfunction in the temporal
lobes of their brains? (For all I know, perhaps it is.) Regardless, you
should be treated until you no longer think an invisible, supernatural
being is *watching* you! Would you enjoy that? Or would you feel you
were being singled out and persecuted?

>>>>> Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"

I doubt someone like you would even HAVE any friends who are gay.

>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.

>> So helping friends is hateful?

How is trying to force conformity on someone any indication of "help" or

> Helping people accept themselves as they are and to live lives without
> having to fear discrimination and bigotry because they do not fit in to
> someone's narrow little world view is good - denying someone the right
> to be who they are is not helpful - it is harmful and hateful.
>>>>> Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
>>>>> homosexuals"
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>>> that.
>> It is hateful to hear from those who rejected the homosexual
>> lifestyle?
> There is no such thing as an ex-homosexual - except in the narrowminded
> confines of the so-called christians who refuse to accept anyone who
> does believe EXACTLY as they do.
> Homosexuality exists in nature - and has been observed by naturalists -
> it is not uncommon - and to find it in homo sapiens should not be
> surprising at all - homosexuals exist and are - not because of some
> non-existant demon possession but because they ARE. Would you reject a
> child who was homosexual? If you answer yes or say you would attempt to
> cure them then you are being cruel and abusive to that child by not
> accepting them for who they are. And that is the most hateful of all.
> Kim P

Right on, Kim!
>> Michael

Sep 27, 2005, 9:02:26 PM9/27/05

> David Rice, Esq. wrote:

> >>David Rice, Esq. wrote:

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> >> Nothing hateful about that.

> But, but he has ALL the answers to EVERYTHING and he does not even have

> to think about it at all - ALL the answers are given to him - the fact
> that he has never ever studied the texts from all perspectives nor
> studied the actual history of the region ( I do mean the real history
> and not the history that is taught in Sunday School) has nothing to do
> with it because he KNOWS he is right. He has studied it you have not
> adn stop being so glib.
> Same thing different verse

LOL. Okay, I'll have to take your word for it. I hereby admit that
I am utterly unable to comprehend how telling a homosexual that
homosexuality is "preventable and treatable" is "love" and not
hate. Cognition of this kind of "love" must just be far, far
beyond my limited abilities----- just as calling a black person a
"nigger" being "loving" is also far beyond my ability to

I suspect any day now "" will tell us that
"Jewishness is preventable and treatable."

> Kim P

Sep 27, 2005, 9:04:56 PM9/27/05
On 27 Sep 2005 08:42:07 -0700, wrote:

> What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
> homosexuality.

What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating

black skin? Or Jewishness?

> It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality to
> be treated. I wonder why.

Ah, I see I was right the first time: your ability to comprehend
the written word *IS* marginal and lacking. Please point to
anything I wrote that even hints I "do not want homosexuality to
be treated." Take your time, and be sure you quote me accurately.
Thank you.

Sep 27, 2005, 9:06:26 PM9/27/05
On 27 Sep 2005 10:24:44 -0700, "ramona" <>

> Snip

> > > > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"

> > > > Nothing hateful about that.

> Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
> is preventable and treatable."
> Now do you find this revised statement to also have "Nothing hateful
> about that."?

Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture,
while homosexuality is a matter of genetics.


Sep 27, 2005, 9:13:40 PM9/27/05
I think the psychiatrists have a run on that too -- I'm sure they've
made up an illness for it -- don't know which drug they'd prescribe for
it though.

Lisa Ruby

Sep 27, 2005, 9:52:56 PM9/27/05
David Rice, Esq. wrote:

Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture, while
homosexuality is a matter of genetics.

Christianity is not a product of the culture. It is requires a choice
on the part of the individual:

Jos 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you
this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served
that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites,
in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the

It does seem evil to the leaders of the New World Order to serve the

It is evil in their eyes if others serve the LORD too. They work as
hard as they can to prevent this by casting the followers of the LORD
in a terrible light.

Lisa Ruby

Ball of Fluff

Sep 27, 2005, 10:53:48 PM9/27/05

"ramona" <> wrote in message

>> > > > Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
>> > > > homosexuals"
>> >
>> > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> Christians"
> Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about
> that."?
> So when the word homosexuality is altered to read Christian, do you
> still find the statement not hateful?

On another critical forum, there are a number of Christians posting, plus we
get a few on B'net Scn debate who wander in to bitch out the Scn'ists then
wonder why the hell their posts get deleted.

What I've noticed with most of them (these ones are fundies. Nothing like my
Mom or my cousin who is a minister)- most people like that- is that they
employ a double standard.

If one says anything to them, after they've been bashing, inveighing,
complaining, they shrill and accuse the person of hating Christianity and of
trying to persecute them.

That is because they are convinced they are right and everyone else is

So, yeah, if you invert the nouns and post them to some bible thumper forum
or subboard, I promise you, the bitching ~will~ be loud and long.

Hey, try it on Factnet. They got a lot of people like that there.

Could be a good experiment.


Ball of Fluff

Sep 27, 2005, 10:54:44 PM9/27/05

"Kim Palmer" <> wrote in message

> wrote:
>> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>>On 26 Sep 2005 08:38:56 -0700, wrote:
>>>>David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>>>>Is your reading comprehension really that poor? Maybe Scientology
>>>>>can help you with that!
>>>>>Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
>>>>>homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>>You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in
>> What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>> homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality to
>> be treated. I wonder why.
> homosexuality is NOT a disease that needs to be treated - it is not an
> evil possession or some demon or satan tricking you or anything else.
> It is - did you choose heterosexuality? No? Then tell my why you think you
> have the right to determine anyone else's sexuality for them?

<snip the rest>

Couldn't agree more.


Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 27, 2005, 11:07:31 PM9/27/05
Kim Palmer <> wrote:
>David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>>>Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
>>>>homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>> You really are a sick little monkey if you do not see the hate in that.

>But, but he has ALL the answers to EVERYTHING and he does not even have

>to think about it at all - ALL the answers are given to him - the fact
>that he has never ever studied the texts from all perspectives nor
>studied the actual history of the region ( I do mean the real history
>and not the history that is taught in Sunday School) has nothing to do
>with it because he KNOWS he is right. He has studied it you have not
>adn stop being so glib.

I spent months inside of Focus on the Family. It was the worst
experience of my life -- and I've had bad several things done to
me. Inside of FoF it got so bad I was physically ill at what
the hate cult was doing and someone else took over for me in the
telephone punchdown room.

"You don't have my permission to take my picture!" - Santa Claus

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 27, 2005, 11:12:07 PM9/27/05
to wrote:

>What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
>to be treated. I wonder why.

What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
is something that needs to be "cured?"

Oh. That's right. Christian hate mongering shitstain extremists.
That's what.

Fortunately there's a lot of good Christians out there who accept
the fact that people are homosexual and people are heterosexual
and they don't harbor harted or try to justify it with their gods.

Android Cat

Sep 27, 2005, 11:15:11 PM9/27/05
squeaky wrote:
> Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
>> wrote:
>> Looks like you haven't checked it out, huh? It's 100% Christian
>> hate.
> I think the psychiatrists have a run on that too -- I'm sure they've
> made up an illness for it -- don't know which drug they'd prescribe
> for it though.
> -Squeaky

The fools! Hubbard said that it was all caused by Xenu and his 3D movie
implants or by alien spirit parasites.

From "Assists" Lecture. 3rd October 1968. #10 of the confidential Class VIII
series of lecture:
"You are going to run into this character starts going round and round and
round and they say "The helicopter's going to cra-ash, it's going to
cra-ash" and you're looking for a helicopter action. What the hell it's R6
boy and nothin' else. And I don't know, I think for about a day or two it
takes this helicopter to crash in R6. Err, there's no helicopter there, the
guy's frozen in alcohol and glycol, and sitting in a block, being given a
big 3D Cecil B. De Milles special motion picture."

Ron of that ilk.

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 27, 2005, 11:14:05 PM9/27/05
"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote:

>David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture, while
>homosexuality is a matter of genetics.
>Christianity is not a product of the culture. It is requires a choice
>on the part of the individual:

No, it's a matter of occult indoctrination of one's culture. If
you had been born in Iran, you would be a Muslim.

This hate cult's abject hatred of homosexuals is inexcusible --
and yet you want to pretend there's nothing wrong with their hate.

Tina & Joel Phillips

Sep 27, 2005, 11:25:38 PM9/27/05
On 27 Sep 2005, "squeaky" <> wrote:

>I think the psychiatrists have a run on that too -- I'm sure they've
>made up an illness for it -- don't know which drug they'd prescribe for
>it though.

Same drug LRH used. Vistaril.

Tina & Joel Phillips
Proud Sponsors of the Church of Scientology's Hate Site, Religious Freedom
Watch. Reluctant Sponsors of

Sep 28, 2005, 9:41:45 AM9/28/05
On 27 Sep 2005 18:52:56 -0700, "Lisa Ruby"
<> wrote:

> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> > Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture, while
> > homosexuality is a matter of genetics.

> Christianity is not a product of the culture. It is requires a choice
> on the part of the individual:

You are being silly. Look at a global map and the distribution of
religion: you will see that a person's religion is based upon

Surely this is obvious!


Sep 28, 2005, 9:55:02 AM9/28/05
David Rice, Esq. wrote:

It almost seems like he doesn't WANT black people helped into white
skins. And don't tell me that's not possible. Two words: Michael Jackson!


Sep 28, 2005, 10:13:40 AM9/28/05

David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On 27 Sep 2005 10:24:44 -0700, "ramona" <>
> wrote:
> > Snip
> > > > > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > > > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
> > > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> > Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
> > is preventable and treatable."
> >
> > Now do you find this revised statement to also have "Nothing hateful
> > about that."?
> Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture,
> while homosexuality is a matter of genetics.

While I appreciate that you understand the difference, the audience I
was trying to reach doesn't have that grasp. So that is why I put it
in language that the fundy could follow. You must remember that the
person is also afraid of evolution, though the recent hurricanes
dramatically show the evolution/change over time of landforms, forget
logic in the form of bacterial resistence to antiboiotics and such. So
with that I thought it not reasonable that the person could understand
in any reasonable matter that homosexuality and blue eyes were similar
in nature. I was also trying to emphasize your brother's? point that
the words used were hateful by applying that which is familiar and
defended by that same person. Follow? Sorry to offend your logic and
I understand your point to me.

With regards,




Sep 28, 2005, 10:22:18 AM9/28/05

squeaky wrote:
> I think the psychiatrists have a run on that too -- I'm sure they've
> made up an illness for it -- don't know which drug they'd prescribe for
> it though.
> -Squeaky

Once upon a time homosexuality was perceived as mental illness. But
since psychiatry is a science, the medical profession changed its
stance when it became obvious that there was no mental impairment just
a same-sexed sexual preference.

Too bad Lron hadn't figured it out though and created bigoted policy
against the homosexual individual. But then, Hubbard was a drug
addicted, chain smoking, intellectually inferior, mediocre writing



Sep 28, 2005, 11:06:34 AM9/28/05
ramona wrote:

> David Rice, Esq. wrote:
>>On 27 Sep 2005 10:24:44 -0700, "ramona" <>
>>>>>>>Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
>>>>>>>homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
>>>>>> Nothing hateful about that.
>>>Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
>>>is preventable and treatable."
>>>Now do you find this revised statement to also have "Nothing hateful
>>>about that."?
>>Your analogy failed because Christianity is a matter of culture,
>>while homosexuality is a matter of genetics.
> While I appreciate that you understand the difference, the audience I
> was trying to reach doesn't have that grasp. So that is why I put it
> in language that the fundy could follow.

We don't git many fundies around these here parts.
And at these prices, we're not likely to!

You must remember that the
> person is also afraid of evolution, though the recent hurricanes
> dramatically show the evolution/change over time of landforms, forget
> logic in the form of bacterial resistence to antiboiotics and such. So
> with that I thought it not reasonable that the person could understand
> in any reasonable matter that homosexuality and blue eyes were similar
> in nature. I was also trying to emphasize your brother's? point that
> the words used were hateful by applying that which is familiar and
> defended by that same person. Follow? Sorry to offend your logic and
> I understand your point to me.
> With regards,
> Ramona
> ramona
>> / I support privatization of religion.
>>Free random & sequential signature changer

Sep 28, 2005, 12:34:29 PM9/28/05

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
> wrote:
> >What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
> >homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
> >to be treated. I wonder why.
> What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
> is something that needs to be "cured?"
Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals. This is
admitted by a homosexual-sympathizing web site.

> Oh. That's right. Christian hate mongering shitstain extremists.
> That's what.
> Fortunately there's a lot of good Christians out there who accept
> the fact that people are homosexual and people are heterosexual
> and they don't harbor harted or try to justify it with their gods.
Define hatred.


Sep 28, 2005, 12:38:59 PM9/28/05

ramona wrote:
> Snip
> > > > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
> is preventable and treatable."
The Bible states that Christianity is preventable, when people give
in to sinful temptations and harden their hearts.

> Now do you find this revised statement to also have "Nothing hateful
> about that."?
> > > > > Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> > > > > be gay."
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #3: "We want people to know that individuals don't have to
> be Christian."
> Do you still find your statement that there is "Nothing hateful about
> that."?
The Bible itself teaches that all people have free will, so they can
refuse to be Christian.

> > > > > Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> > > > > and preventing homosexuality."
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #4: "A dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding
> and preventing Christianity."
> Do you still find your statement that there is "Nothing hateful about
> that."?
Disagreeing with Christianity is not hateful.

> > > > > Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> > > > > women affected by homosexuality"
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #5: "Come and witness the type of love that draws men and
> women affected by Christianity."
> Still find #5 not hateful?

The type of love that draws men and women affected by Christinaity
can be found in the One True Church set up by Jesus Christ Himself.

> > >
> > > > > Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's gay?"
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about
> that."?
> Hatred #6: "How do I help my friend who's Christian?"
> Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about
> that."?

Why woulkd we not want to help our friends, Christian or otherwise.

> > > > > Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> > > > > homosexuals"
> > >
> > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> Hatred #7: "I especially appreciated was hearing from former
> Christians"
> Do you find this revised statment to have "Nothing hateful about
> that."?

Nothing hateful about hearing from people who turned against the
LORD. The Bible itself has testimony about people who turned against
the LORD.



Sep 28, 2005, 1:04:16 PM9/28/05
to wrote:
> Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> > >What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
> > >homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
> > >to be treated. I wonder why.
> >
> > What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
> > is something that needs to be "cured?"
> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals. This is
> admitted by a homosexual-sympathizing web site.

Well duh it's a known that homosexuals commit suicide at a higher rate
than heterosexuals. Do you not know the obvious reason why?! It would
seem clear that you don't. There are people that try to "fix" those
that are simply, genetically gay. It is a hateful agenda equally as
hateful as those messianic groups calling jews that have christianized
"completed jews" which suggests incompletion for those jews that do not
accept christianity just as gays are perceived also as
tainted/inferior. There are those that also *condemn* those that are
simply gay. How can you NOT understand that living with that degree of
bigotry and hatred (oft times from even family) can be too much for
especially our young boys?! With common societal/familial hatred,
fingerpointing, and abuse (could you really not be familiar with the
crucifixion of Matthew Shepard) the easier way out for young boys seems
to be to choose to opt out of life. It's a horrible scenerio, but is
the obvious side-effect of anti-gay bigotry. It's a sad commentary
that "we" are so hateful as to not hold these precious lives closer
rather than push them further away rejecting them into suicide.

Remember that your words may help to put the gun to the head of a young
man struggling with a sexual identity that does not match that of his

Why demand people "act" straight when the heart mind and soul of that
person is clearly gay? Would you consider someone Christian is they
only "acted" christian, but their heart mind and soul maintained other


> >
> > Oh. That's right. Christian hate mongering shitstain extremists.
> > That's what.
> >
> > Fortunately there's a lot of good Christians out there who accept
> > the fact that people are homosexual and people are heterosexual
> > and they don't harbor harted or try to justify it with their gods.

> Define hatred.

Look hatred up in a dictionary, you should be well familiar with it's
definition and application. If you insert the word "Christianity" into
the points posted regarding homosexuality, do you find the wording

> Michael


Sep 28, 2005, 1:18:10 PM9/28/05
to wrote:

> Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>>>homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
>>>to be treated. I wonder why.
>>What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
>>is something that needs to be "cured?"
> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals. This is
> admitted by a homosexual-sympathizing web site.

With assholes like the so-called Christians telling them how wrong they
are, it's no wonder some give up in despair and kill themselves.

>>Oh. That's right. Christian hate mongering shitstain extremists.
>>That's what.
>>Fortunately there's a lot of good Christians out there who accept
>>the fact that people are homosexual and people are heterosexual
>>and they don't harbor harted or try to justify it with their gods.
> Define hatred.
> Michael


Sep 28, 2005, 1:50:30 PM9/28/05
to wrote:
> ramona wrote:
> > Snip
> > > > > > Hatred #1: "Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that
> > > > > > homosexuality is preventable and treatable"
> > > >
> > > > > Nothing hateful about that.
> >
> > Hatred #1 "Focus on the Facts is promoting the truth that Christianity
> > is preventable and treatable."
> The Bible states that Christianity is preventable, when people give
> in to sinful temptations and harden their hearts.

That does not appear to be scientifically sound for the latest research
suggests that religious beliefs seem to have a genetic componant to
them. It has nothing to do with hardening of hearts or arteries, but
with genetic makeup, just like homosexuality. Just as gays/lesbians
cannot change their stripes, so too can you not change your belief in a
higher power. It's built directly into the network. What you can stop
is the hateful manner in which you judge others for abiding by their
own genetics.

BTW My bible doesn't contain ANY information about christianity. None.
But then, Christians are supercessionist by incorporating my bible
into theirs.


> Nothing hateful about hearing from people who turned against the

But that is not the question. The question is, is it hateful to
suggest overcoming christianity as if it were an affliction?

Also please define "Lord"! You seem to base your assumption of the
definition based on where you were born in the world. That is a
geographic assumption. In Saudi Arabia, or even Israel the word "Lord"
would be vastly different from what you believe. You see, while you
accept your lord as one of three gods, I define Lord differently than

>The Bible itself has testimony about people who turned against
> the LORD.

The bible also contains stories about pagans that worship false gods,
and of those that follow false prophets and messiahs. Oddly enough it
also contains messages that specifically aid in determining such:
>From Jews for Judaism:
He must be a member of the tribe of Judah - "The staff shall not depart
from Judah, nor the sceptre from between his feet..." (Genesis 49:10)

To be a member of the tribe of Judah, the person must have a
*biological* father who is a member of the tribe of Judah.

Hmm, now who would that immediately exclude? Ah the man Jesus/Joshua.
And let us not forget about that pesky thing known as World Peace. We
still don't have it. Micah 4:3.

Ah well, knock it up to another failed messiah per the scriptures.

So how does this all fit into CO$, since this is a scientology ng. I
see it similarly. Hubbard grabbed the beliefs of a few religions and
combined them together to fit nicely so that people would swallow.
Like Christianity, it worked. The only requirement is that you
compartmentalize those beliefs that don't make sense logically or as I
like to call it "checking your brain at the door." CO$ maintains the
ideology that "we" are better than "them." "We" have further light and
knowledge that the wogs/others don't have and oh those poor bastards
can't be cleared/saved.

As for me, if you chose to worship the holy teaspoon, have a mardi
gras, but leave me and mine out of your tea party. Oh and Sorry Bud,
the homosexuals are mine and I will defend their right to love other
consenting adults. But then I would prefer that young men not feel the
need to kill themselves over their sexual identities.


> Michael

Barbara Schwarz

Sep 28, 2005, 4:19:43 PM9/28/05

Ramona wrote:
> Here is what I simply do not "get." Christian God Jesus is quoted as
> saying that divorce is not allowed save for adultery. Oddly enough
> christian ministers are happy to marry people that have been divorced.
> Jesus who "heals" the servant of the Centurian is a seemingly forgotten
> action, but is the primary example of how HE/JESUS treats homosexuals
> (let us not forget that the servant was a sexual servant per the ancient
> language.) Yet Christian ministers damn the homosexual which
> contradicts Jesus own Actions. Ah but I always forget that the
> Christian church doesn't follow Jesus though, they follow Paul. It's
> too bad, I really like the Jesus guy. He was quite the Mensch.
> So can like actions be found in CO$? Does Hubbard teach something that
> is not only ignored but treated in the opposite fashion?

I assume Vera Six (the one who has a website that looks like a
christian casino) will become a constant part of ARS with her bible
citations. She might want to recruit you in your Grizz cult, Ramona and
Frederic, but don't be afraid, you may attack and lie there in the name
of Jesus! Postings like that will attract her.

Barbara Schwarz

Meet my completely disturbed stalker, forger, threat maker, persecutor,

defamer, libeler Garry Lynn Scarff from Hollywood, California.

Read also about NANAE punk and stalker "Kevin" who stalks just as John
Stilwell here:

Meet pro suicider, defamer, libeler and threat maker Robert Griffin
from Queensland, Australia who applaudes Garry Scarff:

Meet German libeler and defamer Vera Six, a self proclaimed witch who
claims that witches are close to God. Vera is a close friend of Robert
Griffin. Vera Six advocates criminal "deprogramming" (stealing
somebody's religion) on Usenet to get rid of her critics. Vera is
co-founder and recruiter of the Grizz cult who attacks and lies "for

Tory (Victoria Lee Christman) claims to be an expert on Scientology
despite her severe misunderstandings. If she would tell the truth, how
come she can't even convince her husband and son on that her claims are

correct? And what mother walks out of her only son to hang with these
guys? What kind of
mother is Tory?

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 28, 2005, 10:20:25 PM9/28/05
to wrote:

>Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>>>homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
>>>to be treated. I wonder why.
>> What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
>> is something that needs to be "cured?"
> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.

Thanks to Christian hate mongering shitstains who tell their own
children they're evil. Welcome to what Christianity has become.

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 28, 2005, 10:24:37 PM9/28/05
barb <> wrote:

>It almost seems like he doesn't WANT black people helped into white skins.

<rofl!> We should develope a web site and conference for Love to
also Win Out against left handed people.

Barbara Schwarz

Sep 29, 2005, 1:26:38 AM9/29/05
Meet my completely mentally disturbed & delusional liar, stalker,
forger, threat maker, persecutor, convicted criminal, transient,
defamer, libeler Barbara B. Schwarz from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Barbara Bretschneider Schwarz from Berlin, Germany (who spent much of
her adult life in insane asylums and was Scientology president in
Munich for a few short months before being kicked out) is a mentally
deranged, delusional schizophrenic, a hate-monger,a convicted criminal,
an anti-religious harasser, a defamer. She is pro Eugenics, defends
psychiatrists who sexually or otherwise abused patients, is a German
agent of SMEGMAPUSS and wants to hurt American tourism by bathing only
once a month

Barbara Bretschneider Schwarz posted approx. 24000 anti-religious hate
messages on
Usenet and her thinking is compared to that of Hitler.

Barbara Bretschneider Schwarz is cold, stupid, cruel, fanatic and

About OPC agent Barbara Schwarz and her imaginary spy agency, SMEGAPUSS
which made and delivered WMD (Wimpy Marty Dolls) to Saddam and covered
it up.

Wikipedia founder Jim Jammy Jolly "Jimbo" Whales was the owner/ CEO of
porn search engine That may also explain why
Wikipedia's expose of Barbara Schwarz is so popular among readers and
a wonderful facts machine in which "contributor" gangs, as the one
supporting Barbara Schwarz or Patrick Michael Sullivan of Nanaimo, BC,
Canada libel good people. Sullivan, who the lunatic Barbara Schwarz
calls her "baby brother" spent years locked up in a penitentiary
and stole the ID's of many people and forged them on the Usenet.
Sullivan posts with Baby Bro" (Yuk!) on Usenet and stole the ID
"Kearsley Curse"" to spread the awful truth about Barbara Schwarz on
Wikipedia. Geocities has canceled many of her websites because they
were criminal slander and libel.

Brian J. Bruns is a computer technician. He told the truth about
Barbara Schwarz in his AHBL website and it pisses her off. She is not
the mentally disturbed abuser. People are tired of Barbara Schwarz
trying to bully them from the web as she hates that they have a right
of free speech. Despite Bruns noticed thousands of malicious spam
forgeries posted by Barbara Schwarz, he never tried to block her server

About the fraudulent website, Freespeechstore, that Barbara Schwarz
likes to reference in her spamming posts:

Against psychiatric defamation!

Sep 29, 2005, 11:56:26 AM9/29/05

Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Meet my

Barbara Schwarz did not make that foregoing postings, forger Garry
Scarff did. She is and did nothing what he and his friends lie she is
or did. They fabricate maliciously. Reading Scafff's forgeries and
accusations also raise serious questions about his state of mind.

He also forges and maliciously defames Marty Rathbun or Mark de

Garry Scarff stole also the ID "Analytical Publication" from another
active poster. Garry can post with "Un-analytical Garry" or "Forger
Garry" or whatever, but not with the author name of another poster.
That name is protected.

Disturbed Gerald Lynn Scarff also defames and stalks anti-suicide
encouragement activist Patrick Michael Sullivan.


He asked reader to file false complaints about Barbara Schwarz to her
library in his hundreds if not thousand of forgings and he uses her
name or posting IDs to spam that library. You should contact, Scarff's ISP and demand from him to cancel the forger
Scarff's account. The CEO of Earthlink is Charles "Garry" (no joke)
Betty, and the email address An ISP who
allows the kind of crimes, terror and abuse that Scarff is making on a
daily basis should be barred from the net. Also the postings that he
makes under his own name or name of other people he also forges, are
serious violation of libel and defamation laws and criminal laws. He
and his suppporting friends might be also guilty of violation of the
Rico Act.

Search results for Garry Scarff's ISP:
EarthLink, Inc. EARTHLINK2000-D (NET-207-69-0-0-1) - Norman Broadbent Int, INC MINDSPRING-DEDA-8AC0
(NET-207-69-138-192-1) -

Tell his ISP Earthlink, his newsreader, and appropriate authorities as
the LAPD and the FBI Cyber crime fighting unit that Scarff commits

Before Barbara Schwarz became Garry Scarff's favorite stalker target,
he committed crimes against others.

In testimony of November 22, 1994, webbed on numerous websites, Garry
Scarff himself admitted that he kidnapped a student from Oregon to
Bellevue Washington;

that he was involved in conspiracy to commit murder;

that he was involved with at least two deprogrammings; (At least one
involved also sexual abuse.)

that he posed as candidate for LAPD employment; (Candidate for lifelong
incarceration is more likely if you as me.)

that he worked for the Cult Awareness Network, (CAN) who was accused of
violating the RICO ACT;

that he lied that Patricial Ryan was a prostitute;

that he wrote derogatory letter to the director of a catholic


An affidavit by Garry Scarff of April 4, 1994, posted by Modemac also

that Scarff was part of a murder conspiracy (or was his plan only if
you ask me);

that he made death threats;

that he harassed people over the phone;

and that he plead the Fifth regarding his crime against a Portland


I just found out that the Portland Police has many records on Garry
Lynn Scarff, e.g. file no: 92-95450, 92-81423, 92-41687 and 92-1822,
and they are looking for more. Scarff needs to be locked up without
Internet access to end his crime sprees.


Somebody who speaks German translated that for me. It says that Garry
Scarff posed before a mass of people as "last survivor of Guyana".

Zur Erinnerung: Auch dem angeblichen Ex-Scientologen und "Insider"
Garry Scarff und seinen Kollegen standen "vor Lachen die Tränen in den
Augen", wie er freimütig vor Gericht bekannte, nachdem er sich vorher
der staunenden Menge als "letzter Überlebender von Guyana" offeriert

In a transcript of the case Religious Technology Center v. H. Keith
Henson of May 11, 1998, case C-96-20271 on line 14-15 is a sentence
about Scarff that reveals his missing credibilty:

"...Scarff testified about that so that misrepresents what's in that


Scarff was also the person who brought up that the dog of judge
Swearinger was killed. My question is: Did Scarff kill that dog?


This is the case were Garry Scarff lied that he is a Jew to extort
money from the Uni of California by playing the race card against his
female muslim boss. Scarff is as little Jewish as Gestapo was.

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Scarff, Garry. (counselor). UCLA. Wrongful termination, retaliation,
intentional infliction of emotional distress ... regents/regmeet/may01/701att.pdf -
Similar pages

And I found that one:

Garry Scarff reported that he signed some agreements with Scientology
following meetings with attorney Elliott Abelson and OSA Chief Mike
Rinder. Here he claimed following, which also supports that Scarff's
lies about Scientologists alleged murder and poison plans and putting
him up to commit crimes were completely fabrications:

"No attempts were made to intimidate & browbeat me into signing false
declarations nor was I threatened. I asked for Mike Rinder to be
present for one of our discussions, as Elliot had not planned on him
being there & Mike Rinder complied. Our conversations were
straight-forward & professional. I respect him for that as I surely
have caused a lot of strife & anger in the Church.

"Am I again a member of the Church of Scientology? No. Because I was
never a member of the Church of Scientology, never on staff of the
Church of Scientology, and took only 2 introductory courses at the
Mission of Davis in Portland, Oregon. Much of what is in my 17-day
deposition in the Fishman-Geertz case are lies."

He is a liar and he is not cured, police failed to arrest him and file
charges against him, and now Barbara Schwarz is his current target of
criminal activities.

Message-ID: <19970713112800.HAA09...@ladde­>

People Scarff hangs with are on this site:

Sep 29, 2005, 1:16:25 PM9/29/05
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:20:25 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric
L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.) wrote:

> wrote:

> >Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:

> >> wrote:

> >>>What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
> >>>homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
> >>>to be treated. I wonder why.

> >> What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
> >> is something that needs to be "cured?"

>> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.

Suicide is more common among American Indians than Anglos. Perhaps
"" knows of a "cure" for being American

> Thanks to Christian hate mongering shitstains who tell their own
> children they're evil. Welcome to what Christianity has become.

It is pretty obvious that apparent Christians such as
"" are the minority in the world. One cannot
blame the whole barrel based on one corrupt apple.

> ---
> http://www.ElmerFudd.US/
> Bush is a Christian. Get over it!
> "You don't have my permission to take my picture!" - Santa Claus


Sep 29, 2005, 1:17:23 PM9/29/05
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:24:37 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric

L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.) wrote:

> barb <> wrote:

>> It almost seems like he doesn't WANT black people helped
>> into white skins.

Like Navajo skinwalkers....

> <rofl!> We should develope a web site and conference for Love to
> also Win Out against left handed people.

Oh yes indeed. After all, "sinister" means "left."

> ---
> http://www.ElmerFudd.US/
> Bush is a Christian. Get over it!
> "You don't have my permission to take my picture!" - Santa Claus



Sep 29, 2005, 3:31:39 PM9/29/05
Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:

> wrote:
>>Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>>What is wrong about the very concept of preventing and treating
>>>>homosexuality. It alsmost seems as if you do not want homosexuality
>>>>to be treated. I wonder why.
>>>What kind of a sick fuck thinks homosexuality or heterosexuality
>>>is something that needs to be "cured?"
>>Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.
>Thanks to Christian hate mongering shitstains who tell their own
>children they're evil. Welcome to what Christianity has become.

Actually David, this is what Christianity has become.


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Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 29, 2005, 6:41:58 PM9/29/05
desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:24:37 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.) wrote:
>> barb <> wrote:
>>> It almost seems like he doesn't WANT black people helped into white skins.
>Like Navajo skinwalkers....

Put their frocking shoes on backwards for them?

>> <rofl!> We should develope a web site and conference for Love to
>> also Win Out against left handed people.
>Oh yes indeed. After all, "sinister" means "left."

Liberal. Yeah. Commies. Eeek!

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.

Sep 29, 2005, 6:46:52 PM9/29/05
desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:20:25 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.) wrote:
>> wrote:
>> >Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
>>> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.
>Suicide is more common among American Indians than Anglos. Perhaps
>"" knows of a "cure" for being American Indian.

Joseph Smith had one. White and delightful. Seems to be broken.

I read a commentary yesterday about how the American Indian has
"not yet" risen up to try to regain their country. If I'm not
mistaken, the second Wounded Knee was an attempt -- at least to
try to hang on to _one_ plot of land.

>> Thanks to Christian hate mongering shitstains who tell their own
>> children they're evil. Welcome to what Christianity has become.
>It is pretty obvious that apparent Christians such as
>"" are the minority in the world. One cannot
>blame the whole barrel based on one corrupt apple.

I have a difficult time reminding myself of that. The good stuff
rarely gets news coverage. The St. Patrick's Day Four that just
got acquitted. Those Christians really live like Christians.


Sep 29, 2005, 8:00:05 PM9/29/05

Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
> desertphile@hot (David Rice, Esq.) wrote:
> >On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:20:25 GMT, FR...@SkepticTank.ORG (Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq.) wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >> >Fredric L. Rice DeRothschilde, Esq. wrote:
> >>> Suicide is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals.
> >Suicide is more common among American Indians than Anglos. Perhaps
> >"" knows of a "cure" for being American Indian.
> Joseph Smith had one. White and delightful. Seems to be broken.
8 O my brethren, I fear that unless ye shall repent of your sins that
their skins will be *whiter* than yours, when ye shall be brought with
them before the throne of God.

2 Ne. 5: 21
21 And he had caused the *cursing* to come upon them, yea, even a sore
cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their
hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore,
as they were white, and exceedingly fair and *delightsome*, that they
might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a *skin* of
*blackness* to come upon them.

3 Ne. 2: 15
15 And their *curse* was taken from them, and their skin became *white*
like unto the Nephites;

3 Ne. 19: 30
30 And when Jesus had spoken these words he came again unto his
disciples; and behold they did pray steadfastly, without ceasing, unto
him; and he did smile upon them again; and behold they were *white*,
even as Jesus.

Morm. 9: 6
6 O then ye *unbelieving, turn* ye unto the Lord; cry mightily unto the
Father in the name of Jesus, that perhaps ye may be found spotless,
pure, fair, and white, having been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb,
at that great and last day

Sorry I just had to add my 2 cents about white and delightsome
scriptures ala the mormons and the "cure."

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